lie VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, TIITJitSDAY, APIUL 12, 183:J. NO. 40, (Bur Sfey (Bwi have nrrived, ::tid I ry Goods Dress ( loods, Trimmings Etc., at lower thicks than :mv other hou.-e in the country. AUo a full line of uroeenes A N at -rices to defy coinjetion. THE DAYLIGHT STO IPull Line General Merchandise. Full ILine General Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. Kottom Prices for Cash. Bottom Prices for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBACH. THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE B ftvT Lis i 1 mi DEALERS Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The le8t and most complete assortment in the city. In the ROCKWOOD BLOCK, two doors west of Carruths. Call, asd'see us. JUST R.EOEIVED ! A FINE LOT OF MACKEREL, LAHRADOKE HERRING, TROUT, WILD WAVE COD FISH, Aio a choice lot of LElOSTS XTX) ORAKCES. We have a fine atoek uf GMQWB FAMILY GROCERIES, . Fwcy'Brnds of MINNESOTA, .KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. 1 bave In stock a Ada line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &. AH oar good nre new and frerb. WilTEMaiiie lor Countrj Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hand. Next door to Court House, Plattemouth, Neb, Mm will continue to sell & uueensware D Yours Resjctfully, W. H. Baker. IN OPERA HOUS Orders taken tor WILSON LUGS.' SHIRT'S? DECK nit BKOS. H BOARD by the DAY or WEEK. RIOHE1T Corner Pearl and -ni; in iif 9 4 mr . ML- l The Pi-ATTSMOUTH HERALD every facility In Every Department. yamiogues V' -A-TJCTIOnST BILLS, SLILE BILLS, COMMBSCIAL Ozi7 Stock: of And materials is large and compiete in every department. ORDIlRS IB"$r MAIL SOLICITED PLATTSMOUTH HERILD PUB. CO Sqfo&oTbbQ for tJxjeJJiqjUy JEfercUd, LOCK. 'it OPERA IICUSE ASI FDRNISHERS. GENTS' TOST OFFICE itsews iepot, STATIONERY. NOTIONS, ClO-AES. MASON & IIAMLIX m:;uY r. .miller an.i CENTliAL RESTAURANT. Meals at AH Hours. IN SEASON. Seventh Streets, all kinds of- PUBLISHING COMPANY for first-class has PfIlTTIlSrG- jBlctTxk JPcipers TELEGRAPHIC WASHINGTON NEWS. An Important Suit. Loave of Absence (i ranted. THE COONH CAN (JO. Wasiiinutox, April 11. The Hnint mil secretary of the tnusiiry hu is cueil aw ortler ruui'ni i leav; of ub kciice ou ti t- Kith iiist. to coloictl tni i'loycus iii I lie treasnrj who ih sireto purticij :iie iu the emancipation cele hratio i. A I.AUdk. OllliLK KOU J'ltlN'i 1I. 'lite latest onler fi riming l laril. forniK ever .iven to the public printer is tliut of the ct.uiinirsionor of intern al revenue for blaukd ::i I labels re jiiirei; in carrying into olJec-t the pro- vifiions on the l.sw relative to the re I .... . . V 1 uaie ou looacco ana cigars, l lie or der U for 60,000,000 labels uu.l 25,000, 000 blanks lor the use of tunnttfactur ers and dealers. OKESIIAM TAKf S TIIK OATH OK OF FICE. The oath of office was administer- eu to Juugo ureshaut today, and he assumed lortnal charge of the pott- oflicc department. The suite of rooms occupied by the postmaster ycucral were thrown open and the employees not i tied that he was ready to receive them. The reception ocu pied about three quarters of an hour. A KAILKOAD SUIT. Argument w as commenced iu Ihe iipreme court court today in au im portant case of the Illinois Central railroad conipauy, plaintiff' in error, against the people of thesta;e of Illi nois. This was a suit brought by oue Jno. M. Mars, in the name of the state, against the railroad coinpany undcr an act of the legislature passed May 22d, 1873, entitled au act to prevent extortion and unjust dis crimination iu rates charged for the transportation of passengers and freight." The plaintiff' alleges that the railroad company charged him higher rates on a quantity of 6alt snipped from Chicago to Tuscola thaa that fixed by the railroad and commissioners, appointed under the act above mentioned. The company admits the alleged overcharge, but maintains that the state commission ers had no legal authority to fix rates for transportation of merchandise over its road, and that the act which assumes to gire such authority, is un constitutional and voir?, for the rea son that it impairs the obligation of a contract between the state and the company embodied in the companys charter. The case was submitted to the circuit court of Douglas county upon the agreed statement of facts. T hat court held that the aci was cou constitutioual and valid, and assessed a fine of sjilOJO against the railroad company. Judgment was affirmed by the supreme court, and the case now comes hero upon a writ of error for a final review. GENERAL 311SCKLLANY 31rs. (;ouger Obtains n Verdict for $5,000. Trial of Schiller, for Setting Fire to Newhall House. Other Interesting Item. Chataxooga, April 10. The south ern Press association meets here on the 18th. Au enjoyable programme is arranged for the visitors. Tucsox, April 11. Four hundred troops were sent to protect the Apa ches at San Carlos. The Tombstone rangers have taken to the field. They are being reinfotccd all along the line New York, April 11. Jay Gould announces that he will advance $1, 400,000 as dividend on Western Union telegraph company stock to holders, iu view of the litigation which delays payment otherwise. Milwaukee, April 11 A Xew York special 6ays negotiations are be ing closed for the sale of the Wiscon sin Ceural to a syndicate to be 'ope rated iu connection with the Xorth ern Pacific, and thus torm a through trans-continental line. St. Locis, April 11. The Baloon keepers of the city have taken steps to contest the high license dramshop law passed by the recent session of the legislature. The law goes Into effect in July. St. Louis, April 11. A young He torew nateed Room Vttcnrpwi to rjut- rage a uiuo year old daughter of Dr. I the duty they wern culled upon to pr N. D. Floral, at Wmahntrhic, Texan, I form was one of the most serious that and the jail in which he va4 placed had to be well guarded. Uoston, April 11. In th suit of Lizzi (ianuou vi Father Fleming, which ws brought to recover $5,0u0 damage because- the- latter had taken awao some paper images to which the child hud become attached, the jury brought in u verdict of one cent damages. J.AFAYETTK,Ind.,April 11. The jury in the slander suit of Helen M. Cou gar, editor of Our Herald, and public lecturer on woman's suffrage, against Henry Manler, chief of police, brought in a verdict assessing the damages at $5,000. It was alleged by the defend - ant that Mrs. Cougar had been seen in the law office of Captain Dewitt Wal- lace, a prominent politician and attor- ney. I he defendant pleaded Justifica- iion, anu ine iriat was a ottter one. 1 . .... lasting eleven weeks. The defendant moved for a new trial. Milwai'kkk. April II. The prose cution in the Scheller case opened with C. I). Faun, president of the Newhall House company, who described the house and its exits. lie was followed by John J. Antis- dell, proprietor, who corroborated his statements, and told of meet In z Schel ler on Michigan street the moment be (Antisdell) ran from the burning building, and said .Sheller'a actions for some time previous to the fire has been bad. He was accused of having drank a great deal, and gambled. It came out that bhellcr was offended with Antisdell for sending bis (.Shel ter's) wife from the hotel. Johnny Antisdell, son of the pro prietor, said when he and his father met Scheller. the latter exclaimed: My God, Johnny ; do you know how the fir? caught V" Firemen and shop keeierB occupy ing the basement were examined as to what was there of an inflammable na ture. It was developed that once be fore there was an incendiary fire in the base-meat near Scheller' coat, and fichellei's father-in-law, Baur, who re cently died, had refused Antisdell and others admittance. FOKEKi.N AFFAIRS. Gallagher's Citizenship. The Dublin Trial. VICTORY GAINED. Beulix, April 10. The conserva tive party have gained an important victory in the election in the east of Prussia today. PARNELL STAT-4 IN LONDON'. London, April 10. Parnell has de cided not to leave Lmdon. He de sires to attend the discussion of the criminal procedure act. HIGH WATER. Branford. Ont., April ll. The Grand river has risen eight feet in ho past forty-eight hours. The north and south sides of the city are flooded. Residents are moving out in boats or occupying second stories. regalia transferred. Hr. Petersburg, April 11. Crowds thronged the streets to witness the gorgeous ceremony of transferring the regalia of the imperial family from the winter palace to the kremlin at Moscow. A separate carriage was al lotted each emblem. REITERATING HIS 1NXOCENCK. London, April 10. Bernard Galla gher, of dynamite notoriety, strongly urges his American citizenship. Jle las sent a letter to the United States minister.-reiterating bis innocence. His writing and spelling of the com- muaication stamp him as a person of illiterate character. The London po lice continue their vigilant watch upon railway depots and steamboats land irgs. It is believed they are well ad vised from America. THE OBJECT OF TIIK ALLIANCK. Rome, April 11. In the senate today the minister of foreign affairs said the sole object of the alliance between Italy, Austria and Germany was the preservation of peace. He emphati cally denied the argument that these countries were characterize! by any spirit of hostility towards Fra ice. It was useless to seek the manner and form of this agreement. The senate must be content to know that Italy is withdrawn from her former position. In regard to the agreement with the German powers it allowed perfect reci procity of ruhts and left free institu to each. JOE BRADY'S TRIAL Dublin,, April 11. The trial of Joe Brady, on the charge of murdering Cavendish and Burke, began this morn ing. Xot withstanding the fact that it was known that absentees Mould be fined a hundred pounds, many jurors on the panels failed to appear. .. The case for the crown was opened bv Por ter, who pointed out to the fury ttrart coulJ full on citizens. Ho exhorted them to dismiss from their minds alto (tether anything that they had read or heard In connection with the case, and be guided by the evidence produced At the trial. riaUMiHtiitli City Markets. 1-HoVIMlOMM, ritCIT, THPlt AC. (HKTAIL) llrpoi tru by M. Jt Murpby A Vv. Flour Nkh . . 13.00 & 4. SO pa rewt. SI.J5 " mso " li.liO " STUB aiti.v-u per t is 7W " 17 " 14 " " ia 15 " " S4.&0 a s mi por oj. . . 10 kb l-vf ite. " 4.'46i rt. per bo. si. so 7ft cU 75 Cl " ..1.M0 (. I " leprsttl V per uati 40 " Hmu ityr'irW " 1 J. ;'' irt kim... sugar Curni Hum USder.'.'.". Zuy?lYY'.'.''. f:tT Choice I'otatoc . . Swri-t Hffln Onlona Apiilr (winter) H-et Cider Oyntcin, nlr:t .... common . riattMiniMith lelepiiuue Kichsuirc. 1 J. P. You uk. rslctei.". 2 i 4 a Ilriibflt & l.rnli, .lorn. M. It. Murphy & Co., Bonner Mtabfea. coMniy t:i rk'a ofllio. K. It. l.ewla, rrttlUeuco. J. V. Weckbai:Jj, tor. Wenl.rii Union Irloiapb oftlu. 7 8 0 i. ii. wnerirr. ria-utt. 10 14 16 J I. A. Campbell, K. It. Wliiilhttiu, Jan. Wkviiii.ii. Itl J. W. JriiulUK. " W. H Wlt. ofuee. MorrUney liroN., oITlcc. 11- if r.rtn. ...... 17 IS A) O. V ! Fuirned. r..iuen.-i. IX i M. li Murpby. n it. . Wheler&( o . ofIre. 'a J. I. Tay lor, icldencr. 24 Kimt Naiioiial liauk. 25 V. K. KiiHner'tt otlleo. 26 J. 1'. Yoiiijk, .Lore. I'erklun House. 2 K. W. 11 v-ik. re!J5ui-o. 31 Journal ofrlc.. 34 IIkma lu ix-ii. "o ofllce. 35 J. M. Wi-e. leslileLoe. M M. M. Chapman. 37 W. I. Ioim-s. 'M A. N. Aullivan. " 39 II. I-:. l'almrr, 40 W. II. Hclilblkuecbt, olUce. 41 HulliVHil V Woo ey. 41 A. W. .liil.auBhllu. residence. 43 A. I'at tenon, livel y. 41 ;..M. llolim-w. 4'i I,. 1; llenm-n. re il.leutf . 4J tie. s. Hmith. oulce. 47 L. A. Miwjie, tlor bt. 4a J. W. IUrn. HKi.leiifc bit K. K. I.I vliiK-t'Hi. o(11t. 3'il J. . Weeknaeh, 31S Ch.-iplahi Wrislit. 3H) W. 11. Helil.Ukiieciit " 34 (left, M .Smith, H. It, l.iviuK'ton. ' 13 C. C. Ballard, The iWiteh board connect Plill unnnth with Ashland. AllliiiiliiL.. lil.iir. 'itnu-l liiufr. v. mont, l.lii:-lii. iu!i t and iCUIior i station. For Sale ! N K I, Src. 3, T. 12, I:. 13. S K I, Stc 3, T. 12, I i. 13. S. W. 3, Sec. 3, T. 12, it. 18. and X. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, Ii. 13. E S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 13 E Lot 10, Block 2.8. 3, " 7 & 9, 23. S, 9, 11. Duke's Addition. Tho nVjv described farms aro for sale on long thue, with 7 per cent, interest. Amdv to Jt. 1. WIXIMIAM, d9tf lMuttmouth. Neb. TENDERLOIN Meal Market, LAFE iNEIL, Prop'r. Beef MnttoaiPort Yeal CtitoUc, Constantly on baud. AUo.slI kUit of AJIK ianaon, a ad ev erything kept in a FIflST-JL,AKS .MKAT SUOPf At !owat foalble rate. North Side Main St btt. At?t an 52!y I'LATTSMOUTH. KEB3 LOUISVILLE- Tho following are among the lend ing business honses: .Win. B. Slsrock, Dfuggiot and Stationer. All articles usually' kept In . -'first--- class drug-store t bottom prices. " O. ii. Hoover. Dealer iu all kiuds ot agricultural implements. The Buckeye and Ma nit twine binder for 1883, a specialty. Clfy Hotel. No pnins will be spared lor the comfort of guests. Boarding by the day or week. Jonn (Jail, Prop'r. li. U. I'anlkonin. kec-p6 the celebrated Canton plows; also a general Jiue of the best agri cultural implements manufactured. 1.31. Hard . Co. Hardware, stoves aud tin-war. Headquarters for the noted Charter Oak cook stoves. AV0CA. The following are among the lead mg boaiucsi houses: Lagrange fcCo. General Merchandise, Drags sad Groceries, Pumps, Windmills Stone, Well Tubing &c. ' A. I. Markhall, Dealer iu Drugs, Paints, Oils sad ruisbce; alw Bvoks scd BtsrtovetT.