fce VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APKIL 25, 18SJ. NO. 51 J. I. SIMPNO S9 AGENCY FIRE INSURANGE GO'S: CITY, of Ixmdon, QUEEN. of Lavcrpoo FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPRESS COMPANIES: AMKIUCAN X TRESS CO.. wells, vaiu'.o & co. ExritKtw. Office In Kockwood IMock , with JoUiimou Br OH 6tl tin For Sale ! N E I, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S E Soc, 3, T. 12, TC. 13. S. W. 1, Stc 3, T. 12, 11. 13. and NX X. W. Sc, 10, T. 12, R. 13. EJ S. AY Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 13 E A, Lot 10, I Muck 2S. " 3, " 51. 7 & " 23. S A, " 0, " 11. Duko's Addition. Tho above described farms are fur sale onjiijj time, with 7 per cent, interest. Apply to H. P.. WINDHAM, d'.Uf P!attinouth, Nel. TENDERLOIN LAI' IS O'LsJZIL, i'lopr. Beef Hnttonl Pork Yeal.CMclens.jtc, Constantly on Iiand. Also, all kinds of UAir. in season, atd ev erything kept In a . FIRST-CLASS 91 EAT IIOI T At lowest possible rates. North Side Main St bet. 1th and Say TLATTSMOCTU. NEB3 mm mm mm mm mm Our l-arge UAROCN CTDH A I I II V" deiw-rilin l olm'm KtltabU &eU ArhllA'' Hllcl f All. Wc mm I If II offer thf lt't A'avtlttet in w mmmm 7 MEED POTATOES, Corn, Oats mid Wheal, and thm Brit Cotter Hon of Vfr4able. Fl.nrer, liminaiiiiTnvSKED. Everrf hinif i tci-trd. JUJrw IUU: A DUO., bcoUmco, i'KLLA, IOWA IP. J. IfflANSlEN, Deai.ki: in Groceries. OI.ASS AliD ftrEESTSWABE, Also Choice Brands of Flour. Agent for the German Fire Insurance Co., Freeport, 111.; German "Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, 111.; Manhattan Life Insurance Co., New York. Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, QF ()MAIJA. Hry Insurance Policies Issued in the English ftnd German Languages Steams hip Tickets sold from and to Europe over Hie Hamburg American Packet Co., and the jMorth-German Lloyd. Agents for 100,000 acres of land on the Northern Pacific railroad in Dakota. TT n TO" Corner Pearl and .!. -.. t ?: i. Lumber, Sash, BTJIXjIDIHSTQ- PAPER. . Zaoinrectt Rates. Termc Cash, Crom sains- - mm, St. Louis Southern Co. White Lead Uett lsoiiea i-anseeu un jmt aiion Spirits Turpentine per gallon .... .... Turp. Japan Dryer per gallon .... Pure Mixed Paint per gallon .... .... Lubricating Oil per gallon .... Cold Pressed Castor Oil per gallon .... NeatsFoot Oil per gallon. .. . .... Lard Oil per gallon Uncle Sam's Harness Oil per gallon Uncle Sam's Condition Power Carpenter's glue per pound .... Gum Camphor, per pound .... .... Pure Whiting Putty (by bladder) per pound Window GUss 40 per cent, oft' List iff Ana IJrowns Whites Flats IHMDW'S TflflAT F0IK 1LW IPTOHCIE3S. Having paid Wall JPaper5 etc. we an astel goods .tor the same nioiaey than In same business in tow n. Crockery Seventh Streets, S.IJ. KINDS OK Doors, Blinds, jei loo 1" 20 Cents. Satins 30 " Gilts 40 Embossed Gilts Cash for otar ILarge Stock of OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 5 f j -.' . . Orders taken for WILSON BROS.' sniRTS. n in m J.P. VO nff u u u u w ira u y ay CAUTDIES JlsTX) CIO-ASS. fl ffH JIA VlUUUUtUlUJ u tun DECKER BROS. in BOARD br aa DAY or WEEK. To) o o frOW i undo. 7 40 08' o 00 30 25 25 1 1 1 25 25 1 50 30 20 50 00 50 Cents. -- 00 " $1.10 will sell naore any other house OPERA HOUSE: CXjOTJEEIEIIS, P GENTS' FURNISHERS. POST OFFICE Wews Depot, STATIONERY. NOTION8, MASON & HAMLIN" IUU u n V IIENBY F. MILLER and ' CENTRAL RESTAURANT. P ; 'tJLfeas at All Hours, OYSTERS IN SEASON. ID U UK Tip TO TELEGRAPHIC SUM) AY'S STOKM. Death ami Destruction iMark its Path. An Unprecedented Loss of Property. The Latest Report KILLKO ANU WOl'NDED. Nkw-Orleans, April 24. The latept reports from the sections of Mi tusbippi isitetl ly the cycloues Sunday show eighty three crson killt'J and about 300 mounded, many dongeroualy. Tbe loss of property, is uuprccedcuted. IN IIARNWEIJ, COUNTY. Cj'ari.fton, S. C , April 24. The cyclone in Baruwell county yesterday cut a path three quarters of a mile wide throngh . Kcach's swamp, as if the timber had been felled for railroad Residences, cabins and outhouses were swept away from off of ten large farms. In most rases all household goods are lost. DESTRUCTION OK I.IKK ANI STOCK. Atlanta, April 24. Reports from Crawford show considerable damage by the Aorm. Many houses weie blown down. Many persons were in jured by lightning and falling houses. Great loss of property. One negro was killed, and several horses, mules and cows killed. Thomas Creech was was blown against a tree, but not killed. William Still had two children seriously hurt. One had its skull fractured. RELIEF COMMITTEE. Bkaurkqard, April 24. At Beau regard to day all is butle and contus ion. A gang ol men are at work get ting out goods from tho wrecked stores, ana scores oi ox teams are a hauling recovered property away. The homeless people got together their re maining effects, and are moving them in wagons and cars. A construction train is receiving the debris. A cash relief committee, headed byL. E. Bud- well, are systematically at work, issu ing rations, distributing clothing and furnishing doctors, sent by the New Orleans Times-Democat. . ; Lehman and Fitz are, also assisting the wounded. IX MONROE COUNTY. Aberdeen, Miss April 24. A cy clone passed through Mouroe county Sunday, killing some ceraons and wounding many colored citizens seri ously, and carrying away houses, fences, bridges ami everything in the way. A suburb of Aberdeen, con taining twenty-five or thirty families of freedmen was absolutely wiped from the face oi the earth. Threa per sous were killed outright, and two others hare died since from wounds. Twenty-five are now under treatment, and many in a precarious condition. The county jail is converted into a hospital. The course of the cyclone was southwest and northeast, and passed entirely through the county, wrecking everything in its path. WAS1UIGT0 NEWS. A Teles ram from Van- Wyck. ; The Otoe Reservation. Meeting or tbe Cabiuet. raoM VAN WVCK. Washington, April 24. Finally the Otoe Indian lands have. been or dered for sale the 30th day of May, at Beatrice, to the highest bidder. Deferred payments, fire per cent, in terest. . C. II Van Wtol. " MORE MONEY ORDER OFFICES. The money order system will be extended to 333 additional postoffices on July 1st, principallv in western and northwestern states. ' ' ' '" THE JEAHNETTE INQUIRY.. .The supplemental -report of the Jeannette court of inquiry, which has been received and approved by Secretary Chandler, states that the court has concluded the examinatien of the Jeannette survivors who re cently returned from Siberia, and that after mature consideration of all the evidence adduced, the court sees no reason to change or modify the conclusion reported February 12 THE OTOE RESERVATION. By directions from tbe secretary of the interior tbe remainder of the lands of the Otoe and Missouri Indian reser vations ic Kansas and Nebraska, com prising about 50,000 acres will be- of fered at public sale at the -United States land office, in Beatrice;- Nebras ka, on the 20tn of May next. Senator Van Wyck, who has been instrnmen tal In bringing about this sale, has askeJ Secretary Teller to send an oin cer from the department to sujKrln- tend it. and it is probable that Com miasioner McFttrluiid, of the general land office, will go to Nebraska for that purpose. The land will only be sold to persons who shall within three months from date of application make perma nent settlement upon them. Claims and explanations must be accompa nied by an affidavit as evidence of good faith iu this respect. Lauds will be sold to the highest responsible bid der, at not less than appraised value. in eighty acre plats, and no one person wiil be allowed to purchase more than 160 acres. The terms of sale arc one- fourth cash to be paid in three months from date of filing application, and the remainder in one, two and three years, with five per cent. Interest. CABINET MEETINO. The meeting of ihe cabiuet today lasted about an hour and a half, All heads of departments were pres ent, including Mr. Oersham. The rules and regulations prepared by the civil service commission, which were recently submitted to the President for approval, were presented by letter. and after a short discussion of them, a copy was given to each member of the cabinet for examination. Thero was some discussion of the question whether the national board of health on marine hospital service should ui rect and control the expenditure of the Si 00,000 appropriated for the preven tion and suppression of epidemic dis eases, but no conclusion was reached There was also some informal conver sation, at the meeting today with re gard to the evidence furnished by newspapers that persons in the United States are actively engaged in aiding and directing the pperations of the dy natnite plotters in England. This con versation did not grow out of any offl cial correspondence on the subject, for no document of any kiud relating to it was prtsented. but there is reason to believe that a hypothetical question was framed and discussed, and that tho members of the cabinet generally ex pressed their views as to what the policy of this government should be in the various suggested contingencies which might arise out of the manifest disposition of certain Irish leaders to use this country as a means for a basis of their attacks by means of dyna mite and nitro glycerine upon the English government and English peo ple. HAPS, MISHAPS, PERHAPS. A Mysterious Disappearance. Shortage in Accounts. General and Miscellaneous. INTERESTING DECISIONS. Chicago, April 24. The appellate court decided today that a certified membership in the Chicago boaid of trade cannot be taken possession of by attachment. ' SUSPENDED. New Orleans, April 24. Marks Brother & Co, commission merchants. of this city, have suspended. Liabili ties probably SluO.OOo. The available assets are believed to be small. CAN'T BE FOUND. " Sayannah. April 24. Jno. II. Rain- kin, grocer, disappeared on the 16th inst., and his brother and a clerk named Cordes, are missing. Assets much in excess of liabilities. It is a mystery. WnirPED TO DEATH. Norfolk, April 24. Lucy Ilalsey, a negress, was arrested for whipping her sister's orphan child, seven years old, to death. The child was logged with a cowhide and burned on a stove. Her husband was arrested as an ac cessory. . KILLED HIS PARTNER. Stewakdsville, Ky., April 24. J. X. Clark, of the firm of Clark & Franks of this place, was shot and killed yes terday by his partner, J. I. Franks. He had accused Franks of Stealing the firm's money, from which a quarrel arose. Franks shot Clark five times . POSTMASTER ARRESTED. Chicago, April 23. Postoffice In spector Pulsifer notified the depart ment here to-day that he had arrested James Cuisin, postmaster at Worth ington, Iowa, on charge c f- detaining mail, and stated that he found in Worthington twenlj-six registered let ters and a large quantity of ordinary mail detained in transit from one to eight weeks. . CONFESSED TO MURDER. Dahville, April 24. Wm. S. Dod son, arrested at Franklin Junciion for the murder of a . negro, reported yes serday, coaf esses to hiring two negroes to bring him a body for dissection, Le pretending to be a physician. He car ried the body into an upper room of the house occupied by himself, wrapped it. in bed clothing, poured kerosene over it, fixed a lighted candle on it, and went away. The mistake was in cutting the candle, so long that the honae did. not 'take flre daring the night, it bi i ig hl purpose to burn th houv, n.n l h.ive it appear that ho him self I ad been Imrntd, so that tho fain, ily could obtain the amount of a lif policy recently procured. JIOIIE POSTMASTER. Milwaukhi:, Wis., April 23. Henry T. Wright, assistant postmaster of Raclno, was brought to this city to night by Postofllco Inspectors Htowart and King, of Chicago, owing to a short age of over $1,000 hi his accounts. In his confession Wright says lur begun taking money when the former post master, also named Wright, surren dered the ofllce to the present Incum bent, Money and stamps wera. taken, but none whs unwl for gambling. All was used in household expenses. In closing his letter of confession Wright says: "Begging Hndhoplugth.it you will remember that I have au old father, uow neatly eighty-two ycais of age, and a good wife and dulling baby, whom I should have thought of when taking the money, I remain, etc., etc." Wright is of a line family. He is about thirty-two years old, and atood high in the estimation of Kaclno people. The prisoner's friends saf they belicYfl he is Insane. An aunt recently died in an insane asylum, and his sister Is now treated at the state asylum. REAL ESTATE (AND) collection agency. Law and collection butanes promp tly attended to at this ofllce and pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting attended to on shor. no tice mm siitisluctiou guaranteed. Il 'there ih uny thing wc do mako a specially of, it in city and suburban real estate. Several line farms and some wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a homo by paying month ly what they now pay lor house rent. Space forUlda giving but a small percentage of the bargains uow on Ihe books at this agency; we name the following: blx fhoico half acre lots, 8 minutes from It. It. shops, at from $80 to $160 each, and on terms that would make a man aslniined to nay ho did not own a Iioiihc. Come and tee, you aro not compelled to buy and we wout give thffec lots awuy, but you cuuget them m they will ahwlntcly'cost yon noth ing. Five acre lot 4 jiwle from city for $2.r0 part on time. Lleven acre lot mile from cily for $5.00 this is extra fine. I have three pieces of outside prop erty which I can bell and under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pa)- for them, now I will furnish the ground and you the work, woric is wnut nuns me. It you will do the work at a fair price I will glv you a clear deed for the laud; if you can't do the work come and ec ine, 1 may fun I poiiic one who will do it lor you. len acres lor $ .000 00 " " " COO 00 " " 7.00 00 " " S.0OO 00 Several firnall tracts well improved Mid adjoining the city, (or bale at reasonable rates. FARM LANDS. 40 aerep, wild $ GOO 00 80 " improy'd 1C00 00 120 " " 200000 160 " 200 " 240 " " Finest btock .0000 00 G200 m G000 00 larm iu Cans county $16000. loDg time and low rate of in terest. 160 acres, wild $2,000 160 " 2800 80 " " 1200 80 " " 3200 160 acres, wild, Rep. V'y (cash) $1000 CITY PROPERTY. Cor. lot 3 bl'ksfrom shops ( heap)$100 1 " S " " " 175 2 " 3 ' " 100 3 cor " 2 " " " . 4 .00 1 " 4 " ' " 175 3 cor "2 " " 1.00 2 " " N. (Kb Atreet (fine) 300 2 " " Picnic Hill " 200 1 " AVashington ave" 350 1 .' " 1 bl'k from 3faiu st extra 400 Improved city real estate In abun dance. I can find what you want in this line if you will call and see me. Business houses and lots for sale at much lower figures than will be asked six months hence. Stores and dwellings rented and for rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't see. what.jou want in this column come and ask for it. I've probably misled just what you want. Office ope n nearly every evening from 6 to 8. Good new house and two fine lots in good location price, SSOO. W- S. WISE, Union 31ock. 2To Humbug Here! Can Outsell any One Price Clothing Outfit In Plattsmvuth 25 PER, CEJSJT., f. cH AND STILL MAKE MONET. Both Here and at m Branch Store, ; AT LOUISVILLE, - i As-'IrBuy For Casli. wto Rra6uiber the above 6tatemcnt. C. 3. HERbLDv is, faa? p.rtlf Hi f