I - ! ' ?! ; t 1 1 1 4 1; - J V i ; i i i 1 it . 4 1 - 1 i I- l ! i ' PLATT8H0OTH HERALD. l'l ULISIIi:!) DAILY AMI WKKKLY The Piattsmonlli Herald PnMisMBZ Co. J EFF. 1 STONE, - City Editor. For City tndCouiitr Directory, Railway Time Table. Telephone KxcIiaDj? Iiuiuei Di rectory, Ilusineas Cards Xc, rvr third page. A. Salisbury, IiciitiNt. A big crowd and occulta of I'mi nt Ford's skating riok last night.- y The snow fall hist night was 42 100 of an inch, or nearly half an inch. The river U full of floating ice again today. More of "the beautiful" last night, consequently tuoro muddy mud to day. A prairie schooner headed for the west, was one of the few attractions on Main street today. Calender's minstrel troupe passed through the city this morning. They hare a coach of their own in which they travel. The graduating exercises of the Omaha Medical College take place at IJoyd'u opera house next Wednosdaj. Plattsmouth has two candidates for diplomas, and they will do us proud- We desire to call attention to the market reports published on the first page of the Herald. They are re ceived and corrected each day and are reliable 1 E. Huffner received a car load of Kelly barb wire the other day at Weeping Water, it wus intended to have been shipped here, but through mistake went on; Ed will have it back here or another in iU place in a 'few days. The Journal office has a bouncer. We haven't examined yet to ascertain whether it is constructed on the prin ciple of Puck's or not, but if it ia, we've no business examining it. Prof. Drummoud will pleasa accept thanks for the kind invitation given last night. Some day when the ap paratus is to be wound up and touched off. we will takeadvntago of the op portunity to viaiijita bait school in the state of Nebraska, and of Plattsmouth is proud to boast. which Notice wa3 today served on Ed Kos enbaum, and C. G. IlerolJ and Jacob Vallery Sr., his bondsmen, that Mrs. Pauline Duns tan had commenced pro ceedings against theoi for SoOO, dama ges she has sustained by reason of liquor sold to her husband William Dunstan. The 2d day of April is the time the music begins. - The members of the Ancient, order of Hibernians of the city who partici pated in the celebration of St. Patrick's day at Plattsmouth returned home on Saturday evening, greatly pleased with the treatnifeut they received from Ike brethern of the order in Omaha and Plattsmouth, particularly the latter. who spared no trouble or expense to make the occasion long to be remem- , bered and for which they return their sincere thanks and hope an opportuni ty to return the compliment will soon occur. C. 13. Nonpanel. The Art Loan. , . OFFICERS A2fD COMMITTEES. Mrs. S. P. Wilson,-president; Miss . - L.ue Shannon, secretary; Mr. Alva ; Drew,-treasurer. KXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mesdames C. 15. fIrwm,. S. P. Holla way, M. B. Murphy, Wash Smith. jytPECORATIOX COMMITTEE. -'-'.-' Mesdames M, li. Murpby, R. Peter .: sou ;Wm. Porter; Misses Ella Kennedy, .Leila Thomas, Lizzie Schildkneciit, Carrie Holla way ; Messrs. Pet ei son, W. Tatetam, J. E. I.eesley. It. Gienger. ' - . KECEPTIOX COMMITTEE. Bros. St. John, Chambers. Newell, Sparlock, Arthur, Davis. Black and ;SmIthr j : 3CCSIC COMMITTEE. , Messrs. R. B. Windham, li. Newel1, Sumner Hall, Sam Mathews, B. Spur Jock, Mrs. R. Peterson, , Miss Alice ' Jean. " ENTERTAINMENTS. " Messrs. Windham. Chambers, Smith, : Black, Spurlock, Wilson. BAZAAR COMMITTEE. "r. , Mrs. Alex. Schlegol, chairman; Mes dames Frank Johnson; Misses Clara " Babbington.'S. Worden;Messrs. Sum- ner Hal!. Frank Davis. .PHOTOGRAPHS AD DAGUERREOTYPES. Misses S. Worden, Annie Murphy, - Nettie Smith, Elsie Smith,- Carrie - Isham, Maude' Porter; Messre. Sumner ' Hall, Will Sampson! Frank Morgan. REFRESHMENTS. ' Mesdames B. P.YVifcou,' A. Drew, S. P. Holloway, Wash Smith, E. Davb,lV Way bright, Mo!c,,R. Petersoo, C. 11. Ir win, Wa. Porter, M. 15. Murphy, Ste phen Durls, J. y, Baroes, EJ Alike,. C. a. Harris, It. Newel I, C. Jones, Misses - Ella Kennedy ffizalc Scbildkuecht, Le IU Tiiouitu, Ljc S'lanaoa, Ajph i Cijiio. !''-.- . .room, i . . - Messra.Tuteman, It. Peterson,' A S; . At wood. Wt Alike, R. Geiuger . . ... AV"JW9. . , , v . R. 13.. Windham. i s . . - . TABLE COMMITTEE. ' ? " Mrs. Newell, chairman;- Mes dames F. Knroeler, R. Kennedy, G. Kinser. C. Jones, S. Harris, Brantner, - Gienger. liteath, Flemminj', Smith, B " Waybrfglit, Mauzee ; ' Misses Emma Smith. S, Harrison, Mre. A: Drew, M. L. White. Dabb, Hadlj. Personal. .Abe Kinison went to Louisvilh). Taylor Welboru, or Louisville, is in the city today. Waller White left this morning for Kansas City. Hon. Win. Nevill took a trip to the capital today. D. L. Clifton, of this city, was in Omaha last night. Hon. James Patterson went to Ash land this morning. Joe Conner made his usual run up the road this morning. Warrick, the wide-awake druggibt, went to Omaha this morning. Hon. James Hall went to Glenwood this morning on a business trip. Dr." John Black and A. 15. Taylor rusticated in Omaha last night. D. D. Martindale, of Louisville, was a pleasant caller at this oflico today. Charley Holmes started east this morning to gather up a few horses. Win. Swindle and George Laverty came down from Louisville this morn ing. Miss Dickey, of Buda. HI., who has been Yisiiiug at John Watterman's, left this morning fur York. Mrs. J. M. Walerinan, of Louisvillet who has been visiting friends in the city for a few days, returns home to night. Oliver Dovey is in New York city purchasing the spiiug stock of goods for the extensive house of E. !. Dovey & Sous. Walt M. Seely, of Bennett, is in the city today. lie is working with Mr. Ramsey on the senate journal of the late legislature. O. T. Rockwell, one of Avoca's best business men, passed through the city this morning on his return home from a month's visit in Michigan. Tom Murphy, one of the boss rail road men, left this morning for Te cumseh, where he is working a large force of hands grading the Beatrice & Tecumseh branch of the B, & M. Mr. James Pettee has gone to Weep ing Water, where he will remain until after Friday, assisting in a musical convention that Piof.Potter.of Spring field, is conducting there this week. P. II. Mahoney, an old time Platts mouth boy, lately at Missouri Valley, and in future with the M. A M. at Denver, "s in the city visiting old friends, and called on the Herald. Charlie Patterson, one of the B. & M.'s best engineers, who has been on the west end of the line for several months, is now pulling freight between this city and Lincoln, and lias moved with his family here. Capt. Marshall went to Omaha last night to listen to the lecture of Dr. Thomas, The Capt. says the lecture was a hue euort and contained some statements of stubborn facts. He was well pleased and glad he went. CURTIS' CKI.MF. His Alleged Theft of $100. The community is startled today by the announcement that D. W. Curtis, who is well and favorabl3r known to the people of Plattsmouth and Cass county, and who is one of the best and most popular school teachers in the county, is guilty of the theft of $100, from the trunk of Win. Hull who lived at the same place as Curtis. Complaint was filed with the County Judge and Curtis was arrested this afternoon and as we go to press the matter is progressing in the county court. A good many stories are in cir culation in the matter, and the facts in the case, remain to be yet brought out. Alex Mcintosh appears as counsel for the prosecution and Crites fc R.imsey for the defense. We will not pass any hasty judgement upon the matter at this time but await further developments and give to our readers the facts as they' exist, to morrew. Cedar Creek Letter. Cedar Ckeek, March 20. 1883. Ed. IIkkalu: Kev. Keed, of Falls City, but who once lived in Cass county, was iq the village last week, en route to his father-in-law's, Mr. Cyrus Creamer, vliom he will visit a few days. J. G. Gore, of Iowa, has bought Chris. iietzger's herd of cattle, and will ship them to Chicago next Saturday. Jake Berge was in Cedar Creek Satur- dav. W. II. li. Stout's -quarries are again in operation, and lour, or five- car-loads of stone leave this station daily." . Some one reports that lout 7 acres of Wiu- Gutluuann's tinker land has been warned away ly tbo Plntte river, mid the 6edof the eutire ricr has been -haiigtd. V. P.' '.Truster,, our retired merchant, will start lor the west ia a few weeks to get rich: School closes this week Willi au at tendance of 2D Mrholars. Owing-to an Jdibi;, we" wi!lbid you itdicu and say, no ' " ' Moke Aso.n. At the lueelhig of the T. A.'M. club last night, it whs deoidexl to. iiave u hop oit FridHpreTeninV. -Marc 30. For Male or TraIe. y Two good cows. v.ith- calf, for trade either fr stoclc-ho' or fat cows. En quire t Jonathan Halt Si Co V. , . . . v . . . Auetioa. . , If you hare anything you want sold at auction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf G. A. It. The attention of ex-soldiers U called to the fact that not one in ten of them who reside in the Kia'e of Nebraska, are members ef the Grand Army of Republic. This is not as it should be, for as soon as the aims and objects of our order are known, old soldiers having honorable discharges, seek to join with us. Instances occur often where members of the same regiment meet and know each other within the post and at our camp fires, who would nev er have such privileges granted them had our order not existed. I would therefore call on all in our State who are eligible for membership to at once join themselves to a post of possible. If there is no poat located near you, aud there are 20 ex -soldiers desiring to organize a new one, send at once the names to either E B. Tay lor, Chief Mustering officer, David City, Neb., or to F. F. Rexfurd, of Weeping Water, Neb . who is Muster ing ofllcer of the district you reside in, and proper papers ill be forwarded at once. Let there bo a hearty re sponse to this notice all over our State. Very Respectfully, Jno.C. Bonnell, Dept. Commander, Dept. of Neb,, G. A. It. River Report, As furnished olliciallv to the Wur Department. The river at noon today, stood 5 ft 5 in. above low water mark, a full of 4 in. since noon yesterday. A Terrible Accident. One year ago, Jt he Press was called upon to chronicle the death by lire of a lady living opposite Nebraska City, in Fremont county, Iowa. This morn ing it is our sad duty to give the hor rible particulars of a second death from I he same cause. Last Saturday a young son of Mr. Murray, aged twelve, years, was engaged in b urning corn stalks in his father's lield which is located about two miles from Per ciyal, Iowa, and by accident his-cloth-ing caught fire. His father was about a quarter of a mile away from him, but instead of rolling on the ground, or even going toward his pa rent, the frightened vboy ran the other way at a terrible spetd. the flames gathering strength as he ran He kept running until he dropped down liter ally burned alive. He was taken home and died iu a couple of hours, having suffered a thousand deaths. The unfortunate young boy was a nephew of Mrs. Murray, Joe O'Pelt's mothcr-in law. The funeral took place Monday, and was largely attend ed. -Neb. City Press. Buy your trunks and valises at the Opera House clothing store. Phil Youug has just received n large Hue of books aud stationery, aud more to follow in a few days. Amongst the many tilings is the larget-t and cheapest line of box paper cyer .sold in Platts mouth. The latest novels Jjy E. P. Roe, Mary J. Holmes, May Agn-s Fleming,. ami many otners. Gospel Hymns Nos. 1. 2, 3. aud 4 combined, binders for the Seaside and Franklin Square libraries, large i:ne of blank and memorandum books, waste paper basket?, base ball 3 and bali, photograph and autograph albums aud many other goods too nu merous to mention. Phil makes a spec ialty of all these goods, and it will be to your interest to buy them from him. It The Troy City Laundry Has removed to the Mockenhaupt build icg near the blacksmith shop and is pre pared to do tmt-class work, lg-dlm Rouse to Rent. Inquire of Chaplain Wright. dtf Phil Young says that he will not . use the baby carriages himself,and therefore will have to dispose of "some of them. So if you want ny bargains in the car riage line now is your chmcc. Besides Phil is offering bargains on manv other rrtri la in lio IIa "VV O ill U13 IILtCi Do not leave vour orders for suits with travelling agents but cull lo and we will take your measure aud guarantee perfect tits and satisfaction at the Opera House clothing store. For perfect fitting substantial clothes call at tii? Opera House clothing btore. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of The First National Bank at' llatts- raouth, iu the State of Nebraska, at the. Close of Business March 13th9 , ' KESOURCKj. jr Ixansau(l discounts. ....".;. .,$2ol W5 77 Overdrafts..- :.....; 3 is& go U. S.llouds to secure ciruulaliuu .. .M 000 00 Oi lier stocks, bunds aud inortages. 3 471 30 liijo from approvrd reserve agent.. 42 as lue lrom oilier .ttti')i:l Uak, . 2 068 44 Due (rum suae Hanks ami tianUcrs. 4 j Keal estate, turuiiure and fixtures.. 3 itii V0 Current expeuMes and taxes puid.... 'J UH li? JiilU of other banKs , :: 000 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 88 it Specie .. 7 23 1 43 Legal tender sote 2 aw 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- urer(5 per cent ot circulation, 2 00 . 3 3 Jd 40-J 36 Total . MABlLITIKS. Capital stock paid lo...., Surplus fund Undivided profits - National Bauk notes ouutaudiu. Individual deposits rubject check ...J so 000 00 . . ' 10 OtK) 00 12 l-9 VZ U 000 t,0 to 68 73J CO Statk of Nki:iiaska, f County ofCass. I, A. W. SkUioHUN, Cashier of the alxve named bank, do solemnly swear that the alx.ve ktatemeut is true to the bet of my Uhow lolt and belief. A. W. McUlOUI.lN. Cashier. Suberied aud sworn to before me, this Mih day of .March, itutt. jL.S v Gko s- Sm'Tii. Notai-y J'ublic. CorrertAttPKt : :eo E. Dovev, 1 K. E. Whitk, Direct 01 1.. A. W. McLai'ohun. 1 Public Sale. Notlec U hen-by given that I wilt ell at pub lic miction. in front of the county clerk's iMJice, In flatiMniouth. Casn Co., NebniNka, nt 2 o'clock p. iu. on Saturday, the 31 ft day of March, 1883, certain personal property of on John Johnson, deceased. Said property cou slsta of oiim shot gun. one pistol, one watch and cbaki. one dirk knllc, Ac. P. P.GASS. - . . Coroner ( j Co.. tieb. nattsnioutb. Mareb 2ntb I8S3.. d&wst lVmaiid cert ideates of deposit . .. . 13 iii; ;V I R 9 I II I Time cerlifieitles 01 deMHi( l7 rj H SI A I I L II lue to other .National Ititiikx us c Ti it l ill I II Notes and bills re-discouated go ;n 30 "II J'J fill I I II Total , .nTwTaa ! I 1 1 1 U M REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. As reported from the Clerk's ollke each day: Frank Busche to A II Gillett. ne4 nej4'12 l 1-12, w d. $1000. Geo O'Neil and wf to Lafe O'Veil, und?; lots in 19-13-14. M i " 5 blk 47 Platts., w d, $850. T M Cooley to J. A. Mick, w nw,V 28-11-9, $1800 U. S. to T F Ferguson, e, se4' 6-12-13. .Tchn Toman and wf to Joseph V'eres hiuk, lot 12-12-13 13, w d, $51). Rrcmner'ri cracker at Stadeluuiu's. t&a 4w. For lowest prices in men's and boy's wear cull nt the Opera lioiir-e clothing store. A t.'ood L'haucc To rent, to the right parties, a com plete restaurant; location central and business already established. Restau rant can also be used for ice cream room. An excellant business chance for a man and wife apply at. Tdtf stadleman's Bakery for Male. A new frame house with stone base ment, containing 5 rooms; convenient to the 11. R. Shops. For price and terms, applv to Albert Calkins, or Wheeler & H.-i ne.. 47tf The only first class barbershop aud bath rooms in tin; city at Jot! hords, under Carrulh blot'i. d&wtf Clutter & Marshall, d-mtists, Fitz gerald's block. kb'28'ltf Strictly Pure. All tobneco used in my factory is u:i adultirated and parlies buying my cigars will always secure strictly first-class goods. My special brands are all kuowu for )ii.i!it and :u reliable cigars. dWtf Jui-ll'S PUTKUliKIJC. Dreamer's eifu-keii at Ve klichV. A Square Meal Can be iiad at t!t.! City !!.: i'.r only 2- cfiits ami lodging at same roa-oiiable lates. Farmers and Commercial -urn will please bear this iu mini. d&wtf Di em net 's crackers at Baker's. t&3 4vv Notice. To the owners of Odd Fellows shares in the Masonic and Odd Fel lows block: You are hereby noti fied to bring in your shares to the undersigned and receive the cash for the same. S. II. Richmond, dfcw2w Ch'n Board Trustees. Ri-umuor's crackers at Hansen's. i&s4v B cinuei's Lewis. crackers at Beuuctt & Beuuctt t&s 4w Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! Now is the time to contract for your summer's supply of ice. Bed rock prices prompt delivery and superior quality of ice, lir&t come urst served by the new iee man. t2m2 Jok Faiukield. Ror Rent. The Ilolbrook house corner of 5th and Locust street. House is large com modious and excelent condition, apply to lSdtf Tnos. Pollock. Bremuer's crackers at Murphy's, t&s-lw Just Heceived. A FINE LINE OF MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES OP DIKECr IMPOKTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, Specialty made lor tlie retail trade only, at Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Painter, Graining aiazini , Paper Hanging, KALSOMINING. Leave orders at W arrick's. 1'lattsiuoutli, Feb. AMUSEMENTS. Ho For the Eink. OPEN EVERT AFTERNCOH lu Banement of Kisrrata Illork. Roller Skates For All. JOSEPH FQRD, Prop T ZEE'S FIRST L BALL . OF THE PLATTSMOUTH C3. THE. Tuesday 2veninjr, March 27, ! '. IN FITZGERALD HALL Tlie Music wili le furnkshed bv "the I'LATTSMOLTTH QUADRI L'L E HAND. Nobody wilf be admitted without an invitation. TICKETS, for Ball, . - $i.00 SUPPER, at Central RttUurant. x- . tra. - Ladira should remember that Phil Young has the finest line of ladies sliop piug eatrhcls in the city of tho latest ktylciv Call and see them. For lutctit ktyleu of children's kilt suit!, nUo two and three piece (suit rittit the Opera House clothiug btore. For anything iu the clothing line cull at the Opera House clothing store. "WALL PAPEH1 We have receivel a lartre stock of verv U'sir:ih!e WALL PAPER. It consist of all grades lrom the cheat i hrowii at 1JO cents to A the high price gilt at $1 a double roll. Jiuy your wall paper where Von can iret the largest hest stock to select from. Competent mechanics furnished to hang paper when desired. We take ideasure in showing our 4 goods; call and see us. Ilespect fully, WILL J. WAIiKICK. B.&M.R.R. X 1ST The throiifrh line i'or Denver and the Mountains, and all points in Southern and ka. Western Nehra m Eastern Connections at PLATTSMOUTH, OMAHA and ATCHISON KANSAS, for all points East, ITorth and South Connections at LINCOLN for CENTRAL CITY, COLUAIIUJS, ATCHISON, WYAIOltE, and all intermediate points. P. S. EUSTIS G. W. IIoLDRKfiE, Geo. Pas. Ag'i, Gen 1 Sunt. Omaha. Omaha Secure Yourself a Forty Acres laid oT in City Lots, in Palmer's Addition, AD-rorxixo the B. & M. RAILROAD- SHOW, Just outside the City limits, and nt sub ject to city Taxes. FINE RESIDENT LOTS where a shop man, or any other man, can eat his dinner under Ins own roof and not cold grub from a dinner pail in the dusty, smoky shops. Only three to ten minutes' walk from his work. Call on JAS. S. MATHEWS, Att'y at Law and Real Estate Ajjeut. Over Baker's Slore,will make terms to suit Lots from $40 to $50 On time.or forCash,to men that will build No Lot fur Speculators ! CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBER VARA 1. 1. mtBRIAK i SOB, Wholesale and Ketail Deafer la PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, D 00 IiS, BLINDS, &c, Fourth Mreet. In rear of Opera House PLATT3MOUT1I, NEBRASKA. J. I. NUffiPHOlf, AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE CO'S: CITY, of London, QUKKN, of Liverpool FIR KM AN Fl'NI). of California I EXPRESS COMPANIES: AMERICAN KXI'RKSS CO., WKI.I.H, FAKCO & CO. KXl"Kl-::;. Ofllce In KiH'kwunil l;lrk, vviili JttllllHUII Hi OS A FINK LOT OK MACKEIiKL, LAIiUADOUE II KItRINC, TUOUT, WILD WAVM COD FISH, AjH.n choice lot of LEMONS -A.XTD OHAKCES. We ha A Hue t-toek ! CMOI0E FAMILY GROGE&IES, Iaii y l:rantli of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have in xloi'k h II ih- line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &c. All our km:I nr" '" Hlnl fn-oli. Will EKbaup lor Country Produce. Liusecd Oil Meal Always on Hand. Next door to Court House, J'lattsinouth, Neh, ud&mw. M. B. MURPHY & CO. FIXED OX ItOOM, FIXED ON LOCATION, FIXED ON GOODS. FIXED ON FITS, FIXED ON STYLES, FIXED ON PRICES, and we can iix you to your ati- faction on l Hals ana Cans, Trunks and Ya- liccs. Furnishing -r tw 1- 1 UUU , IN 15 U li. wear, ifce. Fresh Groods in every depart primc mcnt ol quality One price and no monkey busi ness. iLe mem ber tlie place, Rock wood block C. E. WE SCOTT, The only -Boss17 Clothier. 31ANUFA CyTUIM.1V O AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S Bockwood Block, lMatlsmdiitli, Neb. BOYD & LARSEN, Contractors and Buyers. Will give estlinfttes on all kiml of work. Any orclf r left at tlie Lumber Yard or I'ost - Oflloe will receive proiuot attDtiu. - Heavy Trass Framing, for barns and large builtllncs a Kpeciaitjr, For refeiereea ipply to J. P. Young, J. V. Week H. A. Waterman & Sou . dAwtf barb or &LARIKS! WAKUANTV DKKOS MOM'OACiK DKKDS CIIATTKL MOUTOAUKS QUITCLAIM DLL'DS AND LKASES Secure them at the Plattsmoutb Herald Otfico REAL, ESTATE (AND) COLLECTION AtJKNCY. Law and collodion liiKiiien promp tly attendetl to ut this oflico and pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing aud abstracting attended to on tdiort no tice und Hutinlaction guaranteed. If there is any thing we do make a specialty of, it i city and Hiiburbau real estate. Several Hue farm aud fioine wild land at bargains. I.uboriiitf men can get a home by paying month ly what they now pay for house rent. ' Space forbids giving but a uinall percentage of the bargains now on the books at this agency; wn name the following: Six choice half acre lot;, 8 minutes from It. U. shops, at from $80 to 1M) each, aud ou terms that would make a man ashamed to say h: did not own a house. Come and pee, you are not compelled to buy and we wont give these lots away, but you can get them ro the)' will absolutely cost you noth ing. Five acre lot J mile from city for $2.W part on time. Eleven acre lot J mile from city for sfcooO this is extra tine. I have three pieces of outride prop erty which I can sell and under take to lurnisli purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will furnish the ground and you tho work, work is what hurts inc. If you will do the work at :i fair price I will glvo you a clear deed for the land; if you can't do the work come and bee me, I may find some one who will do it lor you. ' Ten acres for iKXJ 00 " " " 600 00 " " " 750 00 " " " 2600 00 Several feinall tracts well iinjroved and adjoining the city, for sale at reasonable rates. FARM USDS. 40 acre?, wild $ 600 00 80 " improy'd 1G00 00 120 " " 2000 00 160 " .0000 00 200 ' " 6200 00 240 " " 6(XXJ 00 Finest stock larm in Cass county $16000, loDg time and low rate ol in terest. 160 acres, wild $2500 160 " ' 2HO0 80 1200 80 " " 32(0 160 acres, wild, Itep. V'y (cash) $1000 CITV l'KOPKBTV. Cor. lot 3 bPks from shops (cheap)$l00 1 "3 " " " 175 - 2 " S " " " 150 3 cor " 2 " " 450 1 " 4 " " 175 3 cor 2 " " 150 2 " " N. 6th street (tine) 300 2 " " Picnic Hill " 200 1 " " Washington a ve" 350 1 " "1 bl'k from Main st extra 400 Improved city real estate In abun dance. I can find what you want ia this line if you will call and see me. Ilusiuess houses and lots for sale at much lower ligures than will be asked 6ix months hence. Storcn and towellings reo'ed and for rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't ure what you want in- this column come and ak for it. I've probably misled just what you wau. Olfice open neatly every even inirfroui 6 to 8. lo(d new houe and two fine loti i! gMtnl location ric4. S600. r. c wise, - -Union Qlock. Choice Candies! Home-iuade ami rHi rant d Strictly I'iuv. MEALS AND LUNCH' nt all liours. k )jitera Hilit or ihxy at tho JE31 CE3 3ST X2Ct ' ' i s'i . . . .Next to WVclibaelt'ii store. JAMES ANTIL Proprietor r lor bang stm r.sc r-urola anx-cyiU,