The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 19, 1883, Image 2

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    TIT ifTlfTiMTflnmiT TfriniTTl J
XMI luliUUiU IlljIIAJLlll J
The FlattsmontH Herald PaMisiiii Co.
DAILY, dellvared by carrier to any Prt of tbs
rtrWrtk I 1
Ter Year T oo
WKKKLY. by mall.
Ona etaar all Riuntha 00
Onvaopy out year a
Xclatercd at ti.e rwt Office. MatUmouth. as
second tlui natter.
Ben Butlkk aud staff, reviewed
fit. Patrick's procession in Boston.
Beu it only practising now.
Mr. Rokkwatkk and Doctor Miller
are having a rather personal controversy,
all ariing out of local affairs iu Omnlm
The land coniiiiiaiiontr down in
Arkantas, in behind ouly $11,000; he
is to be kited for the amount of de
ficit. Indications arc, that the demo
crat) will endorse the independent
candidature of the notorious Sprugue
iu Rhode Island.
After Octnler tintt the low r".ui jug
pitagc aypt'-m will jo into rfl.i t, '.fii
this country can rlaun a postal v. -tfiii
superior to that of any n-.ti. ii il r
face of tlie jlol.
THE lwt con-jri cux-l.-, a i-i
w'.i;'!i 5- tolt:.( v lirj.ui iin- : i
sue '-.sit' nfea" ir; i; n '. op.
le- than tivi; oIi'.r- in the form ..i cr
titiratiM paythle to I'.-.nrtr the -ru..
procuring the saim l'Ti.ij "
cents for each vav. Tliis v T
prnv- a T-ry jrt'it u r r-tin-
pi.:, i- ja-ik'r.jr m..;.I r-..'i .
Lv Ti No .! ' - rir :-
l!:t p ."; '!
Thh .-' iiiv much uofis i r -liii't-tiou
a.tieidi:"ut to I'm low cuutti u
tion :d b: ov. rh allied I fire !-
su;-rriue court ot that slte, sitting ar
Cmi'icil B!:n. Thr argument" pru a.:l
on :.ri-''!i!r -.1 i u'in ;" a -ti ! -ployt.l
n -i-ii-,. wei! a iiio ifi-w t
gravity oi 1 1- tpira'ieu involved which
limit result. i;l:.:r in ijli'iditij, or a.-t-tiog
aside, Hie cxprta will of tlio .ove'
eigas of that great tate,pIaioiy exrrssi
at the ballot box.
The controversy just now being wage i
between the Lincoln Journal and the
OnialiA Bet; over the action of the iate
legislature in attempting to disperse the
newspaper syndicate of this state who
have a monopoly ot telegraphic news is
becAiuiog iuteresting. but these gentle
men do not yet seem to have reached th
question as to whether the telegraph
companies ought to be permitted to sell
their news to a few at a price which ex
eludes the many. We don't believe any
body ought to have a monopoly on
WtiAT do the eople of this city ssy ia
regard to the diagonal road Tae facts
are placed before this people today by
the IIekalo and it remains for you to
answer. With the Ucaau this seems
to be a question of the utmost inipur
tance to Plattimouth; a question de
manding the immediate attention of
every citizen, and an opportunity if lost
that will forever rerntiu a reproach to
the city. When cities like Dm Moines
with a half dozen railroads radiating in
every direction becomes so enthusiastic
and recognize the worth the diagonal is
ta thmt what mud the rj t l ! worth to
Plarrsiuouttt? Me i and hr-1 ii re
m tins f:r vou to nawt-.
WkeMso Wattr i- to hav. - t: ti
er j. Our iutormant fiaja it i-xti
ab the latent nnt apprived n.ji i- - y
and applittiees for handiiiirf no : g
cre of the milk ami rreaiii. ai; !.
of capJicity to warrant a vl njarkrt
for k:: 'ir;du- nii.k v it-.'n : r-.I tf
ei r J "'"- .''. r . .V
iu;.- , '-;? 1. . . o.' - : --tT;..-!-
?:::. ir:' ..,. !;.: :: I
in Mi: i.-')T'f. c n .- t sun. i I.. r--r i
i:ii h! .-.i;: il.i'.f so - !:;, -'.f'f
ki.-'ul'-i !:ii-: cM:'.;'''!'i;. A
'.li i' " !!.'- - n ti: ' -
tucir idea4 -. i-v jc Cial. on .
and eaTX loa? enough to pay some
" tentioo to tU ma'e ial growth of their
city or town, are jwls beyond price.
The fil!owin; from the CJ
!). !!!'( r:i ? A poit.ier imw i:: :h-:
iliii t-stin.ati:i iu v:iii-!i '..;.
K loi'iisii-i i- he-it ali iM-tii.ii. n
the rej.ii!iein :no3. Th : repti'uli
can party lio'd wtiiiio in organiza
tion nv abler lO-lir tiiin Sena;-. r
Mr. Murat HaUtead telerapha
from New York to the Cincinnati
Commercial Gazette:
It will interest our compatriots to
know that there is a drift or public
opinion pointing to JuJe Edmunds,
now president of the senate and sec
ond executive officer, as the next re
publican candidate for the presiden
cy. The above is a rery moderate way
of putting it, and the only drawback
to it is Halatead'a reputation ae a
bad gui sser in politics. He is riht
this time however; except that thire
is much more thaa a -drift" in faor
ot Jidrnund. There is a big urn nt
which wi i ahortly assume the pio
portfen of a boom.
-. -
'Th .lander atilt now on trial in an j
In court of juatic. in whirl.
. ' ' 1 V I 1 I .
Airs iiain umigar, mi irropcrnt
advocata, figure! as plaintiff, hag at-
traeted aome'rery uugnerou,.unchiv
alrlo and malignant criticism and com-
mfcnts againat her from a number of
respectable journals, from whom the
public had a right to expect something
entirely different.
What, we may enquire, is this
woman's offense ? Thai she is not a
pure, good Woman? No. not one bit
of it. Helen Gougar's offense is that
he is a fearless, ontspoken enemy of
the liquor traffic. She is an advocate
and an able one, too of the enact
ment ef prohibitory laws for the sup
pression of the evils oi intemperance,
This is her offense and nothing more,
and whether she is right or wroug in her
Views upon this question, should have
no weight with the opinion of any
fair-minded mau or woman in regard
tj the Tillianousand cowardly oharges
made against her fair name and fame
by the advocates of thy whisky traffic.
The fact is. this interest, unable to
meet this woman's arguments before
the better classes of the public, seek
to destroy the littla womau and her
arguments, both, by this attack upon
her private uharacter, and wisely, or
unwisely, Mrs. (jougar has been brave
enough to call her traducer Into a court
of justice, there to make good bis ac
cusations. 'the history of the world ha shown
l. thw ruoat cxreirAa observer, that the
advueatef of every reform movement.
whose object is the suppression of aorr.
;4it.-Kl evil, have to suoiui:. to Ihr Ass
iu'a iBiuiiigiiL annex i.poi: prirtr
u s- .n in this j.lf r. t. . . f t
..s.p!e ill (hlf.reep'.c'.
W' tuny differ, sikI hci.eeilv dtflcr.
am 'j ti pr-prirt5 o; k iaau i iu riiig
..e ptiiiicil airuM ! ent;.t in the
: i k jf v-rt tt a ' liquor je' r
" i-. .in: r : .- :.-.- . ...?";
Hi-." : r
t . i
n. or i-a;.
OOMiioll 1 1 I r ill t.l
ii! : 'iT'tt! ot
ifiiVriiiiMfD'.i ut :iii 'i-;ivi i i.t-iii-nr
can t'HVs' i.o we.iiM xiili the mie--
tum of hex fir ti:utii.eii when s:;e.
sekx n n do. To our lntr.d there is
ts'rh;i cnip.der thu to -e the
-.i-.-.-'f'- .f Ii :.!'.nt:j '-rAtri':-;; '"
ii-r? "iuii:: Ui.- -'.ii.i .-i ini-ii.' . i-
ance, iiolhing morrtt nvrappropt iate ;
it tnould bi accorded woman as m di
vine right, to protect the hear intone,
wheie she ream her children. It is by
agitating the stagnant waters of the
pool that they become purified. Helen
(iougar has a perfect right to make
war upon the liquor traffic of this
countiy, and when her private charac
ter is maliciously assaulted by thi in
tolleraoL power, she has a right to
drag Ter traducer into eourt; and
every man with blood enough in him
to make a square meal for a dyspeptic
mosquito, should at least be willing to
accord her a fair trial without at
tempting to prejudice the public
agsinst her in advance.
Water Works.
The question of the establishment
of water works in Plattstnouth city
should not be allowed to -est nntilde
finite action has been had iu the mat
ter. It is no way to do, to wait until
a city has tome twenty thousand in
habitants, and is spread over broad
acres in territory, like Omaha or
Lincoln, for instance, then there is al
ways a contest by conflicting local
interests and business centres over
such enterprises, also the expense is
very great to supply every purlieu of
of a large city with a complete sys
tern of water works. 'w is the
time to institute this enterprise in
our city by first supplying the busi
ness portion of the city, and then ex
teudiusfthe water works throughout
the baianee of the corporation ;i it i
eniatuird, and the people feel able, to
bear the expense. We wish our read
ers to terutc the follow iug item from
the Weeping Water Republican of
last week, and tec irlmt ih.i enter
prising town is about:
"A Omaha firm. F.Uiott & Wood,
lumbers and eteaui liner, having
herd of Ike adiatuatrco:i locution of
?iepinz Watci wi'ii a 'ww to rl:etp
" '. lT--live W.:; ",: v.. v. :-:r in
:i t.rl llii a (:;, - - -. ; i i ? i .
. M.rr - 'if- -i' K ;i- t-.; it:.i;tl .
i- -J! . i ;. tor i ihi.i '.VC-. -,
.iv i'lt i. -...i s :i:.'-
t:;':j'i. I",-iTi ; HI 'i t ii-lr j-'.MJs. "i'l.t-v
' -.s ! f --i !''
v - :;..' i- " . , .-:.;' -.'
i .i ; . . . ' -. v ; .' : .- ..'.;,
if jj-. 1 1 oiir vi ; j. . .; i i . . t.
C'JJ t iie work.- ..:: i i:i city
sire to h ve th ir. Circled t is ovrn
- pciia, and tin- otiu r ivin thu
rent tiny woiihl n-qtiire ahoti 4i :--vy
r- t t!i- v.oi in tieiroAii aiifi;:i:.
!:'; li; t- r. t !o. -!-i) i
1 1 ni-i't .ji::r;iri o. inj;- : t i.t'lin.
i i:n ii r-i.i!.i i i.ii: t c t!;"ji ;nyr
il'.'.'i.'I ili' ri r , ; . j.r lie
f'lii i.o-t, ,;i tjkii:ji i:i.-n- i oti the
Ma. Ccktih, of Harirn Weekly is
hard lo plt-asr. If thi New Yoik cu torn
house whs atioiisheii, w- think t: -c oun
trjf iiiijht yi't r-D for a time r ry pleas
antlj with tor. Cunis. As it is, we sif
o : i ( t-i iLe coi.ntry, r Mr. Curtis
fitlitT, fur that- uiattrr; th:- time the
uouMe seeius to l,e with Mr. KurtV pri
ntotiun. Now if there ia any use thio
in th world a thoroughbred livil ser
vice reformer objects to, it is a rise ia
office without a correpo:diag advance
:o salary. II r. Curtis claims seem to be,
that it is oo promotion if jou don't pro
mote the salary with the man, aud Mr.
Curtis very pertiueatly asks, "What e
fret ill this procecdiuuf h .ve up n the
W aa acaa bat ob way aat of thia
bobble in N w Y.rk pH'i .. ami
is to either al..lili ih- Hwr York tui-;
torn hnube or let Mr. Lur'i have
sole control of nil the ptrooaj;e belong- i
itig to it. Thut wou!i fix it
HlBH KaLIX)WS, of tin; At-.b llU l,
was married at I'ekiu, 111., t l.e otlier
tlay, to Miis Eunice Sage, of that place.
Kuuh was aliuo't raided in I'tattrmouth,
and is well aud favorably remembered
hare by all of our good people, who re
joice at his success in life. Mi Euuice
tiage is also well know by many of our
people, having spent a summer ia I'latts
mouth a few years ao, visiting relatives
here. Everybody and The IIkkaij,
joins iu cougratulations aud prayers for
the future weal of the bright young
couple. Iiclow we give a clipping from
the I'eoria Journal containing the detail
of the happy eveut:
"At the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Uage. corner of fourth and St.
Mary's street, last evening, there were
assembled the relative and a few inti
mate friends of Miss.Euuice M. Snge, to
witness tjer marriage to Hush O. Fellows,
cii. or and proprietor ot the Aubirn
(Neb.) Post. lis 8ae ,b always re
aided in this city, and for severed yt-ars
past was teacher in Ihe hi;;h sctiooi
huihliii', aud mnny years theorauit at
the reformed churcli, being a natnml
skilled organist and ft youujj laily of
many accomplishment. The weiuu
was :i quiet one, owing to tiie severe ill
ness ot her mother. At tight o'clock
prt;uitly the youtg couple made their
appearance iu the parlor and were con
fror.ted by Itcv K. I'. Livingston, who iu
a pleasing but imprcs6:v- :nanner, in a
brief service, pronounced th-in 'man and
wife.' The bride looked chaiining, at
tired in white silk guipure lac. Orange
blossooiS and i.eiiwiro; es we re entwined
in her h .ir, with u o.n-juot 01' the -ui.i'.
'I'll- l' "T.i a ...i;it ' 1;; IU 1 ui-u:il :
f ui;r. ii-v -i .:; witn i-rnj
blosoii:.' :r - ti.ti.n hole bouquet, Mid
ii .
They wore the re - , : ;.f many vau;
ati.e i-re.nout. .or-i-ii . ;m tn i:ie trni the '.
bride ur.kli.' , n..t. also om:
from tin- ir- 'r of me n form
ci. u 1 fit. .Mii i .' c i."Y:n :.:i:H)ni hud
lw 1 i:o:ir repast was
ti.C Jl.ili'l
Will HITY and .-Kl.l- "i: ' '
Will advance money on all
on lower Main street.
Opposite The Old Puke Building.
I'lattsmouth. Feb. 1st, 1883 46tf.
Wagon, Buggy, Machirw and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
I am now prepared to do all kinds ot repairing
of farm and other machinery, as there
Is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken chance ef the wagon shop.
He Is well known as a
New Wtfss and Bntfle nadf i
arc. KTe., irrc.
Of All Description.
CO Ffc-T T: v
Of a'l f7.r. l-".il i. : it .r'
V. illj :::-. I i-.-.iiki 1.r ;i t: : i .
:ij.i;c nil iiis-.i'.i :i:;'l ox'-Mi!;" ;.y
a" "V
J 5
u ij
ft s
2 s as -
cc 11
lie 0
58 5
desire to state to
they have moved
Notions, I5nof.-.
nishinii scmh1s to
formerly occupied by 3. It
A full Yiiw of
will be kept at theoM stuud.
would be pleased to wee nil our old
customer and um uv. w
We will keep a HOTTER lii.r -ablcl
n v. - tv ca. av as rr
ii !i n. r rjs;i
II m K rTi fT i- 1
at&.fl 11 ri uj wi c-n
Blake'sBnikling, up Stairs,
Where they ared ci-iving a complet- 1h.- tf a'.l !;it:Mv, i"
'V- :tS3 wisii t- ii!"! ji ..
.11 I ill., v
Dying, Cleaning
t . tt.irt notiv. ;md
rfi.. ....
Orders receiwA for ay quassfiJy
and filled in a saHsiaclorv aiyjusue: .
Those e5iiteiiai.vIa,JiH' to i 4-J
should exaniioe our work, .e
quality of our frriek aul 3s-i
Yarda in rear of ll-;-r r4ial?!r
Sill itffe. X,
ft ri imm
Ii Hd7 W
of tlie old &tmv)M will H0?-d
iii. -rut
A 5
mini Uw ail m
lOmiaH! Fir. si
V ... .-JV.a- : -
U .
z rz. . - r i i n t-x -T- . -
the tiuii :
Ihrir 5ry
it ml I- I'ir
ihrh ssre
5 'ox.
v? r r
:;:!! en-
. t
t ... .. , -
, ' j- ' $ 23 p M
A .iJ Taiii
i r f
ft a. 5 j
'j.rpuT T,a . . x k,7i
1 -
3: J. ?J
:.cvdi gee it$4
S. J v l
: -
.. . Btoci
1 TTTlftltiW
vvN err i rswic
K-iik by J. S- li uke.
""tl, natiokai!'' ' !
1- fl.A THMK! ill NKI'KASh
ii . Hi.- i.'iy !! t!..- itipiiij''
1 1 ,i i ,i : i : i t: Ii y '' n. i t
..i. .. ;.!.!. Ii' ' r ii .ml l. .Ml
-.-.,. i-i: - I., 'u.'ht ;s'i.t fi I l. 1 (.' is I
: . i ill- ;,!!"! i! oil In t-ii;l!-
r.i! - I'l.iM !'.;;'. Ti , : V..i!..!'!o ." il'.-y
ill" i .'i.ii- iiii'l :i.i
i in- .i i'..-1 f.u tn . iii- i.r
i:.u..i. .
tJoilo tidiui mat ft- d- Jit.ntlu inittt.
'.:k:.n. iii:iik-t iiii-''- I'.ii '. fur County W; r-
.IiiIim r.:..'.'i;ilil
M.Iiri II :;i:k
!.(. I-I lv. v.
A. V
A f.. T"ii:J1i:.
i;. r. i ii-iiun.
r r. wiiii.'.
Bank Cass County;
t . ti. it Mail. ;u.-i : '. i v L 1 1 Htivi-.
.JOHN I'.l.'.l K.l'lfl.! lit. I
". .1. M. PA II IIX'.N. Miiier. I
TraushCts a General M:ii:gLss.
hljor r.uniJy and City VrtanU.
,. . . ..ii- .if..
V,'.. I-'. .). "-J.
v.' iz: :; -
V.; 'V.':VK
' i:n.
1J A. (;;ii- ;:--I'm ,ilei.t
1? WI I .fx I ll. ':u:!iier
ttCJvi Hi 0Cii41Jfc..CUlUaa 1 2 1.1.. 'J'juu.
i-.r. i -' .1. :i!id Iiit- rn.f lio . .; m: I ..m; '. 111 .- ;
It ft A
tinw!i :tv;il'.wt'-! i." ,i'y i-.-ii "f '.lit- IJi; it'-:3 i
State Hinl t'l Hit i i-ii!i;ii); ei;.in f liuroj.e. j
Agent for the i:d:.hraUd
a 5 2
b 2 "
"-I 7 ,p 2 i
. - z: ?:
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2 ;
O !
C- r.
- .0
t I
il 0 u lit - H t? u. O ii b iijiiljiij i
y s Llli
IVo niorp :llin;nat fsin, (iont or
n-'.,f tit.,, j
o f'-etr h,,ttn to fail
fear hr.mrnto fail
rl.rtn.U-. Ucfr.r to ml '
t.i c jn.-.j.-ii-.i.-i". .. ri.rtn.u-. i.ejrr to ml
t, .':!, ' iJ illicit,-,: f:ul drv.jgl-i f-.r IU'
.' . i..i.,;; n' li':llr:'.
: ot s acid wui'ii j;.rs !N thk
'.!.nii:i iji" !;:1U'M T!: A Mi (iO'.'iV 1M -
' I K N l.-
Al.lCVtiir 'i i" i.i.n.'i :.s ;i ciMi'.iiiDii-
M !M.' Y: l't!''. I:t ;;li-r' it r 1 1 i -i.'r : ;i i-r! Iy ;it till'
i-iii-i- i ( J:!!i;i!!iia'i-i.i. iii'iil r N. nra'pu.
Ianciii(:niv tieat hm-hIIv tin? !tf't.
It h.ii tu'en I'liriiri lii'it U i-ii ilii,t seli-lltlst-
Ill.&L lin,nil a 'lt. ,11 'itn, -..'l.l ,kf i.i.f'iiti.
M il II I'iir1, nl:itiii-ut. liiiiui" H. aiiit fu-iottitli'.' !
lotions will not Urtuii'.it- l:i- .'.i-.t-;rfts iiicli !
.r-thi' l suit of lilt jioi.vti.:i til t!i i.locnl I
with I ric Acid. .
4 ?.-f 'VI.,.l worku villi tnarvi J.rit f-
f-t !! 'ii -ciil m'! so ri-:r-m'- the tlli.irJfr. !
. ... ...... .. . .... .11 i .-i
.. 11 uuw - '-. il.- t- ;i"i i:i-iri-i niu
i . t;:rl;inj of America and Ilixheit I
.illcal Arailmy oi farni reports 95 per cent
.. ia three days.
I KtlC'
: tl MATlS
iM, GOUT a.ul -NEi KAlilA.
nsft pain are suiMliiert :tli:n.4t in-
i t most 'ctelisft p;
! liv.
. .veitatriul. lie In I i,-i:aiai.tid ot tiioai-y
l toutanil of tentiaociali fteat on aprllca.
- ?1 a i:.T. 6 F..'xei for ?.").
: Scut frc by ru!l ca rect-t tit iao:ii'.
! But io uot be cteliidf-d into iaku:- inilM'h.n-
' or aiitMitute. or 3t!!.t'tni:K rt'i'ii.viiiudi'il i-
I -jusi ii if id !" ts:!!tt ,a .! Knu:ne v. ! llw
nainecf WASIIlll -KW. A. CO., vh tfifli -x.
which is unr;i-tt-i'il pi:rt-usiuir'n.r
i .Kuature.Hnindinti.utii.tte in'u!silc t. Ir.iKr.
uc,'.- iii the tre;iuv.i:i. T;ke no otlu r, r
; nend to iii.
i Wa-'Luume & Co., J'-r.iritori. j
2S7 Biii-uiwuv. cor. I'; M.. NKW VHifJC. i
Mlyok&healyS !
State Konraa Si?.. Chirraroat- i
i J.
'27mJ 1
f i oatruiaat-nl- rtn , aV.'ta. SfH
1' ifcMn. Ef.i!-U .t '.va:, a-sW- 3
Htaru Imrr 3ThS a: d 7f '
e....... 1. 1 "k. . Ua(ai I i
rtBf misw T - " ' . - - ai i
oms fur Am. tUaoja avmI CaVlU4rla-J
- - M "
for burursTwrinrc -vt
HI fTrferrrr
It ilu- i.'k'i Kairua lull
.. l'mlU
O.r.ulu. Kantf City, Ati.hii.on nd St. Jotoph.
V 1 t '
ST. LOU 8 8,
i ,-1 r.,1 r f.:.i - r.ASI nd SOt-'THf AST.
; ;
. .. : ii S'""I Trm V . A I
... I .1. 1 I I S I L lift.
i: ,. , ",; .... :.. ... -.. hik (.i.kat
,..'. . ii.:. i i .,: . ii i-i i M....i"''l "
.V,-.; ' u,, - .--r.
-i t,, ,, i, i',. i-i r . i" ' liiiuril l.r.e f.irwilo-
"l ',','; il '.. !'.' u'i-.oi. i;'i'- ':". Mi-.lra
A. in- !' ". 'i in" '1 ..!.!-. '"'
fuii 'i tij' ii'l'l'y'" I"
! t. j. ronr.n. rrrtccvRL cowfll.
: i , i . v ii. i. : : -.i.... i. i rnii'i'i
(,liir.i;;'i, l':s.
Chicago, IUe
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yrml addvct-s ivr I filial I !n'ii!.!r, tvldrli'
v i- think iclv.!'- . ' -i I. i v jiriiof nt 1t viron's. T-ii
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-Sample Room
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ill Mmi iii' I . uriwitn
T. 1 . ,'-.,....., -I!TII llfl1 fll hut
Fi iiv.Wi.irM. 1'iirt- Kentucky V"liirKis, .
t.-Vfi ul of the Ur.i' :d irnt pupular
lirands of BuV Cl.K - ItKKlt. Fr?h
x it nun jJi.ii.ii., v m - i - j"- . ,
liter always tlrught, aud Fine Ci-
a t.r.i wr-
vt.dmis a nf caItT. , , SDTSSrTIiiSTii'a B'VS
i l V V t V. Wf'k. yt- w" '
in rr Opra H'-'ue.