r' "X 1 VOL. I. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, EVENING, JUNE 21), 1883. NO. 107 n m . . . . . v if cfi-rar ffltif it m 3 si :r i I n Jo.VAl IIA.V If ATT. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Vea HarrrtHorm to A. . II ATT. HEADQTJABTEBS CHOICE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Suar-f 'ured Hams, Ricon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Rologna, and all other articles kept in a ft rot-class meat market. The Highest Market Price Grease, -o- Fresh Lako Trout and White Fish Morning. GROCERIES. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself AT JOSEPH V. WECKBAGHS. Oh, have arrived, and I Brf Goods (Dm Dress Goods, Trimmings Etc., at lower I'kicks any other house in the country. Also a full line of Groceries. Queensware AND at prices to defy com etion. W. H. IP. JJ. IfflAMSIEN, Dkaler Groceries &, Crockery GLASS AXI QUEEXSWiiBE, Also Choice Brands of Flour. A "cut for the German Fire Insurnce Co., Freeport, 111.; German 'i'ire Insurance Co., Feoria, 111.; Manhattan Life Insurance Co., 2s ew York. Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, OF OMAHA. Fire Insurance Policies Issued in the-Eiiglish and German Languages Steamship Tickets sold from and to Europe' over the ..Hamburg- American Packet Co.. and the 100 '000 acres of land on the Northern Pacific railroad in Dakota. No old stock to -work off. LOUB AND PROVISIONS.' PAID FOR . TIIE DREW BUILDING, J. W. Makthis Paid for Hides, Woo, Pelts, Etc. Every Thursday Yes ! will continue to sell & Motions than Yours Respctfully, LN N orth-German Lloyd. I Agents for The latest patterns cf niQIIEST .'; MARKET PRfcfc COUNTRY PRODUCE." .-.. : r.T'' iit mmniirnTTmn nnn t n PUBLISHED DAILY AND WKEKLY -mv The Plattsmontii Heralfl PflMisMng Co. DAILY, Ucllvorcd by carrier to any iart of I tie city Per Week g is I'er Month u l'cr Year 7 00 WKKKI.Y, ly mail. One copy tlx months $1 00 Oneoopy one year 2 ou Ke?lstered at Hie Post OtBee. PlatUiuoutli, a iteconil c1:imh matter. The members of the Kepublicau State Cen tral Committee are requested to meet at the I raxion uotei, 10 the city ol Omaha, 00 Thurs day, June 28, 18X3, at seven o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of flxinif the date and til. ice for holding a convention to nominate candidates for Judge Of Supreme Court and l&euentH of the University, and nuch other business as mav pulerijr coimc ueiore 11. ' J. W. K. DO USE Y, Chairman r retnont. June 9. 18P3. WJiKN one reads the Nebraska City .News ideas of Judge Day, of Iowa, and the republican party, it causes wonderment that one small head can coutaiu bo much. The Xebraskian, heretofore publish eu by l'rot. Williams, ha8 been sold to a man from Ohio. Wilber Opposition. Mr. Brattou the new editor of the Nebraskian who has been a pioneer iu Furnas county for years will be ap prised at this information. We understand that General Liv ingston has been invited to speak at Lincoln the Fourth. The doctor finds it impossible to accept, having been on the sick list for the past three weeks, which is truly Lincoln's misfortune. General Livingston is one of the ablest speakers in the state whose patriotism is always ninety in the shade, and who always interests an audience. If this is not a government of the sa loon keeper, by the saloon keeper, for the saloon keeper, what is iff Is a per tinent inquiry by the Inter Oceanwhich causes us to sigh for the "15" puzzle again. Give us something easy. Be atrice Express. The republicans of Iowa are solving this question, and they making their moves" in a manner that admits of no mistakes. A little two-grain Quinine Pill was walking down Main street the other day, when it saw a plumber's Solder ing lool going down on the other side. "Come over here on the sunny side of the street!" called the little Quinine Pill. "And catch the ague!' answered the cautious Soldering Tool: "Not much I am a bird of piey myself. How's business?'' 'Market's a little shaky this spring," replied the little Quinine Pill: "but we are in hopes it will go all to pieces be fore the first ot June. Jlow's times with you?" "Jiully!" said the boiaring Tool: "the bottom's dropped clean out of everything. But why don't you come around and see us oUenei r Whats got into your" "Uh, a little 01 everything except quinine." said the little Quinine Pill: "and that s gone up so high since the tax and duty were taken off it, we don't touch it any more. Dogwood bark's good enough for us. Where are you going this summer?" "Oh, a litye or everywhere, ' replied the Soldering Tool: "The old man bought a steamvacht right after the last cold snap, and we're all going to travel.'' And the Soldering Tool aimed a vicious kick at the hand-saw that was walking a ten-hour match through hard piue tor two dollars. ' e are going down to the moun tains," said the little Quinine Pill, drawing scornfully away iroui a five- hundred-dollar poem that was meekly walking up street to sacrifice itself in the poet's corner for three dollars and a copy of the paper: "Master built a private drawing-room car during our run on pneumonia, and we are going out west to look up a new name for the old liver-pad, and he is going down into New England to hunt up a new disease to fit it. The old reliable house of Mortar & Pestle is going to boom next season, and don't you forget that." "The old man invented a new kind of pen last winter," said the Soldering Tool: 'he calls it the bill-pen;' makes the figure 1 look ju3t like a 9 every time." But just then they met the Ice Pick going to the bank, and the Soldering Tool took off his hat and shaded his eyes with bis hand, while the little Quinine Pill bowed until his sugar-coat swept the 6idewalk. With a haughty inclination of the head, the Ice Pick went on its way t,p deposit one hundred and seventy-five thousand . dollars. while and humble' Hay Rake, fvho had come to town to buy, , a , pair of ; fifty cent overalls and a. tenreent chip hat, froze to death in its awful shadow as it passed by.KJ-Durdette. , i i -EVERY PLAMK iS OF OA. .- The Council BluG .Nonpareil speaks of the Iowa liepubjlcai 's platform as foiiowsV : ;'f J;-;?, -;'i!,d . It is a grand platform and upon it the republican party ofTowa occupies a position that cannot fail to meet the: intelligent approval 61 the masses. Ji.v ery plank is of oaK placed in , position with that BkilUthati i"4orn only of 1 wisdtpn and a conscientious regard for ,toa oesc interests oi wrrcomuon weaun Snd a a lr QstreE2Uifca liberty in the 'ITortli rale: afcdrtliat the: reason msrjXplofer r$ Jef -Philadelphia :f lllVa L&ldta u?ti tftej taH . the, REPUBLICAN STALWARTS OF IOWA. The republican party of Iowa has alwaynbeen famous for doing business on grand scale. In its devotion to those principles which have made the old party grand in the nation, the Hawkeye republicans have always been found on the advance skirmish line: the'v have the courage of their convictions, never doing anything bv the halves. We hope, however, our republican brethren in Iowa have not went too far. There are good republicans in that state, lots of them, who believe in the practice of the virtues of temperance in every form, but who have honestly feared that the time was not yet ripe public opinion not yet far enough advanced for that party to become the champion of prohibition. The manner, however, in which this question has arisen in Iowa, places the republican party upon still higher grounds, than simply advo catimr prohibition iti the abstract; the people of that state have been granted, at the hands of the republican part-, both the privilege aud the riyJit of say- iug, at an unpartisaa election, called for that purpose alone, whether or not a majority of the electors were in favor of prohibiting the liquor traffic within Iowa's borders, and having signified by an overwhelming majority at such elec tion their desire to banish the rum shop, the republican party in this campaign stands ooiuiy iortn as thf champion of the will of a majority of Iowa's electors expres sed at such unnartisau election, and say, that sovereign people of that com mou wealth shall not be cheated of the fruits of their victory, either through the blunder of a legislature or the tyr ranv of their courts. Certainly, these are tenable grounds, and from the en thusiasm of day before yesterday's con ventional Des Moines may be heard the ominous sounds of a certain victo ry. While we admire the courage of Iowa republicans, especially their rad icalism, we hope they are not as radi cal as the traveller in the stage coach described the state of Blaine to be in Elizabeth Stuarts Phelps' late famous novel, Dr. Zay. This passenger de scribed the state of Maine m the fol- owiug amusing and unique manner "We allers do hev everything wuss "I ban other folks; fieeze and prohibi tion, mud and FosionvV We've got "one of the constitooshuns that take "things. Like my boy. He s inui the measles, "n the chicken pox and the mumps, and the nettle rash, and fell in love with his school maam 'n got religion. and lost the prize for encootin all in one darned year." The Heiiald hopes while the re publican party is getting so many things in advance this "darned" ye.ir, it win not lose me prize. WARNING. Our democratic friends, if they de sire to understand the kiud of a Are they will have to stand in front of in "84, want to examine the republican plat forms and the stalwart, brave chal- enges issued by the aggressive parties of the old republican organizations of Ohio and Iowa. Dr. Miller and Henry "Watterson and our anti-monopolist friend from "Arbor SpriDgs Lodge" might as well understand first as last that there are no soft gloves to be used in this contest, and that the fellow who fools around inside of the ring without having his wind tested and his muscles hardened will have to reap all the glory and take all the consequences vithout benefit of clergy. LIBELS AND TOMBSTONES. A libel suit, certainly extraordinary and prohablv unique, has just ended in Marshall, Mo. About a year ago the son of J. S. Potter went swimming in Blackwater creek with Philander Fin ley and Mart Beggs and was drowned, his companions being the only witnes ses. His lamer immediately accused them of drowning his son, and a total failure to prove his charge did not change his opinion. Accordingly he procured from J. A. Tipping, of st. Louis, and placed over his son's grave a stone bearing the following msctip- tion: "Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.' Drowned by Philander Finley and Finley; aud 'Beggs fbrouaht, .euit for .OOpoiages and got , fSf)U. 1 ,1: . . He Must be, a r Editor. J. E. Waller, of this city, will' wager three tim.ejLJh&.price of the chickens that he can eat one full-grwn young clnckeri frjday; for &$5reons(fchtive days. AH bitters' in7 'reafl 'to' the' wager should be addressed to this office. Pawnee Republican. ,- nr. TENDERLOIN iL.Lf-.iiioii:i2i2J a?i Meat Mc " " tlvH &XEIL, Prop n. 'j-.tr Beef Mutton! Port Veal. CMciets. &c C il! Si It I- Cone tan tlV on fc&hd.' ' i " " Also, all kinds of VtJkMtS in season.' and er ' I V erjtIUnke'pttn,a: t 1 ).' FIRBTCLASS MEAT 8IIOP T 'At lewst oartbl rats. , l : WJar? " ' ' PLATTBMOUTH.'MKBji uhiui irket BANKS. John kitzokhalii, a. W. mcUpoii i.i.n President. Caliier. FIRST NATIONAL IB .A. ZLsT IKI ! OF PLATTSMOUTII. NfcBltASKA. Oilers the very best facilities for the prompt traunactlon of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Iloiiti, Gold, (iovcriiiiieut and I.oca seciirilien Kmi;lit and Hold, lcjHislti receiv ed aud Interest allowed on tune ('eitlll catf, l)i aft n drawu, available in any part of tlie United Stated aud all the principal towns of Europe. Collection made & promptly remitted Highest market prices paid for County War rants. State ai.d County lioiuln. DIRECTORS ; John Kitzueraid A. K. Toiizalin, C. Cllhlllll, John K. Clara. H. Geo. K. Dovey, K. V.. VMllIe, A. W McLauirlillii. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. NEll. E. L. IiEFD, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Baniing Business Transacted. lKIOMlTM Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. HHAFTS Drawn available in any part of the United States aud all the principal cities of Ctirope. Agents for the celebrated Mint Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County CotnerJMafn and Sixth Streets, PLATTSMOTJTH' 1TEB JOIIN BLACK. Prestdent, I 1 J. M. PATTEKSON, Cashier, f Transacts a General Banking Business. 'HIGHEST CASH i'KICE Paid for County and City War ants. COLMXTIO.VS MADKi and unMiiptly remitted for. DiKHcerona t Tohr Black, J. M. Patterson, . C. II. Pam el V. K. (iuthinann, J. Morrisey, A. 15. ralth. Fred Gorder. BAKERY JL W t - "2 o ; CQ S O a 2 Ol rr, W S t-i e qs S W 3 S to 1 -4 g CO O 13' z rs a ea a 3 3 p-i M s a CC S OS C4 ci a a S JS in s 23 a o o P3 r & -r I o SO 53 3 C BQ 3 C" 2 O, Oi ff ' ea NEW DEALERS IN FURNITURE 8 COFFINS, and all kinds of oods usually kept in a FIBMT CliAtttt FUK. 1TIBK (iTUUE Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods, Metallic&f ootenHoffliis CasletsIBs, tnouns, ckc. j. - OdtNw and elegant liearscls alwajAJti' . n-. 4t if.it;, readiness. , . Remember ,tha ,place,,.in UNION 11L.UUK, on feixtn street, x w u , ' Doors sdnth of Cass-Coun ' ty-Banfe. :o i:A -. . Wtinr wn mav h found nitrht or dav. ? HARRIS & OWROffi ;AT;jojlrMcy5r Samole Rooms . m.-.r: vi.n -T: i ;;;;.; . You.; wl -find thanest. Imnprted French landy, Champaign, and other Fine Wines, Pure Kentucky WhiflKies, several of the best 'and most popular brands: of - BOTTLE BEER, Fresh Beer always oa draught, and Fine Ci .ttan'.... , . r '. . . 26tf. GAITi FLEISCHMAN k CO. Fmmiimrp Stare COMPRESSED; YEAST. 1he best yeast 1 ' use,' received -fresh ! every TtTESD A" and FB. JD AT t mornings. , , Trade; supplied by r fi.i tJJElf NETT A XE WIS Agt i;l !.-u .w; s. .. i ,1 i i '. CLOTHING. ELSOiM Per Cent. Discount KOM THE Marked Price tiPne-IPrice C?l.a)itIhL is3r Owiiig: to the baekward jriii Oil One-Price ID WILL SACRIFJCE JIlS TIIUNKS ATsTD Ey a IMKcomit tr&m tlte Marked IPritjte TThls great losing: money sale w?U only continue foi &U days. AVre aie determined to nuike Ijusinctsg it' we cjuuiot make money liring on your tamily, your cluldren, your ncihbora, your :i lints, your uncles, your iiepliew to this rrat sale, si3 it will b:iv yon money. The Only DIRECTLY OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. A FINE MACKEREL, LAJ3 It ADORE HERRING, TROUT, "WILD WAVE COD FISH, Abo ZiEMOlTS 2T23 We have a fine Fancy MINNESOTA, KANSAS I liave In etoc Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. - &ct AH our good Will EicbanB lar CouEtry;Pro3uc6. Linsced'Oil Meal Always on Han? ' Next door to Court House, Pkttgmoutb, Nel, Ild&52w3ra M. B 5 ' v .z'iuuri .ill ft III ALU!, i , f JX. Wolsiileand 'fc Cash paid fo&ll kinlis of country produce. Ca 11 and see : nie. Opposite First National Bank. ;ri ni-.r." j Per Cent. FliOM TIIK Marked IVico LAfMKXSl-; STOCK OF VALISES, of 2 IPer Cent. (DH OI3E - PR!CE LOT OF a clioice lot of OHAI1CES. utook of Clofei'. FAMILY GROCERIES, raads of AND MISSOURI FLOUR. a flue line of are new and freeh. MURPHY & CO. JJK XJ- .t 4 s c " - a i IT i i i i r i I: i 1; b t! I , . i. t t.i O f 1.4 I r ? J m A f. i A P-1'J t" - l. I, Hi J-1 1, ofl 1 t, ri j 4