v f Everything to Furnish Your House. I. PEARLMAN'S UKKAT modkkn HOUSE FUrVlliHIflG EMPORIUM. Having oiiivlvt-el t!v I V. VWckl;ich store room on Mint J Main tivrt wlu'iv lam uw loratet' can soil goods cheat er than the ehea)est h iving ju-t put in the largest stock of new goo Is ever hrilit to the city, (iasoline sdovt and fui nit are of all kindssold on the in-tallinent plan. WILL KEKP CONSTANTLY OX HAM) A Full an) Complete line o' DruTs, Medicine, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions (aresully ronipmmded ! all llour, Circulation Large. toes Reasonable, tans Remunerative. PLATTSMOUTH HERALD Is c Weekly iqI qid special secl to iCccl fqn)ilies lioqgl otit county. IF-clII. Information And Urates On Applicati on. A. B. KNOTTS BUSINESS 601 Cor Fifth PLATTSMOUTH FOR SALT OR EXGHANGA. cj ACRES of Colorado land for sale or trade for Plattamotitk real- CJ ivy estate or for merchandise of any kind. This in a bargain for o me one; the land is Al. For further particulars call on or Address T11K HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb. THE POSITIVE CURE. j) SLY BKUTHERS, M Wiirta Pqbliccioi of qlqc qs qd- MANAGEIt. and Vine St. - NEBRASKA 9U Hew York. Price 60 eta J InAx 1 D) I ) M-mAoq!! Young Hotlicrs! W Offer rw BtmfJg Mk Imiurr gafrty to Lift of Mother aU Child, ' MOTHER'S F?ieiD" Kobt fonlnem.'nf ;' ilt i'ui, llurror nuu i..sk. ifte urn .- M. t ml, nt ' V-nurr'a rrleaal" I .TTrr--.l in. i" .. ,.4.i,Htnl u, . u .i "H.i-l.iicti thai t-.isn.-.. :.f:.-niui uiiiul lu fiicn eaant. alra. ..xo Ut. jVn., .t..u. IVUl, Ul. s.-nt l-v eviio'is, thfirccn fremiti!, cm receipt of r..is i.Jtvi-ism i. -- i . ji .lri;MUfU froa, uadiii.:.o i:i:;.M.A ioit t o., ATLANTA, I". , 801 .L) HY ALL 0U..OOISTS. WEAElfJESS'H QUIOKLY.THOROU0MLY, FOREVER CURED dt a new nartectca actentilo mstnod that CHiniol fall uolesa the chiAj It berond human id. You feel Improve! the Una dT. feel aboao III f very 6hf : amin know ynuranlf a, iluv anions man lu body, uilnd aiul heart. Drains and loaaea ended. Bvary obstacle to happy niarried llferts movad. Nana force, III. energy, brain power, whan failing or lost are restored by this treat mant. All amalland weak portions of tha bod? m Urued and atrengihaned. Vlftlmipf ahnto and AiceM4ii, wtaim your inanhiiod ! Huffcrar r mm fiilly.oarwork.lll bPalth, roKln your Tutor! Uun't diKiair,f en If In the laat aUuiiifl. Uiiu't ba dlaheart enpd If quatka baverob bed you. liutibnw you that medical aclvuca and ixInoM honor Kltll rxliti hrra itn hand In hand. Vrlla lor onp Rook with riplanailoiiaa proof, lutkidattalrd frtia. Over ,(KM rff rrncea. :SI3 MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO, IT. 7. DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGON CAPSULES, Pure Cure for Wrnk Men, a proved by rt'imrtnof lundinii phy titi'iuim. HtutiiHfio In ordfriiig. I'rii'e.91. t'lilHlostie Free. fQ A A unit' and apoedy '1 fy ll r,lr" 'or Ml vet, MUM Nirlrturrand all unnntural dlwtmiyt'ii. I'rlow fliH. HREEK SPECIFIC ',;i,rd WandNklalllieaara, acrof- nloua Nnrea an(1tvphllllp AITertloaa, wlto- cmt mercury. I'nco, Ordor from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. lg WiioonaiBBtwat, MILWAUKEi, WI8. ii tin Lluuor Habit, Positively Curei gy aq:.:i;;isixi.k) dr. haires ooiotn specifiu It can bo given In a cup ot catlee or tea, nr in ir idea of 'ood. without the knowledge of the p-i hi tnklnK It; It I abHolutoly hariiilpua ami t ... HiTt a permanent ami apeeiiy cure, wIipiik-i iliepiitientUa inmlerate drlnkcror an ali-iitmlli' wic k, it NEVFR FAIL8. WeGUARANTTE uroiniueterure In ev3i y Instance, it) pagu book FREE. Arlilrealneoiiftilenre, ViOFlJ SPECIFIC CO. iHftRiot St.. ClnclMltl.0 HAYE you HB bill SCHIFFMANK'S Asthma Cure Naver fails In a-tve InxUnt mlinf In tha worst oasna, anil olfi-oia ram wlirre olhrra fall. Trial rutin r Id X of Dranlala ar J lilt lililrwi 11H. R-, ST.ilIPPAN, Ht fn.l. Ulna. Ilo you want to illlike iiiom-y? ScnJ U! ten fi'ntu iind receive a Hiitn- 'ka lb. witli full imrticiiliirH of the tmi SJ ni"s, whieli will (five you lure prolitu nriil iiuick Hiilr. Sternly employ ment Kuurunleecl. Aililrex YiARs Ri fn 0 'ortland St.. 5(Alil fll 10, Joston, Mass. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin I Ointment. A certain enro for Chronic Sore Eyet Tetter. Salt Ilbcam, Scald Head. 01 Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Trairio Scratches, Sore KIpplcs and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of coses have been cured by It after all other treatment bad failed. It la put up in 23 and 50 cent boxes. PO LISC WATER OR MILK. EPPS'S GRATKUL COMFORTING 0 Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. 9 fi M NESS a rriiDlollta CURED El.iuSliS k,l':k',,"i'TklarI.ra- 1 W 1BI Whupm bMrd. Cnnfan.bl.. Bt3 kroM.y, a,. . Wma fur ku ot Ju F Rtt PARKER'S MAID R Al caaa ....... r-t it, TI,UII.I B...1 tu.x.l.n ... . . "... ."....ir, i o aatr. rrntnirt.1 a Imuiuint yrovth Novar Falla to Bastora o'ray r-'-LW'Kr "V. JCum aaalp diaraapsa hair I.Uuu. HV, anil l (Hut f)nwi, T..7, 1?? ... i ." ",r '"Kr ion ID. ll rum in .,r.i l ,,uk,i. w.r.k .,.. Itrhiiny, linlintior.,l'ain,'Uk.lnlim.lCcis. HINpEKCORNS. Tha onlrtiirecurrforConn, o.up a,i iin. lit. al Xruciits, r LlicUX fe CO, Ji. Y. How Lost! HowRegalnedl KNOW THYSELF. Or 8KLF-PKKSRK V ATION. A new and onl Gold Medal PIUZK KHHA Y on NKKVOUS and PHT8ICAL DRBILITT. ERRORS of TOCTII, EXHAVriTKU VITALITY. PRr; MATURE I.KCMNE, and all JHbEASKH and WEAKMKHHK8 of MAN. KJ pacJoOi. rilt; 196 Inraloabie preacripttorii. Only ji.eo J mall, double aealed. IleacriptlTS Froapecu si with endorsement! rnrtw crun of the Praaa and Toluntar tilt L I ptND teatimooialt of the core! lllLUl NOW. toniulutlori In person or by mall. Expert treat. menu INTIOLAHI.K 8KCHKCY and CKK- I TAIN CI'RK. Adilrea. Dr. W. H. Fsrker. or ' The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Uulflnch Ht.. i Boaton, Maaa. The i'eabody Medical Inatltute baa many Iml- I taUirs, but do equal. Iltrald. I The Bclanoe of I.lfe, or Hlf Preservation, Is a I trcaaure mora Talualile than fruld. Itaad It now every WKAK and NKKVOl'H man, and learn lu ba STRONG . .Vntnul Ifrmeie. (Copj rlijhttdJ La (arlppe Successlu'ly Treated. ' I h.ive just recovered from a sec ond attack of the grip this year," ays Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of ihe Itiidt'r, Mexica Texas. "In the i.uter case I used Chauiberl liu'n C uj;l. remedy, and I Ihnirt with ' iiM.lerable t-uccess, imly In iiiL. in bed a little over two days, aiiu.M ten ( ays for the first attm k. 1 he M'Kind uttack, I am ratstud. would have been equally .-in I. ail a- 'lie first but for the use of tin.- i(-uu'il, as I had to jo to bed in ;ii i in m hours after heitt stunk well it, while in the first case 1 wn- nblc in atieud to business about t.o ii;,y. before Retting down. ."iV iiin I n ties for sale b 1'. (i. I'm i.e ,v ( K'heuniatisiti euieil in a ;n "Mystic l'u re" fur t beumai im . neuralgia radically in 1 to; l.i; Its action upon the system is inn arkableaiid mysterious. Ji i eiiii at once the cause and the d'S"axr imniediatelytlisappe.il. I In tiici doseirreatly benefits, 7."cents oid by F. G. Fricke ACo La Cnpp- No healthy person need fear im dangerous consetpiences iroiu mi attack of la nr'PI'e if lropeily treated. It is much the same n. .i severe cold and retpiires precisely tne same treatment. Keinaui tiuiet ly at home and take ("hamliet lain V Courh Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and coin.' nlete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result iii pneumonia. Anions the many thousands wlao have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 'J.') and 50 cent bottles for sale by 1. G Fricke St Co. I feel it my duty to say a few words in rcpfard to Kly'n Cream Halm, and I tlo so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half a year, and have found it to lie most mlmirnhlc. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Hnliii seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances hnve used it witu excellnnt results.--Oscar Ostum, 43 Warren Ave., Chi cago Hi, The population of Plmiamouth Is about 10,000, add we would say at least neo half are troubled with some effection on the throat ond ltiniys, as those complaintH are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druo; j;ist and net a bottle of Kemp's Hal sani for the throat nnd lunrs. Trinl size free. Larellottle 50c- and !fl. Sold by all druirft'ist. WAVEJSLASD. TALE OF OURCOMnC LANDLORDS. UT PAUAII MAtllK HltHIII AM. Copyrlijhvfd, 1S.S9. CIIAPTKH XxTx.-FAr.KWF.I.U The beautiful dream of life! How few realize their Ideal! Tho eventful cvpttinu; that, had been the. theme of coi: versatioa by n lame circle of friends, tun! tho one event of life to the immediate actors, had arrived. The immense hall at blue Kiduo was tilled with friends, enicer to Witness tho marrinu'e of Colonel Fred Iliiyues, of W ie United States, to the beautiful Annie. Wren. What a fascination a wedding hus lor youtiKUtiil olii! The bridal party were to occupy a broad stKe or dais that had been beautifully decorated for the ocruslon w ith more tasto and skill than usual by the artistic hand af bady Ilortense. There were Dowers everywhere. The room seemed a bower of bloom. Annie was to be led to tho altar by her Hged father. She wore, over a dress f white satin, a dainty rolie of luce, a veil af Kuglish point, a necklace of One pearls and a wreath of orange (lowers, all white; and In this snowy cloud Annie looked aiore lovely than ever. Sir Wren, with his Ions; white beard, reminded me of my ehildish pictures of the patriarch Moses. The Colonel was in a full evenliiR dress suit. His eyes bespoke a happy futnre for my litlle friend. As they took their places before the altar I thought that they mlsht halleiiKe the finest (ireek or Parisian taste fbr perfection of form, feature and cos tume. How short the ceremony! How much it means as it runs out in the years to comet To Some It brings a train of uninterrupted joy and confidence; to others pain and dis appointment. Congratulations were offered, miiiRlefl with feelings of sadness; for on tha mor row our party were to separate. "It may lie for years and it may be for ever," was the refrain. Yet there was no murmuring with siKhinff. We grieved to be separated from the friends we had loved so long; but this was a happy closing scene for our holiday period. Now we must buckle on tlie armor of life and take an active part. A happy, Joyous time of rest and recreation it had been! A banquet had been prepared for the closing. The great dining-room was bril liantly lighted. Illumination is a necessa ry accompaniment to joy; mist and shad ows are not welcome to the happy. The hull was gny with birds and flowers. The table flashed and sparkled with glass, ofiina, gold and silver. From an ante room came soft strains of music as from some iKolian harp. Annie, the lieautiful bride, was seated between her father and her noble voung husband, while Mrs. Hiiyiiessal by Sir Wren. My sweet wife was by my side, as bright a beam of sunshine as of old. The merry guest were all seated, and quiet conversation was the rule. The Duke of Melvorne sat beside his noble Duchess, still as charming as when we first met her lu the mountains of the far away land of blue skios and broad prairies. Mr. and Mrs. Itllerd were as Jovial as ever, and many were the Jokes we passed on our time honored guide. Iird Sanders, with his tall, angular, over-dressed wife and showy daughters were all conspicuous for th amount of diamonds they wore and for their reserved and haughty demeanor. At dessert Sir Wren was t ailed on to toast the newly married couple. "You will nut escape two sermoiit one from the bishop, which you have heard," he said, bowing across the table to bishop Kede, "and now one from me. Listen, my ohildren. Adore each other. lie happy. Now is the budding tlmeof hope and trust; let not the chilling blight of discordant el-' i MnenU bl.ist the teuder (lower. The world , lucks iHTfuiae; It lin ks tli( rlidnn of love. AVe cannot love too well. We entuiot plenso too much. To love ami be liivc l-wlwit a inlrnole l rrni ;!tt! buve, w.mu.i hihI a kl tire a eitele; t hoy for'n our untvf--,4 (.' Ml l!ie f 'tl lii" to 1 i-.' iv . K-.i-.. In jv 1- for e a .-r. ITi '. .'i-.raa . v, , la ne ti iitr tjtf i' . v:iiii, ( l.kiiili rt In Its .vi'im .' J . i v I'j.1 cvi 'i .a. Hilary wml. 1 AIV .u .t c Ml lllll ." i v i 1 I 1 U ) i - I i- i i-t i i t: i : . t i n ..e i Mclv .-in' t ) ' I to lllliWIT to to.'l: iV 1 ilv (. i. .. lu. ....... ... (Mv!.t :v ' Pi ' t i CllllMe! I1 1 llll' I '' CotiilUi'l'iilili' o il;, i Coloin 1 I'.IWi, "Auicnc i. ' "A w .-ii ' i or I t'n niiMiln 's anil Illtt 'A'Ollllta ut hi ;.i in-. I'u-f," .is c.oic I on for .iv l'iii'ti'1." i:i!il tln Colonel, "i l in i pi i r once inoiv. ; . i ) i I her fertile soil ii ;i it wui iiliu. I :i in Hint free nuiM iruel: i i to ii . i lli'id Unit III. " itr,. ImuSh ()iprisiin l eu will soon lo the y iki of Im loo lii'iivv lo war. 1 have seen tV eileet of liiiullui 'lsiil on a people ImuiiiiI In shuery to real. Sluill the beitcoii I''al of luiji,' i.i our ulorimw tiiiion be ihirkcncii ny tiii ilrt .nlful eloiul? Shall tile lain! of lice scaoui-i mul fre churches be ciiniii'il ton hiu.l o; l.;iir.ince and (le.rr.i h.lloii. No. a t Hiieauil time, no! The bln.nl of our f 'tvLuhcrs eries mil anuinst it. I.el not hisiory repeat, ilsrlf NVe imixt Hoiiiut tne t. cin ami rouse our neonl'1 from the let ..m v of nl..et "1 i i . i- al in A ' ':, I . o::r l iij 1 1 , 'i' le'i'i ' a II : at to alien latin. oi'il , to cvrpnore!" '".Vavefiaiiil for Ir.-late "My friends ' I sa: I, "1 1 I IMC I I r e il. ' is to be my i.n't- W.-H i il e In t lie mi .is of vanished ages a living, moving ilnni-:. Their lit i iil si; a. lows sweep ly u I i a '.T'imI procession of stalely kit -s ia n"i ' ' I char iots; of yellow-haired ward irs r.i.alu; to battle with slioat ami war noun, lor u .m n sake kiii's are n a ly t i !"ril their crowns and men to offer itn their lives. In Ire land, when Ktiglanii wan Inhabited by a w ild, rnviii'' rvtiu- p u;ile, 1 e tiie w il 1 In ' ' "i il t 1 1 1 hern wen estanusnen in an tne lorms m i .. ernment. The trial of all disputes u.v settled by a verdict of twelve men. In mnsic, the harp wits used by the Irisli people, and developed by them into the modern piano forte. In literature and art they excelled; and from Ireland came the TaliMitliearte.il soldiers that broke the yoke of Koman slavery from the Knglisli serfs. While Knglaud whs yet lu slavery, the Irish were enjoying free schools, sus tained by endowment. They taught re ligion, music, language nnd writing. Ar chitecture, known to King Solomon and brought to Ireland by the old prophets When they fled from Assyrian taptivity, Was taught to the people The youthful king, Alfred the Great, i. j ' . .u. . ? drank deep from the fountain of knowl edge in Ireland. Literature and art be came to him a living purpose. He learned to play the harp, and in after years it en abled him to charm the Danish kings while he was seeking points for attacking their armies. "When Alfred was proclaimed king of England he established a goveenment founded on the principles learned of the Irish Parliament. It consisted of ono chamber where nobles, priests, bards and eoniinons all met as equals, and the king sat ia ;li(t midst of tlictn as president. Al Ox for I he established n school of learning arid sent to In-Utid for instructors. Ild repealed in Kngland the works in marlili) and stone tiiat he na l learned In Ireland, and had hi:; men build tho pointed roofs and arches now called Gothic. "For more than two Hit I- - . . , i ... lor more than two thoiisnna years Ireland was a free and pru.-perous nation, - as liic.oty and her ruins proclaim. First (lie Dane made their descent upon the Is-1 land, ( :iptut lag many places und driving Irish scholars into all parts of Kurope. Af terwards Knglaud realized that Ireland was a rich and prosperous land, w ith every advantage of wealth and culture. The. Irish were a brave and i'ltt-Ulgent people, superior to ths Kuyllsh in f verythin.i; but power. Superior u'ltiiuers havj conquered and for B9ven bnudred years Ireland bas been made to feel that Knglaud Is her mas ter nnd she Is a slave. "Then, amid the thunders of the Ameri can revolution, when the British F.mpirc reeled before the blows of the allied force? ononis XVI and (ieorge Washington: when Paul Jones, the Yankee Privateer preyed on Uigllsh commerce nnd spread terror along the Scottish coast; when Ire land was .vithout Knglish troops and the only military force in all Ireland was the Irish volunteers, (irattan's parliament was called into existence. Then, like a giant released from bondage, the country again advanced, making rapid strides in prog ress, until Uml Clare proclaimed, 'There is not a civilized nation on the face of the globe which has advanced in cultivation, lu agriculture, in manufactures, with the same rapidity as Ireland!' "For eighteen years that parliament met In one of the finest buildings In Kurope, nnd made the laws to govern the Irish people. Then, again, the jealousy of Kng laud, through treachery and fraud, de stroyed the Irish parliament, and Grattan, who had led the Irish people to freedom, lived to see her liberties crushed out by the sword and her parliament destroyed by gold. Hut though prostrate and bleeding, smarting under the sense of outraged dig nity, through yenrs of eviction, famine, imprisonment and death, she has again determined to claim her rights. Another beam of sunlight has touched the living picture, and reveals a mighty man, whose nana is on the key board of Ihltish poli tics! One who has brought forth a har mony of class and creed that resounds throughout the world, atitoulshiiig man kind:" The evening's entertainment was pleas ant and gay, with music and conversation. The grand gixid humor of our host gave s tone of cheerfulness to tho whole party. At a late hour the final farewells w ere said and the bridal party took leave of theii friends at blue Ridge. In the morning Colonel Haynes, his wife and mother and Sir Wren bade adieu to Haven's I'ark. but Stella, Myrtle and my self formed part of the company as far as Liverpool. There the last farewells were spoke, i w hile we sto k! on the deck of the .:retit steamer that was to be their dwell i.i,; ii.ve for thcncM fe.v days. "Well Waverland," sai:l Colonel Itaynes a-" be 'ook my jtrtn for a shor: stroll on the d. el; b.'f.i:' i pvi-tla:.'. "ke';i toe posted as ,, eo:1. .;,(,;, j,;-,, ;-,ssof fhe work ' ' ' ' ' ' .i i ' " ' i . v, an I I w ill send ' ' " 1 ''" 1 ' i V" in .V ;e: ie.-i. We. - ' !v : ; ..Yiii f..ei tnnt we are ro laborers In the aatne (rreat work. You are euKatfed In a long death Htruntfle to hhweii thefaniis of lanrllonlNm from the brightest Nmt of rich green earth on the face of the Rlobn! I go to Anierira, to ilo what I cnnhy unilation mul work, to prevent the same inoimler front stealing the Inheritance of the freent people in Ue world! I'tilike chattel Hlavury, landlord Ism is stealihy and decepilve! It churuii a.s the serpent, and is m cruel astheitrave. It starves ami delta. ic .mm in victims to helplessness and revels ami I the suirer tin;. " The cuiMe of Ireland U PiN yatno con detisisl villainy! Tiii.t ; .t..;e cmt'.ty, bra taiity and terror, eoneeivi-d in lu,.; and per-p-timted by f ire! I li.iv.- -n it with lay oil ii t-jei. ul'ih t'atiu il i'i.i it. (lues tiot leei.j.n;,e III. . ,,1,1 . j , v . inanhiiod or i l.ildaoiKl. lu h;i:ei i- ii'i .ii eu-iy in tile iii Ireland! Its vic.i.i nre live mil lions of pi oi ii ),) eaiiiioi j.ei away. They ore held down by the iieyonef, w.i.le tits latiilliii N lob i le iu iiliMs In lao i:anie of the law! 'I believe Iri- 'i l;i i 1'er IImi cotnprlsea nil the t! ,i. - .i e-..r Invented, W itll chattel siuu t V 1 in oi n in; for w IliMI a chattel slave is sic'.; hi i in i ter cares fm ldm he U ins luo.ievt u .. :; hi Irish teiiiia! Is iri,i iU in .u''; iic is 'Irnivn out tlpon l.iu rnadMidL' w i a Ii - M il? and chil ili'ea to p.-iii. In M'. n-!, 1 li.iv eoiiirt to feel that lh!-; svfitein l.i.f, en'..''M il.t. us la le.;iili.i d 1 line.! I i old S-ti-ni W W II tlninWyu. sens i il lu ate, nut ha had his coo l u::.t; !i" v Mn. a f.'c; landlord, but .ieii t!, i i I.".. i a I rales, anil the ! ns'.i-i, in' i i.rid i ii m, swoopeil iloMliou ii.laii.l a i.l i.iv-l wlih the hUXOII Mlr'l llll II IiS I .lil'.l : rt werecro il: cidd ' ! ! !. i t uei and fff raeh'nr;; ' !'ir I f.t.m fr.ua 'i ' s. I '. i ..i lir.it. ter i.i.:. . i. ! a ;s in i . i . i.'j;tJ II i in l.r !..;! Mlistl ' i . . . . .'is f-atufl . i i 1 1 e I i five seen in i ; . i- work. This .'.i t wo In tnis- Y'-'i.:ii he the trreatr ' I". . "i i v . MIS 1113 . . . i.Mo lita.'la - ...i '! .ti'.l eaten cni e, , i - .-1 h story of - ! i : ties are .. i :- i r? and i . ti I in' ('.Villi- I tOi.lt -if lo.loiies ill ' . i i -.a'- of Ulterty . ivt-.'.l. The i. i 'Iv should he ' ' a for old anil I !"! .' i man has a right ! ' i'' ipeity, or to .i ' ii i il iiii i, either as i l i e, . or us dytiiiinitersl .ill i : - i.'ll it ar i thiionly - i i i i:i',.tcr tyranny In all its Willi 1 1 . r. ; lac., I'Ml to i ' I'lleli H-i! I, mo .1 l-'i '-. I',. , i U I '11 .1,1! -1 Hal f. inn! ' 'I I... ml In il so'inde 1, warning us that fie par'tn lime h.i I come. With elasied hands, full hetti'ts and mul it eyes, more ex ii..... .. 1 ... ' 1 . "" ",,,ur'' ,vo m:"",u ""IWU frlendsiiiii. "Annie," Slella was saying, ns we Joined them, "write to me often. Ti ll me of the people and places thai you see. We have had such happy times toget ,ier. I almost dread to go back to Waverlaud now that you are gone." "Utile friend and playmate, " I said, as I bade Annie farewell, "the moors and mountains will mhts the patter of your po ny's feet, but you will visit a new country w iih a mess..go of love anil liberty, learned from the old Lome. In Ireland. 1 wish you (JihI speed and a happy life." The dual signal Hounded; we were lowered from the great steamer, but watched our friends until they vanished from view. We crossed tho channel and visited Waverland for a few days. In some parts of lr..l,,...l ll..,n. 1....... I. . -.11.1 1 . iiiimi'i nunc null ll ii'iiiuttj lit-uo, ..i . , niiini.1 hiiiuiiiii IliK lUDIIll lUllllll, 111 tllir naught there had been less suffering. The tenants were hopeful. The new ministry was agreeable to their wishes. Mr. I'ar liell was their chosen leader, hero anil friend. Though quiet was maintained In Ireland, there was an undertone of earn estness that told of settled determination. The only safe plan for Knglaud is to listen to reason. ' According to an agreement with Sir Wren, many things not valuable enough to take with him. yet through association too dear to be parted with, I had taken to Waverlaud. Annie's pet pony was one nl the things committed to my cure. Tim farmers on Sir Wren's estate were con ' .... 1 . , . .' n " -runnr tented and happy. A way had been pro- ) . l"ey Were t0 Uuy l" Iuua they tilled. Lady Waverland visited all her old friends. They were as warm as ever in their praises of the."swufe lady!" The little school hail been 'moved from the tenant cottuge to a fine, large' build ing, erected for the purpose according to the direction of Lady Waverland. She also had endowed it with sufficient funds to pns'ure the best instructors. Thus all our tenants' children, have the privilege of a free education. .- No wonder thatj to the poor oppressed tenants, such a benefactor is an object of special love and affection. Her quiet, healthful influence also bad a good effect on the home life of the people. Now, in stead of dirt and tilth about the cabins, all was neat and tidy. The pigs and cows were in the rear of the building, in some kind of shelter, and flowers were seen in the disir jards. Our stay in Waverland was short It was early in the year 1880. Parliament was in session, and each Irish member felt it his duty to fill his place at all times during the sittings. If Gladstone is beaten in his plans, there will be an appeal to the people. In that appeal, one party , or the oil.cr will he beaten; but, In argreve" cause of British liberty wlH-f-'-' agitation. Ireland's caitf- natlnmd, and very soon eve1 British Kmplre must clasp universal struggle for Br With the example of AmeriraV enter the struggle with cheerl the future! THK ESJB. Change in Latitude. a lew years a"o it wns suspcC that tho latitude of places on earth a uurfuep elinnfrua A nnmluii nf ..................... 1 . . - I. hi u.-ihiuuuuiui.-v BLMeuii vu uiiiaa uoser vations for two years and tho rosult has just been made public. Latitudes do change. Berlin, for example, was 60 feet nearer tho north pole in Sep tember than it was in March. This change is not of course, a shifting of any one point on the earth's surface. U is a tilling of the axis of the earth. ihe Ta m i jT- L aft -