MTTSIIOOTH -HERALD. PUBLISH KI DA1LT AND WFJERLY - HIT Tkc PlaltiMtli Herald PntiMini Co. TEBMS: DAILY, delivered by karrW to any part of tLt city rnWeik 15 fr Month vu ttt VeaT 7 One copy tlx months i oO One copy one year J ou Registered at the Toat Oftce. FlatUmouth. a second elaaa nimiter. PLATTbMOUTII, Al'ML 14. Tsb trial of the murderer of Cav endish and Burke occupied tut u short time In the Dublin courts, and When compared with Gitteati, and Star lluuu trials, conducted under the auspices ol the department of justice a adminis tered by Brewster, attorney general, la enough to niaka sensitive American blush for our credit and fair name. . Illinois politicians are giving .Sen ator Joha A. Logan quite a boom just oow; the sentiment seems to i-revail among all classes and parties lmii:o tive of political affilliation that bou ator Logan would make a president who would do honor to the republic There is one thing quite sure, and thai, is, that in the great west there is a grand army of ' the boys who used to wear the blue who would rally to tbe banner of any party that makes John A. Logan its standard heater for 1134. Senator Logan has always been the consistant friend aud champion of the soldier element, in the halls of the American congress. Theke is oue tning that Governor Butter and the republican legislature of Massachusetts can agree upon, and that is the acknowledgment of wo man's fltness for public postt:ou in the service of the state or nation. On the llth of April, Gov. Butler made three very important nominations to the ex ecutive counoil two prominent men and oue woman. Miss Clara JJ.n ton, the famous lady of the UeJ Orua., w.u appointed superintendent of the wo man's prison at 6herboru. ilisa Bar ton's name was taken up, and bhe w.;s confirmed at once. The other names names .were laid over. The wurld moves, and this is an idt-nce of it. What of it it tne -jovt-ruor of Kin-a did tine the proclamation of the govern or of Nebraska? It has been a custom trom time immemorial for the governor ol on estate to, iu wjmcway recognize the governor of the other atat. Now tbeu Kansas being a prohibition state and the old time immemorial practice ol exchanging civilities between Governor Glick and Dawe being out of the ques tion, the IIekald thinks the Karnes executive perfectly justifiable iu indulg ing in something exhiliarating aud ot a pleasant character to the honor ot Ne braska's chief executive, and if no one else is going to acknowledge the cour tesy the IIebald will do so by saying to the democratic executive of our sitter republican state. "Here's a double health to thee." Glick. The Herald noticed a few days since the fact that the great Burling ton interest had secured its through line to Salt Lake City via the Denver & Rio Grande's new line, to Ogdeu and Salt Lake City. This is a fact, and no sooner than heralded to the world, by the Burlington interest, does the "Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fon issue its'; cut on rates frem the Missouri rirer to Salt Lake City and interme diate points on the Denver and Bio Granda in Utah.': This will jJakIi :mr1 'cut rates, and raise the "old Harry" generally, until a pool is had on Utah business. - Such are the mvatprioim f.f A vt .4 I . fw . ... n WT M A III. ougubred railway of today. First a slugging match with hard gloves. ' and. tbeu the hippodrome business. You pays Myour money and you takes your choice." Some one argues thai while Nihil ism or resort to dynamite and nitro glycerine in England is not to be tol erated for a moment, that the same methods are excusable in Russia be cause there must be a tearing down there before there can be any progress, This is the worst sort of sophistry. Hideous crime in Busia is just as heinous and just as detestable as in England, and it is an open question whether Russia h:;s hot treated her peasantry better than England has the tenantry and peasantry in Ireland, or, to put it another way. the Irish peas ant has as- good cause for stooping to destructive methods as the Russian farmer. And there is no more discon tent among the poorer classes in Ire land than there is among the poorer classes in Russia. The Nihilist and anarchist, whether they plot iu Rus sia, Trance, Germany, or England, or whether they sneak about among the worst classes in this country, are me enemies of Bocietr, and sympathy for them cannot be manufactured to order. The threats about what the Nihilists will do at Moscow come from what Count Bosenta called little Commer cial Grewellei sorts of Nihilists ped dling cheap . threats as a means of ac quiring notoriety. Does any one sup pose that If these fellows meant to do what they threaten that they would boast of it? The Nihilists who did real work never boasted, and so far as these men who snarl and bark at the Czar from the safe distance of thous ands of miles are concerned the coro nation ceremonies will never be Iqter rn pt ed-r 1 0 tvr0axj. , Temperance Department (iuder the auspices of the Plattsnionth W. 0., T. U. COM DUCT CD BT HKM. J. S. WI9K - To whom all communication for this depart ment should be addressed. Jimmy's Lecture. BY LOUISA M. ALCOTT. "Jimmy, throw that jug into the liig-peu. Smash it first, and be sure you don't t'ute a drop of the vile Htuff," said an anxious looking wo man as she handed her little eon the brown Jug which she bad found hid den iu the ahed. "Father won't like it' begau the bnr, eyeing the ugly thing with a look of fear and hate; for it made mother miserable, and father a brute. "I said I'd make way with it the next time I found it, and I willl It's lull, and I don't leel as if I could live through another dreadful time like the last. If we put it out of sight. maybe father will keep sober lor an other nio'th. Go quick, before he comes home.". And the poor woman pushed the boy to the door as if she could not wait a minute till ths curse of her life was destroyed. Glad to comfort her, and Lavo the lun of smashing anything, Jimmy ran oil", and, giviug the jug a good bang on the post, let the whisky run where it would as he lluug the pieces into the pig-pen and went back to his work. lib was only eleven, but ho strug gled manfully with the old saw, and the tough apple tree boughs he had collected for 1'uoL It was father's work but he neglected it, aud Jimmy wouldn't see his mother buffer from cold, so he trimmed the trees, and did his best to keep the lire jioitii;. He stopped often to rest, aud in these pauses he talked to himself, having no other company. Not long after the destruction of the jug, he heard a great commotion in the pen, and, looking in, saw the two pigs capering about in a curious way. They ran up aud dowu, skipped squealed, aud bumped cgainsl oue an other as if they didn't sea straight, aud had no control of their legs. Jimmy was much amused ior a few minutes, but, when oue staggered to i he trouirh aud besran to lap some thing there, aud the other tumbled down aud could not get np, lie under stood the cause of their antics. ;Oh, dear! I let the whisky run in lo the trough, and those bad pigs are tipsy! What shall I do?" He watched them au instant, and added in a sober way, as he shook his head sadly, "That's just the tway father does", lively first, then cross, then stupid. The' don't look funny uow, aud I'm sorry for ,em. They will be dreadfully ashamed when they sober up. I'm glad there isn't any wife aud little son to be scared and mortified and sorry ever 'era. l'l talk to 'em and tell 'cm what the man said in the temperance lecture we went to last night. Maybe it will do 'em good." So Jimmy mounted the chopping block and' repeated all he could re member, making a funny jumble. but being very much in earnest and quite uuconcioua that he had an o.her hearer beside the pigs: My friends, rum is an awful thing People who drinc are slaves. They arc worse than dumb beasts who don't drink. (Yes they do; but that was my fault.) Half the siu and sor row in the world comes lrom ruin Men waste their money, neglect their families, break their wires' hearts and set abad example to their chil dren. People better die than drink, and make brutes of themselves. Lots of money is wasted. Folks Kill other folks when druuk, aud lie. aud do every bad tiling. Now, ray friends (I mean you pigs),turu from your evil ways, aud drink no more. (Ill smash the jug behind the burn next time, where even the hens can't liad it.) Rise iu your manhood and free yourselves from this awful slavery. (They are both fast asleep, bst I'd help "em up when they wake.) Lea 1 better lives, and don't let thoM who love you suffer sii&rue aud fear and griof for your weakness. (I do love you old fellow, and I am sorry to see you make such pigs of yourselvea.J Here is the pledge; come and fcigu it Keep it all your lives, aad be good men. (I mean pigs.)" Here Jimmy smiled, but he meant what he said, and pulling out of his pocket a piece of paper aad a pencil, he jumped down to use the block as a desk, Baying, as he wrote iu big letters, "They shall have a pledge, and they can make a murk as people do who can't write. I'll make it short, so they can under stand it, and I know they will keep if, for I shall help them." So busy was the boy with his work that he never taw a man steal up lioni behind the peu where he had been lis tening, and laughing at Jimmy's lecture, till . something seemed to chauge the -miles to tears, for, as he peeped over the lid's shoulder, he saw how worn the lit tle jacket was, how braised and blistered the poor hands were with too hard work, and how he stood on one foot, because Lis toes were out ef the old shoes. A month's wages were iu the man's pocket, and he meant to spend them in more whiskey when bis jug was' empty. Now the money sosnied all too little to make his son tidy, and he coxldn't bear to think bow much be bad wasted on low pleasures that made a worse brute of bim than the pigs. . "There! said Jimmy, "! guess that will rjo. v,Toxn and Jerry, d ftolewn- i ly promise never to touch, tnstc or han dle anything that can make us drunk." Now for the names. Which shall mark first T" "I will !" said the man, startling Jim my so much that he nearly tumbled into the pen cs he was climbing up. The paper fluttered down inside, and both forgot it as the boy looked up at the man saying, half ashamed, In If glad "Why, father, did you hear me? I was only sort of playing." "I am in earnest, for your lecture was a very good one; and I'm not going to be a beast any longer. Herejs money fcr new shoes and jacket. Give me the saw. I'll do my own work now. and you go tell inoiher what I say. Jimmy was about to race away, when the sight of Tom and Jerry eating up the paper made him clap his hands, exclaim ing joyfully, "They've taken the pledge really and truly. I'm so glad !"' It was impossible to help laughing; but the man was very sober agaiu as he said slowly, with his hand ou Jimmy's shoulder, "You shall write another for me. I'll sign it aud keep it to, if you will h;lp me, my good little son ." "I will, father, I will!" cried Jimmy w ith all his heart, and then ran iu lo carry the good news to his mother. That was his first lecture but not his last; for he delivered many more when he was a mau, because the work begun that day prospered well, and those pledges were truly kept. John FitzoehAlU, a. W. McLaughlin, Fresldent. Cannier. FIRST NATIONAL ! OF PLATTSMOUTU. NKBItAHKA, Offers the veiy best Ifacilities for the prompt trauactlon of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Konds. Gold. Government and Local bee-untie nought and Sold, Deposits receiv ed aud interest allowed ou time Certitt catea, Draft drawn, available iu any part of I lie United States and all the principal towns ol Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants, State aud County Bond. DIRECTORS .Joha Fitzgerald A. E. Touzalin, John it. Clarii K. C. Ciwhing, Geo. K. Dovey. V. E. White. A. W. McLaughlin. Bank Cass County Cotaer Alain and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOUTHSg 1 JOHN BLACK. President, 1 J. St. PATTKKSOX. Cashier, f Transacts a General Baling Business. HIGHEST CASn PRICE Paid or County and City War. 'ants. COLLECTTOX8 MADE and promptly remitted for. DIBKOCTOnS : John Black, J. M. Patterson, C. II. Paruiele, F. R. Guthmann, J. MorrQsey, A. B. Smith. Fred Gorder. illy WEEPING WATER WEEPINQ WATER, - NEB. L. REED, Tresident. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-rresident. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Mim Business Trassaciel Eecelved, and Interest allowed ou Time Certi ficates. 11BAFTS Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. "Agents for the celebrated Wmi Line of Steamers. HKNRY BCF-OK DALEK IN IS xl a? xii t ivrje, SAFES, CHAIRS, aTC, KTG., KTC, Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASE? WOODEN COFPIlS Of all sizes, ready made and Hold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE IS NOW KKADY KOttBKKVlCK. With many thaaks for past patronage. Invite all to call and examine my LARUE STOCK OK 3Uf. KIIHNTI KK AXI i:0"KIXM BOYD & LARSEN, Contractors and Builders. 'Will glre estimates on all kinds of work. Any orflerv lerr at tne LuniDcr lards or fost Ofilc will receive proniot attention. Heavy Truss Framing, for barns and large buildings peclalty. For refeienc apply t .1. P. Toonj, J. V. Wae frw b or ll.i. Wrmns bon. 4&w ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNKTT& LEWIS, THE LEADING GROCERS! Coiae to the front with Staple and Fancy Groceries FRESH AND NICK. We always buy the best goods in the market, and guaranteo everything we sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of PERFECTION" AMD THE "BAT A VI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Tlatt's "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oyster always on band. Come and see us. We will make you glad. BURLINGTON ROUTE" (Chicago, Burlington GOINC EAST AND W3T. Klerant Day Coaches, Varior CiM v.iJ. r-eelsc inffCEair (Beats free). Srnorij Curs, tri'li volving Chairs, Pullman PaLco rilv!-vr -2-i.ri r.A the famous C. B. & J. Diuinj? I ars nui d:.'iy t. and from Chicago A Kansas City, Cbio ,z ouncir r.i. tit. .1 j- lint be- Uluxrs, (Jiucago s i moinne. it.jj tmJLmli rwn T lnviln Xr rw.nv.-r Thr.iuh cars .,k v,:... . TVvrw.k-, i in K- t!.vY,. 'i i-ni. lm - between Indianapolis & Council I'.IafTn via Pooria. AJ1 connections made in Union Depots. It in LkBownaatba sreot THROUGH CAR USE. m Finest Eaulooed Railroad In tfto ft. J. POTTKR, d Vlce-Prea't and Qen'l Manager. Xo old stock to work GLASS AZSriD FLOUK. FEED AND PROVISIONS. The Very Highess Market DREW BUILDING. PLATTSMUOTH. Cass County WAYMAN & KIRBY, Propr's. P 1 j L 1 1 s in o Ti tli . Neb; MAN UFA BOILERS, IRON FRONTS, HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy work in Columns and Castings for Business Houses are not surpassed in the State. MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fullj c-quipjed for all classes of work in iron. Patronize Nebraska manufacturing. We duplicate all eastern price?, saving freight aud time. Parties building in any part of the State should write for our terms of castings CASS GOTT2TTT" WCEK3 March llth, 1882. PLATTSMOUTU. NEB. V . . 1 I f , . v v LLLI 11 - A X At Wholesale and JUetail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me Opposite First National IBank. if. iBATDmsiisiriBn. a complete stock of GROUND SPICES, CELEBRATED Quincy Railroad.) COIKC MCHTH AND SOUTH J Sol i fn.w i Hurii Solid Trains of E'.want Day Coachea and Pull iii pRhioe Wiwpir.s Cr are run u;ujy lo aua i Lit Ivi-. Tia ininr.iuai. uuincy. neoKux. iinirton. OMar Ffiot.ts and Albert Lea to Si Paiil and Aliiiuonoolt! Oliair to and from ! and froxa fcS Louis uolts; rarior tjars wun Kfoiinintri o:nKt. lxuu ana i eona and to 1 and from i-l Iaiius ana Ot.uinwa. urur one I ohani:.. of rars 1-etveen St. !ouis and Dew Moi, Iowa, U.-.coln, Nebraska, and Pwiver, Colore do. ... I ia urdversauy admifr ' ' -' - World for alt Cla&v r ' PEHCKVAL LOWELL. Gen, iu- rooenesB oft'. The latest patterns tf Q.TJEBNSWABE. Price paid for Country Produce Iron Works CTURERS OF ENGINES. And Tinners' Stock ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY Rxcelsior SLflt ST. LOU IS, MO Sale hy J . S Luke. 9 D w FEE, T ZEE 33 B.&M.R.R; The through lino for Denver and the Mountains, anl fill jointK in Southern and Western Nehrua ka. Eastern Connections at PLATTSMOUTH, OMAHA and ATCHISON KA2TSAS, llr all point. -j East, ITorth and South Connections iit LINCOLN for CENTRAL C1TV, COLIIMIHJS, ATCHISON, WVMORE, Jt ' 1 : ..-..::.te oointn. P. S. EUSTIS (r. W. IIoi.nuK4K, Con. Pas. Ag't, Gen'l Snot. Omaha. Omaha J. LEVY, Will 1JUY aad fci:LL all khvU of FURNITURE, METALS, IR017, RAGS A2TD PURS" Will advance money on all SALABLE (jiOODS, on ltwer ilain ftieet, Opposite The Old Duke Building. Plattsmouth, Feb. 1st, 188.1 4Ctf. JASON 3TREIGHT, (Saecmor t Streljjht Zx. ililler.) MAS U KACT V KKIl OJ"1 FINE f HEAVY HARNESS. A Large line of Saddles Bridles, Collars, WMps. &&. always in stuck. Repairing of all kinds neatly done ?i sort notice. Main Street, hetircen fourth and Fifth, O. M. STKEIfiHT. Kiif!nei ManaKer. IIAK.SlMMONH. M".'baiii'.'al Manager. 7tf ROSEtiT DONNELLY'S BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as there Is a Rood lathe iu my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker ' baa taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Mew Wtftu and' Bvarl aaade t Order. w v. n ui 0 Just Received. A FINK LINK Ol' MEERSCHAD AND BRIAR PIPES F lIICK T MIOUTATIOM.Ui A Challenge 5c Cigar, M (ally inailo for tli iciail U4 aaly. at Pepperberg's. Clar Factory. caLl at the Old Reliable LUMBER YARD l A. WATBEWN S Mi VlioU salo and Kctall IH-alcr In PINE LUMBER shl;li:s, lath, sash, doohs, BLINDS, Ac., l'.rtl Mret't, in'iearof 0 ra IIoump. PJATT.SMOHTJr. - XKIUIASKA. A Coinmott-Scnsc Roiucdv. o iuok; eciit uiiiaf Iniii, Gout or JVeiirulKlu. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Care Guaranteed Fivr vrttrti rxIritilMird mui iifvrr hrimiix to fall In a Hiuulr.rilHr, amir, irr etirtmir. Jtrfer to nil priimimnt phmieian and ri((l for the nliinilinu ofSnlU ulira. SEBRET I T1IK ONLY DIHSOI.VKIt OK THK POIMOX- oi s ntic Arm which in this HUMID OF KllhUMA'flU AND (iOUiY l'A 'IIKNIS. MAM4'YM(.'A in known as a ronimon fcciiHe ri"ly. becannr it Hti lkcit llr-ily at the can-1' of Klu-UMiali'-iii. (lout anil NVuralxla. wlille so many ho-c;i11'I kim-cIMc ami cujiixti-t'd jiaiiucc-tKoiily treat locally the rtlevt. It lias Itccn 'n'C)lfd ly piniiifnt M-l-iit 1st i onlwiird a(liuations, xucli :im ruMliitf with oils, oinltiiciits, linim-itH, and Kuolhiiii( lotloiiH w ill not eradicate thc-n IIh-;ich which urc tin- icMiilt of Hit; jioisoiilnj; of lh uitli (" ic Acid. M I.H'YIilf'A work vi 11 li Ki;iiK Ion" vl fi'ct on this acid and so rMiiovcd tin- dlnor 'vr. It Is iiov; cxclu-lscl used ly sill rcIMil'Hied pliyvii inns of A iii'TH'!'. and l uroiic. llii.'hft Mc'ilicnl A'Miti iiiy ol I'm iw i cil:j u.r. per cent ciin i in tiiice diijs. JVC EIvT X3E Fi that NAI-lcVLHIA Is a certain citr for 1M1KI MA'i l.s.M, ;oi;T and MCI' KAMH A. I he ltiost ir,t(-iie r:iiii are snl,dued almost In- ii vi- it:i tii: i. l: lief u;.i;iiit (l or money l ei 1 li'i'.i-'aii'li of tf imoi.l.iis cut on applica tion. 1 a liox. C Iioxeii forS". Sent fiec oy imiil m receipt of money. A SK YOUK JHi;.iItiT VUli IT. Hut 'lo not lie deluded into t.'ikiii iinltat lonn or miI'-i 1'iitc, ir Hoii.i tlmiii recommended an Jn.ii lis pood !" ;ihl,t on tnt- neiinlne with th Damtx.1 WAIIIU:i:K ft. CO., on i'hcIi hox, Ahich is i;iiHi;'iilec cliemlcally imrp underuiir r'lirn.'itiire, an hidlsdeiiHiblu ieiiisltr to lt'sure Hiieeen in the treatment. Taks nw other, or send to u. WaBhburne U Co., rroj.rletom. '.Hioadwav. cor Head t St.. NEW YOHK. 7i -.2 s if & TT '' a? 5 & E s I 3 : o ? PS I o z A ? i i " r S3 6 9 a e f- y !S 3 m o m 1 rl o i r: M M sM e o o 73 X 1 1: T. P-l s. in -; r i ' in "j X KENDALLS liin.Uunl' .U(i MiKL ilK.MMiV ever ois covrel a.s it Ik ceitHln Iu Iti ril et and does not Minter : Alo exeelient f:r human flesh. KKAIJ l'IMIOK l:KMVV. FROM COL. Jj. T. I'OSTEIt YounK'town. oiilo. May loth, 180. 15. J. Kendall it ('., i;eiit : I tia-l a very val uable t amb'.etoiiuii whldi 1 prizea very highly, he had a lar hoi.e -ihvIii lu one Joint and a ninall on- 'ii the oilwir. w hicli inain him very lame ; I had in in tinder the charge of two veterinary m t'eon- who fulled to cui him. I wa one day reading the dvertii-euiflTt o KcikIhH's f pavfu Cure in tne UilcaKO tx-i.rei-s. I deteaiiiiutrd at once to try It. and our druiiK here wtnt font, they ordered three toiilcii. I took them all and tl onyht 1 would Is'ive It a thorouKh trial.! used'lt ao ordlnx todi- rectious and the fuiirtli lay the colt ceased to le J.tnie. auil the Iuiiii.m had disappeared. I useo Out one bottle and the colts limbx are as free from lump and a Ninootli as any horse in the state. II.- I- entirely cuied. the cure wa o remarkable hat I let two ot my neighbor have tiie remaining two bottles who aie now using lr. Very Itespectfully, L. T. FOSTKR. Kendall's Spavin Cure OX II UMAX FLESH. Patten'n Mill. . Y.. Feb. 21. 1878. B. J. Ken l.i. & Co.. (;ents: I he particu lar cae on which 1 used your Keituall'a xpavin Dure wa a maliKnant aukie xjualn of nixti-eu months standiiiL'. I Iih1 tiled in vain. our Hpavin l ure put the foot to the pound aoln. and for t he Or-t tune since hurt, "' In a natural ooslilon. For n fainilv liniment u excelU anythiUK we ever used. Youri truly. iL OA V h )trKel II - I I H I Ifca i il 'Ji' i ItEV. M. P. BELL, Tastor of M. E. Church, Fattens Mill. N. Y Hend addrexs for Illustrated Circular, which we think Rives positive proof of it virtues. No remedy has ever met with uch unqualified uccem, to our knowledge, for beast as well ca man. Frice tl. per bottle, or mx bottles for fs. All rruKtrfts have Korean get it lor you. or It wUl be aent to any address on receipt of nrle by the proprietors DK. li. J. KENDALL ! CO. Kno burg Falls. V t. 3-ly SOJLD Rf ALL. DRUGGISTS