'I s BLACKWELL'S O I r fTobaccos, but Ir z zooa s;io;;c n boats' A g,ff4 A lr -i Mnsr rlvin.-tprktii i f been the hold which it t. ikes on clJ an.! t.MiJious mhokits. What its ex..elleii.e first secuted. its nniiomiity Lis always retained, anJ it is, therefore, to-day as twenty-use yeass ago, the most popular Smoking Tobacco in the world. Get the genuine. Made only by BlackweH's Durham Tobacco Co., DURHAM, N. C. fry T 1Vs For A teiiMi-"iti, St. Joseph. Loom ii- wort n, K a il - l - Cits, St. I ,i . 1 1 -. and ,'i ! 1 i i i 1 1 ! u t Ii, o.o. . Si nit ii or S C-l . Tick ets sold ail" I bog;--a-e e!,ecK.."l t o a ti y point in the Ciiitcl S t a tos (IV (i!i.i"l.i. I or Information as to nails AND KOL'ITiS Call at Depot or address II, C. TOWNSKND, (1. P. A. St. Louis. Mo. . C. I'lilU.llTI. A. O. I. A. Omaha. II. D. Al'CAk. Apt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. .JMEAT 'I !'KE " SIXTH STKKET ' Mi i M ''' F. II. KLLLNHAl'M, I'rop The best of fresh mi at nlsvavs found in this market. Also fresh Kirk's nnd I Sutter. I, Wild ffntiii' of all kinds kept in their season. M SIXTH STh'KKT EAT MARKET ISCHIFFMANN'S Aethina Cure I Never fails to irive ifi"U((4 rclii'f in DiA wirat Iohim, auvl clfis'tM can-, nlirre uthi'i-N full. Trtol rwkrn KliKK of llmrtl.u or kf BtlU ( PH. K. ROIiIKKMANN. Ht Punl. Illnll. rjxcecsitsms. Bars, ITompt; Foirtrv Curt fnr tmpottne. lo$B of Manhond, Seminal Cmlfsiont, Spermatorrhea, Sermurnese, SelfDislrutt, ipj.l of Memory, Ac. Will nakeuoua STHUNti. Vigor ous Han Print fl.OO, 0 Soxtt, $5 00. tntrlnl Oirwthnt MnMfi fcj 'tl.ll.'. i r . .!.. fl. .n'li'i liim on.. nuumi 2019 Luntu Avt. at. touia. wa damberlain'3 Eyo and Ctia Ointment. A certain enro for Chronic Soro i!yp Tetter, Salt riheutu, Scald Ik ad, 01 Chronic Sores, Fo'cr Sores, Eczema, ui-cu, i rairio ccrutei'.es, com i.ppiej nd Tile3. It h cooling and eoothicg. tllundred'Jof pases tiHvf. V.iiii nrxl Ivj sr after uil other treatment Lad failud. I' 3 1'Ut uy iu j aud W cent bused. TNG MEN OLD I.jtf IN Thl TlillS UF THE SthPiRTS OF DISEASE, They tnfckt btrnle cITorti to frts thrmiilTf, but n-t knowlbit how to idccrttfui: V.ySMAKE Or F THE HOnHID SNAKES jL Hi.'T cue 'if in ! m n'r an 1 .f.li Itit.i .n e.Cf S. ..... ta . u,.... .k ,. ii.hhi m NEW BOCK alnt fr.. ("Oil 11. i'l'1l r r ft ll-nltcil II M.rs-- I 'i tht ptl!lo'H'!!TQf Ulft4ftil t fcDd MTUntloni of th Orctniot Man, and hew by HOME THEATMtNl, bv mathodt txcliilTl7 onr own. tha avorat raM'l if Lolt or Falling Maohooa, eral ana Hi rvoal Do bllltr, Vrllllil o( Bodf and Mind. EaVUorErron or tic.li!. BUntad or ihrank.n Oran run IH Tnrwl. Btniflti in a dar. BowtoEnlarrand8traethnWBAI THDEVELOPED CROAHS PAaSTS of BOUT aada plain to a II lat.r.il ii. U.no.nr. frnn M Km., T.r.Mnfl... .n't V.rtllD CoUDdlUf. "lii-fto wrlt.lh.m. Kit Hool,f'Tllp'fi'l''n',,1 p!"0. a-WrM ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.T. 1 f r v v'7 ijsvs-v Ml s. . , W . ' -kmni nun u mi 2)'j uui-im uu ill i niu T03ACC0. I'm an ol J smoker, and have at one time or another tried all the different Smoking buii Durham em an. 1 1 Hull Durham hns nlsv.TV vW ' Heallhfn!, Agreeable, Cieansic?. Cures Chapped Haucl3, U'oumls, Burns, Etc. Kemoves ami Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSI&I! SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hird Water. BO'LIVC WATER 0 MILK. EPFS' .v.. ; R a r !; r l-co m fo k r i n ( ; O O O O A l.alielcl 1-L' 11) Tins Onlv. i.'t " J f) xKf)ES$liralHI!'CURED SSI,,N.. 1 !.. . (. I. s... 'I., e , ". i ru i rl,.,i (,r 11 PARKER'S ..'.-'"1 HAIR BALSAM Hrum,,-! ninl I'HiiiMi. h cp htir. , l'i, , a linu,i.na i't,,ili. , 2'..; N'-vi-r Pailn to hcaluro llriy -,' .(?! Jij.ir 1o lid YoutliliO Cninr. i 'I . l.iiir in.,11,,'. -l I " ( I' 1 ! . I II ' i .a,;, i I u-i I. ' .1' - :ln i ( ( i., ,i, ',', k I.":,... I., I .; , I-..I .lii.n, I'aiiiUkf iiii.iw..'.,i, Tht' ihiIt mm run' for Cuns. 4 !. u.i oi:i. ul iJn.aji.t. or illMXl.X It (.U, N. V. How Lost! How Regained'. KNOW THYSELF. Or 8K.I,F-IK1'KK VATION. A new and only (told Modal I'HIK KSSAV on NKUVOI S and IHVStCAL. DKIllllTV, KKItOKM of vorni.KxiiAi sin vitality, fre- DIATI I(K DKt l.INF, and All DISKAHF.S nd WKAKNKSHKS of MAN. juu pactw, cloth, t'ilt; 15 Invaluable pnncriptiont. only fi.uu by mail, doulila wnlcd. "Jisicnptivo l'rospocl. us with cndoreemrnti rnrr I crun of the frenB and voluntary rULL I gtriU U'Ktimmiiult of the cun-X I I ILL. I NOW, C'oiuuliatlnn ir. pcrsnn or by mail. Kxiiort treat" ment. lWIOLAIll.t: M( IU ( V ami :tlt TAIN ( l lti:. AiMn-a Dr. SV. U. l'.'irkcr. or l'liu IVnlmdy Medical Inxtitutc, No. 4 ISulliiich bt., licntoii, Miuirt. TIib IVulnidy Mcilicul IiiHtliutc linn many Iml latum, t'ut no equal. th ral l. The Science of Life, or s,-f I'ri'm rvatiin, Ih a treasure nmrn valual'li' than III. Ii ad 11 lunv, t'ViTV WK lK (did NKItVlU S iiuiii, mid learn In he M'KOMi . .! (el A ru -. (( u.i rit'llted ; j Morning V Noon NisrhtS 9 $ Cy.Oi a'l t'i? time. It a snows f ti;-' L:!!;iio(' of lMnniiiicy, sits- 1 l.t'ii' A l'i- fi'CTgic.-i rfttoosi, lulls P tlio wt-.irijis ; c f ni-l.t. 4 rfcllciostr-, sn-r'i!,"!-.;-, rpsii.inr. I, f-r't'",' "' ' - ' "t l.ir.'T. '. '. I f. s.-r," - I ::'l ' f i "j'l-t ,-.s . . i. ,,l ,n ! I K--H-I - !' '" ' COa-ti,''t,';,'r'''xy-T" t...tai H I . iKXTS to sell ourclioiee inirtfry Ktock, Miiny tine fpccliilticH to olTor write quick utid M't uro choice of territory MAR BROS. M'KSEKYM KX.a Kuclii'stcr, . V 1 I bow Miim a I sill3 dnjS WA II (itiiiiu lo Alrirav. I iiit interest is 'lulu! tl iii the pro- i jv.inl Ui-t African x jM-.lit ii .11 of Mr. I William Amit l Hauler. Tin' Taitiu ' river, v huh he proposes to follow, is in habited alnii the lower pait prineipAll y by i he W.t l'okoino, a racu v hii h tuib- ; sists by cultivation. The banks of th 1 river Wing Lsv. the country on both Kilos i annually inundated, and thu ' liver thus acts as a liber' fertilizer. Mr. (.'hauler has no easy ta-k Wfore lii in , as some of the tribes to be passed in reaching Mount Keiiia have bad their suspicions and lmtilil y aroused by I lit- b.irsn and h.irharoita. course of the . i mi. m cvploi-i r 1 ir. l'i tors. V. . .: '.; iii.lr.uc in e-::ip..r.) i si;h Li' n.ii.t 1 b 1 1 1 1 1 . of tin- Austrian navy, an 1 Count Tol.iki. wnh the .1 .j. . t I of cariiul scientific research and oh ' servatioii in ih.it region. They will i travi-1 ah ei tiie 'l'auia river, resting for I s-, , j 1 1 , wei lis at the snowcapped niollll I lam of Keiiia, win-re 1 1n y will make I ;-t ii 'Hi in 1 1 al olisi -rsatious. Aflor ex- pl'iin;; ! he nieiini am to its summit it j..issiK!,. 1 1 icy will jd aiiu'e into the almost ui.Lii.'wn ri -.i'iiis i.f Last Umlolpli lake. Ii v;n thi'to that li.iron 'eelo u svas niiii-il, 'e l. and that lb-viol, lb- ".li a-nl lei rendi failed in theiroltorls loaeeoin p!i-h t In-ir aims. The rc,"i"ii abounds in warlike trilx s. Mr. ( hauler iir.i :nl to cuter the rc-'ion 1'. ".a the west , al r h a. iiil; Pake Ku tiolpii, and pri'ciod iili.ni; l!n Tnh'o.i riser to tin1 sea. lie expects to he no ulit llhoilt eildlti'cn lllollths. lie Will tiike svit h him his youii' servant, I ienr'.'o (ialmin. svho accompanied hnn thi'"U;:h j Jhhoitalaud. y.v. I 'hauler is full of j Inipe and svill jjo fully i i- pupiH-d for his I i rili i I.- olitenii ise, which is cxin'i-teil t' ji:ve most interesting and valuable n Kiihit. .Philadelphia Leaib'r. A Tamo DocMing. ' The extiM'diliu.iry hij;lit of aduekliti 1 that has just sin d it sln-11 fniimviii a ! yiuiii,; ssi'iii.Mi iilx.itt the liniisi' wish all i tin-all'i'i-t ii 'ii of it tict i( is it (loiiii- tic 1 svninli-r in the family of Mrs. I 'a it. F.vor ' cilice l-'aster tm nil the in hjhh-'rs luisc j lict-ti (Inij'i'iii:,' in to wit lo-.-ss the n'c taclc. mid t lie fame of thu Mi'cular iit tacli'iieiit has atlractcil at'ciiSiou titm imjj Ju l j.h' who are interested iu natural Jilieliuliielia of every lie -eriit ii ill. Tin' lil.le (hlelvllli ha.s been ill the family since l-'.-u-ter Sunday, when it svas hrdii.'ht a a pit t'1 Carr'n hahy (laughter, Screiui, n'ed four jcai s. who wan delighted with her new iet. The duck at onru Hlruek up a lmiy frietiilship for tho doinestic, Man- Me Cnllouh, ami has lieeti thu youii,' wi.in nil's ('(instant ('oiiiiaiiinn ever since. Whenever Mary speaks tho duck re pImiihIs with thu piping saliilatiuii nnd waildle.s after the yotin wninati svlier cver she tfoea. Thu most !iMUuiisliiiu thing about this freak (.f naturu is that if any other inmate of the household attempts to induce it to Answer, tht.' webfooted pnxliuy maintains a solemn bilenee, but Mary ha only to utter a word when the quacking Ix'gins ninl id kept up until she has ce;ited Hpeukilig. l'hlladelphiH Times. Mury'a Cliilni. Alii!!egirl is reported to Itnve died near the imaginary line in Oklahoma which divi h d tle recently opened res nervations from the remainder of the territory ju-4 a tla-si ;iial svas given for the grand ru: h for lands. Thechildan.l her father v ere ahnie and unl:iiosvn, but the beautv of the one nnd the still, deep r:nef,.r !,,! r moved t,. strong men of tiie frontier to acLs of ailmirablesvm t ...i.. i.i... ..... patliy. A re""-r on a swift horse located a homi-M- 1. .old svt.irning iilaced th" father!-! th 'dead girl in jiossession of it. The body of the chil l svas trail ported tu ; lie claim mid buried upon it Afterward it svas discovered the n -tnaiiiing e-ie of the unfortunate eoupl svas al si d 1 1 1 i-l v penniless, and a purse of money was given him svith the hope that the claim will prove a haven of rest t" him uud that the homestead shall al ways be known as "Mary's elaim." Duluth Tribune. Delith from Ini;ronliir Timi Nail. Some time ago tlior was published thentoryof the death of a Long Island physician from blood iKiisoning result ing from an ingrowing toe nail. A well known rmrgoon chiroiioili.st siiid the other day to the reporter: "Tho death cf that Long Island doctor is not the first 1 have heard of from the same cause. "The cause of the disease is coimi'iii and painful and usually directly tract able to narrow toed shoes. It can-')-, pain as severe as it toothache ami in)' infrequently, when neglected, results it blood poisoning. I knosv of an oper.i lion tor ingrowing; toenail in an r.ngli hospital where the patient suffered si much pain that lin y gave him a mixtuii of ether and ehh in 'form. The oporat i svas successful, imt, when it, was tinisln the p'ny.-ii ians found that their patiet liinl ilie-l troin l .lie eliloiv'lortn. .Nei Y'ork Sou. To I'liielie an Allilne I Inner. Tiie diet of the Tyrol 1 i-t week -a -si a bill imp' -inr: heavy lines upon p. r.-. found selling liny sample of the beau! ful bul ra'-e Alpine (lower call' d (! tVeivs, which has been pulled up bv ii ('"Ms. on the liioiintaiiii. A sii.iilur ;n t Was (..is.si'd seven yens ngu by tin-d. d of S'ii,:burg, with a vi -sv t. t!;e i -.' : . a tioti of the edelweiss jhint, sv'.i: a ; tl iii ';i t 'in 1 svi'li extiiicti.'ii i.i lis" t.riau Alps. In the S:.l.buj-g ('.- : i ', I ' success of this ".;isl,iti'iu js, '.nif"il i nately, nut encouraging. lira-ut Si-itson fur II errlnc,1. The herring fishing sea. -on on tie. : '.; -qrtehaiin.-i river is lini. hi .1, and ;h -c.lch has been unprecedented. The p a ; v. aiuount to'over I'.! I, nun bancls of sal,.-.! fish. The noa-son ok ii April H iu,d( lo ., ,i May 10. (Jne lishernitiu caught bin bat relit of tho fish with a dipin t in the on; let lock of the canal. It has been no mm couimon tiling this season to take ',' . (XHJ herring at it hiiul of one of the hn ge wilier, whk-h, when paid out, ("icireie three-qtiiirters of a mile or in a--of water wea. Cor. Philadelphia Keeor L -(iHT iton ISLAM. I " A BOLD CLFFINSE cf the doctrines j OF THE KORAN. 4 l.velil Ooiiinii-sioi of th t;Kft,.n P.ilii'.l of tli Hell(tuui Tha. llntc foi llirlr Kiimiiliil loiii Hie Itlliln ninl the Kiirim - Isltim lii'iiiui-rai'v, M, Mismer eoiild not knosv the east liny hi-i tor than lie dues if he had been Ix in there, and sve copy from his now volume. "Souvenirs du Monde Mussvl in.ui," t fesv iidvcl views and coiisiili-ra-tii -ih nddvessi csjiecially to statesmen an I thinkers: The greater ioriioti of I he preee.(s of tin- K'Tan have a i m a n ii i j: which es ca:M'S us, Ivcatiso that liieanini,' is it T variance with our idi-iis nml our niaii n. rs, ninl this is svhat Lrivcs rise to p,i liticnl errors of an incalculable reach. Tiie Mussul-iians do not fail to return ti e nttai ks that lire made upon tln-oi. (.'oiii'i'ibn;,' to us the adv.'iutaK'(' in a m.i ti rial and scientific point of view, they linlil that tin' riches and learning of I he fess do not make She happiness of the many, and they claim superiority fcr their moral and social constitution. Essentially ili-niocratie in its origin, Islam has it sumptuary lasv which puts a tin of I" ; percent, upon tho jesvels of svoliien and upon nil objects of luMirv. This money has served for centuries tu nssist poor tradesmen and to buy them tools. Thanks to tho prohibition of wino and spirits, the social problem is solved fur them. On seeing the dangers .linn ui'.ii 'ii I'm liim .iiiii'n, tin' , remains of it burned lent. They think that if it should disappear in the tlamcs of anarchy for want of an organic prin ciple it would be incapable of rising ag iin fi'din its ashes, while their faith maintains order in everything, tho con dition sine qua nun of progress. "Yen aceu-0 us," they say, "of lieinj (lepras ed. Are you less so, you who keep up perpetual orgies in your great cities, expose your half el id wives ninl daughters u? balls and feasts, and allow them to bo whirled around in tho arms of litis body and everybody? You re proach us for our ignorance. In order to pa-s through life with honor your in struct inn is not so good as ours. Thanks to the proverbs ,'iiid the rules of wisdom that are taught to our children, they Tolldiiet themselves like little moll. With vou the men, and even the j learned, conduct themselves like little children. You charge our functionaries svith venalilv. Who j jontribules to its establishment if it Is i not the vulgar herd of traders of every class that Europe has scattered all over the east? Y'ou cry dosvn onr judiciary. We too have a right to accuse yours. Y'ou L'hargo us with fatalism. Fatalists vn are, just like your learned men and yoar philosophers, who base their calculations upon the immutability of natural lasvs. K,.siBI1,.(1 in ,,,,, fiU.tt f ,,.,Kes, cata clysnis and death, we Kiy 'It svas writ ten.' For thu rest we follow the words of the prophet. "Onoday die prophet nskcil nn Arab visiter svhat lie had done svith his camel. The Arab replied.'! have left him at thy gale.' 'Hast thou tied him.'' inquired t ho prophet. 'No, I have left him to the care oftiod.' 'Thou hast done ssroiig.' said Mohammed. 'Tlnm shoiildst fust have tied him, mid then havu recom mended him to (led.' "The Christian doctrines of tiredesti- i .,,, ..., ,,,-,, ..,.... a,,,,,.,,.,,, I . .-' ' i 1 than our fatalism, lour lgnoram f Islai.i snakes you confound Mussulman slavery svith ancient slavery and that whit h existed until recently in Lussia mid in r.razil. Willi the Mussulmans then are no slaves. All are brothers, not iu the riatoiiie sense of the lhble, but actually, having the name lasvs and the Mine positivo duties according to the terms of tho Koran. Unlike Chris tianity, Islam has never treated as piti able things, transmissible svith the land, troops of men svho professed tho com. won faith, ns was done with the serfs of tho Middle Ages, tho moujiks of Russia, nnd the negroes of your colonies. Prisoners of war are tho only rIuvch that it recognizes, but their children are born free, and they themselves can become bo by embracing Islam. "It is tho custom from time immenio ri tl in certain countries for parents to part svith their children for money, in order to ward off poverty and open up to themselves h career of fortune. I!y virtue of Mussulman equality this en r "r is limitless in the east. I low many ul ivos have become pashas, generals ni d ministers? Almost, all the sultans h.-.ve been the sons of slaves. The black gl is'es taken from central Africa find in F.ypt and in Turkey a fate ineotnpar n' ly superior to that of the slaves of j y ur colonies. Slavery is for savages !t!'i lirst step toward civilization. If ! ti 'ir recruit itig and theirtrntisportatio.t i P V0 rise to Well founded protests, the I f, lit is not svith l-datii. Neither th" j I; hi" nor the Koran is respon.-ibl" for I a ui" s. "T a.-Mussulmans proclaim tin supe- : in ' I' their Allah; but th ev lie; in is i- S1' M isi s as a prophet uud Jesus a-, I Hill Allah, the soul of liod. 'l'ln ir Vlieri'ioti for .IcsiH extends to t!. li)llnr. Th" iiiiinaculate concept ii n. i'tro'itved into Catholici-ni by I'ins I " . ! en f-.r t svelve cent nrii - a M it-- i: 1 l an belief. "T" the extreliii' siluplii ilv "f tl.' i'igll;a inn-t be added the positive ( -!,j.i. l eiits svhieii i he paradise of M ,haio.,e d (IlloseS to tiie id.iti iiiio jos of t:i uirisitan para ii-e. m oi-'ii'i' i.i coi,,,... l!lld tin) n -istaiice of I-lam to nil at tnipts at coiiversioii. 'Cliti 'iaoity is i menace, I.-lamisni a promise,' sai I .apolecn 1, it it 1 his opinion issvorlhy f meditation."- I'aris Figaro. iMitliiU Iti-roru Slei'pini;. Seietitilie men now delare that eating 'foro hleeping is of great benefit, and hat a bowl of bread and milk, a mug ol eer and a fesv biscuits, or n saucer of Htmeal before retiring will in a short iinu result m an increase in weight, trength and general tone. New Yor': 'hues. The Grn(hi;itin Exorcises of St. John's Sdhool Last Niht Last cvi'iiinc;, iiicol ( I i in; to llii' published pi'", rain, (lit- i ,o luat i n--CM-rciscs ot M , John's si limd svere held in tllcir school I'liiblm on Sixth and O.iU streets. Tin' school room was crs taste fully decorated with Huvviim mid cs crm ecus, ami across 1 1 ic i ast cniL of the room ss , is a i ui-od platloi in ssitli tcmi no ,ii y iiiit.iuis drawn across. Tiie cut ire eet ciscs sin mi il train ing amt a good deal ot li.nd sttnlv. The iniisic s a i i clii ii 1 and ib ni si rati d t h it 1 1 1 -in a um -sical stand-' point the school stands in the limit ranks. ; I '.ic "l airy I'rou niin;." Ii a I.ii l'i' ' tiiiinbi-r ol litth- ".ills. I i-iuiig lit butli coiisidi-r.ililc ,i''!.ni-r iinil ; sbosved tin' c.ik IiiI and constant ' training the cliildK n li.ol b id. ! ! A Iter the exercises ss ( re o er ami the diplomas li.nl been coulerred, , Miss K.ite Ncsilb- was pi c.-cntod ' with a I M-.i n 1 1 1 n I iilil nieihil lor' i pi oliciency in iniisic, which esiiy oui' sbo lii'iml her d. iv thoiiglit I shi' richly ih'si i ved. I ! Pol loss ing is t he prog I am: ( iicoin i In 'i its . . "( l no ci t i in 1 1- M . -i l.--;n l-iil.eila , l.ll ( . lie 1 1 . -. " p. i-1 1 1 1 1 u I ( lioes" See i"i Y .Si i o , Man I a-siilv. l-.'ssa v . . '' I oil oeni e li.il ie Ne 1 1 It-. Illicit Sls Nl ir- e ille. I la l K,( on mill " I- an ( iiim nmn" Ai l o.. I al ie c ille. 1 1 1 in-' 'i al l I.i 1. 1 Nil-ii " llolsl I'il;lle. 'llUlll.lls" . Wallace bss.a "I hi i-li'i iln-r t ! Maul oiley . i ( lass s,in i .cc... I tin flail,. 1 l'i. Ill" solo Ken Moll" halic ei ille. ( ' 1 1 s. i 1 1 o ( holljs "(aunt i Jit" , S ale.lietoi "lie VS ho S not. I Sei I. I or I'l-all- Most iie llelow K 1 1 1 ie ii ii i in i 1 1 s, I I noli-1 1 in:; lloiiot ... I' I oiile. Yesterday's Gaiin, A'l ok 1st. ,i. Hastings plascd a oo,i, o-.mie yesterday Up lo the si si lllll inniiiu, sslii-n tsvo siiio,s, two liome runs and tsvo ciiors gave (iiand Island eight i n ns, and won tin it. the game. Tin- feat ii res ss ere the dome I u us of llolfer, Summer ami Mcl'irland. Tiie score: SCOKK US INMNiis. (oali'l l-lall'l II I I II II II S C llilsliuns , II tl (I II ( J SI M l S l S . Ian lied runs ( .rami Island I. Hasting :l. roi.ise liils Scliiini'l, Wnllei'k, Ix'ole rer. Iloioe runs Holler, Summer, Mi I-inland. Ila-es mi halls -I, land Islanil 4, Must buss I. Si nil l out - Summer I'incli S. I'lisscd halls ( navcr S ild iitt lies l- indi Z 'I'im!' ol uaiue 'J:"ll t ' 1 1 1 1 1 i re - Haskell. Hi'atricc was yosiord.-iy defeated by Illair at the latter city. There was some jjimhI ami some poor playing on doth sides. They play 1 aoain to-day. The score: si 'OKI'. II V ISMMIS. j lienlrii c... II (I II II II II l'i It l Illair I I II 1 II ' ll (I I I'.' J SI MMAKV. j Patteries Nii l.siiii mid Pillion, Randall I'oiiil nod Tin l"i. I I nipire Ahe I 'av is, 'I he I'lattsmoiilli team and the j ( irays lay cd I he third g, a me jester- day, I'laltsmoiilli winning; ipiitel easily. I'arvin's pik hin was too j speedy for the home to, mi. Linyre I put up a line game for the ! ome J team. 1 i scoii'l-; IIS IWIM.s. i I'l.-ii t-itnoit ii I I ii ii :t ' ii n :t i.i Siillllle!d (I 1.1 (I II II II Ii ll si .'I .'I S K S . ' I l.il teries 'a i in a m I Maoiiil; lilnvre mid Hall. j SI I in k out I'nrvii) !'. 1 1 v l-.t n i re s llasc hits Sin iiitielil V, riiittsiniiutli !l. Il'iini' run Italo-r, 'l'i no ol gallic -J:ihi. t 'inpire I )r. Wnlnei. StanctlnK of tho Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. Per ( t. Ilentrice '1 n ,7'.' (rand Island.... Xi Zt Vi .ii.'i7 llnstiiiKs :tl Pi is .171 Kearney :l It 17 .!: Kreinont '.".i II Is ,:k;:i riaUsinoiitii .... :ci ii :.m TALMAGE ON HORSE RACING. At the same time I do no) believe I in slosv driving;, svrites T. I)e Witt Talmage in the July Ladies' Home Journal. There is no more virtue in driving" slosv than in driving fast, any more than a freight train going ten miles an dour is lu tti r than an express train going tills. There is a delusion nlnoad in the svorhl that a thing must de neces sarily pood and Christian if it is slosv ami dull and plodding-. There are very pood people svho seem to imagine it is humbly pioti- lodrive spasii'.od, ;:! I d -tl . "hindered, spring' halted, blind, stnom-redi jade, There is not so much virtue in a K'osj uante :;s tbeic is in aj llliccphallis. At the pace mimic people drive, I !l i j:i ll. svit ll ll is 1 horses of lit. , svoiihl base taken three svi clis to oi into licivcn. We j want swilter horsi s, and swifter' men, and -witter enterprises, ami the church ol ( mil need - to gel oil i its jog trol. Miick ti-nipi sis, ijiiick I I i g 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 o s , 1 1 1 1 ; c k s t r i ; i i 1 1 -. whs 1 1 o I ! (ll ick In ir -i -s .- In t i im i, war the ! cavalry sers ii'i' does 1 1 - nm-t exc cut in; and a- the leillh-s ol tin world are probably md our Cb l is t ian pat not i -i il I past 111. Mills that sve be interested in eiiiinul Velocity. Wo nii-.bt ns well have poorer guns in our ntscnals, and clumsiir ships in oiirnasy sards, than other nations, as to have un der our cavalry saddles, ami before our artillery, slower lioi.-cs. The Nebraska City Nesvs says: 'T'lattsmoiitli proposes to have a poial celebration on the Fourth of July and is making preparations to that end. One of the attractions willdea firemen's tournament to which our teams are invited." Every Month roany women i-jHer fmm Kxcengtve or bt.int Mi'tiMrua'ion; thry don't know who to cc:ir..! in to pet proper advice. Uoi. t totifiiic i: unybudy but try Cradflcld's Female Kegcilalor I S'("cl(ic tor PAI'iFlL, HKOFUSE. JtAMY, SLITRF.SSEt) ard Ihlit" titLAR MENSTRUATION. illook to "WCMAN" mailed freu. BRAUnt'La RCCUI.ti'.R CO.. Atlan'a, Gl. Sul. I I,) u'.t I'ruuaUlB. Ti'OUNKV A. N. M'LLIV. N. li a: l aw ! II -Hit - . el I 1 " K, I .1-1 V. HI .: ll .etc. i !. . l'i v.- .ri'i':pt aOentiou I lie I ll'l IU Xeli. HENRY BOECK Tho L ii't 1 1 : i,t i.-.l FUUNITDHrJ ANII- l-.-.'A .1" 1" i V r 1 -.rrv-i.--. ' T , I ' '" UNDERTAKE. lonstillltlv keeps on luiiiil cveiytliin you need to furnish your house. ('OHM 11 SIX IU AMI M.SIN SI l(l. T Plattsmoutli - Neb F IK'ST : NATIONAL : HANK id' l'i. A I isMol Til, NKIMAShA raid up cai'lial SuriiliiK ,fMl,mKI,(KI Ili.lllKI.UU rsanet ln't laeilltles Inr tiie iirniiii' tl:ci-ai liuli of 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 o ; I liiauliim? flnsinoss Htock", 1miikI, if'ild. niiverlilni'lil nnd IochI llllltli v linllulll ninl ninl. Iie (.slls ri-i'i'lveil mill llilciiMl Hlli'Miil on tlii' nitllldiie Prnfts (Iniwn, Hvailiildn In miv iurl nf Hm t'nllcil hliitur ninl nil tin' rini:liiil tiivon ot Knroe. 0Ol,LK(TI(IJ-H MAIIK AMI I'llOMIII.V HKMIT THII, I HlKlii'HI linirkrt price nnil Inr ('onnty War raiitH. MtKie nr County lioiiim. IHItKCTOKS John IMti:(iriil(l ). Ilawkeworth Hum WmiKh, K. K. VVhl; Iciirnii K. Dnvi'y latin Kltzt-'crulil, H. Wauuli. rri'-ldcnt Cn in I W. II. Cl slliMi, J. W. Johnson', riei,-:lf-ldlf i'rmid ul, -niiOT II ILK loo- ri.ATTHM' II M;iUiASK.S Cnpllnl Pnid in $."0,000 It lillll'liilili .1 W del I, si. i K H (liensi'l, lieia v I iki iil'iu v. ,M V M.iu'ioi, .1 A I oliliin. SV ' VA I i-iil. li i SS II ( llslnn- A gciu-r.il daiiNino- diisincss trans acted. Iiiterest allowed on do. posiles. I, ii wtiNN Always has on hand a full stock of FLOl'lv' AND IT-LI), Corn, Ilian, Shorts Oatusind Haled' Hav for sale as low as the lowest iiiKl delivered to iiny part of the city. COKNEK SIXTH AND VINK Flattsmotitli, Nebrask;i PLACES OF WOK'SIIIP. (.'ATiim.li-.-SI. Paul's ( liuri'li. id,, liet.ici ii h'dlli and Sixth, l-'al lo r ( "m lo-y, raster Seiviees: X'-issat S nnd In -.:iii a. m. .Sunday Si'liiinl nt 'i :iiii, vt It ti In ni-ilii'tini.. I'll nisi i . s .-Cnriier I.ihiisI ami l-'itiitli sis Seivli'es InnrilUlg illid Itcnil l-'. Y I'll 1 A (iallouav I'lislin. Si,l,ila hrlii'i'l 1"A.M. Kf'IS'-ol'.M.. unit S 'li". vii'i'i : 11 HI 2 I- l.nke's I liineli, ( II It. t'.inc.e--. : ci 1 'tun! I Si r- : a Se!n,a a it 7 ai-1 . ll i.i (i K 11 M IS St l l.e 11 ell IS I . . lint. I'. - i ,H!:ei M: -lin. siivii-' ,'n-li. ml hi :. 1,1.11,11" ami ". . " I'll l-si i I i lit : ! , l'i"'i.i a' II :i I 'IlieS I Sal'leCli the i In,. Iliel'l in.!' I-1 N .a 't (,l el lees i n , ' lllle - I l . a 'i -se-'ei,i .il ;i . ; e ; ,, II. III. lili ,'1 ! i . r: "t lie-1 ii ii i li in- .- mi " at 7 :1a in tin- I ; - i Al! in e no lied ie ami' ,V s-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -. I MM I, St., t el .i Sl.an ion I I', sen ii I' I ,. Lev I. I . Ill ,!! 1 '. I i l,s,.r. - II I . II.. S in I'. M Mini! o s,.,,l m I l ay i n i ii n SS eiiiii-Mi,i vi-i.- ll S ili4. ! ;i' ii i s l'i: sin ihii.w .- Corner Main ami I Ninth, le i SV lite, (Lister. Services nsna. Iliillls. .Silllilay Si-hniil y ;;) A. M. SS' KHUs'l I I'MUIHil VI I tweeli I! Ill and Sixth. 'NA1 Claliile. In" i J Lot. din li I'. M i 1st. Mt olive, oak. In'tween. ! lentil ninl 1-Jevi'iith, licv. A. IUi-iM'll. ai- lol. si'fl li'i'H 11 H. 111. Mint 7 l.le l. III. lTllScr lie'i'tli i; SS eiliiesilay evi'iilim. Yoimi Mi n's ( li histi A f Association laii'ins In ss HliTiniiii lilin k, Main street. i;n pel inci tiiii;. (or men inily, evt-rv Sunday lit terniieii at 4 o'clock. Itooinn open week dayi from s::io a. in., id p.m. SOVTII I'AltK Taiikhnaclk ltev. ,T. M. Wood, ritstor. Services: Sunday Hclionl, 0. in,: 1'ri'HcliiiiK, 11. m. and 8 p. m. ; ir;tycr meetliiK Tuesday night : cludr iirai' t ice Friday nlKlit. All are sselcmne. V. i