Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 05, 1892, Image 5

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    SrTHE -
1 John Meyer Secures a Jag,
Then Beats His Wife.
1 i
..... . Mi:Mnr lanart
IX E CALL your attention tome iac; mat uur j
YY ment is complete and that we can show you more pattern
he's , more flowers and more ornaments in all kinds of novel
- . .....i! a ., on r,f tha millinery stores put
; ties in me line 01 inunucij (wiuo mau
ogether. We buy all of our millinery goods in large quantities and we
can theni at about half prices. Before you buy a hat call on ua and ex
amine our prices. This ia a new department with ua and everything ts
10 dozen childrena hate worth 40c
' or 15.
10 dozen childrena sailor hata
worth 75c for 27.
10 dot lace hata all the leading
ehapee worth $1 for 30c.
, 10 dozen ladies straw hata worth
.- y'rc for 19.
Jr '10 doz ladies fine lace braid hata
10 doz laciea finest lace braid hata
worth $2.00 for 79.
10 doz fifneet lace braid hats worth
j 3.00 for 1.S9.
10 doz trimmed hata worth from
12 to 6 for 98c, bankrupt stock.
6 doz ladies tins trimmed hats all
leading shapaa worth $2 for $148.
5 doz fine trimmed hata worth f3.R0
for $1.93. , a t,
win fine natterti hata wortu f.)
for 2.98.
5 doz fine pattern hata worth $7
4nr OH
S doz fine Dattern hata worth $10
5 doz fine nattern hata worth $15
The Remains of the Late H. P. Shrl
ner Were Laid to Rest To
dayOther Newa
About the
The second ward is again troubled
with a fiend, in the shape of a wife
beater--and of all fienda this par
ticular kind of a fiend is the most
John Meyer, living in Shaferville,
put in the afternoon yesterday try
ing to find out how much alcohol
he could get on the outside of, and,
if reports are to be relied upon, he
made away with a considerable
amount of the stuff. After he went
home last night he found some-
for 7 and 8. thing that didn t suit mm ana com-
2 doz finest pattern hats worth $15 menced taking out his spite on his
for 12 15. : jj a defenseless wife the one he had
5 doz the finest embroidered don- M iQ love cheri(sh and pro.
nei8dWo0zbhan2kCrup, X Tamoshan- tect-by striking her in the face and
ters choice for.26c knocking her prone upon the floor.
After Blip had lain there some
Remember that you can buy two hat at the Boston Stare for time and failed to come to, he be-
I came alarmed and started down
the price of one at any other millinery Btore. town for medicai aid Dr. schild-
knecht arrived and found a gash
above the left ear.
Such inhuman monsters sheuld
receive the extreme penalty of the
law, and a little more on top of that.
Meyer told Officer Fitzpatrick that
Ua fa. lm ilia mmrltA ann
T J J 11 l 1 i i .1 ' 1 J J t l I IUC ICUBUI1 1C DU UL& Wilt WHO
Drees Mods and all the latest things in wash dross goods, and all the . maa ,., ,r
latest thing in ladies and gentlemans lnrinshing g. od is complets in drinkitlffi and that he did not pro.
every respeei. p08e that his wife should run him
Under A. O. U. W. Ausnlces
TillS season has b en so dull on account ot rains that we take The funeral of the late H. P. Shrin-
ilie liberty and mark our goodsaway down that yu can not duplicate er occurred this morning at 10:30,
them any where in tee state. Our 6teck is so heavy thoi we must under the auspices of the A. O. U.
w. no, 4 arnveu on time wnn en-
Our Stock of
Spring and Summer
f t.h,
u n l o a
Watch this 'ad' for prices during the month ot May.
; Tle - Bosori - Store,
Reports Received From Fifty-eight
Countl s.
Observations lis made at Hoswell
observatory, lVmne college, Crete,
for the week ending Friday, Apt il -H.:
The week has been cold and
cloudy, but more favorable for
farm work than the preceding.
Temperature decidedly below
normal and sunshine very little;
rainfall less than half an inch, ex
cepting along the northern border
of the state, where it exceeded the
normal and in places reached
nearly two inches.
The rainfall being generally less
than normal, the ground has dried
out, allowing farm work to make
some progress. Seeding is about
completed, excepting in a few local
ities, and plowing for corn has just
commenced. A very little planting
is reported from southern counties.
Antelope All email grain ten
days or more late; very little plow
ing for corn.
Boone Small grain doing nicely,
but preparation of corn ground de
layed by wet weather; work pro
gressing well the latter part of the
Box Butte Last week's snow and
rains since have delayed wheat
sowing; not all in yet.
Buffalo Weather favorable for
farm work, but too cold to puHh
Cass A few warm , days have
brought wheat rapidly forward.
Sowing oats about finished. Apple
hlnnm rominir forward. FroBt on
29th but no damage.
Cherry Country flooded with
water; no plowing done the past
seven days; oats not all in; farm
work a month late.
Clay Farm work two or three
weeks late; farmers very busy. Wild
grass backward.
Colfax Wheat and oats looking
well; plowing for corn juHt com-
I meuced.
Cuming Wenther more favorable
for farming; p'owing for corn begun.
Custer Ground still too wet in
placea to plow for corn.
Dakota Small grain about sown;
Kept Spreading Until Ills Face Wu
a lUw Sore. He Scratched
I'ntU Mood lUn.
Beet rhynlclans Said No Cure While
Teething. He Was Cured
rromptly by Cutlcura.
Bomathloj orr two yaara afo, ear boy, then ln
Ihaa od jeai ok), waa troubled with an truptloa
on hit head, prooonnoad. by our brat pbjralciaiia to
bo cM of ' milk cruit or tnfaoula aciama."
Thajr alao uld that It would b Irapooalbta to curt
Ituutll aftar ba had fliitahed loathing. Thi malady
kept apreadlnf until bla faoa waa a raw aor. and
otrry raw daya ba would draw hla finger Dalit down
on both chaeka, ramortna lb icaha. and tba blood
running down on hla chin mad him praaant a
haatly alibi. W oommanead uiln UiaCvriroRA
KmiDiaa, and to two weaka wa notlord a wonderful
ImproTeoMDl, and la two montha hla faoa waa Imk
id fair, and baa bean perfectly well aver alno. W
fn all eradll to Cimcoiu.
and lair, and haabaan
unheal la uni
WILLIAMS, Fort Uodga, lows.
Scaly Humor 17 years
I waa afflicted tor aarenleen years with ecaly
and blotchy hnejor orar any entire breaat. At tlaaca
I would acralck till aoranaaa aooiDalled ma to eeaaa.
After raaduii yoar adeerUeemeoU at dIBerent Nlt 100
The Onaullun Aurloulturlam'a Graot
Half Yearly Literary Competition
The fifth half yearly Literary com
petition for the winter of lS'.y
of The Canadian Agricul
turist, America's old mid reliable
illustrated family Magazine, is now
open. The following splendid priz
es; will be given free to persons
sending in the greatest number of
words made out of the letters con
tained in the words "The Illustrated
Agriculturist. Kveryone sending
in a list of not less than otw hun
dren words will receive a valuable
present of silverware.
1-t Krmid reward f &xi in gnu
-'ml .. .Krund piano, vhiiicii t f:t
artt lAVHnKold
till Organ Velw-il tit IMS
flUt III gold
6tlt (lenli gold watrh f nil Jrwelle
7111 " ' LaiIIps gold walcll
th fM In Rold
Dill Pinguid
10 rew irde of llo mrh .ia
Htxim prlzn JO allrur tfa itts quitdrupla)
pinir wMirit'itru
tloea, 1 concluded lo (Ira Cuticcka trial, and, to
my aatonlahmantaa wall aa eaUtfeeUoa. I waa cured
with one eat of Cirri euaa Kanaoiit, In about two
and a Sail weaka. That baa been Dearly two yeera
ainoe, tod no iyatptums of retnra.
AVAin Diuan.n.t-ai,
M10 Pain rJlreet, Si, Louta, kto.
Cutlcura Resolvent
The saw Blood and Bkln Purifier, Inlernally, and
Cuticuba, tha fraat Skin Cure, and Cut i CUBA
Boap, the eiqutiile Skin Beeullfler, eiternajly, In.
ttantly rellee and apeedlly euro every dleeaaa and
humor of the akin, eoalp, and blood, with loea of
hair, bom Infancy to ago, from plmplet to eeroiula.
Bold everywhere. Priea, CuncrjmA, Me.; Boap,
ie.: KjaeourmT. St. Prepared by the Porras
Daim ao CaiaiOAL Cobpokatioh. Boa too.
M Jafea,M
ad free.
AM llnw IjiISim flklft IttMUM "
IBaauattona, and 1U0 leeUmooUla, mailed
PLKS, blMkheada, red, rough, ehappad, and
II ouy aua curea oy uutiovba boat.
Back Aoho, Kidney Paul, and Weak,
neaa, Boreoeee, Laonnan, Sualna, and
Pain raUeved la oaa wilaaU by tha
CbUcbj AaaVrala ruattur.
Scotts Bluff Wheat coming up
and looks well; oat sowing on hand,
ground very weL
Seward Seeding nearly finished;
spring wheat and oats looking weM;
plowing for corn progressing
Sheridan Seeding over half
done; fall wheat doing fairly well; to The Agriculturist.
Nrxi ou prim AO illvcr dewiprt apooni war
ranlril heary plmo
prizes 100 nllTcr butter dlatieaets
irrant' d hpafy plHte.
MextrtooirlzeciiiiiHinnf tK-ary plated liver
kettln butter dlelim, fruit baikfla, blaealt
Jar nugar elif lie, buttrr knlvca etc all fully
warrant' d aklng h tot tl of t npleudld ra
wanla the value ! which will augriat
) .sou.
This grand literary comgetitioa
is open to everybody everywhere.
The rollowing are the conditions:
1. The words must be construct
ed only from letters in the words,
"The Illustrated Agriculturist" and
must be only such words as are
found in Websters unabridged
dictionary, in the body of the book
none ot tlie supplement to be used.
2. The words must be written ia
rotation and numbered 1, ', 3, and
so on, for facilitating in diciding
the wituiers.
3 Letters cannot be ased oftenor
than they appear in the words, Ths
Illustrated Agriculturist. For in
stance the word egg cannot be used
as there is but one 'g' in the thre
4 The list containing the largest
number of words wilt be awarded
first prize, and so on in order of mer
it bach list as is it is received wi
be numbered and if two or more tit
the first received will be awarded
first prize, and so on, therefore the
iH-netit ot sending in early will read '
ily be seen.
Kuch list must be accompanied
by $1 for six months subscriptioa
An entire city by itself Teu times larger than ever..
gine No. 240 artistically decorated
with the emblems of the order. A
number of the A. O. U.W. of Lincoln
accompanied the corpse to this city, I plowing for corn commenced.
The remains were met at the depot Dawes Ground too wet to plow;
i .
by the relatives and about 200 mem- little seeding done this week.
bers of the A. O. U. W. of. this city. Dawson Wheat doing well;
The funeral procession started for ground in good condition for plow-
Oak Hill cemetery headed by the U. ing for corn
A M . hnnri. At the rrrave Rev. Oal-1 Dixon Grass Started so far as
lnurnv. nf flip Christian rhtirrh. In furnish a livinir to stock,
made a few remarks and offered an Plowing for corn begun
earnest prayer, after which the im-1 Dodge Wheat and oats late nnd
pressive ceremonies of the A. O. U. I cold, cloudy weather of week rather
W. were read by Master Workman injurious,
Frank Vcrmelyea and D. D. G.
ter Workman F. K. White.
Huire Worlds Museum, Caravan, Hippodrome, !
K of Wild and Living Anuiif
Menagrie and Congress
a Is.
Tarlor Is Coming.
On Saturday, May 14, we are again
to have the ever-welcome J. F. Tay
lors Great American circus,
museum and menagerie, who will
spread their city of canvass in
Plattsmouth for one day only.
They need no introduction to our
citizens or friends in the vicinity,
as their former visit gave the best
of satisfaction. This year the show
has been greatly enlarged nnd now
they claim the best one-ring circus
in America. They carry fifty star
performers, including John Hatch
lor, champion leapcr of the world.
In the menagerie will be seen the
baby elephant, only ten months
old. The parade will take place nt
noontime, a sight worth coming
miles to see. The prices are cheap
and nlmost anyone can afford to at
tend. So let's all turn out and give
Taylor a rousing crowd.
Dundy Wheat sowing about fin
ished; oat sowing well advanced;
no serious damage from the cold
Fillmore Wheat and oats doing
well; some plowing for corn.
Franklin Farming delayed by
cloudy, rainy weather; very little
corn planted.
Furnas Karly apple blossoms in
jured by frost; weather cloudy,
with but little rain.
Gage Seeding about completed;
some corn planted.
Hamilton Ground cold and wet;
small grain doing well, but grass
hardly started.
Harlan Colder than usual for
the season; wheat bachward.
Hitchcock-Wheat, barley and
oats about all sown; a very large
Holt-Seeding all finished and
crops in advance of last year at this
Sherman Plowing for corn has
been retarded by wet weather.
Stanton-Seeding not finished
and proceeding slowly; early sown
up and looking well.
Thayer Fruit prospects good ex
cept for peaches. Ground too wet
to plow for corn: winter wheat is
looking ft tie.
Valley Ground dried out by high
winds and crusting a little, seeding
Washington Farm work pro
greasing rapidly; fruit prospects
heeler-Oats nnd barley all in
and not injured bv the late rain. A
little plowing for corn done.
York Average spring weather;
growing crops progressing rapidlj
Goodw in D. Swezey,
G. A. Lovkland, Director.
Weather Iiureait Assistant.
The following men have kindly
consented to act as Judges: J G Mac
I'onahi, city clerk, reteruorougn,
Canada, and Coniodore Calcutt, Pet
Our last competition wot $li"ja
prize an right, n n I'ranuoa
Vancouver, H. C. Thanks for $T0
prize G W Cunningham Donald B
C. Prize receized O. K. J 1) Haptie
West superior, Wis. $100 prize ree'd
Thanks G V Robertson, Toronttj;
and 300 others in United States and
This ia no lottery merit only will
count. The reputation for fairness
gained by the Agriculturist in the
past is ample guarantee Unit the
competition will be conducted ia
like in miner, fcrnd ,ic stamp tor,
full particulars to The Agricultur
ist, Peterborough, Canada.
The Great Weakly Competition of The
laaiea Homo Journal
Which word in this advertise
ment spells i he same backward sb
forward." 1 Ins lr a rare opportunt
ty for every Madam, Miss, every
lather nnd son, to secure a spleudid
WEEKLY I'KIZES livery week
throughout this great competitioa
prizes will ue uisiriuuteii as towows
The first correct answer received
To Meet In Lincoln.
Judge Ramsey received a notice
from the county judge of Rock
county one day last week informing
1.:... .t.,.4 . 1. ..... ......1t I... n ..i.w4 tn.r
u mi ...t uk .c " ,B postmark date on each letter to
ot all tlie county judges oi me be takcn a8 the ,atc reccived.)at the
state in Lincoln May 18, at 12 office of the Ladies Home Magazine
o'clock, for the purpose of forming ( each and every week during
I 1 Ulrll .... 1 , mil'4l . Ihn intrnnrl lnrrit
n.nral nn nf eniintT iiulircs. ""- " "-V" '
and also taking some concerted
action in the way of asking the
legislature to make necessary
changes in the probate Jaw. Judge
Ramsey said that when the probate
law was passed the legislature
failed to provide for reimbursing
the county iudire who was com-
answer, $100; the third $T0j fourth
a beautiful silver service; lifth, live
o'clock silver service; and the next
SO correct answers get prizes rang
ing from $25 down to $2. nvery
fifth correct answer, irrespective of
whether a prize winner or not will
get a special prize. Com
petitors residing in the southern
states as well as other distant
points, have nu equal chance with
plowing for corn in north half of pelled to keep separate accounts of tnoHe nMm.r )lonie as the postmark
Engineer Ford's Story.
Flngineer Ford of the ill-fated
passenger train that was wrecked
Sunday morning, had his right
hand badly injured and his head
considerably bruised and cut. He
stated to-day that as his engine ap
proachedthe fatal culvert they were
ranning down grade at a speed of
from thirty to thirty-five miles
an hour. Fireman Shriner was sit
Jefferson Plums in bloom; plow-
. ii-
mc going on rapiuiy.
Kearney No rain during the
week; farmers busy plowing lor
Keya Paha Another bad week;
two thirds of wheat and very few
oats sown.
all probate matter. It causes the
eoiintv iudtres a trood deal of
i nf J r-i
trouble; besides, they are out sev
eral hard-earned dollars at the end
of the year.
will be authority in every case.
RULES hach nstoi answers mast
be accompanied by $1 to pay for
six months subscription to one ot
the best home magazines in
References "The Ladies Home
Magazine ia well able to carry out
its promises" Peterboroug (Cana
da) Times. "A splendid paper, and
financially strong" Hastings i,can-
4 hi
TNOTli-Owlnii to arrangement made by the American Showman's Pool League
will be the only grr at ah.
iow to viKit Cbhh county thin year.
$10 000 T2w giTe the beat circuB performance ever seen in the west
A show to think and talk about. The greatest number of favorites
ever assembled ander canvas. A great holiday ot rest ana recreation
for every one,
culvert, remarked
body of water down there
dangerous." With that he crossed
to the gangway on the right side of
the engine, and was looking ahead
when the fatal crash came. Ford
sayB he don't remember how he got
out of the cab himself, but thinks
he jumped or was thrown from the
cab window, as he was sittingdown
looking out of the window when
the engine went down
The Union Furniture company of
Union, this county, aliave arranged
for a grand opening. The follow-
I . a a a I 1111111 Will
ia-wuirtW;M fcna nrnfrrPBflOfi i nua aiar. "ttverv prize winner win
JLIlUA 4MHII1 a 1" 1. , I. ' . i..A V. U J
V" ""e"did P, .. eite-mn .o
condition. ....... . .., Register. Money should be sentby
Ian-Wheat looks small for you a speciu. ft . or(ler registered letter.
n I a 1 . I a AH Wn I ai art n i m air i I ' . . a.
this season of the vear: fall grain is e?""'""" Asdress the Ladies 1 ome Magazine
----- - at wiucn tunc c k.' peterboroagh, Caaada.
" I niiciliuu 111 uui lijuoivMi x... ... . 1 1
. 1 , . . I . 'v.. . 1 ,. I '
Loup season two weeis late; ment. we naveengageu muBit-iaua
trom AUDurn ana tne union uuu
nnd will make it a day of genuine
who attena.
children at home."
t wu ciuwf, 1 Por Sala.
The SeVi Sec, 14, T. 10, R. 12. For
terms apply to K. a. ninunam, 1
ting on the seat on his side of the I grain in splendid condition; eeed-
Icab, and, as they approached the ing not all done; very littlejplowing !"?0W"'". fG" an
irked: "That's a big for corn. Little grain not up but rjon t leave the child!
Natary ftiblle a AbMrtctar Baiicii
Beal Estate, Lean and Insurance Ageit
) artistic entertainment.
Register of Deeds C. C. Parmele
We guarantee to all a most enjoyable, moral, refined and I and County Attorney Travis are I well; corn planting has begun
Nemaha Cald and wet;
with white frost on Friday.
Nuckolls Wheat stooling out plattsmouth, Neb.
well and getting root, but needs , c,ub.
warm weatner irom tnie on. . ,., n, 41B Vnnir Mun'a
I aT&tl 111 IU IV, O M aawM.aa, -
pawnee uats not an sown; a ver7 Re blican club are urgently re
little mm nlanted. Small trrain nnpnted to be in attendance at a I
sprouting well. meeting ot tne ciud at tne council
. a Mitimtiap 1 nil ru in v fvrnuiir. ii t v tj.
Platte-Wheat and oats very back- --- f Btwinew of rm-
ward; most farmers plowing lor DOrtance uy order of
rnrn. I. L. ROOT,
Vi11nnrSma11 crrain dninty M. N. URIFFITii, PreSiaeni.
If you have real estate to sell ar
exchange send usdescription, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
$100,000 ta loan at 7 percent as
no commissions, on good
form security.
moving this afternoon into their
new quarters at the court house.
Richardson But two sunshiny
davs: farmers far behind with their
, , . , mm W I Hual lcI B Bl luc vuuri jiuuse. uays; iarmero lar ueuinu 1
ML' Tee - rllgHw - W - tlie - CIOUIS - baCI - -Jay m The county clerk expects to move work, all grain doing well
iIwo Performances Daily
eU' I --.1 Mi... f- DUL..'
Rock-Continuosrain;theground WMIQrco iur riB-nw viw..
OBce uide r Can Cannty liaok,
Doors open at 1 and 7 p. tn. performance commences one hour later.
Don' let other advertisements mislead you:
we never dissappoint,
Admission to both circus and menagerie only 25 and 35 cents.
Iowa ia now out of debt, the re
turn of the direct tax money having
sufficed to cancel her last bond, and
she will celebrate the event by
giving a decisive repablican major
. . .
in one immense swamp 01 wmcrj
wheat damaged somewhat.
Saline Grasses and winter grain
Saunders Little corn ground
j plowed, most corn will be "listed
WfcaoBabfwaaatrk, wa f aa bar Oaatonav
WVao aba waa a Child, aba ariad tor Caatoraa,
Wbaa aha baaana Htaa, aba aluof to CaatarU,
Waac aba bad CblMraa. tbMd Caataria,
A MONTH enn be made wotk-
injr tor ua. 1 t rnona prelerrea
hIi a horoe anil Rive tseir
bnclneaa. pH
lulv pmtilovau ii
iVw vacanciea In town arid cities, H. r.
ohnaoti, A Co. ) and Mum ot. Kiclimond,
$1510 250
who ran furniHli u
whole time to the biicine". hpare up-
m. nt mnv be Drotitulv employad ulwo, A
Oats sown but two weeks late.
ity in -November.