PLATTMOUTH HERALD. DAILY, tlollvored ly carrier lit any art of thr city P-rWfrk 11 ter Month t ea 7 h WHKKLV, ty mail. One copy ii.t rnonths One copy one ypar . 2 ou KfgUtered at tl Tost officr, IlattHinoiitti, a ecuuil elu.11 mutter. I'IjATTSMOUTII, ilAY 2. lets ;. IIo. James Laird pasped through the city to-day en route to the bosom of Lis constituents In the Shroud dis trict. While the Journal is demanding the abolition of our night police, the Her ald moves that the merchants and business men of Main street throw in and assist them in rigging out a suita ble and appropriate uniform. Several of the oldest inhabitants are confident to-day that there was never experienced such a drouth before, not withstanding the terrific shower lat night. Every saloon in the city i closed. Kelly, the alleged Phoenix I'ark murderer, has been twice tried, and twice the jury have failed to agree, whereupon the third trial is immedi ately entered upon. A mis-trial only subjects a prisoner to a second trial, without delay. There is a movement on foot to make Senator Joseph E. Brown chair man of the Democratic Congressional Committee, and thus side-track the military politician, llosccrauz, and the movement is hailed with enthus iastic approval thoughout the south. The Louisville Courier Journal "is very savage on Mayor Harrison, of Ohicago, for making hi disturbing speech at the -Chicago Iroquois ban quet, while Hon. Dan Vorhces, of In diana, says "Carter made the only sensible 6pcech upon that memorable occasion.' There is one piece of work udjacient to the city that should be completed ' We refer io the road from Chicago ivciiiK- e&at to the C Sc M. shop, on the nouth limit of the city. It has laid half completed for six month, and should by all means le finished. The base bill' leason is opened Yesterday league teams met in contest and the sporting battle that will mo nopolize much of the press dispatches for the next six mouths, is commenced. In the opening contest Providence, Chicago and Cleveland were the victors. The Herald note that a delega tion of Nebraska City capitalists have been visiting Des Moines and holding a conference there with citizens inter ested iu the Diagonal road. Platts month City and its Board of Trade must not lose sight of the diagonal. "We need it in our business. "There is a tide in human affairs, which taken at the flood, etc. That state of things has reached this com munity. It L the duty of each busi ness man of the city and community to avail themselves of the opportun ity to forward their and the county's interests. To become populous to bn great to be self-sustaining, we must use our capital in such manner as to induce other capital to seeK our city, make other points seek our streets and shops for our goods and wares. To do this we should foster home industries and manufactories, and all other enter prises which tend to build up and de velop our country. Let all think of and act upon this plan. The Hearld notices many promi nent legal gentlemen and genial fiiends and acquaintances from abroad attend ing our district court. Prominent among these gentlemen are Hons. Geo. W. Covell, T. B. Stevenson, and Albert S, Cole, of Nebraska City; John M. Thurston and J.L. Webster, cf Omaha: J. W. Dewese, of Lincoln, and others, all of them "hale fellows well met, and good able lawyers. Years ago, when a boy, and when these strong men a:id sound lawyers were most of them boys, wt used to meet the old aristocracy of tb Nebraska judiciary, among whom were O. P. Mason, Wm. Little, Wm. McClellay) and one McCrackln (first name omit ted), and T. M. Marquett. Geo. May Willet Pottenger, J. M. Woolwortb A.J. Poppleton. and such men Of this old regime, T. M. Marquett, Judge Mason, and Messrs. "Wool worth and Poppleton still work In the harness and assume their part and portion of the drudgery of the Nebraska prac tice. Nebraska, today, by bench and bar. Is the peer of any state in the northwest. J Ho. 8. G. Owess has furnished some interesting statistics regarding the na tional banks and their currency in the three states of Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri. The figures are very compli mentary to our ewn 6tate the youngest and brightest of them all. The number of national banks in Nebraska is33,Mis souri 33, Kansas 26. Amount of capital invested in Nebraska $2,310,O0O,in Kan sas fl.675,000, in Missouri $3,400,000 giving Nebraska the lead in numbers and a large excess in amount of capital over Kansas. - Tiik civil service commission have appointed one Keim, as chief examiner of the commission. This gentleman was recommended to the commission ers by prominent politicians of both political parties, having the recom mendation of such mon as Pendleton, Bayard, and Jones, of Fl&rlda, all Ignited States senators, and all demo crats, and al io the recommendation of republicans like . Logan, Anthony, Ilawley and Cameron. Since this ap pointment the commissionaire said to be very much perturbed on account of the newspaper criticisms made upon this appointment, and all because Mr. Keim is said to be a prominent local politician from Pennsylvania, and one of the Cameron school of stalwart. It is claimed by the commissioners that they gave Mr. Keim a thorough examination, and that his qualifica tions were all that could be asked; also that his recommendations were first class. The civil service act was enact ed to secure the appointment of fit men us public servants, and to uproot if possible the pernicious practice se prevalent among our congressmen and senators, of jobbing and bartering in appointments and patronage. In other other words, the people have experi enced great difficulty in comprehend ing just why a man, because he has happened to be chosen to congress or elected as a United States Senator should own and control, his personal property, all the other offices in his particular neighborhood- or district. This tendency upon the part of our public men to embark in the broker age business is one of the evil features of political system, which ha3 become bo apparent that the public have de manded a change in the manner of civil appointments. To illustrate it: If A waB so fortunate as to be chosen a member of congress, the common plebean can see no reason why he (A) should have the control of all the small offices in his district, with power to import his pets and under strappers, and remove worthy men from positions over which by rights he should have no control, and all sira ply for purpose of his own aggrand izement. Experience has taught the observant student of events that the averago public servant who thus at tempts to clothe himself with greatei power than that which naturally be lonus to him by virtue of his office, is soon understood and relegated to the shades of private life. Hiese civil service commissioners cannot create a: elysian on earth, but they can, if they are practical men and the administration sustains them properly, do much to point the way to our law makers by which the service can be purged of many of the evils which today degrade it. And the only sensible thing, in the opinion of the Herald, is for Mr. Dorman B. Eaton and his colleagues to go right ahead and enforce the celebrated Pendleton law to the very letter, unmindful of newspaper criticism. Green B. Baum, commissioner of in ternal revenue, has resigned; it ap pears his resignation was a surprise to both the President and the Secretary of the Treasury, Judge Folger. Green B. Baum is a very prominent citizen of Illinois, and has been commissioner of internal revenue siuce the days of Rntherford B. Hayes. TnE latest foreign dispatches an nounce a movement toward raising capital for the purpose of putting an other canal across the Isthmus of Suez. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLjI cksjij th HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRING All Ilfils 9f Farm implements Mendel will Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing, n short, well shoe anything that ha? four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. 1STJBTW SHOP u Filth St. between Main an 4 Vine Streets, jst across le corner from the nbw HEKALi TENDERLOIN Meal Market, LAFE (NEIL, Propr. Beef MnttOfllPort Veal- CMctens. &c, Constantly on hand. Also, all kinds of UAME in season, and ev erything kept in a FIRST-CLASS MEAT SHOP ? At lowt possible rates. North Side Main St., bet. 4th and 62y PLATTSMOCTn. nkb;i LYON&HEALY Stat A Monroe SU.. Chicago. Will mi prarauj to aay AAnm lUr i AMD CATlLUDUEi I far IM. XM rtm. HO fcafrariap of IMruaoh. ball Capa, Balla, "HaaC Kaa4 Onlkla, HanaMaa; nalaj aa nocda iuaewaai aaa w I tm Al.ll mf Haauth aaa" a UH UMs, 0 at tW r 4 i mm & a irm-w m BANKS. JOH.V l"IT.iK.KAl.l, A. W. Mi.'LAI'CIII.IN I'rrsldfiit. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OK Pl.ATTSMOU'Ilf. NKHKASKA, Offi'Mlli: vt-ry best f.t ililii-s for t h prompt tranatlou of lfi'.lttiiiatf BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, HoiiiM. Gold, Government and luteal Securities KoiiKht and Sola, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Cerlin eaten. Draft" drawn, available lu any part of the I'nited State and all the principal town oi Europe. Cullriti'M made d-promptly remitted. Highest inaiket prices paid for County War rants, State ai.d County IIond. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald John It. (.Mark. A. E. Touzalin, It. C. CiiKhing, Geo. fc. Dovey, F. IS. wane, A. W. McLaughlin. Bank Cass County Cotnt-r Main and Sixth Streets. PLATTS MOUTH' JOIIN P.LAOIC. President, I t J. M. PATTERSON, Cashier. 1 Transacts a General Baling Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid tor County and City War. ants. COLLECTION MAUE. and promptly reinftted for. DIRECCTOKS : John Black, J. M.Patterson, C. II. Parmelc, F. K. Guthmann, J. Morrinsey, A. B. Smith. Frod Gorder. 611y WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. V. A. GIBSON, Vice-rresident. Ji. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Backing Business Transacted. OEPOSITH Keceired. and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. Drnwu available iu any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Ayentx for t7te celebrated Haiin Lie !of Steamers. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, ha just been finished and fitted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS, EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar i 27tf. FRED GOOS, Propr. Tie Fairite II THE E. C, St. J.. 5 C B. R. E. Safest. Best ani Most ReliaWe LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent Dining Oara, Elegant Day Coaohes, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars. 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Atchison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux Oitr, . And all points in northwest, with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City aM St. Paul WITHOUT CHANGE AH trains run on time, connecting for all points East, West, North & South. Tickets for sale at all regular ticket offices. Information re(r:irilinir rati time x t rhpor. fully given by addressing d, f . ilABNARD, A. C. Dawks. Gen'l Supt, Gen'l Pass Agent, ERNST WAGNER Practical ArchitetT AND SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL WORK A SPCCIALTY. Dans and Specification will be carefully carried out, and full attention will be given aa to safety and durability. LESSOAS OX PAIIYTlXft la Oil, Water Colors, Crayon and Pencil. Office over Solomon Nathan11 tor, Main St EASTWARD. Daily r.x)i-fss Trains fur Omaha, i'lli.'U PO. Kansas City, M. I.oms, and nil l.oint Ea.t. oolis, J lirouKii cars via reoria io iiiuiana lollS. J-.legaiil l 'Ullliiail J.iiaif l.tia Davcoachei on all through trains, DiniiiK cars east ef . Missouri ltiver. j ry and adtanlagcs unequaled elsewhere. Through Tickets at the Lowest Kates are on sale at all tho important nations, and tingR-ane will be checked to destination. Any information as to rates, routes or time ta ble will be cheerfully furnished upon application to any aent, or to i I. H. Kl'MTlN, (ieneral Ticket Agent, Omaha, Jeb. A FIXE LOT OF MACKEREL, LAliKADOKE IIEItUING, TROUT, WILD WAVE COD FISH, Aso h choice lot of XET01TS -A.1TI3 OEANCES. We have a fine stock of aMQIB FAMmY GROCERIES, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In etoc a lino line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. &.c. All our goods are new and frenh. Will Exchange lor Country Proauco. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani iS'ext loor to Court House, Flattsmouth, Neb, iiaKw3H, Mm B, MURPHY & CO. V . . I I I I II,. x v UiUJ J V . v X lmm 1 I I BVaak. I VMt f f S S resli CS - No old stock to work of'. GLASS .A-IsriD FLOUR. FEED The Yery Highest Market DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. . r "BURLINGTON- ROUTE" iwnicago, Burlington GOING EAST AND WEST. tleeant Day CoacUes. Parlor Cars, with Reclin- an CnS ?, vo the famous C. 11. & Q. iJining Cars run daily to and irvm unicago s Kansas lty, cmcaso t ouncil Bluffs. Chicairo & Des Moines, t'hicac-o. St. .T- seph. Atchison & Tonelca. Onlr through linf h. twen Chicago, Lincoln & Denver. Throuph crs between Indianapolis & Council Bluflfs via Peoria. All connections made in Union Denot.i. ItTa known as the great THROUGH CAR LJXE. Finest Equipped Railroad in the n. J. POTTER, 3d Vice-Pres't and Gen'l Manager. A X 1 Its -S At Wholesaleancl iHetail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me. Opposite Fiist National iBank. WESTWARD. D.iilv hrre hri-e I rains for Denver. CO 4 , i.citn.t' in i nion ien, n iur an poinis - I ('!,!..! .i.l.i t i.ili. Csilllnrnln. :inii the entl ami' wesi. I lie iimeiu iu urn nm; n iu. ira and velcr a New Koute to the West, with scene M Tinners' Stocl OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY ST. LOU IS, MO Sale by J. S. Oiikci. rooeries The latest patterns .f QUBBKSWARE. AND PROVISIONS. Price paid for Country Produce & Quincy Railroad.) i GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trair.9 of riot-act Dav Pairtw ut.a J"? SfeePl-? .rs. are r,m daily to and from Kt. Ijviis. vi.i Hanrtilml Oninrr rmlni Hurlinrton. Celar lianids nnd Mnort f ea'tn fit.' I'aul and Minneapoiis: Parlor Cars with Reclining a cvi iiviu ot. iritis auu x eona ana io i.-vui ci. iuui ana uiiuinwa. Only one caantre o: cara netween St. Louis and Desi itioiues, ioa, uncoln, jSebrasltA, and Denver, Colorado. It ia unirersaUy admitted to be the World far aii cia !AC r-.r Travel FERCF.VAL LOWIXL. Gen. Pass. Ag't, Chicago. D ID CALL AT TIIK Old Reliable LUMBERYARD I. A. WSTEKK1I k M Wholesale and Kititil OHlfi In PINE LUMBER SHINTJUN, LATH, SASH, noons, KLLNDS, iVc, l'oiirtli SI reel, iniear olIOera House. PLATTSMOUTII, - NICHKAbKA JASON STREIGHT, (MueeesMor to Btrelj;lit A Miller.) OF FINE g HEAVY HARNESS. A large line of Saddles Bridles,- Collars, Whips. &c. always lu stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly done on sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Fifth, O. M. STKEK1UT, llut-iueHM Manager. Ohas.Siji.mii.ns. AW-hauical Manager. VI J. LEVY, Will BUY and 8ELIj .ill kimla of rUltJNlTUltiL, METALS, IRON, RAGS A1TD Will sidvanct! lamiej' ill SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main htrct-t. Opposite The ' Old Duke Jinildiny. riattsmouth, Feb. 1st, IsH:: l;tf. o o 0 a CD CD i C3 & a W CD r-j CO H CO to W4 H (!) CO SAFF, FLEISCHMAN & CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast in use, received fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Trade supplied by BEXXETT & LEWIS Ay t. The PJ.ATT.SMOUTII HEM ALD every facility In Every 5 H 133, Q 3 S CD &w fi- u P b Getalogues i P LEGAL BL-A.lriCS, ATJOTIOISr SALE Oizr Stools of JBLctiiSIc JPajpers And materials is large and complete in every departux-nt. ORDERS 2&jLt3Lj SOLICITED 1'LATTSMOTJTH HERALD .OFFICE Just Eeceived. A I INK I. INK til" MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPHS of niiii rr i imiiitatio .. A Ch;HJcngc25c Cigar, S i.i!:'. in. ill.- I"i Hi-- i i it i ia ;. i .' - It' 7 - c . 14 a CO 'Z 2i -3 a a a v at a o h. ZZ i- c! 71 oj E P O 'S. h a o o P4 o -- .1 5-" 73 M -S 2 5 ! r3 J. t 4 h. . 4 'il n R a "3 a f 3 c a, 33 a Q, Si aWAlVlUPACT I JKI N it A XI) AT ?.l! -1 1 S(mS ' If- ' .A. - . ' 7.BiKaa s--K Pla Usmouth, - Neb. O, . 17EJS3LEY & GO'S Vti TKE MARKET. 3I:t ONLY at Vegetable Oil nud liu(s Jiact Tallow. To induce housekeepers to ciro tbl3 Soap a trial, WITH EACH BAR fmwps V.': r.JYV. A V1P. VaPJ TAIiLi: NAPKIN E This ".Tcr J-. juado for a short tlmo only dad siiould i-o taken advaatao of at ONCE. VoV,'.M:H .N"T tJiIa So.ii to do laore wash i:.;j v.-if.h t-?.,;o tha.n nny 6oap in the iu.-irk,t. It Las ao HQ C Alt tor U60 la hard ad co 'd water. Y0U3 C22SEH HAS IT. aA.lTrislcy&Co. P.5srfj:v?.vt:..r3 cf Standard Laundry PUIiLISIUX'i COMI'ANY has for J.rat-cl:tss Deparlinent. amohlst Work IBIIilLi BILL Sherwood'S, in V m43 mmrMbMW r mi " m a mm tmm KM n COMMERCIAL Xa 5 on fc o a.