PLATTSMOOTH HERALD. I'Ult MHHKD DAILY AND WKKKLY Tfee Plattsmoutb Herald YMMw Co. DAILY, delivered ly currier to any i:irt of tti city FerWeek $ 15 )'r Month w Per Year 7 00 WKKKLY, by initil. One copy alx months $1 rf Oueeopy out year 2 00 Registered at the Tost Office, PlatUmotith, as second clana matter. PLATTSMOUTII. MAItCH CO, le::. Lkt the republican turn out to their primaries this cTcnliijr. Therein lieu the kaftty and prosperity of our people. Yigiluncu upon the part of the people u our certain snfety. Let each party vie with the other in putting up rllt tilled men. Wk publish Mayor Weckbach's dce linntion in thU issue. There is no question but the appeals of the IIkk- ali have had their c fleet upon the people; an the democratic primarieH we iiudrotaiil, wre well attended laiit evening-. There has, we iearn, b'jeu coiiil.ralle criticism indulged in against Mayor W eckbacii on ac count of the management o nlluir duriiiLT the Miiall ix lilatruo laut spring for every effort made by the mayor anl city council lor the abate ment of the plague, the IIkraI.H has only hearty commendation; and we be lieve our people take the same view ot that matter; however, we think Mayor Weekbach and hi council do not meet the endorsment of the people in their general management of city affairs, and especially in the civil government of tha city ; appointments have b&en made that were not Jit to b made; and especially upon this branch of our city administration have severe criti cism been justly indulged in by the people. The IIekald hopes both par ties will make good nominations, for our city needs good business men in control of our affairs. Is discussing the all important ques tion of good government in our large centers of population which i fast becoming' one of the most important questions to the citizen in this coun try. The Inter Ocean says: A recent report, prepared for the Inter Oeern, and the correctness of which has not been questioned, con tained the following statement as to the percentage of murders to popula tion in eight cities: IJrooklyn, one to every 47,214. Philadelphia, one to every -10.000. llobton, one to every 36,253. Chicago, one to every i'3,100. Xcw York, one to verv a A jVO :i,546. Baltimore, one to every Cincinnati, one to every 12,7oC. San Francisco, one to every 8,709. The first, second and third cities in the list are under either straight re publican or republican tizen admin istrations, while the rest are demo cratic cities. The average in the liri class is one to 41,165 of the inhabi tant; in the second class, one to 13, 468, or in a word, more than three to omc in favor of Cary iu preference to Harrison. Tiik Herald, tho other day, in speaking of the issue in Chicago be tween the people and Carter Harris on's democratic party, being high or lrr license; mentioned the saloous as "thousands of drum shops," to which exception was taken by a good friend of this papor, who ridiculed the ex travagant statement of "thousands of dram shops." We notice tho China go pa?)cr.s say there are upwards of four thousand places where liquor is sold by the drink, and only about half that number of places where food can bo obtained. The Iuter-Ocean says, "the last business directory gives the number of groceries, mark ets, and provision stores, as 2,223. Mayor Harrison's message states that there are 3.785 licensed saloons, aud according to the best estimates, there are at least five hundred places in Chicago where liquor is sold withou the formal permission of the city au thorities." So the IIekald was jierfectlj-justified iu making the moderate asser tion of "thousands of dram shops." Wj i.i.i a m P. Ross, t he preseu t chief of the Cherokee Indians, is a graduate-of an eastern college, remarkable for intelligence and culture, aud a fine orator. The tribe occupies a reserva tion of 4,060,000 acres, bounded on the north and east by Kansas, Mis souri and Arkansas. The Cherokees of pure and mixed blood number 20, 336, about one-half of whom speak the English language, which is the only one taught in the schools. In the en tire male population there are but sixteen whose occupation is given in the last census as hunters, aud five fishermen, the majority being farm ers. There are 407 schools supported by the nation, a male aud female sem inary for advanced" pupil, and an or phan asjlulli. There is a regularly constituted government, and an ade quate administration of justice. In ehert, the Cherokee nation is not to be distinguished from a frontier state, except in the character of its inhabi tants, their relations to the general jjovernment, and their system of hold ing the land in common, which af fords an interesting' examplo of prac tical communism Ex. A most remarkable electrical phe nomenon manifested itself on tire line of the Union I'achlc railroad last Sun day, between North Platte and Sidney. The influence, however, was felt per ceptibly beyend these points. The rails were surcharged with a current of electricity, moving from west te east, to so high a degree that handcars standing on the track were impelled at a fair rate of speed by it. One hand car at Brule got away from the section men next east. The influence of the current was felt by many peusous along the track, aud no little excite ment precaileu during its continuance. Interior. Si'Kakixo as the Hkrald has dune frequently of our ludiau troubles aud policy, calls to mind the action of the secretary of the Interior, in rec ognizing woman's fitness for politi cal advancement. Secretary Teller has appointed Mrs. Helen Hunt Jack sou, of Colorado, as a special agent of the Interior department, to examine as to the causes of complaint which have been made about the manage ment f the Indians of southern Cali fornia. Mrs. Hunt Jackson is a vet eran Indian fighter before the depart ment, for the rights of the Indian, and against their abuses and misman agement, by agents and traders. Sec retary Teller has, by this act, ac knowledged woman's titncbs for p6- litical advancement. There is no reason why women, competent and fit, should not be acknowledged in al most every branch ol the service. The IIi;i:ai.i says till honor be to Secretary Teller. UNE or tno most remarkable inci dents of the times is the action of the legislatures of the southern states in voting pensions to the wounded and disabled soldiers of the confederacy. It is an interesting and instructive ex hibition of the sentiment prevailing among the southern people, in regard to the right of the confederate soldier to reward for suffering and sacrifices made ou behalf of thesouth during the war of the rebellion; and unquestion ably the same sentiment prevails to wards the citizen who lost his property by the acts of confiscation by either army;, and this sentiment upon the part of the southern people is peculi arly interesting, when we see the great state of Tennessee, whoso legislature has not only roted pensions to the dis abled confederates, but also to all dis abled union soldiers of that state who have not been cared for by tho general government. This state, in the pres ence of an almost irretrievable finan cial disaster, with her treasury plun dered and robbed by her state treasurer until she has not a single dollar left with which to even pay her legislators; vrith her credit ruined abroad by the repudiation of her state debt; penni less and characterless, obligates her self to pay to her confederate sons an enormous debt, the extent ef which cannot be computed at praseut. If this Is the sentiment of the south ern people (and who can doubt it after this action upon the part of Tennessee) we can well undet stand the motive and intention of these people in com pelling their representatives in Con gress to file their war and pension claims against tho general government on be half of the citizens of the south; and we can well understand what the demands of the south will be upon the general government the moment the democratic party comes into power. This action upon the part of such a great state as Tennessee, ought to weigh more than all the pious dis claimer 'of any national platform The democratic party may be able to frame, and it is not an intemperate or extravagant statement to say, that it is reasonable to expect these people and their representatives will the mo ment they come in control of the national government, if it can be done, saddle all these claims upon the whole country. This condition of public' sentiment in the south is well worth studying. It is no idle warning to say that a peo ple who so devoutly believe in the rijhts of the confederate soldier to re ward for suffering and sacrifices made during the late war on behalf of the south, will have the courage of their convictions, nhen they come into the control of the government, and say for property destroyed and lives rendered helpless, the general government should make restitution. Speaking of the rights of the minor ity Iu the parliinentary bodies to play '"the dog iu the manger" to the detri ment of public business, and clog the wheels of legislation until the minority gets ready to permit the majority to rule. The Chicago Inter Ocean says, there is '"horse aeuse," if not parliinent ary precedent, for the ruling made by the democratic president of the New York senate the tther day when he held that a member actually present counted in making up a quorum, whether he re spouded to the roll-call or not. The fil ibustering practiced, especially iu our American congress, to practical people who believe in the majority rule in gov ernment, is at times a disgrace to any deliberative lxdy; an evil practice of which all political ' parties have been alike guilty, and the IIeuald thinks the presiding officer of the New York sen ate has a pretty stood idea of parlimcn tary right. The Her ai.d ha read the report of Comptroller Lawrence, "of the United States treasury, in response to Senator Van "Wyck's resolution, asking for a re port from the department of justice un- ,--4, inent, of .the names of special and assis tant attorneys by the attorney general to gether with the amounts paid each one, etc., siace January 1 1882. If Col Sel lers in his palmiest days ever struck upon anything that equals this showing, we dou't reuietiiber it. It is too long, too broad, and too immense, every way to publish today, '"There is millions in if." Wo will ive the fir.t item as it ap pears in the comptrollers report which is ouly a sample of a whole column of the same kind as published iu the Suu: 1882 George Iiliss of New York. May 26. Services in star route cases $ 6,800 00 Expenses Board, rail- roai fare,&c. 644 55 Sept. 15 Services in star route cases 15,000 00 Expenses-board, rail road fare, &c 1,437 40 1S63 Jan 10. Services in star route caeca 4,000 00 Expenses -hoard, rail road fare, &.c 471 31 Total ...$28,353 20 Shades of Brady, Dorsey & Co.; if the star route investigation uncovers any thing equal to this the country will be uuiisiieu. senator an vyyck lias ex posed a bigger thing than all this star route investigation can possibly unearth; aud it did not cost the country anything either. The Senator made a ramps that time sure. BOYD & LARSEN, Contractors and Builders. wilt give estimates on all kinds of work. Any onieiH iell at the I.iiinlK-r anln or I'ost Oil Ice will receive promot attention. v Heavy Truss Framing, for barns and 1arj;e buildings a specialty. For refeience apply to J. T. Young, J. V. Wee bach or il. A. Watcrinau & Son. d&w BANKS. John' Fitzokkai-D, Presideut. A. W. MoLauuiilin", C'utliier. FIRST NATIONAL IB .A. ZLST IK ! OF rLATTSMOUTir.NfcBK.lSKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Local Securities nought and Sold, Deposits receiv- ed and inteiest allowed on time Certifi cate, Draft drawn, available iu any part of the United States aud all the principal towns of Kurope. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants, State ai.d County Bonds. DIRECTORS John Fitzeerald A. K. Touzalin, John K. ClarK. 1. C. Cuthing, Geo. E. Dovey, F. K. White, A. W, McLaughlin. Banks Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets,"""" " i3x.a?TS3va:oTJTi3: ztstjbib J JOHN IILACK. President, I 1 J. M. PATTKKSON, Cashier. Transacts a General Baalim Easiness. HIGHEST CASH TRICE Paul J or County and City Warrant. and promptly remitted for. imiKCiTOKS : John Black, J. M. Patterson, C. II. l'armele. F. It. Guthmann, J. Mowissey, A. I. Smith. Fred Gorder. 511y WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, NEli. E. L. HEED, President, li. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. II. S. WILKIXSOX. Cashier. A Gesjral fiukiis BasUisss Traasactel. Received, and Interest allowed en Time Certi ficates. DRAI'TH Drawn available in any part of tha United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated Mm. Line of Steamers. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, has just been finished aud fitted up fur the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS, EVERY THINS NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar ln conneAoUSerIth the der Attorney Ocnrral I?rewsterB" manage 2Ttf. ' FRED GOOS. Tropr. m Blake's Bmldmg, up Stairs, Where they are da cciving PIECE GOODS We also wish to inform the citiens of Plattsmoulh that we have made arrangements for Dying, Cleaning On short notice, and The Finest Pressed IN THE STATE, Orders received for any quantity aiul filled in a satisfactory maimer. Those contemplating to build should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of Bonner Stable, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A COMPLETE LIN OIF1 B In J. G Everything hand-made and NEXT DOOR WEST Cass County CHAMBERS WlTMAN & KIRBY, Piopr's. PlattsiiTLO-atli. 1ST e"b MANUFACTURERS OF BOI1LEI&! IRON FRONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy work in Columns aud Castings fur Uu.siw e.-i Houses are not surpassed in the State. MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped for all classes of work in iron. Patronize Nebraska mnnufacturiuj. We duplicate all eastern prices, firing freight and time. Parties building in any part of (lie State should write for our terms of cnstint:8 CASS aOTJ2TT'r IOITjWGwSlS March llth, 1882. PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. . H . ...... s. wlw ,. i i l ILOU - A X F At Wholesale and Ketail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. tJall and see me Opposite First National Bank. JT. IF. JBATDMIBISTSSS. R a complete line of all kinda of V SUITINGS, D N epainng warrant satisfaction. rick IS i warranted. Call in and nee iih. TO THE LATE FIRE. orks ENGINES, And Tinners' StocX OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BV Excelsior ST.LOUIS.MO or Sale by J. S. Duke. D Iron W Mm MMmkm A J. LEVY, Will IIUV and SELL all kind of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS A2TD FURS Will advanco money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. Opposite The Oil Duke Building. IMattBinouth, Feb. 1st, l.s8;I dOtf. o o O JASON STREIGHT, (MaeresMor to MtrelsUt A. Miller.) MANCKACTUKKK OK FINE 3 HEAVY HARNESS. A large line of Sables Bridles, Collars, Whips. &c. always in stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly done sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Fiftu. O. M. HTKEKillT, nuninem Manager. Ciias.Simmknm. Mechanical Manager. 7tl NEW FumiturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, DEAI.ERHJIN FURNITURE t COFFINS, and all kind of t;oods usually kept in a FIHH i 'IAM Fl'K.MTITRR KTOKR Also, a very t:oi;ip!ct(; ftock f I'uueral Goods, MRt3liir:?-Wnndpiif!nfflTi5 f!fli?Vfit? Rnhp? XllULUAliUIA IT V4UUUUU1UUU UUUUUiMjlltf U UU tMBLtms, &e. Our New anil elegant hearse i alwaj'H in readiness. Ilenieinber the place, in UNION (DLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty liank. Wliear we rany be found night or day. HARRIS & UNRUH, 21U3 rLATTSMOUTH. NEB. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJl CKSJll Til nOJlSE SHOEIK'G & WAGON KEPAIIUNG. ) ( All Kinds of Farm implements Mended with Noatnasn aud Dispatch. Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that hzr four feet, from a .ebra to a Giraffe Come and see us. n Filth St. between Main asi Vine Streets, ust ae-rnss e corner from the J K W Hl'AiAl.f OFFirit. loy. ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing ui iiiiiu aim uuier macuinery, as mere ia a good lathe ia my shop. PETER RAH EN. mi TU11 ttt n - 1 I liieUlUIttUiaUlH WagOUJaaKer baa taken charge of the wagon shop. I e ia wen Known as a so. 1 WORKMAN. I and BaKsie made Order. i In I SB 3B P d n n m b r . l CD V- W O ii 3 CO n '5; H Ih (!) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Just Received. A FINE LINK OK MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES OK UIIIKCT IMPOBTATI.V, A Challenge 5c Cigar, KH'Hitlly inaile for Hie retull trlo ouly, at Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. Old Reliable LUMBERYARD U. A. WATERMAN & SON. Wholnikl and UetuU Dealer Iu PINK LUMBER SHIXtiLES, LATH, SASH, DOOILS, BLINDS, &c, Konrth Street. In reiirof Opersi llouso. PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. A Common-Sense Remedy. GYL1GA. JVo more Illiciimiitlini, fiont or IV'euruljrlu. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Care GHaraiteei Five v'-'W MtaUUmhed atul uevr known in fitQ in a Hiuule cone, acuts. tir throiiic. Itt.fcr to all prominent phyxieUinH and drvgqUU or IM Btnndina of Sulinlica. SEBRET1 TIIK ONLY DISSOIA'KIl OK TUB I'OIKOX- oi s uuk; acid which kximik in ihk IM.OOD OE UHKUMAY1U AND GOU1Y I'A TIKNTS. MALICYI.ICA in known ah a eonunon- iK-noe reiMetly, becaiiKe it Btrlkea dlrrlly ut tha ciuiee ol Kheuinatinm, Gout and NeumlKla. while Momauy Ho-called xpeciQcs and auppoaed panaceaMonly treat locally the eflerU. Ithaibeen conceded by eminent clentUU that outward applicatiouH. nch a ruhbloK with oils, ointments, lliilments. and ooiniuc lotioiiM will net ftradieato tliei disea(te which are the renult ol the j)lt(ouiiig of the bload with I'rlc Acid. NAIilCYIilC'A works with niarvclou tf fect on this :td and ho removes the dlxorder. It i now exclusively uned by all ct-leljrated nliyfilclans or America ana r.urope. tuifiimt Medical Academy ol 1'aris reiorfi 06 per cnt cures ia three days. HEMEMBEB that NAMCYLICA is a certain cure for KilKL'M ATlKM, GOUT and NhUItAMJIA. The Intense pains aro subdued almost ln r.tantly. Give it a trial. Kclief guaranted or money refunded. Thousands ot testimonials sent ou Applica tion. 81 a liox. C Boxes (or $5. Kent free by mail on receipt of money. -. ASK YOU It DkL'GGI.ST YOU, IT. Hut do nnt be deluded into taking iinitalloDS or subHtitute. or something recommended as "JhhI an good !" Iflst on the genuine wah tan name of WABHBUlt.NK K C O., on each box, which i guaranteed chemically pure iiBdnroar HlL'iirtl nre, an IndiNdeiiMtble leouisite to Insura kuccchn in tiie treat meat. Iske n other, or send to 114. . Wasbburne & Co., Proprietors. IJioadwav. cor. Kcade .St.. NEW YOKK. 2; Fits, Kpilepsy, OK FALLING SICKNESS, l'ermantly Cured No HumbuK-by one Month's tiHae of Dr. Joulard's Celhrated Infallible r it powders, lo convince suITerers that tbna I'owders will do all wo claim for them, we will Mend them by mall, post paid, a free 1 rial box. As Dr. Garland In the only i'liyilc las that has ever made thin disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousand have beeu per manetly cured by the uxe of thee rnwders.we will Kiiamutee a permanent cure in every cas. or retund you all money expended. All suffer ers should give these Powders an early trial, and be convinced of their cnratlve powers. Price, for large ISoxe, $ .0O, or 4 Jloxeo for lit. Sent by mall to any part of the United Htate. or Canada, ob receipt of prices, or by express. C. O. D. Address, ASH & ltOIiBIMS. Kulton .St., P.rook!yn. N. Y Dec. 28tli. 13fe2 sltly. Notice to Physicians. Notice is hereby given that bids will be re- rcceived at the oQice of the County Clerk, ud to noon of the 2d day of A pril, IH&3, for the med ical attendance and furnlrhitiit of medicines for county charges and Inmates of county Poor Houve and Jail for one year. The Com missioners reserve the rlvrht to reject auy or all bids. By order ef County Commissioners. Wituesr my hand and omcial seal, this 7th day of March, 163 J. W. Jkxnin.s. waits County Clerk. a H a 4 e rj . M C o a 2 2. xs K 9 K tC a 3 CO 3 ft a 5 I H ZZ firs"" 5 3 - a -G . - u S c a CO a o o (A D -- c3 04 M s a a s o as 2 be? 55 a n f3 o C3 a -a o Ga at TENDERLOIN Meat Market, isAf ji u n l L., I'rop'r. Beef Mnttca Port Yeal Chickens, fcs, I coDtantiy on nana . kinds of U UK mieason. amd er- -r erythlng kept In a I'lRST.fl.iKS nriT Mimm yvi iow possutie rates. SALI Ely PLATTSMOUTH. NKlCi