OTFUL PSORIASIS fig Entire Body with Wblto j 'ttlpa. SufTi'rlnir Poiipfnl Cured by Cuticura. a (paorianU) fimt broke .int on mv l.t .reading ifrnn my noiu', and alumn cov f lao. It ran into my evei. and th. ) w. afraid 1 would .. niy eyoninl.t r. li .rrad a!! over my L. ad, i.'n I my BNrj. hair all fi ll c ut, until 1 wua iT. ! mari'lir l,alil.h..,l...l: it tlu M i 'j'Vjl broke nut on my arm hi. 1 nhoul.ifru, in. ill my arniii wi '.' I n"1 000 ",re. h covered my F"" i'tlri body, rry fae.-, hn.i', 1 ?5 fr nt:J ihouldera tn-mi: u:e w nr. t. The h:ie neat foil omi-UMy from my head, ab.'Ulderi., e.'i'l rnui; tile km would thi. km and be red ai.d wry It. h , mid would cr:.. k ut.j I. . .' 1 tf ncratdied. A (tor ik'1..u,- i; ,.... h,....!.-...... ,.( A . jf wan ptuiu irii'i d Itii'uriO.le. ' 1 jOrrtrriiA Kkmkihf. nt .l a'tn- .v ... ClTUTIlA KKMlLll'NT, 1 l'. l.d -o .1 aid altor I bad taken four h'.ttiii., 1 i.m ired; and wheu 1 had umi! hij buttle i i IA KtXOLVKNT.OIH' ImSt of C'l Til TIIA. all. I ' o( C'l'Tlil'UA Slap, I wan curnl i f t!,.- I'lincum- from which I bad unfit rod f'.r file I cannut eiiirow with a pen w hat I mlTiro 1 reusiiiutlioIiKMUMEH. They mm d inv life, and I It niy duty to recommend tlioiu. Mv hair ia lurad a yond " over, and to In my eyeniuht. lUs. KOSA KELLY, UockweU City, low. Cuticura Resolvent V'lrw Blood Purlflor, Internally (to cloitnno '"iltlpf all Impurities and poinouous olomeulu), (' wfiXa ha, the groat Skin Cure, cud C'LTICX KA aP, anTiquinito tkin Heautitiir, uterually (to ir mo bkiii ana ncaip and roatore the nalr), have i'u uioimanan or cam w here loe aheddiiiK of lei DieaKured a quart daily, the akin cracked, dinn, burning, and Itching elnmst boyoua urance, hair lifelesa or all none, aufferiuir lerrl. What other reiuediea have made mch cures i jvild Merywhore. I'rlce, C'CTirrRA, tfic ; Soap, ; KIBOLVINT, f i. rrepareil l y the 1'OTTKH 'O AMU C'llESK'AL CollPOHATIdN, ltuatutl. Send for" llow to Cure bklo iMwuea," 64 l, 60 illintratlona, and 1UU teatiiuouiala. PLK8, blackhoadii,ri'd,roui.'h, chapped, audi ouy kiu cureu uy ctticuua soap. olT STOPS THE PAIN. Pack ache, kidney union, wtiakucax. rhcumatium, and muiirular paiun ni. Hoy el In one minute by theCutl cum AuU l'alu l'liteler. n. LEG A I. XoTlCES. THK DISTh'K T Col kT, OK C ASS (.'utility, .V-liia-l.ii tiiv (i. h'iilit-y iiml rrnm is i . k'k'lU'V, I'll ,.ll I Mi'l s ii liili; isinoss timlrr the firm mi' and stylo ! Kulioy I liers. VK I I.l'wis, Hirst niiiiii' nowti) iiml J . I. Lewis naiMi' iiiil.iiiiM in W'i'i S . YV ise. I. I'. I'nimnins ' rV . iiml I '"nil in II I'nr- . Wise w ill take nntioe that nil the of May. A. I . ISir-J, .1 u-l ire i i. K'iclr Kriiiu is M. K'ii'liey plaititills heri'in ir petition m the ilislrut court of nty olirn-kii, iiirnitist saiil ilelen irs. K, J. I.ewi-, J. 1'. Lewis, Wil- U'ise, J.C . C'liniinlns .V Son, ami I. I'lirnii'le, t he oliiect iiml uriiyer ii'h nre to foreclose u certain iiiechiin lien claim''' I anil tili il I y pliiitit ills upon - xeyeiity (Till ami seyenty one (71) in -e'n Out lots ailililioii to the city of 1 tsniimt h, .el a ii-ka, to secure t he pay it for ii bill of I n i h I i r i uiuterial con itiK nf luiulier, latli, wimlows, elc, in -inn of s'JI'J.I j, unci t here i- now due litnl aide (upon suiil hill mid mei haiiic's the sum of Ml.l.i; SKl.Ta Imviiin Itm I ami credited iip.ni saiil hill. I'lam- - pray that said preuii.-fs may lie ri'rd to lie soli1 lo s;it isl - saiil hill " li nil lianic's lien, or the iiinoiint due upon s.imie. Vou are reipiiied to answer I' Vt ion on in before the It It dav of l 1 1. WJ. . "OJiivHi. A. 1). l-ii'J. J I S I II ! (i..V K. M. K'K'HKV. Ity tlieiralloiin v, JtVKo.N Cl.AkK, "Notice to Delinqueunts. ce is hereby iriyen that the inlerest nil I al upon i h.' coin racts id -ulr mul to the followiuy; described rduea- id lauds situated in Cuss county, Ne- la. as set opposite the names of the mm t iye In ili I. rs thoieol, i- ilt-linouriit I if saiil deliuipieiicy is not paid up Inn ninety da s man the dale of this ice, said cot it racl s v ill I o dec I a red ior i il by the llojnl ol lvdiicat ional I. amis i I' linils. anil -aid forf'.-it lire will be en d of record in the manner provided an. 1 1 to, K- Win. K. Illackniiin 'lied at l.incoln, .eluaskii this 1st ilav une, IMC. A. K. Ill .MI'llkKV, C'niu. of Pub, Iannis aird lliiililinys. h, C. Kit KOKl'-, .'It County Treas. Jf 4' Road Notice. I'liiKSiliiim it nisi v concern: 1 lie coniiiii-sioner appointed to view u I coiunieiicinir at the center on the -t lino of section fourteoil ll , townsliip ui). ranue twelve l!, riiuuiuu tlience t throuiili tin-center nf section 1I IU1L', nee east throuirh the center of section 1'.', tln'nce east Ilirnimli the center of f-lirMuiHi terniiiiiitiotf nt the county lltiinn troiil nw to se into Arhaw 1 .No. KM tube known us ronil .o3li. orted in fnvor nf the locution there in nbjectioiis thereto, orclaims for i'H, must be Hied in t lie county s otlice nn or before noon on the '.'nth i- of August, 9i, or nucli ronil willl be ated without reference thereto. Kka.sk Dickson, County Clerk. mi Monday'.s Daily. ',. NHh, Htnte Ht'cretiiry df the Y. V. A.,.ws8 in the city over Sun- oei'irrow nrnvea Home troin ycimati, Ohio, tlu otlierdav a full !re(l M. I). x. and Mrs. Henry Herold re lied this inoriiino; rrom their to St. Louis. ,il Jones went up to Omaha this HJPT vhere he has secured eni- uent witli tm- Otnniia nee as dor. e slierilT is 81-lliuo; the Plaits ll Street Kailway this after Oil. f. m . .. i . jarriaioe licences were issued as lows to-day by Judo-e Kainsoy iies W. 1 lan inirton and Miss An Krowlek, both of this citv.aml to tliur li. Cross and Kdith Piorceof tnwood 'he ri'i)ulilicans of Louisville will Jd a ratification nicctinjo to-mor-fVevenino; nt Loiiixville to ratify UOti ination of Harrison and J. Tha reinililicans of this city eartieslly invited to attend, ran iilC Hrio;jjrt and wife wore out ant evening and while iilc down the hill south of the park the harness broke and horse started to run, throwinio . IJr'H ou al, hrnisino; her fle badlj-. Mr. Jlrijos and the escaped unhurt. The bttjjiry broken all to pieces and tlu fa THEM. P. IS NOW OPEN. The Missouri Pacific Now Runs Tra'rs to Omaha. i;i N f w St.-U-ort on t : l oad Cot wee n O r...h i an d Uu onA CiHir.'.ry A onu tne L. A Wgin.in itn i a Rich The Woi-Iil-Hi r.iKl has the follow-ino- to say I'niii rriiiuo- the new -l:ort lino, which was opened isionl iy for the lii'.-t time, liavini;- a reporter on thetrain that made this trip: The Missouri Pacific short line between this city and I'nion, which lessons the distance on the (lould road by twenty miles between Omaha and Nebraska City, Kansas City and St. Louis, and gives this metropolis a second line to Fort Crook and to Plattsinonth, was opened to regular trains yesterday, A month or so will elapse, how ever, before the fast through trains will run over the short line. In the meantime the new track will be made smooth and the crossing sig nals perfected. The through passenger trains by the short cut will then forego the use of Jay Ciould's personal mad the Omaha Holt railway- and local trains between Omaha and Auburn will traverse the Holt and serve the people at Portal, Weeping Water, Talmage and other stations on the old line. Starting from the Union depot at Tenth street, the route for the short cut is along the I'nion Pacific tracks past South Omaha, with its views of enlarging packing, and past Avery, with its brick yard that is eating a hole in the clay fore ground to a junction a third of a mile south of (iilniore. At this point, known as Gilmore Junction, the Hiirlington road short cut between South Omaha and La Platte Junction, leaves the I'liion Picilic track to hug the western bounds of Kort Crook and join the river line of the Hurlington about four miles below, midway between Hellevue and La Platte. A few rods west of (Iilniore Junc tion the Missouri Pacific short cut starts from the I'nion Pacific and parrallels the Hurlington short cut, the two tracks being about WO feet apart. A mile and a half south of the junction a grove of tall Cottonwood around a spring marks the north west corner of hurt C rook reserva tion, a string of cars with material for its sewers and water mains stands on a siding and trenches are dug beyond it to the ridge, on which the officers' quarter are to stand. The train speeds southward through billows of green sward and grain and ridges crested with foli age across the Papillion, past the rendering works and pulls up at La Platte, a station a block south of the Hurlington'3 station of that same name. Soon it crosses the muddy and sluggish Platte on a bridge built with three iron truss spans over the channel, pile spans beyond and rip-rap and willows planted along the approaches. A little stretch south of the Platte there is a long line of cables, rods and signal posts guarding the cross ings of the Missouri Pacific and the Hurlington main line from Pacific Junction. The operator iu the sig nal tower will control twenty levers and the safety and interlocking switches and signals are perfection. A quarter-mile each side of the crossing a semaphore extends a warning red arm above the track for the engineer who is to stop. If he does not heed it a warning red gate drops arcoss the track. Hut he will not reach the gate, for at a dis tan:e of two telegraph poles from the crossing, a derailing switch will throw his engine off the track and prevent it from crashing into the train which has the right of way and his crossing. Passing the crossing the road cuts through rough bluff? and en ters Plattsnioitth in the west part of the city, about a mile from the Missouri. It has a separate passen ger and freight depot station there. There is no rust to rub off the rails below Plattsinonth for the new road there has been operated since September. Two and a half miles south of PlaUsiuouth is M nard station, a new and attractive place, boasting of an elevator and stock yards. Four miles south of Mynard a dark-eyed o-year-old boy looks out of the station window as an engine and a single car pulls up to switch and he asks: "Ir zis ye pay car." No, it isn't the pay car, my boy, but it looks like it. Friends of the late Frank Drake readily recogni.c the handsome boy as his; there is no mistaking the likeness. And '' -'. '" gowned j ,t.iv. will) w hile apron, conns' in gi out. Tlu- station v.'ii choice rati. or than a railwav ' !li r". tir -ho it -. Drake'.- lace in a rit v j va- latnili.tr 1 y ve h t.'ri'fil a ,-tatiou tlt.it lio in!i;tit h.' o h.T i-hi foillitry fapaMx I Ml-i Ill -Oil till' iril I i. lo hit" ami ciiio i a:r. S'.H' au.l it ili i if .: i: y i 1..I.1. 1' niai:a:vs it iiio i s liy tar tin1 mo I til.- in.-vv elation ii'ii1 an- two ih -I -I ; i- i y a o:'- all' I .1 sloi a al l I at M una 1 1 1 o t"Wii has t wo I'hui i- hrs. til'l is a 1 i s !'li-.:-anl one, A roliin j,' I'ouiitry, t'hri-iM-ri'il with lit ilviuw aal i i o j i i 1 1 i tlt I i i t and there with lodges ol stone, lies between Murray ami the next sl.i tioii, I'liioti, whica is the junction will; lie- old main line. I'tiiou was firm land until the mail came, but now a illaye ol Hm) souls, with three chnrcho-, a two sbn-y school house, two elevators and two hotels is perched on a knowl. Kolow Murray is Wyoming, situ ated m lioneral an uyck's own domain, anil then comes Nebraska City, best known to travelers as the site of the distillery, the cereal mill and the Hotel Watson. For the present the short line tram runs between this city and I'nion, backs to the Webster street depot, but this is only a temporary arrangement to pound the track down hard. Supreme Court Decisions. Kverett vs. Tidball .V Fuller, error from Cass county, affirmed. Opin ion by Chief Justice Maxwell. I'nder section H7.' of the code the deposition of a witness may be used only in the following cases: "1. When the witness does not reside in the county where the action or pro ceding is ponding, or sent fortrial by a change of venue or is absent therefrom. U. When, from age, in firmity or imprisonment, the wit ness is unable to attend the court. or is dead. H. When the testimony is required lipoma million, or in any other case where the oral examina tion of a witness is not required." li. When a deposition is offered to be read in evidence, it must ap pear Ui the satisfaction of the court, that for any cause specified in sec tion 'A71, 'lie attendance of the wit ness cannot be procured. I f the wit ness is openly within the county al the time of the trial and is not pre vented by age, infirmity or imprison ment from appearing in court, his deposition cannot be substituted for his personal presence to give testimony if the adverse party ob ject to such ileposition. It. Where no objection is made in the motion for a new trial and the verdict is excessive, the objection cannot be considered for the first time in the supreme court. 4. A draft payable to the order of the payee and endorsed iu blank by him and delivered to a tuird party is thereafter like a negotiable in strument payable to bearer, and the title will pass by mere delivery. Loder vs. I .odor, appeal from Cass county, affirmed. Opinion by Chief J nstice Maxwell. CJ In an action to set aside a deed made by a father in his dotage to his youngest son, held, that the tes timony tended to show tindiKi in lluence on the part of the son and that the falher was not iu a mental condition to transact important business. 'J. The judgment is supported by the weight of evidence and is nf tinned. Connor vs. Draper. lirror from Cass county. Af'lirnied. Opinion by Mr. Justice Norval. "Where, in an action tried to jury there is evidence to sustain the ver diet the supreme court will not set it aside and grant a new trial be cause the bare preponderance of the evidence seems to be against the verdict. Held that the instructisns fairly submitted the issue to the jury. When documentary evidence is excluded on the trial, the same must be incorporated iu the bill of excep lions in oruor mat tins court may review the rulings of the trial court thereon. W. II. Holin vs. Coon Vallery wa on trial before Judge Archer thi morning. The case was taken un dor advisement. Holin contraetei to work lor Vallery for thre months, but quit before his con tract expired. lie now brings suit (or wages for the time coutrai calls for. The "Short's" and the "White's struggled for supremacy at the ball park yesterday for a purse of if'.t, the "Short's" winning by a score oi i.i to i. lilt feature ot tin-game was the brilliant manner in which the "White's" generally succeeded in mulling the ball. James Deweer was arraigned be fore Judge Archer this morning charged with being drunk and dis orderly. He was fined $. and costs A colored man was arrested on the , charge oi being a suspicions char ' acter bnt was discharged. witli railway work, ami ln. pro-'ami I't oot'i'U n s. Ni l ., I ii in- 7 I lii hoard mot pin ami lull lnai the Mav -o-i. aiant lo a.lii.iiT iinu lit I'l'i'srut. yiimilr- of I t' ail au.l ,i.jiit,,'l ill' iMl-ilH'-S was i',u'Mlar form, .tau- an.l.'.ii' in rr. irom 1 to loo ,,: (',,-s : .v. M. K' i.'o.. Ih in ! au.l lil 'd, ' l.ir i oiilor tiw loll. tr.ui - .KMivl iu ' . l,.'.,a i ,o t'. .. ' iril lo boinl- I l'iM!llt to till' ! ' iliio wa- nvi !!. J. II is to ri'Ci'ivf i . ir. u'.h n- 1 1 1 i ; i : t - will 1 1 1 1 1 l i 1 1 : i ' as i i I 1 uniil mac I e maile l' lOllllllissil.il I'll i 1 ion ol ! i Is. I m I. ui. lor rediic- : at on ioi- '' ami ;i in I nan's add lo I Mat!-- ar lv, 1 was reduced i' ', the same 1 .ring t ii lt ol asses.-' bl. .Ck 'J. Si. id' I mouth lor tin from .Vmh to considered a . able assessment. On petition John Kidman was ap pointed coii-l.ihle in and for Stove Creek precinct. Contract was made willi the No- irasKa telephone t ompanv lor lir telephones for the court house il f:iXr per mouth for each tele- hone. file commissioners having recon sidered the claims for damages on hat is called the Nehawka road have allowed the following sums in full payment and the sums have been accepted as follows: 11 Weston IflliO Minerva Hoyd i (i YA Conrad Kill Win Carroll S) Alva Ilobson ."m Mrs M llruce ' CO lu consideration of which these parties who were pi tmtills m court gainst Ca.-s county have wilh- rawn their suits and are to pay all osts of said suits. Petition for county bridge on (th iinlilli streets lit tile village ol Mock Hliilfs was refused. Official bond of W. J. Laughliii, issessor of Salt Creek precinct, ap pointed May 'K l'.i'J, approved. Notice of William Weber in re gard to being engaged in the man ufacture, bottling and selling soda mil mineral waters iu Plattsinonth, mil warning all parties against ap propriating or destroying marks, bottles, brands, etc., was filed and iccepted. S.'llullish was granted a drug gist's permit for one year in the vil lage of Wabash, from date, having omplied with all the requirements of law. Official bond of John Kidman ap proved. Philip Horn was allowed 1.1 for three-eighths of an acre of ground out of the south-oast corner of sec tion l71U-i:i, taken for road pur poses. Mills allowed: bl-AKh-AI. I- IMI. C I.oder, salary ami expeii-es $ M hii Jacob Trilsch. same.. M In S W Dutti.n, same INi ii frank Dickson, -nine Iliii'ifi M 1) Ulack, rent of ollice Is nt) II Klsoii, m.lse to poor .. . I 'Iu II J Slrciuht, exp Sbite vs (niy d .'li II I'' llremlel, ph vs sal 1st 1 1 lurt i-r li C Mayes, labor and expenses Illi ill V J While, coal to count y :&l 7- Jones .V. l iterald, b-aiu lor com'rs.. l- fm John S Marl, a e or Stove Creek . . f.'l li J I' Falter, assesor I'lattsiuoutli I (leu A Hay, assessor Kluiwood 1117 IHI Dbriiiu, assessor Weepintr Water.. Ma" J C Williams, assessor iitli ward, Plaits nt Ii HIOll Henry lloeck, nnlse to poor IK 4t LchnliotT Urns, stationery Ill Ml !! Hemp.'!, janitor court house 113 11 li W Noble, salary and expenses lull INI f V Fountain, assessor South lletid. lib till S K Hall A Son, Mdse to Co I 7 I) J I'itmaii, assessor Kock lllults... 1 .7.1 so J H Fakeiibary, lulu pour, less rent ... UI 40 Omaha Printing Co., stationery.. .. iS 115 K StuzeneKKUt, iiulse to poor 1'-' ICi Anna Hurt, keeping poor 15 iK) L. 0 F'reidiiy, physician's salary . Ill 00 Joseph Crahnni, keeping poor Vi OH kees PrintiiiiiCo, stationery 3 fill State Jornal Co, simie Hi on l'liittsinoiit Ii (!us Co, kus 75 Joe Klein, nnlse to poor 7 511 C llrekenlit l.l, nnlse to Co 5" 50 Neb Tel Co, rent JO Hi I) S Draper, storing mdse for Co N 40 J K Smith, keepiiiK poor HMO II DTravis, law hooks II 5ft II I) Travis, eh reports 2 SO Sunnier Hros, mdse to poor Ill 00 L 1' (ireen-late A Co, same HI Its II I) Travis, expense... 2 I Jas M Carper, ussesinii Mt I'leasiint 110 50 X I. a rVue, ii-sessinu Liberty lis .Ml Auu Panska, asse-sinij Louisville. . Its Ho C K Wescott, mdse to poor '2 V. V Hansen, same 5(H) 1". Hanson. a--ossini It Ii ward I'latts 151 00 A (itithmaii, a-sessin 1-t ward Plaltsiuoiilh 171 F McCourt. nid-o to poor 2 bills ... HI no A W White, same II no V II Wheeler. transcript nl testimo ny 2 l.ill- 1.1 K A Kirk pat rii k. a--i'-sitiw NeliaiA ka .V) A H Knot t , print ini; 7s (ieo Hatch. tin!-e to poor ii ;'l Comn-.is-ioi.. i 1 'l. A l 1 .-Mi H la Hank ol t a Co, real 15u no M II Miirpl. .V Co, nid-o to poor. . . 15 :!n P l Hate-, uurk at court house 5120 Sam An In r. iniivini; sale 50 no W II llill.ii--, iuu F.inht Milef.rovi- Nl to J P Million, Mtlin-s St nil vsCol-ou .. IJ 20 J U Parlriibn . i are o( sick p on C lie inpt'l. I to poor 2 50 J 1 1 1' cruiis' ii At Son, t i a u i for coin'rs 11 5n ll' iiry lichrtix, a-si ssimj A voon pro. ..5 20 C Tiulte, n ossini! Coiitor pre 121 .In V. K Parnit If. team forcoiu'rs 11 ,71 A Clark, nnlse to poor 1:1 im Kred Kroehli r. iiioviun safe lo no C S Twi . as-c-sini: :ird ward, Pllllt-lll.i'llll .... l(s 00 S kichard-nii, rent fur poor Ill 20 J II Jones, helpim; to move H lift Win Wetenkiimp, rent of ollice 47 '.5 W J Liitiifhlin, as'n Salt Creek i:K sii M McFnll, ii-'iik Tipton Inn on Cost bill .-ttiti- vs h' M Peterson.... 1100 Win Tllie, bil'nif prisoners, etc Hi 15 Muriu linch, mdse to poor N 00 ,11' I ri' ll. n-'li t a i l l: u ... a mini I' ii a ,1 1. 1 , ; ,i r (' - i ,. A I. riml.liii. :i--iiv. 1.1 w.h.I. V. .I 'llll 11. II!-. I l ilt . n r ... v'-.-t lil! -i:r,- i'..l..p s.ii'i.' i ,it.. - 1 tiu 1.1. - ,y 1 1-.w .ii.i. . . 1 1 1 n St.it.- - I W Sunt li Hi H ." IH :i i tin : :i c "i li 101 t lui- Sr, T II 1 1 - a ',.-t Id" I. A K I.. l; T ..! lll-l . ll .1.1. .: Slllll- I. H ill 111. .11.111 I 1 . - II:, 'Jil ' ; -1 ;.i I 1 1 m mi , .: ! .. I. 1 I ll 1..1-I.1- a. w u :a I- ! ' 1 K-i, I'll. A. ll' l-lllll..'! I'll. I 1 .III! Ili'll' ; I I. II..:. '. .' .1 i ' . I . I . i . . . 1 . i - ,v . I '' I--"'.. "1 ll'-l A I ... -II. ,l..-i. . I 1...I. A I ... -;, oi ll ri.llt. l.tiiubri Co. ! II A M . 1 1 1 ' : . 1 1 1 . i n t i ! i 1 1 4' . U'o i . II . I ' Ao:..ll.l, If l ull ,. ii I II I. III."..' -..l, - i, ... I to. ii d ad il.iimur Ijouiued to 111. it as piah.atiou June I I. l-'lv" ANK Dk'KSi i. County Clerk board of e J. I.. Clark is v isiting hi N.Clark. n. K. A. It. Todd went out this morning. Mrs. Joseph FeUcr to Lincoln is reported dangerously sick. Mrs. Coo. Dodge left this morning for a isit iu the western part of the state. Dr. ami Mrs. li. D. Cummins re turned home this morning from a trip east. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter are re joicing over the advent of a baby at their home. O. J. and P. II. Davis, of Syracuse, are iu thocity visiting their brolher, S. A. Davis. The divorce case of May Murray s. Chas. Murray is on trial in dis trict court to-day. Mrs. W. A. Swearingen returned last nigh from Kluiwood, accompa nied by her little sister. Thus, Wiles went out to Lincoln this morning to attend the Cotner commencement exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winslow, of onesaw, are visiting at the home of S. A. Davis and family. A permit was granted to-day to Henry linker and ami Miss Anna Inhelder both of Cedar Creek. Albert Jordan, of dri-tna, Nebras- ka. has removed to Plnttsmouth and is in the employ of the lilectric Light Co. Chas. Yates, superintendent of the telegraph system in Nebraska, with headquarters at Lincoln, was iu the ily to-day. Chas. Leach, manager of Carruth ot Son's jewelery store al McCook, trrived in this city last night for a two weeks' visit. A permit lo wed was granted to lay by Judge Iv'aiusoy lo J. F. Wel lington and Miss Hattie Latham. The ceremony will occur to-morrow it l'J o'clock. W. C. Show-alter severed his con nections with the district clerks office Saturday and departed with his family yesterday for a visit with friends in Iowa. Word was received in the city to day from W eeping Water that Miss Abbie Itoardsley had died from ty phoid fever. She was a daughter of J. M. Itoardsley, formerly of this city. Died. Mrs. Hell, mother of Mrs, Walter white, passed quietly away Satur day night at the home of her daughter. The deceased was over eighty years of age. The body was taken this morning to Kulo, over the M. P., and will be buried by the side of her husband. Fred lirickson and Amotiia Stock well were granted a license and Judge Kainsey then and there mar ried hem. They had in their pos session the written consent of the girl's parents. They were both sworn and said that the bride was of age. This afternoon the mother o' the girl made her appearance and said that the girl was only six teen years old. She nor her litis band had never given their consent to the match and also that Un written consent was written by somebody iiosidos Horse! I or nor husband. After she thought over the matter and the penalty the cou pit would suffer she concluded to let the matter drop. THOS POLLOCK R W HTERS Notary I'iiMu- & Alistiia-ti-r .Nolielto Real Estate, Loaii and Insurance Agent If you have real estate to ell or exchange send ii description, price and terms. Ab tracts of title furnished nimble rates. at roan- f l'Hi.lXKl to loan at "74 percent and no commissions, on good farm security. POLLOCK & IIYKKS l'LATTSMOUTII N'KB, ODlce under Can County Dank, p you- (tiling to Sju'iul l ho A (ili.rio ii Y o ii i' t h uiih ii-? Makr our 'tori' your I lead qua r tors tor vou ". ill find avc can take care of yout AT 1 And when it conies to furnishing you with the necessaries of the occasion we are StricHf In If We have now opened an inline uce stock of Fireworks, Flags, Etc. At Prices cheaper than any one. N THE- Al E A K T I M E We can safely say we have a larger and better line of F YOU ARE- I in' : HOOKS, STATIONKKV, TOYS, CHILDKIiNS WAGONS Ml'SICAL INSTKPMKNTS HIHLKS, AND HASH HALL GOODS Than any house in the county. he Purest and most Ke fresliihir Soda Water in town. Lehnhoff Bros, FITZGERALD BLOCK, Plattsmouth, - Neb. e was oauiy cm. 4-$.?eai