i pjx uauuunt in'iHniii) rtJULISIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY hv The Plaltsmantb Herald PoMisIiiiii Co. TEEMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to any :irt .f Illi cit IVrWeek 1-, I'ar Mori ill no Prr Year 7 no WEKKLV, ly mail. One copy ix month M on One eoiy oi.e year no Ueglitered at tl.e Post Office. Plalt-mooHi. second cla.Hn matter. rLATTSMOUTII, MARCH 20, ls:.. Maiu-ii 20th. alight snow Firt it Mew And then it unew. And in the mcflntiine it froze on general principals. Such is March in Nebraska. The past hard winter has had its effect upon the ohdurnte heart of Mr. Sitting Bull and tome 140 of his thieving follow ers, tlia re is but one thing which make a good Indian faster than a hard winter, and that is the certain knowledge ti nt they will be punished in proportion to the crimes they commit. Mr. J no. A. MacMiiki'IIy is home once more from his few week hard work on the Omaha Republican whose editorial pne he burnished up iu iood style during Mr. Nye s absence. We regret to learn of Mrs. MacMurphy'a ill health, and hope t lie returning spring iu ay "aain restore the roses of health upon her cheek." I'uoi.kammk for the present lor I'lattsinoulh city : First, a oo.l healthy cnlcrpi Uinj; city government. Second, permanent ami substau- tial improvement of Main .street lv widening the side walk :md putting in good gutters. . Third, iraler works. Fourth, the Diagoa.il It. II. The great city of Chicago lias ris en in its might to condemn and o wi th row n the low license, bad order government, run and operated in that great city under the disguise of democracy, and prou.incul men of all parties have enlisted in the cause. The cry is for a government that will advance the interest of the great city of Chicago not the party interests.of any political organiza tion n the interests of any clique, but the welfare of Chicago; and we predict that the misgoverninent of Mr. Carter Harrison and his sand baggers will be overthrown. The supreme court of Nebraska convenes today for the purpose of announcing opinions in cases al ready decided, and alo for the pur pose of examining records and con aultation upon cases now under ad visement; we venture the assertion that there is no other court in the northwest that keeps tip with its work any closer than the .supreme court of Nebraska; especially when we take into consideration the raj. id ly increasing business which comes before this tribunal. The fact is. it is an overworked court today, and the number of Judges ought to be increased, and will have to be in creased, if the business of the tri bunal is to be kept up. The court will probably be in session until the latter part of the week. Thk Herald has no means of in forming its readers, an yet, what will be the new order of affairs in the surveyor general's office, when Gen. Stephenson take charge next month, aud having been asked so often by numbers of our peo ple who are interested in knowing, whether the gentlemen who now admin ister that office iii clerks, draughtsmen, cct , will 1m; bounced or not, we can only nay, we feel insured that the fiice w ill be administered on the strict bais and iu .strict conformity with the principles of civil service reform, and if under that plan of which under the ue.v order of " things we know nothing these very ef ficient gentleman can be retained. The flEUAI.D with the well disposed portion of this community will be highly grati fieel. Thk interview we published yes terday from the Des Moines Ilegieter, in which Mr. G. F. Wo lston, ihc manager of (lie Diagonal road, states clearly tlm intention of the par-tie- building the same, i. e., to build south-weal Irom Des Moines through this section of cuntry; one other fact U alo established bv this interview, and that is, that as yet, no definite route Las been agreed upon from Des Moiues 6outh-west, but that its final location will depend altogether upon the encouragement the road receives from the people and communities tnrough which its line will pus. Council Iilufl'd, a will be remem bered by our readers by leading the proceedings of a public meeting of ,fher prominent bu-iuess men, pub lioeJ in the Hebald n couple of day ago. has already taken steps to bring the Diagonal to that city; and it is high timo our people would have some expresslDn of public opinion and resort to some concei t of- aetiou in mvi ril t rk t 1 1 4 fun f t n r 1li flLU.tr. . M. . . . . . wm a. aw . . . . . . .... has endeavored to do it. duty, by cal ling the attention of the public to the Diagonal in time for our people to secure its presence here among .us, it' they so will it; there i uo reason why the towm ou the line of t hi- proposed roud fco.ith-;vc.t lioiu FlHttsiiiouth, aide repurr.tiou abroad. We shotil 1 ic ahuulJ uot wdLi? up aud Uke hohl of ! gr-t to see any calamity happen lo either this n;crpric; ouacrt ot act ion, j the Teter.ni editor of the Oiualn Herald eutlcuiuu, i what boofti alon great : or to that grut jourual itself. That's enterprises like thi one. j the kind of a jc-pv.bli.jan re. Thk Hsao of an act hjr the last Irgjii- d lHtynvJiWiujtJivviow the tleatructiou of the corner 0:1 new which n few journals jn thm tatc are aide to maintain against the f 1 -1 1 . I exciting quite a diseus-lnn between those few newspapers ami lu Omaha lief. , If we can comprehend I Iw-" JlntUHf. of tho argument. he-ini; ued prol i iii .1 ami con, the question is resolved down lo the noint. '.'.in tin-iilcorni.'i f im t.i.nli ' - .-- i ' i I . n ........ . 1 . ! . ! JC IK eilini lllilll pf I 111 1 1 1 111 II SJIIlllCUle in Iii! Male, or any other lor tlut mat ter, from mouopoiiiu all the news?" We once heard Col. Tom Steenson, the ilver-touiigei lawyer of Nchraska City, make an argument -f gr at force' before a jury, in a can: where Uncle Johnny Irwin (of Nebraska City ulo, was prosecuting some poor homesteader for borrowing wood otr of some of Uncle Johnny's broad acres. It had lceu u U-ng, hard winter, and Uncle Johnny's wood had suffered. Col. Tom (old the jury in his softest, most persuasive tones, that according to his way of thinking, there were several things the Almighty if he intended t Iii - country to be nettled (and Col. Tom thought tha( was a part of the gic.:t economy of the universe), intended tin poor homesteader iu Nebraska should have without money and without price, and that chiefest among these were air, water an 1 wood; and Col. Tom actually made that jury think as he did. We are a little like Col. Stevenson; we don't think any set of fellows ought to bo per mitted to nt-t up a corner on news, in otl.tr words, this common carrier o:irht to be regulated to the extent, first, of transmitting news for everybody at a reasonable rate, and tecoud, no het of men ought to have the privilege of mak ing a contract with it that will give them the exclusive sc of the wires to the extent. ef monopolizing the same. That this is the case is freely charged and believed by 1 large portion of tic? public. . That the telera;!i stock of riiis coun try is very largely in the hands of a few gambling s-pci-ulator.. is undoubtedly true-; and that exorbitant rates and tariliV an impose- upon the public" is true; and that there ought to be some rebel from the imposition is also true. The IIkkai.o thinks that the i.lt which has been advanced, viz, that the government ought to build a t.u 111 of telegraph li::es, is a good one; and sue! action upon the ,jai t of thc g ner:d gov ernment w ould go a long way toward solving this great difficulty. We believe the poor homestea ier is entitled to woo. in some way. It is mcna jinyly aunouuceii by some f t lie pugnacious journals of demo cratic tendencies, who have more val or than dis cretiou, thit war .shall be carried into Africa, when congress as scmble9, and without delay, against the doctiine and practice ot protec tion lor the indur-trLs of this coun try; an 1 one. Mr. Frank Ilurd, of Ohio, a member of the next congress it i? said has proclaimed his inten tion to introduci a bill immediately up n the assembling ot Congress, to repeal all duties except those for pur poses of revenue oulv. This is right, t lie couutrv will re J01C2 to see the 'temocratic parlv tackle this question in congress, where its record cannot be disputed after it is made. It docs very well to play free trade for a decoy during a popu lar campaign, where the degree of the doctrine advocated can be adjusted to suit the climate and condition of the natives; but when it comes down to tho square tet of attempting to make a national issue against the protec tion of American industries from abroad, we imagine we cau see the little row that Aill be kicked up in the democratic Sanhedrim, when the free trade wing of that parly attempt to place such a plank in their nation al platform for 1881. Mr. Randall, aud democrats ol Ids stamp, who have attempted to learn something by studying the causes of the people's elistmst lor the demo cratic party, see very plainly that the further agitation of thin tariff question at the present time, will be both impolitic and unwise; that the j commcrcia! interests of the country require aud will demand rot aud quiet. A revision ot the tarilf has just becu had. i-ver the effects of which, there is such a diversity of opinion, that its practical workings will have to be ested, before the pub lic wiil bo willing to set it ..-.ide. These gentlem-u iej.reent n sectio'i of the Americat: Unio.i, whi-se ma terial .merest mey uare imi iii-re-gard, and any political parly which requires a sacrifice ef those interests at the hands of it folluve-r to fail. hvKIIIll Dit. Mii.lki: has puhlisheil a newspa per in Xt-Li-aska fur many years, aul has done anil sanl inuny mean tilings which he has aft-jrwards mo ii.'ied and correct ed, and while ;ve have no prrticul.r in terest in the tight now waging within the ranks of his party in Omuhn, we think i the fellows who attempt to put down the Herald or banish the Doctor from the councils of Ihc democratic party in this state, ha y? aa all MimnierV joh on tl.eir I T nanus. Eschewing police--, evc-ryhody who has lived in Nebraska long noudi to becouiu dry behind tin cars and who ! V7)i and has read the newspapers of the j state, must admit that the Omaha Herald ho been a champion of Nebraska inter ests, uu one ot the foremost agr-ncies this side the bi Muddy, in giving our young commonwealth a healthy rcspect- County emits have jurisdiction nnw ' w WW V . ' . V- l IT ww ... . . . I J t 114 JJJ, Attorney h and liliiwit will themelvi-t ueeortliiiy.lv. BAbKl. - - '' - "1 '", iZ,iKliAl President. A. W. vtoMi.iN, Cu'liii r. I FIRST NATIONAL oy l-I AITSMOl-'Mf. NliBliASliA, enTTSt!ie vf-'ry l-.t f.p'IHIiiM for the iiiiiit t rauiU llo!i ol I'-iiiuialR y BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, r.onds. t;!,!. :ovcre!'.ieiit and I-ccal SS0-111 sue Koulil ami Sold, lci.sit? receiv ed and Interest allowed on lime Cert lit-call--. Drill;-drawn, av.c.lul lc In any ico I ol I Ik; I niti-it Mali- aed all I tie i iii-li:il tow hi. ui Kurojie. Colln:ti'j)is mirfi & promptly remitted. Highest market, i ii-en paid Ier f'uimty War rants, State ai.d County llor.dn. DIRECTORS : J. dm I'itKeraltl .li.iia If i'lai'K. A. K. Touzalin, It. C ( 'iii-hint;. Ceo. Uuvev, r . i:. Wlute, A. W. McLaiiuhlln. Bank Cass County t'otner .Maiti and Sixth Streets. PliATTSMOTITH, 1TEB t .tOIIX l;I.A( K. rre.sident, t 1 J. M. i'ATl KUSON', C;isl:ier. ( Transacls a General Baukiri Bnsiaess?. highest cash phice Paid Jot Count and City Warrants. and nionipriy remitted for. DIRKI'CTOltS J .loliu l'.l.tck, J. M. l'atterson, C. II. I'armele, K. It. (iiuliiuann, J. Morrissey, A. li. .Smith. Fred Gorder. 5Uy WEEPING WATER WEE PI NO WATER, - NEB. E. Lt. HEED, President. IL A. GIUSON, Vice-President. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier, A General Banking BcsLnsss Transacted. DEPOSITS Keceivett. and Interest allowed on Time Certl ficates. IIRA KTH 1i-i. wn available in any part of the United States ami all the principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated Mm, Line of Steamers. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three etory luiek elructure. on lower Maid street, ha junt been nnished and fitted up for the aecoiiiinotlatit.il of TRA FSrENT CUSTOMERS. AND II EG ULAIi IsOAIlDERS, EVERY THING- NEW AND CtEAN A Good Bar in couullth the 27tf. FRED GOOS, Propr. CO t .1 5i 'Jj i r "5- fe s S a & 3J . i e e !i O p-, 1- x si a v Z3 D Sl M rT - o ?9 o o P4 a v - 1 s nil 1 1 CD . x 2 1. n rz TENDERLOIN ? s eat m LAFE O'NEIL, Prop'r. Beef Hntton Port Veal CMctens. &c, Constantly on hand. Also, all kinds of JAMK in season, aad ev erything kept in a FIIIST-CL.ASS 31 EAT SUOS" ? ' At lowest posfible rates. North Side Haiti St., het. 4th and 5th, 521y riaATTSMOUTH. 'EI - Hf5 about 17S rave. Oo" illuHtnaiouB. x.riJ Z.' aeacriptionfi auid valnahia dimctiotiii for iAntw I&00 varieties of Vcetl.le nd Flower iSSSl IjvUy to M.irkrt Uardenera. fcnd lor it 1 1 D. M. FERRY & CO. Dethoit M -ch. SEEDS Our JJtrpro AJUEX CiUinE dtsrrlblng CtU't Rthailt Strit l" risee to AH. W . . awy, MMM. l-n.j, IOWA. M 1 A arKet its3E ljj km w li 11 a tin xk ) n r rj Sovern itz fj o w ncn n n rrs y v-f & ...j tin kvh in 11 fj h m Fa n na m w m ! Blake's B"ilding up Stairs, Where they are du reiving a complete line of all kinds of We also wish to inform the citizen of l'hittsmowl h that we have made arrangements for Dying, Cleaning a n, Repairing sh:):t notice, ami warrant satisfaction. The Finest Pressed Brick 21nT TE J II W 1 A -s Orders received for assy quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Tifiose contemplating to build slionld examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of ISonner Stable, JPlattsmoutli. Nebraska. ff m&. !5 8Vi iT MhW p a my linfiifllLUU iliiu unLISJLLns J I r r o fi r o c a c n m 3 a iin n s 3 " u 1. ... 1 1 ,1 1 . NEXT DOOR WEST :ass County WAYM.AN & KIR BY, Pit Lttsinontli VAXUFA LrrUJiERfS O F 5 1 I HON FHONTS, HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy v, ni !. in Columns not sur :issetl in the State. MACHINE KKPAIIUNC of ail kin. Is. for all classes of work in iron. Patronize Nebraska ma.-. -. a: 1: iieijil.t ;ii..l t.;.lii-. l';uti".s i;iiM;n:r i:. r nv 1 ir: 1 the S;:.te March llti:. lssj. J J Sii y A aft JftW I it desire to state lo tlsey liave moved J3otions, Boots, B f ? t. n B ft. 4 m M M j-v S r-. 4- m-. taasc-iiis t W M ll s VIA formerly occupied by J. M. Cox. A full line of Sg a33 will be kept at tSieold stand. We would be pleased to see all our old customers and many new ones. We will keq a n-TTEii line aLled - to. Ui .y-yiiY - ST.T33, BfSS:20I r? -sp p- L !C w s - 1 - 1 1 TO THE LATE FIRE Iron Works I'ropr's. Neb. h-j. von ja x ni ami Ca.stins for liusji ess Houses 1. e Our Machine Shop is fully equippei iieute al! extern .liffs, .savin simuiti i:te for our ti rms of custiii" I I A TTSMOUTII, XE(i. o m rs ' 3 i j the imllic that their Dry Goods and Gent's Fur i 7 . A - iieir store room j T22 iJfS : ) -.- mh we were lornicrlv e-u j OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BV gxcelsior 1 ! i j j ! SLCt. ST. LOUIS, MO ) i ti. 1 . i lit. j. levy; Will IlUV aml hl'.IJ. all kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will nlv .i:r looi.i y on all SALABLE UOUIIS, on h-wci aio !i. et. Oj,ositf Tin l'l.tlt-tiio.i-! (!l '(. 1- Jtitildiuj. Ft b. 1 ; , 1' b.) - iClf. CO JASON STREIGHT, (SDCfcmor to Htrelzht A Iillei-,) .VAMKACTlKlih Or 99 FINE i HBAVY HARNESS. A laito line of Saflillcs Bridles, Collars, WJiiss &c. always in st wk. Rej)airiny of all kind finally d.one sort notice. Main Street, betv ecu f ourtli aud I-'ifMi, . M. STK!3JI I. Httsii.cm Mai. :ier Chas.Si vi mo .s. M"f liar.ieal Manager. 7.f NEW FurniturE StorE HARRIS oc UNRUH, IM-.AUCKS-JN PUR17ITUHE f COFFINS, :-::nds of ; ':. is iism::1!v kept la a i'f5t i't'rsti: :.!.-:e stock ..f i'lineral C, ;;i!s. Al-.o. ; MclallicEc vcQileiiCGi ' ccVidc rfV".n Uii.u uiiiii:oiuiitU.:L'0. tMfcLLMS, 4c Our New and elegant li.-ars-? is always in read i iies'. Remember the place, in UN-ION IJLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth ;f (!aaa Coun ty Hani:. Yi'liear wi- may be found niclit or day. HARRIS & UNRUH, I'LATTSMOUTII. X Ell. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, H ,. CKXJI f Til HOiiSii SHOEINf; 5. WAfJON llEPAIUINO. AlIKTids of rarm'unpIeaiEnis Menrisit witL N; atny.-iP and Dispatch. if ... - M..t i ... ..'I., :. 1 liOr.SC; Jllill.' X UX MlOClMi:. , . -. . , , ... . , f n short, we II shoe ;i.'i thing that lur I four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. I Come and see us. 1nTJU"W" shop a Fi;t!i S ust a.-'ioss between Main '.e curntr from !i .1 "iii- Sr u i. KliA ! 1 Off!: K. a ri -ULAVAUm'l'U m Tutjorti,Iiyj'jy, Ma:iin and Plr.r r jairirt'j, ainl ye-iitmil Jobtiiwj I am jii-A- pr-.-; ir : o do Vio.'s ,.f ic-,a.ii'... 01 iar.n i t otaer omc'imerv, s ihere l a 1 -nod lailje lu my simp PET Eli RAfJEA. .ild Reliable Waun Make! l-."- 1i!;i-i: '.-'( IVe :iM!i niiiip. Hi.' is V;.'I ;.l 1 . ,i ;s a N i. : WO.:Ki.v. inm tttti Hil!;;!i-k rjitttji rI.r SATISi- ACTION OUAU.VNTEED. ri lJ M H ft! 1 & m h ( f .. i "H '.' V . -J I I I I . 1 ' 31 1 IsTB n f 1 1 . 1 I I tliu )!1 Kuvoni on 1 rno&i O'r.aha, Kan-sat City. Atchison and St. Joseph, If Q 1 X. CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, , MILWAUKEE, DETildlT, NIAGARA FALLS, Tew York, Boston! And All PoinU CAST and SOtmtCAST. THK LINK rOMITII-K.H N.-iii Iv :U: i iI!i-b. N.:ll SmiimhIi Hx-H Truck. All oinii.'.-i iiiik in.- iii.i.li- in I'MoN IO'1-iils. li In. n N.iiHiii.ii k-uiiuiiii.il 1.4 hiiiiu 1111; :i:l-:,i' . 'I IIUOI I.II I I MI. Kitil U univ r , n i-nn. c.lwl in (..'iin: iiMv-r fvi'it'i'Uu leu 1 1 111 urn Wi.i lil In.- ml ra-" iif f ruv.-l. Try II. mi l voii will I111I liuvu'lnil u til x 1 1 jr liiHluaJ lit h (lisiini furt. Tlii'iiu. li T..'t..-li. vl. 1 ll.m I 1I1 tir.it. -.1 l.i: u fur aula lit ll'l .itlii- 11 1 1 r i" All li.liii-miiili.il uIh. in l.':itca cif l-'uri-. ' ! i-iliii 'r A 1-l-illltlllinUI l.lim. 'Mill. 'I MMf, JftC will I'll 1 Ihmt- fully ivi-11 ly uiuyiii lu T. J. POTICft. PCRCEVAL LO'ATLL, H I ..I- l-rr- t liru i VI utai r. ! I raaft.li ; r Al.. ClUtf-uo, W;. CibCtBO, It! KENDALLS) 2:05 p liih Must Sui;Ck.n 1, Ukmi ov ever im covjreil as lt In cvllaln hi Its riti-el toid i.en not bliHler; Al.n ft-xrellinl for liiiinau fb 'h. ItKAU VXUiOV UI.I.OW. FROM COL. li. T. l-'OSTEK YoiinKftown. Ohio, May .Otli, Ikho, 11. J. Kendall & IU, I Sent :-I liad a very val uable 1 amli'.i toiiiHii -olt v. Iiicb I pi i' ii very highly, he had a laige hone pavlu lu m i- Joint and a Miuill .one on Hie ol lict. bii-n matl him very lame; I had li 1 lit under 1 he ehar.-e of two veternmry mirneoiiH who failed to eurf) lil n. I wax one day readiiiK the iulverlliriiii lit o Kendall's Kpaviu Cure 10 I lie e iilr.uro piens, I deteamlued lit nine lo try II. aud out druKifir'tH here nent lor II.. they ordered three bottles. I took theui all and HkmikIiI I would Klvc It a thorough trial, I used It a:i oninv lo di rections and tin- fourth day tin: eoll ceased to be lame, aud the lump had diniiiu-ai rd. I used but one bottle and tlie eolUt limiix lire a free from lutupM aud n finooth as Buy horse In the state. II In enl frely eured. 'I he eure Km o remarkable that I let two 01 my iielKhborn nave ine remaining two nonius wj ( aie nov 1- it ..... ... . ' unuk 11, - - - Very j:st't'irully, U. f. I'fjS'JKK. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON II UMAX FLESH. . PatlenV Mills. N. Y.. 1-eb. ul. ls;s. K. J. Ks'.noai.i. & Co.. dents : The iiartieu lar cam on which I used your ki-niliillV Spavin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen luontlis standing. I had tried many I lniik"-, hut In vain. Vour . Spavin Cure put the foot to tlm ground aain. aud for Ihc lln-t time since hint, in a natural position, l-'or a family liniment It excells any tliiiij; we ever used. Yours truly, ItKV. M. T. HELL, Pastor of M. L. e huieh, J'attens Mill. N. Y Send addrens for Illustrated 'lreu!:.r, ulilch we think Kives positive proof of it virtues. No remedy has ever met. Willi i-ueli umpial tied suceesc, to our knowledge, for beast as well UM man. I'riee $1, per bottle, or i-ix hollies for All Driuriili-ts have it or can cet it for joii, or It will hi; K-nt lo any iiddr"-s on rec.-!il of price liy till! piolilletor-i. 1K. J'.. .1. M.MMI.L U CO. KliOMhiir l alls. t. 3-ly SOIaE BSV A (taM-Sensc ktmii o jiai- m. ft ie:). 'if Hiti, 1,'oiit or Immediate Relief Permaasnt Cars Gxmlttf Five yrnr rMnhlUhrd ami n. ivr knoim t fad in a xiiiuteiiisc. acute, or ehrouir. Idler In nil imminent pUyxlcUiiiH and finytM for the nUtndiiw of Salic ul ica. SEBKZ2T I THE ONLY DISSOLVE! OF THK POISON Ol S ClMC A II WHICH EXISTS IN THK hlooo ok ijhei .matic anu tiofiy pa tients. MAI.ICVI.I VA In known as a common- seno remedy, becau.e it Milken dirtly at the came of Khcnniatiniu. Gout and Neuralgia, while somany so-ealh-d upceiiies and i-ujiioed panaceas only treat locally rhe eff rrtr. 11 uas open eoueencu uy eminent sclent uts that outward applications, such a rub!iiiK with oil. ointments, Ilniuie its. and sootlilnr lotions will not eradicate t!.ee diseases which are the result of the polsoniiii; of the blood with trie Acid. MAMt'VMC'A work with marveloun ef fect on this acid and so rerr.ovea (tie l murder. It is now exclusively used by nil celchraied idiyslclans of America and Europe. Iliehest Meiiicai Acai.emy ot Pans rcpoi t: m per cent iuicb 111 imec uays. REMEMEER that KALIOYIaICA is a cejtain cure for KH EL MAI ISM, t;Ot:T aiid NEIUAItlA. the most lr. tense pains are subdued almost iu laotly. Give it a trial. Uelic-f guaianleU or ruoney refundeiL Thouvaudsof te-timoniaU :cnt on applica tion. f 1 a l'.ox. 6 IPixen for 55. Sent free hy mail 00 receipt of lu mey, ASK YO t; II IK V(. G 1ST KO U I T. Butliiiiot be (Ii iuded Info taking I.ulla;i.ii or Hubntituten. or something reui:nmcndet as "Jusl us good !" In. 1st rru the cenuiue with tile name 01 vvAMIIil K.K Jt Id., on each hox which is guaranteed ehcndcally pure uadero-r piKuai uic, an 1 mi im. en hi ni 15 leguislieio Insure succen la the treatmetit. Take no oilier, or send to va-iZiburrie st Co., rio(ir.i tr. 1: Broad wav. cor. Ueade St.. NEW YOKK. Fits, Kpilepsy, FALLING MCK.VESf. I'ermant'y ("nred No IIunibup-bTcrfe jron-li, iivace of Ir. iioulard'ai Celebrated Infaliibie Kit Powder". To convince tuff erero that ir.ene Powriers will do all we claim lor thein. we will 'end theui by mail, post paid, a Free 1 rial box. As Dr..u-!and is the only plivlcl:in that j,a ever made thi disease a spech:l st-ii'y. and aa to our knowledge thmniaud have Wn er manetly cured by the une of thee I'owders.we will iriiarautee a nermniieiit -m it. (n.rv Or refund you ail money expended. All ufTcr- ers snouia frive tuese I'owiier an early trial, and be convinced of their curative poer. Price, for larire Hmte. . (v or i i(i,... i..r sin Sent by mail to any part of the I'nited States or Canada, on receiut of mli'M.nr r,vvi.ra. O. O. D. Address, ASn it P.OBBIN-5. 3C0 Fullon St.. Brooklyn. Y Dec. 28th. 1882 4Uly. Notice to Physicians. Notice is herebv given that bid will be re received at the oftic-e of the County Clerk, up to noon r.f llie d day of April. I ski. for the med ical at n tliii-e ami li.ruti-liiiii; of iiie!i.-lue r eie;i t.v ciiainee aim ii in;.!-- i n ia.iy 'iir Moii!"' am! a.to fm m.e jisij. 'j lie l ilu ai.sio:i . n'.m- li e iii:t in leji i ! ;o.j ir all . )'. i. oilier f (. i.-aiii ' 1 xmi'i crs. ! I l-Sa- ItIV llilll 1 a.ul f.I.it l.i MJ.l. Illrl 'V4" "f i! ir. :i. J. V . .s . i.r. will ! County Clerk. 1