PLATTSM0UT1I HERALD. X'JCZR.HmIE.: DAILY, drtUcr)! by c:iri l-r in any j'.n i 'i the filj lr Wrrk . . 1'er Mii tli . I'er lwtr... I 15 141 7 Hi WfiKKI.Y.I.y i.iail. i)ne copy tx luoiiltm On?opy ar KelHterrd at the I'tnt n&cr, kecouil claft iiiullur. I'lut t.-:aT. Mi. u PLATTSMOUTH. -MAY 'J, la:;. DENVtu was visited lust niht Iy a hail storm of immense proportions ho Huh inoniin'rt dispute-lies ainioiiin;?. N" cily in the state p-t.- ; .s tli; buii ness energy mid prosperity that Plaits moiitli shows to th; trs v'l ii public. Nkhkaska w ill have u fruit crop this season. There u n sueli thin;; as crop failures in this btat.: in thesn lat'.r years. Coi.okaDo pii pers speak of tin- favora ble crop prosper Id in t!iat .tiie: tlivu is Oiie crop IIktc tliat cait fail pmirie Pkok. CusiiuaxV Fairy ueen Opera' te to-morrow evening in this city i.s worth more than pa-dii;; not:c., and will he a lonjf reniCMuhcre'l event in the amueniut annals. Tiik firt arguiitcnt in t!i tur route cases is cruli' l, an l ths pr"'-'cu;h'i is cl:iinoriuf for an opportunity to iuflict two more speeches on the jury and their lonjf siift'eriiig countrymen, who have beou waiting six months for a verdict. The copiinfj county fair should soon attract tlie attention of our Cass county farmers and stock lr"?di iv. The prem ium list will soon beout and distributed. The officers of the Fair will t!o all that can be done to have the annual exhibi tion eclip3c any former efforts and it rests with the people to make due effort anil in season. The Canadian Pacific railroad must at last be credited with i rospects. The division between ThuiiJer Hay, on the northwest shore of Lake Superior, and Winnipeg, is nearlj' or quit ready for business, while beyond Winnipeg the rails stretch away several hundred miles toward the iiociy uio'r.-.ains. To the east, in Uutirio, tb". liu.; has been pushed from OLt i up toward Georgian Hay, so thar, t-' -:i lship service to supply the uiinsiu link, the the Dominion lias r.iui.ii'.:iiion ser vice on its own territory-;i the ?t. Lawrence and the IJooky luo.-.'itain chain. Canada in giving o.-tu. rable attention to immigrants, a:;l in the northwest especially th.-re is a lively competition for brawn ai.d br:n be tween the adjacent Canadian i'aciflc and Northern Pacific countries. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. New Iowa Railroads. Whatever may be the decree of stag nation in railroad building in other states, Iowa will not fill behind the record of previous years in ls.-sj. The projections hitherto mentioned in the Lumberman, are likely to niaeriv.lizG into positive construction. The do, 0kalooa & Western ro.-.-J. an enter prise leiii pushed by ox-tiov. Merrill, and the Diagonal " line from Mc Gregor to Nebraska City and Council Blurts, -will be pushed neek-aiid-neck this sea.-on, for the purpose of beating each other in the race to Council Diutfs. It has been rumored lately that forces will be withdrawn from other portions of the Diagonal road, now under con struction, and be put on between YVin terset and Council Bluffs so as to have that portion of the road completed be fore Gov. -Merrill gets his enterprise under way. Tli'j Toledo, Oskuloosa .v "Western iu Iowa, goinj ward, will pass through the counties of Pottawat tamie, Cass, Ad or, Madison, Varren, Marion to Oskuloosa, iu Mahaska coun ty, where it will connect vi;!i the I'url inglou fc Pacific, now owned by the Central Iowa, and beinrr built to Keiths burg, III., thence-to Peoria and Toledo. It will be a short route lo Hit- seaboard, passing Chicago to the southward through Kankakee county; but it will have track arrangements with Chicago, over the Chicago, Alton & .St. Louis road. The Diagonal road will cross the Toledo, Wabash & Western at Wiu terset, Madison county, Iowa, from which point, as Ins been said, the Diagonal will shoot a branch to Coun cil BlufTs, parallel with its rival, and a hot race will be made by the two com panies tsec which f-hall reavi Council Bluffs first. Besides these two import ant enterprises, the projectors of the Des Moines, O.,kalooi ifc Southern road are stirriug about extending it frm Decatur south westward to a con nection with the Southern Pacific sys tem, probably at St. Joe, Mo. The Council BlulFs Ac Northern project is re ported as having come to stay. The route will be located at once from Council BlufTs to Crescent City. Bth the Toledo, Oskaloos i c Welter; aud the Diagonal road will important lumber lines th3 first givir Michigan a direct outlet pact Chicago an I the latter furnishing tha Wi-" vis'n mid up per Mississippi prod-ices nrothef way to reach the ti wim trade. Northwestern Lumberina'i. The foregoing from the C!ic.go Luni berunn will gire o-.i people an i lea of the opinion well inform?.! journals have of the Diagonal liue of road, whieh wo hare been assuring our pe p'c is au as sured fact to the Missouri river. It is put down aaiofTgthu certainti"s .f the dny and hour. There wonld be no ob ject in simply building this road o the Missouri river, and there stopping; it is an aggressive line of road; it is not only coming to Nebraska, but it is pro posing to enter our state and compete for Nebrasl and Kansas traJe. It is undoubtedly backed by strong capital, and is annother and distinct avenus to the mart of the lakes, which this coun try cannot afTort to neglect. m iiMfmiwiwrra,- trx ii i oils ior tnis j wnrk An intelllfrcnce &na aclaptabll- in Itwz a hlsh oraer. owic journal. IS THERE NO REMEDY. The daily record of crime as it ap apears each morning in the columns of the press of the country is sufficient to prompt the inquiry, is there no rem edy ? 1 1 is a question f rejeuntly asked, but the magnitude of the evil is so great that it overshadows any attempt to formulate an answer, and the sub ject is usually dropped almost as quick ly as it is introduced. It is thought by many the world is actually growing worse, but is extremely doubtful. One fact, however, is apparent, and that is our knowledge of crime is continually widening. This is owing to the in crease in the facilities for collecting news. In these days of the telegraph and the ready power press, every con siderable violation of the law is Hashed over the wires iu the twinkling of an eye, and when grouped together they aggregate and totalize the crimes of lifty millions of people for one day in a single imprint. Thus they shock the moral sense and become alarmingly enormous. But as the St. doe Herald says in discussing this sain 3 subject, if criinrt is really increasing we cannot fairly account for it by contrai-ting the population of today with that of a few years ago. Some allowance must be made for the rapid increase of great cities. The per centage of crimes runs pre',ty nearly equal with the growth of the population, and that is derived from so many malcontents who drift thereto, that our largo cities may be considered resorts, to which come all who are discontented and evil-minded. But making all such discounts, there j i.s more than enough of the criminal class, those whose works are evil and that continually, who don't feel what a struggle it is to subdue their passions and resist temptation. Probably there are few men, however, just in life, who have not felt the criminal impulse under one or the other provocation. Iu business circles this temptation comes more frequently and easily. The holding of trust moneys is a sore temptation. These financial ciimos are, however, a weak element in the human character. It is inbied in all to make the best of a good bargain and make the best hope of an enticing investment. There are two classes who find the prison and the gallows. The fust is the uneducated criminal class, who place a too large construction on the phrase " land of liberty," and are con stantly and by a law of nature incapa ble of knowing that self restiaint is the surest way to comfort in life. From these and from the drink which they use alike as an incentive and an excuse for crime, and which seems to be a necessity to their immoral natures, they derive a tendency to crime. An other class is the young men who make haste to get rich ; who gamble in stocks ; and for some reason find it con venient to carry revolvers into peace ful houses on peaceful streets. With them, sensual passion is always the provocative. And still another class of murders rank with the suicides. They live in unhappy soli aide, perhaps inconstant quarrel at home, or else a neighborhood quarrel gives a gloom to all their life. The world narrows down upon them until it crushes them together and some one is killed. It would be a study for a wi3e man to de velop a full theory of the homicidal and suicidal impulses, the classes of society they most affect, the religious or irreligious, which furnish the most victims, and then the idiosyncracies which some men endure. The tenden cy to crime has received a fresh impe tus during the past few months, and the world seems full of it. It meets ti3 on every hand. Is there no remedy ? Council Bluffs Nonpareil. THERE 13 A CALM. From the Big Pedca to the Kennebec there is a calm both with the press and savans of the Iroquois persuasion Mayor Carter Harrison is the man who put on the brakes. Now, at this hour it has been discovered that doubtful things are very uncertain; that things are not what they seem to be. Thur man says that Mayor Carter Harrison should receive attention. "Whether he should receive this for his ideas as an Iroquois chief or a3 a chief of sluggers, or of a mayor, ho states not, and the world may never know. Fven that light which throws darkness on the subject of free trade in this country has crawled into his shell and spe'ak eth free trade no more. And now what? Darkness enshrouds the fu ture. Shall all those shrieks which in the past have enkindled the flames of light which gave the flickering rays which induced the hope for the future of the Iroquois be hushed? The cry now comes from the Ilio Grande to St. John's, "Watchman, what of the night? ' Tun IIeiiald congratulates the dis trict court and especially the grand jury upon their action in regard to the bawdy houses in this city. The law and order, home loving and home protecting citi zens of this city.and there are very'many, rejoice in the action taken to suppress crime, disorder and the ruin to society and homes that they iuflict upon any community. The indictments haye been followed with a vigorous prosecu tion at the hands of District Attorney Strode and the verdict rendered i one giving much satisfaction to every one deserving the name of citizen iu the con fines of the city of Plattsmouth. Skxatou Vax AVtck has just writ ten a long letter to the secretary of the interior, wheiein he takes a bold Stand ncainst t h Ym Orlsina Tzniflr nnlhncry hue, to wliich lIicyniTTte nii rii jati nn Avu.n;nA rmun f elsewhere. Fancy eoods at cost. d0nl railroad company in their effort to revi vify a dominant land grant now worth millions of dollars, and settled up by inlustiioiis farmers who have long since supposed they had an indefeasi ble title to the lands. The principal oLj- ct of the sfnator seems to be the calling the attention of the country to the facts in the premises, so that the purchasers of bonds based on this grant to which they have no title can not come in and claim to be innocent purchasers, and avail themselves of the advantages accrueing therefrom. If such a state of things exist as the senator's letter would is time ly and proper that the people should be notified, and we are glad to see a Nebraska senator so vigilant of the public interests. BANKS. Bank Cass County Cottier -Main ami Sixth Streets, -F1 .T-'T'SIVIIOTJ'I'XI8 TTirnz .KMIN I'.I.ACK. I'resiili'iit, ) (J. M. .'AH Jilt.SO. N. Cashier, f Transacts a Benural Banting Business. HIGHEST CASH PKICE I lor County awl City Warrants. i;a l Liioiaptly remitted for. 1)1 KKi.'CTOIS : John Black, J. M. 1'atterson, C. II. Varmele, F. H. Uutliinaiin, J. Morrissey, A. R. Smith. Fred Uorder. 511y John Fit.okhA lI, A. W. McLau;iii.i n President. Canliier. FIRST NATIONAL 33 A. JT DEC ! OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Offers the very best Ifaeilities for the prompt transact ion of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Local Securities Bought ami Sola, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Draft drawn, available in any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rant. State ai.d County Bond. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald John K. Clark. A. K. F. K. Touzalin, '. Cushing, Geo. E. Dovey, K. wnite. A. V, McLaughlin. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. NEB. E. L. REED, President. 1). A. GIBSOX, Vice-rresident.lJ It. S. "WILKINSON. Cashier. A General BanSins Business Transacted. RecelTed, a:id Interest allowed oa Time Certi ficates. DRAFTS Drp.wn available in any part of the United Stares and a'.J the principal cttiesof Europe. Agents for the celebrated Mm Line of Stealers. TIE-IE K. C, St. J.. G B. E. B. LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent Diniag Oars, Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars. 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Atchison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St. Paul. Minneapolis, Sioux City, And all point in northwest, with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City ana St. Panl WITHOUT CHANGE All trains run on time.PonnectinK for all points East, West, North & South. Tickets for sale at all reeular ticket oEQce. Information roirnrdinu rates, timp. Jto Hippr- fully given by addiessdug J. r. MAIIXARD. A. C, Dawks, Ceu'l Sunt, CJcn'l Tass Aen mu De maiioa raze to all mppUoanUTand lo cos. tomers of Uat you- wtthotU oWWidTL UoontSui bout 175 vmffrm. eon mutlouTTrt.i JSSSZ aewilpupna and . valuhl direutloiia for rtsntinv PUntlL FrnltTrM. Mir to Market OardenriL Band f tit fM I taV o . wn . ua u-. boya, well see yrm inter. " I T e Fin e Li mm EASTWARD- I:.ilv Ktir Tr.-iiu for Omaha. Clilca .... Kmhk;im 'it v. St. I.oui. anl all ixiinl" T'-ist 1 hrouh I'M' via IVoiia to I ndiana- 'Horatio. I'tali. California, ainitlif fiiti polis lilt-uailt riillinaii 1'alati' Cars ami Ut-st. I he advent of this line uives the Ir liav t-oat ln-H on all through trains, aud vt ler a New JJoute l the Vst. ith si-en UiiiiriK rarf east f .Missouri Uivt r. , ry and ad vantages uncniah'd elsewhere. Tlir.msh Tlekefo at the Lowest Itatea arc on sale at all t lie important t;tt ions, and lapi;aii will he eht'eked to destination. Any information as to rates, routes or time ta hlt :Twiil he eheerf illy furnished upon ;iiii.-atioii to any airent or to I. H. Kt'MTIM. Oeiieial Ticket Atfent, Omaha, Neh. JUST ! A FINK LOT OF MACKEREL. LABUADORE IIERIilX.G, TROUT, AV ILD WAVE COD FISH, Ason choice ltot' LEMONS JklfflD ORANGES. AVe have a fine htuck of amomE family groceries, Fancy rand? of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have iu ptoc a list 3 of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. &c. All our goods are new and frenh. Will Exchange tor Country Produce. LinsesA Oil Meal Always on Hani Next door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb, M. B, MURPHY & CO. ' si l r BURLINGTON- ROUTE (Chicago, Burlington & Q"ney Railroad.) 5 1 vvr- GOING EAST AN3 WEST. Elepant Day Coaches, Parlor Cars, with Iteciin- Ivolvins Chairs. Inllman Palace Sli-opins Cars snd the famous C. K. & Q. Dininir Cars run daily to and from Chicago & Kansas Oity, Chicago & v ouncil Bluffs, Chicago & Des Moines. Chicago, St. Jo seph, Atchison it Topoka. Only through lino be tween Chicago, Lincoln & Denver. Through between Indianapolis & Council DlufTs via i'eoria. All connections made in Union Pcpots. It is known as the great THROUGH CAR LINE. i Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all Classss of Travel T. J. POTTER, 3d Yice-Pres't and Gen'l Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Ag t, Chicago. grgpg No old stock to work oft". The latest patterns cf FLOUPt. FEED AND PROVISIONS. - Th9 Very Highest Market Pries paid for Country Produce DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. FILOUIS 9 A X At Wholcsnlcand ilctail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see mc. jOpposite First ET. IF. JHJTDEIIBirSTriSCl. in OIL Water Coloi-s. Crayon and Peucil. 1 ni.i - n."'' WESTWARD. Kxirep Trains for Kenvfr. oo. - 1 PailV iifi-iinu in ('iiion l'iot for all points iluM, Tinners' Stool OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY ST.LOUIS,MO ale by J. S. Jake. co:kg north an d south Sohd Trains of Elegant Da.v Coaclics and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars nre run daily to and fr-'in St. Iu:s, via Ilannioal, Quiney, Keokuk, ri;jriin?ton. Cedar Kauius and Albert La to St Paul aiitl Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with Reclining Ciir.irs to ana trom bt. Louis Peoria ana to ar.i from St Louis and Ottumwa. Only one change of cars between St. Louis and Ue, Moines, Iowa, Lincoln, cbraka, and Denver, Colorado. It is universally admitted to be the D National JBank. O. M. FEKH J uu. UeiKUIT MTC'C-r 11 mi-" iisry,g3;2 FEEB9 CALL AT TIIK Old Reliable LUMBERYARD H. A. WATERMAN t M Wholenalo and Retail Dealer In i PINK LUMBER SHIXULEK, LATH, SASH, HOOKS, 1SLINHS, &c, Fourth Street, in'rear olCOpfra House. PLATTSMOUTH, - NKHKASKA JASON STRE I GH T, (Nurrewsur to Mtreixlit Jk. .Yliller,) MASUKACTUKKK ' FINE fi HEAVY HARNESS. A large ltne of Saddles Bridles, Collars, Whips. &c. always In Htock. Repairing of all kinds neatly done on sort notice. Main Stivet, betv een Fourth anil Fifth. O. M. STUKIGHT. IhiriiH-Hi ManaK-r. Ohas.Simmonh. M"tliauical Manacer. 7tf J. LEVY, Will BUY and fcKLL all kinds of FURHITUEE, METALS, IEOU, HAGS A1TD FURS1 Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. Opposite The Old Duke Building. Plattsmouth, Feb. 1st, 1883 4Gtf. 5 o o CO H CO 0 j A GO r-l b 359 P pi i Iv C3 D GAFF, FLEISCHMAN & CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast in use, received fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Trade supplied by j BEXXE TT A LE WIS A j U. I The 1'L.ATTSMOUTII HERALD I'UIiLISIIIXG COMPANY has every facility for first-class JOB PRINTING, In Every Department. Catalogues $ Pamphlet Work LEG-AL BLAUKS, -A.TJOTIOIr Otjut Stock: of J3lci7i7c Fajpers m And materials is large aod ccmplete in every department. oe,X33SE.s :M:A-i:r. solicited PLATTSMOUTH HERALD .OFFICE Subscribe for tTxe JDctilyJIertxlcb Just Received. A FINK MNE OF MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES OF IMIIKCT I WrOHTATION.J A Challenge 5c Cigar, JJH Lilly ni:ol- foi tin- H tall tr: lo J l'X. at Pepperbcrg's Ciar Factory i E . 3 1 "So.? Pi o is n 8 v ') ... . b 'h cs c 75 t-. t s .1 3 S CO 1 o 3 j. "3 a m B o o CO - a "5 3 r. zM i t 1 , 3 3 5 L3 . U -5 y be it- A G tt. a f 5 "J o W I AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S. Plattsmouth, - Neb. G. A. VJSSI-EY & OO'O CE3T IN TliE MARKET. Made OXXYof Vegetable Oil audl'mxi JJccf Tallow, To induco housekeepers to dve this S0&9 a trlr.l, WITH EACit CAR WE GIVE A FINE TABLE NAPKIN This Oiler la inado for a short time only and should bo taken advantage of aONCE. We WARRANT this Soap to do moro wash ing with greater easo lhaa any soap In th market. It has no EQUAL for use lnbarl and cold water. YOUR GHOCER HAS IT. Cr.A.Wrisley&Co. cnioAOO, M&nuffcOtursr of Standard Laundr nd Tollat Soaps. IS i ft 9 If 3