- - - - - """"'""""wiM ,'i 3- 'f I PLATTSMODTH HERALD. PUBLISHED DAILY AM) Vi'KKLY The PlattsEoutli Herald Palilisiiino; Co. Kor CUy and County Direc tory. ll:ti!wAy Time Tables. Telephone Kxchang liili!uv.'t Di rectory, loudness CanM tl nee third piige. JEFF. I. STONE, - City Editor. Notlco to Advertisers. Copy for display advertisement or changes in advertlseiiieuli must be handed in lo lhe business ofllce not later than Mi a. m of tin; hiy lu which they arc to ho inserted. Copy for pay local ami special notices mint ho handc-t In before 3 p. in each day to insure m strtioH. II M I'.r.siiNKi.i., lIuiiicsM Manager. A. Salisbury. Ieiitlt. The Sioux City Journal says tli;it wheat along tho line of tho Xbrask;i division of the Chicago, at. 1'aul, Min neapolis and Omaha ru;td is nearly all planted, and much is up and green. Corn is also being planted ly tho more enterprising farmers. The trial at Deiitrico of Jack Marion fur the murder of John V. Cameron, in 1872, has just concluded, the jury briuginz in a verdict of murder in tho iirst degree." It 1ns taken justice a long time to reach this case, but it finally came. Tho trial of the caso oc cupied thrro days. We desire to apologize for the igno rance of the Journal. They don't know the difference between a note and a bill. If they keep on reading the IIekald, however, they will know more after a while. For their benefit we will say the IIekald never adver tised tho loss of a S-VjO bill. This is "the news late, reliable and full." Our genial friend, Ed. Uaum, is in hard luck. JIo went to the depot the other evening to see his best girl go through on the train. She didn't come, and his right eye immediately went into mourning. Will Cushing has un dertaken to pacify the eye, and it gets worse all the time. Nothing but regu lar eye water" will have any effect on it BOW. Hon. II. E. IJ. Kennedy came down from Omaha today on his way to the state hatcheries, accompanied by C. II. lirownell, the new superintendent, who has bad large experience in the Michi gan and Missouri State hatcheries. Supt. llrowneli will at once be placed in charge at South Jlend.and the work of the state commission bo pushrd without delay. 'Mr. llrowneli comes recommended by the best workers in pisciculture, and the commission has been fortunate in securingso excellent a man to take charge of the rapidly growing state interests at the state hatcheries. ihe Journal "Do you want the news late, reliable and in full. Take the Journal." By a comparison of last night's Journal and the Hkrald of the day before, it will be noticed that the former statement of the Herald is veriGed by t-Ufi appearanco of tele grams in WeoJiday's Journal that the Herald published Tuesday. "Late" yes, they are late so late that de composition has begun. 1. IJ. Murphy has moved his Central restaurant from the opera house base ment into the spacious rooms in the second story of the Ilerold-Todd build ing, one door east of the old court house. He has neatly fitted and fur nishtd them, and as heretofore will always be found prepared to supply the public with all the substantial and delicacies of the season, and we bespeak for him even a inre liberal patronage in his new quarters than that which he already has. Out in Arizona they have a judge who is conscientious in his official ca pacity, and declines to be imposed upon if he "can help it. Upon the applica tion of an attorney for permission to practice in his court, he said : "I will take time lo consider the application. I have been twice imposed upon, and do not want it to occur again. There is no more responsible or sacred posi tion than that of attorney he has the irtercsts and honor ot other men placed in his keeping, and should be an honor able man himself." The Fremont Herald ha received a letter from some one in Utah inquir ing the prospects lor a grocery store in Fremont, and in reply says they have enough and don't want any more. Such papers help to build up a town, they are good things to have in the community, and if Fremont had two or three more of that same kind ol newspapers there is no telling but that it might soon be a second Chicago or New York. Send us that letter, we'll answer it and agree not to inflict anyone upon Fremont. There has been juite a change in tin arrangements at the depot which goes in to force today. Charley Smock who was running baggage between Omaha and Plattsmouth and return has been trans ferred to the run between Omaha nnd Icd Cloud via Red Cloud via Wyiuore Hal lister, who was baggage master at the depot, brings in baggage and ex press on Xo. 12, between Oreapolls and Pacific Junction, goes up again on No. 11, and returns with baggage and ex press on No. 2 in the evening. Johnny Donnelly will deal out the paste boards as usual, and in addition will attend tho baggage room at lent for the present. Don. J. Arnold, ot Drownville, has invented a fire escape, which is clo cribed as follows: It consists of a combination of cog wheels, etc., which are placed in a box about 6x18 inches, which is securely fastened to the wall above the window. To this apparatus a wire rope is attached, which is wound ronud a wheel inside the box. On one end of the rope a belt is attached, which i buckled around tho waist of tho per son who wishes to escape, who then bleps from the window aud is letdown , to the ground. The rope is then re leased, when it is drawn back to the Window by a coiled spring, and is in readiness for another person to escape. ' The escape is to controlled by an in geniously arranged break that a heavy person will descend but very little faster than a light one. The" noise . made by the escape will effectually prevent it being used by those trying to jump their board bill. Mr. Arnold has made application for a patent, 'which will, in all probability, be granted,, as there is nothingHkjeitinJ r i- -. . m . . THE TELEPHONE. Plattsmouth to be Connected with Chicago. AN INTERVIEW .WITH GENERAL MANAGER DRAKE. Mr. 1 Drake, ihc alTale a; d efficient nauager of the Nebraska tele phone company, was in the city yes terday looking after a crossing here for their new Chicago line. For a time it will be what they term a "patch work" lino, made by connections with other lines. Only a few gaps in Iowa rcniaiu to be closed to make tin; line complete, Uurlington being already in communication with Chicago. The 'patchwork" lino will soon be super ceded by a through line from Omaha to Chicago, by way of IMattsmouth, and this wire will only be used by places along the route between Omaha and Chicago. This is certainly an immense stride for a western telephone company to take, but from the enterprise evinced by the fur-sighted gentlemen which coin pose the company, no surprise is felt at the consummation of the scheme. In our own state the lines are branching out in all directions. Parties arc now in Michigan contracting for a large number of poles, and the other necessary mater ial has already been secured. During the summer the following lines will be built: One from Kearney to Minden, one from Lincoln to Crete, and from thence to Ilcatrice, one from lieatricc to Wyomorc and IJIuc Springs, one from Ashland to Wahoo, and one from Louis ville to Weeping Water. Hastings and Nebraska City being operated by private companies, tho Nebraska Telephone company does not touch these points. The reason given for the failure ot the Lincoln line to work properly din ing the past two or three works, was on account of an electrical disturbance burning the condensers. These condensers are a recent invention, being a sort of "cut out" for use at way ollices on through lines. An Indianapolis company has the sole right to manufacture taein, and are so far behind in their work as to be unable to furnish all that are necessary as yet. We will soon be able to talk with our friends in Chicago, and got all the latest news by telephone. COURT PnOCLEDIMJS. Judgment Against the Cily for $1,000 In the district court at two o'clock thii afternoon the jurv empaneled in the caseot Sarah A Collius vs the Citv of Plattsmouth rendered the following verdict: "We, the jurv duly empanel cdand sworn in the above entitled aeusc, do find for the plaintiff and assess her oamages at the sum of one thou and dollars. On trial The case of Holmes Daily. Smith & Uceson for plaintiff, uartigan lor ueleudant. A Fall in a Cellar. Last night, about ten o'clock, a man who works for J. II. Cox, in turning the corner on the walk by Sherwood i new building, fell in the cellar a dis tance of some twelve feet. The noise of the fall attracted Mr. Baker. Mr Cox's salesman, who went to the place and saw at once the trouble. He wen down in the basement and helped the man to 1113 leet. but it had shaken him up so that he fainted away. After little he came too and was helped home by Mr. Baker, and this morning he is feeling all right, and thinks he ha3 sustained no particular injuries. inexsews, or ieoraska Lit v. says that the government tug has gone to Sioux city to bring down the barges and llat boats, which will be a great neip to the engineers at that point. wonder if these boats will be used as a dock, on which these parties will sit wane they hsh for pouts. THE -MEETING At the M. E. Church .Evening. Last What Was Hone. In pursuance to a call issued in the dailies of this city some days ago. meeting of the citizens of Plattsmouth in favor of enforcing the provisions of tho Slocumb'law, was held at the Methodist church. At a quarter to 8 o'clock uite a respectable audience of ladies and gentlemen interested in the temper ancework, had assembled. Af- ter prayer, by Iiev. W ilson, and the singing of a hymn, Bro. Wilson stated the object of the meeting to be the or ganization of what should be known as a "Law and Order society, the object of which should be the prosecu tion of all saloon keepers who should be guiltv of violating any of the pro visions of liquor laws now in force in this state, and also all other offenders against the laws of our state or the ordinances of the city, and the peace and good order of society in general, who would not or could not be reached through the instrumentality of ofiicers elected or appointed for that purpose, and for the further purpose of consider ing the propriety of prosecuting ap peals from the city council to the dis trict court in the late remonstrance hearings had before the mayor and city council. A motion was made and carried that a committee consisting of Bro. Wilson, S. A. Davis. Esq.. and Mrs. Alex. Schle- gel, be appointed on organization of the Law and Order Society, to report a meeting to be held at tho call of the committee. An expression of the au dience was called for, whether or not to proceed with the appeals in the license cases, which resulted in a unanimous vote to proceed. A committee of six, consisting of J. S. Duke. C. II. Par mele, M. Schlegel, Mrs. A. Schlegel, Mrs. Pollock, and D. B. Smith, were chosen to solicit funds to be used in the work. A collection was then taken up, and some 842.00 immediately sub scribed. Alter some further consid eration it was decided to employ A. Beeson, Esq., to assist Mr. Vanatta, and that a committee be appointed to consult with the two learned gentle men as to the ultimate result of an appeal in the license cases; and if in their opinion a decision in their favor could be bad, to proceed ; and if there was probability of failure, that the matter should be dropped. So the matter bangs upon the opinion jrMhej PERSONALS. J. I J. Mickle and J. II. Ilablemun, of Weeping Water, returned to that rural burg last ldglit after completing their duties in District court. The irrepressible Sam Long, of South llexd, is in town to-day on business con nected with his insurance agency. Miss Nellie Stout pper.ds the day with friends in Omaha. Hon. John M. Thurston ami T. M. Marquette went to Omaha this morning having been in attendance at District court in this city. Joe Ford, with quite a corps of assis tants, will take in the county between Louisville and Weeping Water roof painting. Joe means business, ami we wish him success. J. C. Morrisey, our enterprising grain dealer, went west to Lincoln, Columbus, anil other towns on the II. & M. to look after his extensive grain interests. Hon. E. L. Heed, Dave "Woodward, Harry Hate, West Pebble, Frank Fow ler, Paul Marshall, J. C. Tewksbury, compose the delegation which arrived this morning from Weeping Water on business at court. Messrs. Deweso and Trevit returned to the Capitol to-day. Mr. 1). will re turn agaiu on Monday to atiend trials in the tquity branch of Judge Pounds court. County Commissioner Crawford re turi.cl to his home near South Bend. The session of commissioners having ad journed tlrs morning. Mrs. J. G. Hichcy and family will rusticate to-day at Pacific Junction. Will Cleghorn and S. A. Milgrim, of Louisville, made the ollice a pleasant call yestereay evening. They are on dutv at Juduc Pound's court. A MiKKASKA SHOW. Buffalo Bill Beat3 Barnum. We reproduce the following from the Omaha Herald on account of its bein as announced a ''Xebratka production "The Wild West' enterprise, whic! has come into such prominent notice of late, represents as it stands in its unde veloped state to-day, at least .$'50,000 in cash. It will be one of the most exten sive undertakings known in the record of amusement exhibitions, not even ex cepting liarnum's gigantic exploits From one hundred to one hundred am fifty men will be identified with the entertainment proper. and this enormous lorce will rcpresen one ot the most novel and original fea tures of American existence. It will be a stupendous exemplification o primitive natural characteristics, and is expected to be granted a speedy rcc ognation as such in every part of the continent. The entire west has been thoroughly scoured lor fitting material with which to bring a splendid degree ol harmoni ous pcrlection. I rom the Missouri to the liocky Mountains and onward to the sea, and.from Dakota to the inner parts ol Mexico, emissaries have been toiling tirelessly in the interests of the two celebrities, 'who are responsible lor the scheme's conception, and who will share the honors ol its certain tri umphant execution. They are at pros eut hastening all preliminary arranirc ments and are overlooking no point of importance in the vast catalogue of pre paratory necessities. Dr, Carver in the east has found numberless matters to engaga his at tention with. Mr. Cody, at his ranche at North Platte, has surrounded him self with the principal elements of the enterprise, and is literally deluged with employment. On his arrival, the other day from his season s work, he was tendered a reception by his town's people, and in response to a speech of welcome be ssid: "l have closed my past seasons theatucal business, and am now ar ranging the biggest and most nove show tho country can produce There are engaged men well known to the profession and to the country. They are western men, too, such as noted marksmen riders, hnrdle racers, ropers, etc., and 1 am proud of them . I expect to leave here soon, as my sJiow appears in Omaha May 18th. Ill prove to you thai it shall excel even Barnum's efforts at novelty, and when they hear of my com mg tney will an say: "Mere comes Buffalo Bill and the cyclone." This show will be a Nebraska production, and I shall lDok to Nebraskiaus to assist me to start the boem " Dr. Carver and various members of the business department are expected today. The business of illuminating the city with the new printing will be commenced Saturday, and other evi dences of advance labor will appear in good season. r airmont is just now excited over a shooting affair in which a disinterested third party was the victim. Two men Sam Larl aDd John Schriber traded horses, over which thern was a misun derstanding, resulting in a quarrel, nearahverr stable. The two men clinched, and Earl threw Schriber, when Schriber thinking Earl was get- ling the best of him drew a revolver and fired, hitting Geo. Carson, a stable hand, who had gone out to sec what the matter was. It is thought Carson will die. Knight Templars remember the meeti ag tonight. South Bend Letter. South Bend, Xeb. We noticed your snake story yester day from the Lincoln Journal, and that tho Herald may not be behind I give you this item." Last Sunday, Dave Lewis was going up the railroad, about mile west of this place, where he saw on tho hill side several snakes ooking at him from under a rock. lie got a club, moyed the rock, and opened up a largo mass of snakes, and killed fifty two most all blue racers. One, i blacksnake, was six feet two inches ong. rhad. Streight tame down the road soon after the fun and said it was the biggest pile of snakes that he o ;er saw. We had a nice rain last night, aud consequently our farmers wear smiling faces, and as they are most all busy. our merchants, havn't much to do ex cept to go fishing. S. And Ho Sold. The Nebraska City News says there was a man in that town the other day so terribly hard up for money that he was trying to realize on a three cent postage stamp, which he stated was taken from one of Paul's letters lo the Corinthians. The strangest part of the thing Is that he found a purchaser. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under till head, three cent cr Hue each insertion. IO It KKNT'-A good IioiIno hi kmI location - in i ii i n city, iii'iunc ol II 1'itliiier or .1. Vf . JfimlnK". CM 5t ?OU HAI.K Old papM fur naif at this office A at 4o cciitrt it liuuilrcd or 5 cctta per doz en, tt TOJi SALE Four loti together i jjwod loca L Hon lu this city. Inquire at thin ollice tf lO'JND A folding key In a railroad coach In -I tliincity. Owner can lind il al this ollice. Ij'OlNI) A hupch of keys on Chicago avenue Owner can ;t same lV calling at tins of fice anil ayiiig for this notice. 471 f. JOST A Weir nieinorairluiu hook in this city containing a live hiiudied and lllly dollar note and other valuable napcr. Kinder pleai-i return to this ollice and you will be re waided. 33tf WAXTKD To rent a email, neat house ron- tainliig three or live rooms. For mitaMo hiiildiug good juice paid. Inquire at this of fice, to at WANTF.n-A good conk wanted at Stadel 1 maini's rcMaurant, either man or woman. None but a lirtt-elaHs cook need apply. 61U tf llr A.i Ti:i John liauerhas leaed the Stohl ' man place, corner of 7th aud Vine, and is prepared to accommodate lhe public in the way of boarding and lodging by the week or mouth. 4oiii 1 Vr A XT F.l ) A first-class cook at the Central ' lJestaurant, (iood wages and steady em ployment, dtf w ANTKD -Canvassers wanted. Aonlv to J. O. Shannon, riuttsiiioulh. Xfb.. enclos ing utamp for reply. Only live, active parties need apply. Son Iiremner's Co.'s. Crackers at Murphy & Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, at the Dcnta rooms of Dr . C. A. Xi-.ul all, Fitygcral block. 48dytlJwlt Window shades at Warrick's 2t Notice. Warrick has made further re ductio on painting materials. Give him an der and compare prices. 04aO'tCv2t Cottage House; Sixth street, between Main and Pearl, Plattsmouth. Nebr. Keiittcd and com fortably furnished. Board by the day or week. Meals 2t cents. Board by week at r asonable rates. House com fortably and pleasantly situated. Give me a call. S. Weaver, Proprietor. 4fidlm Iiremner's Crackers at Stadlcman's. Miliiv.ny. Mrs. . t.In. -.on x Sv. c:, -, arc n .v re ceiving all the l:Uf .-. y. csi i li iis, Son nets, Flowers. Tips, Kibbcus, vVc, in the millinery line, to which they invite all to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost. d40ml The largest supply of hams, bacon, and all kinds of meats, in the city to be found at Halt & Co. 54 -dtf. NOTICE!! We will Hell Any (ioods at Prices Below TIause Quoted by Coitipetitoa-s. W. J. WARRICK. Asky our grocer for Breinner's Crack ers every time. Take no other. A few of the handsomest patterns of Wire Flower Stands very cheap at J. It. Cox's. 54d&wlmo IJreiuncr's Crackers at Hansen's. fJolo J.l. Young's Tor your cream soda water, mead and otrcu eer only 5c per glass. Largest stock of wall rick 's. paper at VVar- 53 t3 Iiremner's Crackers at Baker's. yv new line or line uress goods con sisting of the latest styles aud patterns just received at Wcckbachs. 23dtf Tlreniner's Lewis'. Crackers at Bennett & Ladie3, your special attention is called to the new line of dress goods just received at Uecklmchs. 23dtf Nothing lost by goiug to Warrick's for wall paper aud window shades. 53 2t By paying1 cash for our new stock of wall paper, lead, oil, Ac., we arc enabled to sell at reduced prices. YV J. 53 t2 YY'aukick. Bremncr'd Crackers at Wirckbach's. Fresh home made candies C-very day 39dtf at the Phoenix.. The Alaska, the best aud mott con venicnt Refrigerator in the market. For sale by J. It, Cox. 43d&-wlnio It will pay you to read Wise's colG umu in this paper, vou may find ins what vou want. 39tt HENRY BCECK DEALER in 3F1 SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., KTC, ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASE; WOODE2ST COPPIITS Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE IS NOW HEADY FOR SERVICE. With many thanks lor past patronar. Invite alt to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 31tl. FDRXTE'HK AXD COFFIXM CITY H)rfiL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, has just been finished and fitted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS, EVERY -THING. NEW-AM CLEAN A GoodBar ,a cTeuX:Uh th ERNST WAGNER Practical ArchitetT AND SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL WORK A SPCCIALTY. 1'l.ins and Specifications will te carefully carried ont. and full attention will he Riven a to safety aud durahility. lussoxs o. p.ftivrixu In Oil, Water Colors, Crayon aud l'eneil. Ofllco o rcr Solomon & Nathan' store. Main St Of going to Omaha for Wall Paper, AND When you can buy tho same for TRonev at home. less Window Shades iV'-in 1. 50 to .s:.00 Ter Pair. "Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure, 1.10c. A large invoice of Alahastinc just re ceived. All shade-. complete .tock always on baud. 10e. c. "To the Front," :$ for for Tobies ftry theml 2 "INNOCENTS AliROAD," the boss He Cigar. " PANE-TELL AS,"' the Doss 5c cigar. Will J. WAIUUCK. AGENCY RUB WSMGE COT ci r if London, olJEKX, VJ LivL.i. EUND, of Calif ir-i.ia EXPRESS COMPANIES : AMEKICAN EXI'HESS CO., WELLS, KAKGO & CO. EXl'KES.9. Ofliee in Jlockwood Block, with Joliii 6-.Ii.-m o.'i Bros D EAI. Ell IN .MEDICINE, P VAX FUil Ell Y S, Oils, Paints, Bkusiiks!, And in fact everything1 contained in a lirst-cliss Drug Store. Pre scriptions carefully compound ed. Competition met in all departments. Cor. Main- a-i Third Strkkts PLATTSMOUTH, NEC TT Has ransacked the market for nobbiest and best line of the CLOTHIIvTG. Ve can show you all that is de sir-able, and don't forget that we will never be undersold. Everything in HATS, " SHIRTS, GLOVES COLLARS, CUFFS, NECKWEAR, Just received. For riht goods at right prices o to C. JH. Wcscott, The BOSS Clothier. Rcekwood Blo cl. 2To Humbiig Here! Can Outsell anj One Trice Clothing Outfit in riattsnionlh 335T 25 PER CENT.. AXI) STILL MAKE MONEY. Botli Here ana at my Brancli Store AT LOUISVILLE, As I Buy For Cash. Kincniler the above statement. C. G. HEI10LD. , A. II. KELLCK, I'll G. M. I Graduate in rHAUMACY AND MEDICINE. Oflfioe ill Perrv's drue storj nnnntltn th TVr- kina houne. SEEDS Our iJtTe Aitnrrv GCTOB drfvriliitiir Co(' Hi liable Strt$ 1 Mallinl Frre to AIL Wc oner thf ltrt 'rr-Jt .... M and V hgL, mid th? Hr.t CWfyJ ot ' VwretMhlw, iSEEB POTATOES, Corn. Oat A Clothing, Nevei- TTnclei'&'old. Still undersells any ol his been uu old c.mmvsi i uij) lit cd ( 'lothier ever no rents and buy, pays ReinembiT tho Tvenly SAVED 15V MJYIN; OF III M. have aiiit'!, ;.iu J Dry Goods Die (Jools, Tn'liiiniiii Etc., :tt i.owKJi any oilier house in lhe country Also :i full line ol' rocenes 4. at prices to defy com eth.n. W. II. or DKS MOINES a OMAHA OX ACCOUNT OF HIS Immense Practice in WILL MAKE I' IS Saturday, AND WILIi ItKMAIX 0SK DAY, AT WHERE HE CAN I3E Ear U Eye, Tint k Lungs, GaM, lkm Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Has discovered (lie great---l euro in :!if v.orl.l f ucr.i.wj upuidmCT, iiiipoiruty, em-rill ut-Miu v, i "-"'' ic ni-aii, uiiiiuiiy. ut-iiium z. iiii!,i:.-vH ol hnni or L'Klil iik's. ii;aM-ii ol the boid throat, nose or akin, aflct-lioiis ol tun liver, lunai-. ton.a:k or loweis-th-.e tf rrible dmordera ari;iijg rrom solitary habits of joutli -and f--rft jraf-ti-' moi ltal to tlie victim Oimii th hods of .Sjreus to the niaiiiit-f cl L lytisos, Miiitiiic tli-Ir nioi-t lailicnt hopes or abliciuatioiii rcmiering marriage iinios:ibe. lliose tiiat are hu.'ft-iiuy lioni ti;e evil practice, which destroy their Mental and Physical system, tausini ' NERVOUS DEBILITY. The symptoms of which are a dull' digressed mind, whleli unfit them for neriormine their bus- inei-s ana social uutief, mar.es h:i()y marriages iniporcitilf. !iire--e tiie action of the heart deuression of hpirits, evil f.iiebniiins. cowai.lic-i , iireams. r--l lest tjiv-titn, dizluehi. for- Kettulness, unnatural discliar.'eh, piu in tiie bkek and hi;f, short b eathiijj;, rueiancUoly" tir easily of company and have preference to be aio.i". feeling a tired in tiie iiioruiii; as when re tiring, seniiual weakness, lt manhood, while li,ue deposit in tne iu mc, nervousnesiAic-mblinjr contusion of tliotight. watery and v.eaK eyes. opepsia, euii.iip;.iii)ii. palenes, paioTiid weak ness in the limbs, etc., fcliowd conxult me immediately and be restored to perfect health. YOUNG MEN Xio have become victims of solitaiy vice, that dreadful and dc-tructive tial.it which &nnua1Ir f.v.-ep-tt an untimely urave tliou-ands i ouii' n:en of txalled la;ent and brilliant aaellecl who nihzht otherwise eiitrance listening henators Willi liie t'iu:.:ei ul ittcir eloouence M fken to eestaey the liviuit lyre, mavcail with eoiitiueiice. MARRIAGE. Married persons or young n en conieii:jl.itii ruairiah'e beware ,f iiysical wpHkuen. Lm of pTocreative power. impotei:cy or any otner ilisijua.iln-alioii spc-edii relieved. He who plee himself under the care of Dr. h ishb!att may reiiioasiy tonhdu lu kis iiouor a-s a gem leman, and confidently re!y usmu hi skill as a pli sician. ORGAN AL WEAKNESS Immediately eured and full vigor restored. This distressing affection, which renders life a bur den and marriage impossible, is the penalty pael by the victim for improper Indulifeuc. Vounj? men are apt to commit exce-ses limn not LeiuK aware ot tne drealful eocseUencea that may ensue. Now whu that understands tnin sulji.ct w ill iic-ny tiiat procreatioa is lst sooner iiw those falliiiK Into in. proper habits than by t he prudent. liesidcH bein deprived ot the pleao uies of heailhy olTspiiuirs. the jhcaI i i-!;1 iiLu dealluetive u.ptoiitH cf Loth mind and body' ariie. The system becou.es deranged, t'ut pliysical and iiicnlal jnei weai.eu lost procrea tlve poweif, nervouh irntati.i'Uy , uptla, pa.uat..n c l the heart. indiirebUoii. eoiitllu tioual debility, wa-stin ot th" , cuu'li eoi;uin;itinn and ileatli. A CURE WARRANTED. Terons ruined in health l unearned pretenders w ho keeps them trlflinc month after month taking poi-onou aud injuiiou enmpounus. sliould npply immediately. DR. F1SHBLATT, graduated at one of 'he rnot er-ilsent college in the L'Dited states, h.xs effected notue of tb mot atoui-h np cures that were ever knowu. Many troubled with' ringing iu the ear and head when asleep, jtrtat uervousners. beint: alarmed at eertaiu i-ounds, with freuueut Llushliiir aitenucd eometime wijn uetanpemeut or the mind, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICUAR NOTICE. Dr. F. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper Indulgence aad iolltarT. habits which ruin both rnind aud body, unfitting them for business, Mudy, aocietv or iiiatriaki i There are some of the ad. ineloneholy effects prudtced by tlia early Lablu ol youth vu Weakness of the bank and limbs, pains In the head and dimness of Might, loss of musoul-tr' now err. palpitation of the heart, dyrpep-ia. nervuu irrilal llily, derangement oldhientive louetu.n. debility, consumption, etc. - . ' PRIVATE OFFICE, OVER i.u.3tLiMiuj rnra. cnanres moderate auu .i ... .i. i. . . .ii i . . i ... i i . . . . . uvu inruiiKU iu man uj siiiipiy t-uu img lifzit j lil,fr lict llnr ;u (Imalia. Ni-1. Clothing, rs by "5 percent. Kea-oiu why, he hut i m e ih.il, kiioWH now to bii s for ca-h. - Fiv Out. Saved (ht w. Jl will ontiiuir t sell 4 ilOilS tick i;.s t! win Uueensware AND Yours Iiespclfully, BAKER Tin: MEDICAL DISPENSARY S, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, NEXT VISIT ON ay 19, !883 TIIF CONbCLTED ON THE b)i(.-k and limb, Invol. im - i voiishcm-, laiifour, ciiiiriinioii ol UW-jik. talut- OMAHA HAT'L BANK. wuniii tne reatn or all who titl iu..tia prompt attcu- uipiouib w It u poslaue. . . 1 k lo LATE