The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 12, 1883, Image 4

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    "111 9
n v
We PlattsmontlLHeraia YM&m Co.
Fur City and County Directory, I'.hUw.ij Time
Tbl4. Telephone IlXcIi'.k Umpires 1)1
laotory, Huaiue Card U-., tte tlilrJ page.
j err. I. STONE.
City Editor.
Notice to Advertisers.
Cty for ili-l;ty hiIt-i li-ifiiient or halite
111 Hlcllli-iiiriil limit bi; hanilrd in to the
kutlnrii on it nut luii-r than ' n in. of the
lay In wlncli thev arc to Ijd Intvitett. f'opjr
for I'iiy l-al ami ftpcvlal unllcrH iim-l lr
haudr I hi L(ui w 4 i. tu c;u-ii l.i to iu-iiirc lu
narlloa. II 21 IttbM.s Kl.l.,
liiuthfH Man;i;:rr.
Spring Poetry.
Our oeli hava Ming of t tic- loblti
Ami other ;eMlien- ol IIih wliii ;
Ami lauded lu rli tlimrtic piolti-lon
Hie-f tilKli-tont-tJ prvcurioiit ol s;ir!u.
I'm who ever chants lu v.n-vt iiifsure
'Ihe ralcoI the fentlve hoiiv II y
Whoi bout; it Ilio Mi tt I lh- scaaon.
Ami la-t in bile autumn l- dio.
Wlm-li coiik-s an the iu-rry loo-raiUicr,
rro-laiiuin lual suiiuiiT is near.
Ami lioiix'-clfaiii ir time is iii'proacliln.
The Joilnt't tmi- "f the
Wlilrli brlni! tin: bti' of Hi uiiilr-t
SllL'll vlMloiit of "sfl by anil bv ;"
CloM-k -f nil of f xi.'iirxloni ami boat ii'le.
lirat-i b.nnli and I lie fourth of .Inly.
W Ikii ii-f rif.iiu aii-i nl ratt l-rry nhortcake
Ju clutter bans tiil:k by the way.
Aii'l fii-nl'M :;if ripe lu tl.: i;rvt-lrl.
Willi swiiinaii-l ft c:il-rai :;ay .
'. t ln? arr I lir l i -: -i t a waken
At vmiii.I oi Oio tir-tt Irienitly l!y.
A'i'i!)! I'ir roLlIi.
Ibe tiny hoii.-e w.nMei" -i'io' I.
V'ol i-oi-s.
1. hulihlMiry. Ecnlll.
Miie at the invited.
rink tin's crcninir. All
Warrick has :i new ten rent cigar
that takes the t-ako
Frank Sehlater, the Cedar Creek
school teacher, i.s in town today.
(.Hiit. .Marshall i.s ort tl tit v today on
account of h lame back. Al Dorring
is tubbing" !r him, for the time 1 ic
ing. The air is filled with compliments
j.aid the rendition of the Fairy Quten
nil I I'rof Cn-liin ui i highly graiiiied
with reception given the entcrt.iia
ment by he citizens oi Flattsinciilh.
A trio composed of Myron Chirk, J.
1$. Strode and Will Wise, are t it for
the; I'lattw bottoms tonight to waste
Iov.'dt-r and shot among the ducks that
frtquent that part of the country.
Mr-. Schalliof was very suddenly
taken iil la?t night, and for a
time was very ick. She is better
today, however, aid we hope soon to
note her complete recovery.
tj i irli rly ni' cting at the M. 2.chi:rch
tomorrow. Love feast will be held at
10 o'clock. Preaching at 11 by the pas
tor after which the a.icraiucnt of the
Lord's supper will be udminifitcrcd.
Preaching again in
are invited.
the eveuini
The county fair this year promises
to be the best exhibition ever h?ld in
Cass county. Much interest is being
manifested in it by a number of those
who, heretofore, have aid no utten
tion to it. There is no good reason
why old Cass should not have one of
the best county fairs held in the state.
The Western Cnion Telegraph com
pany have a number of messenger bo3'3
in Piaitsniouth. and hist night their
tUictent manager here, 'Smithy," re
ceiied instructions to have ihe boys
uniformed. Today he h interview
ing Maj. O'Rourke for the purj se of
getting the kids togtfed out."
When our band boys go to Omaha
they ought to telegraph ah-i-ad and
engage a pilot. They have severs
and things in Omaha which a man
caa walk into just as easy as not, un
less he is perfectly familiar with the
of lay land. Omaha puis onjlots of
airs new to the Plattsmouth folks.
The fame of Mrs. Simpson's splen
did class in music in this city is not
confined to Plattsmouth. as is attested
by Use following from an inportant
musical journal published in St. Louis:
"Mrs. Kate Simpson has a class of
I wenty-foui in plattsmouth, assisted
by Miss Anna Livingston and Miss
Mary Murphy. The Herald speaks
of Mrs. impsoii in the highest terms."
The Itnd boys returned from their
visit to Omaha this morning, and ic- :
port an interesting visit, magnanimous j
entertainment and a No. l good time.
Their fine uniforms attracted consid
erable attention, and were the envy of
their brother Nootists " Before leav
ing this morning they serenaded the
R- & M. headquarter?, and were loudly
cheered by ti e employes. They also
played a piece on arriving home, which
indicated that they were all alive and
none the worse for the wear and (tare)
of the trip.
We have been glancing over a copy
of the Plattsmouth Daily Hekald,
left us by Mart Buttery, which bears
date of 1670, and was published by II.
D. Hathaway. The paper is the same-
size as the Daily Herald of today,
all printed at home and containing
tuauy interesting reminders of other
times. Among the reminders we find
that E. B. Lewis and F. E. White were
high otiicials in the Good Templars'
lodge; that Capt. Marshall was a heavy
advertiser in the life insurance busi
ness; that Dr. R. R. Livingston was
secretary of the state rebublican com
mittee ; that M. B. Murphy was city
marshal, and that Xebrsiska City was
repo t-d dead and uried. The paper
is a relic of much interest.
A conple ot hard looking citizens en
tered the town yesterday, and it is
they had a capp in the rhapc of an old
hag of woman, who came in of
them. The police got after them, and
they clainud to be telegraph liao nitu:
Te lest the matter, a joh was put up on
them, and Cou Ballard -wus to employ
them to repair some of the liues tluoiigh
town. They didn't do any work, but
shortly after they had been ottered
work they went to Murphy's restaur
ant ami oflered an orde r ou Con for a
square meal, claiming that they had
done the work and had received no
pay. Matters were then explained to
them, and they were given a ahoit time
to leave the city, which Ihey did. They
are supposed to be a part of the gang
which infests Omaha, aud ra icported
as the hardest lookiug outfit tljat has
yet h'o'nored irs with their preaonce.
wotk Wirireinffcncehnd " adaptatl V
Ityvf tt high order. State Journal.
Another Large Audience WltntsacM the
"'Il.e ii.Ureat in the Fairy Que,, did
not abate with the
and the house was
first pei formauce,
ta well filled upon
its repetition as it was to witness its
first production. The performance if
possible, was better than upon the
evening previous, the fairies having
overcome the timid feeling of appear
ing before the liont of earthly mortals.
The hoIo parts were rendered Willi
mere confidence, and the acting was
more imtural, mid true to the charac
ter intended to be represented. Much
credit is due to I'rof. ('ushmau for the
untiling zeal and energy with whic-i
he has labored during the past two or
three weeks in the drill and arrange
ment of Lis beautiful Operatta. llis
short stay among us has been a season
of musical advantage and enjoyment,
and has awakened a new interest in
muHical matters. It has also brought
out Home of our home talent, whose
abilities have heretofore beeiimusus
peeled. 1'Iattsmouth will long remem
ber I'rofcssor Cushman and the Fairy
Queen. The I'rofessor, who is a thor
ough musician, a perfect gentleman,
genial and a liable, goes from here to
Lincoln, to place his beautiful Operatta
before the Lincolnites, and the II kk
ai.d recommends him to them as all he
represents himself to be.
The following from the Pawnee F.n
tei prise lits 1'l.tttsmouth pretty well,
uoi ooly in icg.ird to railroad mattt-K-1,
but othei business enterprises, lor it is
a tact that there are some of the worst
" old grannies " in 1'lallsmoulh that
there are anywhere:
" There is a tendency among some ot
our business men to pull back in rail
road matters, and to treat slightingly
any effort to secure a second line.
One line, say they is enough. Such
talk and action is folly; is unbusiness
like. Do iu tfiis as we must do in
other business ventures, in this coun
try, look at similar ventures in towns
similarly situated m older countries,
and what do we learn? That in every
case a second road was beneficial.
That which has placed the towns,
which are the largest and best young
cities in Nebraska today, in the front
i auk, is the fact that they have en
couraged the second, third and all the
railroads pointing in their direction. to
come to them. (Jraiid Island is a bet
ter town today by many odds th-au
three years ago before a branch road
ruu out to the north. Fremont has
been the better of a second road. As
also Hastings, through her second line,
as in the case of Grand Island, was
built by the same company that owned
her first line. It sounds back-woodish
to hear a business man talk against a
gecond road."
Charity Tor All.
Ei). IIekald: It is with feelings o
compassion for the fallen, that I Fpeak
lor Mrs. C. P. Moore and family. Is
there no charity in the hearts of the old
residents of Plattsmouth? Do they for
get that Mrs. Moore figured a few years
ago among the most select families of
Plattsmouth and that she and lamily
were second to none in the city for de
cency ami respectability? What brought
them to their present state? WhisKy !
Whisky:! Whisky!!! Tue press and
people or Plattsmouth
Lh chuckle with j
all of that once
gladness at the down!
decent family, and hold them up to the
public gazn as the lowest object of pub
lic scorn and ridicule. Iu u Christian
country is this tiie charity that y u
should have for the unfortunate Magda
line? Drive her to the penitentiary!
Hunt her out of Piattsmouth ! Will
the philanthropists of Plattsmouth both
lodies ami gentlemen, consult with each
otherand raise some funds and give them
to that once tespectable family? She. I
am sure, is not lost to all iu-ensibilil y.
Poverty is the cause of her present low
occdition. Come forth iu your charity
and help her out of the inireinto which
she ha fallen, and I feel confident she
will repent and become a better mem
ber of society, and await heaven fr
vol: r l-owa ri
' "
Oxe Wuo Will Hemv
Mr. Robert Purdv.ot Elmwood.died
on Wednesday, and was buried in the
Elmwood cemetery on Thursday. Mr.
Puriry was an old resident of Cass
county, and was much respected and
esteemed by his neighbors, as was at
tested by the very large funeral profes
sion that followed his remains to
their final resting place. The Herald
is indeed sorry to chronicle the death
of such old citizens who have contrib
uted very much to the upbuilding of
our county and its interests.
A Tabor. Iowa man, wearing a tin
star about three inches in diameter,
was waltzing around town this morn
ing with a sort of proprietary air
about him, when our vigilant police
run him down, captured at.d took him
before the maishal, who inquired what
he meant by donning the iiisignia of
the guardians of the peace of Platts
mouth. The inoffensive Taborite said
the boys all wore 'em over home, and
he didn't mean any harm by it, etc.
He delivered up his star, and was al
lowed to depart in peace.
.Prof. Drniiimond is actively engaged
with the hijjh school graduating class
arranginor for the commencement exer
cises which occur at the opera house on
next Fridav evening. The Herald
knows that they will prove very inter
esting andthat the exercises will be the
best possible exponent of the work
which the public schools of Plattsmouth
nn? doing.
Our cit3" police force arc to be uni
formed. They purchase their own
suits-and ask the city to furnish caps
and clubs, which the city will iu proba
bility do. We have an elEcient police
force, which is evinced by the good or
der which at all times prevail upon
the street.
Reserved Seat Tickets.
Reserved seat tickets are now on tale
nt J. P. Young's for Eli Perkins lecture
which occurs Tuesday evening next. It
is needless to call attention to the lecture
for all will desire to hear him and will
be richly repaid. Plattsmouth is in
debted to the Workinginen's Associa
tion who have secured the groat Eli
for a night in the city.
Sunday Dinner.
At Stadelman's restaurant tomorrrw
from 12 to 9 p. ni. All the dishes of the
f eason. Ice cream &c for all.
Tho wiehiug to pass a pleasant
evening, should visit tho rink.
to call and examine before purchasing I
clsewliere. Fancy goods at cost. cUOrnl
Of the R. A. R. at Weeping- Water.
i The following is the programme
i Vfrth,i rc"io" ,t0-He hel,J- WccI,iu
I Water, July od, 1th and oth, next:
July 3d rorcnoon reception and
assignment ofjiosts.
-1 o'clock p. in. Dress parade; at
close of dress parade, welcome ad
dress. 7 to 8 p. in. Supper.
S. Camp fire.
July -1th. Sunrise gun; ten min
utes later, Salute of State.
(j a. in. Keville.
0:0 " Roll call.
7 to 8. Ureakfast.
8 a. in. Adj't call.
8:0. Guard mounting.
J. Sick call.
9:30. Review of troops b- nation
al and department commanders.
10:30. Oration by Gen. M under
soil. 12 to 1 p. m. Dinner.
1 to 1. (James.
1. Attack of Ft. Donaldson.
7 to S. Supper.
8 to f. Cam fire.
1) to 10. 1'arade of Flauibaugh
Club and fire works.
10. Taps.
July oth. The call will be the
j same as on the llh up to 'J u. in.
'J:30 Reunion by blates.
10:30 Return of foraging; party
and contrabands.
12 to 1 p. m. Dinner.
2. Mulligan guards.
3. Sham battle.
IJy order of David McCaio,
J. W. Jennings, Commander.
Jo.cph Ford, who is engaged apply
ing his patent roof paint at Auburn, is
up home lor a visit to his family over
Master Eddie Streight, of South Head,
is iu town to-dav. visiting a number ot
his young friends here.
Will Simpson, an old time Platts
mouth bov who. for the last two years
has been deputy surveyor iu Wyoming,
came ill from the west yesterday to
visit Lis people here.
Ed. Biirnell. of Lincoln, came in the
city this morning, and is visiting hi
people to dav, and shaking hands with
old friends and acquaintances.
Our old friend, Win Floyd, cam in
from ihe country to-day to look atur
matters in general.
Our old friend Thomas Thomas, one
of the early pioaecrs of Nebraska, and
first settlers, came over from South
Hill and made the 1If.hal.ij a pleasant
call to-urv.
I hvisr. M cfyrMi
r, one of Cedar Creek's
wealthiest farmers, made a pilgrimage
to this city today.
M. P. Williams and Harvey Carper,
two of Cass county's heaviest stock
buyers, are feeling the pulse of the
market today at the hub of Cass
Mrs. Linville, mother of Mrs. Thorn. -3
and SSic Wilts w-hom si
visiting, returned to her h
she has Uen
offle at Hills-
uaie, xowa, iiii3 morning,
Mr. G. W. Hervey, from Eastern Ohio
is in the city visiting his brother-in-law,
Dave Campbell. lie came west for the
purpose of locating.
Mrs R. W. Hyers left on this morn
ing's east bound train, over the C. B.
A Q., for a visit to friends in Illinois.
We learn Mrs. Hyers was suddenly
called to make this visit on account of
the dangerous illness of her aged moth
er. J, A. Black mar, western ngeut for
Keunard, Motter & Co, wholesale cigar
duelers was in the city 3'esterdaj' look
ing after his trade in this city. Mr. B.
is an excellent gentleman and thinks
Plattsmouth one of his best points iu
the cigar iine.
The city council meets in regular ses
sion Mondav night.
Special attention given to persons
wi-hing to learn to skate, at the rink.
Remember Ell Perkins' lecture. It
will be one of the interesting entertain
ments of the season.
W. D. Jones is somewhat puzzled
over cleaning up around the livery barn
and being in Iowa most of the time.
"Professor" Prescott, the blonde tou
sorial artist, D. 1J. and rustler took his
departure west about noon today, on a
tie pass without Stopping to say good
bye to his numerous (?) friends and
Icaviug behind a board bill and several
othc small accounts unliquidated.
There will be a special meeting of
the Board of Trade at the court house.
Monday night, at which time impor
tant business will b presented for
consideration, and a full attendance of
the board is desired.
W. S. Wise, Secretary.
McComhie Post G. A. It, holds a
special .meeting this evening at tlu
court house to perfect arrangements iu
regard to Decoration day. It is neces
sary that all members of the post attend
this meeting.
Ry order of post commander.
The sec nd annual .May party of
A. O. H. took place last evening
Crounse's Hall and was attended
about 200 people.
The R. &, M. train from the south in
tho evening brought with it the cele
brated baud formerly known ns the
Plattsmouth Silver llelicou baud but
for tl:e year as the R. & M. band.
This orgauizatiou works under the aus
pices of the R. !c M. railroad, Superin
tendent Iloldrege beiug their patron
saint. They came up eleven strong, one
of the members being detained at home.
Their uniform is an extremely neat and
handsome one, being ol blue with
white epaulet us, stripes and facings.
They are a ne looking and gentleman
ly set of men, and first-class musicians.
The membership is as follows:
A. C Clark, leader, W. L Luper, M.
O'Connor, J. F. Johnson. II. SchulhoS,
R. I. Dahb. R. A. Taitc, Walter Holmes,
F. Ramgc, F. S. Hewitt, F. Lehnuoft.
On their way up from the depot they
pi ived one or two fine pieces and also
011 their way to the hall from their stop
ping place, the hospitable Creighton.
Among the Plattsmouth gentlemen who
accompanied them was Molars. Loo
Shrp and Dennis Delaney.
Good-by-J, j
hav taken . a vacation.
boys, well see you biter;.
District tuurt Notes:
In coxrt to-day the motion for a new
trial in the Collins vs. the City case was
The jury iu the Dowers hhooting ca.-c
brought iu a verdict of guilty. The
hcntence hasaot been passed.
The case of State vj Kveiett for
stabbing Mike Mctiuire, was on trial
today ; the jury, after being out several
hours returned a verdict of guilty, as
charged in the indictment, which
means the pen.
Tke case of l'orter vs Porter, for di
vorce, was argued today upon a ques
tion of alimony for the defendant, the
Case is now pending.
The petit j-iry serving during t e
present term i:f court, will be discharge. 1
on Tuesday next.
Iu taking depositions to day in the
case of Horn vs. Miller, Elder Miller
did flowio lengthy cioss questioning on
witness W. L. Wells, and he has been
laid up for repairs all the at'tciiioou.
Several exciting individuals were
abroed in town today whose walk j l 1
conversation whs bot'h unttteudy. One
of them Peter Mumin ejected from hi
saloon iu an approved manner.
- al a - -
Died of dropsy, at - .
Miss Elizabeth Mary JJ ,;.
of John and Mary Ron., a
11 months and IS day;
took place from the :;. :
parents at 4 p. in. to '. y.
iii.. today
JO ) (.- .: s.
i i.i . ral
of t'.v
The North American Rvirv -T.-r Ma;,
contains liiiie article-', in:i!i. every one
of which ditcuses some topic or prob
lem at tht: present moment prominent
in the public mind, ol Senator .John T.
Morgan writes of ".Mexico," and sets
forth the considerations of commercial
advantages and international comity
which are rapidly biiuging about a
more cordial understanding between
that country and the Uuited States.
The itev. William Kirkus, taking occa
sion from Bishop McQuaid's recent
vaticinations regarding the decay of
Protestantism, makes a vigorous counter
charge upon the papal system in an
article entitled "The Disintegration of
Romanism." In ''Emerson and Ca:
lyle,"' Edwin P. Whipple discourses
with an his old time keenness of
psychological insight and perfection of
literary form upon the strangely diverse
mental ciiaiacturistics of those two great
thinkers. Prof. Felix Adler offers '-A
Secular View of Moral Training."
arguing that the current skepti-.ud habit
of thought demands an independent
system ol practical ethics, bas-.d pri
niariiy on observation rather than on
revelation. "Communism iu America,"
by Prof. Alexander Winchell, gives
very forcible expression to the anpre
heusions of those pessimistic observes
of the trend of events in this country,
who think that they sec in our political
and social development all the signs of
impending national -decay The other
articles are "Afliaitics of Buddhism and
Christianity,' by the Rev. Dr James
Freeman Clark: "Woman as an Inven
tor,-' by Matilda Joslyn Gage; "Col
lege Endowments," by Rossi ter John
son; and '-Extradition," by A. G. Sedg
wick. Published at HO Lafayette
Place, New l oi k, and lor sale by book
sellers generally.
Advertisements under tins head, three cents
j.-er line eat-a insertion.
K ISN'T A lann.
t Jfcswtf
Apply at this ofik-e.,
IOt: KENT A good liouee in rood location
in this itv. lii(inii-i of 11 .11. calmer in-
J. W. Jennings.
uli ot
fOIi KENTEKS Look at Wise's ad.
iecial!y the half acre lots and the
and cs
tenns. ,MK SALE Old papers for sale at tli is office
at 40 cents per hundred or 5 cents Tier doz
en, tf
I V0!I SALE Four lots together in gmvl loca
tion iu this city. Inquire at this ofiico tf
F OK SALE A pood sodawates Generator can
he I'oiulu cliean. Will pivu choice be
tween a larpe and small one I'enns and nrico
made known on application. . dtf
Smith & Clack Ukos.
VOUSD-A foldinp key in a rai'road coach in
-1- this city. Owner can find il at this otlice.
Tj'OUND A hunch of kev? on Chieapo avenue
Owner can net same bv caliimr at this of
fice and paying for this notice. 47tf,
r ANTED To rent a email, neat house con
' ' tainlug three or live rooms. For f uitahle
building good price pa
I i-ouiaj
t his of-
r A.-. TED .lohn IJauer has leased the Stohl
' man place, comer of Tth and Vine. and is
prepared to accommodate Ihe juiblic in the
way of boarding and lodging by the week or
month. - 40111I
V ANTED Fifteen hundred tame pigeons
W '11 pay per dozen delivered at'vonr de
pot- K. II. CONNOlt.
4ti becy. Lincoln Sportsmen'u Club.
CiHckoiei at Rciiceit-
Window shades, when nurchaed at
Warrick's, are being hung tree ol
charge. 66-d:3t.
Peterson Bros, Sell
Best sugar cured hmi9 at 15c.
Rest breakfast bacon at 15c.
Rest shoulders 11c.
Rest dried-beet 15c.
Alabastine, all shade?,
Beautify the homes of the living and
dead. I will be in Plattsmouth JNIay
9th, from 10 until 2 o'clodk. with a
load of home grown, fresh dug ever
greens, in variety, iu prime order for
planting. My motto: Low prices,
good stock, quick sales.
L. A. Williams,
Glen wood, Iowa.
"Tobies, two lor oc at Warrick's.
Try them. 66-d3t.
Mrs. Johnson it Sweney are re
ceiving all the latest styles iu Hats, Ron
nets, Flowers, Tips, Ribbons, Ac., in the
millinery line, to which they invite all
to call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost. d40m
A large invoice of something new iu
statii nory line just received at War
rick's. 06-dot.
It will pay you to read Wise's col
umu in this paper, you may find ju
what vou want. 39ti
The Wonderer."
The above is the name of a oc cigar
of which Phil Young has just received
5,000, and they are warranted Ion
filler, and the best 5c cigar eve ry sold
in Plattsmouth, they are made by one
of the largest cigar mauufa ctories in
the United States, and one that has a
world-wide reputation for putting up
N" . t. striirly first-class goods. This
acigar is equal in quality fo a great
many 10c cigar s:ld in this citv.
Ifyoudo.i't believe the qua ity of
fhese cigars, give them a trial, aud I
assure you that you will smoke no
Rest 10c box writing paper in ovn
at Warrick's. CS cttt.
T" n T"lT
Water Colors, Crayon and PencU.
Please remember that for the next
CO days you can get great bargains in
boots and shoes and clothing, as I must
reduce my s'oek in those lines, with
out fail. TOt ItfJ Jos. V. Wkckiiach.
1'retnner's Crack-r.- n Wiickbuch's.
(dtage IImikc, street, between Main and Pearl,
PlatNiiiotith. Xchr. Refitted ami com
fortably furnished. Hoard by the day
or week. Meals j rents. Hoard by
week at r asomtblo rates. House com
foitubly and pleasantly situated. (Jive
me a call. S. W haiku. Proprietor.
-1 Cd 1 in
Vantel. Kverjb idy to Know
That idler this date I will sell n.y en
tire stork of carpets, consisting of
fort v-three diiferelit desirable patterns
AT" PRIME COST. v'all and ex
amine. Jon. V. Wkhkisacii.
May Stli, 1S33. til-dtf
Ihemuer's Crackers at Stadle man's.
Parties wbhing to attend the races
at Lincoln, May 1 W i to iiuth. return
tickets will be sold at this otlice May
l.'Ih to l'Jth, inclusive, for one fare
and a fourth, good to return May 21.
F. Latham, Agent.
tVe wlIS Sell Any (.ooiis sit
I'rh'f s B5e!fv Tf;sc (guuti-ri lj
J. YVAIii:S'K.
ei s evi i
our g: on r for
v lime. Take
liieiiO:i r's
no ol her.
A few of ihe handsomest patterns of
Who Flower Stands very cheap at J. It.
Cox's. o-Sd&wlmo
Dkalkk IN-
Oils, Paints, Piu'she.s,
And in fact every thing contained in
a first-c! iss Drug Store. Pre
scriptions careful! - compound
ed. Competition inel in
all departiuents.
Cok. Main' axu
1 Hli;!i
& n sir j h o ,
CITY, of London,
QUEEN, of Liverpool
FIREMAN FUND, of California
01:!e hi Eockwooil JJIock,
will. Joiir.ioii tros
ells all $1.00 pre):;ratioiis at 7.rc.
"Warner's K. tk L. cure.. 1.00
Lead at !.i-o
Wall Paper,
per double roll
Favor him with a call,
ways find his prices as low
you will al
as the low-
Israel leal Architect,
-AN" Li-
Hans and Specifications will I e carefully
carried out. and fall attention will be given as
to safety and durability.
in Oil, Water Color?, Crayon and l'encil.
Office over Solomon A- Nathan's store. Main St
For Sale !
X E I, Sec. 3, T. 12, 3 1
S E Sec. 3, T. 12, 11.
s. w. 1,
Ei S. W
i: Lt
ec. o
T. 12,
1 m
ec, iu, x.
. Sec. :U, T. l:
10, Block 28.
3, ' S9.
r tc y, 23.
II. 13
. 9.
" 11.
Duke's Addition.
The al..ive described farms
for sale on long time, with 7
..etit. interest. Apply to
Otf Plattsmouth, Seb
Monros S:s.. Chicago
mnbl tor.v.ldftbf
InttrauMDte. SulU, Capo, htlu.
rwum kl.inrH St Jl4
8nolrT " Outhls. kaiaklng
IMliMi latiruriMia wm
1 cvc r
1 " V3
I tZ-fem
a m aa
ir af
!N ever TJn cleivsolcL
riTIae SamUwx ftloi later
undersells any
oi liis romped).
I'cen a'l oi l
cxpiTM -need t lothier.evrr Mure ion, in" nun i
buy, pas no rents and buys for audi.
Iiem(-mb(T the Tweiity
liave :irricl, :ml
Div.-s (iooils, Tniii!iiiiii(s I'lc., at
nil v 1 lier Iiotisct in 1 lie
Also ;t i'ull lino
at )ritcs to dely cuiii t tioii.
W. II. jBKEjR,.
Ivnow ing that you realize the I'act that within thclast
six months we have caused the prices of
to be reduced to "living and
that we will not be undersold, and will duplieaie any prices
quoted by oil r competitors, which are but a .small advance
over wholesale prices, from which a faint idea may be gain
ed of the enormous profit til
and the prices imposed upon
e sell at a small profit,
X 7
i on
goods and low prices,
will do well to get our priees,
over buying in Chicago or O
1 r .i r r?
and all kiuiTs of cooda k ; in a
Also, a very complete ftock of Funeral Ooods,
Mfitallic&fooaenCuSns Castets.Rolies.
EMBLEM!, &c.
Our New and elegant hearse ii alv.ays In
Remember the place, in UNION
RI.OCK, on Sixth Street, TWO
Doors sonth of Cass Coun
ty Rank.
Whear rve may be found nisht or day.
A. II. SiE-Lli-Cll. 211. C -tl. I.
Craduatc in
Oflfl ce in Perry's drun storeopposite the l'er
kins house.
dpwTiliiu- Co.. Httmbl Herttt
Ip naUd Free ta All. Wc
nffr th Ijntmt NottUitt In
riS n-i.
nd the Brut CvlUela at VrcrUblo.
i -t
by 2' p r ( cut. Ih'asnu4 why, he
- Fivo Yw Out. Saved
I will coiit inno to sell
i.owei: i-iiK'is
count rv.
Yours IZesjict fully,
let live" prices. Ve
which goods have been sold
the consuming public.
and oxnect to build out
1 - "
and parties
want mg
in the
as we
save you nm
? (L- 5
1 111.
wliich euiljodies all the best features
of which art is master. Its excel--celcr.ce
i.s recognized by the
prominent furnishers
' tlifoiigliOMt the
The Rose in of
spun linen. The
the best hand
fit and workman
Made to rajdea and
! ship unexcelled.
does not please yon.
C. JU. WescoLt,
i:cia si vi: AGCXT,
llaf-atr Web.
& lotions