The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 19, 1883, Image 3

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i: V
Tbe Plaltsmontli Herald PuMisMni Co.
For City and County Directory, Railway Time
Tb!r. THrphone Kxli:ini Itiiiii
rectory, l'iiin-4 Cmli He, pvc llilnl p;if.
City Editor.
A '.Salisbury, Ileulltl.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for display advertisements or
changes in advertisements must be
handed in to the business ollicc not
later than 10 a. in, of tLe day in which
they are to te inserted. Copy fur pay
local and special notices inust be hand
ed in befoie 3 p. m. each day to insure
insertion. N. M. Ucmixkll,
ISusiness Manager.
Charley Fortes is rejoicing over the
advent of a ten pound baby hoy, which
arrived at his house yesterday.
A man with a came iejr, accom
panied by a small boy, the man saw
in a violin and the kid a bass viol,
vrero attracting somo attention on
Main street today.
A bright-cyeil little girl arrived at
Dave Campbell s tins morning, and
if she likes it there, will stay
Dave has gained 13 pounds in the
last 14 hours.
The fruit tree dealers r- now having
their annual picnic, it being dclircry
time and pay day.
The Quincy and Council Bluff nurstr
ies both have larirc stocks here.
The deceased suicide was buried today
at Oakhill cemetery. Mr. Farrell the
father of the unfortunate young man
says he will take the body to Vermont
alter a while, but for the present no
change will be made.
The funeral services of Drury
(1 raves were held at the M. E. church
this morning at 10 o'clock, and the
remains were laid awayiin the Eiken
bary cfcinetcry. A larsre number of
friends, relatives and old citizens fol
lowed the remains to their last rest
iug place.
A meeting of the commercial trav
elers doing business in Nebraska, will
be held at the l'axton hotel, in Omaha,
Saturday evening. May 5th, at 7:30, for
the purpose of organizing a state asso
ciation for mutual benefit. A good
attendance is desired.
Fish Commissioner Kennedy visited
the hatchery at South Bend, yesterday.
and reports everything in a flourishing
condition, except the German Carp
placed there about a year ago, which
seem to be dying off, caused, he thinks,
by a parasitic growth.
Major Wheeler observed Arbor day
lesterday, for all there was in it. He
planted on his farm, about Ave miles
southwest of town, 53,400 trees. 'Who
can beat it? The Majnr has a fine
farm of 323 acres, of which 283 acres
are under cultivation. The trees he
planted yesterday were cottonwood
two years old, which will soon make
him a forest, that he can get lost in.
The train for the west was full
again this morning; there was hardly
standing room. The smoking car was
chock full of a fresh importation of
Russians, and the odor arising from
that car led to the belief that they
.hadn't seen .water for a month. We
would suggest that a couple of emi
grant cars be put on the road, and that
some kind of a disinfectant would be
Remember the basket social at Lcon
ard'aXhotograph Parlors, this evening.
All are invited and a general good time
is promised. Wc attended a foimer one
and " got left " on a basket, but we've
made arrangements with a charming
young lady to tie a ribbon to her basket
this time, and shall be on hand to get it.
If anv bodv elsn take that basket, tip
wish to give notice that serious trouble I
will follow. !
Another Zimmerman Letter.
Con. Ballard, who used to be ac
quainted with Zimmerman, when the
latter was herding on the headwaters
of the Platte, and when Con was build
ing telegraph lines in that country, has
had several letters from Zimmerman,
now at the pen.. The following is
Zimmerman's last letter, written just
before he was reprieved.
Mr. C. C. Ballard,
Dear Friend : Your very kind and
well wishing letter of the 14th I re
ceived. Mr. Ballard, your kindness to
me is duly appreciated, and I have to
say that your kind words spoken to
me at Minden, and your very kind let
ter, has done me a good deal of good.
I have up to the present writing heard
nothing new in regard to my case, and
as the time is ""drawing near, I don't
give up hope. I shall die prepared
with what little learning and oppor
tunity I had. to be a Christian. I
shall placemy poor soul in the hands
of Jesus, and pray for his mercy and
forgiveness. Mr. Ballard, again your
kindness toward me shall be cherished
to the last moment, and shall pray that
I may not meet my doom in this way,
and live to be a good Christian. Ac
cept my love and gratitude, and should
this be my last letter, which I pray it
may Sot be. I bid you a long, long fare
wile. Tours,
ilATT. PlMUEfcttAX.
Tho Percy Children.
A number of children met at the
Presbyterian church, yesterday after
noon, by invitation or .Mr. Jtanuoipu
Smith. The children chose their own
teachers, and Miss Halliel'armele took
charge of a children's choir. Mr,
Smith delivered a message from tho
death-bed of his little boy " Percy
who was killed by the carp. The mes
sage was receiveorand tho children re
solved to organize a Percy temperance
movement in Plattsmouth. Mr. Smith
tanght us how to nominate and vote,
and the following leaders were elected
in the regular way:
President, Sheldon Drew; Vice
President, F.inma Johnson; Secretary,
liertie Hyers; Irene Patterson and
Oliver Wilson, Chaplains; Uyron
Drew and Kdgar Johnson, Ushers.
The boys are organized in military
companies, and the girls in squads.
Guy Livingston was chosen Captain of
Company A, " Blue Ribbon Cadets,"
and liertie McElwain, Captain of Com
pany li. Miss Pearl Holmes is leader
of Squad No. 1, Cora Hough of Squad
No. 2, Delia Steimker of Squad No. 3.
The meeting was then opeued by the
children under their own officers, with
reading the Bible, prayer, and music
by the choir. Much interest was mam
feated, and Prof. Drummond called to
say that he would announce the next
meeting in the' publie schools to-day
It was voted to ask a place for these
proceedings in both papers, and the
meeting adjourned by vote to meet
regularly every afternoon in M Rock
wood Hall," and the u Percy children '
will meet there this afternoon. All
children and parents are invited, and
there is nothing to pay.
SHELDON DREW, President.
Bertie Hyers, Sec'y.
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 13.
Stay of Execution.
Mr. Erickson, sheriff of Kearney
Cottntv, arrived in the city yesterday,
for the purpose of taking with him to
Minden Mathias Simmerman, the
man sentenced to be hanjred iu that
town next Saturday.
Upon hi arrival he was served
with a mandate ordering a stay of ex
ecution, from the supreme court.
The case will come before the court
on a writ of error on July 3d. Until
that time Simmerman will remain in
the nenitentiarv. Mr. Erickson in
formed a Journal reporter yesterday
that ho had visited the governor and
Simmerman during the day. He also
stated that the people about Miudco
for miles away were making prepara
tions to attend the hanging, aud the
stay of execution would prove a dis
appointment to them.
The scaffold, with a high board en
closure 12x16, was already finished,
and the rope to hang Simmerman had
been procured. The sheriff leaves
for home today. State Journal.
Tho Best Record.
The hunting party that went up to
Ashland day before yesterday returned
this morning and brought with them a
whole cart load of game. The party
consisted of S. J. Chester, Thomas Til
son and Ed. Kinneflx of Fairfield, Iowa,
and Billy B r and W. D. Jones of
Plattsmouth. They killed, on the trip
147 ducks, 22 geese, 9 cranes, 13 snipes
and 1 sea cull. This is the best score
made this season thus far, and if there
is any game left up at Ashland it is be
cause these nimrods couldn't see it. All
are unanimous in their expression of a
good time and most excellent shooting
Sheriff Hyers and Ami Todd joined
them last evening on their way home
from Lincoln and Mr. Todd came on to
Plattsmouth with them this morning,
but 44 Reub " couldn't tear himself away
Cood Enough.
The Nebraska delegation in Wash
ington, consisting of Secretary of State
Roggen and Judge A. II. Bo wen, are
successful in securing tents for Hast
ings reunion. The following telegram
explains itself:
Wasiiixoton, D.C. April IS, 1S83.
To Gen. John .C Bonnell, Dept. Com.
G. A. R., Lincoln, Nebraska:
One hundred tents secured today
from Secretary of war Lincoln, and
good prospects for two hundred more.
A. II. Bowex.
This fixes the Hastings reunion as
regards quarters, and state papers
should let their people know that Sep
tember 3, 1883, will begin the grandest
reunion Nebraska has ever seen.
State Journal.
Concerning the Diagonal;
Frank - Carruth, president of the
beard of trade, has received a letter
from Mr. Woolston of the Diagonal
road in response to his telegram 6ent,
in which Gen'l Manager Woolston
states his inability to fix a date at
present to meet citizens of Platts
mouth In a conference regarding the
Diagonal, but in the letter ho states
his desire toniect our people at an
early day.
It now becomes the duty of the cit
izens to be ready to move to the front
in this matter. Business is business.
Card of Thanks.
Ed. Heuald: We desire to ex
press our heartfelt thanks to the many
kind friends, and especially to our
near neighbors for their kindness aud
assistance during our late great be
reavement we shall ever remember
their many acts of kindness.
' F. D. Leiikiiofk,
E.K. LKiixnorr.
River Report
As furnished officially to the War
Department. Jj
The river at noon today, 'stood 11 ft.
10 inches showing a rise of 6 in. since
noon yesterday.
Chas. Patterson, a prominent coal
dealer of Omaha, is in the city today.
S G. Perry, the druirgi&t, went to
Omaha this morning.
(Jeo. Donovan, wIioko recently be
came a citizen of Council Bluffs, was
in town a short time this morning,
shaking hands with the boys.
Ed. Kinnefix. of Fairfield, la., who
was with the boys on their Ashland
hunt, returned home thU morning
with a whole car full of game.
Howard Leland, of Troy, Kansas,
who has been Hpending several days
in the city with General Stephenson,
returned home this morning via
St. Jo.
A I. Wilncr returned this morning
from a four or five days' visit at his
old home in Burlington.
Master Mechanic
in Omaha today.
Walter Dykes is
Ilawksworth is
taking in the
sights at Council Bluffs today.
Harry W tbber a advance agent,
Frees, is in the city today, billing
the show, which appears here on the
2Gth and 27th.
Jan Smith, of the Surveyor Gen
eral's olllce, vent to Falls City this
morning, with compass, etc.
Rev. Farwcll, father of the young
man who died at the Pacific House,
Monday, arrived this morning.
Miss Jacobi, a sister of Mrs. Fred
Heir man, who has been living with
her here for some time, left last even
ing for her fermer homo in Wiscon
sin, by way of St. Louis, where nhc
will visit friends for a few days.
Her many friends here are sorry to
see her go.
A S20 Bible Reward.
The publishers of Uutledge's
Monthly offer twelve valuable re
wards in their Monthly for May,
among which is the following:
We will give $20.00 in gold to the
person telling us which is the short
est chapter in the New Testament
Scriptures (not the New Revision)
by May 10th, 1883. Should two or
more correct answers be received,
the reward will be divided. The
money will be forwarded to the win
ner May 15th, 1S83. Persons trying
lor the reward must send 20 cents
in silver (no postage stamps taken)
with their answer, for which they
will receive the June Monthly, in
which the name and address of the
winner of the reward and the correct
answer will be published, and in
which several more valuable rewards
will be offered. Add. ess, Rutledge
PciiLisnixc Company, Easton, Penna.
The Weekly Herald, issued to
day is a model paper. Ics celumns
ot reading matter aie selected from
the best and most interesting arti
cles published from day to day in
the daily edition, and its advertising
columns bristle with live advertise
ments from the live business men in
this city. That it is appreciated is
attested by the new readers it adds
to its list week 13 on the ono hand,
and by the constantly increasing de
mands made upon its advertising
columns by our business men. The
weekly edition, as issued today, is
the best exponent of Plattsmouth,
of Plattsmouth business mei, their
prosperity and energy, that has ever
been issued in the city.
A children's meeting was held at
the Presbjteriaii church yesterday
afternoon, by invitation of Mr. Ran
dolph Smith. Quite a number were
present, and it was resolved to inau
gurate the "Percy Temperance Move
ment among the Plattsmouth bojs
and girls. The system is said to be
the best "Ct devised for children,
and has a man of brains and heart
to deal with it The little officers
ptescnt their first official report else
where. They have secured Rock
wood Hall, where short meetings will
take place every afternoon.
Through the efforts of Major
Wheeler reduced rates have been ob
tained for those who may desire to
attend the Odd Fellows' anniversary
celebration, which occurs ou the
2Gth. The B. fc M. will carry pas
sengers, regardless of the number,
from all points on its lines, the round
trip for three-fourths oLpne fare.
This brings it within the reach of all,
and we may expect a big crowd.
The vanguard of Geo. Fairfield's
surveying eutfit started fer the west
this morning. The parties arc Wm.
bprague, AL Garrison and John Hil
ton, with two teams. Thev so to
Sidney, thence north to the northern
part of the state. Tho balance of
the boys will start in about ten days.
To the ladies of Plattsmouth, Aliss
May A. Sage respectfully solicits dress
making and family sewinr at her resi
dence on Fourth street between Main
and Vine, first door from Main. 40d2twl
Just received, a large lot of new
goods in the boot and shoe line at
Sherwood's, in Rock wood block.51wtf
Full Hue of bird cages at the P.
news depot.
Try a can ot Batavia Asparagus, you
will like it. Bennett & Lewis have it.
By the request of the young folks
Joe Ford will have another Masquerade
at the rink Mondav evening. d4G-3t
Everybody uses Compressed Yoast
because it makes the nicest, lightest
Wo guarantee to undersell
any prices quoted by compe
titors In our line by IO per
cent. . &. C. Mayor, Opera
House Clotbier.
Fresh home made candies every day
at the Phoenix. 39dtf
Asky our grocer for Bremner's Crack
ers every tiroc. Take no other.
Mrs. Johnson & Swcnoy are now re
ceiving all the latest tylc9iu Hat, lion-
nuts, t lowers, Tips, Kiboonn, c., in the
millinery line, to which they invite all
to call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. Fancy goodit at cost. dlOml
Cottage llonse.
Sixth street, between Main and Pearl,
Plattsmouth, Nebr. Refitted and com
lortably furnished. Board by the day
or week. Meal 25 cents. Board by
week at reasonable rates. House com
fortably aud pleasantly situated. Give
me a call. S. Weaver. Proprietor.
A Card.
Having withdrawn the practice of
dentistry, I take great pleasure in re
commending to my patrons my successor
Dr. C. A. Marshall. The Dr. is a skill
full and experienced dentist, and will
give satisfaction to all who may require
his service?. O. W. Clutter.
Large tock of parasols ia all quali
ties must bo closed out cheap at Ma
ker's. 41dl5 5wtl
Nice line of new glass sets just
opened at W. II. Baker's irom 40 eta
up. 44df 5wtl
Try a can of Domestic baking pow
der and get a Dover egg beater free
at W. H. Baker's. 44dt5 Swtl.
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at Same reasonable
latcs. Farmers aud Commercial Men
will please bear this in mind. d&wtf
Henry Jloeck
Has an elegant line of baby carriages
for sale verv cheap. Also a nice lot of
refrigerators and the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to Plattsmouth at
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to sco him. d29.tw2-tf
A few of the handsomest patterns of
W ire Flower fetauds very cheap at J. K.
Cox's. 54d&wlrao
The Alaska, the best and most con
venient Refrigerator in the market. For
sale by J. R, Cox. 43dwlrno
Try W. II. Baker on Groceries and
Canned goods and see how much further
your nioii; y will . C.-;li iiiak s iow
prices. 44d3twlt
All wool bunting, all wool nun's
veiling aud other Jress goods iu all
the new shades at W. II. Baker's.
41df5 5wt
It will pay you to read Wise's col
umu in this paper, you may find jus
what you want. 89ti
Biemuer's Crackers at Stadlcmau's.
Armour's best brand hams $ .10
" breakfast bacon..... .16
Drv salt meat 15
Sugar cured shoulders 12 J
At Ilatt & Co's. meat market. 40dtf
Cabbage and'Tomatoe plants at Ben
nett & Lewis'.
Ice ! lee ! Ice !
Now is the time to contract for " your
summer's supply of ice. Bed rock prices
prompt delivery aud superior quality of
ice, first come first served by the new ice
man. U2ni2 Job Fairfield.
Lettuce and Pie Plant at
Bremner's Crackers at Hansen's.
Ladies, your special attention Is called
to the new line of dress goods just
received at Wcckbach's. 2Mtf
Oranges 25 cts per dpz. at Murphy's.
Bremner's Crackers at Baker's.
Dissolution Notioe.
The firm of Clutter & Marshall, den
tists, is this day dissolved bv mutual con
sent, and the business will hereafter be
conducted by U. A. Marshall.
G. W. Clutter,
C. A. Marshall.
Plattsmouth, April 17. 1883. 44d3twJ
Breuiuer's Crackers at Wirckbach's.J
A new line ot line dress goods con
sisting of the latest styles and patterns
just received at eckbach s. 23&tf
Crackers at BennettJ
Jjulles of Plattsmouth
Don't destroy your rags, even if you get
but little for them ; they are necessities
which we could not do without: our ed
ucation depends upon them; the Bible 13
made out of rags, and best of all, the
greenbacks arc made from them. Yours
truly, 37dtf Jacob Levi.
Safe, sure and reliable Life insurance.
The Centennial .
d44-2t Jko. A. MacMcrpht, Agent.
Crackers at Murphy &
Atl vei jiseinonts mider I hi- head, three cents
p.T nue eacn insertion.
To Rent.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms. In
qnire of J. D. Simpson. 43tf
The northeast corner room in Stadel-
mau's bakery. Good for office or small
business. 34 tf F. Stadelmann.
Three houses.
Inquire of
W. S. Wise.
A folding key in a railroad coach iu
this city. Owner can find it at this of
fice. 43d
Fpr Sale.
Four lots together in good location in
the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this
office dtf
A new house 16x24 and 14x14. storv
and a half; nicely arranged; with lot in
Louisville. For particlars enquire at
Herald office. 41dCt
John Bauer has leased the Stohlman
place, corner of 7th and Vine street, is
prepared to accommodate the public in
the way 01 boarding and lodging by the
week or month. 40dlni
Six boarders by week or monfh at
$3.50-per week, in private family. In
quire at Mrs. Backus' on corner of 8th
and Locust St., opposite Chaplain
Wright's. 40d6t
The BOSS Clothier.
Latest Shades in
Everything in
C. JS. Wcscott,
Rockwood Block.
This beautiful three story brick Ktructure. on
lower Maid 6treet, haa just been finished and
fitted up for the accommodation of
A Good Ear '
37tf. FRED GOOS, Tropr.
JoilN FiTZOEit Al1, A. VY. McL.'.f'iHU.v,
rresiJcnt. CaMti-.
Qff'irs the very best f:icili:icM for t at-
transaction of lcgitluiato
Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Government and 1-ocal
Securities Koujrht and Sola, Deposits receiv
ed and interest allowed on time Certifi
cate, Drattn drawn, available in any
part of the United Stateu and all
the principal towns ot
Collections made & promptly remitted.
Highest market prices paid for County War
rants, State aud County Bonds.
John Fitzgerald
John ft. C'larK.
A. E. Touzalin,
Jt. C. Cushing.
ueo, K. Dovey.
w. K. wnitc,
A. W, McLaushlln.
All Kinds of Farm ISemeiits Mesdsd wits
Neatnesp andispatch.
Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing,
In short, we'll shoe anything that ha?
four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come and see us.
a Filth St. between Main and Vine Strets.
ust across e corner from the mkw JIEKALJ
oincK. joy.
The be3t yeast in use, received fresh
mornings. Trad supplied by .
and all kinds of goods usually kept in a
Also, a very complete etock of Funeral Goods.
Metallic&WooftenMns CasKets.Robes,
Our New ami elegant hearse l alwayn In
3 9
Remember the place, in UNION
;BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO
Doors sonth of Cass Coun
ty Hank.
Whear we may be fouud cleat or day.
Corner Poari and
Lumber, Sash,
Cement, Plaster,
Lowest BLates. Terms CasZi.
. COD FISH, A sou choice lot of
We have a Cno mock of
Taney lirandn of
I have in xtuck a fine Hue of
Queensware, Glassware, Lamps,
&c. All our goods are new and frorli.
Will Eictae lor Country Produce. Linseed Oil Heal Always on Hand.
!Ncxt door to Court Ilouec, I'liitlfinoutb, Neb,
Uncle Sum's Condi! '.,n Rowdc-i
per lb
. .j.jc
Copperas pe
Ee.-t whiting
4 j , . ...
French ochre "
French Gray .Mineral
paint 4
We have just received a
invoice of Lead, Oil .Mixed Puint-;,
Colore, dry and in oil, niineral
paints, Uncle Sam's harness il
and powders, and having bought
at extremely lov prices, will give
our customers the benefit of them.
Yours Truly,
"V 3 ? J . V 1 j ; k
Plan3 and fepecidcatk ns will le care
fully carried out, niid full attention will
be given as to safety and durability.
in Oil or. Water Colors, Crayon and
Office and studio over Solomon & Na
than's store, Main street. 37ml
a. i. hi jkjps ox,
CITY, of London,
QUEEX, of Liverpool
FIREMAN' FUND, of California
O.T.ce in Rockwood Block, with JoUncoti Rros
wa yg esmk
ggg? S&, ui
Sin do OXL Yd Yezctn bio OU
and r-mv JJecI Tallow,
To induce housekeepers to civc this Soap
a trial. WITH EACH 2.?l
WE (
This o3cr 13 lawlo for a thort t'.mo only
and ehould bo taken advastase cf at ONCE.
We WARE ANT this Soap to do more wash
ing Trith greater ea."e than any soap la th
market. It has no EQUAL fcr use la hard
aad cold water.
tnufecturrs of Standard Laundry
iP?. CT fi
Seventh Streets,
All. K 1 NIH 1
Doors, Blinds
(AND) .
hnr and rolled ion tuvHH promp
tly attended to at this ollicc and ro
.(.'cdn remitted uitliout delay.
Noturiiii work, con vej ancin and
abstracting attended to on bliort no
tice and fcatinl.ictiou uanuiteed. I
11' there is any thing we do tnakc a
specially of, it in city and Ruburbau
real cstute. .Several line farms ami
Koine wild land at ourains. Laboring
men can et a homo by paying month
ly what they now pay lor house rent.
hpacc forbida giving but a small
percentage of tho bargains now on tho
bookn at this agency; wo name the
fcjlx choice half aero lots, 8 minutes
from I. It. Hhops, at from 80 to $1.00
each, and on terms that would make
a man ashamed to say he did not own
a house. Come aud eec, you are not
compelled to buy and we wout ive
these lots away, but you can get them
no they will absolutely cost you noth
ing. Five acre lot J mile from city for
$250 part on time.
Eleven acre lot mile from city
for 500 this is extra line.
I have three pieces of outhide prop
erty which I can sell and under
take to furnish purchaser work
enough to pay for them, now I will
furnish the ground and you the work,
work is what hurls me. If you will
do the work at a fair price I will glv
you a clear deed for the land; if you
can't do the work come and ee me, I
may find some one who will do it lor
Ten acres for $ 500 00
" " " 600 00
rj0 00
" 2000 00
Severn, small tracts well improved
and adjoining the city, for sale at
reasonable rate.
farm lands.
40 acrcn, wild $ 600 00
" improv d 1600 00
" " 2000 00
160 " iOOO 00
200 ' " 6200 00
240 " " 0000 00
finest itock farm iu Cass county
$1C000, lonj; tim and low rate ot in
terest. 1 60 a c re s, w 1 1 d $2500
160 2a00
80 " " - 1200
80 " " S200
160 ucre, wild, Il .p. V'y (cash) $1000
Cor. lol 3 brkt froinfchot(cheap)$100
3 cor
2 ' " 6th Mrcet (line) 300
2 " ' I'imir; JJill '.'00
11" " U "u-hiMtoii avc" 350
1 1 bi'k Irom .Main st extra 100
Irnprov.ii itv real otuto iu abuu I can tind u I. .it vou want in
tlii line if on will c.ill and ace me.
IilHiliCKS .0! JUKI jots for bli0
at much lower than v. iil be
asked six mouths hence.
fcjtorrs and dwellings reused jiud for
reur, rent.- promptly collected.
It you don't hie lml you want iu
thn column come and ank lor it. I've
prohably linked just what you wan.
Olh?e nearly everv evening from
6 to 8.
Good new house and two fine lots
in good location price, SSOO.
w. s.
Union 3Iock.