7 i os a, PltUB9Utll, M v ' ; -r of public 4 legislation.' iiiwui nriim .mm not at e (. of .war but a very short Up bat b took fain jicalps.- Oxx city eject lou ia this vicinity is passed, tuii (Jeorgie Cole is elected auy or of all Pacific1 Juu'ction. - Thk Hat Utiiouth ' board of trade should watcU the cowing of tbe diago nal ' road ' across - Iowa and meet it . ball . y '' Turn dispatches to Jay regarding Prof. Wiggins, - Iris atom and tbe attaatiou given it by tbe people of upper Cauada, are of especial interest and tbe associate press report is given in full. Democratic editors persist in saying that the late congress baa done nothing and yet tbe congressional record of tbe session contains over 19,000,000 words. With this view of the case tbe democratic itor U at best a prevaricator. ' Balxm, Kicbardaon county bas been r V . t l . . t . m 1 nnca eiaiea over ine aiscvrerj oi coat 1 In considerable quantities in a well nd Prof. Aoghey, who has ' exam ia there, it comes from believes exists in pay- that ourt of the J'C!irJct of No J wbleu ; was, the other dclded by tbe supreme c: ;t cf the U. S. adversely to Platta caontb, baa been pending in tbe courts for several years. Tbts action was brought upon certain interest coupons of those bonds, which were past due, and which the city refused to pay, on tbe grounds that there was no law in force at tbe date of their issue, author lilng the contracting of the indebted ness. After these bonds were issued. 29,UK) in amount, the city of Flatts mouth, or those in charge of its af fairs at the time of the voting and is suance of tbe same, obtained from the Nebraska legislature, a special act le galising their issue. The present ac tion, in which these bonds are upheld, if the IIcsald remembers the point ia controversy, hinged altogether on the validity of this special act of our legislature, legalizing these securities ; and it ia very difficult to ' understand how this special act,' the validity of which was directly' in 'con tio vera y in this suit, 'could be upheld by. any court. V Under tbe decisions of the supreme court of Nebraska this act would be, if questioned, unconstitutional ; bow ever, the decisions of . the supreme court of the IT. S. have been uniform ly upon tbe side of the holders of state, county, and municipal securities and against the idea of repudiation. Cass county, at one time, bad a bond ed indebtedness s of . some $209,000, wbieb, when in process of . litigation, was compromised, freeing our county from an indebtedness , of $145,000. Much Severe criticism was . indulged in, at that time, against parties in charge of that litigation ; yet succeed ing events have proved it was the wisest thing , that , could have been done for our county. . ..." r , , There was not half the grounds '. in that case to defeat tho B. & bonds, that there was in the present case to defeat the high. 'school securities. in7 In regard to our , b igh school t this suit been successful,' ood reason to believe it nc of having the -red invalid: went ,ae' fiil-re to pass the Fits John er Ull, as a result of the democratic w altering aniust Lee, but it will not condone so readily tho democratic vil linffness to rfacrilico all legislation in order to gratify their partisan malice. Ia this respect they exhibited their custom ary indifference to public sentiment and their characteristic deficiency in the mdm of public responsibility. They will find that their obstruction tactics in tbe closing hours of congress will come back to plague them in the next cam paign, not only on account of the un worthy purpose which prompted their, but also on account ot the resulting failure of urgent legislation. Thinking people will naturally ask themselves whether such a party may be safely in trusted with the adminstration of nation al affairs. BOYD & LARSEtf, Contractors and Builders- Will give estimates on all kinds of work. Any order left at the Lumber V sviIk or Post Office will receive promut attention. Heavy Truss Framing, fur bams and larce building a specialty. For refoienc apply to J. P. Young. J. V. Week bacli or il. A. Waterman & Son. d&wtf CALL "AT THE Old Reliable it ATBRIIAN CM, U Dealer in ' I S H i 4 1-1 M Son t -m 0 "h ELYABD "V-.' ..- Ml Blake's Bnilding1, up Stairs, Where they are da ct ivinga PIECE GOODS We also wish to inform the citizens of rUittsicomh tint v luve i;iJ arrangements ftr Dying, Clean ingx"" Repairing On short notice, and warrant satisfaction. WM. HER0LD and SOI desire to state to the ptihiic that they have moved their Ory Groods Notions, Hoots, and Gent's Fur nishing goods to their store room formerly occupied by JT. K. Cox. A full line of STAPLE, rANCY CH.O CERES S and will be kept at the old stand. We would be pleased to see all our old customers and many new ones. We will keep a J3KTTEII line ofgoods than we were formerly en abled to. , : , The Finest Pressed Brick I1T THE Orders received for any quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Those contemplating to build should examine lalijy of our bricks and prices. Parda in rear of Bonner Stable, ttsmouth, Nebraska. 'MAN-- & K ,".. . . - attsinoixtli . iN e o . MANUFACTURE :. OP (. IRON FRONTS, - AND CASTINGS. ' -rtvj: work -i Columns , -te. - .. ' . .r -1 f ail kinda. Our Uachfsa v'topi- Rfo) complete lino of all kintl.i of V SUITINGS, STATES, our work, the a i -Oil i -f O I R B Y, Propr's. HOUSE COLUMNS, and Casting for , -Biwineee House are DANKS. Joiik FiTJ!or.n.Ll), A. W. McLAuonu. 1'renliteut. (Vliler. '. , FIRST NATIONAL - OK J I. A TMH'TM, NtliltASKA. Offer the Very beit f;-.-tltUf fur tbe inompt trun;i4-tn of lfi;ltiiii:tte BANKING BUSINESS. . siotk'. J'.oni. ;iiJ, :iv t mitt-nt in . i i ...,! .Sffurilieo IUilu:l.( Alui Solil.JJf puKitl . iv -ed :nd Interrtt niin ! t ((( i-i I ! fl talis, J'l ::t il'.tv.n;i vuil.il If II. ;my (urt if t!..- I i l:. I s;-i!i . m,,t it tin' i'lll'l;- i,., j v - I ir"i. H v!ii--.l nun k-l f t I -. .til f. ('win. I) V;ir-t r.iul .. ; :;! m.d i.niity lUnul. Ll H KGTOIIS : tclifi Kitii i:ild A. K. ToumIIu. Jlillll 11. 'l;irK. it. 4 'nr-ttiuu. Uf.i,. K I.ivi-y. y. K. Ubllr, A. W. MrLmu-Mlii. Bank Cass County C'otuer Wiu aud Sixth Stra.tM. PLATTS MOTJTH, JOHN BLACK. President, ( 1 J. M. I'AITKKHON, Caslilor. ( Transacts a General Banting Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid J or County and City Wari-antf. t'OLLKCI 3f .lK and promptly retnlttnl for. , - uiKKCtnoitii : John Itluck. J. AI. ti-rto;i. C. il. I'arm-lj, F. It. fiuthiuann. J. Morrlxney, A. B. 3uiltli. Krd O order. . Blly - WEEPING WATER - WEE PINO WATER, - NEIt. V.. I,. Ui:i:i, I'resident. It. A. fJIBSON", Vice-rreaident. R. Si. WILKIXSOX. CiBhiftr. A General Baalfiiig BacinEssTransdttel ji:(uhitm Kff ivt-d. iind Itilt-M-st ii!!ove( on 'l'lni: trti flcatcM. - . 4 OtAFTM ) Drnwn uv;ilhib!e lu nuy part of thr I 'r. I ted Slat'.-s and all thfl pi i!icit.-i ri'iif Kuro. o Ay Hits for the celeb rated Hamljnrs Line of Steamers. 1H "tit rA r s . " I j S 5 a C 4i , (Basso 300uii: ! Ui lld Koru. mat PIlIlTOIP Ts XaXZXl Omaha, Ktmi City, Atchison and St. Jotiph, v on. CHICAGO, PEORIA; GT. LOUI0, MILWAUKEH, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Booton I An AN Poind EAST and SOUTHEAST. T1IK LINK (OMI'ftlSKi Nmrlr l.nrO tiling Hm.KKb Hiccl Tfiwk. Aft iiiiiiii mr luxto hi IM't.N DKI'Oln. Il I.m Nulkiniil It'-uuiull.Mi 01 1. if TIIK CUUA I' TIIICor;il .! LINK, atul t iii.i.'iii r.iiH.ll to bi TIIK MK r KVl ll'I'KI II .1 I Mi ti World (or Hll c!um- of iihvvI Trf It. and you mil Umt ttavc'lmi a luxury lmitd of iln,utfort. TlirouHb TU-kta via Him (VlrbrHled l.lna ..rwl at all om-- in W - All In formation mImxii I'aton of Kara. Irt-f.lnir r ArconinKHlHlMina, 1ini l abl, Ac, will t lo-t-r-(ally -tvin by avplylntf tu T. I. POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL. M Vlo frr. I 4 O" I Mafr. a I twufi Al.. Chicago, lUs. Chicago, IUa KENDALL'S) r in av iria Ii.aM'mI' mti'Mnni. KkmkIiV rvrr dlfi Cuv;rrd an It i-flUln In ita effcPta and iloca not IiIInMi-; AIho -X('fllilit fur Uuiiihu tlrall. KKAD 1'ltOOr' 15KI.OW. I KOM COL. I.. T. FOriTEll Younantowu. Ohio, May lOtil, IrtSO. J'.. .1. KMidiill kl'o.. Gout i I li.id u very vul-iial.li- . ainl! toniiiii foil which I 1 ll.-il very luclily, lie had a laiKi; bone rpavln In one Jolol und n small on" on the other, uhlcli luaJe him very lame ; 1 had hlm under t lie rliare of two veterinary Kurpeiina who fulled to eure him. I ;if one flay reudlnit the l vrrllxeiiient l endiiir.s S.;ivni l .'nre in til e t'lil aro Ki lirens. 1 deteauliued at uuer to try It, and olil iliUKiiht" here ent for it, they ordered thrvc bottles, I look them all lllld tliollL'l.t I would ivcitul lloioiii! Ii 1 1 ial.I li-eilit. accol MliiK to dl reelions and tin-f.nii lh day the eoll eeawd to l.e hiine, anil the liiinim had llaeared. J used hut one ioltU and the colls liinoi ure H-t I free from lunipM and a hiiiooiU as tiiy horse lii lilt; MHiw. 115 i rmiiei) euiru. j oi- uir remarkable that I let two ot my neighbor have I lie irumii.lug twobottle who uij now usiu if. ' ' Vry Tii-cl.f uli y, . l T. i'OSTI-.U. Kendall's Spavin Cure - ON" HUMAN TLESII. Paltea'a Mill. N. V.. Feb. 21. la. B. J. Ki.ndall&L'o.. Genta : TJic particu lar caa on which I uved your Keiitinll'a Hpavln Cure was a malignant ankle ftpraiu of Klxleeo inoirtha ataudihK. I had tried many IhliiK". but io vain. Your Huavln Cure put tht foot to thu ground aKaiu. and for I he llri't time Hi nee hurt, lu a natural poHltlon. For family liniment it exce.IU auythini; we ever UHed. ItKV. M. I'. UEI.L, l'astor of M. E. Church. TattetiH Mill. K. Y Seed adilrec for Nhmirated Circular, whlc we iiiiiiK uivei oosuive urooi oi in iiiurci. it . . i . . . . .....1 I. I in HiicctHH, to our knowledge, for beaut ax well as man. I'riee I, per bottle, or vix bottles for ?5. All Iriif;iHW have It or can jet It tor you. or it will be ent to any address on receipt of price by the protutetors. 1U. 11. J. KKNDAI.I. & CO. Knocbiiru r al Ik, Vt. , 3-!y sin.it hi a. i, i, Hiic;f;is rs NEW - i; , FurniturE Stc? Harris: nr' ... r dkaleM j.v FUR1TITTOE1 and all K aT -L-a" . VfllUt V T "K at.ar' af a