OPERA HOUSE BLOCK rawer,: Order taken for WTI.HON BKOS.' KIIIKTS. CAJSTD1E3 J SIS 4 DECK BKO Jd IFd Ysissiil E2t ra 11 n FBI .A-ZlfX 23. TODD'S Hardware Emporium "AT SAGE"S OLD STAND, ON LOWEIl MAIN STREET. TTite HBest ILIne ot CUooSs: toves5 c DPiiawsare To be found la the City. New goods at prices that defy competion. Give me a call H&ROVARB THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE DEALERS Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The test and roost complete assortment in the city. Come e us. HOCK WOOD'S BLOCK. Next doors west of Carmths. . uukyy Cass County Iron Works WAYMAN & KIRBY, Fropr's. Piatt smon tin. Neb. AIANUFACTUItaild OF BOIILIEjBIS, engines, IRON FRONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS, . Oar cilities for heavy work io Columas and Castings for Business Houses are unsura&ied in the State. MACHINE REPAIRING of p.U kinds. Our Machine Shop is fu'.ly equipped claswes of work in iron. io VaK..l-a non.rf np!n Wo any part ofthe Stale INT 2 UODH HI jJSS Ol'EJA 1ICUSE AND GENTS FURNISHERS. TOST OFFICE EMews Depot, STATIONERY. NOT .A-ISTD ClO-AE-S. MASON & HAMLIN IIKXKY F. Ml LUCK aud AMI IB T. IN And Tinners' StOG ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY n 1 jAUClDiUl ST. LOU IS, MO Duke Agent, rt ii t 1 1 i. ft All nct0rp nnrps annnn should rite for on termsof castings WOaSr . pLATTSMOUTII, KF3 PLATTSMOUTH flERALP: lTHLIKIICI DAILY AM VYKKKLY It v The PiattsmoQtb Heralo PitiisMn Co. Telegraphic OHIO BOURBONS. A FULL TICKET KOMI NATL I). A Liquor Bouse Eurned. General Miscellany. UV ISLINGTON KBPUBUCANS. liurlintou, Iowa., June 21. The re sult iu the republican primaries in this city la evening was complete victo r for the temperance wing of the parly, the dil ;;ite9 standing sixteen prohibi tion and twelve niuii. The country townships will be largely prohibition. The Iiawkeye says this morning: The county will be misrepresented at Des Moiucp, because the fcentiment of the couuty is uudoubtf-diy epposed to pro hibition, but the result is due to the c tivity ot the prohibitionists and the ap athy of their opponents. Til E BAD DOCTOK. Philadelphia, June 21. The search of the premises on Bristol avenue tear Fifth, occupied by Dr. Hathaway, at the time of his arrest, resulted in Hie discovery of a small leather satchel, filled with phials coutainiugliquidsaud powders. Surgical instruments were ..... i J also found which the doctors w'fe (who lives in the bouse) said he used in his nefarious practices. An account book was found which covered a per iod extending from May, 1876, to July 1882, and contained the names and nd drescs of about 200 females, with the amounts for services written on the mar gin. TnE COMtfiU REGATTA. Cnicago, June 21. The waters of the Calumet yesterday were placid and the occasion was improved by the scullers at Pullman, who contemplate enteringi the great row ing contest tomorrow and Friday. Among the arrivals yesterday were Wm. Elliott, exchampion of Eu rope, whom. Ilanlan defeated on Tyne eourse iu England in 1879, Jas. II. lli ley, of Saratoga, who had the honor of rowing Ilanlan a dead heat at the Ba ilie regatta. The prospects now are that sixteen men will start, and while wnue Ilanlan is the favorite against the field, Hamm; Guador, Lee and Hosmer are tividing honors for thc second place, while Parker, of St. Louis, Las many admirers, and it is thought he may prove a surprise party. Courtney has not put in an spperance and is not ex pected to show up. A DE8TKUCTIVK FIRE. Gibsonton, P., June 21. John Gib son & Co's warehouses; numbers 2 and 3. burned this afternoon. Together they contained about 10,000 barrels of old whisky. Their loss is estimated at $500,000: fully insured. Two men weie seriously burned, A number of men were slightly burned. GIbsontou, Pa., June 21. Late news says the fire spread quickly, and soon people from the surrounding country for miles were on the ground doing ev erything possible to check the flames, but so far as the warehouses were con cerned their efforts were unavailing. Their exertions however, resulted in saving a row of six houses. About o'clock a second explosion occurrcdi and a large nnmber of persons who per sisted in getting close to the burning building were more or less injured Ai 10 o'clock ton'ght the fire is under control, and all danger is passed. The fire was caused by a bung bursting from a barrell, scattering the contents over a lamp iu the hands of Henry Neil who was terribly burned and may die. A number of other explosions occurred the second one being so terrific that bricks, stone and burning whisky were scat fered everywhere, seriously injur ing fifteen persons. The most of these were scalded and burned. Several peo ple had cuts and bruises on their hands and bodies. The buildisiga were stone, four stories high, 2r.o feet, long, and 60 feet wide, with slate roofing and iron shutters. This is the second tire with- j iu six mouths at Gibson's- dtstiilery. i Columbia, Ohio, June 21. The dem ocratic state convention convened .t 10 a. in., with the largest crowd ever seen ou a simiUr occ-wion in Columbus. Not more than half the people could be ac cooimodaied in tho opera house. The sultry weather and rain made every thing disagreeable. The contest be tween Ward aud Iloadley for governor waged fiercely during he morning hours. The convention wa called to order by Clark Iiviug, chairman of the central committee, and the reports of thc com mittees appointed last night heard. All preliminary organizations was dis persed wilh.and Hon .John McSweeney, of Voos;er, introduced as permanent chaii -nab, and received with much en thusiasm. He spoke brifflj in the line of expostulation, aud predicting a dem ocratic victory, but touched no issue. Hie Hot of the convention became overrun w th spectators, and business was suspended for about half an hour. Before resuming work, the commit tee on resolutions not being ready to re port, the convention proceeded to nom inations for governor. There was great delay in the presen- tiition of names. Efforts were made to proceed to ballot without name, but after a Ion? wait Senator Barnuut crowded onto the togo auudtt the wildest entlmiabin. lie was followed y T. K. Powell, who secoudel the nominntioii of Ciencral Purbin Ward. lie warned the convention about tieing themselves io auy one isouc, and an nounced that the party had always been arrayed uuiriKt fumptuary lo'iilation, and sliould eon tin ue iu that way The names of lluadlcy and Geddes were presented in order. Hundley was nominab-d on the third baliot, and as toon as Ids nomination seemed eertaiu there tvns n ruth in h favor, and lie secured C50 vote?, 319 be ing necessary. lude Iloadley appeared and nc cepled the nomination. Hesnidliebe lieved the party could win on the plat form, whose principles were peisoual liberty, self control iu temperance mat ters, and a license system. j John li. Warcick, of Stark county was nominated for lieuteuaut governor by acclamation For supreme judge, short term, Mar tin S. Fallet; supreme judge, short term, S, O. Owen; supreme court clerk J no, J. Crtnkehark; attorney general James Lawrence; auditor of state. Kmil Kiesewelter; treasurer of state Peter Brady. LeRoy D. Brown was nominated for school commissioner, and Jos. P. Mar tin for member of the board of public works. The convention adjourned at 11:15 uutil morning. They have been iu ses sion over fifteen hours. TUB IMjATFOKM. reaffirms the principles of the party as expressed in the national platform. It demands purification in the public ser . thc lunishmeut of the robbers of 1 the public treasury, and the arrests of the profligacy that corrupts the admin istration of public affairs. It favors a tariff for revenue limited to the neces sities of the government, economically administered, and adjusted in its appli cation so as to prevent unequal burdens encourage productive industries at home, afford just compensation to labor but not to create or foster monopolies. It afflatus that the act of the republican congress in reducing the tariff on wool while at the same time incresing it on woolen goods was iu'quitous legisla tion, discriminating in favor of monop oly agiing aguinst agriculture, and ought to be corrected. The democratic party is opposed to sumptuary 'legisla Uou, unequal taxation in airy form, and is in favor of thc largest liberty of private conduct consistent with thc public welfare end thoughts of olhrs, und of regulating the liquor traffic and ( providing egains the evils resulting t herefrom by judicious and properly graded licences. It demands the abol ition of the convict contract system, demanding a thorough reform and pur ification of the civil service, and charges that the Republican party has viola ed every pledge that it has hereto'' r given ior me reiorm ineror. it h.vi tailed uunug a lonir aomtuistration to correct even the most trying alu ea We demand, therefore, a change In the executive administration of the govern ment itself, as its reform, first of all; is necessary, as is made still manifest by the recent st.:r route trials. WASHINGTON NEWfc THE II ILL LWESTIGA TiON. Crook and the Indians. Garfield's Monument, Ltc. GENERAL CROOK. Washington, June 21. Crook has addressed the War Department, giving his views as to the disposal of the captured savages, but it will not be 'given to the public at this lime. ARCHITECT HILL'S CASE. In the Hill investigation, Murch wan cross-examined; but little of interest was adduced. The committee has de cided for the present to confine itself to heariugestimony relative to the Philadelphia contracts, and not leave the city for the purpose of taking evi dence as to other buildings. The in vestigation will be hasteued so as not to be prolonged through the summer. In Architect Hill's investigation to day Mr. New submiited at great length the view of the committee as to the scope ot Ui investigation, statinjj practically that the investigation will not go back of Hill's ad ministration of the office of supervising architect; that all contracts for stone or other material made under Hill's administra tion, and in any way questioned by those bringing charges would be sub ject to Investigation; that the com mittee might discover whether or not. the office of superv islng artichect was corrupt from top to bottom, as charged on the floor of congress by Murch. Frank Tavlor, secretary of the firm of Manley, Cooper & Co., of Philadelphia, took tho stand and testified as to the manner in which Hill let the contract for fire-proof shutters for the Cincin nati posloffice, relating how his com pany, who were the lowest bidders, were put aside by Hill, and how a rep resentative of the successful company offered him S 1,500 to withdraw his bid for shutters, which proposition be re fused. He also related how his firm demanded a tet, and were refused by Hill Hill took the stand. When asked whether he knew of the bribe offered Taylor, by Dana, the suc cerax competitor). hd :d he did. lie poke to Dana at the time, but the fat ter denied the charge iu writing. IIo did not take any stock in tho bribery n.wj bi iiio uiiie. jio caiieu inu arc- retary of the treasury's atteution to the ehar; at the time, but made no inves tigation into thw other chirge himself. Coh'iniMi, attorney fr Murch, and other coiuplainaots, claimed that hiuce Hill came into the ollice, the United States company, whom Dana represented eon trolled contract for shutters for public buildings. It had I ecu imput-sible for any other company to compete. He called attention to the luci that Mauley, Cooikt it (Jo s. bid w US$20,000 les than any other, yet Hill gave the contract to the United States company, which Imd offered Mnnley, Cooper te Co. 84,500 to withdraw their bid. Adjourned, c hook's caakok. Ileferring to General .Crook's Apache Indian captures, Secretary Teller today suid he proposed Icivmg tti-m in the custody of the military until they were thoroughly tamed. He was compelled to do this for the reason that the exam pie might havo a good etfect iu ti e fu ture, and because the military is belter able to feed a large number of prisoners than the interior department, in view ot the reduced appropriation made bv 1,1 - the last congress tor the maintenance of the San Carlos reservation. oa n field's monument. Washington, June 20. A committee of the socit ty of the Army of the Cum berland, accompanied by Ward, the sculptor, arrived here today from Cin cinnati for the purpose of selecting a rite for (iarfield's monument. HKKRY BCFCK DEALER IN FURfilTURE SAFE !. CKAjR.0, iTC, KTC., ETC Of All Description. u ItIETALLIC BURIAL C AS WOODEU COFFI1TS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FlNKnEAR3B IS NOW READY FUR SERVICE. With tuany thanks for past patronag Invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF S'.tf. KlBNTriE ANM V.QYV GAFf, FLEISCHMAN COMPRESS 1"he best yeast, every mmk PREPARATIONS Cnoiiustry has discovered no remedy anperlor to Arnica t r healin external eruptions. Proper ly prepared aud combined, it has "no equal as a toilet preparation. JELLY. TLe hiuhest condon- sation of arnica. Will speedily outre cliap immI IuumIm. cracked Iii and roil aril imwui of the shin, whether caused from climatic influ ences or tho use of HIKTFVL COSMKT1CS. Will cure plmplenon face and nek, reud rint; she 8km soft and fair. Invaluable In Salt Kheum. A family remedy for cuts, burns, bruises a Jd sores. FIUCK CN METAL TUBES, 25c TOILET SOAP TteUKhtrnUr per- fuillMl. flilPlllT UIIMl. Bleated. AI solute. in . . . . . 1 . j j'uiu. j its fcoc sin from chappinz and lraiarts to It ;tf end a. healthy glow. Unrivalled for - cleaoine the s ra'n and eradicating dandruff. The most per fect toilet Boap in the world. l'KICK, 25 cents. Shaving Soap A medicated articlo n mm m.ril Ihu. j(B vents ail pimple, healn a sore face and MAKES SHAVIXO a DKUIiltT. a OELHiUT. c Barbers, who Kndorsed by Ijeading Barbers, who say of it, "Without parallel as a shaving soap." Rich iu lather and lasting. Keeps the face and neck free t.om pimples. 11XC 15 cts. for m lair cake. TOOTH SOAP Is without qnestion the most terfect er tide ever produced, as it not only claus es the toeth thoronchly, but the conibination wiLh aruica preserves and hardens the gums. It gives to the breath a sweet, delicate odor. Its taste is delightful. Price, 25c a box. All drucRista Be I the above articles, or W0 Will mail tneui, postpaid, on receipt of price. C. fi. STRONG & CO., Soto Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicago. TtaKEP.y- t oa 11 a O "a. S 3 2 ' 3 00 .2 . 1h d C o -3 H fa w I I (-1 a c3 re P fce S cpj xn s3 a oa 3 p. 5 o p,tl 9 S g ."St.. S3 S a o. CO n CO rs c 3 a a OS E a 3 3 c2 CO a o o P4 o J S i 5 1 a so as o 4 T3 CS a Si J-4 3 S. if OS inaoanaio aUipcloantfaaAV tomm of last year wMhont ortlerlmr t- Ite" about ITS pages. .000 Uiuntrationa, prices, f descxlptibns tod valuable direction, t Plssta, ltTresseUj. yu." f Ji I. I mm 11 1 m vus t?i s a &a fAt ARB Wl ABSTll iCT OF AgOnSSSUN Jn CaSS COUIlty, Ncbnisk lbJ IU rriuMiNAL rnoncntY. H'ir of all mf (Vitlln wl hII wn MiiImi ii'm! nf Mil iter Mliffp I .til (I:; HoifH ot kit HKm Mc:mi KiihIim-". liiHiilliii ltotlM-r. Klr and lliirirlar front Suf-n llilll.iril. Hjjm.u II !. IU4 itHlii, or otlo-r ( Inill.ir ta itu- 4':irrlAt: anl Wmoiih in. It. VU-l!- mid 'lii-k Hfwlni; mii I Kiiltttnn M.m-Mih" 11. l l:iii'-iorlr M.ilotli-out ami Oi i;:m I Jj- r riuirli ! Auimitl iiikI It .yulllci 1'llLlMH KI-'lltM 17. M.r:imhoiit-. bulling "M-li, Wharf I'.on'N, M:iiKe, "r other wilt a-rer.tll M-rcliuinliH. on li.iii'l H. 1f. M. M.ttrrl il n-nl M.intil.ietnred ArlleW-4 M;inuf itrturvr' Tool". 1 111 il-ni-ii t Hint MiM'lilticry lot li'-r tliiiri "lli'ia Hint Kiiiirii-.... A crlciiltiir il Too!, I uiolcfneol nix! Miiclilnery 21. J4. 27. 2. ; in nti'i mivit i iaiH ;um riuii-u iu. IMmnioihN mill .lewelrv Money of lnk. hanker, broker or ftnek JoMier I'reillls of : 11 k . Imuker. droker or Mock Joltder Money otli'-r Ihftii of bank, liaiikcr, broker or Hlork j iiMM-r Credits oilier than of b:in!t, l; iker, broker or :ock lowlier llomls. Stock, nii'l Malo. County. City. Vlllni. or school IH-trirt V;irr:iiiH, and Munlc ji.1l t"ecurillci i-1 any l lint wiiatevcr misire of Capital Stock of Coii'tinnle ntid AoHa- tionH not incorporaii-il bv tin- la of thl-t State, ex cept shares of Nationnl liankn. I'roiii'it v .4 l'nu'uliroker .TO. SI. Property of CoiiiianW-H ntul CoriMiriitloim, other than iroicriy ner'-inaller eniiiinsr.ii eu. 32. llriilirc uroitcrtv :u. I'rooert v of Saloon and Katlni; House. ' iiu-Hibi.i om. ni.-e i- un.ii turc ,M,,i i ro,K-rt y ... . I Iuvestiiients in Iteal I'.ftate ami iiiiiroveme!itK lliere on ... , Amount of Kail road Property Amount f Teleirraph rio.i:it y AH other property rculreil to be llteil. Sit. .17. Total value of Personal Property ... REAL ESTATE. i.Avns. Nnmbpr of Aeres of Improved LhikIh Number of Acres f L'u.iiiprovcd Land Total number of Acres of AH band . i.oth. Number of Improved Vlllace or City Ixtts Number of Unimproved Village or City lxts Total number of lit Total Value of all property. M'MXKU OF AKKS IN 1'CCTl VATIOJf, Wheat 1 r2 Mendow Corn 100720 Kye OaU 14.0!t7 Hax llarley I.-"" Hugart ane. Number of Krult Trees. 177.S4S ;Kore-t Tree", 2.2P9.0-J5 ; Jrape Vines, 4:,7.79. Us out ts&cte lMea'fia2nfT Because we yell "We should be doing the business? LuifltlGhSsslliD SID I AZNTS. 9 " M. BTJiXjiDXisra- Iawest Estes. Terms Cfr NEW DEALevKS IN FURNITURE S COFFINS, and all kinds of goods usually kept tn a fi J 'Sf-JtA r iff f A FIRST CLAHN FL'KAlTCBE KTORR Also, a very complete stock of Funeral floods, Mstallic&WoouCnCofliis CastotSjRoiie?. LMoLLMS, oC. Our ifov and elegant hearse Is always In readiness. Remember The place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we may be found nizht or day. HARRIS & UNRUHr 'I t tj NT LlfOiJ&HSALY State & Monroe SU.. Chicajo-w. JxA BAND CATALO'M.ir. 2r-iV ip, IVItfc " T rwmpAM pjmHi 1 i Year t ' ' ' i J:ft'fl - 1 I (Hi . I tfMlft ik ' 1 lt 114 l IKX Mill i e !' 'ATNv I'l'i l24oir I I 4471 1 KtPJ 00 , 1741.-. Wi 1 M f Oil V Hri 00 B.TO 00 , 7017 ' 4 itji (mi i ""I V 22 S ' 4 MM no 41MX li j HlKi U 6702A IH) ' 12! VO r.t w ciiriol ir J4i" c: U tMKI Oil 4H 1'jl-rlK 00 ' j is.'3n-. o,v v2t-ro ?r. i win no n t l'rjl77 U2 4.H7Ut2 00 4 i aao747 47 10:l087 00 6 I 197 wrsm 00 16 1 fiv7l U.JViW fit TSM 42'4W) on ,US t 8!1H77i l5j I mm RICHEY BEO Enl DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF oorr J THE K. C. SLLi'- Safest. Best : LINE IN THE M anificent D ning Cara, Elact Day Coactea' ! 2 St Louis Trains X m vinculo. Aiaina vc 2 Kansas CitTn 9 Atchison Trains two Trains foH Et-Paul, Hi :r:eapolis SiJ And all points In northwest. Pullman Sec2lP AH trains ran oa tlme.connl E ast West, Nortii licket for sale i'.y f.r ay i-iS .1:4 .. 1 rr. Tic MP Ml""' if - ' . f