Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 31, 1892, Image 4

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KonirlliliiK. ,
A aninrlliititt hovers In (lie nlr.
Anil poimao't-r the iiniii't lroi,
Ahil ri.hw il.ti tin- Instil rloi..!,
Vft ttHlll liO fltl IF) t' I'Nf ran h-:
Hut In the ii k-r, iinnril iIit,
It in A .r.--ru.' DAt't't mi'l I rue.
That tll! tin- unlvtro w illi J..y
Ami ak-tlit luriu Willi impulse tii'wl
A Koini'tliiiiK 111 tliu fun "4 wiinl.
It Mcnri'i ly uiny be lumril a, voire,
Yi-t frltrn-il rnpll.tH licar iNrall,
Anil In their IiiiikIiiv lieiirl e
A mililile litH r In t lie breeze,
So soft. It MH'ins Hplrll'fc l.rmth.
Vet livillosn buudit, Kiow tri-mulou
Willi M-titiiy at wlint it naitli!
A Kinielliln rim llh the morn,
Anil Intern with iIii'miu'h lmt rajr,
llriiikK rupture to the ulliuil tiiu'Pit,
Ami luMer to llm xliinliiK iluy.
With yeaniliiK, Imlf of lilixs ami pnln,
It awi-lln my hi'iirt, nml, womlrrliiK,
I ink, What rau It n-7 A liird
riiiiiotut toy win. low, "It In Hprlnu!"
ZUt-lln (,'o k lu Yonlh'8 Companion.
The Vtuj tiul Kiilate ioe l'p In Creole.
The other day a Denver man stepped
from the train, saw a lot ho thought lie
would like, ami asked tho owner, who
of course just "happened" to bo stand
ing near, what ho would take for it.
"Ono thousand dollars," was tho re
ply. "Well, I'll we you again hliortly. 1
want to look about and get my bear
ings." After inquiring tlie prices of various
other lots he concluded to take tho first
one. Ho had liecn gone but an hour,
and felt a satisfaction at being ublo to
do a little business so soon after his ar
rival, and remarked to a companion:
"This is a hummer and no mistake."
To tho owner ho said: "I've concluded
to take your lot. Have tho pajiers made
out and we'll go up to tho bank and get
the money."
"The price has gono up nince you were
here. It is now $l,:toO," quietly re
marked the owner.
"Three hundred dollars an hour!" lie
giwiied, and was carried to tho train.
The pace was too killing. Such activity
in realty and building has rarely 1een
seen, even in Colorado. The buildings
in Jimtown have arisen like ratishnxmis
over night. An absence of a couple of
days, and ono would rub his eyes to lie
sure he was awake, so great i the
change. Cor. Denver Sun.
Waterproof Hlioet.
Every winter Bees a now idea in shoe
making to avoid wet and cold feet. The
cork sole has outlived three or four in
ventions and semns very iopular, but
the fashionable idea is now to havo oil
skin lining lietween the uppers and the
ordinary lining. This effectually keeps
out the cold and wet, and by doing away
with all ventilation and retaining the
perspiration a considerable amount of
warmth is acquired. The plan is proli
ably open to certain sanitary objection,
and residents in suburban districts far
removed from granitoid or oven plank
walks, nro willing to take a few chances
in order to get down town with dry feet.
In Canada they have a simpler and
much cheaper way of securing the same
result by using a very thick sock madu
i i.. .... i . .... . ...
n mKKi jiiiipami iniiinoani, wnicli re-
quires an immense, miiimnt of water to
walkthrough. It is doubtful whether !
anything lint good rubbers will imiss
muster from a medical standpoint, but
so long as some peoplo have a jM-ejudi
against weiiring them, everv winter v ; !
probably nee homo new invention tot ., i
their place. Interview With a SL o
Spirit l:iiiilin;H h, f Mni-p.
At a n-ance in a resilience in
tho Hurt hern p:t of Millersburg om
night, r-N' the circle was funned
under liioj.-Ln. of the jr.cdi'jlil, iecui:ir
tappine were henid on t !u fable s if
solll( t. ii'.'ir;
UlessiUM'. '1 :
r.'lih'o.l.l '.
ing to tin. r.'j
by (HI I V e,
I. How s Ve.";!
Si-vei.-d i.:.
eived, Ihe (
h o! Titor Were sending 'i
' l' hv.f-'q-hi'pcratoMit'iho
Wi--' ; .11. f ;i;id ,...,.,.
(Hvl.-fcd t'icy were mad"
i ''..U'T Vi'il'1 Mvi.ud t
!:. .c:, M-if ic
1 mi,.,!,. (!;..r
lived ii:,l,. on '1 !., ii
aid he v.Mtiled t t.ilk to Mi-s A
whereupon that y..i;n!; lady i.j t',,., 4,d,'
pr.iiiq.rly f.iiut.-l at:, l.h,v ,;,,.
ll!iall,.I1,;1sll,,i!mel,...wa iI.e;ad IV,-i
the dissilivti. d s:u, !t. Jt is r;;,id th"
young 1-idy in qtt( 1:i ;l (1,,ir
li-ieud, who was an expert on...'..!.. l, .
oieil some
years ,,,',. i..,,.
Tit tslmrg Di-p;, (,.),
tiooil rr (i,H s.,,,1,.
There is a great revival Ki!: i,,
'vin.n,!t, V'ednv.-;(i..yi.i::ht ilieun(vrs
'."in got up i,i juu-ting and said :'-I!r t!i
I'm the man who furnish-d ih
'"Than nsylnm will, Ini.nt (lt twa-VJ
'nts n jiound when it wasn't w..rt;
When he sat down another , n,A ?
I'n.l said; "lircthrcii, I want
'otnake a de,,,, breast of ,t. I'm t!i,
.... ...,...,-, .,. meat mat he furnished
' the orphan ,-!,. l'niy for us!"
Atlanta Constitution.
A SIlo Man', f, ,. '' ,
A wealthy Maine man vl,;, u. I I
j-nimrried made 1: a
' luVv,f0 "r ;;..;, ! ,a
S.M. aferwa.-ish,. u,, s.elde.dy i U
.li.she m d. It ,s m.wsaid that all ' K.u
- l"Ol.ry Wl!! 1;,T i,,.,,,i
and i sc.htf,
ner iiusLanJ will
J'K.i.wry or Tr M,,lt. I
A tui-qlloise mine has 1 , ii di.-eoverod i
near the town t.f lbrahim-olga. iMlt !
fifteen miles from Saniarcand. This is '
said to 1 the third turquoise mine found '
iu Ccutral Asia.-Xew York Journal. !
William Tulliver ami Minnie Stack
house were recently married on horse
back in the ruin at nibt .t p....i:
1 lie minister stood on the dnr.rtm, n,.. I
couple said they were rainsoaked and I
had too fur to e. to IOUA tid.u I
One of the largest camelia plants vr j
V.iown is now growing iu a nursery imMr
.TlfVlltifwrVut,, Pn..L...l ft 1
in a
...g.ualu, iugmuu. j quite Ml8 a
lwge greenhouse. Some 2,000 binls have
Wn trimmed from the tree, and it still
1m 6,000.
The Mruin of VI uthrouiii.
Tlmt riclicioux ftiiiL'us irrowth f,cun-
tificullyciilM byHliiHinlstratiKA naui
I but commonly kn..wi m tli itm-lir uti,
I is just Ix'iimii! to cuiito j if nil v
' into the local tnMi kt-ts, tttnl tln-y'ure in;-
pareil to stay till Into into lli Tail.
TIiokm which urc found in tli vcj!
table i.tnll.i in Washington market are
of uriiiii cul'.iiro ami are now wiling
at nUmt miventy-live cents a jkuiikI. A
tn mth Bro they liruiifjiit $l..Ti n jkuiikI,
anil a month lieiice fifty cents or even
1 1 nm will buy a pxxHy hhiii1v (if thi nu
tritious and deliciotm white sti-nmioil
ami brown tiix(l funi.
Said tho rudily faced ami white apron
ed niarketinaii to 1110 today between the
Iu IT of his perfecto:
Ye. I Rell A l'iumI ln.-mv Tnimlirnomq
j wpociiilly during Lent. Thoso that
Cfiine in now aro raised in liotlioiiKes in
I mm Is underneath the plant shelves and
they come j.rctty hinh, although they
are KHi"B down in price lately, I havo
sold thein as hi'h as throo dollars a
pound. Later on in tho Nprint; wo net
them from the farmers and utliurs who
raiso them in their cellars, in shaded
places and even in caves, and during
warm weathur men and women ami
boys and girls who gather them in
fields ami pastures bring them in to tho
city. Then wo Bell them for almost
nothing as low us ton conta a pound
soiiiet lines. Mont of our customers who
buy mushrooms are peoplo of means,
ami although we sell m'eat nnntilitii. of
i -
them, the peoplo as a wholo don't seem
to appreciaia ami nmierHiaua tneiu, us I
should think they would."
Tho jolly inarketman is right, for
mushrooms aro not appreciated as they i
should I. Many people have eaten '
ninshrooms ouly when the canned arti- !
clo has lieen served sprinkled sparingly
over a steak. There is a vast dilforonce
between tlie canned mushroom and the
crisp, frosh and apin'tiising fungus that
one can now buy in any of tho large
markets. Now York Telegram.
How It It Done la Chlaa.
Though tho Chinese dinlomntiut.
slowly, there are some Chinese manda- !
rins whoso ways are expeditious and
sumniftry. Untvr the auspices of Chang
Cliih-tung foreign enginwirs are pros
pecting in the neighborhood of Hankow.
They were commended the other day by
the viceroy to tho care and protection of
a minor mandarin. Thia personage,
rooted In the traditions of tho past,
viewed tho advent of the "Famjui" with
Ho penned a remonstrance, netting
forth that it would be unsafe to allow
tho earth dragon, who has lain undis
turbed Binco tho time of Confucius, to
do proianely tampered with. Thoeouti- '
try folk, ho explained, were a rough set,
who, on Rocing strange men with strange
iastinuients in their hands probing ami
peering into tho earth, would lie sure to !
bo roused to mischief, and as ho pro- '
fussed himself powerless to restrain the 1
riot that might ensue, ho prayed his ex- i
cellency to reconsider tho matter. ' j
The viceroy took in tho situation at a '
K '" IJ" wr",,) 'I'lv to say that, I
"liWmM('u us the local oilieial did not!
h,m,u 0l,ml to ''"l1' witn Ul,) situation,
,10 wa vo deputies, with loats .
u'"1 fu"0W,',N' IVord the foreigners '
Haf" uml Hiiit:iljlo escort-all at tho ex- !
1H',,W "f t'") remonstrant. Their visit
is said to havo cost the worthv nine-is
trato some .C7o0. and since then Chang
Chih-tuug has not beeu troubled with
any inoro remonstrance from tho zeal
ous defender of tin. earth dragon. Man
chester (England) Kxauiiner.
I'l l 1,-1. 1 ful .Mr. MiiKteiii.
The truiy deinocratic form of our
govermiici.t, in which "ono man is as
good ns mint her,'' was illustrated in a
i lilile incident nt the Capitol the otl.u r
.flay. A Milicuimiiilt. e of llm hoii.Ne a) -I
proj-riatioiis cc-iamitiee having char;;.'
t.f certain branches -f the Jii.-.n k t c
I 'i r,di!n:v:i had U-fo.-.j t!i"iu leccntly
t!:.-t I'.istingui.i'.n d cifien of tho 1U: !. id
j of (Yhilnbi.;, the oiuci.d dug c;.ti h.-:'.
hii.jwn as i oiiiuini:i..u-r I'.iiislem, wi! it
tho purpose of sl;ci,i. down Ids salary
from t!io iuioc-'!y sum of r j ,200 a year
to ;-.i. ;D.
it did Hot sli.-e. h.ivc er, and 0110 of
t'i-) members ( f th, connnitteo cxjil.iiiis
their clinngc? of heart by saying that be
foro thecxaiiiinaii.iii was concluded Mr.
Einstein so charmed the iiic'iiiImts of f hi
conimilti'o with his stories of excursions
made with senators in search of black
bass iu tho streams about Washington
that tho question of reducing his salary
was absolutely i.baudoucd.
"Wo want liim to come again," said
one of tlie committeemen, "and as for
his salary, wo would nut cut him down a
dollar." Washington Cor. Albany Jour
nal. Ka lAc.'.iiou Swliiilltt.
Tax Collector Andrew llouchou, of
Hancock, turned over as a part of his
funds to Supervisor Wheeler Jan. 12 a
queer bank note. It passed for a twenty
dollar bill, ami but for the watchfulness
if the cashier in Nichols' banking house.
i this village, it might have gone nn-
allei'.;'.' I. 1 lie cjsuv-r at nin e discov
d tint the front of the bill was ,
enty, but the back was a f.Ve. They
"e the sj'lit halves of Hui geuuiiaj
'l l.ot.s i:isted to::i ther. Til-.'
nm's jirolit will di pen.l on whether
sses the inati; to it for t wi uty dob
prolVering back up. Hy doing s,.
la i s h)
lie wil
on tli.i
taken it;
Imve ma. In lilleen dollars clear
transaction. Tho collector bad
mi tor taxes.-Hancock (N. Y.)
A new tei
anil lu Our.
it is about to be introduced
nan army, the novel feature
lat it is divisible into two
half being arranged so as
1 overcoat bv the soldiers
into the Gen
of which is tl
portions, eiioh
to be used as a
catM of rain
while on the march.
1 wir.
Hi Urif
citiwn of Pre
for six years, d
never aide tori
titting pasture.
( lirr.l Hint.
cott, Ariz., had asth
'ring which time he
eep at night except
lie took the grip
weeks ago, and
when he recovered
weeks ago, rxl " .
A I'arU Telrplimie Company.
In Paris tho idea of entertainments by
telephone has lieen so far develojied that
a company has lieen formed to provide a
theater telephone service. Instruments
are placed in clulw, hotels, cafes and
restaurants, and various iierformaw"
are constantly on tap. lly dropping a
half franc into a slot the vicarious thea
ter goer obtains communication with
nis favorite playhouse for five minute,
an 1 if be times his connection properly
he cau hear the song which hits become
the hit of the season nt a very small
churge. A private service of a similar
nature is also contemplated, and Iiefore
long it will lie quite natural for a host to
five a theater party in his own drawing
There is always a peculiar fascination
for the general public in listening by
means of tho telephone to entertain
ments which aro given at a distance.
Ono of tho most attractive features of
electrical exhibitions is always tho tele
phono section, where a number of tele
phones provide entertainments "on tap"
from theaters and concert halls. This
whs particularly noticeable at the Paris
electrical exhibition held some years
ago, and at the Lenox lycenm in New
York. The telephone section was crowd
ed all tho evening with delighted listen
ers. Electricity.
The Htrnctile for Itread In Vlniina.
The distribution of bread to the poor
of Vienna took place Tuesday between
11 o'clock and noon, in order to make
sure that only the unemployed received
alms. Though O.'.'IH) large loaves, which
had cost 1,200 florins, or 100, wore
given out, several hundred starving
plo had to go away empty handed. The
scenes witnessed wore perhaps the worst
that have occurred as yet. It was piti
able in the extreme to see wretch
edly clad women, with babies in arms,
and children, fighting as for thoir lives
for a loaf of bread, int.) which, hot as it
was from tho bakery, they cut like hun
gry wolves.
Similar scenes were witnessed at the
distribution of bread to men. About
twenty jttople fainted in the crush, and
those who saw the bitter disappointment
of the many who, after waiting for
honrs, finally received nothing, will
never forget tlie spectacle of human
misery and want. Four thousand two
hundred loaves were given away yester
day, when the crush was so enormous
that a number of poor women, with ba
bies in thoir arms, and several old men
fainted away and required medical at
tendance. Vienna Cor. London Stand
ard. A Big Ferry on Lake Mlehlgiiii.
A marine experiment of great iinpoi
tance to Milwaukee is announced. Tho
Toledo, Ann Arlxir and Northern Mich
igan railroad is akuit to build a largo
ferry steamer to test tho feasibility of
carrying trains of cars across Lake Mich
igiin from Kewanneo to Frankfort. Tho
new steamer will cost a quarter of a
million of dollars, and will lie largo
enough to carry forty freight cars, and
she' is to bo fast enough to make the
i nns across tho lake between the points
named in about five hours. The distance
is sixty miles.
Tho ferrying of cars in this manner
will result in a great saving, as
it costs from six to twelve dol
lars a car to make tho transfer
of freight from the cars to tho, steam
ers, and besides, the loss through break
ago incident to such transfers will lu
jirevenbsl. It is thought tho experiment
will prove successful, as freight trains
havo been thus transferred for years lc
tween Cajio Charles City and Newport
News, a distance of forty miles, ucro.
the mouth of Ches.ijieako bay, whore t!i i
water is sometimes very turbulent.
Milwaukee Wisconsin.
All Impel inl lieinkt.
Princrt J.ncii n Loiiaparte ha be-I
ivatlkd to Ijigland his jiivcious collec- j
tio'i of mineral iilid chemical protbiei.-..
This collecii.i'.i contau. .specimens of Hi.! .
very greatest value on account of tleir
l.nity, among these being pieces of roll
and platinum which are absolutely
Hut the gems of tho collections nro
two specimens of those exceedingly r.iie
metals irridiuiu and germanium. Tin;
former, which is worth throe times, the
price of platinum, is as large as a horse
chestnut. As to the piece of,
although smaller in size, its enormous
value will be understood when ono re
flects that, it is worth sixty times its
Weight in gold.
The whole collection was prepared in
the prince's laboratory, he making tha
most dilUcult exicriineits with his own
hands, for ho was ono of the most
titiguislied chemists of tho day. It is
interesting to note that his chief and al
most his only assistant in his chemi.-cl
researches was his wife, the princess.
New York Herald.
Two KlnuiK I'ish,
f .-I-.. ...... K. 1. t.,1 1
x n. 1 .u'- ...IV liin.'ll 11: 11 IliUI I 1
(iff the coast of Maine recent b, . ()m,
the luniphis, is the only spt ebnen of the
ki '.d ever taken in eastern wat. rs. -In
shape- it warlike a very Ln-e sun- I
fish, and its weight was about ::"!
pounds. Its b:u k was of a beautiful I
sky blue, the sides were sm.wv while,
and the fins scarlet.
The other lish, the ec.lai- of the Ca
nary islands, is common in warm lati
tudes, but has never before been taken
s far north ns in this case.
Hot h were taken at a depth of 1.0(H)
feet. P.el fast Age.
Forty-eight tons of supplies ' were
hauled from Berlin Fulls, N. II., to
Danforth's camp, a sportnuin'a resort Ht
Lake Parmachenee, Me., this season, at
an expense of $1,000. The hnnters who
visit Parmachenee live high, and some
of theni have a sweet, tooth, for !00
pounds of candy disappeared there last
There was quite a heavy fall" of snow
in Mobile Thursday, an event of great
rarity and of equally great interest to
the inhabitant. It was the first snow
in five years and the fifth in seventy
years. -1
Horses and marcs for the eastern
market from 4 to U years old, weigh
ing from 1(" "I- They mint bo fat
and smooth for which I will pay the
highest market price. Will be at
riattsmoiitli Monday April 11, one
das only. Itriny in your good
horses. Iv. 1'. KiiWH.L.
World's Fair Notes
Tlie 1'. S. Treasury Department
has decided that machinery itnport
cd to the Kxpositon from loroigcn
countries' either wholly sis an ex
hibit or to he shown in connection
with the illustration of some man
ufacturing process, shall be admitt
ed free of duty. Any raw material
imported for use in such process
must pay regular duty, however.
The Lady Manag-ers arc in com
munication with Mrs. Aubrey II
Smith, of Philadoljdiia, who com
p'lcd a book of intrcstinruiil valua
ble statistics for the Centennial con
cerning the charities conducted by
women. It is the intention of the
Woman's Hoard to take tij the work
bffrun by Mrs. Smith, and bring; it
U to date, showing; the advance
ment of women in philanthropy
during the lust decade. The Lady
Managers have already collected
much supplementary data of an in
ternational character, and are con
sulting Mrs. Smith ns to the best
methods snrrestcd dy her exper
ience in arranging- che available
District Court.
The jury brought in a verdict last
night finding; Charles ISlake guilty
as charged. Make can now reflect
while spending a few years in the
State of Nebraska vs. Michael
Ilroadback is on trial to-day to u
jury. The complaining witness
was here this morning-, but had
been spirited away before court
convened this morning-.
Left for Ashland.
Wave Allen, the representative of
the Ashland Hi-chlorid Institute,
left this morning; for Ashland, ac
companied by Jack Denson, K. Hil
stein and Win. Urn nt tier, who gx
there to take treatment for the liquor
Somoday, looking in my mirror,
I'll discover, liei-e anil lliero,
fllowly on my bead Intruding,
Sctitteiimr tlireuils of silver lioir;
Hut I do not (Link I'll murmur,
And I do Dot II. ink I'll scoKI.
Ami my In-art will not he saddened
When I see I'm growing old.
I will mnkt? no tnmetitiition
Anil no tear ill dim my eye.
TLvro will be uo touch of sadness,
Nor a vain, regretful sigh;
Youth will ho n mere remembrance,
Just u story Unit Is told
Hut I'll mil, w Mi to recall It
When I sec I'm grow ing old.
Iohidl think thai, of Life's battle.
Of the lianl, relentless grind.
There U lea nliead to conquer,
There Is mine that's left behind.
Nearer, lin n, my rust fmra lalmr
On I.II'o'b jiulli so bleak and cold.
811 the gray luiirs will be welenmo
When I we I'm growing old.
-Josenh licit Smiley.
How She Wrote It.
One of the qualities necessary to suc
cess iii any line of work is tho ability tc
think and act p radically upon the every
day questions of life.
A young woman who had charge (if
the cataloguing of the accounts of a
Philadelphia batik employed as nn as
sistant a girl apparently intelligent and
well c luc-'.t.'d, to whom she gave tho
nece-sary directions for the Work. Ono
of tho iiislrucl ions was that, while she
was to wiileout llm full name where an
abbreviation was used, she must never
l.bbreviale a name.
One day the young woman in charge
fonnd the following peculiar name and
address, neatly written out by the 113
bistunt, "Saml. Drown, frus'r'o for
George and Minnie .Section, Academy of
Natural Sciences."
Somewhat surprised at tho address,
sho asked to see the ledger from which
it was copied. The ledger read, "Saml.
Brown, trustee fur Geo. and Mill. Sec
tion, Academy of Natural Sciences."
Tho young woman had never studied
either geology or mineralogy, but when
tho matter w.nt explained to her sho
found that tho word "Section" is not al
ways a surname, and that "Geo." may
be an abbreviation for something quito
different from George. Youth's Com
panion. A lirnvp I'ilot.
Captain John Stout, a MU-issi; pi
pilot, died recently in New Oilcans.
II is life was distinguished by so viral
acts of bravery, lie was nt the w heel
of the steamer Robert E. Lee when she
was burned at Yucatan plantation, iu
bsv On that occasion he saved a score
of lives by remaining at the wheel and
holding his boat to the bank, lie re
mained on the blazing ve.Kil until the
very last moment, and only esciiH-d by
sliding down tho log chain. Captain
Stout was on Isiard the steamboat J.
W. White when he wa burned aliove
Bayou Sara iu ISSIS, and jumped over
lxmrd to escape the flames. He was
picked up almost lifeless. Philadelphia
Cbildretj Cry for Pitcher's Castorhv
Whrn Baoy ek, ' xe her Cutoria.
WLmi the vat a Child, ilie rriml for CaMoria.
Wbtn ill bfant Hit, sh elun to v'antaria,
"VtMnththadfhil-lnn ii i;jv Him, (.'atiwia
-a 3
rary tha largest lino of carpst3 ia tho
A LLofwhiohwe offer at lowest possi
Tale prices.
CIIEST dosigns ia body Brussels and.
Mo quote.
pHSTTIEST and newest designs in two
1 ply and throe ply carpets.
pVEHT pise of carpeting sold on its
merits. &EVoYN0,UTA8Nc.fthLsOOLCARPET Y0U
elioapoot graces we aro showing
1 this season will merit yc-ur attention.
CSGT your carpet now and have it
mado up ready for house-cleaning,
In our line ot
We liave the largest and be6t selected line ot Dress
Goods we have ever shown, both iu woolen and wash
goods. In all the
New Spring Shades
Serges Hew French Cighams
Henriettas, Scotch Cigham
Bedfor Cord Printed Zephers
Tliat Old Carpet
ot yours has been turned for the last time, if will hardly
stand aiiolht r such U-utinjH3 you gave it lust, siu-iii l,c.--ics
we know you nro too lei der luaiU'd to ;;-ivc if sih-!i niu.ther
.ashing. It will lea u.-dts-; ta-l; ns you ciniiot lash back
ils resju-ctiibility. Ih-ttt- discard it nlt-.otlier and h t ub
H'U .Volt one ol'lhoo cl.--int m-w :it t ..-r!- (hat we liave
A reri ivi-.l.
Will soi. 11 lu- 11jw.11 ns and ymi will Want new carju-ts, cur
tains, linens, etc.. We are head quarters tor anything in
this line, we ran h-11 yen hemp tiirpets as low as fen cents
a yard, Ingrains as low as twenty-live cents and Urussells
troiu tilty cents' upward. This is a
with us. We have handled
that we could sell theni much clu-ajier by having them in
stock we hav e discarded the former method and are nuw
able to sell them at a very low jirice, will duplicate Omaha
prices every time, kind and quality taken into consideration
l'eiui; all new u.ds we have no old designs in the line, We
have just received an excellent assortment of
We can .-ell lace curtains J r oo cents a pair upward, Irish
Point curtain.-. Tambour muslin curtains, Swiss curtains,
curtain screen in Jibuti and fancy, table silks tor draperies,
Chenille l'oilieH. Also a line line of window .-hades at
In- lowest juices.
e liave the Duest line 01 linens ever lirought to this city.
Table cloths with napkins to match, Table scarfs. Durlan
drape, bleached table damask with drawn work and hem
stitched by the yard, plain damask lor drawn work, linen
scrim, stamped linens, an elegant assortment of towels with
lancy and drawn work borders, plain and Jancy Iluck and
Turkish Towels, linen .hooting and pillow casing etc.
niri .1.. ,1
theni with sunmles but findin
, . . .
.rill . f.