The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 12, 1883, Image 3

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    sua. --. .
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oi l K i ii, ii::i: mokv.
S.ta Tiirertors.
C. H. V AN WVI K, I . M. M'uiilur, . f'lty.
A I.YIN SAL'S lK!'S C. S. Si-natol . Omaha
K, K. VA1.KN IINli.Kc-.rrseritiit -. WVil I"..i.t.
I A vt KK VS . I W h..-. .ovt-i I.l.icni.i.
I;. . ;M.:KN. Sri-r !.irv r : :it -.
I H.N W ,V I.I.M ' I l.v A. ilit.i, l.oi''oilt.
i. It.HI'l ti lf.VA N i , I H' r '.'tlOoin.
V V o lis. s 'i...Pc ... .:. i.
A . ; i '. . A I.E. Ir. ! ' r "' imt.
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tie I iisniif.
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ama -.i ci ..;;, 1. 1!
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J. H. M K MM-.. i'l -. ..n ii m- A I . - .
W.r.SIKlWAlll i;, l h-ik !:-li r. .,
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JOSMII V. VK h A H. M.i .1.
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F. K IMH.II I.I-K. I.I. I -i r...i. .
K. k !t ii-.ii i I. iKiTi'itui ii;i.
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" :. D.ivv-.ii. I'. l. !.-!. .ill 'l.
saifi Sc. iti:i:,
i ni:r:vs i law.' Will pr;tcti'i in All
.mi i i i ; Olilci r I'liHtNa-
l-I Ail.-il ! Ill - .VKIllMx A.
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i-.M. lllfi. 1 U-
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47 ll.
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i .
! l :u t
.'J. -VI V05IA"f,
A"i!:ii y Piililio.
: . :. il.- .I.-Wi-li V ::,.(,!
- Nebraska.
li.Al 1". "r.H
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MIS J.t'l-
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I'i; l:!.;il t hirl!..' ll. .1 lilt
r.l.lVH :l !!IU-on :.-"!); ;y,
i..0'. ii l;--u.:-. oi tt o?
ii '""..l mi l hi Ivor tJlOiO ItJ
vl::tt k ill-1 if Til tUU'aiiH
' .i.i lurviT plriuc u lailit; ir
i.ii .. ;ni'. 1. -tim U.iii. -m.i ho
:iy ii:ul M-i. . bl i. ti to lli-l
J iiH-. C.Irl Hit I OVCIliUl Jilt
;iu.; it ii.ilt; in the :.riiiii-l.
un.i wt.juio
.-itn p:ir:y
i ni," uau i-ii on a I"
anj icil liu.v tliu t.i
l.O I- il.fil (l, .tor l'.rt Lout.s, 1UI13
-.tri.iiiil.ii: and g'j;s Im-t 'i'iu nn;r
v. Iio iirL,".lOM th '.l t'li ro in no u:"J
o!' ,.iiy!.ody eiio tryin;; to do LiHiiinH in tiio
s tint; ii " with l.iiu, iii t!io snn;o town, -n-ak---)
ii) rt..:v: niorrii'i-j and hn '.H tlit tiio. i-lioriiY
l.i tiio -; ) .' tiif. liii.J iH-ciuK to lo-n
Tlu v. r. io o:. voonoTiiy, wiio
s ;i n-.Ui. li hi "I n.i'i . i a 1 i-.x ii-.
ti-'.- riii -.t i-l lioii..vty on !L'-i jutri of oiUi'o
b it'.nrH, or ilit: h i ii.o ii "."oiii; Ui ilie ticks', gota
iP"iat')-l ii.uian agviit o;i a nalary of ilnoo
Uuniiituil I'.ull.ii-.s a yt'.ir, iin.1 in two yearn luya
up li.iit a iiiiihoi ttoilii:-:. 'i'iio liewr-ipiipor ram
wlio writt-H in .i:k-1i a inrviiuer hm to mao every
body wiio rcud.i his writii.ys iiwivt teiiiic-jou
nn.i Im-, )iy, r.tid causca cnnl--H to iir-poar whoro
t!'.t-y Iihvo never h.oeart:l b-doi-o and who
m.tkt's lielieve thit Iio in tiio ligiiiest beartod
per.-on iii the world, may bo bo tad that ho
looki fii?i'Micd for tv-ar tlio next pulfstiou of
the heart will break if. Tlio luidionuiie who
ran buy a meal that will comprino all of the
iVdicacics t!i.-t t!i-; world ckh lrrodn ;.!', would
Kive one .f iii.s inilii.ijiS if he eotild enjoy a
bowl of nurs-i and inlik slh well u.-) he did when
a dollar looked bitjjor to him tho tly wheel
of tho fieat lai-tury he owus 1-ioka to him now.
An.! fio it will l--en sjcu tliat 1 'ay no, tho author
of "Hoiite svi.-et iloiiits" wa" only one of
thoiir-i:iil.j of i"'raoii- who illutitr.ito tho a-Jigo
itiiil ' lhi:.; ai-i: not wh .t th y Heoin."
! . .
YioiariA'j Ao.;U-kt.
iJetivit Free rrju-i.
A-'i.-oi-'lin ' to tJio now and cscollcnt
X A N .
. .. . 1 . " I !:!!.!-. Y
- v V, K? . S ,
::i t !'.!.. '.. i ... r.0!i:
1': ;:.-: t 'li'vi.-ti .i idvevi .
pup'-r -j.ii'e," Quec l Vktori.i.l faliing down
ftmi -.- at V.'.ii 1j. u- C'a i 'o was caused by eoaj)
ts 'criiiy pl:uj;l then- by Irish survf.nts, who
m:io ii'.-cJ by tLo Li.tml l--.'g:io to do bo.
i;-.r xna.C"-;y, i.ot.-').-di..; to Lily I'ioronco
i'ivi-, h.n been in
i1o'.!i" '.ii.' bs 1; v:iv
"tie wueu h.
f l.r.ciwii
71 ;r
J.' L
( r- Z
m ., ' -N '
'.' ; 3;al .l- Feed
-iti- -;:;i.--s i:..'y-:
STATIONS: w ::vr.
N . !. .'. -
PlHttiPi'ii.! !l !i :M .". 111' :'5n:i;
Oreavtili.s -; i' :.i a P.i 7.1' : t-i
ron-ord !:;-." :i 1:: 7:"5:ii'-
li!.r iek ; !:t a tti- 7; : -..
tAui-villf H' :? a r, 7 :"' :
SoiitIi d !":-'!. in ' 1
A'hland i::l7:i Li I- r :
;rPt-in"t.l . . It :" : S :!" ; i.s
Lincoln Ar. :i :." 1-1.1 : r-::- 1 :
' l.'i-:-': 1; ' I '.." Hi :!.' i' 1 1
IIittI::i;- r. : -- v 11 " t . -.T-. ' .
I. 'vi t :"' i ! 1.'. - '. : it
ilcl Clourf M. .".:". I. : ;:"'
l. v.' t; :;:. : I v - - : " '
Jld'tin r. li : ; i :i
';.- V - . '.--v ' : :
Akron r i..'-- ' p. .'
' m '
ivnvcr ' N -'- :. .
'.J -
1- ) r t" . r
l.r iii'.i sit lowest ;
::-t-i p:i;tl '.Vlieat ai.d
d Lulders.
"ii :tl! ri nd . of work Any
' i.:!'.!iii r Y.i. or i'o-st
T. -. I'roiluM :ill -i;l i"ll
.1. r
1 ;;a:.;t 01 tmpj-miyj
order tj tiodjo Mr.
!lo I. Ah roon an tho
ut'ev mas-ssd
th ti- '.::id i". X' ftf'.; ir b.juaro; tho j.oi:ca
arreted Lha hired cirl, 1,1. '1 oii-tj vet-1, and an
elderly nun iKun-Vi or I'.vrnt-ll, who
w.ta sec-1 1 in llydu Park fctvalthiiy i-ccciiig a
caUo of soap Marked "ili' Wind-oi-,' which
may iniplieile Johii Jryw:i, ol' W.ndsor Castlo.
At 1:11 : M p. tn. a bn'l-:!in .-.iniotmecd tho diag
nosis. The giistroeaeiitius mu8Llo has been
tied r.p in a hard knot with tha qua Jriet-i-'a ex.
tensor eriu is, involving tho Miphenoua veinn
aiid th? popliteal nerve, s!itti::g the pynovial
metnbrinr:, a. id ripping th-3 lid oil
tLo.-8civl.igU;. One h lit' tno enr-ical corps,
nr.nibci'iug Tb!, exprerise 1 the lielit:f that
if the oth':r h df wan r.-iieved from at
ter.d meo on tho i-iiio, bt-r niaifttty, miglit re
rover. Ti'e oth r ti If hold a -jii.iilar opinion.
Thf oxji'esne. :t w:i.? in. mini. l'onr thounaiid
one liu.idied i.i.i in: ry-'iiree additional p!iyr:i
ei tn arri v.-.l. and others teiegraphc(.l "tor.
l'ri'8---or J ymlall an dy' d the, but
found no tr.. of tioap. A c.;ko of Hoap and
a elr-an tr-.v.e: were. b.v fver, found in Tho
1 iiUfM ofii.-e. At:;ip. ir. ;ho i-olieo asc.r-
it ii.o h iii down which her
ippii-1 V.t IO f l it ril it :d Rii'.!13
of Iris:-, oak by Irish artisans, -.v Tinhs, i?d bv th3
e.ic rw amor
m 1 :t -ty y
ti'.no u-;u
an 1 we.e
:i'.i:ie, n: tlonbt, with t
m:s tli ri M:ti v.- -IO Tr:'. :"
l.ii'if r:
IT i rr
1 A
l'l."ittin-:.t;i . .
f T;ci)r l
td;ir 'rsTk..
South r.fiid...
Greenwood ...
Ked Cior.
A: .
.. r.
,1 ii.
il Ii:
:1, J.
' :.'-J r I:;
: inn
:i 11:
I.'vf b :10 a in
I r. s :t-. .1 i:t
!.'vt- i!l
A r. :i
l.'ic '
r. lf : !" i 1:
!i- : ; v
i 7 :' p
1 -
il 1.
A .-.
.' v
. 1 .
: 1 - -1 it-.i
.-u ;!; t of !
re vfry i ;;sy of
- i iZ i 1 ? Z v.
Rl.d !
i iii:il-
j-.i nii'K'.ig
.s'i:n.-,o::t I ?.
At '. :".! p. 1:1. 'I
:i;-.j l;"d by t -:e;
oi jluri-ii. lb j
oil sj-viii i'pr.
Bt t M'v.s .1 :
fi-rif.o.i li"-:" kii'
s ttiir-4. All strrc
ir.,.;n :!
.. i.iyjjiwiiy, Ei'Iicnny,
v li-; i -i o . j..-:-ii.:iTt ':i. i'ar-
ii- nc i ilie itll -.'t-d I. i.sii cten-ti.t.-
can- t'.txiuer. liranvilio
: i - ii t itlil ;r.. -S "f tllO poWt -M.
: i -: . -1 1 L atid led f!i!':i-l wo:s
::--'.:-:i:e .ii.'-.- i.iC'n i'l'i'I. Koeii,
vie:-: -. i'i'i v.-.l c.'.-i iit--ii:.i
- -r.i The iio:.t lii.iiiiiiir
t.u:i ! r--.t ?.f r iu:ijtiy Merely
". wlid" .viiu down
sili.S wei e dts. lliltgej.
T .at--tx.
riii.;.-,'. IleraM.
J'..; er lions, s ;.
Us-J,' whi ro :or
g:-.i!y riip'rior
Lvdvc fe -t c itis
1 orii 1 1 atid '
I e.u;: i::i:ic; vi. ;.
'C oi l;
lilL-1 I -
inij mo ia Ei'g-i."-s for.n J
to i.-id . s!:-jj:iii:r L-ose.-i
r.; w.-;-o fut.d c?.:ive:ii(-nt
ratisp.-.-:. Mid t..e rn-itcria;
-n 1n.oi.-f.1ro, tha littbi ct-
ii :"1
:. 1
:-i :-"' .1
Tr d i 3 i.:id 4. n
Ktd C'io.1.1. run d.s.
it. c. st. jo::
Iiattni.,iit h .
Ii rialte
( ireapoit-
I.ii riatte ...
Belle vae
Otuuh u
-- I
r ' v. y
i :.--U ii
5 :- ..
5 :1 ! a
5 a
1. :') it
C. B 1.
.M.lil ll.
. .is l.:31 u!i
riuttsmonth, Xeb.
. i r,
I 4
fci-i'K- IKMNl
5-jl : ii.
1 .'
U : '." a
' :K a
'J :ini ;t
s :47 :i
B :J." a
I in
C'o."Vs'.ii 1' i'k t?. i ; t 'i 1 1: 1 .
1 ;
1. r
;. 1;.
.! .
I'. !
U. b.
t'!;'.iisc L'xe.'iatiiiP.
. I:
All old I'liy.s.ria:!. : d
tie. Iiiviii- ii..'l pi-.f- ti
Ka-.l Iifli . -li-Mt.i.My
vex. li.uif r. i.ii-oy
n:i? cur" oi r.n sr-i,.
At-tii'iiH. aiid ail II: fi
i-o n p. I'.ivt- el:-! r..
Debility. Jii-d ::U f..-r ; ,i.- . .
liiI tliOiwihiy ti- 1-.; :
fwei in t :i,l:hi.-l- .; i.j.
to initio- it !.':".. u tt. I.--;,
with 1l.1I n iifn-'iiiir-.. ! r.-ci
ami unr, uati n.i u.-,-i""...r7 .
1 loii lor i,,i--mi ni
.1 fr :;: ilCtiv
l l.i-. t.i:.:t
: of .
mm !; ii'itl i'
-.i:.ij. U
1 :nTe
I -r '
el; -.. :tin
r.'t.' c.
it ..:
. I" 1
r "ri-::
!ir. 1.
-te: ;.
1. V.
. t'p:
.1. W. .b in 1:.
r. s. i-... .
A'.orrNi-v li-.
v.. i ' i;-;.--ti.
v. I- . ,iv.
it. il. V. i..
.1. 1-. Ti.vl.i..
1 ll-t . !
! i. :in fi
.1. P. V .
i"-i-.-.vis ! 11
!t. W. 'n- i ...
.'"i-it .:
i'm: ri -!!" - 1-1
ill- I'.Al I' I i '
.!. y . ...
. . . n:-.t. .
. i. l ',Kr.
N. . !i:V::
1 1cm t
:i. Mure.
1 lVifi;r.-.t.h
. H'-Mrlice.
i, ret-ienc.
i' W t . 1 . 1 i t C
I b.-.l:s.
, o:".m-'.
1 .-itit.-uce.
i. t.'tl o jt-t
.11. '
. .-.ii. 1.1 ni--..t
at. v-.'-i-
h'im. r.-dl e r.-lv-.l is. o.i ! M-tu: it 1 ia
Xre ol fiiiriif. by sMj,-r.-s.,nr v it:i si-,; : .
Blitl-ll-cd sell-:".'lt:re---i- i r:.i lopn t '
to-il im. .... it a v.m-.n;..
Itii V'it-ihluwton . . "
- i:et .t.
' "' ey.
. .liiiii. f
. Mvry.
, "n! eiii-f.
. iirtii-f.
JL3 Js.
Furulshe Kreb, 1'ure Milk
19 ill A V I.UIii UilLY.
8peiAl call adteTided to. und Fresh MUk
A . . ",i . a.
1 . ,
.V. . .1. I' l s
' '. " 1 . i .n!ii
t il. 1..
I .. . . S 1..
i .
.1. ii.tii .-. r .i...rii-t.
t i;. l.ivii.L-?'ti,, Oil'u-f.
I. V. ' 1 : 1 ,-ii. rc-i Jence.
'li::nl:ii:i Wi ; ;l,t.
W. II. Srhi'nkiK.-i-lit "
if'. S I-iliM ,i.
H. l:, LIVi:i-;stoii.
C. C. iliilbird,
l !.rr.v,trli b -ird counects Piatt imoutli with
Ashland, ArlinKiR. Lil.tir. Cot'T.cil li uITi, Fre
Mont. Lincoln. 4mah?i MlkUorii Station,
fapillioll. ttllllltriOld. 10Illvill Month UnA
. ."
b'..;--n a-o ca id'aet-.-ry in ni a samtHry j oiut ol
view. Ji said that tiiey iii be m-.'-.l a; ti.esea
si.'.e during the eoniing season, not only for
1 a:!ii.:g hoiirei". but as "resid'tnees" for quiet
Liulnlora of coniempi uive habiia.
tr,i'.l Ai-p inWtb.nta Coii3titntion.
Hark, I hear a bluebird sing,
And that's a s!gu of coming upriug.
Tho bullfrog boilers in tho ditelies,
H-j"a Ihrow'd away bin winter britehea.
Tlio robin is b.ibliu' around bo merry,
I rocko.i hoV drunk on a China berry.
The hank for infant chickens wa'eiietb,
And "fore you know i' one he cotcheth.
The lizard is sunning h.mself on a rail;
Tho lamb is shaking his new-born tail;
The darky is piowins with his stubborn mala
And gayiy- hollers: -tn.-o, you fool;"
King (.'otton has unfurled Ins banner,
And Hconts. the air with sweet guannor.
The d.t.vs grow lo.-g the nighw declitiinf
Tiie liniitn unirner ii nii:i is fhining,
Tne smoky s are now o-i fire,
And every ni-ht i's climbing hig'aer.
The water warm, tha weather fine,
Tiu time ha? come tor hook and line;
Adown tho creek, ftrouud the ponds,
Aro gentlemen ard vagabonds;
Ai:a ai! our little dirty sinnera "
Are d;s-vi:r bait nni cnteliing minrera.
The douwooil bud- aro mow a-sweliing.
And vaP.-r joiifj-ii's sweet are Biiieiiing;
Tho liti! buny b -es aro iiniaminK,
And evt-iy tiling fays : pr;-ig ia eomii g
He t'iv-ests.
Mid-llotown (Del.) Transcript
Thoe who write for sample copioa of tho
Tr.ii.r-eript inclosoa po-t ure ata:vip, not
fo. ,- uMi -atlon. but as an evM- n -e ti.-it they
il.m't t.iko us lor a bald -headed pl.da'ithi-oi.U
wiih a ko' --beaded eauo inid an bivorj-: of
J7iai'tiiii a year, v.l.o is printing a paper for
s.iiii:ao!aeiit and pyiog tho j .-on it for
IMm. 3T. L. j; lyno.j
Gould you liavo s-t-n the vittlpts
That" M i--' lined in her eyes;
Could you hiv? tlu; gldon hair
Aed'drriuit her hil y t:ihs.
Yon wool 1 iiavi- boei. hor tiring maid
As joyfully as 1 ;
Conto ii to dock your littlo quoon
And Kt thj world (.o by.
Had a
Ail t!" IZxicrti Who Know .Yunt
Ltotv 11 'i'hinx Ous!it 'ioliii
Roiir, Can't Do It.
of Payri", tho author of tho
Swci-t lloisie," IliVO boi'U 16-
' tij.-ii.t I t.. h.'.-i wrivf! I.iml, throiu-li 'be cbarity
I of .1 large,-1 l i'i '.i-n of a.ibin t m and
: th.-pr.j .-rs .-ni! j.iibl::.h 'ng a b Iter wi ittvn by
' I'.ivne, vt-airt i'.'ro, in bi'i.'i h; sav.s. 'IIoWt
1 in the In-art f i'ris, Iierliii,
hi,::'ij niiior city, anil have hoard
: ng or bund or in f playing 'Homo,
-,' v. i.h.n.t having a to buy
in-::t i.r al or 11 pi.i t- i.i lay mv
my Mii::
.11. b. !y ;
i -I-. h.i d
: ; WO' 'A
.1 liii.iii
r.t li..-.?
A IliKtorlcal Xlrllc of the La it Cen
tury. Albany Evening Journal
At tho clone of a eultry day io Augtirt a faw
years over a contury ago, Gou. Philip Sdiuvlor
at at the portalu of tho old homenttjrtd on Clin
ton afreet, Burronndod by his family. The
country van till in a tate of aicgo and tmrent
As dui-k grow on & servant, approaching him,
eta td that a stranger at the back pa to wiahod
to xpoak to him. Three of tlio guard attend
ant upon tho g"nera! wore asleoi) in the house,
wLila thro othern were in the garden. Hav
ing hcen forewarned of a riibh to eflect his
capturo, the general hastily boltod doora and
window, and collecto 1 tho family In an upper
room, lit.'foro ho bad fairly time to establish
a dofoiiBo behind bin own walls tho yards about
the niatihion swarmed with tho attacking party,
whom ccrut.ny discovered to Ik a force of
tories and Indians, under tho leadership of tha
notorious John Waiter Myer. To warn the
pcutries in tho garden, and also the town, (li-a.
tSehiiyl.-r lire 1 a pistol from the wit.d .vv. Tho
Imbans thr u burnt in at tho do u s. As tho
third diiiL-htor of th ijeneml was pfe.-upii.g
villi a babe in her arms, one of thu a'.tackniii;
jiaity asked her where win hi r mas', r. Widi
a rare j-. fs -nco of niiu 1 n!i 1 r.-j lied that bo
li .d i.'oiie 10 hlit.-i:: the town. Tho t ti ies wero
by '.bis t in 1 pl'.iiid Jl-iiig 'din liou-e of thy plato ;
ii.i l other vabiablc.-i, boil the ;ii-r:il thrc-.V !
o;ie:i tt- window and in a lo-.i I voi.- Calte!
c-i: Co i jo tiiij my I ra 10 f -il"s, Muritmd '.
tho leiu. e and M--iire th'J viiiians who ai3
A Woman's Reply to Dr. Dix.
Dlx, Com a Weat.
(.'corse i:i!ot a a noukrrprr-OIhrr
Item of Intercut to Women.
iii.; me. 1 1
1-1:11; : lei t-i'', t-i-rry
of pldCc Mid tho til! e J
hoii.-t; w lit t i n.
to l..iiisi .,i by ibiyli
rc-f uri:cd to ( 'iuit.d i.
-.:.b-:s mail ;i pro-
ing 11 way htrge ciiiautiric.-t
-. ".iii db v. i.o wiro 111 ti:-)
They iii.nlo then- way
;;i.t, ii.-id tbeii-buo.y
liii;i. S.-JiuvleralwavH be
lieved lint t'.:t littlo ji.ucii oi -gy s v.-l
bis li'e. '1 be oil lu.iUHioii was bi.iil iiil.liJ
ly.Alra. S Ir.iyli.r during too Hb-e':i-e of (.en.
!-' h uyli:i- i.i P.. .gland. li i ' of bii !; s-ixty ff- '..
f -tut by 1 in t v !i ve dee , is tv.o i-tories v. , li
biiK. uioiit in hoiglit, t-mrmoiiiiU'd i.y d-i: di'T
viii.ows ta-l a t.r.l;itr.ido t xtt udi;:g aro nd
tii j ei.tii ) roof, and bas a cloxod oc'-sgonal
poi-.-h or vt J'ibilio in Irt'Ut. It luces ihr ea -it :s In. 11'e 1 on no 1 1 ..-rated plat of ground,
about l-.vtei'y f-.-ot ubovo tiio lovel 01" tho Ktruet.
In I'r-'tit is" the .!d biovvu-rtono Mtooo with
iii -i, t iron raiiiugn and in ass ora.uricuts. Tiie
h-1! iM .v.-ido a:.d 0.1 fil'-i';r : lo aro u: aciotts
rooms, tne ptin.-i: al o; o l--i;:g -x J fe..t
uquaio. and twuivj fuut in heigiit. In tho
iv.r. on the lctt, ia tho private room of Gou.
K-lmylor. which is -onii..--ted with a retiring
Jo 'in Tins wood-work remains as it was put
in when th ) hoU-.o w is tr.n tod. l'aiieled
wainscoting of iiiii:p;e dosigu extends on r.ll
t:(!'.-3 of tho loonifj and hull); and also pan-led
wood-work is placed over the principal d )ors
and covers 1 humify brear ts over tho luaiitol-piee-H.
C.-'i'iiit os of wood, ttlnborately linished,
Mirround the ceilii gs. In the ilin.iig-rotnu aro
t-licivea Hiippcrted by b.-.uitii'-.i'.ly-cai Ved brack
eta, which wtro prttbably imported from Eng
lii'id. Tho giaiiii Btairi-ase, from tiio ma 01 sa
lonn to tiio necond story, i.i a ma; vol of bounty.
Tiie b.-ilusteirf aro exquisitely carved, i-nr-liiouiited
by an oiegsnt in...boga:iy i.iil. t u tba
uy.p-r fid j of tho rail, about t.i;;i. 'r,r n ii'.rh'i-j
from tho newel at tho foot of tha et.-ircaao, is
mi indentation of about two inches in lonth.
Thin is the mark of. the tomahawk hurien .i
Ilie head of tiie infant l-eiii-; protnetod by her
Bi:ti-r, tho third daughter of tho gen
eral, fro-n a eava,:o monster on the oc-i-a
-:iou nil ea :y il- r.eribud. The rootns
1.. 1 tho second iln- r rro f-iniib'.r to
si r; ji
li'g Ih-i
'J he 1 v:k o!
habit of turi.l
enjoyment." Wo
1 ..tiiei b.-llf-r ILan
i-i H'-en in their iu
r ion
1 il :
f "1!
j . i ii
7 i I I" .- V
I'l .11 t
F. a r gov n"
rU.l ;':. I
! car t-e .
:-.:i b .. .:
-i.oii of :
' 1
liy V,"i
- c'-'cbiit:e
In home.
i i.o Ve'01':l
p; - if ri'. i lie
1 !-:
' :-
Th -"iio
,) (;
: e
ill -.
. i-i'ii-l
'ii.' -.
C. Ji.
. . .. ..1
: .1 ee
it oi'
! ii.
r. 1'
t of
!:lo r.
'iii! 1 !' .ei
i. aiiii in
Mrs. Ji-l:
sh, wno
. Iho
1 - ihn
.!; '.1 ri
ie v'.iion,
I.: os. ,
.: for 'ho
rctv.r-.'-.i i:
-1 ::u: iifa
' become
Ida A. nai per In Indianapolia Beidinol.
"Why -niil women lower! vxb to men's
level -" Dr. Ibx probably knows tho depth
of hirt own level but he need not fear we will
ever .;c-t down to it. O, no, it in not possible.
Why wo hnvn boen ai-king for tho laut thirty that we might stand 011 an equality with
man was that, asido from morality, wo con
sidered that ho flood on a piano u littlo higher
than our own and so he doja, as a rule, and
Dr. L'is i.s tho exception that prove tho rulf.
"Why should tlu queens abdicate their
thrones and go d vn into tho ring, etc. V"
Well, about :;,' H,i'(M in tho United Sla'es and
M;,(KKi in tho city of New York fcot down to
r'.rn their broad ami butter, for queens must
at. A !arg.? number abdicated 1kvu-o hoiiic
bo ly held a iiiort).n,9 on tho throne, which
their wo 1 thl. a husbMi ls wore not able to pay
o!T. Soma climbed down because they got
tired ofitting on a .".tool of ponuuee ami Buf
fering putii.dimetil for Bins which v. ore not
tln-ir own; iind othi-is deseonded beeausi) tl.'-y
felt lonefome so far up above th.iir huil-an is.
To hear tho we!! foil rector talk one would
Biippo-e all wfini'-n were robed in royal pur
ple an ! carried a jeuoiled Hccptrc and sat on a
f;"i.!e!i tnrone, hi'e tho truth is thji. mot ...f
t!ie:n would be f-'!ad of tho privilege to f it
down in a Hplit boUotnci.l chair an.1 rat a iitdn,
on: -e in twenty -four
J -ioi s r .' ijoiiiti of the bins CiiUi.iorated lat.
J views of lifo and the
tlionvhts exclusivulv to
1 " : 1 do enjoy theninclvei
1. y used to, and the result
1 -ed longevity, th.'-ir im
proved physical cuii .ilioii, and tho fact lb it
they retiii ile:r yoi.:.itul into oi l
i.yu. An for s'.-riona honghts, tiii.j is a je-i iod
of uidverral rnii ii : - and uttidy and diligent
labor among this s: . each Htuh us tiie "world
basnever i-.e-.:.i I efo:-. If be visiies Miem to
vt ave and spin and knit, as they u-:e 1 tu do,
lie wid have tj aboliHh all the modern ma
ch'U',! v, and it wouldn't be a bit Burpiiiing if
be really advoi -a ted doing this. If the doctor
v ihes to reo women exactly to hia t.ibte ic
this rospect, be will i'.u l them amoug the Cath
o i- rirt -i ho id.
"Entyiing inio m.-.trimony for low and un
worthy purposes." Educate women, m.iko
them Helf-eupportiug, teaeli thom honor,.! do
indc-pi ndenco, and they will not bo com
pelled to marry "for low" and unworthy p.:r
posep.' 'ihey avoid lirat tho j.iins and next tho
cares and du'ica of maternity." S'eil, that is
strictly a woman's own business, and when
ever a man bo-.;ins Ui tlletato in tliis inat'.-r, I
always long for a ppe :ial dihpeu-atiou of prov
idence po that im may bavo one or two !i: !.-
hiiiif-'If End nee b.ow it goo. Let mi-ei k -e;
Hiieiit on this pubject, or, if thy ppeuk at all,
let it be coi:giatulato tho women of to day
that they are not overweighted with iiiittoruby
as wero iheir unfortunate rrandinoihers.
fcThe Labit of ni.-glnctiiig homo and running
after escitenient" And "is thin charge nialo
ajraiiif-t women, aid by a manV W'ho iH it
that liciiuenls the races, the clubs and tlio
lodg.-V Who is it that visits tho p:imbli:ig
ronU", tho saloonifand tlio houses tt! tioubt'.ul
repn?.-.-y for yoara and year tho wives !; iv
j l.cpt tne tamps nuriiini and the jlrtj t.'aiti;
; Ditii the msy-chair rea !y fortho bu-l andii who
iievcr co'. 10 liome t:li t-vf ry other do u- was
i -l.-..;. i".,r y-ar ! ami yo ira v.onion Ii.i vo sat
; i t l.tuno, lorn iy, neg o.-ted and sa l, f..r ".k-it
j by the one who led ftkr-n thorn aw,.v fitiiii
j olh -r eniiipnniousi.ip, '.dMifiiliy wat.-h:i:g ovr
' the el. - n nn-l c.iofudy f-rforining -..-:
j U'.ny, and, all tho wl.;it, the heart re;"-l'i.i-j
1 I'ver ii'i.l over, tho Rorrowfn! refr iii:, -ir'i v,-
j ft! mo." ir, in the fun. rr, with fewer .-hi
i and lighter lionsclioM cires, v,-m." I'h ids- o
I t;t t-' tpei;d tiicir ovenii-gs ia hinocei.t iimi:e-
1 huso.iii'-Ls Y.;:i h
uV-3 nogrou:.
.or Conr-
tho wife of e:: I rerl.Kint 1 i.lnioro, n;:d sin.-o
that tiuio tho houa i has been occupied by tho
family of J.Ir. Tracer, except for a brief
period, wlun it was re eed. Two notable mar
ji.igea took iilace uiuicr its histerij rafters,
tliat of Alexander Ham: ton, tho first -ooretarv
or' tiio United Stiites treasury, to Eiiaheili
Sehuvler, Kvcontl daughter of tho general on
Decein.-er 14, ITS-.', and that of the widow of
3:..ekicl C. Mcintosh to tx-l'resid;-nt rillmore,
fiiino yearn later. During tho revolutionary
period nianv diVtingui-diod giieats were hatid-.-oTiiely
eiit'c-rt.iinod wit hia its walls, Hiiioiig
v.iioni wo e l'vctj-imiu 1 r.irililin. f-'a.iiuel i 'li.iso
i.nd C-.iarljs Carroll, who visited here in April,
1 v.-i.iie en rout 1 to Canada to liiuieavor to
;.,.-kii:i Io t :o Ca :-.'.ni ns to cuter tho union of
t-' .l.'iii.-s and to ,r . miz a roeubli -an form of
Koei muent. i 777 Horatio Gat ., liui
.orrje, 6 rid R fd.'"?! wers bor.i onterlauntd.
' ff and on r.,.i iv tiiui's ti.t Laf.tyetio was
': . ipitihiy ivtv-.voii ifwe: ,' nl-"t E.i:-o;i .Si-.-u
A t.'e'.i ii.srr, Cou-t tlo Mo-haiubeau, and
;.:ar?v others of iioto.
.icA. t'j Sue of a '-CoStl
.. 1
iiio la
'-In tlli.
te:-r..l.ti :;
"i.ll! Ill
0 Cjul!.
:i on r.ctv at the police st'.ticn bad
i ii. le d miiiii'i; r.n entry in his blotter
it i.sau . in mi i ii-' lifo appioaehed -iii
i:id ask? 1 2'l:y 1 have a few iiion-enta
i-.-i-.'irsa v yon . "
itiiniy, bi:-," sai l tho captain, invitin ;
v.v g- r i::to hU ollice.
of the mater 13, c-.ptavn, tiiai rura
dy ,:
mv-.' at'f lirV" aiTed tho capiaio, in-
all it s-.i-b., if von wisli. This
y ,!!: -):. iy 1 h -.vo known but a tdiort time.
Mid 1 Aiis'led to lehcve that ehe receive. i my
i'liellii-.)!..'. for fhe alWHVS 1 pI'!i--od to
l.a.eiiie cad, dc'lirtd that tho cays were
iiv. ittl !o.:g w 1. I did not come arouud, and
f ii.' ::ever reftif-sd any of tho many presents I
lii.t -e hi-r. To c!:iy l niado bold chough to in
t.m a'.e tiial I would liko to have i;er become my life. 1 told her that all my hoped
were cei.t tred tipoa ti.-e answer to that ques
tion, r-ul what tlo voh think she eai-Jir"
ul ni euro I don't know; women aro Bitch
strange beings, iil.e nuglit have said: Yes;
but for goodness' sake don't say I told you.' "
-No; she said: '.No, sir; and don't vou for
got it."
"I should construe that," said the captain,
"into what wo pohcemeu call 'the cold shako.'"
' "Vea, -that's the construction I vut upon it,3
remarked the stranger, and when nho re
peated tnosa words I fell as if some one was
pou-ing ieowater Cown my back. Now, the
advice 1 want tif you is, as to whether 1 can
have a warrant for that young lady for ob
taining goods under false pretenses, for, yea
see, the falsoiy pretondod that she loved me,
and by that moans induced me to make her
lots of presents "
The captain informal the stranger that it
was very iiriprobabl-i that a warrant would bo
issued ui:d-r the circumstances, and udvisod
Idol to go homo and form a resolution to re
main a bachelor lor tiio rest of hia days.
Tbo Iris" ehir:'0 o Jjr. Iix Is 1
lri.iiii'-iviic.i to divorcs and the t-.l -r.-ii .e-.s
lax ii idoi.s about ii." No voni;.o is y.;-r :,,.
diiTerei t in reg:i! to dirorco and tiiat tney i.rj
eo rerisitivo in l hid matter and look ur cm it as
to s dis-i ace, causes thousan-ld of them
to load lives of i.'ice a".d s.lent hero;s'ij
r.nch, as, if they were known, could p:a -o
them abovo any martyr that over burned at tha
slake, or perishod in a dang. on. The fact that
two-thirda of the divorces granted are to wo
men proves not their indiriereu.?eto tiio humil
iation, but tho cruel and disgraceful tro.itnient
of husbands which drives them to this unhappy
Dr. Dix enll? divorce aa "onormi'yof proferi
tan'iin'' and pronounces a eulogy upon tha
Eiwsof the Catholic church in this relation.
The i'roto tant church does not interfere v.tii
X.imily aiinir:-, which is to i-d credit It does
not object to (hvorced p.-ivo:is marrying p-rain,
-ro.'0-!i:'..':t? marris-'c as tho proper stats' for
men und woriieti. Tie- aiht.Iicci'.arch pernd s
divorce for intds.ity hut does bo allow cither
of th jiartii-s to remarry. Wiiich of the two
rule.-i is the- nio:o conducive to morality' Ji a
CathoUo nc-rr.os of tho churcf it will
permit him to obtiiin adivoro and marry aain
within tho chtiich, consiilerini; as invalid tha
legal marriage because lth parties wero not
of the sum j leligiofi.
However, t'-e chcr. lies cr.n f-ctfle thi? que
:on among ih. m.ielves, as their lighting -u (-i'l-'
are veil-known. If thu ".-ins of V. ii':i.;.."
! e no gv -::t ; t;: .n Dr. Dix has cha.-it. I, int
: to p. iav, why v. j v.-11 not eharc'tho f i'.o
: Soleia rnd tiniorroh f(,r tim-. to
c .true. In tlu mor.nlaiiH. come we?t, in-. Ji-f.
i:te wet, arm tec ts mak" von
la, i
much aloucLi New York.
t SI
se.-iii t j k:
H'.-wz? iillct s n. HonHcliecpcr.
bout the of 1" .Marian left tLo
Could yon have seen thos9 violets
Hide in their Rravwi of snow,
Drawn all that gold ionsr your hand
While she lay smiling so,
Tou wonld t.ead thir weary earth
As heavily as I ;
Content to deck your little quean
4q,tttuo wona ff) vj.
The Art mueeun of Cincinnati, for which
?31o,(HX) was subscribed nearly two years ago,
is to be placad in Edea Tark, among tho hills
overlooking tho city. Tlio foundations have
been laid and cno wing of the building, which
is to bo a tine limestone structure, will proba
bly bo completed tin's year. About half of tho
c e -'ro-pla'o fae-s-imiles of tho art objects la
ttoid and solver owned by the governments of
Eii-sia and HoIUnd, and duplicated from the
c pies iu the Kensington museum, have been
received. Tho complete collection, ordered by
Judvco Honbey two years ago, uumbTS "tX)
r ir-ces, and will cost about $:5u,' H0. A fine col
lection of antiqno arms and armor has Juit
been received from Europe.
A Hint to t?K -ncrte-fc
Yon must not boil soup much, if yon
wish it clear, said lilies Tarloa to her New
York claw's, "a3 boiling sets the limo of the
lone froo." "But I should think that mi-rht ha
the ve-y thing needed for children when thy
re m bones," said a bright-eved lady.
"We 1. that m y lie so," said Miss l'arloa, as
tli'iush a i:ew idea had iinpre-ised hor. "I
sniiposo it is."
Why Jshp Si'rrannd.
Tho residouts on one of the fashionable
squares in Erie, Fa., wero startled by screams
emanating from one of the most aristoeratio
houses in the row. A policeman rushed in,
and with the assistance i.f the family burst iuto
tho room of one of the daughters, from whence
the piorcing cries h id come, (she had been
cn rlinjr her hair with a hot slate-npii.-Hl i,;..k
iii.-j-e.-t iii
tha sn-.-i.i.r
died in i.i:;-
tiiii :d.s i.
; t:i:e
ii: i.;s :
it d. y-.-.o-. i
ran- and her
ber Li v-1: i
evei a' ye.,;-- : 1 1 -.-a
li.r reiu;'.i..-i a: . i.
tcg.' lier ..: GiiiT h lajc. il o3'e:-o l to get a
Lou .eke: per, as not tho houso only, Lut farm
matters, had to be looked after, and he was
always teuderiy considerate of "tie.- li'tio
wench," r.s be culled her. But hi j d.tught.'r
pit erred takins tho whole management of tho
i-iA-.-e in her own hands, and eho w .s its coa-rcientiou-i
and uilligen: in the disc'un: gj of lit r
domestic duties as in the proaecutioa of tho
studies she carried. on at tho sanio time. One
of her chiel beauties was in hor larjce, linely
shapel feminine shaped hands hands which
she has indeed described as chacteristio of
several of her heroines; ; but she once pointed
out t a friend at Voieshiil that ono of them
was broader across than tho other, Baying,
with seme pWde, that it was due to tho quality
of butter nn.l cheese she had made durii'g hor
lioustkeopitig diiys at Griff. It will be reuiem
boreu that ibis is a chitraeteristic attiibuted to
tho exeniplar.v Nancy Laniinctcr, whoso por
unn gave one tiie ide.i cf "perfect, unvarying
neatness, as tho body of little birds," on'y"her
hands bearing "iho "tr-tcea of butter-making,
i hfeCsc-ciu-hing, and t-voa still ccarser work.J
cb. XT'"'i'"lv,-rn 'W'nTftIllow,, .r-'
? itelm-& at -
tlot-Watcr ";:rc Tor SiieKly I'laiiti.
The Eondr.n Florist anks. Has any oae tried
hot water as c restorative for sickly plants?
and thou proceeds to eay that 3L Wdlormoz
some time ago stated that plants in pots may
bo restored to health by means of hot water;
ill-health ho maintains, ensues from acid sub
etances in tho soiL which, being absorbed by
tne roots, act S3 poison. Tho sinail roots
wither and cease to act, and the uppor and
younger shoots consequently turn yellow, or
become spotted, indicative of their
morb.d state. In such cases the usual
remedy is to transplant into fresh
soi't i.i olein pots with good draicag-, ami this
often with the best results. But his experi
ence of several weeks has proved the unfailing
efficacy of the simpler treatment which con
sists in watering abundantly with hot at
a temperature of about 145 dcg. Fahr , naviaj
previously stirrs- tb soil o' the po's so far as
may be done witLou; tiijniy t the roots.
V'tbr is t lion given until it runs from tlie'pot.-u
In hi- exp?. ituo.:t, iks water at Sirs: cam : out
iear; afte-wards it via :.?!'. Iy tinged with
br w i, anu rva an afipieciMbio aci.i rea.'t oa.
Afi.'.-tl is .horoui-rh i-hi.ig, the pots wero
kept v. a rin riid tho J- a-i very stio'i m".do
iir-w- roo's, iMrv.v",n-1 ft'loel by vig-roti
t r th.
Pat had been engaged to kill a turtlo for a
neighbor, and proceeded immediately to cut
off i's head, rat's attention was called to the
fact that the turtle still crawlod about, though
it hd been decapitated, and he explained,
"yiiure, the baste is entirely dead, only he is
not yt conscious of it"
Eicon: Gray hajrs aro the only object cf
"'wWjJtfc3e-ito WW.
Full Biisui !;wra! ircJiaiEuIisc.
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SINGLE AM) DOL'i.'J.J. ( Aiil.'IACi:.-
tha vxli:i;$ rrLL finjj comPlkli: ocrm r.Y calling at tub
a. i w W- r r I i f m
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Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons,
Ami bv co-.-l'-'n.' oursclvei strlctlvto one cIjji ol work; -v rmpiojlg cm tm td XZS"-
of liV'-i ."A I !'1N, u?ir.- nothing' but F1KST-CL ASS IMPi'OV. ! M Alii I N k it Y mil ttio Yliitf
EEfT of - CTi-if) 1'i.MBM;. und by a THOi;oU;Jil K.N 'WLKHijii of the bufciuc"?, we tare
J;: -"!; ." ' the rep'iiatbjii of making
on tl.fiirowa rerpotirib llty. tlve
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Vp-. e aboll-ht'tl tr. wnrr-inty, hi
. r-.. t y wit'a c-a.:h wagon, if to t-r
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Office over Bolomoa Natbau's -Uore, lfiHa BtTlto .SiZKS
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