Bp I fll ffl fft 1 if) :fl1.1IW1lf fH ' III - III H III . Ill l X III III III II III III III III III III III ! k VOL. I. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WED ES DAY, EVENING, JUNE 27, t 1883. NO. 105 I $ r ' f I 7- a i x u i Jonathan IIatt. J. M aim ins Beef, Po I Mutton and Vea PLATTSMOUTB HERALD. PL'KLLSIJEll liv The Plattsmant!! Heral PnlsM Co. PLATTSMOUTM TOPICS TEEMS: x DAILY, delivered by carrier to any iart of the city lVrWeek $ 15 I'cr Mimlh . - - ---............. rer Year 7 on WEEKLY, by mail. One coi.v tlx months ... 01 mi I Onc'jjy oe year 2 00 ut-Kiairreu ai i.e I'o.-a Oujce. I'lattxinoutli, as Bctuuu cia-nn mailer. rr I i Jieru 13 no corner 011 Lira al our boarding house; the fried potatoes dis port themselves la that product of I he hog three times a day as usual. neigh- JTWBJ'A.TriBLAM MIL ATIC c& CCD.. MncciwsorH lu A. . IIATT. HID ADQIT AXiT.TSHS FOE CHOIOE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hums, Jtacnii, Salt Meats of all kinds. The mi'iiiliHrt if t lis hi. 11...... -..,. - .VJiHMIlU lUULO I U tral Committee are requei-ted to meet at the I'axtnn llitel In iiim iiii i.iiii.ih. ti,.. laV. J Ulie 2K. 1MH.I. l IVVKII .'.l.w.Lr' m ... the liiirpoKeonixiiiK the date and place for I'lattsmouth is not behind its bors in the clastic and orchestrul music these days: Signor Antonio Valicndo zittii, from Cork, has beta regaling us with open air concerts and has beeii hired by us at great expense to visit Nebraska City and touch them up on the classics. IJOlUllll' U. fOflVf tltioil tn iw.mlm.tu wlU " CT . v wati(4l.O VailUIUAlCS ! lyr .itiuKe 01 supreme Uourt ana IteKeiit- of the iiiTcinujr, rtiiu puvu oiner uusinefs as may t r 1 remont. J une 9. 18 3. uir .11ml Hums, J.ar.. n, halt Meats ot all kinds. Lard Jiolo"na III. .a . O J ai!i ail other articles kept ma hrst-class meat market. o Tii Highest Market Price Paid for Grease, Etc. F.sh Lake Hides, Wool, Pelts, Senator Van WrcKisat home on Ins arub.e lands in Otoe, aud the Her ald send the grim warrior greetings. -o- Tr nit and White Fish Every Thursday iUUI illllg. To-mokkow the republican central committee- of the state meet in Omaha. Ceo. b .Smith is the members from Cass. Citizens in the west part of the city took to their cellars the other night, but they deeply regretted it the next day when they learned it was only jtn orator rehearsing for the Fourth, and the burieking winds as they supposed, came from the eagle as he patted with his piufeathcrs. sented to be carried out with re fer ence to Virginia, is precisely the thing which will weaken the republican vote in New York and Ohio aud the other Middle States. St. Louis (i lobe-Democrat. CLOTHING. The latest boom Geu. Crook for president in 18M. BANKS. Johx K1TZQKHAI.0. a. W. Mclaughlin 1're.sldeut. ICaaliler. FIRST NATIONAL EC ! OF I'LATTSMOUTH. NKKKA8KA. C J SERIES. flkL T. S U K i AYLIGHT STORE! Fifty thousand dollars voted in bonds and mveste 1 in city improve ments, would be the best move this city could make. Theui: need be no apprehension yet of a crop tai'ure; weather like this will drive awny the blues from the most despondent corn field in the land. a wen Known citizen who was very sanguine during the I'iattsmouth-Mal- vein base bill contest, that the homo club had a walk away, stated the other day that if the home club only had a man or two that could do a little talk ing, and not all of them keep so fear fully quiet, they might possibly win at Weeping Water. Otters the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, llonils. Gold. Government and Loon SecuritieN iioii';ht and Sola, Deposit receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cates, urattH drawn, available in any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest market prices paid for County War rants, Mate aud County Bonds. DIRECTORS : onn i- ,VlarK- - V. CiiBhing linn if lliiuair ., .... .. " w iLj, r. ji. wnite, A. W McLauKblln. Per Cent. I FROM THE Marked Price Discoofl ELSON iie-Bricc Per Cent. Discount FROM T1IK Marked IVico wingf to Oic backwsird prin- General I Merchandise. luargest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself M. B. Thorne, cx-treasurer of Adams county, who is over seventy ye.-irs of age and an invalid, has been sentenced to one year in the peniten tiary for embezzlement. A number of the sportsmen are in- quiring aicer tne ciut Dauge, and are wondering if the presic nt hadn't better bring it out and let "Smithy1 have a chance at it. Since the Lincoln tourn ament, that badge is liable to seek some new resting place outside of Smith and Jones. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, E. L. REED, President. NEB. 15. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. AT JOSEPH V. WECKBAGHS. Tiieue are fourteen daily nancrs in the state. Omaha has three, Lincoln three, Plattsiiioutli two, Nebraska City two, Fremont two, Grand Island one, McCook one. A gain of four since last January. Vexnor's predictions and the weath er have aim st exactly tallied during the past month, and Venuor stands at the head.' In the meantime no one cares euough about Tice's opinions to "MISCEGENATION" DID IT. Nobody has described the star route jury better than Dorsy himself. He said. '-A iurv made ofDem- ocrats and Republicans, of colored men and white men, of Protestants, of Catholics, and of Atheists, agreed that the men charged were not guilty. This ought to show Republicans that when they agree fitb. Demfacrats they are almost certain to be wrong:. All i A General Banting Business Transacted. DEPOSITS Received, and Interest allowed oa Time Certi ficates. UltAKTtn Drnwn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Agents fur the celebrated Haute Line of Steamers. compare them .th thwethr ihUa religions and races mighlK pat on PaTlTr Cti finiTnTT fl . "J"ry with safety. lt a r4btful SS WUlltJ have arrived, and I will ( onlinue to sell Sri? Goods & lotions a! J)re.-. (iihmIs. Triiiniiinirs Ktc.. any tliiotie in the At?o a full line LOWKR pkices countrv. of than Groceries, Queensware AXD at prices to defy coin ction. W. H Yours Rcspctfully, BAKER. DlCALKK IN Groceries & Crockery Also Choice Brands of Flour. A rent for the German Fire Insurnce Co., Freeport, 111.; German Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, 111.; Manhattan Life Insurance Co., Xew York. Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, OF OMAHA. Fire Insurance Policies Issued in the English and German Languages Ilamburg- Ajrents for Steamship Tickets sold fr. m and to Europe over the American Packet Co., and the North-German Llovd. loo.OOO aeiciof land on the Northern Pacific railroad in Dakota. Graced TMerolfi appreciated silence. The Republican State Convention of Iowa, meets today in Dcs JMoines, and in many respects it will be one of the most noted in the political historv of the State. Heretofore the republicans ot Iowa have taken advanced and cer tain grounds on many questions of public good; several years ago they de clared, in convention, their desire to submit the question of prohibition to the people. Afterward a republican legislature submitted .the amendment; afterward that amendment was adopted by a majority of 30,000 votes. The re publican party have accepted this ex pressed will of the people, and while the democratic party has met and de nounced it. the republicans of Iowa have the sand and the sense to stand with the people in. their fight and they will succeed. Of . the one hundred counties in our neighboring state, that are represented in state, convention, over two -thirds of them have passed instructions and resolutions favoring ' a resubmission of the amendment; and there is no question but that one of justice. Peoria Transcript i tic yietuuesi uuuvuuuuuj ever ueiu in that state isin session ilu-re; a conven tion made up of men who have behind them a constituency who are in earn est in the fight, to sustain a irr-iit moral principle, one of right nd justice, to every home in the land, and a principle that any political party may be proud to sustain. risk was taken when Democrats were accepted as competent judires of Democrat defendants uc( used of stealing from a Republican a laiinis tralion. Dorsey and Brad' had uni ted with the Democratic c -aspirators and this should have been a sufiici ent lesson to the Republican jurors. But the truth probably is that the jury was not consciously influenced one way or the other by political mo tives. The jurors were merry, clay in the hands of "great jury lawyers" who put in six months befogging DO O their intellects aud misleading their sympathies. This is the frozen truth about the verdict, and when the Dem ocrats try to make anything else out of the case it will prove just that much the worse for them, Like doz ens of other trials that have occurred lately, the "star-route case simply shows that the average jury and the "great criminal lawj-er" make up a combination that is bad for public CotnerJMain and Sixth Streets. J JOHN BLACK. President, 1 J. M. PATTKKSON. Cashier, f Transacts a General IMiug Baste. HIGHEST CASH xRICE Paid or County and City War. -ants. COLLECriOXS II A OK: 1 Clofer WILL SACRIFICE II ,s IMMENSE STOCK" OF (DlotMm Boots, Blioes TRUNKS AND VALISES, IHJy a HDteeouiitof SO IPer (Cent. irousa tne mvLYMeti. IPrlce TTliis great losing money sale will only continue for iB alays. "We aie determined to make Business if we cannot innk mmw., Bring on your family, your children, your neighbors, your aunts, your uncles, your nephew to. this great sale, as it will saveyon money. --.. and promptly remitted lor. DIRECCTOISS : Join-Black. J. M. I'att rson. C. II. Tarn el F. It. Guthmann, J. Alorrisspy, A. I', mitll. Kied Gordar. The NEW j". x. TTitsriRrj-iEa:, DEALEltS IN FUEUITUHE 8 COFFIUS, and all kinds of good? usually kept in a THE REPUBLICAN UR0CND. BATTiC- Only OWE-PRSCE Clotliier, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. Our Reward Is In tne Future. It is proper to remark j :st now that the Plattsmouth Hekald is an admir able paper when the size of its city is taken into consideration. "We trust it meets the patronage it deserves. Lin coln Journal. Lost Virtue. Judge Hoadley, who was nominated as the democratic candidate for gover nor of Ohio, becan his political life as a republican, by assisting to nominate Fremont in 1836. lie was a republican throughout the war; but we believe he lost his virtue in 1872, and has not made any f tfort to find it since. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. No old stock to work off. The latest patterns cf FLOUR AND PROVISIONS. THE HIGHEST MARKET PIUCE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. CASS COUNTY AND BABIES. A second class statesman in this state once on a time remarked concerning this county being noted for babies, and that fact remains good to this day. In the apportionment the number of chil dren in each county in the state, and the amount of money they draw is giv en, and Cass as usual, stands in the front, being outranked by Douglas and Lancaster counties only. The number of school children in Cass is 0,874, and the amount of money apportioned, is $7,429.12. It is a matter of pride to Cass, to stand the third county in the state in this, as well as minor iudua tries. FIRST CLASS IT lLMTUHR STOItE Also, a very complete stook of Funeral Goods, MeiWoG!ieuMns Castets-Rolies, EMBLEMS, &c. ' Our Now and elegant hearse is always in readiness. Remember the place, in UXION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we may he found nisrlit or day HARRIS & UNRUH, 21-13 i-AirstfO UTII. NEB TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE CTNEIL. Prop'r. is a certain element, calling itsf-lf L - .. . . . publican, which assumes that it will be tS66i MUttOIl FOilC Veal CfllCiBliS. &C Constantly on band. Also, all kinds of (jAHE in season, and ev erything kept in a FIRST-C LASS MEAT SHOP 1 At lowest poseible rates. 521y PLATTSMOUTH. NEB3 There will be 401 votes in the next electorial college, 201 being necessary for a choice. The fifteen states of New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts. Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska. New Hampshire, Vermont, Wisconsin and Rhode Island furnish precisely the requisite number. If the republicans can carry all of these, they can "afford to let the democrats have the other twenty-three, including Indiana, New Jersey, Nevada, Colorado, California, Oreean and Vircinia. The onlv doubt ful states in the list of fifteen enumer ated above are New York and Ohio. If the republicans should lose New York and Ohio, they would have to carry all the States mentioned in the second list, and eight more votes besides to win. There re- good policy to fiddle arouu d with bar gains and promises, involving sacrifice of principle and a weakening of the party at large in order to stand chances of securing Virginia, and whatever else can be got by truckling to Greenback ism and what not. If there is any particular lesson taught by the situation it is that the party shall devote its chief energies to the capture ot New York and Ohio. If the demo crats carry both of those states they will elect their candidate beyond peradvent ure. There is no chance of the republi cans gaining Connecticut, New Jersey, or Indiana if they lose New Yoik and Ohio Indeed, it the Republicens lose either, their chunce to recover them selves elsewhere is very ' poor. The gound for the contest is right in the heart of the thickest population of the country, and the policy for republicans to adopt is a clear and straightforward and unembarrassed adherence to sound moneo. hone6t financial conduct, and the conservation of the business and in dustrial interests. The process which men of the Chandler and Hattou stripe recommend if they are rightly repre- A FIXE LOT OF MACKEREL, LABRADOItE HERRING, TROUT, WILD WAVE CODFISH, Aso a choice lot of X-EMOITS AXTD ORANGES. We have a Dne etock of CKQZQE FAMILY GROCERIES, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MIS30UEI FLOUE. I have in etoc a fine line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &c. All our goods are new and fresb. Will Exchange lor Country Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hanf oS'ext door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb, lld&52w3m M. B. MURPHY & CO. AT JOE McVEYVS Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Imported French Brandy. Ch Fine Wines, Pure Kentucky Whiskies, several or ine nest and most popular brands of BOTTLE BEER. Urwh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci- pars 26tf. ILYON&HEA I State A Monroe Sis.. Chicago Will Pnd preTwfc! to ay aridrm :bdr l far IMA. XUU cftA. Jiii Ki.v.. ,.?L I of I MtrvaMnti, Sutu, Cap, beltm. , Sued. Drum MajarH BUtT. ad xiMrma, aim raouaw intrurtHHi 1 -vi -4 II IS T7.rh"n,T'n? Um W mLLMf 9 A N D- FEEB At Wholesaleand Retail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me. Opposite JFirst National Bank. J. IF. IBATDIrZISIIS'iriS C i T i I i I it h I 1 i I- ? If i M , 'i : 4 u N i U v I I. t t - ( .; I . i - of lh i