4 1 frl lil r ?It I BULL fell U W tf) I M: I DURHAM iHVfS ft Both Sidcs'of the Question should be looked Into. And the intelligent smoker uses BLACKWF.LL'S BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. BLAC KWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N, C. Mexican Mustang Liniment. . dr: for the Ailments of Man and Beast ' '-tc-lej pain reliever. ; .c is ..'.most universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the ivaicr, and by every one requiring an effective :".i;:it. ..; rfnlication compares with it in efficacy. . ' ; !!t,vn remedy has stood the test of years, almost ..iriuions. iVini; chest is complete without a bottle of Mustancj . :; vt. .- arise for its use almost every day. .: : '.".' ist, and dealers have it kt. v.i i-rv JLW l fSy tf f iCATA -.v.' v- i . -v , - , , , . ... &2S P. 6t.H THE POCiTiV 3li.di.i.. ' -' ' !-:t.Y J i'O'i iti-;;. V4T-"i SCHIFFMANTS Athina Curef I N"ver lmJs to Liin in-t..ht r.-Ii.-f in the wnrwta lc&'S, anil l'it,--i. itlo wllcre l.t!o-l full. I TrUI i-wknire t- lift-, of Irti,i,U or by Hill. I HMn f iW K wirtl'KSf NN". M. I'vil. Wlit. I' i,k' Scientific American Agency for! Ti -V. f , c. '2Xl2 CAVEATS, irV.'-!.?i TRADE MARKS, v - fli 'Vs i'-l DESlCN PATENTS i. 'HH COPVRICHTS, etc For tnfortnatinn nnl fiw Itfinrtbonk WTiti' tn Ml SN l)., IIIIIIALlWAY. NKW Vlllllf. Oldiist Inirmiu f'lrsi'runmi miIimiIs in AmiTn-a. Kvery iliit tnki'n mil hy n Is hrmiiilit l'f'irn tho public; by a rmtlc-e trtveii tree ot cliurne In tlio Scientific mcncau' I.snot ctreiilntlnn of unv nolontlt'i1 rnfT In -irll. Splon.licllv HluM'rHUMl. No InU'lliL'Ptit man shoulil be without II- Weekly. w.'I.OO a ji'iir: fl.ai nix mmillis. Adilre.-w .in iiUi re uliuiikhs, XI llroaUway. New Yurk, Chamborlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. . A certain cure for Chronic Soro Eyes Tetter, Salt Uhoum, Scald Head, Ol Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Trairio Scratches, Soro Kipploa and Tiles. It is coolins and soothing. Hundreds of case3 have been cured by ttaftcr all other treatment had failed. Iti3 put up in j and DO cent lasci. V; i .1 : f V For Atehiiismi, ft. Josi ph, Loaviti worth, liiiis;n City. M. I.uuis, ami iill point- r -tli. cist hlMltl) or uv-t. 1 ici. rtt siilil ;iiiI IoilT-H-:iLri' chyeKi-i! t o ii ii y point in S I a U'-i or " C';m:id;i. h'or IXFOKMA 1ION AS I ( ) KATK AM) Kol'TKS Call tit Iii'poi or address ii, C. TOWXSKM), (J. 1. A. St. Louis, Mo. j. c. rinu.ii'pi. A. (J. 1'. A. Omaha. II. D. Apoak. Afft., rinttsmouth. Telephoiu1, 77. iuLLJUi i 'w N -"-"die- A SI I tun H kM when this is done 'I v grra p. jrcciFSSiHKiny-wicURED kiJf tJ V 'i i l-n.. U:...r;i , I. I ',( .1 . ' " . N..-IV.I-. Hl,.,.,.! .tort h'Atiy BALSAM !:n to . vo 'ii-.T, Vo. .,:, i f.o.,r. W-IN I' l-n! .. !., iV'k'likfllll (.,. WtNF.V-'.VCOKNS. T'i" ivwtiwtHi'. 5tb A Family Affair OAj') Pleasure for the Tarents, MAOjfiiNew Life iortlie Uld Folks. nires Root B eer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK ("Is a funilly all'air a ro'iniKllo jf t ho liDiiic. A 'i ci-nt jmu Unto limkos 5 nllom (,f H Oilii'lons, nr.Mi--:!lii.-iii'u', fticrvcsixnt I'ovini.j'1. Pon't 1,o d.rlv.-.l jm (Valor, fir 1I10 sokour lnn-.T -r. -lit. i. ln y. oino (iiiiit I. In.l I i ' jn-t ii'i .',!.! " 'li- fin,.-. N,i Imlt.iii, 11 b,uibucj U toU t' liUillO JilliL', ; -i 1 v -v .Jan, '. Ll l-- 'fTTs r fit, . ------j A i-'vf ni . ;. : i.TiiiYL. ACRrnARi.n. ci.r. wsivi. j Fanners, F'.iners and Mechanics. 4 PIRFiXT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. C.ir'.s ChofinK, Chapped Hands, WountU, Uurna, Etc. A Dcliijhtrul Sliampuo. r7l!!TE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adopted for Use in Hard Water .... " .' ' 7 h . i 1 THE EVENING PRIMROSE. Suit Evening Prlmrwe, with your silken Hole limn; ilflh Hloly mur,l. what a soul LiH.ks fmm your patifiit eye! How frail and pale Von stuiiil Hinimit the floweret! mul yourlion l Slums like a vanii-liins phnntoin of the grail. Yininc Imils lliat iiut a finger to the Mue C'rowcl on your stem, mul youth and hope are new. While the sap runs; yet scarcely has the sun Warmed t ire upon your petals ere their hue Kails into pallidness of death begun. And strr" n atiout the grass the blossoms hide '1 he poor discolored fragments of their pride. Or hang disconsolate it li draggled cst, And eli'. sodden cerements, to at.i.lo '1 he gi.olual workings of the Alkahest, Was it for this joii sirnggh d into light? Thai one brief d;.;. should crown a tedious night': Was it for this . .:i felt your way along The pat li of i.at.iral growth, tlint from their height Shi ill death should e ho 111 jour triumph song: It may he s.,. There are w ho vav the h!:ss Ki"i'.:! tin' pa.:i: jet c oil I i! he for this ilioil know s. j 011 opened j our s" eel . pal im! ej os To see the sun's face once and die In his kiss' Kor lee - Jon bloom again in I'anolise. - Nina I.aj.nd in Longman's. .Mag.iiiie. NaniiH anil ltusiiiess's. There is lit limes a peculiar eoinci uViico its regards the name of a 111:11: mul hi liiisiiu ss. Such an n pi t fiai c liess of liamo to calling is fiiMiiotitlv (tiiit itcriiiciital. '"Sexton lirothcrs, Uiiilertakers mul Upholsterers," is the Woi'ilinv; of a si.nn lit Lohl; 1'raiK'h, iiinl ilressmaker on Clinton street. New York, hea'.s the name of N. Nmlel (tlio (iertn.in for neeille). To tliose who 1111 il istatul ( ierniMii, Schneider will seem an eiptally appropriate name for a dress maker, and there are plenty of luitchers in town named Met.i,'er, while at least ime ParlicTK'loriesiiitho nameiif Sclieer er. rnt it seems odd that n 15aecker should deal in meat, or that even an Avenue A. Harbor should sell beer. However, when wo hear of "Taylor & Culler," a linn of clothiers, or find that 'Si iekwell A: Co." are ltiticilii ; makers, tin re is u strong suspicion of an inten tional manufacture of appropriate jjriu names. And that story nliotit the bro ker t'.rm ol '. Ketcham & I. Cheatham" lias been told so often that one hardly knows whetle r to credit it or not. New Yurk Times. Centratizat Ion of (iuveriiiiient. The history of the federal govern ment is one of ffi-owinir stretiLClh and in fitteltee. The difference between thi' intention of the founders of the system und of the existing fact is nearly as great as that between tip) opinions of Jefferson and moderate Federalists. From the first organization of the gov ernment to the present time, there has been almost a steady advance toward centralization. This advar.ee has bt en both aided and retarded by the snprt.nie court; but in the legislative branch of the government mid in the popularmiiiil tlio proportions "f the. federal govern ment have constantly grown larger. It has not been the tendency of the people of t lie republic to titrrngthen the local government at the expense of the general government. On the contrary, the gen eral government has grown at the cost i f the states. Henry L. Nelson in Har per's. Tin Nepaleso '"Kimi." Th" N'jialese "kukri", or heavy curved knife, with theedgeon the inii'7 side, is familiar by name to renders of the i.oeor.tits if in.r "little wars," in which the ( ilo.orka infantry have taken part. Hut tin re is ntiothir Nepali so weapon, the "kora," the must strangely shaped sword 1 vi r used, which, starting from the hilt about an inch and a ha!!' wide, when near the e.id turns at righ .nudes and expands to six inches. Tin' late Jung liahadur, a noltd expert at nil eastern arms and exercise:, was able li decapitate a bullock Willi one blow of the kora. Chambcts' Journal. arvlngs 011 Kasler Island. The hard volcanic lock of Luster ibl.md is covered with carvings intended to represent human faces, birds, fishes mid mythical animals. Fishes and tur tles appear common among these sculp tures, hut the most common figure is n mythical animal, half litiiiinn in form, with bowed back and long, clawlike legs and units, According to the na tives this symbol was intended to rep resent the god "Meke-Mcke," the great spirit of the sea, Philadelphia Ledger. They All IlodKi'd. A fpinint minister once said, "Now, brethren, I propose to throw this hymn book at the man who has been thinkin:,' of s. no !:ii:i' other than the sermon." 11" mado the r.e. c , ,ry g.v-t'.ire, as tlioti'.h he Would htll! the bo k, and. eiirio',1: ly enough, eveiy man in the cmi L'ie:;.'i!ieii '.licked his I,, a,),- Londuii Tit bus. Mow One Know i. A weMi"g coiiio 1 !i pt Ty fotie at. the 11nusn.1l hour It! do in lb. i.e.niing. P is iinneci -s i!".' I 1 add that thi., was tie weddi';..- ,,f a !M,'i' u 1 t.i.ni. Ai.y otlit 1 km ' ' f a i i.i s;.,; iL, ti,. -,i 1 1 u-- tn ., v." !,!! h '.' b. 1: in i.-: t -I it a iii.uli i f ' ' " -d'oiiii o ! ,.;,-.t i:, nijfer. l il t Wheal in . .-. The f'f-t v.l eaf rii ... .'. Vi the N, v World was M,wn 0:1 th I ! itid of I ; hell, 1 in J,;tiiiarv, 1 t'.'l. ami :t March ;;. the cir.i :t ) :, -'t r: . !.- ;t Ie .!H- public. Whl'll Vr'l ', !:,' V i'lf el:." ); ..lit of th (ityto ay bill:., wr.te the name a.'al lesideiici' 1 f your aver thus: "1'av to John Smith ,; ,,f ;,.; ton." This will nit your banli on its .juard if pi, sePtod al the coin,t. i . It is c.ilcul iti d that it would take a pcr-'oii 1. v.r :;mi years to read all the standard works that are pulilisl,,.,, in!li Vet we scl'loin coiiie across a nian who will acknowledge that he has not read every one. Cyrus Thompson claims to have dis covered the key which will unlock tiic mystery of the Maya codices and proba bly of the Central American inscriptions. WELLINGTON S FAMOUS BALL. Ilrlle neil Ileum Who Ileal!? Ian the liaiiee tif lieatli. The D'ike and Duchess of Kichmond were living in a fine hotel on the lino il la lilanchis.sere, which stood on its owr grounds and had u fruit and tlower garden extending to the city ramparts. Their graces moved in all the society of r.russels, and entertained a great deal. The duchess, who had issued x'.'tl invita tions for the ball, proposed to recall them when she heard that Napoleon's: unity was advancing. Hut the lhikoi.f Weliingto.i, to pi-event alarm, leipp'stcd that the hall miidit take place. Nevertheless, many Hnulish families were frig'-teiied away from Hrtisscls, and post horses were kept harnessed in the Duke of Uichiuoiid's stable, in easj bad news front the scene of the conllc t should make it advisable for his chil dren to be sent to Antwerp. The ma jority of the people of Hmsscls Wctv I violent Hotiapat'tists, and were prepar-i to entertain Napoleon in great style should he force t!ie lit itish army to re treat and enter tin if city in triumph. S.i it. was that the Duke of Wellington and many of his officers went to the ball after tiie business of the day had been attended to. While the merry collides were Hying around a dispatch from the front was handed to Wellington. I If asked the Duke of Richmond for a pri vate room where lie might consult with sotuij of his generals who were present, The duchess" dressing room was the only convenient room safe front intrusion. Caudles were hastily lighted on the dressing table, at which Wellington sat with a map before him, and having ex plained certain point to his staff thev all rejourn,! d,,. company. They left the house before 10 o'clock and succeeded in doing so without attracting any at tention. Very few, if imy, of the dancers guessed how near at hand was the crisis which was to decide the fate of F.urope. and it never etiteied the heads of the oimg ti'lr 1 li:it some of their partners ware dancing the "dance of death." Manchester Times. The Spider Hank. The miners of Colorado who have built cabins on the mountain sidesknow what a pest the small, blown Wood spider proves to he. They throw their webs over your best, clothes, cooking utensils and in every corner whom you can get them in your eves and mouth. Not only that, but they will drop into the frying pan, water bucket or upon the table when you are eating. Hut nature furnished us a remedy and a friend when she gave us the spider hawk. The name is given by miners to a small, steel blue wasp about throe fourths of an inch in length. He can easily be recognized by the iptick, ner vous stroke of his wings. The wasps build a nest upaiiiong the rafters of yourcabin of wood pulp or furze from the otitet coating of old dead trees. Then they are ready for business. Kvery few mm utes you can see your hawk climbing nr. the rafters with a spider, sometimes car rying one four or live times his own weight. Sometimes they got 11 spider so heavy that they will fall many times before they succeed in reaching their Host. They never give up. but keep on trym:; till they suet 1. When the spider is safely placed m the nest the female hawk depo-ils her egg ill the dead body. The hawks Ii s only in pairs, as far a my observation ;:oes. They become r.'.'her tame.-- ( ;r a! I), vide. 1 itay capons. Tlienati dial Malay weapon, the kris" is -aid to have been invented by a .l.ivi. ne-o monarch of the Fourteenth eon tiny. Its varieties are said to exceed hundred, and them are in Javanese pi fev.-r than fifty names for thtm. P v;n'i' -i in size, from the two feel wavy blade of Sulu down to a mere- tooth pick Hut lhe peculiarity is that th woap in is never ground, but kept rougl and siwbke in edge, by scouring will, lime juice or the juice of an unripe pirn tipple, sometimes mixed with nrsensio find it is on this account that krii, wounds are so dangerous. Old specimens am so eaeu away bj this practice that, the blade seems formed from a bunch of wires roughlj welded up. Such krises am highly valued, and some of the ancient ones, heirlooms of chiefs, with grotesipiely cawed and inlaid hilts and sheaths, nn almost unputvhnsablo. Chambers' Jemr mo. II Olluil Hepilols. A certain piv'afo had among his snl ord atesan honest and simple minded ele: .' man. who was in the habit of pro tii; .' to 1, arly all his replies the Lain, Woid "Mi "inguo." t lue day the i!elati , wi-' ng to divert himself, at the expelist ofl; sn!d clergyman, in the tail.-difa lar:. si a ,al g;i! loving, gravel',' sai.l to bin: "'. Thad h ti'i. would i! ho H.ht, in a ea 1 f 1 :'.' :m y, t-, bap! i..e an in f.ii,: v. :th I. i..thv' " i 'in i.-.",:'-,; d -pc lid- ., .-. plied th. ii!- ' W 1 : h !.! 'I ii fro; 11 you, hi!. .. i' w -ah! be . ry wtong- iudi oil. hut .' hi'1. -erV,d in the hospital und-1 your mar rgem, nt in i-.. lit vc, pl'o IV le I -1 d lof tl." .l,l.. 'SO. as if It is in- pute v, ,,; a , i- is ,,, ,t very far off." -St. ,!0 Sc. ii". Masi .ilar I xi rei .0 111. 1 ll allli. As laaiiy i'-e,i s, j,-ouiine:d hiii.iii whii ai " 1 '.. -o of I he abd' 1r.il1.1l and pe lv olrau-. are tlio oi!i-i i:Mi;-is (it cong. -!iou, and us good circulation lloey muo: ha- t !., priei,1ii .11 ot sin h co. gi st: "i. inn 1 ..i.ir exerei ', be inipr.iv ing t : e general circulation both by in en-a rag (he a'-tivi'y of the heart a:ij aiding in the vetmns letiini. will (hi much to prevent a large c'.assof dis eases -Dr. J. M. Kici in p. pular Sci once Monthly. How Wan li Ciysluls Aro Made. Watch ery.-tal arc made by blowing a sphere of ghi s about oi.e yard in (lianiclcr, after which the dinks aro cut from it by means of a pair of compasses having ti diamond at the extremity of one leg, New York Journal, A WOMAN. Ah, she U of our thought und tfcnn. And we are vaguely loath to tmee Through nights of variant age and cllmt Her tiiri bright to a servile race. inid (he tumult of our days. Thrilled with the lire of hope and dream. She treads in fearless wise the wajs That men had sought and (rod supreme. With gladdened even she fares, ami none Shall check her warm, uplifting soul That sees flo.r ..ne shilling goal Like lhe new glut j of n sun. She (eels t he exultant sense of life. And bat I li s 111 I he blood of strife; Where men have climbed, her hands shall reach; What men have taught, her tongue shall teach; Sexle-s in si niggle, hold ln mind, I ell ile mi 1 fsh expedient, strong To li-.i.l her right iignitei lhe wrung. To s, ek li.lt ot hers dal e' to lilld, she siaml, um oed, unboiled, unbent, T ne misin s of ,, r high Intent. Yel she is 1, a u 0111 01 si ill, ho w e,-;.s as nij 1 women w ceil, W'lio o , , ,s otllj W oil 11 u w ill. An. I ri a;.- her j.o s a, women reap; Whose m ,!i i- , in Us sacred stir, Is 1 he in iolale part of her; W hose ehana is not ol 111,111, hut blow n Like t he w lid l o-es, all her oil 11. Sweei heart and lloncr cif fruitful j ,-ai-s. Time ( anno! change her ,ini!r. and tears, Time ca'inoi r..h her of the grace Which burns like love light In her face. (ioige l-.dgar Montgomery in l'Tank Leslie's. A Veiili-lloiiilst Alioai'd. "There was a very mad conductor on tho oast bound train the other night," said John D. Paterson, a Kansas City man. "Tho car was crowded, and 1 Miami! my seat with a St. bonis drum mer, who was bent on having a good time at the expense of his fellow pas beiigers. As the conductor canio along a dog under our seat began to snarl viciously. The conductor looked hard at the drummer. "No dogs allowed in tho coaches; take him into the baggage cur,' he said. 'Not my dog,' replied the drummer, as he mado a vicious kick. Tho cur went howling under the seats tho full length of the car. The passen gers became interested. The conductor, porter and brakeinan made search him. He continued to run and ho The passengers joined in the search, no dog could be found, anil the (pi was finally given up. "Just as tho passengers had settled into a doze tho dog si t up a heat" breaking, ear piercing howl. Th search was renewed, but without suc cess. As we pulled into Hunker Hill the dog got under the wheels, mid his death hong was something appalling. The conductor was overjoyed. Ho got off und looked for fragments of the dog. Tho drummer had alighted, and as the .(inductor called all aboard, he put lown his grips and filled that train from stigine to sleeper with dog fights, lie was a ventriloquist, Tho conductor was ?o mad that he forgot to take up tickets for forty miles." St. Louis (ilobe-Dem-ouat. Iloclored lis Own Tall, A small boy gave a lesson in natural history the other day. Ile brought into tho office a specie!) of lizard popularly known as the ".swift." Holding tho lit tle reptile above his head ho let it fall to tho floor, with the result that a sec tion (if its tail was broken off. Noticing that it was minus a part of its preheti silo organ, the swift, after discovering the piece of tail lost, backed slowlvup to it, and placing the stub against th piece, hel l it in contact lor a lew sec-oud.-. and then rut swiftly away wit li his tail ghi"d together, apparently a.-t sound as ever. Th" i -p. i'ii'!..;:( 'y ' : i- ; .-tied -over. 1 1 times, with tin- same l.-siilt. Swift, glue could doubtless In- tired sin -sfullv i'i sticking dismembered limiis, fingers, etc., t-1, 'et !n t. and tv" throw out thi' suggestion to 1 1 s'i'.'g.. ,i, 1 r what it U worth. Otitario ' diserver. , i-iv Ucliiciit In a Mineral. It is repotted that a new lenient has been recognized in a mineral found in l'.gypt by Johnson Pasha in 1MI0. Thi.' mineral, first called "Johnsonite," Im! afterward masrite, con.-ists mainly o! aluminium, manganese, cobalt and iron in combination with sulphuric acid. It dissolves in water and yields on treat ment with sulphuric hydrogen in an acetic acid solution a white precipitate, from which a pure hydroxide was pit parad. New York Journal. She liil mul She Didn't. When you save a lady from being killed in a runaway and she say0 "Thanks, " she really means, "The nexl time yon do anything of that sort please don't muss the lace on my dress." 1! sho really felt any sense of gratitude she would exclaim, "Call around ami I'll introduce you to my youngest bis tur." Detroit Tribune. It Did Seem Stlioige. 1'f'ited Lady i 'i the h"aoh) Why jsu i. soinctliin done for that ship in distress.; Why don't .some of y..u ('oa-t (iu ird diurriedlv i Wo lrtvi. sent the crew a line to come acholic Minn. I'.xi ited Lady ( I i. 1 -is! W-r- they j'i:; , ( ., ., f,,,-,., .; tnvi'n'i Nw York i v--r. If the I' o-tti . a . l oo. e. I If th:- lobe W- ! ' coo' '! li .W!l to s''0 ilegs. lelo'is- th-. : . ; . :' i i'-igra I" i' j would b- ever. I vi a . i ..f . j L'tiH thirty .j.vo t' t d. .-p. of which about seven feet would be liquid oxygeji. -- Load"ii Sjiectator. Th" boa an 1 its able. - a r.' i n; i n-ly (-n. fineil to Am ri' i, Aa-traha and t',--tropioal 1'aci ic isl.iinis. The pvlnoi; . on th" oiln-r iiatid, aie most I v tr-'lil tn" OU xVorld. tl Persia tiie umbrella was of ma h n .oval distinction. In llindostan tl;.' title of "ohat'r.ip.iti" -igUilics "lord .,! . tho umbrella, or sha le of state. Tit ere are about .,.", i n tons of soot r?- ! covered from tho chimneys of London j every year, which yield an annual rumitic of nearlv s'.'.'-l.tiiiii. Tliem was snow in many parts of Iowa and Illinois on May 11,17, and aiiiu as late as May , Mothers1 Friend" MAKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. I Colrln. L., Doa. 2, 1886.-My wlf nied ; MOTHER'S FRIEND before her third ' confinement, and says she would not bo I without it for hundred! of dollar. J DOCK MILLS. Sent hyenpreM on receipt of price, (U.50 per bot tle. Hook ' 1 o Mother " nulled dee. BRADriELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA. OA. , TTORNEY ! A. N. SULLIVAN. j ttoiney nt-l.uw. Will oiv prompt attention , o nil business entrusted to linn, (itllce In ; 'ii ion Mock, fca-t Side, riattsinnulli, Neb. HENRY BOECK The Lending FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. tainstiintly keeps on tntnd cverythin you need to furnish your house. COHNKU SIXTH AM) MAIN sTKKIT Platismouth - Neb F IK'ST : NATIONAL : HANK OK I'l.ATTSMOl Til, NKltUAHKA r-ald up capital fMi.imn.no Hurpln- io,wio.( rs the very to-l facilities for the promt, IniiisHi'iloii ot lltiiimate iJiinkiii Business rttock linnd!i,Kolil.(!overnmeiit and local to urltli's hmight and nhl. Iieposits reeeivea ilid mierest allow e,l on the eertlllciile Irafis drawn, available In any part of the United Stale and all the principal tewnn of Jumpe. O1.1.KCTI0NH MAIIR AND PKOMPTLT BSMIT 1HI). Ilgln-K market price pnld for roimly "j w rants, Hlate aim County hoiide, IMHKCTOHH louii Fitgriuit I), ifawkuworth Sam Waugh. K. K. . "line ' ienrfte K, lluvev loliii Klt7gi'r!ih. r,, Vm ir IT.-ident CcUer, W. II. Cl slll(i I'i; -itl, ill. J. W. Ji I! V ( ), V in:-I'll mli .'I, -iinllT II EOuii- jGi(i.r,is - .Iji'-jijlj, ri.AT ISMOl I II N KltitASK A S-50,00 C;iet(i! Pi.iid in J K li loilhiuan. .1 W .lol.i son, I! S (.ii-us 1 I I. iL ..i.i XI li m .' j . .'i i'ioi gan, ,i A ( oniiul'. W Weltellkaliip, U IKiishuig A igeiiorul Ininxino- business nails ai led. Interest nllowed ( n de posites. FOR K'KLIAHLK USTSXJRAISICE Call on SAM'L PnTTKK'SO.N Pbittsinoittli . Ncbrusk; PLACKS t)F WOKSIIIP. Cai iiot.ic.st. rani's ('lunch, ale, h-tw Filth and Sixth. I'ather Can i y, l as' Serviees : Muss at 1'inl In :. ,. ji". s - !:. sehi ol ,il j ;:iii, with lii-neilietnm. CltnisTi,' v. ('oil ei iisf and . ' ), s M-ivlees iiKirmii I I'd cei!j.g. hi. Coil inia) pasior. Suiulaj m boo! ic.i. ;.i. bi'ls' op st. Luke's ( hnich, con . ! ami no-, lo v. Ii It. Pu.ies-, ,:,.-r. . s , leei ; II A. M. anil I .el' I', it hUl.'l S' . ... at :.';'i P. M. Hi' e 'i as '.' i- ! nolo -1 i 1 1 i e r SIM!. ' 1 .I.!' '1 ' C. l.l'lll.l i'. Set , :.', - -i-ol : I ' .. . ;., I'ttl . ,l.l V... ',"V.' a I . ,v el' I I M il. ..Ml I., .li'le '-. I ', , . I . is ! 1 1 1 . Sumhiv sc, ,.,, al a , :,e , I i at 1 1 a in . ;,!'. s n, m. 'I ! . I. S ( . , 1. 1 thi- i:e,i,-h la.-. ' !. ,th i u 1.:' .-.I ', ,;, a, i. I . .. li.' ' in. ''I li. A-. I I v .leg !,. Ji! 1 1 , tiieel.ngs. Fills t .M V I lii'i'M'. Sixth St., I .-tv .ei i rem:, iiev. i r. itnn, i. i S." UCe- : I : I M ,. s , o 1-. XI ' " v M. I i;n i r i iii:g i dii. sii II. ' liHI"l I'I: ' - i I I I ; , s . I'm ;,. '., .N.ie!i. h, i i::,., p:,si..i. , ivu-i hoai s. Si.jniaj scliool :i i.'.u a. m. SU I I Msil I I.N.ipl,,; 11 lo.NAI.. Crii, t Aeeli I'ili h :c ,1 sixtil. Col o i ; i 1 1 I ', 1 1 i I s i , , 1 1 a e I la!, I'-i'll' ''lid I ' iitili, liev. A. la.-', 'r !,,'s I : a iii. ninl T :. p in I -It: V I'llln sday evelli! .' Vor.Mi MlN's ClIHIs'l lA.N Assocl V , )i.--1,'ooiiis in w ateticim block, Main street. Cos p.-! ineetaa-. fm iik-i, nnh . cv , V Stoaiav M -tcrnooii ai I o-clock. I(i.oiii open n-k'in.s from s:;m a. lu.,iu w ; ;to p. m. SOt Til I'AIIK TAI'.KltNAI l.K.-Hl'V. .1. M . Weed, I astor. Services; MiittiHV felieol Vi n. in. ; 1 ii'iiehinp, 1 1 a. m. und 's p. tn. ; prayer meeting Tuesday night ; elu ir lat tice Kinlay iilcht. Allure welcome. "-'"s- 9