Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 28, 1892, Image 3

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. t, nr,T Tirn T-n mTl TTT valiiig llu- iniury i.i th
i- t 1 1 a 1 1 1
knee iM ill ,M1S mini! il
njuring tin' liii. gating m 1 in-iu moo.
viii known the -i 1:-. .1 y,A. f utua I Ko-ei vo i
a - - ro-
k'ichar I Lewi-, deceased, llearin-
on petition lor tin- appointment ot .
.ille S. Wit.l iiitin i n i-t r. I ' i (' I f-"r i. I iv. O -t ol. - . Appo.nto.l Co- amounted to m-ntlv of ,h,.v i,.v,. ,,, ,.e.i lt conteMin-. -bonus mm Prayer ot p.-nt, .ill ".minis .x iv tin- t r.-suu-n
Hon. W. B. Shryock Careless in! which , l.a.l boon paid in to . Shryook had carried tin- iu-uranco ; granted. 1 ion, I in tin- sum ot r.'.rio i A- provided u, tin-mint r.-.-oht
! Shrvook in June, llu- directors tor three or ..ur vo.u and ' approve.! ami lower is.-ue.i. ,.o ,.,..... . ,, ... ,,,,
His Accounts. j.,,,,, ,lu. lu.wlv vUxn-A treasurer. ,hev do ,,,,1 -, o anything to -howi 1" tin- niatt.-r ot tin- ot j 'lot ' " misou t . - 1 . i issued a proe
ill tin 1 1 : 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 i ti 1. o,1ii:i.,.iii,t. 1 i. . i" . .:.i. Ti. "... ...... . . . . i , . . ! A 1 1 1 o u i o Aldi. 1 1 ii' . 1 . i s -1 1 . Heal in-' I Lunation appointing' Friday, t cto
..lit,..,,., I ', 1 1 I I , 1 O I 1 . II II I Mil I ll 111. .
1. ... 'II I .1 I' I .1
'on petition lor appoint inrnt ol 111 - ' . ' ' ' '
! John Sohiappocasse administrator, j tin- di-envei y ot Ann i n i by Colum
August In a. m. j bus. ,is a general holiday lor tin
In the inattoi of the la-t u ill an. I I people ol t In- 1 n iti-.l
Icstiment ot lolin Ciihuoro, do-i " 1 1 t hat ( I.i ." s.i t In- pi or I.i ma
As Treasurer of a S-hool District He
Allowed the Funds to Pass
From His Hancts-Sensa-tionat
Claims of a
Litri Insurance
("ompan v
chant of Louisville, li ;n I tin- no-ivviti
counts examined by ii committee ; laiou Life officials say they do
consisting ot J ml go White, V ill i.i u i ,,t intend to contest. Shryock
Thomas :iinl Dr. Straight, l-ut tin- carried the in-urauco seven mouth
latter, who was comparatively a ami ha.l made it payable io In-cs-newcomer,
declined to lini-h tin- t,,te t liat i-, to go to tin- creditors
work. Tin- other- reported ; ... . . .,,,,1 i, ,,i declined iin
ill a I
ciiritios or otli.-r thiiu; to Mmw i,., o, willi tin- intention
-lirvoi-K owi-il tin- senooi i iu u i . ,,,,.r i.,.
-U:. ami tlu-v .li.l inn liml any i lVm wa ,,, ;l, ;,i lik,-that II
m i t .-.lino
In a. in.
I n tin- in.ittiT of tli!
iM ll.-rai.l
i-niin- tin-
monii :u; s
tin- followin:
Lit.- W. 1 1. Sh rook:
"Whon lion. W. I!. Shryook ol
I.ouisvil!o, ono of tin- two i-pro-
v -ontiii i i s l orn I ii-s i i hi n l v in l ho
Ni'hn'ska loi-latiirf, wa- louiul
iload at llu- Murray lioh l, in this
i-it), tin- niuht ol July 'J, tin-re
funs i;ro;it sorrow, not only in his
liouso hut also in ( ) 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . i ami Lin
coln, whoro 1 o was wi ll known ami
I popular. Whon his lunoral took
plaoo ili'loi;at ion s attomloil from
various parts of tho stato, costly
floral trilnitos wore lanl iipun his
caskot, s-in I sorrow at tin- loss of a i
ac'ivo an 1 pulilic-spirilod citizen
was nninistakalily oxpn-ssoil.
Will Shryook, as ho was popularly
cal'oil, was a solf-malo in. in, had
made a hii;h mark in puhlic lifo,
ami enjoyed a roat doal of exist.
once'for ono ;t7 years of ae.
About ton years ao, after learn
ing the i.riuter's trade in TllE
ri.AT i sMi n'TH IlKK-AI.n ol'lice, lie
settled in Louisville, the hustling
little village that nestles at tin
base of the . -tone quarries and clay
banks on the north line of t'ass
counly, ad joii.iiii;- the l'latte river.
lie soon dipped into politics, and
vas elected treasurer of tho school
listrict. lie cast his fortunes witll
v Louisville's bv openiiiLr a druir
store, now the largest in tho town,
lie did not confine himself ovor-clos.-ly
to business, but took
pleasure trips to Colorado, Cali
fornia ami other rosoi ts, on which
his ,vife was often his companion.
As treasurer of file school district
l lie v:is tu-ii-t' ro.i'li'i-teit. Th
largest sum ho had to handle was
not over it-a.iKK), and he j;ave bonds
in that amount.
At the last school election, June
'.'li, this year, there was a strong
sentiment for a change, attribut
able, if to any one tiling more than
Smother, to a belief that he was
ii'o 1 1 i n if more than his share of the
use ot school money. I hero was
no designated depository, and no
r body questioned his riht to use it.
Hut lie was always in favor of lart
levies ami there seemed no partieu
I hir call to expend them. So it came
about that h;- was drloatrd by
vo'e of lnl to :iO.
Shryook was greatly dejected
over this stale ( f alfairs. The
sclioo." directors met June IM and
that if ht ho was expected to moot
with if, in and settle bis accounts.
1 !ut i'.A cad he came to ( )ni iha,
( staling at his business here was
" to close p t!io ,-ale of a .fl..inO jiiece
of j ii j -. -1 y in 1 'lat'.siiiouth.
flurin tlnil niht ho came to his
iiid account. Tin- next oven i n- lie
was found dead in his room at the
An autop-y was la id, tho coroner
had an iiruie.-t and tin- verdict was
that Mr. Shrock-had dii-d of heart
failure, the result of falls on hi
hip and knee.
Two veal- previou-Iy ho h id
breii Miuck b ii ba.-o ball on 1 1 1
rii'.ht knee and tins Innl practically
cripplo'l bun. A oar lab-r ho had
been thrown I com a pony, ii ra
il 1 . 1 1 1 I
lor it. As I'aukouiu ,-as. - i lie I ,,, ,,-.,!,...,! ,, j,.
treasury is eiuptv ." j lu-urance men an- of the opin ion
A demand was ma loon hr ock's j ,hil, jt al , j.p.,,, (-.uupan con-bond.-mon,
two 1'l.ittsuu.utli nien.j,(1.,s ,,,.,., it will boon tho
Director Ivobin.-ou ,-a - In- ha- no , n,M ,u , h 1( ,,.. i .(vv ,i.
doubt that they w ill make the hail
1, in fact tho proiiu-ed to
aoo : i Ion t a . i
n not i !.i- s.
the ileiitll was oor
or w!i:ilior limit is
do so if nocoss, u. llowiver, 111.
and Shryook'.- fri'-nd- wef - not s t
isfied iiud Attorie-y I laii Krniii a m
Weopino;' Water. iiid I--:pert Wil-mi
of I'lattsiiiouth are n.w at work on
the book- and a new rep. n I is
promised soon.
Slinook Wiis administrator of the
e.-ta'e of the late "I'nclo Dick"
Lewis, and alter the report ot the
irta'e ol tlie schooi tuinl wa-
mad- public there was consterna
tion anions;' the Lewi- heirs. Ills
final accounting w;is due in May,
but he had postponed a settlement,
though promising it in June.
Mrs. lien Ward of Louisville, one
if Lewis' heirs, lias liei n appointed
idminisfratrix. The funds duo
the estate are estimated at about
I-f,l X .
County Judti' Kamsey h;is as
sured Mrs. Ward that the alfairs are
not in such bad shape as w;is first
feared, and as a l'lattstuouth bank
er is on Mr. Shryock's bond, tho
lieirs are not now borrowing trou
Hon. 1-. Iv. While, who was Mr
Shryoek'soolleaniio in the legisla
ture, Mr. Tljomas W. Shryook and
Mrs. Celia Shryook, the widow, are
the adininistr:itors of tho Shryook
In his will Mr. Shryook provided
for the distribution of an es
tate which would aiuont to '.i.fKKl to
JIO.lHH). His visible assets consist
of his drugstore, his house and lot
valued at ir'J.allO and morttra'ed for
l,tKKI, a building valueil at l,a(HI
and his life insurance,
Mr. Shryock carried irli.UX) in the
Modern Woodmen, which was
promply ordered paid, upon the re
ceipt of the coroner's verdict. It
Hoes to the daughter, Lillian, a jirl
about 7 years old.
He also carried fi.tHK) in the
National Masonic Accident associ
atioii. One ol its agents -at least
Ilis business card said In- did - has
asked leading; questions about
Louisville and said that the com
pany would contest payment, and
lie lias advanced tho starllin,'
theory that Shryock did not die
Irom heart failure eau.-ed by acci
dent and shock, but instead that
he suicided, in view of financial
Mr Kckstein, who manages the
1 r u o More ami was Shryock's con
lideutial man, when aski-d about
this says ho has talked with
Adjuster Dovormau ol tin- Xatioiiiil
Masonic Accident company and
that Doverman h.i not intimated
that the company had any idea of
doi n - ;i ui;h I than pay in i;- t ! ic la i in.
Kek-teiu says he is -urpvi-iid al
any ITilk of contest and has not
hoard it. If any wore held a re
oponin ol the post mo: teiu .vould
bo neoess;! ry .
Ifesides tie- forerjii ' i r; i;.-uriuoe
Shryook earm-d jlu.noa i;i tho
I ' n ion la le ol t ) i 1 1 ah a. r '' in l ho
i.leil bv tho rule
Th'.- Knj.. Ineer's Si-lu.
The freight wreck yesterday
caused consider. i bio com incut by the
citi.ens a- to who really Wiis In
blame, ;i emul many laying the
b la mo ii ion L i m"i neer M ay lie Id : but
let that be a- il may the matter w ill
be lookei I i n to by t ho o I lie in Is a ltd il
the engineer was to blame ho will
probably be lil'ed.
Knojiueer May Hold's story puts an
entirely diUereut liht upon the
subject, lie says a slock train
pulled out ahead of his train and
after Ilis train had crossed the
bridge and before he was aware the
train had broken in two, he thought
the train was y;oiiiy down the jjrade
too fiist and he put on the air to
slacken the speed. The lust time he
was aware of the train beiiiir in two
parts was after he had sueceedod in
si. lekino; the speed of his train; the
ri'Kesuiiin, who was on top of the
c;:r. ivo him the siiinai to o ii heiii I,
tel'i::.;- him the train had broken
iiparl. He says he pulled the throb
tie wide open and had the engine
working for all it was worth, but ho
w;is unable to i;i t out of the way as
the air had set the brakes tiht
The brakomon also corroborate him
in every statement. If that is the
ease nobody w:is to blame.
.nine, on pel it ion to a I tio."ht the people, so tar a- po--i hie
to probate. Allll-I , ce, i-e all toil and devote t hem-el es
to -uoh i oi ci -es a- may be-t ex-
state of W i I - 1 'l o-s liniior to t lie 1 1 is, 1 1 el el a m I ap
liiiill H. Miry ook. deceased. Not no ' 1 " oo i. it ion ot the -real achieve-
to crodil'iis to Id.- claims ,in or be- j niont- ol lour c ph t. d Centuries
tore January hi, DIM, l'i a. m. "I Aiuei n an ble."
In the matter ol the e-tato ol i Columbu- .-I.....I in lp- as the
Charlo- S. Allen, iloc.-a-e.l. pioneer ol pio-ie-s and euli-hlen
i ii U on petition tor final setllei I. I nn nl. I ho -y stem ol unnersal ed
Account- ol James II. l.roen al "'' t am i-i n our a-e t he nio-t prom
lowed. Decree iici-ordiu-ly . fluent and -alutary leaturo of en
In the inaibT ol t lie .Ma I e ol j 1 i U I ' b nmon I , a ml 1 1 i - I i.i I ly iip
Anialie llartie;, docea-ed. l-ril..; pl'opriate (fiat tile schools ... mad,
Otto appointed special adm i u i. ( by t he people thee, litre o I the day's
trator. Iloariu; lor l;is ;ippoiut j d.-m
niont ui'iioral ailmiui-ti ator. Aiie i ''''
in a. ui. j ,lu'
t'lll ,,1. ,.. I I O.I I O e ( ,1 IS W I ) -'I
11,1 1 lOII. ll
lioti-e in
A. i id' lit
file Mil! uai I-'eserv.
o lil
va ri
Dr. J. K. Hall of Weeping Wafer,
who has been conlined in his bed
for a lonj; time, is able to set up.
Henry Hrumbober and Amalie
K'ueckler were o ranted a permit to
wed to-day by Jude k'nmsey. Moth
are residents of this city.
Mrs. Harris, of Michigan, who
has been visiting for some time
past with the family of J. I. I'nriih
returned home this niornini;.
Mrs, Htta Holland of (ireouwood
was yesterday iipiioinled niicrosco
list at the Cuddahy packinj; house
South iimdiii, at a salary of 'ii0 per
J. N. Summers, foreman of tin
machine chop, had the mislorlum
to drop a 1 ireo piece of iron on his
foot yesterday, inn-liiii;; one of hi.
toes badly.
Mrs. Samuel Chapman and her
si.-ler in hiw, .Mrs. Daniel Matfson
loll this morning for Colorado
whore thev will visit with r- bitives
a short time.
Miss Lucy Walcott ha- roeoverot
from the elleots ol the ioisiimint
sin- received on the Fourth of Jul
and has '-om- to 1 'Lit l.-mout Ii for
awhile. Woepiii-' U'aler Mayle.
t'n an ouut ol the wreck y oster
day all pa-sepoer liiiius wont
uio wav oi c oiiuon i, inns ami con
-equenily . '1 n t .-mini t h only n
oeived one mail, ami that in tin
A l:i in i ly i j i la i l'i wis - i yen t
i in 1 .1 ic t i i i lay on 1 1 io M ret t corner
I'he w ilo v. as try in:;' to oof her hu -
band hi'.ine, i ! ,i i in i n-- that he
Trrrir;l. im -v:xvmvc:.-t- tsw:Avm
,s. K'. D
McNiiihn, const,. bio. Action lor
damages for f.rbire to le; y execu
tion. I rial to court. I'laiutilf t
tile brief by July 'J.!. Defendant to
tile brie! Iu! :V
In the matter of (ho guardianship
of Winona Masen, minor. Petitioner
or removal of Owen Marshal,
e-uardiiiii, failing' to appeiir, cause
In tne matter of the guardianship
if I rod i i Kleiniiie, minor. l-'rit.Otte
qipoi n ted guardian, with bond h xed
ltltik'. liond appproved and letters
I-alward ('.. Vanatla vs. The Pliitts-
iimiil Ii .as iiii'l l.leciric l.e lil I o.
Suit for LI IH, diuiiii-es for breach
of contract. J ml-niont for plaint ill
for iri:i.' tendon d ulv l
In the matterof the i;Uiirduinship
of II. iuy Livingston. Hearing- on
mil settlement of Frank V.. While,
uardiaii. lialanoe in hands of
uardiiiu found to be $:t,llis.7a.
Vouchor showing payment of same
produced and decree of discharge
l-'runi Friday's 1 lailv.
Will Hyers has returned homo
from the Itlack Hills.
K'eister of Deeds C, C. Piirniele
is in Nehawka to-day on business.
W. J. Streiht returned last niht
from a pleasure trip tliroh;h Wyoming.
Geo. Spurlock was yestordiiy
granted permission to practice ;it
the Cass County bar.
i.elinhotf Urns, will move the first
of tile month into V. V. Leonard's
building on Main street.
The little '2 year old irl of police
man Fitzpat rick fell down stairs
y esterday afternoon and broke her
left lei'. The liltle oirl fell a dis
tance of ei-hf feet. She is rostiu
easy to-day and etlin iilon- a
well and could be expected.
Tony Cornelius, of Kearney, the
ch.i iiipiou hose coupler of the world,
has challenged Cieor-i- Fox. the
noled hose coupler of Yankton, S.
D . to ii hose coupling- contest for a
pui se and the championship medal.
1 1 1 roe machinists have been trans,
fc i roil from I Livi look to the shop
1, i e. Tom Julian came in ami wont
to .. ork 1 h is morning. Fled How
la m I a ml Moi-k Da i s wi 1 1 - o lo work
In-: e Monday. There is lols of work
in the machine shop hero and
another engine rame in yeslerday
to bo rebuilt.
1 1 -t I'.l I ii 0 1 . Lot the o or e ol shoo
coiinlry and the oxeioises bo
I as shall inipres, upon our
youth tin- patriotic dutieol Anieii
Ciin oil i.eii-hip.
In the oh in olios and other places
ot assembly o the people let there
lie expressions of -ralitude to I li
vino Providence foi t he do out la il II
of the discoverer and for the Divine
care and guidance which has di
rooted our history ami so abundant
ly blessed our people."
HA VI-: A VKU'Y l.Ak'CK STuck t)-
Harness - and - Busbies.
AND A rl'LL LINK OF I- A k'M M All 1 1 X HK Y, SICH AS
every cent ho could
1 1 1 , i i o r and - . i n i 1 I
t h
.:!e r, d
s pent
.I I ' r
1 K '
tho Ol'lM-le
am u -e( t ' i -1 1 1 for i Ion - ., h i ! . -.
I'b.-y llnally . ul .i..a , lo-eth.-r
Miss Xollio l: ;. ril-ley is suiK-riiiL'
from an attack of typhoid to i r
winch i- I'ivin- her p iients aiel
friends pinch anuetv. Th at si:.-
1 1 .-
(.They also carry a lull Line ol Implements at
their house in Weeping Water.
Fred Corder & Son
lMattsnioiith, - Ncbrnsku
w ill be able t' i o verci 'i::
is the wi-h el all w ho arc in syiupa
thy with tins a'llioh-d laiuib, '. I lei
phy sicia ns luivo la i Ih to he-lie ve thai
sin-will come tuit all ri.,ht. Weep-in-
Water Iva- I, .
Count y Court.
Charlo- Yandeveiiicr s. C. L.
Slull ot ,il. Action in replevin
J ml- inent for pi imtiil.
In the matter of tlie la.-t will ami
te.-taim-ut ot William f i. Shryook,
decea.-cd. Hoiirin-- to admit same
lo probate, August 1, M ;i. m.
H. A. (iibson vs. K. L. Rood.
Hearing on citation to disclose
property subject to levy.
In the matter of the guardianship
of Lillian J. Shryock, minor heir of
William H. Shryock, deceased.
Celia V. Shryock appointed guardi
an, with bond fixed at $7,000.
C. C. Parniele et al vs. Sarah Gib
son et al. Suit on account for rent.
Default of defendants entered.
Judgment for plaintiffs for $50.
Iti the matter of the estate of
eiii half yucly l.iiij
Tin- M.,.n! Intel, -,i,ii (."on i , -,t r
C):l'-o-il by '1 h. (.;,::,,, Pan
Ai;r:ru!t u r !- t.
One thousand dollar- in cash, a
pair ol liand-oim- hetlan I pomes,
i iirrai-o and harness, and over two
looth ;i 1 1 1 1 i els.itV of nnuisauu olpei anial,e pi ies tor
tne .i iciiltiii i-t s In i-l,ie-t readers
Who will have thoin.- According
to the general oust nil tor some year
p l.-t the publi-hers ol the A-lieill-turi-t
now utter their sixth .half
eail Lternr. competition. This
Claud c pititimi. w ill no doubt,
be the most -iiintio ami successful
one over presented to the people of
tin- Tinted Mates and Canada
One thousand dol t.u s in cash will
be paid o tin- pei -on -em in-' in
tin- h-t ol -;ni;li.,i words
con-trueied Irom lotlers in the
wold-"I'ho Canadian A -ricult itr
ist." l-'ivo Ililudreil doll us will be -iv-011
lo I lie -eei md la 1-est I i -t.
A baiiil-oiiie p.or of Shetliiud
pou 1. s. .-,n i i.i -o a m I harness, will
be l;ioii o h.' third largest list.
(Her one 1 1 1' ui s.iin I additional
pr i.o - ii .1 rdei 1 in otder ol merit:
One -land piano, .-.loo ui-:ui, .T 1 1 10
piano, dinner .-el-, ladies' -old
watches, dk dies- patterns, por
tiere 1 urt. nn- si(r te:i services,
I'eii iiisoii- poems I loiind in cloth,
Dickon-' in I- voluuiiie- bound in
cloth etc.
A- there are more than I,11"1' priz
es ii 1 1 one who take- the t rouble to
prepaie an ordinary -ooil p-l will
not l.nllo receive 11 valuale pri.e.
ITlis is the hi--,e- thill-' ill the
competition line t Irit we have ever
placed belore the public, and all
who do not lake pail will miss an
opportunity ol a ble I hue,
k'l'l.l.s 1. A letter cannot bo used
oltener than il a ppears in the words
"The Canadian Agriculturist" For
insta 1100 the word e- - cannot boused
as there is hut one 'U'" in the three
words, 'J. Words having more than
one iiH-sniiiio- Put spelled the same
Ciin be used but once. ii. Names of
places iiud persons barred. I. Kr-
rors will not inviilulato a list- the
wron-- words will simply not be
Iviich list must contain one dollar
to pay for six months subscription
to the Ayi iculf urist.l I two or more
tie, the liir-i-st list which bears the
earliest postmark will take the first
pn.o and soon in oroer ol ineril.
I uited Stiitos money iiml stamps
taken at par.
I he ohiect in olferinu these may;.
uilioeiit )i i.os is to iutroduot our
popular niii-ii.ine into new homes
111 every part ul the .Mnericaii con
Kvcry competitor enclosing liOcts
in stiini) extrii will re reive tree, by
mail, postpaid one of the Agricul
turists eleyaut souvenir spoons of
Prizes iiwiirded to persons in the
I'nited States will be shipped from
our New York ol'lice free of duly.
All money letters should be reyis
tered. ( 1 1 r former cuuictilion - We have
yivcii away over !f'Ja,(KKl in prizes
1 1 1 ri 11 or the Inst two y ears, and have
thousands of letlois from prize win
ners in every state in tlie union and
every ,art of Canada and New
foumlland, Lord I i leoursie, A. D.
C. to the (iovernor general of Cana
da writes; "I shall roeeoinmend my
friends to enter your competitioii
M M I trandon, 'iinoou vor, H C. "ro
ooi veil 5-1. 1 Nil) in yob I" ami we bold
Ilis receipt for tho same. A few of
tho prize winners: MissJ Kobinson
I 01 onto, l.'iiHi; I I Hrnndon l-'enolou
Fa Is Onl., .-biiM; David Harrison
Sv r;n use N , .Y" ia; II Itiiivis. St
Louis, .f iiHI; Jns liaptio, West Dnlutli
M i 11 11, Ya"o M i js i -or-; i 1 ni Iv'obei f son
( -k St, Itrookly 11, rf Iihki; Fred II Hill
Had State st I irid- eport, Conn, and
tin uisainls of others.
Adi loss all com 111 nn icat ion to
The A-.I ieultui isl, I 'etersboioit-h,
( hi I 1 1 10.
World's Fair Notes.
An exact lac simile of the San
Louis Key mission, perhaps the
finest ami most celebrated ol all the
lamed old mission ruins in South
ern California, will be seen at the
world's fair.
The Kentucky buildin-- at the
world's fair will be ii ty piciil repre
sentation of a southern colonial
mansion, one of the distinctive
features of which isyroal pillared
porches or verandas.
"We were overwhelmed with the
ma-nitude of the pre nrations for
the world's fiiir. Yes, it is on a
much grander scale than was the
world's fair in Paris. We must ad
mil it. Of course 1 cannot
yivc anything like definite liyures,
but the commercial display alone
which l-'rance will make will not
fall short of fJ0,(HHf,HOO in value. We
will have over here an exhibit of
everything; the country of F'ranci
iiroduces." Thes-";ire the words of
Karon Allien do Yialar, ono of flu
three special French commission
ers, who recently visited Chien-n to
arran-e for the ereetion of the
French buildin-; at the fair.
vine of the novel exhibits in tin
111 ;i ri im' section of tlie transporta
tion department at llu- world's li
will be 'Jm pen en - t ii vino; of A nieri-
cau steam vessels, be-iunm-; with
the Clermont and billowing down a
typical series to the present day.
The pictures will be sent by the
New Yoik Sealiord, a marine paper.
N "t w 1 1 ': i-l a ml in - tho ladies -ot
. : -d out by the I h ronton i n -'
.- in la -1 ov on in-' and the wind
I v. in , ilu'A 11 a -,re;irli 1 pari ol
1 ; 1 ' do. or 1 1 ion, I lp -y rot u rued to t he
p .: ! and had tln-ir -arilen j.arty
ii , . 1 1 1 1 a . U - it a sin 1 ess both 111 ii so
cial ami ii 1 ia lii'ia I way . Ill'- band
I a , I I In put in ;m a j pi at am e as
w..- '.xp. Ot'-.l.
thin Stot iei . .-01 ni William
St..- er. rosidino, 1 ! . 1 . e mile- oa.-t ol
I ' r 111, dud at -. la . , elook t li i 1
nn 1 1 i 11 - 1 1 inn ll.o I'll' ,-f - ol a s n n-str-
e. Tiie : rre 1 this
alii noon, k'ev . N a b' .1- 1 rlorm in--I
th, last .-.el rile-, ih, Ocv eased
wa :i siu-lo man. a-, d years
am! 17 days, and in tne employ ol
Must Home to Time.
T he bill passed by the hoii.-e lo
enforce reciprocal ooiumoicial rela
tions between the I'nited Slides
and Canada prov ides that when the
pre.-ideul sluill bo sati.-lied that
pa-sa-e tlirou-h any canal or look
ooiiiiocted with tin- nnvi-alion ol
tho St. Lawrence liver, the (ileal
I .a kes, or the waterways 0011 m ot i n -fin-
.-ame, ol any vessels of the
I ' n ited Slate- or nl far-;oes or pas-sen-ers
in trau-i! to :iny port of
the I'nil. d Slates piohihited 01
made di !hoi 1 it or bun ion sum by
th" i mpo-i 1 ion ol ( ol I - 01 o in 1 vv i-e,
vv !i io 1 1 he si 1,; j , , , ui I o 1 10 1 - i j i n
( . 1 1 1 y ' II 11 i u -1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 - o 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 e . 1 1 .
shall have the power to - i I - ' -1 1 1 1
the ri-lit ol (roe p,is.-,ii,r 1 ! 1 1 1 1 11 :: 1 1
St Mary 's F.dl - t .1:1,1! so tar as it re-l.i'o-s
o v e.- - -1 1 ov. ne.l by subjects
ol tin- a, iv criiim ut 1 h.-.'ii 111 1 n.i t i 11 -au.i.i.-t
ih.o I'm!-, o ;-'.a:i
THOUsaNMS in kewakds
i:a M urphy .
A I ispati h to I he I a m o'.n J011 ma I
thi.- niorniu-, dated Ashland, say-,
"liu -lars made ;i raid on the city
Wei iiesd.iy ni-hl ill a wholesale
imiMior and succeeded 111 securin
i'iiii - idera ble booty, con.-ist i iiy
mainly of small articles, (twin-' to
the heat, doors and windows were
freely left open and tho robbers had
easy access to almost any residence
in the place. It is positively known
that ten or twelve houses were
broken into and nmny articles of
small value stolen. The heaviest
loser was J. Porter, who was re
lieved of $1.1 or $20. The burglars
were very bold, taking things from
rooms where persons were nleep
ing. They are not known, but are
supposed to be parties living in
La - I 1 ilia--.! iv .-a mile, M all e'.v
( a r 1 u - ol I 'hit ' - u ion 1 h add re-.-a 1 1
the lellli -e I . 1 1 ! ' ol li! 1 -I till - oil ,
III- Ii Us nk- 1. i i 1: h ' ! 1 .1 v e - i: 1 lei
in a 1 1 v nl 1 1 1 1 1 1 'it. m 1 . , - 1 in -t lit. but
We leal"'! oi.e - l ' . " 1 1 Wi I - . 1 1 1 II -o
ol tin i e e i h I , i an a rt I nan on
end to tie i tin I '," and am.-.b. r."that
v. hen a in. i n .- iv - t h it every - ( i, I
t Ii i n - I ha t ha- 1 .01 n don, In I enelij
I ho coil nt r w a - i n 1 10. lured L v t lie
Th- o i W.-.-ljy Com.-iiU'.u ol'Tlio
I ,,i. I i--i M , ,, ,i irnal
Which word in this advertise
in. -nt -pells i he same back w ard as
Im ward.- This ir ;i r ire i i t u rii
ty lor every Madam, Mi.-. every
lallier ami son, lo secun- a -.lemlid
pi i.o.
bl-;ut.V I'MI S l-A.-rv week
thruic.hout this -real compel it ion
prize- will be di-li ibiited as follows
fin- lir.-t correol au-'wer received
liin- jioMmai k dale on each letter to
I"- I i a a - (he dale r.-oei v ed. a t tin-o!!ic.-
ol the L.-nlie.- Home Ma-il.ine
I em li and i i,-i v week durin--
l-'.'Jl W i! M; )!,,. -eeond ColToi
aosw. r. ?l n, ha- third -ad; fourth
a boiiiuilul -ilver serviee; lif,, l',-,,.
o'obii'k -ii v a -. i vice; and the next
i-iooi roi t au- .vei-s -el pi i,.- iiin---in:;
I nun r'-" down to S J. l-.v a r
h- 1 loot : ns'.ver, ii re-jn-cbvo o'l
bher a pri.i- winner m not v.-'ill"
-' ' . '' special pri, ,-. Com-"ti:o-
I l- . i j, ,(. -oinlielu
.-talc- il- vei a, other dl-t.'llll
points, hiive an o.pial , banco with
,!l '" -"'or homo a- (j,,. ,n, ii k
will I a-iiu'iioi ,ty- in verv o.i.-i .
i '-I - Faoli li-! ,, an'-wei-- must
I"' aoeompaioeil ,y ,,, ,MV (,--'
imaith - snbsci ipiy.u t,, o- e of
" i nouie mil j.i.'.uies
A niei a - i
k'M I I
i j. - a i . i -
it- J l a 1 1 1 1 ; -,
d.n Tim, s
- "I '"' Liidies Homo
oh a I 'io to i.iiiv out
I oi oi l mi on - j ' ' , 1 1 a
- ! do m ! 1 1 1 n. I -onl
. . . . i i -1
ooritio party, wo luiov tliat I ni'.niei.i.iy strong" II i.-tin-s n
an. ii .-iar --,ver
i a slll e l
lie lies and any sla b lea-oniu- as
that will mil help the cause, tor peo
ple know better." Il-o-s to .show
that li is remark.- wore not satisl.i,
tory lo all ol them at lorn t. 1 1 put
the writer in mine' nl Molxei-liau's
speech to the independents here two
years ago they all agreed that Me
Keighan could talk, but they forgot
to post him on their views on differ
ent questions before lie commenced
bilking and it was too late after
wards. Gering said he had studied
the silver question the past three
months and was prepared to say
that he had taken one side or the
other, but left his hearers in the
dark as to w hich side he had taken.
Weepiuj? Water Kcpublican.
i i.o vv inner will
lei five lllst what In- i-
entitled to." Norwood. (Cam, d.n
Keg. -tor. Mo,,, y - , be sent bv
j io- t ollice order ori e-i.-tei ed letter
At dr. sstiie 1.,-idies Hon,,. Mn-.iziue
I etorboroti-h. Camida.
F..iv- S.m.i-;- Lots I. .I an.l 0, block h,
and lots II and 12, block d b ir
gani. Apply to k H. Windham.
dlw wit.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Who Bbf waa mtX, w gT hr Cutoris.
Wbao (b ni A Chilit, itie ohxl for C-Mtori,
Wh A bUM MiM, tkt looc to OMIAfa,
M CUkkM, rip m Una Cwfcrt,