PLATTSUOUTH HERALD. BY- Tie Plattsmoatb Herald FDMisliDi Co. LOCAL NEWS. rr City n.HtiHi.l Pitrrtory. Ki!wy Tliu netory, liutiiu1 l rN sc., llitiU iae. JEFF. I. STONE, - Cltj Editor. A. Salisbury, IicnlUI. Today we celebrate. St. Patrick' I.iy in thw evening. The barometer today is bibber. I'latt&mouth is alive all over on tbis llth day of March. M. ratrkk' day "is a bigrr man that the 4h of July. Itrpuhir ihiin b her vires in the dif ferent churches in thin city tod i. I'lattiujouth mmd, hav the diagon al rowd: fte need it in our bubincs. The city editor is absent to-day. set tling up some business affairs at his former home, Sutton. - A new brick house on Winteritein Hill Is among the new improvements to le commenced at once. The Kpiscopal church society is con sidering the 5Hibility of a grand en tertainment to be given after Kiister. An immcjiso crowd congregated at the depot, this morning, spectators witnessing the r.i rival and p:irade of thoA.O. II. Mr. J. II. Kisor reports seeing a large rsrter snake out t biur mil creek yes terday and ric the picst:on if it in'4 the first one seen thin ii'SSHIl. R. W. IVelborn h.-mls us a opy if his bom paper in Kansas, which is enthusiastic over the prospects and ad vantages of southean Kansas. Would it not bo a good plan fT Hi ) Hoard of Trade to take the question of the "Diagonal" road into consider ation, and act at once in the matter? The Cass County Agricultural So city is holding an adjourned session this afternoon. The IIekald will publish full proceedings in its next issue. Oh no, trade is not looming up in riattsmouth any or hardly any. We count wenty seven farm teams on Vine street in the immediate vicinity of the Hehald takiutr their nooning. As will be noticed elsewhere, representative of the diagonal road ba visited Council Bluffs, aud that city is wide awake and taking imme diate kteps to secure the road. The representative of the road stated to the citizens of the Bluffs that he had at present no proposition to make to them. Thi shows conclush el that the western terminus of that road has not been agreed upon, and that a grand opportunity is still open t r this citv. THE DIAtiON.U- A w Railroad Line For Council Bluff. Kront tilt- Oiuaiia Hpb. Early tbis morning it was noised about town that a Mr, Wools t an, re presenting the "Diagonal" railroad had arrived and was anxious to see the leading citizens of Council Bluffs At 3 p. m. the spacious offices of Odell & Day were filled with the most prominent men of this city. Mr. Wools ton gave an outline of the work already accomplished by the company he represented, showing that material, men and money were on hand and that dirt was flying ener getically, the route from Marshalitown to Des Moines being partly graded. The road had secured liberal bond. land and cash bonuses at different points along the line, but he haJ no propositions to make at this time to the citizens of Council Bluffs. He wanted to make their acquaintance, and announced that his company ex pected to build into Council Bluffs this reason. He also stated that another railroad known as the Merrill" railroad," was unxioiH to come to this city, but thought that the road he represented could beat its rival largely. He- w;is oi the opiniou that whsa oiioof thest ro.;l 9 built to this city the other would not co:u?. Mr. Woolston then retired, and an extended discussion followed, which was participated in by lion. John Chapman, Hon. W. F. Sapp, E. L. Shugart, YV. W. James. J. J. Brown and others. It was evidently the sense of the meeting that the "Diagonal" would be a very valuable acquisition, and if lame arrangements could be made that would prevent pooling, it would in deed be a CJodsend, but pool or no pool the "Diagonal" was wanted for a long list of very Important reasons. Oq . motion, a committer of five was appointed by the chair as citizens' railroad committee for Council Bluffs. The following gentlemen were placed on the committee; Judge James, J. J, Brown, Rev. B. I. McMenomy, Col. Sapp and John W. Chapman. Died. Tbis afternoon, at 3 o'clock, of inflamation of the brain. Ethlyn. daughter of E. YV. Kennedy, aged two years 'and fire mouths." Tut, time of the funeral has not as yet "been stated, j 8T. PATRICK'S DAT. Its Celvbration In This Hay.- - City, a Gala Kaily this morning all preparations seemed completed lor the grand cele bration of St. Patrick's day, that had been looked forward to with ho much expectancy by the Irih-Amcncau ciliens of I'lattr-moulh. Merchant!) opci.eJ their tttorei, and breathing the inspiration of the day, proceeded at once to decorate their building, mid before nine o'clock, Main urcct presented a Fourth of July appear ance, nearly every bii-iineos hoiue in the city having flag and bunting tiy ing to. the breeze. No better day eoitht have been made to order for a grand celebration, and thoe directly interested were more than pleied at the auspicious day. At :: a. in., the H. t M baud, of which all l'latt iiiout i proud, made its appearance on the streets, the member hiuing iu their uniforms aud llicir instru ment glistening In the sunlight. Cp on the hill iu the Fourth ward, Har vey Sage, Charley HlacK Mini Charley skinner blood behind the old cannon ready to lalutc the guests of the day upoii Iheir arrival, while the members of the A. ). II. iu iheir new regalia, marched dowu stteet to the depot. Aloug the liue of march, the Hags waved and ever and anon a bit of green would bo seeu Hying from some store room of some who were pos tered of more thau paiug in teres; iu the day. At the depot tlie A. O. II. societv was joined bv n bodv of meu, members ol tho (i. A. II. I'of, tit i s ity, who with their guns, with iixeu bayonets added to the parade. Upon the arrival of the train from Omaha, the H. & 31. baud opened the ball wilh mu-ic, while fully one hundred Irishmen iu fu'l regalia, stepped from the train aud formed in line. The fine band composed of the members of the A. O. II. of Omaha, responded with music, and the B M. baud then played the "Irish Wash erwoman" while the line of inarch was taken up in the following or der. 1st. 2d. der of 3d. m:'.!i;i hand. Omaha delegation Ancient Or Hibernians. B. & M. band Plattsmouth. McConihie Put G. A. It. 4th. 5th. Plattsmouth delegation cieut Order of Hibernians. Kih. Citizens on foot aud in An- car- riages. The line of march as laid out, and heretofore published, was taken up, the procession at the end of the parade filing into Fitzgerald's hall, which was soon filled with the visitors, home members ef the order and citizens. M. J. OTleilly presiJed during the exercises in the hall, which opened with music by thu bands. The presi dent then introduced Mr. Ilaitig u:, who in a warm speech, welcomed the guests to the city, and who spoke of the day, the occasion aud the old na tive Isle which they all so much revered. Following this speech, which was very warmly applauded. IJev. Father English sp.ike most elo quently giving a history ol" the patron saint of .the Irish of the day they were celebrating, of th wrong and siinVrings of the Irish people aud closing with one of the grandest preoratioas it has been our pleasure to listen to in many days It is tel-Ium one listens to a more cio qucnt speech than that delivered by Fa ther English and one breathing more patriotism and love of home and country thaithls oration. It was the event of the day. - Following this a vote of thanks was given the speakers aud the members of the G. A. R. for their attendance aftir whieh all partook of the refreshments in the hall which the ladies had supplied in bounteous quantities. The haU was beautifully decorated with llags,bauuer3, and pictures and the green was conspic uously displayed. This afternoon has been passed in a general review of the city, many carriages having been ob tained for the accomodation of the guests, who took their departure at 4:20 highly gratified with their visit and cele bratioii in this city. To P. B. Murphv, John Blake. M. J. O'Rielly, James Grace, M O'Rourke, J, J. McY'ey, YVm. Neville, P. McChiiu and ninny others is the success of the ch.y a ud the occasion due. . Where Our Editor Came From. The C'llovvinu notice fiona the Sig aumey, Iowa, Review has t scaped the notice of the editor ami the local gives it rfwav: We are in receipt of the Platts mouth, Nebraska, IIekald, of which Hon. Sam M. Chapman, of that city, has recently become the managing ed itor, Sam is cue of the od friends of our iojhood aud wc have known him ever since nec was a pup. ins pa rents and ours were among the pioneer settlers of Des Moines county. We were members of the same ' Sunday school class when we were good little boys, over thirty-five yean ayo, and we have together beguiled the tedium of many a lengthly orthodox sermon by Aaron Leonard in the old log Spring Creek meeting-house, fighting flies off our sore toes, aud taking an in ventory of the marbles, tishooks, bro ken gimlet handles, &c., in our respec tive and receptive pockets. YVe have hunted squirrels, lis bed for mud pouts and skirmished together for apples and water melons. It is now with sincere pleasure we place the Herald on our exchange list, as a means of re newing the acquaintance, and rekind- ing the friendship that we enjoyed so thoroughly in the never to be forgot ten days of our youtb. Personal. (Jeo. b. Smith went to Lincoln to day on legal business. Hon. James II:dl, of Eight Mile (rove, is in the city Mrs;, Pete Taylor today. and i-ler look the morning train for Lincoln. Mrs. Fred Latham wa- a passenger to Lincoln on this morning's train. Dr. Living-ton and C. S. Daweon, wen: passengers for Omaha lhi morning J B. Strode came down from Lin coln this a. in., to pass Sabbath with his family. C Sehliiut., o A-hhiiid, came down on So. 4 to tmusr.ct biisines.- in P!ultiiioiith today. H L. Iv Lincoln, e p d:g gut; at Plea.-aut Hill, came in to p:i-s Sunday at home in Platts-moiitl . Win. Staiih-y, from tin- south-west criier of ':t, called al the IIek Vl.l office and renewed at'qiiu'.u'aiicc. JJ. A. MacMurphy is home from work in Ouviha; Fred Xve having turned from bis Washington trip. his re- Shi ri!f Hers was in Ouwili i last night iii search of the Weupin safe ci ackers. No due as et ' Water Mrs. E. F. Crimes, of Pacific .1 unc tion, came over today, and will re main over visiting friends. Frank Davis. foiincil with Fred Herrmann this city, started this inorn ind for a week's visit at. Denver, Col orado. R. W. Welboru. who moved last winter to Greenwood county, Kan sas, is iu -own on a visit to Lis old home. A. C Aldrieb, one of the popular B. & M. men, is breaking again on the main line passenger between' Ihis city aud Red Cloud. Mrs. Livingston. Mi.s Fuliuer, ami Mi-s Annie Livingston went to (ilen wood, Iowa, today, where they will remain over Sunday. Rev. Fnt her English accompanied il.e Omaha delegation to this city to day, :ind the I1i:hai.i was glad to make the acquaintance of the rever end gentlein2ii. A. II. Keller, the down town drug gist came down from Omaha today, and will remain over Sunday. Mr. Keller has been, the last two years, a student in the Omaha medical college, and after graduating will enter prac tice in this city. The frost is now about out of the ground and now is the time our city au thorities should take steps to put iu per manent gutters on Main street and wideu the sidewalks if that is to be done. It is due the owners of property on M::in street that their property be protected from surface water drainage It is aNo due to the city that our author ities adopt wie precautions to protect private property ami tv-i avoid claims and suits t r damages by tlie ow ners of this property against the city. The cit izen w ho invest his means upon Main i street iu valuable improvement", and pays his proportion of the expenses of maintaining our city government, is en titled to protccPou, and the city authori ties are bound to exercise due diligence iu the care and management of its streets and water courses to the end that the private -citizen may not suiler by reason of the want of due diligence or ordinary care on The part ef those iu chargj of tur municipal .-: flairs. Can! r Thanks. In behalf of McCoAihio Post G. A. R. the undersigned desires to return thanks to the good people of Plattsmouth and v"einity for their liberal donations of commissary stores and also for tiieir. en couraging presence at our e.a'nip tire ou eveningof the 15th iust., mid especially to the hsdics for their geuerous and un tiring effoits ;n o..r behalf. If. C. McMakix, Chairman Co:n. on Arrangements.- River Report, As fnruishc 1 officially to the War Depart mnt. Tlm'river at noon today, stood 6 ft. il in. above low water mark, arise of 5 inches since noon yesterday. T'lie Troy Cit j baumlrj-i' Ilas removed to the Mivkcnhtript bull 1 ag near the blacksmitli .-ini aiit i- pro t ared to do tiryt-class work. lG-dlm rremner's crackers t&s 4w. at ia iihiiaiiV coLLEcno.N No:t(i: Having been a heavy loser by the late fire. I more than ever n!ed t he money due me on accounts. All par ties knowing themselves to be indebt ed to me, are requested to call and set tle, as I must have the money. I have accommodated you, aud one good turn deserves another. It out. Sukkwoou, In Kockwqfi '.block next door to F. ('ArruMi (I, Of 'Jdtf Wuteriiiau Uperu House. Reduced rates will be made to soci eties, churches and home dramatic en tertainments, wishing to rent the Wa terman opera house. For terras and full particulars apply to J. 1. Young, lldtti Business Manager. A (iooil Chance To rent, to tbe right parties. j com plete restaurant; location central and business already established. Restau rant can also be used for ice cream room. An exctllant business chance for a roan and wife apply at. 'dtf fctadleman s Bakery For Sale. A new frame house with stone base ment, containing 5 rooms: convenient to the It. R. Shops. For price 'and terms, apply to Albert Calkins, or Wheeler & Bej.oeit. - 47tf Church Services Tomorrow. "MKTHODrvr. Regular services . in church, Sixth stieet south of Main tomorrow morn ing and e veiling.., 'iuaday school atj2:0 p. m. Washington Smith, supt'; W. II. Newell, assistant supt. KI'IisCqi'AI.. Regular sei vices in St. Luke's church coi ner of riue and d street tomorrow morning and evening; morning ser vice, 11 a. in.: evening service, 7:yo p. iu. 3 1' rv ices e:u li - Wednesday and Friday evening Ihiough lent. Rev. II. B Burgess rector. . PltKSin'TKl'.IAN. Regular services tomorrow morning and evening by their pastor Rev. J. T. B.tiid. Morning ei vices at 11 a. m.; evening service 7::;-) p. in.; Sunday school at !:30 a. in. J. N. Wise, su perintendent. atiiolj Services in church on Oak street at !S a. m. and 10:30 a. in. Sunday school and benediction at ' p. in. Lenten services on Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7:.:0 p. iu. Rev. Father Lynch, pastor. The evangelistic cervices, conducted i by Messrs. Rt id and Smith, in the Baptist church, high school hill, will be continued next week Lord's day at : and 7 p. m ; woek evenings at 7 ::'.0; thMe will also be bible readings every afternoon al 3. All are coidially in vited. Lb.t of Letters. List of letters remaining unclaimed iu the post office at PLittsmouth, Cass County, Neb., March Hi. bS3. Anderson Fred Anderson N P Reason Ephraim Bales Jacob Boyd Wilber Counely Chas Clifford E. Clemuioiis N Cooke Clemesy Day Lavona Dull W E Emery Wni Fast JohM (loud man C E Auk P Anderson S II Brown Frank P Bennett Polly V Brady Miss Courtney Ellelia C'oidt John Campbell R L Donclson Amos Dickinson Sherman K!!int;liii .lone jiliiua 2 Everett Mr. Fry James 1 1 race J M (Jillson Miss Liliie Howard Etta Hogeboom E P Huntly P F Jones Geo Kaperhafur D F Lalta YV E Lee Lucy A McCord B A Harris1 he Hauls W L Kinuison Orin Kaesor W 1 Leming Charley McCracken Bert '1 Moore G L Patton Mitchell Noires J II O'Breen Mrs Susan Phillips M Shaw Jack Smith Harrison Snjder J A Stephen Geo Vanhorn Maggie 'Williams Frank YValker Philip Maurer John ' Ness C M O'Donnell J C Perry Mrs M Ryan John Smith Crit Stfctllhosey Stem E J Thacker John Walker C W Wattles II L Persons calling for the above will please say "Advertised." J. YV. Marshall. P. M. The only first class barber .shop and bath rooms iu the city at Joe Fords, under -Citrruth block. d&wtf Clutter & Marshall, dentists, Fitz gerald's block. leb2dtt Strictly Pure. All tobacco used iu my factory is un adulterated and parties buying my cigars will always secure strictly lirst-c'ass i;oods. My specialjbrands are nil known for quality aud as reiiuolo cigars, dWtf JUUC.S pKri'KKliEKO. Uremner's t&s lw crack er at Teekbaeh's. A Square .ileal Can be had at the City Hotel for only '2 cents aud lodm nt Same reasonable rates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in miiid. d&wtf Uremner's crackers at Baker's, t&s 4w Notice. To the owners of Odd Fellows shares in the Masonic and Odd Fel lows block: You Mie hcrebv noti- fled la.bring in your shares to the u ndcrsirned aud receive the cash for the same. S. H. Richmond, dJkw2w ' Ch'n Board Trustees. Bremner's crackers at llanseu's. i&s4w .Iliirrahfiir tlte.Riuk. Joseph Ford has received a portion of hb new roller skates, an I his rink is now open in the basement ni Fitz-J gerald's block. ,; dlStf U-emm,rs craek. rs i;t li l nett & Lewis.' "us4w lee ! lee ! Ice ! Npw is the time to contract for 3'our summer's supply of ice. Bedrock prices prompt delivery and superior quality of ice. "tiivt come first "servcul by the now ice man. il2ta2 Jon Faiukiki.u. Ror Kent The Ilolbrook house coiner of 3:h and Locust atreet. House is large com modious and excelent co sdithm. apply to l:Mtf Tlios. PoM-ook. Uremucr's crackers at Murphy's. I&s4w Choice Candies! Home-made and Warranted Strictly Pure. MEALS AND LUNCH ' ; at tttl hours. Dystera u!jlit or day at the IE5 iEEE CB IsT I X , Xext to Weckbach's store. " JAMES ANTIL, Proprietor. Po rcditoi' our lart ftoek of we will, until April 1st, mH the following brands 'To the Front," "Jttn-l,""Swert Mash" "Lookouts" "Jumbo" ami "Upptr Ten." Navy Smoking Tobacco in '.',.. acka;vs, ( jar lb. Durham Smoking Tobacco, in If, I :ml S (i.. packages, to o'tic icr lb. Other hnirnls at greatly reduced prices. A larv invoiet' of U.4I.L IAIi:it J 1 1 .-1 nccived. Collie :itnl see it. Wrv rt--jrctfullv yours, WILL .1. WAKKK'K. The through line for Denver and the Mountains, ami till points in Southern ka. .1 Western Nehra. Eastern Connections, tit PLATTSMOUTH, OMAHA and ATCEIS01T KA1TSAS, for all points East, ITorth and South Connections at LINCOLN for CENTRA L CITY, COLUMJiUS, ATCHISON, WYMOKE and all intermediate points. l S. EU8TIS G. W. IIOI.DliKOK, (leu. Pas. Ay"t, Gen'l Supt. Omaha. Omaha Secure Yourself a HOME! Forty Acres laid oT iu City Lots, in Palmer's Addition, adjoinino thk B. & il. RAILROAD SHOPS, Just outside the City limits, and nst sub ject to city Taxes. FINE RESIDENT- LOTS where a shop maD, or any other man, can eat his dinner under his own roof and not cold grub from a dinner pail "in the dusty,. smoky shops. Only three to ten minutes' walk from his -work. Call on JAS. t?. MATHEWS, Att'y at Law and Heal Estate Agent. Ovt i Baker'o Sioie,wilI make terms to suit Lots from $-iO to $50 On time, I' nen that will build jV Lot fur Sfi& itl-ttort ! CALL AT THE Old Reliable B.&M LUMBERYARD H. 1 WATERMAN i SON, Whole-ale and Kctnil Dealer in PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c, - -Fourth Street, In rear of Opera liuoae. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. J T, W fli 1 N 4) TV, AGENC ; FIRE INSURANCE CO'S: ! j CITV, of London, (IJ1:I:N, of Liverpool ) FIREMAN' IT ND. of California EXPRESS COMPANIES: 4 A M t K I " VN I : PltllSS ( O . WKI.I.S. 1A!:.( .N. Ml. KXfKKSN. onii-e iii t;.)i i; noil I"' iil::ri I. , i li .1 . I i ; i s. ! i Cms I MACK Kl: I'l.. LA UK A DO UK COi) FISH, CUOICH I .-. y:t KANSAS . I li.i . c in -Iim'I. MINtfSSO i n Queens ware, Glassware, Lamps, -. iiur iiipiIh an ami In -li. Will Exchange lor Cosrilry PraSncc. Linseed Oil Meal Always en v,L Ni ! (1'i.r to ('.nil I Iloll-e, I'latt.-liHUltli, Nel. 1(l.V M. FIXED ON FINED ON FIXED ON FIXED ON FIXED OX FIXED ON liOO.M, LOCATION, (JOODS. FITS, ST V FES, EE ICES, mikI Wo ill il Votl t vot: r itis- fact it-ii on Hats Trunks ind a- licen. Furnishing g oods, Neck wear, &C. Fresh Goods in every depnrt ment of prime quality Hue priee and no inonkey busi ness. He mem ber the place, Roerkwood block Af ma i& ri The on! "Boss1 y lloiliier A XI) AT Sherwoo Rockwoxl Block, Plattsmouth, Neb BOYD & LARSEN, Contractors and Builders- Will i:lve estimates on all kinds of work. Auy order left at the Lumber Yards or Post Office will receive proraot atteutiuu Heavy Truss Framing, fur bams and large buildings a Mtt-UTty. , For refeience apply to J. p. ToanjrJ. VTVeck ' Caps d'S, K The linndnoinent lylen of cliildrerot' clothing direct from New York to be hud nt Myer' Opera Ifoime clothing tor-. dtf. Fits, Epilepsy, on - I FALLING SICKNESS, IVrinriiif ly I "iir-l - No lliitiilmu liv oik Mrnil ti :!.' of lr. Ooiilurcl elt i.l .ilril I ulalllhln I'll pnii Til i iilivlliri' .lillrli lt I ll.ll llir I'nw (lei h u 111 tin all wi- i hilm (nr I lli lll. uc v. Ill mi, 1 1 I licin ly mall. it pal 'I. li In" 1 1 1 il lm . Ah Or.O.iilninl Is I In- only riiyslilan IIihI I..11 ever niaile Hii" l l-'-uit- a hht,iI ntinljr, uikI u In inn l 1111H leilci' I liiuiiunili liavc lii'i-ti iit inaiiil I y iiiri-il l) I In' iii-e i.f tlip.i I'umiIiih.wu ' will piiiii niili'c it i'i iii.ineiii 1111 in i-vii v t'.iir, ' til relnnil Vll H 1 1 lllliliey x lullllfil. All Mlfli-I- ! ei xlniiilil K'vr llie' I omIi-i an early liUI. ' it'iil In-i'iiiivIik'i'iI if lln-ll ciirallve imi t. 1 I'l K-i-. 1. 11 laiK' Kovi-, 9.1.1', "I I lliivi-i- (oi lu. ! Sent l-y mull Ik any ait tin- I 11 1 1 ! hlal-, , 111 I'.iii.til.i, nil H-ecliil .( irli-i-, m ,y I"'-1". . o. K. . Aiiiir"H, ASM K ltoi:i:ls. .H.II -'illlili M., J'.lool. !i:. N. I lee. I'Stll. 4ltly. INK l.oT OK 1 1 VMM I I. TU M' T, VILI V. K A,m. chiiici: lot id' a li I.-- I' v i::!..l I AND a I. .i.i VtlSSOimi FLOIJJi. i B. MURPHY - GO. REAL, ESTATE (ANI COIiLKCTION AMKNrV. Law ami collect ion biixineys prmnp tly attended to at 1 1 j i h otii'i: :uk pio-cicd-, reini 1 1 cd without iti-lay. Notarial work, i-n'n -eyanri n ', and aliKl raiding at 1 tided to o;i -1 . i I no tice and salbf.M lion gunranfffd. If there is any t hing we do inal.c a specialty of, it Im city and miIuii ban real e state'. Several liin;ia and soiih: wild land at leirgrut; Laboring men can getahomu by pa ing month ly what they new pay lor hotiie n-nt. Space forbids giving but a unall percentage of the bargains now on the books at this ageuc) ; we name the following: SJx choice hull" acre lots K niiniitcH from IL li. shops, at from ."JHO to iLOO c;i' li, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to ay li; did not own a house. Com'! and M-e, you are not compelled to buy and Wf" wont give thcM! lots away, but jou can get them so Uiey will absolutely you noth ing. l ive acre lot mile from city for S'iO part on time. Lh.-veii acre lot I mile from city for 5oi0 this is extra line. ' I have three pieces ofotit'-ide jiroji erty which I can .'-ell and under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now J will fnrni-h the ground and you the work, work is what hiiits inc. you will do the work at a fair price I will give you a clear deed for the land; if j on can't do the work come and see me, I maV find soinv one who will do it lor V O 1 1 . Ten n r i for . 00 r,oo oo " " 7'0 00 ;i " -J."00 00 everal small tracts well improved a m 1 1 adjoining th city, tor f ile at re'ison;i A". r.ites. 1.U13J lA.MlS. 1'J 120 teres, Wild 00J if) " iiuproy'd WJ) 00 " 'J000 W ' .ooix) oo G'JOO 00 " oovo 0 'J00 '; JUJ ' Finest vtock farm in Cass county d in- $10000, lonjr tiui'j and low r a f o terest. 1G0 acres, wild $2.i00 ICO. " .soo 80 " " 1200 80 " " MX) 1G0 acres, wild, Hep. V'y (cash; 1000 CITV l'KOI'KKTY. 17o l.OO :a 17. r,n :'.:,D Ufa toO Improved citv real estulo iu abun dance. I can find what von tvaut in this line if you will call aud; me. I5nincss lioues and lot? far sale at much lower figures than will bo asked six months hence. Stores and dwelling- rrn ed and for rent, rent promptly collected. If you don't t-re what ou nut jn this eolnmn conie and a.k lor it. I'jr probably missed ti..-t t !:at J-i w:ni. Otlice open near!) evtrv t t cuiii-' frotn G to 8. Good jiew house and two fino lots in good location pi ie, .Js-i D. W. S. WISE, Union lock. TO in Dm mil mmI nn ia mil m Buout i , yiatf . odd luuasrsttnM pnoitf, mccurmtm 1S00 vmrietimot VcnUbla uOVwerl ii mi ! Ann raiuanM niim irMm wts m i.n m.. nsDia, i-TUi irrmm, etc utuiudis to I imliv ta Maxkat ftauli mil Aend tar t I r O. M. FERRY &. CO. OSTROIT Larir ribinK CU'I tint o"'T ' tS Lstut J $ U U li 0 f u it a 3 cor " - " " " 1 a a .. 3 cor " 2 " 2 " " X. Oth street (h'm ) 2 " " Picnic Hill H " " Washington a v. " 1 " " 1 M'k from Main m i nvvr. im nwi itmi mzmm Mn.ii r J tor burns , And Uhcl eat, nU the Btf