Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 16, 1892, Image 7

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1 P
Tobaccos, but for a good
A leaJinR characteristic of
i .i. . i. -i i ...i -i. ri. i .i.
een Hie I10M WHICH II I.IKCS lai
What its excellence first secured, its uniformity h;is always
rHf.-iinpd. an.l it k. thprefnr M-d.iv as twetttv-tive vears atro.
mAl.-InfT Tnhl,VA in thf VVilH.1
Get the genuine. Made only by
Blaclrwell's Durham Tobacco Co.,
r-T nfi
k x h V
F0 r.A''lr: T
: Ti!K M :-)N .V !!.MI.!N
I llt'i I' I O'' !'" "1 I '10 '. I'M llli'.' lll.e'ili-. o , ,11- ; s,' j 01 -I
hiring tiiein !' .:! j " f 1 1 1 irv tc-r it tlu.roiioiily in iiis ..wn Iioiro
iitnl ri-tun; !f ! .o.- ie t l.-nojcr w:i.t ir. It' im- . .. tintifs to want it
until the m "..'.
ute "t' r."!t Mini niii
wont. It hh'.'Mis ii s v.t
triltftl c:ita!"i'o. wit 't in t
.;!,"IY W
. ( ii'i
M:sm & Hamlin
n i : w
- ) .. .
VI'--' "
" r 'f' t i 4
I'or A '
If. i.
. .. i'
. 1
H. 1). A;
t".Tii.j.-s ?' r t p.s Cr: .', J - ' '...-.
.- faUi : ".i !''.' 1 ' -I
-ft:: :,". .1,1 -:.: 1- - , .
if- n-"io..-. r.. .,.-:....'- 1 ' .- '
Ci-:iL-.!.n':t T;-j cl ZXa
Q:- z i-- '.L
a 1 . . . ... ... - 1
iy vccnn.a? ::u v,:-r.-....:. ti. I'!.-.. -i r: 1 ; 1
l.Ul.l, K'.-.J ....... i , I..'.. 1 I .. . 'I, ',. i
CLrcHiio Sorvt. fc,..r :;-.'r.r..-t.
mj ivu, iiuiriu crr-'LT...., i c.o
k . iti'i x no3. JIm cjoli-42 rrid rootju...
ft Oandrcditof c;t:cs Iiavo h.-ui cund Ij
tt after ail other trcuts-.c-nt Lad faikl
It ia put up ia 'Sj cjid 61) cent bos. a.
vS -ME A T H A F K E -T
.. kiito SIXTH ST k tin-
. ; k. 11. i:i.i.i:.xi;.rM. ii,,-.
The best of fresh nu-at always found
; in tliis market. Also fresh
KXK a,,,J Butter.
' '
"i'UiJiianie of all kinds kept in their
I'm an old smoker, and
llM") avc at one time
or aRot'lcr trictl a11
diiTercnt Smoking
smoke Bull Durham
'cm all.
Pull Durham has always W
..i i l f.. l: .... i. v'
UM i:na ij.hiioi;s miiwkci. vi
urn WM
P ' YM-'.T i . I
(h). now ..;-r to .vnt :,-v t.f!
. . I
'ini'- t iii" j. "i . li .-n i:-
I I A i if I' I -l I ; (" M I! I'WMI N I'.
1 llllr -
Org;n and Piano Co
U U Ui d Li Li . Kz.-
.s '-I , I
- 1-:
in r vn.
I'.rC ! ' : . ' I
-r ,,. . . .,! L If llv.'i ).Si fl
( si l.r'-i l:l A 1
s, l.r'-i t;l s.i: A I TON. A o v onlT
.'.! .Vn-IV fUW.K PSS4ViiNKIiOI Sh.,,1
liOsK AL HI I'.II.IJY, 1 I. noils) of
lofTii. i sini vrni iT.ti.iTv, l it c-
I.MTI UK. I'M 1.1 N K, sn.t hit l'lsi:As S
"(', n;.iKM:sM.s or man. ;;.ii)ii4.s,ci.itii,
tilt; tits liivnui'ilito iireecriptinnii. Oi 'y
l.y nnil, iluiil'e scnl.'il. .ncriiivo Pri)i.."t
rs Willi t'loloruomi'tits r-nrr I Cfiin
if the i'rr.-t mil TolimtB-T I'tt'-J" I ?LJ J
te,"rioi in of tl.c curii I IH.Lt 1 NOW.
I (ii:tuii.'ii:"ii 'ii ern'iii or hy nnil. K.tiiTt ircil,
Tinii. IN i lol.AC.I.i: S1CKI CY un.l l;K
TAIN 41 Ui:. A.i'".". I'r. W. U. I'.'rki'r. or
T in. I',':i.'.!y M.ilical limtitut, No, 4 liiilliiuh St.,
fieitell, M.'l.s.
1 ho l'lvC-oily M.-iUcmI IiiMltnU' h:ui nmny Iml.
l.itor-i, I. ut no v.juiil. H r'li'l.
Tlii- Sciunei1 ul I, if.-, or Self Trwirn-fttion, In
tr.'iiMiiri' mon v.iIiki1 I.' than irolil. U.iil H lov,
i'Vimv WKAKan.l M.KWH S man, uinl li-nrn lu
be S'l'IUlXi . Jofioii AVre ic. .! rUhl.tW
Bore, ttMiupt; yjit!,
f!im f v Imontint, toti
of finootf, Seminal
Imlmoint. SprmatorrHta,
i ,iiiiii'Ti, n7 uillrutt.
Lost of Xsmorti, t;, to Hi
man yitu a blROMO. laof
out Han rrK il.W, 0
Bore. fS 00.
trl ti tai tut. AiMrtU
SO.riTu Utlntat Co,
99.0 LilCA. AW.
t. Louia. a
1 t 1
IUxmu't l.llie I' oin-vii.t-u.
There is a horse in this town which I
bais a doubl" T:iision in lif. One part '
! of it is to l'-j f. fire iw nui Mv in ikm. i-
I e- i.i
1 I1 with a t m or two of ni nar-iins In-
I'll i n n o ippu.itua in
! Uin.l it; th. other i to make as manv
! ; , . ;t v. ; .t ti.... r
I Tii animal is a valuable one, well i
I train. .1 an.l -A to Wa at. Fr t'.w
! hhvm. n it has a professional r.yard. to-
! ward ei:io ,s la "vn. it It. is the
' Laiuhtiin-s.i v.hii h -It n.Tallv cm-s ft.rth
; with a nla.. in th. i.nh'.ii-V.'rvu-.s hut !
' 1 1
t .ward li-lio.'.ia.n it di-M-rtv tho li.-m st
if iinti;.atl:i.-s. Tlu Im'.m. 1.,1,.i:ls to
.i'. cf t'.i.- ..ini.ani.-shtation.-d far down
ton n. and ta .'limine hotis,. is rnth.-r ,
rrainji. .1. 1'.'. having civinioii to
t-ntor tin1 J'! n o li.'ivc to cloi' to t'10
Kiiinril's stall, and as n result the lnein
lu r of the jioliir f..n-. who lias Im-iness
in the house is likely to havo a lively
tinii' of it. To he aft lie has to eliiah
iir..uud li.u k of a tender and then make
his way al. ii with tho camion needed
to lo e; him out of ratine of tho horse's
If ho conies near tla animal, it is a
bite or u kick, according to tho end
whieh is iijil'i'o.iehed. Tl'.e firemen who
u:o thoroughly in .u;iinh .1 with the i'e
culiarities of the steed have a very r. a
sonal le cxjilanatioii of ils aversion to
brass buttons. It is that at sonio time n
..'lie.nian dubbed it. at a time when
th" excitement of a ihe made him f.r
'et that perlians a noise may li.'ive h
louder mem.. ry than a taxpayer and
more time 'o dev..;e to earn iiiLr out
schemes of revenue. Kver since that
ly;i;f ;-" J" nble ...
. ' .u ll l no 1 1 ii m- i u mi i hi i i jil; j.:
reason to rcnt-nt his temerity. 'ew
York Tiiii. s.
Ui'ply Tiild I'tiitul iiritn.
Iti'I'ly l -a id "';al cards have been in
use in Austria fi'i'many years, and would
I e ooiiomh al and convenient in thunes
tic a-- well us in f"l'ei::n coi'i'e)onileace.
Tin y are c"iiipo-i il of two niisciratcd
1 " e:ir.K. f.'lded in the f 'f!ii of a sin
i',h.' card, and ::. ed no ether f.isteuii::.':.
A r r. -" in ; . t can in-ure a curavl
ly'i s -.' and irobahly in'ompt aa
h,ver by wiitiu;; his full address on the
r. 1 1." f dd of :!i" card before jnailiir,' it;
the ("in!, on in !', f joio'ii'-y. beiii,' loj.l
e 1 so !'- to ( v, r ih,. ;i'l.!re-. T!.e
r c.-iv. r 1: !:..' !v to t. Hi,, his anwe-
I 1 .
. r 1
i i'
I'.e liioiorv
v i.oi :;.
.. ., p. a . o-.. ; , o;
t" write a IoMl;
'o'i ' :.' foi
" ' e w ,- : ". 1.
a;, i' ; I ; a ..
in t!
. 1 v.
.1 or 1
I. II'
fi-; v .
1, c : ; v, y ,' ;
'. I r.,-v
i- I y i i:..:i
I ' 1 ) :.. o'
. 1 r t
r ..;
1 .
Id 1 d v . "i l'e -j- ' . d. i.i
. .' v ,-i : a wi . a " Vi, n 1 at ,'d;:d
rp , ' d ' w "' ' ' u e- . ; ..r d
'-ii'ii:' - f.'t c r rid.- f it ' y. -i
.'! "iT 1 '.-.ii ; h: ',.. ',,1, !.:. I'". II,.'.
." ! :: bio iii'l'. 1 s"y I. 1 w ! : il l.-.r, ;.
t . eo, i:v. I ';i,! ,, i, i, i;i)l nh .
i::ols.--,A': ! i.:--o ;ii-t.
1. 1 re.'t Cm Toio I'.in ies Net Ur. pon . in;,.,
.' i ine'd. ot i f sp ",-'..! in', iv. t in coa
! ' : ' S- i i i lb c: ric s, re, t fir lii.
i f l:V.-, I ' - ' lay. l tb.-'t the ( b'tiaaji
; w si- ; d I:." r::ii!!ii;.; of tl
el. e! id- (..:'-. ieiim 1:j:!l ly a for the oji, ;i-
11 '.: . .-! Ii"'l v, I'ei'ri'l e t!-,-v ilitvrf"--.l
; h ih" pjvp.r wo; kin ;
I':::.:' ". 1 I 'j ; ho':. VI
f th" tei
e;, e cjiu
I ;' ::! !i. c ::'-.. ::! t!-" ;ial o a d
e!.h"l in I'.iVhI of Ihe IJl'.li'i j;d is ,,ip:U;V,
St i!;!'Mr til'it the si n . U of a city W. !e
"i'b i f V '1-.-.1 IJ-afh', ai:.l that their
eon " c.-. d :. t 1 al: red. 1 i t that Ih"
p. id J" dr ' "1 i : i s col! Id easily Make imv
lieee-saiy ib ialj, ;i i;i 11,,. liriu id the
n le.;raph mid tele; hot.e win s so ;is to
pall'" tileiU beyond Ihe illllllelleO i f It.-;
' n',' 1 2 it s, which u-e th" rails aid
e'll'Jl '. 'I- Ihe re' '1111 eilctiif. -X"V- YoJIC
V Si.utli Afriv.iii Anive l,
Th"'.-" is amnions luuki;, animal i,i
s;..u:h Allien that loo);., for all th" - . ! 1
lii;- a piece, of toast wilh f -ur l. .;-, a
h' jidaJid a tail, it resemble s :i p as y
cat about the forehead find cjiI's. bet its
Hose is distinctly that of a rat., w'aii" :
tail is not very dissimilar to that of a
fox. Thi.1 sinine auinjj'.l is cjiih-d thj
aardwolf, and doubtless dwells in S mih
Africa beca'.ise, judged by his looks, h -'
would not be ndiuitted into ffoml animal
society iinywhere else. Harper's Yonn ;
A Wonoli Unti l ( li rk.
The most Vurci'l'oii8 creatnr ever
evolved in the way of an American hotel
clerk is tar less plenumi,' to look upon
than th" petite drl in black who takes
your poimds, shillings and penee in the
office of a hotd in London. Xew York
A DmuuIhi; Mnn'i tixprrlrnre.
io prevent nny person from interrer-
'"K W,U1 1 jnnijHil Int.) t!:e
fiv,'r lt in the afternoon Friday. No,
. . .1.1 i . . I
''nt .ti to ik nnom, in me, num.
, i.i . i- i 1
" hen I ruck the water 1 immediately
sank, iroin-' down ami down, and vet
IwiuuT i';n : i- t forward until I thought 1
would 11. . r a-aiii srise. A sotiud roared
through my heal; it Mvmed t mo it j
would bv-t. I i.jn iu'.l my imuth mal i
'''''"'rt'' ! to bn-atiif, l-oin unahto to
,,,lur, l"''-""'" Uv-r, l.iit the ,
... ',1 ill 1 ......... 1. i
wi".-i nr. . an.i h-i..m,i uiviiunnn.
I was ac--a f.'tniM'll.'d to .'jH'ti it. M"iv
water ci.i. r-.l. !h.' f.'.-lini; was h..rri- ;
,Iust whrii 1 th.mjjltt all was v. r I'
r.'achcd tiir .nrfai'.1 of tlio wator almat
fifty fret ffor.i tin' slimv and lotM'.i't
from wli.'i'i' I had jnnind in. Noar hy
, "' , . . i ' .
wit Ii a loiu pole Willi nn lion hook on ;
tilt' wul. ll look onlynsicond to s. e '
those thiims, and in f ict 1 hud just time
II KT 11 . .'. I i III 1 1 I. -M kliliW I 1. 11 "t M
t Ketone breath when I nirain sank witli 1
my inou:h open. My past life 1 1 : i -! n -1 ; me, and I was ajrain a child. Tlie .
picture of my fuller and mother Men I
out in bold relief. I reached out my !
hand to them. The of t he water j
sounded like the sweetest, of music, j
Suddenly 1 saw li;;ht and thoiinht I was i
in paradise. A la ivonreen Held covered i
with Ms.- and olh. r tl wei-s, whose fra- '
Krnnctt 1 could smell, came in view, ij
felt as if I wa.s bein; borne up by some .
win:;ed messriiL'er whom I cnld not
see, but who... presence I could feel,
1 reineii'I'ered liothiiiK more unlil I
felt ii roii.,h jerk. My rescuer had sac-
c le I in latennn? ti." lioaitiooij in my
clot hint:. A- my b..i'y was lriii;; imlled
from out of (lie wnter the ii.tnri'
eh. i!i','e.l : instead of paradise, tb" place
in which the devil dwells, wi;'i all it--fires
i.iid swariniinr wiih hideous, red
dres-ed crealureji and other thini's, pre
sented th. niM'lves in my mind, only to
iu:aiu ip'i' kly ili-.ippear and leave me
in datl;::' -i. When I came to I was sur
prised t learn I had been uneo'i-einii ...
livery i i :-il" in i,,y bo ly pained l i",
but my biaiu was p.ii'.iily clear.
I n'owni' -. nf:.-r th" lirst si.i-j,-:, are part,
is plea.nit.- St. I.oui. l!"ptiblic.
. ml i inns i ( r.ia no li Is
C -imi.;
tiv. lv r
.r ihe
a al :.'ie ai'il o- ;::v conip.
e . i. w y.,i k. and tli -v :
: I. j... it f -i-;:;b- .'.' -
e v, . ..f w: -h: )'
r i '.' i i ! . c . ... 1 1. o . a
,.l :
,1 b
! C;'
! t;-.
I I an.'
ld"0 , 1 v
r v.. " !'
to 1. , 1 '." :
r :-'
1 1
t I
id- i .i t
a ;;i i i -e
. v . 1 td
; t- i i. d !
: . :i V- . i " a s . .
i !: 1
i. .;.
! 1 -:
. i
a i 1
I : . .
i :'t. ' I".'
.it-. :'. d.
i f i :." ' ' . -.
it.,- . vd.-h y,
): "he f had !. '.' m
:" :i!; Mi lac f. .
: ::i'.' vi:b a : :,' ."
lheo!..-l.,o:a!,e, Td
ll 111'.
' . .', t
'le.lies Tl.nt li '.i'i Tr ''"i.
;': ,. . if vi; ers v. it'a 'it. i i: . ' vl,i, a
), i,,M - to the ' id W ! 1 (Tri: , ". :':
are I. ..!';, .ii, and a doen diivei . :il ; i ,
a:1" i;iveii and de.-eribed by Mr. I' ailea
,'!. They are yobic-t .sr.. ikes, wi: !i r il !,i r
short tail :, which can Mron. ly ::rasp,
in 1 tii'i - t!n y jiia; led t- elimbi.bout
trees wliii-h form their r.atar al babitjit.
Quarterly lieview.
I'erliinii'ii Soiiiet limn Inluilom.
As a rule whatever pel flll.'l" is lili
pl. asaiit to the iiidivi.liusl should bo, but ns exceptifiis occur to
t'-' ry rule, nervousness or debility
which cannot be accounted for may
poinetiines be explained by the use of a
well known pcifuiue. St. Louis Globe
Denioerat. A CliiirmliiK Trllniti'.
T'apa," said a little girl who had
Ixeii Kettinji a great many satisfactory
answers to a great many questions,
"what's the use of our having ft dic
tionary in the house while yyu an; liereV
Harper's Bazar.
Itettil. l.lkv KnumiH-r.
un a M".:. of tin- iip-iecim.... river, w-
tirii limlurr iiikI I.I.K.inni'4'sntiiv, -
a s.Iitry vrav.. Ii is in a ;
. . ,
wn,'i'u'. . .i n. 1 1 nu nv u one m
s !!:-'"" -n-U m m. r. v. , .
wihh11:iiuI I i'tnl. I.verx it., ir.iv.
el that ii t'l 11 k . . -w t!.i' sju.i . n::d
h.n li..-ar.l li.,- :..iy .f the r,,.,'ii ..f th.
.ur.tvo' oc-r.j an:.
Many year-, a.-" a i.ioer was iie-i''-:
iiloi.- that l:i.:hu.i wv.h !. f.ii'!:l... i
had ii.-i:l..f iht a. .i-i:. . o.,
.1 i 1 1 . . i .
in ;. n. . i ... ain. ut i.i.-..h.
j'.f ilitt. n w a rt.-.r-.'. !w i!o t..
..n tl.f way. a.t ! ff laid hy "ii h -
jonrmx at t!.N .la.v. toworui,' taf a!..-;.
l iic m an: it ,il nvw. 1 1 - t..nn.i im ivm.. iU
f. .r his wi ('"' illni- and iio di 4. Wiin
out h lj. and with . lot'l;rron savo hi;lilir, thon a lit:lo v ill. In- dine u
t.Vi it II II, I il O'l... 1 1 1 VI 1 ,. I I LIS,
T .. .
heaostoiie, ll tin re ev. r was .me, tie-
caved, and all trace of the identity of
the dead was lost. Hut everyone re -
speet'd ihe burial pi. i.e.
AniiiK those onee familiar with thi- '
n, irhLoi'h" d was Mis. Martha Alle-'
man. now of this city. Last week she'
was talking u iih an Indianapolis friend -
of ciiil.lh. ..1 associations. The new1
friend in t lie course of the conversation
'Thev. ! one thim; tha.t cloinls icy
early life, and that is that 1 do in. I kno v
where my nio'hei- is buried, lwa.ssiiil'
voiiiik win n my father died in tV n. w
conimuni! v win re v .. had settled. My.
mother liiel b-wi i!-ad s"lne earsal-i
readv. AH I I'eniemlirr is th it on a Ion ; '
journey in a j4rc.1t covered w ,14:011 v.. !
stopped oil the banks of Jl river. There. '
atl.T some "lays, my father du a ho'.i 1
in th" ean li, and 1 have faint lvcollei-1
tions thai il was :i time of i.,'.-'1;!' mu !ov,
for l.ioilier lad tiieii, an. I tliere I ilia r
all ,'doiie Irid bitri' '1 her."
'Was th.-re a ureal bin 11 iibee;- the!
riv. r and :i i-o;id runnim; near the sp. t
thfolluh t ho Woods'."" I
"Yes; I 1:111 see th" s.vue now 1 act 111-" 1 I
ill my mind. Ir nieiii'm r the nad :ud I
lie UuiX .!' .: it:-t '." I
''I'll' ii, my dear nnelam," nad M'".
Alleniati, " I .-an t.d v..,, where your
ni.'thi r is ouri.'d." And she rel an d il "
s'orv jis j' 1 .. .v.-.
The lady will t . lloche-.-r :
1 h.-in-e acr- ' i he c am: -y 1 h r 1.. 'i
.1 ;i "I o
1 bad I
1 b.' i i
l C;
1 I!-
I 'V
I I ' : i l- e
. i.a.'i'id'V
t!.i loii-i '
' ,.' ('IMV'J.I
: a. ' was f i:
: '.a.!. i
I i
'j' 1
i ;i.
I-,. i:-,
: a p .'
i d i'
. 1 1 y
hi !
1 i'
.; ' i:
i i
I S.'e'l
r or lis
th' ,', I".'"
Ion:; en
r. voj'.'h Tin
vi' :h :t: the i:.
of join's t i provide for ( ,,!,; i' m an
e.p.llsi...i i- i,.. so api,a''l:l ; oll'oiieel'
have suppo,...!. -X.w Y-rk Word.
... -
i laim no a Tiiiii'i.
Ltindi'if.! .1. W. Steen, of th" Lav.'
reuce .rune i"ji hotel, has six w.dl train
. , . . . . . . . .
l-.l io,i is, ii 'llll lie ll.l l h i 1 1 ins, l in I I ll 1
for three months. The reptiles n re train
ed to march, "i" hop in si'iucls to catih
roaches, J'i" has been trained to climb j t'oi.ottt i I'.Ai'nsT.-Mt. olive, o .n. : tv.v. t
a ladder, while another turns the crank I t?; T'
of asmall chert:. for. l'ittslmii Dis- j etu ' Wnlnesilay evcnli.u'.
I'l't''!'- ;
j Vol No Mrs's (.'IIKISTI i.v A'i'VIIi).1
Stitl)ninitiin I.iikIiik lit Slili)inir. liooins in W hIitiiiiui liloi'k. .Maiti str. i t. (,us-
XV, onlv have the Jiethnsul ir and . ''' "o'' 0114. lor men only, every . unlny ul
'v ""'J ,MU "'0 I""!i"si, ana ,,.,.,. , 4 ,,'cl.iok. Kimhii open day
oriental steamers ceased K"'"K to South
ampton, but other coinpanies owniiij;
large steainers sre now tlireiiteninK to
go elsewhere ud ubandon the use rf the)
Southun.pton docks. New York Times.
Every Month
ninny worr.on uffpr from Eirntive or
Scant Mr nttruation; they don't know
n R.-m,t Mntru.tinn. t i.w't Wnnu
K . -. .
2 who conhJe in to eft protirr advice.
Doa-t cor.u in myboay but try
Fer.!Qh RdguSalor
a for PAI .Ft.L. PROfUSP.
rtV'lY.?tPiTCSSC3 o ivl irir,C'uLAR
tin. k to " WO MA N " n.ailr I free.
t.siDntm Krodut'.n co.. .ut. c.
d . 1 1 in u'l i. utiUi.
1 --' ... . - r
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I In. tiii. Miinluy . clniiil 9 ::;n A. :
SWI I PISH I oN.lltlOi iTlo.NAI-tw.'i-l.
I'iltll mill SiMll.
troiii vjn it. in., t i a: 30 p. in,
Wood, ITistor, Services : Kunriay H-lioo,
in.: rrt'Hiiili.c ilk. m, ami i p. m. ;
prayer iiiHstlnn Tued:iy lilclit ; choir prac
tice Friday iilnlit. All are welcome.