Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 14, 1892, Image 5

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overnor Pattison Orders the
State Guards to the Scene.
Homestead Workmen Express Var
ious Opinions, but None Favor
Rt:sistint the Militia -The
Governor's Actions
Surprise Many.
!' r i n Mi nnlav '- I aily.
The entire il i i ii n ol the Nation
al Ciiiards nf Pennsylvania -about
S. H k I men have been ordered to
Homestead to suupnrt Sllerilf Mc
Cleary in suppressinn- the riot at
that place. This action was taken
ly the yovcruor upon rcceint of tlu1
I'lTTSlil lOC, July 10. liovrr-
imr l'attison: Tin' situation at
Homestead lias not improved.
While all i- 'poet then-, the strikers
are in control ami openly express
to me and to the public their deter
mination that the vvorksshall not be
operated unless by theiiisch it
After making all efforts in my pow
er I have- tailed to secure a posse
respectable enough in numbers to
accomplish anything and I am sat
isfied that no posse raised by the
civil authorities can do ;m -1 1 i t i jjT to
change the condition of affairs, and
that any attempt by ,in inadequate
force to restore the riylit of law will
only result in further armed resis
tance and consequent loss of lile.
Duly a lnrjje military force will
enable me to control matters. I be
lieve that if such a force is sent the
disorderly element will be overawed
and order restored. I therefore call
upon you to furnish me such assis
tance. Sio,ned W-1I. McCu-AlW,
The governor replied as follows:
''To Win. 11. McCleary, sheriff of
Allegany county, Pittsburg. Penn
sylvania: Have ordered Major Gen
eral George K. Suowden, with the
division of the national guards of
Pennsylvania, to your support at
once. Put yourself in communica
tion with lii in. Communicate with
me for further particulars.
LSignedl K'uiiKk'T lv. l'.vniso.v
I'-hc governor has issued the fol
lowing: "General (1. K. Suowden:
Put the division under arms and
move at once, will nil munitions to
the support of the sherilT of Alle
gheny county at Homestead.
Maintain the peace and protect all
persons in their rights under the
constitution and laws of the slate."
Her Place Usurped by Another and
She is Compelled to
Stand it.
On a farm some fifteen miles from
Lincoln and not many miles dis-
nt from lvagle, there is at present
living a man whose household skel
eton is not made known to the pub
lic, and who is daily violating all
the laws of morality besides break
ing the laws of the land. Not quite
two years ago this man's wife was
declared insane and taken to the
asylum at Lincoln.
The man whose name it is not
necessary at this time to give to
the public, procured the services of
a rather good looking young
woman to act as housekeeper while
the poor wife, whose wrecked and
clouded brain was gradually being
cleared of the mists which hung
over it, caused by hard work and
the hard usage of the man who had
sworn to protect her, the younger
woman and housekeeper had sup.
planted her place, and occupied the
bed that was hers, to all intents and
purposes the man's wife. So mat
ters ran until a short time ;--o the
lawful wife was pronounced cured
and released to go back and resume
the old place in her husband's heart
and with her laved ones again.
Whether it was because the poor
woman's brain has become so weak
ened by her long illness and coii
Vmeiuent, to such an extent as to
render her obtuse to the condition
of alfairs, is not knowji. but at the
present time the wife and the
woman who has been in her place,
are both living together with this
man in open violation of all laws
of decency. Some of the neighbors
have been disposed to make the
matter public, but so iar nothing
has been done, and the Call's ac
count will probably be the first
open statement. How much longer
this shameful condition of alfairs
will be hushed up in a christian
community is a pertinent qucro.
Lincoln Call.
The Plaltsinouth Gas and Electric
Light company vs. the Plattsniouth
Investment company wherein a
sum of SIM in involved will be
called in Judge Archer's court Wednesday.
! r Waur
T. C. Wiley and Geo. Walsh of '
Wabash are in the city to-day.
II. X. Povey and family spent
Sunday with friends in I'nioii.
R A. Gibson and O. A. Mullen of
Lincoln were in the city to-day.
The commissioners are busy to
day checking up the county officers.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hrown visited
withfriends in Louisville yesterday.
Fred Close of Waterloo, Iowa, is
ill the city, the guest of Paul tiering.
Miss Kate Neville and Miss Mag
gie Shepherd were Omaha passen
gers this morning.
Dr. Salisbury secured a judgment
in Judge Archer's court today
against Xels and Mary Pier-on tor
Miss Mate Newell of Nehawka
visited over Sunday in this city, re
turning home this ii.orning over the
Missouri Pacific.
Martin W. Watts has been ap
pointed executor of the estate of
Valentine I lay. with a bond fixed in
the sum of :, l,."iiH
I!. A. Gibson, trustee of the First
National Hank of Weeping Water
vs. keen, was on trial in count
court this afternoon.
Henry Stull's team ran away at
the cemetery yesterday, tearing
down a tombstone and breaking the
buggy all to pieces.
J udge Archer's court w ill be oc
cupied Ionium iw wit h the case, Kx
celsior Manufacturing company vs.
Hen I Iurd of Louisville.
A. McMaken of Atchison, Kan.,
arrived in the city yesterday morn
ing and is the guest of his brother,
II. C. McMaken and family.
Prof. McClelland, Miss Mary Mc
Clclland, Kdiui Adams and Miss
Dames of Weeping Water left for
Saratoga, N. Y., Saturday evening.
The remains of the late Mrs. Tiffa
ny were laid to rest jesterday in
Oak 1 1 ill cemetery. The funeral
was one of the largest ever seen in
Mrs. Sayles.wi fe of Lugenc Saj les,
died Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock
The deceased leaves a baby one
week old. The funeral occurred
this afternoon from the Kpiscopal
church and the remains were in
terred in Oak 1 1 ill cemetery.
I. Dunn's horse ran away with
him this morning. Mr. Dunn was
at the depot unloading- a car load
of hay when the horse started,
throwing Mr. Dunn down between
the horse and the wagon. The hay
was thrown from t he wagon a ml t he
wagon passed over Mr. Dunn's
body, but he escaped with oulv n
few scratches.
F.x iMt in vi I li inn vvn y .
Mrs. C. W. Sherman. Mary Sher
man and Nannie Moure were nut
riding Saturday evening and while
coining down Chicago avenue the
horse started to run, and but bli
the presence of mind of the driver,
the result might have proven disas
trous. The driver although unable
to stop the horse kept it in the road.
Just in front ot Judge Chapman's
residence the horse fell down. No
body was hurt hut the occupants of
the carriage were pretty badly
Family J nr.
The police were called upon yes
terday to settle a family dispute be
tweeu Frank Whitehead and his
wife living on South Tenth street
When the police arrived they were
having a lively time with the
woman getting the best of die deal.
The police arrested the man of the
house but his vi fe refused to prose
cute. She packed her trunk ami
left this morning on the 10:110 train
for K . 1 1 1 -,i where her parents re
side. ilillll 1 I J . 1 : 1 S ;i 1 1 s .
The Chaplain's Collection.
Rev. Hcnjauiin Ililfciihacher,
late chaplain of t lie Nebraska house
of representatives, delivered a very
enjoyable lecture at N e Kend ree M.
lv church. M n-sat hiiseHs av i uue.
last evening. I le has colli cted a
large number t sterei ipt icon ii w.
oi persons, pi. ii . s and public build
ings during his six months j
Washington, which wen- thrown on
the canvass by I 'io I. '. ; m r , v
The chaplain is a ready speaker,
and his epl. mat ions and comment s
gave ellecl to the views presented.
It is understood that the lecturer
will exhibit his pictures to 1he peo
ple of his state in t he near future.
Those who feel an interest a.s all
musti in the beauti'-s of tu.
National Capital city, and in those
illustrious personages whose lives
are so interwo . en with our coun
try's history, will find that the
chaplain's collection has been made
with rare judgment, a id that his
investigations enable him to ini
part a great deal of valuable infor
mation. Washington Post.
Chaplain DilTeiibacher will be at
the Presbyterian church Thursday
and Friday evenings, July 111 and
If. Admission, 2a cents; children,
ID cents.
This Time in the Idaho Mines
at Wallace.
ruutm.N 3i in nun: hii.i.i.u.
The Conflict Was at the Com and
Frisco Mines The Deadly
Work Was Dono by Ex
plodmn Giant
W'At.l. U i:. Idaho. July 11. -The
strained situation in the Coeur
d'Alene labor troubles culminated
this morning between ." and ii
o'clock. The Gem and Frisco, non
union mines, were guarded bv men
behind barricades armed w ith Win
chesters. This morning a miner
from the Gem started for Hurke.
When opposite the Frisco mine he
was tired upon. Soon the miners in
town armed themselves. They
inarched in a body toward the
h risen mills. W hen scarcely within
rille range a volley from the mine
greeted them. They scattered and
a regular liattleensued. Onemiuer
and one non-union man were
killed, and perhaps six were
wounded during the engagement.
The miners in the meantime loaded
a t'nion Pacific car with. 7a0 pounds
of giant powder and sent it down
the track toward the Frisco mine.
Directly in front of the mill the ex
plosion occurred, shattering' the
mill and making it a complete
The non-union men then showed
the while Hag and surrendered.
They marched the miners to I'nion
men and guarded them. No indig
nities were olTcrcd after the surren
der. W hile the tight was going on
at the Frisco, the Gem guards sud
denly began firing volley after vol
ley into the town of Gem, riddling
the buildings with bullets. John
Ward was wounded in the arm ami
(ins Carlson, a union miner, was
killed. All attempts to recover
Carlson's body were met with a vol
ley, and when the body was recov
ered an hour afterwards he was
At n o'clock a truce occurred and
the sheriff, district attorney and
deputy I'nited Slates marshals ap
pear! ng upon the scene, peace uego
tiations wen- immediately set on
foot ami a truce declared, and at 1'.'
o'clock the mine force surrendered
lo the union men.
The number killed so far as
learned was fourteen and about ten
wounded, though there may be
bodies under the Frisco mill. He
sides Carlson, Parry, Cuminings
and two other unknown men killed
and wounded, Hugh Campbell and
J. V. Gakardoger will die, also Sam
Peters ami Pettibone.
Later It is reported that twenty
non-union men were killed in the
explosion of the mill at the Frisco
mini', No confirmation has been
History of the Trouble.
The Frisco and Gem are the only
two union mines in the east end of
Couer d'Alene. The strike in Couer
d'Alene began about nine months
ago. The tight was between the
miners and Mine Owners' associa
tion, organized to resist the de
mands of the miners union. Twelve
miners; including all the leading
ones, are included in the organiza
tion, ami money has been freely
contributed to carry on the light.
The former rates of wages were
.f.t.aO per day to miners and shovel
ers, and the strike of the miners
grew out of a reduction in the slan
ders wages to per day. All min
ers working under ground demand
ed ifll.aO. There w ere se eral acts of
hostility when the strike began but
the miners union did its best to pre
vent by peaceable means, men work
ing at the reduced wages. The
I'nited Slates circuit court issued
ail injunction lorbidding anyone
interfering" with the met employed
by the company orthe mine prop
erly. About t.vo months ago mat
ter- were straightened out and work
went on as usual, but since the Car
negie t rouble began the old qiles
timiol wages has bei u revived b
the men and resulted in today's
bloodshed. A Spokane telegram
sav - that the union men at t !e
I'oorm.m and Tiger mines quit
work and captured all the non-union
men working in the union mine
near I iurke.
The police court was occupied to
day will the case wherein I. on
Fugle hud Howard Thompson ar
rested for calling her hard names
and disturbing the peace. The tes
timony showed a terrible state of
ailairs existing. The testimony
was so bad that the hardened
old sinners w ho have been hanging
around police court for such trials
Mushed. The judge lined Thomp
son !?." and costs. The Fugle woman
was arrested but was discharged.
C. L. ti raves, of the I'nion Ledger
is in the city to-day on business.
A representative of I'll!-: llt:wI.l
made a trip through the country
last week and makes the lollowing
report regarding th
the farmers:
outlook for
on have heard people complain
ing ou every sale annul corn crops.
Corn looks as well as could be e
peetod. and if the country is blessed
with a late fall then- w ill be plenty
of corn for all necessary needs. It
is hound to cut a little short as it is,
but not enough to etfect seriously,
unless damaged hv something un
known at present. At George
Mean's. S. 1. Long's, S. M. Davis',
Peter Mi isinger's, and at others
u llOs
e names we are not familial
we not iced line fields ol corn
.e also noticed sonic corn i
plowed et, and some just plow
mi me ursi nine, wnile iuiii
corn laid by and others iu-t
it by .
111: AT.
Fall wdieat in most places
ha e
a ing
goo a a nnoiign in some places poor.
It is maturing rapidly and soon will j
ne re. i. ly to Harvest. irmg w heat
will be as good as winter w heat, in
fact as a general thing it never is.
hut will be a little short of some
years but not below the average. It
is maturing last.
"A i s.
Oats will make a good crop unless
damaged between now and cutting.
They have headed out and the time
to harvest will beon hand betorethe
farmers are n adv.
Wherever there is any ripe it i
rank and splendid and now ready to
har est.
II v.
The farmers have never had bet
ter prospects for hay than they have
this season. Thegrass is thick and
long and now ready tocut. At many
places we heard the "click" of the
mower. Clover is being cut now.
timothy will do better later.
On the whole our trip was a
pleasant one as well as sort of
romantic. It is certainly beautiful
to behold fields of grain waving
backwards ami fowards, each
shedding its golden lustre.
As a general tiling the farmers
are very busy, being put behind by
the backward spring and now try
ing to cat 'h up, in order to get
readv for harvest.
At Mynard we found a few pro.
gressiv c people who are striving to
build 1 1 a town there. A. K. I!.
Kueligh has a neat little black
smith shop, and August Rich is
putting in a good gem nil
store. They have a handsome little
depot ami splendid elevators. Ar
rangements are being made to re
cure a postol'lice, ami as soon as
this is accomplished t here no doubt
will be some other improvements.
EiKht Mile Grove.
The people in this section of the
country are just the same as usual,
tin nils)-, and in good cheer. .Mr.
Jenkins, the postmaster, has ou ex
hibition a salamander, which was
drawn out of his well. It is a queer
lo iking animal and is certainly out
ol its region. How it ever got there
is a mystery.
Mui ray,
At this place we found the people
frantic over a social that was to be
held that night at the Christian
church. This church has heen
built tecently and it adorns the town
to no little degree.
The people have just voted on the
bund question for a new school
house, which was defeated. We
think nothing would add more to
the wealth and prosperity of the
town than a good school building.
M urray has a good brass band and
they are alive and active.
Prosperity is certain!)' due this
taght Mile Crovo
Hot weather, corn plowing, pre
paring lor have-t and politics are
the ab -orbing topics at Fight Mile
Grove .iikI vie in il y
J. Cr.i vvfurd made a tly ing trip to
Council 1 51 1 1 ; I s and secured his bet
ter lii! f . May the newly married
i on pi e long 1 i ve and n joy the ha p-puies-.
vvl i ii h is rendered possible
mils 1 1 v the nuptial knot.
V a., alters, ,n is gia dually com
ing over to the prim i j . 1 . -of re p u I -
I ii'iil. ism. He saystheie should be
male protei lion placed upon Cotton, j
e vifg to the great competition up '
on t! at article. j
Sunday School is prugrsssmg un
der the management of I. Woods j
The n a me ut ! larri -, hi ;' is u ; ion
every lip. licit growing stronger
eyerv day. while his antagonist is
loosing ground.
We venture to say that never in
all our political history lias the na
tional campaign year brought
broader, deeper and more prevail
ing quest ions down closer to the
people. There is not an issue that
does not touch a vital spot in what
most concerns the masses. Our op
ponents may proclaim and plead
their speakers may conjure and
manipulate, hut our position is pre
eminently of ami for the people.
1'he question we present are of'
economy, home. lamilv . labor, per- i
sonal rights and money. W e pro
pose to make of the campaign a
a school of education, and the
school w ill -win m w ith enthusiastic
I scholars, all intent on knowing
what is let for their comfort and
Wean- proud to know that our
part) lias embodied the principle
of the Mckinley law, in w hich the
principles ol protection have been
carried to its lagic.d conclusion
and no longer IciAe- a doubt to the
readers of republican ism. the oosi-
ttou tne old part) takes upon licit
subject. Articles whi Ml can be i
ill. inula lured or pi, din ed in this !
couutiA in sufficient quantities to j
support our own needs, are brought ;
uiuler th,. shelter ol protection, !
thereby, I ea i n g com pet i t ion among j
our own people to regulate the
prices. I
1 hose articles, w hich from el i in at
ic or ot her reasons, cannot be pro
1 ...- i ...
in "a in tins country m sullicienl
I q u.nit 1 1 ics m re u lat
the price, are
put upon the tree list
Went therepblican part) helievs
this to e the true theory of protec
tion. Protection on a new article
inav temporarilv. and I'V some per
cent ot the duty levied, increase th"
pri e, luit the price declines as tin
horn e in a mi fact 1 1 re of t he art icle en
larges and home competition sets
Kx.uuplc of the above workings
of the t.irilf: Cost of a bar ol tin
plate (Ins hs.l in Liverpool, Jan.,
Ki. 1 j:t, additional duty after July
I, KM. fl.'JO. Cost of a box of tin
plate alter April I, lMi'. :i.o'. W ho
pays the tax.- More anon.
John tiii. Ki; ai.a i uk.
Hound Over.
The officers yesterday alteruooii
arrested Jack Hritton on the charge
of burglary. Some one broke into
M. II. Murphy's store last week and
carried oil a revolver and a pair of
combination nippers. When Hrit
ton was arrested the revolver was
found on his person, ami the evi
dence showed that lie sold the nip
pers to George povey for twenty
cents. Hritton told Doyey he h id
found the nippers when he sold
them. 1 Ie explained to the court as
to how he came in possession o! the
revolver, lie said be was walking
along the alley back of Dovev's
store, when his attention was at
tracted to something!) ingpartiall)
under a hoard, and, upon picking it
up, he found it to be a revolver.
Murphy identified both the nippers
and revolver as his. Alter hearing
the test i inoi ly Judge Archer bound
him over to the district court in the
sum of s'aO.
Miss Anna Ib isel departed this
morning for Helena, Montana, lor a
short visit.
Harry J. Dray returned home last
evening from a week's v isit in dif
ferent parts ol the ,-tate.
Hal v e)' and Carrie Holloway ami
their cousin, Miss licitie Holloway,
were hnaha visitors to-day.
W.J. Streighl left this morning
for Croioii, Wyoming, where he w ill
spend a fevv weeks hunting and lisli
ing. The appeal case ol J. h'. liarr vs.
Josiali (.Tine lias been filed with the
clerk of t lie district court.
Geo. W. Ilrook vs. Mary F. Rooks
is the title of a divorce case filed
with the clerk of the district court
Judge Archer this morning gave
the Fxcelsior Manufacturing com
pany a judgment for; against
Hen W ard.
Judge Kamsey rendered a deci
sion in t he 'a in leveiiter-St ill 1 case
today. The judge's decision was
in favor id 'a m lev enter.
John 1 iraiiden died yesterday af
ternoon at his late home on Winter
stein hill and was buried this al'er
iioi in in 'ali Hill cemeterv . I he
decease, I h
a ves a wife and lu o child-
J ie I,m- A n In r -a .- tin- city i s
iool to 1 ' ; l 1 1 : 1 1 1,'ie poliie ,.
v il h 1 i I it an I im will liei , ,i
chare e t .vent v liveceiii- aliin
1 1 1 all -en -at i ni. 1 1 1 1 in I - such a
bad to ,!..y
- In-
' S I 00 Reward S I 00
' The re. ii hi - ot this paper will i I
be plea - t I to lea ry t ha t I 'ne re i - i, t
one ilread -d ili-ea.-e tliat si ii nee
j ha - been able loci'.tv in all it - -1 .1 :' e-
i aiul isc il an h. Mails cntai t i i
, is t lie i in I v pnsilivi cure liiiovvu to
I inedica I t rat' nut . Catarrh I.i-,ii
a disen-e, reiiuires a ' 1 1 eat ni'-nt. Hall's
I'.it.irih Cure is taken iuternallv
act inu d it ectiv upon tin- blood mi.
mucous surface of the -,v stem there
Iiy dc-trovine the foundation ol
the deseascanil uivinj the jiattcut
streulli I.) Iniildinn' up the con-ti-luti
in and assw(iiiu- uuiuie iu it
vvark. The proprietors have ,-o
much faith in its curative powers
that they olTer one hundred dollars
for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, lJ Cheney Co. Tole
do Ohio. Sold by druLjists, 7.V.
Itcliou 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .i 1 1 and liorsesanimals
cured in W minutes by Woollord's
Hauitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold K O. h'ricke Co. dru-isl,
WORST FORM ECZEMA Host Medical Skill fr M-lit
Muni lis. Cured In Two MouttiH
Iiy Cut icum Ki-iiiimIUsi.
Thin in tnivrtlfy that eMM nf mini- hml Fpurni
In u iir! furm.'iin I wlm li loiM, I the I., t ninli.
, il kill i'imiIiI lir piiiii.i)i .1 hi'tc. I h,. Im.,.
uifiTiT i, rallied iu tu"!iy fur nt lrn-t nlit
nmiitrn. sn nii'iitliN ui
tlol tun,- lu Hint. mi,
wun-imi-H- imtiiM. il,.., 1
A ti'lMII tin'' Ill tlir ( r.
( '1 th i iu la .Hunt-, in
' Iw,, moMllia tl. tt w fill
j ill. '.I-,- Il.lll ClMHl',1
I Vi-IIL''' lliri1. nllil my ti n.
Al' llntl I'lil h:i. ri-Kl, iiiiil ij
1 nil h'ii';ii;iiio III,- liin
f l-.l-i' ll.iil Ml lili il, I, lit 1
K ri'iilliiiii il tliii 111, -iln in o
i llu teii-i- f. .ii 1,1 .,. m ,ai i,(
Il mi any ..41 1 i,r h
i "iiy. I in' iiiii'iiiri. lu-i-
'111 m n I. Il'li'i. l, mui i !,
I tl.MH'"' Tin- r.'l-t" w :im kliiiwn
i-t : i!v w . ii i ii,-K miri'riM-,1. ;,(?
Ci nik l.i ( i i n i it In mi nil s. Onilil lln ii' Im
i'i.v III lu I'll ,-.itli 111 ,1 u oii . I -I,' n l.itlirr In IV.
I. .' il .llli-l) u "III t lv li.-n h,. Mill,. llim.iTtit Olio
1,'iiM lri,' i, li a rt n:i ,t ,il h-i-,,1. (--. ,. ,nrl!!iit
Ii. u vwlli.) .1. A. Mtol.liS, I'.iinki-r Hill, JiiJ.
A rli'll .i l.rciiL'lit to im-Willi clip'tili- I'r.vmi
'ot 'I' l" 'I lui-n.liil liviilnii nt emu ninny
I iI' ., ii i.itulur M. I., tliimlil hmo
i 1 n i, I -"nil, ii ti,-;ilin,-iit, hut lln .unlit t tin-li'ii.
Si, ii ui, i i rn ni i. 'I'i,. .-1,11,1 ,
I'. b. Ol liM.V, M. II., Jioun, In.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tim ii,'w Hliioil im, I Skin I'liillicr. liiliTiiullv, nn.l
I I I I, tin' m, ul skin ( in,., nh, ( IThTiiA
S.iAl', till' .'I,lllsltii .skill lloilllllliT, I'VllTllllllv , III.
-.4 .mil) r.-Mi'M' nil. I M-i-illy i nn. I'vi'iy ilixi'iin,'. ull.l
lull!!" I 1. 1' III,, (.kill, ulli, 1111,1 l,i,"i, uh I"" nf
loir, from lii(un, y lo ntfi-, from t luinlis to m-riilulu.
SM I' l'rlir, I'l tiitiu, f"V.; hntf,
. Ill.-II.H.M', iM.IM. I'- ..l-,., I,) l. 1'nTTFH
l'lll II AMI t'llKMIl Al. ('illtl-illlATIIlN, II, lit, HI.
S. iiil fi r " I low In Cm i- Skin IiI-i.iii.iib," ill
I'.irfru, .'.ii lain-tr.-illiiii, unit lmi l, rliiii"iii,ii.
Hkln unit Srulp piitlllt',1 nml I'rautliVil
liyl'irn I'iiaSiiai-. MmuliiU'ly innv,
weak, painful backs,
Kl.lni'y nml Vti-rliif r.iltiii nml Wc.ik.
in-f-i'M ri'lU-vi'ii in niii' inlimt,' liy tho
4'lltlrurii Alill-I'lllll I'lil-l.-r,' tho
only limtantiiut'ouii iuln-kllliug I'luttUT.
iNniniy l'iili:u',y Ai'sirni'ii'i Suliclto
Rfiil Est ate, Loan anil Insurance Aceiit
II )ou have real
e.yehan e e send u i
and terms.
i-sli.le to sell or
leseript ion, (irict
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rales.
$i)0,UH to loan at 7b, per cent nml
no commissions, on ood
farm security.
I'LATTSMOl Til . Ni;u.
Oltlci' iniiliT Can' ('flinty Haul;,
i F01-!,;:'A:":-r,y7r,
I'icUiin of ;i H. , ar.1 I te, io much Mtrt thitt I wntl'l tot tali
I. "'hi nt'.l t' I ul I k whfri. I , I nn li h mirjrmiij ml ft Mil
cl (b i)'.v-, ri-cm tn.-r d your tr iln !, u(,i-rr f rn
ol-tltv, ul Miiwrr nil Ininirin If itnn f u ik It fp!)."
F"t jivtituun idJr.M, "tlli ii cm l. in iimi t'i,
un. o. v, r. svo h. KivicKCJ s mart it, cmtfico. m.
Ho.ul Notice.
T" itll timii it inn nun ,-, ii ;
I 1111 ( III l I I I I i -.s l ,1, . l, , 1 1 , , t,, ;)
nunl i iiiinii' iii iiiu al tin- eeiiirr mi tin-wi'-l
line nl -ei i im i I' ni i teen 1 1 1 . InH ii-liip
I en Im, run. ni- tut I vr 1 1. ' , i uieiiny 1 In a ice
east lliiuii:;li tie i i nlei i. si-itiua lllnl.',
tlii'in r - -as I thr, mi;li tin- i enti'i nl timi
II I" I'. I lienee i a I I lironli t In- irntir nl
.sic. - In l.i anil I ei in inn I in... al tin- , mint
ruail riitinini'. h'liei to In -e intn NeliaM--Ua
linail ,n. 't Ini e kiiuu n as .NnHli,
lias i ei mi I ml in fie ur nl 1 hi- l..r;il i,,n tin-re
nt. mui all iiliieel ti us I liei ,-in, nr rlaiins tnr
ilallllli'S. Illll-I in- lilr. in Hi,, (iillllty
( elk's nllil l- fli ur I illnir in inn nil I III' I'lM II
it. iv ul .m;iisl, :f, ur snrlir I Willi lu
ll h at i -it it li.iiil relereiii-i' I lierrlii.
I I 'nil nt y C'lel k.
Leital Notico.
Jnlni V. ( lark, larv M. Ili i lir nml (lie
iinloiiiwii lieir" nr ilev isei's nl Tliuinas II.
I iuriliiii, ileci'iisi'il, will take nut ire Hint on
I lie Ml 1 1 iln v nl Mn y, s''.'. I leiln ieli I lent si Ii
I ill ll.lit-n-iii lileil his -t it inn in I In- ilist riet
eiiiirl nf ( ass luniilv, .Nelnaskn, auanist
saiil ilrleiiilants. Hie i t ,i -i-i ami iniver
ul liii li are In liave ileelari'il satisiieil
ami r a nc -1 1 1 i I a nun I r,ai;e nil I lie inn I lieii-l
iiiiirtir nl Hie n.irllna-1 ipiai
ter ul -net lull I I, tnwil. I.'. rilllye II
ass ruiiiitv, Neliraska. rxi'inlcl l.v
Jaiin-s II. Mini lu ll t,, ,,lm '. i laik, I letn
I mt 7. I s ,s, M , ,,,,j,., in ,uk "," ul
lllul naurs ul' I'lis ruutitv nil (lime t.lli
t lii ii'ul. in aiiiml ami ih i lure vuiil a slier
ill's i vrl il'n air mi -aiil pic in ises, i.-neil mi
a s ,. , at ,. M.,-iit i, ni in eai- i ,t I . ,y
West v- 11'. Mini lu ll ami I'.ivi'l lleelii'.
ilisliiit , ul lis. enmity. i-l,ras,a
lllllI til" - I l ' I I 1 1 ' - I 1 1 -I'l I i-.'.-l ul) s;(j, , ,. t .
I''. -ali 1 i M nia M. Ile.' I n itilii ate
I " I l llil. "I 1-1 . I l'. It ill-, , ;V 111 I,.
I-1-.' ; a1 -i i In - .ne .; mnl a mini a 'init i la l ill
'lei''l I a -ini .i i mi i-1-. e i-i i iti . , . v , n i
l i .Mil. I le I. line- I '. i ill In Tln.ina-
l'. li n. :e 'I ''i Mil "I tin- t:'l,' .i -;ni
-: I i I I It-ill! li II I '"lit , i Ii
-1 t . I .1 II- 1 I t -.1 I.I 'l,, l I I. .11
.1 I., l"t. Mi.inl
v Hi" -11, .1 ,'. at Annn-t
III I l.'ll II till ,
il li -.1 Hi. -II.
V e,v " U ,
..I !.!.. .Ill, (.
li' In- a' i ' a in - 1 im -i hi ,y U'mi t
L(-:al Notico.
I" M 1 1 i; l! !,-. in .1. o-nli-ui nt il,-
u i . 1 1 1 1 , ' .ti all lli't ' I . v ii il il u .1 I Ii ; 1 1 mi
bo. u:, "l I--.', (n n. V. l:,"..,s
!".l . l"-t .t i. .a i iei. t .r i in I !n- 1 1 ' - 1 1 . i 1
:il ii! (',!- i i. 1 1 t v . . .i-l.ra- I.-, .t
.i i vi i ..I -a , i, ;, .ii.- tu u I t, ,ii, a ,h
ui 1 1. mi .a. "ii 1 1 , i el il,.,; mi
a ; ' ' .ii..!'" ! I In- pla i lit III
' I 1 I i'l I .1 1 l-l lul Iln I, 'I in , .1 I V i I
""I - 1-1 -I "l nil .". .,- ii. ! I., an
'-' - ne j.-'! C am ,,n ." I M 'ml i ,
I," -Vii.l .1 . . nl .V lejil-t I-':
I.I o . I",, ni, -.
. Il : - :,' I Ml. i lie, . .11 .s IV ...I
MONEY to loan cm larms
fiotn C 1-2 ii:r ccaii i p. on 1 to
10 ycil'S tunc
to thes fior-
rowor. Also loans on t-ccond
nioi iat-s. J. M. LEY DA
I'lattssrnouth, Neb.
I I i-
real!) too funny lor aii) t h i iil;
to have Cleveland s letter to (iener
al Stevenson, "written ou tin- day of
his 1 1 1 in i illation, lie on his desk un
opened" until Saturday July H. Hut
we are credibly informed Mich was
the case. We are also told that it
was a pretty letter.
1-ok- S.W.K- Lots I, a and ( block ti.
and lots 11 and block '.)S. A bar
irain. Apply to K. H. Windliimi.