Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 10, 1892, Image 5

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11 i
) s
Our FamUy Physician Kecommmds
Cuticura Remedies, and Saya
They Cured Our Child.
t Father Went 25 Mile to GetCutlcura,
and Feel Thankful and Wants
Other to Do a He Did.
My child broke out with acrofula when two
ontht old.uid we tried everythincthat the doctor
aould do It took out hit hair and broke out on hli
hmbe and noae. It waa then Cimcuaa Kca-Euiia
were recommended by our doctor whoalle ndfd bim,
and la oow elttiug here. The doctor eald i thtk
KiHiuiaa cored my child, and recommende tbem
for all dteeaeee of the akin and blood. It did not
take butooeaetof Cuticuiu Rimoiis. 1 went
twenty-five ml lea to get them. My child la welland
haa a fine head of hair aa can be, for which I fi-el
thankful to you, for my wifa la in bad health. I
have recommended ClTicrRi kmni mother.
j Mot thle If you think It will cauae auy peraoa to
V. F. PKN80N, Ungley, Pike Co., Ark.
I am the dnCtir th.t MAmm.
KlHioua to D. K. Peneon. 1 have known them
to cure aereral bad caeea of aklo aud blood die.
aaee, and I aay they are good .
1 . ;
Cutlcura Resolvent
Tha new Blood and Bkln Purifier, aud greateat of
a Humor Remedlea, cleanaea toe blood of all I m purl.
Met and Doiaoooua elements, and thua remoTea the
. $ eaaae, while CuTicuaa, the great akin cure, and Cu.
' T I cuA Soar, an etquialte akin beautlfier. clear the
liD and eralD. and rmlnr. tha Thu. th
CtmctrmA Kimidiis cure every apeclea of Itching,
burning, acaly, pimply,
, and blotchy akin, acalp,
and blood dlataaea, from plmplra to acrofula, from
Infancy to age, when the beat phrilciaue fall.
Sold everywhere. Price, Ccrimu, 60c. : Boai,
iic.; Risolvint, $1. Prepared by the 1'urraa
Dauo and Chihical Corporation, lloeton.
M Send for " How to Cure Bkln Dlaeaeee," U
agea, 60 lUnetratlooa, aud 100 teilimonlale.
Bkln and Scalp purified and beautified
by C'uticura tiuAP. Abaolutely pure.
Back ache, kidney palna, weaknena,
rheumatism, and muaculur palna re
lieved in one minute by the Cutl
cura Anti-raUu Flatter, tec.
Sheriffs Sal.
I'.y virtue f an oril-r ef "iilc issimd by IV. II.
DcB'liiL-, clerk of I lie illrlrirt emit witliiu
and fur I conn y, Nebriiskii ami to me
dirf tHil, 1 will mi the Mm iUv of March, A.
L. inn. lit 10 ' luck a. mi. ' f siitd iliiy, in the
f jot nf Hie stall w .v li'iulliij! ill) to Kiii'kwnml
hull. In Hi rltv "f I'liittKimiutii, i iis county,
Hebi'.Vikii, tliit hfiHK th place where the last
term of district court w is held n Mild iunt
wll t tiiiblli' mietlon to tin- hli:liest bidder for
asli.tlio InlloMintf real estate, to wit: Lot
nx ri, in block ninety ei(;ht imp, in t lie city of
" WeeimiK Water, 'h rum'y. M-bniMl-a, to
getlierwitli nil the iiivilcjii8 and ai.purle
naiioes t hereunto bulmiKiut: or in auy wise up
- . 'IM... u K. .!.,, uU iiin.ii AtiI d tliit
V..' property of John Burn nrni Kllen lliirna,
1 V aourt recovered liy W.O. l'iiylir,pliiintlrt,
Hiktnst said clefenilaiitv
1 , I'lattHimmtli. Neb., February 10, A. D. lnifi.
Wn mam Tiuim,
k. Bthon "i.kk, Sherill (.'ass Co , iNeb.
V .V .nT.nn ill U III HlIT HIV ft Klt'l lenL Ol H Mil
tly vii tun of mi order of sale fsned by VV . it
carinn.clcrKof the district snuit. wltliin .lie
I Cas cu tity. Nebntka a'ld; o ine dire le t
.'will on Hie 'istilay of March V 1) It
l o'olock a in. ol mi d day at the fnolo. U.i
stairway IchiliiiK no to Itoi kwooil Hull i
;ity of riattimioiit'i. "i comity. Neb'
that beinitthe pl ice where the !iit tm ot
the district court wa,4 held in sniil count v -
at publ c auction iu the liiKliesl liulJer to.
eash the followinK real ea'ale to-wlt : H one-third (S and the center on
third iKlof lot two ;2i in block ntiiiiher seven.
ty (TO) in the city of Weeping Water, Cass
eounty. Mebiaaka.
The same b i"K levied upon and taken m the
propei tv of William jnmenn. juna a. .uinie
sou, Walter A. ole, l.uelU I . Dol. Eflwan!
I ninrnlilll at nl Hfeliilknta : to Ha'i.sH' 'i
jurigmeut of eald court recovered by B. A.
i;hson, plaintiff ; ftijahmt said defendants.
flattHiuoutli, Nebraka. Feb. 7th A. I). 1. i
VV ll.t.I IM I'lUHK.
Sheriff ('ana !o , Nebraska.
Wooley A Gibson, AttyH for 1 luluUil.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The commlsiiloner appointed to locate a
road commencing at the northwest corner of
sectlou 80 town 12. range II, Cans county Ne
braska runnlug thence eat on section line for
the distance of one and one-half miles (lVa)
and terminating at the northeast corner of the
northwest quarter of section i, 12. 11 liasru
mirted in favor of the location thereof, and all
obioctions thereto, or clalnn for damages must
be filed in the county clerk's office on or before
noon on the no day of April, A. 1). I8!tf, or
such road will be located without reference
thereto frank Oickron,
W4t County Clerk .
Road Notice.
To nil whom it may concern:
Tin iitiiniiHHiniier iiiiniiintod to locate n
road comment-in at a point 40 rods went of
the Houth-euHt corner of section 5-HM3, run-
nine thence in a soum-wi-Mieny uin-muii
.i iiru., t the Nehnwku road, and
terniinntiiiK at the north-eat comer of the
cemetery; ntul vucute a roud located north
andHouth through aection 5-10-13 and Bec
tiii i i it lnul xhove mentioned road
havlnir been located September 1, 1XH),
. 'hence a little west of south through aec-
on 8-10-13 to where the new road interijocts
iu e old one, Iiuh reported in favor of the
I " ation and vacation thereof, and all ob
'ions thereto, or cluima for damn rcb,
J" . iii...i in fiiernimt vrlerk aottlcenn
efore noon on the .M day of April,
V J? m ivrmichrondHWillbeliKiitedana
v.'..V. cJ without reference thereto.
XBtut' Kkank Dickson.
t County Clerk
. it mnv concern :
lo whom nrrt,i,lu heretofore exintina be
ine pMn Dovev. HdminiMtrotor,
t ween ojt H)iti)ou,a firm eiiKHKed in the
buHlnexH of
this (lay AiM
. ' r fnrinltl
and atock raiHinu, i
olved l!
v mutual conHent.
GKO. K. Dovky, for Estate,
Kebruury 'it,
ejal Notice
J. NelinifVa,
Calvin II. rnrinft
iiriii! C IL1U.
- " , ,,.fendaiit. William S
The above niiiiu , ,. Ki-li'v aith
Wlae. will take no'i mlmcncctl in the dia-
an ini m Cbkw countv. Xcbrui.-
trict court in and b . 'rmele in iilulntirl
ka wlierem Calvirt tt W(tp ji4 K.fl.tll,I,nt .
andaaid """' ment wna ubtiiined
and nn orner oi hh j )f t aMM cfmI1tv
commoimiiia y- riy of miirt Uefcn
to levy upon the prnm ,f 11IMin r,
dated January as.lWdoj , cent, from
terdatewttrt """"'."l. m aaid note the
.late. T her le now doe 4 Hngacro,,iu
Hum of J3.H104, after dedoe , fur whi
and pnyuieiitK.on eaul r
pliiintitl prays jod (fluent. it petition
You are reoiiireuTto n"er, defltut win
or before April jf" LJSf rl accord
joe entered and Judrrrtot rrtMT
February i,l
V I. -
We n.akf a -ir ii-) im1
the KeiVu iriu "f li,m ' 1W !
.aVI'-VV,k tnd make things right but does not
.iiHi'-mi' U,2,,l,2l 11 '" has met with foul play.
.ia V"'k i..., kta
fr,m M ondiay'a Daily
Mre. J. E. Upton has changed hia
residence from Uuion to Avoca,
thia county.
C. C. Parmele, repiter of deeds id
able to be out again after a week's
Miss Delia Tartsch ia clerking in
the dry goods department of K. G.
Dovey & Son.
County Superintendent Noble ar
rived in this city from Weeping
Water this morning.
The county offices were all closed
this afternoon from two till three
on account of the funeral of Mrs. J.
M. Koberts.
TheKden Musee of Omaha was
totally destroyed by fire and water
last night. Loss $1'00), insurance
$5,U(X), The management will how
ever, open up again in the Grand
opera house.
Judge Chapman left for Nebraska
City thia morning to hold a short
term of court this week. He will be
back, however, in time to open
court in this city next Monday
Miss Emma Adams haa resigned
her position in the bank of Eagle
and returned to her former position
in Winger's store, Lincoln Neb. We
are sorry to lose ner mm our
midst. Eaglet.
A section hand was killed at Pa
cific Junction yesterday morning.
The man had secured work of the
section foreman and commenced
work at 8 o'clock ami was killed at
9:45 near the coal chute.
The remains of the late Captain
Edward Donavan were laid at rest
in the Oak Hill cemetery yesterday
afternoon. The Masons and G. A.
R. turned out in a body and accom
panied the remains to their last
resting place.
The funeral of Mrs. J. M. KoberH
occurred at the family residence this
after noon at 1 o'clock. The remains
were followed to Oak hill cemetery
where they were laid to rest by a
large number of sympathetic
friends and neighbors.
The following item is clipped
from the Heatrice Express: "Two
runaway boys from I'laitsmouth
were lodged in the city jail last
night and will be held until their
parents or guardians are notified
and direct what disposition shall be
made of them. Their names are
John K'utter and Oscar Shubert,
aged VI and 13 years respectively."
C. MWIckersham has osYet Failed
to put In an Appearance.
Three weeks ago "today II. M.
Gault took charge of the jewelery
stor" run by C. M. Wickersham, in
uiiiieof his wife, S. L. Wicker
. ,.u. Since then Mr. Wickersham! he was going to settle up and
(ive 1 lie BtOCK to uiair. lie icu
his wife a week ago last ?nday to
come here and settle up the busi
ness, but he failed to put in appear
ance, however, until last Monday
morning a week ago teday he
arrived on the K. C, came up aa far
as Richey street and turned south
going towards the shops. Hut
nothing waa seen of him during
the day. That night he waa seen
going to hia home, but since then
he has failed to show up or even
send a word to let his friends know
his whereabouta. Hia wife tele
phoned from Hlair last Tuesday
but he could not be found. The
door to hia house was found open
last Tuesday and the chief of police
was notified and he went up to the
hoiiBe and found a basket of jewelry
which he brought down town
While up there he found that two
bedroom doora were locked and
it waa thought that he might be in
one of the rooms' Hia brother-in
law, came down the next day and
the doora were opened, but he was
not found. At the request of his
brother-in-law nothing was said
in any of the city papers but
Thk Herald has waited over
week for him to put in appearance
aud explain where he haa been, as
hia wife does not know anything
about where he is. The Herald
like most of his friends believed
last week that he would show up
and make things all right, but we
have now come to the conclusion
that he has skipped. It is reported
that he was keeping company with
a yoking lady in Omaha. He drew
the warrant from the county in pay
for the court house clock and has
faild ns yet to pay for it.
Saturday there was a representa
tive from an eastern jewelry linn
here looking for him, claiming that
they had let him have some jewelry
as samples; that he had sold it and
had failed to re-iinburse the house.
A letter received yeiterday from
his father-in-law, says that he thinks
he has committed suicide, but that
is all bosh. Just imagine a man of
C. M. Wickersham's disposition,
with something over a fl.Ofin in his
pocket, committing suicide.
J UK IIKK.M.l nan given .-ir. n h r-
J fkr ouly thiug hr has done i to
skip the country, and he will not
show up again very soon either.
Besides leaving several eastern
firms "holding the sack," there nre
a number of merchants in I'latts
iiiouth iu the satnefix. If Mr. Wick
ersham had come around last week
Tub Hekald would have had noth
ing to say, but aa it ia it is only a
painful duty we have to perforin.
Mr. Gault has informed Mr. Wick
ersham's father-in hiw that if mat
ters are not settled by Wednesday,
he will foreclose the mortgage on
the stock.
The Cass County Agricultural Socle
ety Meet and Adopt a Pre
mium List
The Cass County Agricultural
Society met Saturday afternoon in
the council chamber for the first
time since the new officers were
elected. President Windham called
the meeting to order and Secretary
Miflcrread the minutes of the last
meeting which were approved.
The committee appointed to re
vise the premium list reported that
their work had been completed and
the list aa revised waa accepted.
The most noteworthy change
was made in the classes relating to
swine and the speed department.
Instead of three lota the swine de
partment now has four. All the
diflerent classes that have only been
granted one premium will this year
receive first end second' premiums.
In the speed department which
conies under the head of class IS,
and which last year only included
seven races, will this year include
ten, with the purse in each nee
raised which will bring some very
good horses here this year Follow
ing is the speed program as adopt
Class IS Kot 1; -':"." trot, best
three in five, purse $11)0; lirst pre
mium, $."(), second, 10; third, $-0.
Four to enter three to start. Mile
Lot 2 Three minute race. I'tirse
$.")(): first, $'J"); second. $!"; third, $10.
Cass county green roadster race,
for horses that have never trotted
outside of Cass county, aud have
never won first or second nieney iu
any race; horses to be owned six
mouths iu the county before the
fair. Hest three iu five; fourjo en
ter three to Mart.
Lot 3 Hicycle race; purse $110:
lirst $1"; second, 10; third, $.". llest
two in three: four to enter, and three
to start.
Lot3 I'tirse $100; first, $T0; sec
ond $:); third. $."0. Facing or trot
ting confined to horses in Cass
county. Horses must be owned six
months in the county, prior to the
race, hour to enter and three to
start. Best three in five; mile heat.
Lot 5 Purse $73; first, $3o; second,
$23; third, $15. One-half mile run
ning race. Four to enter and three
ts start. Hest two in three.
Lot 6 Purse $150; first $73; second
$50; third, $23. Trotting race; mile
heats. Hest three in five; four to
enter and three to start.
Lot 7-Purse $2K); first $100; sec
ond, $00; third, $40. Free-for-all
trot. B st three in five; four to en
ter and three to start.
Lot 8-Purse $100; first $50; second
$30; third, $20. Free-for-all running
race; mile heats. Hest two in three;
four to enter and three to start.
Lot 9 Purse $150; first, $75; sec
ond, $50; third, $23. Best three in
live; four to enter and three to
start. Mile heats.
Lot 10 Purse $40; first, $13; second
$10; third, $J, fourth $0. Bicycle
race; five to enter and four to start.
One-half mile heats.
Farewell Party.
A farewell party waa given Satur
day evening at the residence ol Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Patterson in honor of
Mr. A. V. Hurke. who will
leave Plattsmouth for Illinois. A
number of friends were inyited and
a very pleasant time had. Refresh
ments were served and the party de
parted at a late nour lor tlieir re
spective homes. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Will Schmidt-
inati, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Darker, May
gie and Georgie Oliver, Nettie Hal
lance, Frankie Stiles, Nannie Moore
Mae Patterson, Mamie Stiles, F.dith
Patterson, Will Stadelmann, Kd.
Schulholf, Al Perrine, A. V. Hurke
Chas. Sherman, Fret' Overlander
I and Print Latham.
Thursday occurred the arrest and
preliminary trial of Peter Coon on
the charge, of permitting diseased
hogs to run at large. Attorney
Halderman appeared for the de
fendant and Wooley of Lincoln for
A. K. Hess, the prosecuting witness.
F.vidence was produced that a ntini
ber of Mr. Coon's twine had died
and some were at large part of the
time. The defense practically of
fered no rebutal evidence, where
upon the justice placed Coon under
bond to appear at the district court
Isreal Juvenile
papers to-day.
look out his lirt
Possess Thousands of Acres and
Dollars To-day-Prospects of
Tobacco Farming.
The following is clipped from the
Omaha Bee dated at Columbus,
Nebraska, aud shows very plainly
that the farmers out there are not
all paupers, as the Independent
agitators would have the people
Your correspondent has made
inquiries of a number of farmers in
Platte county, and the results of
the investigation proves that farm
ing is a paying business in this
portion of Nebraska, at least.
There are very lar;p number of
tillers of the soil here who came
years ago without property or
money, their sole possessions con
sisting of helpless families and
large nppetitics. Many of these
men can now be pointed out who
are worth over $100,000, and none
can be found who has not suc
ceeded gaining a competence: it
would be strange were it otherwise
when we consider the fact that dur
ing the past twenty-five years there
haa been but one partial failure of
crop, caused by dry weather, and
that was in 1890. It is true that
small areas have occasionally suf
fered by hail storms, and during
the eatly days the grasshopper
visitatiotis were sources of annoy
ance and loss; but the loss caused
by the grasshopper has been great
ly by the exaggerated, owing to the
fact this locality was then mainly
planted to wheat and oats and but
little corn was raised. The fgriiHs-
hoppcr always came too late to
seriously damage the wheat and
oat crop, and had to be content
with destroving the corn.
Patrick Murray came to Platte
county .ia years ago wttli compar
atively nothing. Not having sulti
cient means to enable him to com
mi-nee farming, he went to work fur
the government, putting up hay
While thus engaged his brother
was killed My the Indians and ins
wile, wlio died recently, was se
verely hurt by an arrow. Mr. Mur
ray now owns 3,1X10 acres of land,
which cost him all the way from
$150 to $:) an acre. He owns nil
nierous business buildings and
residences in Columbus and is now
worth $100,000. He is about to n
tire from farminir and intends to
pass the balance of his days in com
Mr. C. H. Sheldon is one of ot.i
foremost citizens and president of
the commercial bank as well as an
extensive farmer. He does not hes
itate to say that farming pays in
this locality. He came here the
1st of May 18vS3. He paid from $7.20
to $10 per acre for 1,400 acres of land
which could now be sold for $30.
He farms !H0 acres of this, using
the ballauce for pasture. Corn,
wheat, oats and rye and tame grass
are the crops he raises. Mr. Sheldon
says that he owea his success in
farming to raising grain and feed
ing it. From what inquiries he has
made he is satisfied that tobacco
growing can be made a decided
success in this valley.
Coming to Nebraska,
It will be clearly seen by penis
ing the following article that Iowa
is emigrating to Nebraska by train
loads ut a time. The following is
from the Monitor, published at
Manning Iowa: "Last Tuesday night
two special trains started over the
Northwestern one from Gray nnd
one from Manning for Nebraska,
loaded with the effects and belong
ings of a number of persona who
will hereafter try nnd make a living
in our sister state. Among those
from Manning and vicinity we note
the following, who are all among
our friends: J. M. Nettleton shipped
one cat load; II. C. Hays, one car;
U. Lenhart, one car; A. Lenhart, one
J. A. Swearingeu, one car; Carl and
James Steffen, two cars; S. Grant,
three cars; all going to Coleridge;
K. W. Fergusen' one car, and I. O.
Hinghani one car to Hartington;
Hugo Grundmeier for Henry Kohr,
one car to Bloomfield; C. O. Johnaou
one car to Wakefield. II. A. Fines
al) shipped the same day one car
to Iantha, Mo. The Gray train con
sifted of nineteen cars, hacli train
carried u passenger coach for the
accommodation of the emigiants
The Monitor hones that all of
these parties will abundantly pros
per, but they may expectjto do some
pioneering on their new farms."
There are two things that have
k'pt the employes and patrons of
ti e H. tt M. speculating for a num
ber of years. One is as to when
Frank Hall, the genial white ele
phant conductor on the flyer, is go
ing U get married. There is a sus
picion, s everal years old, still un
developed, that there is a party in
Hastings who knows something
about it. The other source of spec
ulation is as to when Tom Kyau the
affable conductor on the Nehrafka
City run. will quit railroading. He
i. almost a charter member, having
been with the H. A M. lor 21 years
the oldest man on the line. - Lincoln
John Clarence of Union is iu the
city today.
County Judge Kamsey is confined
to the house today on account of
Lawsou Sheldon, one of Cass
county's pioneers, was in the city
over night.
I J. Griffith of Nehawka, was in
the city last night, returning home
this morning.
C. W. Sherman, editor of the
Journal, expects to starts to night
for a two weeks visit in the east
C. C. lladsell, formerly of the
Weeping Water Kagle, is now con
nected with the News in the capac
ity of foreman.
Harry Wilcockson, brother-in-law
of C. M. Wickerson, the ex-jeweler,
is in the city today trying fix up
Wickersham's business affairs.
Al Mathews waa up before Judge
Arclut this morning charged with
being drunk. The Judge fined him
five dollars and costs.
Hon. J. W. Iav, of Fremont
formerly connected with the Platts-
mouth schools, but now Consul
General to San Salvador wna in the
city last night. Mrs. Love and
children expect to leave in a short
time for Europe they intend to lie
gone three on four years.
Wemher Report fop February.
Monthly mean temperature 34.2
Highest temperature 50, 25th and
Other high temperature, fit 2Htlr
Lowest temperature, 2 below 0.
Other low temperature, 1 8th, !.
Wain fail i.
Snow fall II.
I tt-;i it t i I nl Aurora, or northern
lights nth.
Clear days without clonds 2,
Fair, 5,
Cloudy, 11.
Wind front northwest.
Cloudy days of other years iu the
month of February, 15 days, 187M;
t days, 1ST'.); :t days, ISMi; II day
For last year February lsoi.
Monthly mean temperature, 12,
Lowest temperature, 12 below
Snow fall, 7a-
Rheumatism cured in a day
"Mystic Cure" for rheiimatiwMi and
neuralgia radically in I to .'I days
Its action upon the system is rein-
arkalile and mysterious. It removes
at once thei cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold
by F. O. Fricke &Co
A Card of Thank.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and gratitude to tho many
kind friends who responded so
readily in our hour of need. Kspe
daily do we thank the Masons, both
as a body and individually, and the
members of the G. A. K. ;Though
in the loss ot our father we have
lost our best friend, still the many
acta of sympathy and respect shown
us and him by those other friends
can never be forgotten.
Gkohc.k Donovan.
-Floka Donovan.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, Idood
epavina , curbs splints, aweeney
nntr jone, stillee, sprains all swot
I len throats, coup-hs etc.. Save 50
cent by use of one bottle. Warrant
ed the mast wonderful blemish
cure ever known. Sold by F. (
Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth
Is Your Husband Cross?
Ferhapi your cooking itove it
the cause of IU
Well cooked food produces
good digestion ind a
sweet temper.
lUAB Uatfaam-'lll aam
I . - - , - , i
wWU "WleVfca.ea.IWf
If yau Want tke Best,
WitatheWirtCi iiiOwt
ELKHART carriage and harness mfg. co.1
a. r- u ... mmd ta
I araa laramt aaa rauwiaw Mmmrn Mlat
'BaaoaaMlHaraaaitfciawai. WuaaiUlarn-
awa lo aaaauna oaratv
aaa tm f.Wb
teardattat rear Wvita f oa awa avd. auui
Itnt. Wa uka all tba nal a daauar kipawc
Ulriu 1Taa.
aiarrrva aita rndxra. SHU. aaaa m aril fut tl.v
Tt Saa-firaat f0.lMMto(4aft Caarlaaa
ai 1 1&. laaaaallfe. HMil'aHi in. Ammh
Mo. 41. Wagon. f45.
n I i raaaxa aoai.
art nil To. 1
WSiii- RMIa
MaaalllattrataICaulMba. AMm
T Canasta Arloultsr'ita ra
Water I4t-arjr Competition
The fifth half yearly Literary com
petition for the winter of INU2
of The Canadian Agricul
turist, America's old and reliable
illustrated family Magazine, is now
open. The following splendid priz
es; will be given free to person
sending iu the greatest number of
words made out of the letters con
tained in the wortls "The Illustrate!
Agriculturist. Kveryone sending
iua list of not less than one lnin
dren words will receives valuable
present of silverware.
l-t Ktaiut reward in gn4
ln l - .. .Krunil initio. v;i'ii.,,i ,t
' 2,'i lu uolS
4Hi Oman Yiilii-il i $ms
Mil rli Insula
th (li'iit.H gold wiilfh. fuli Ji'wi'llr
Till tallies KI4 wiitcu
0l 5 In nolil
odi fx. in mil a
II ri'w trita of f lo eeh fut
M'ttM prize -'JO Hilver ti'it sttH qumiruple
pi ilie wurm'iteil
Next W irl.e-ao silver d nuTt mjar-
nuileil heavy oUte .
Neit 100 prizes loo silver butler diiheaet
urrnnli'tl heavy ulHta.
Kext Nio prizee ooiimIiU of heavy pluted allver
Keltiea ouimr uienea, mill euMirH. titgcuil
Jar fttiKiir ulit'lla butler knlii-s etn. all fully
warrant -d '"HkiiiK it tiitnl of 9 npleiieHd r
warilallie value of whluli will aio(r.-itat
3 ,S0O.
This grand literary comcretitioav
is open to everybody everywhere.
The rollowing are the conditions:
1. the words must be construct
ed only from letters in the words.
lhe Illustrated Agriculturist" aud
must be only such words as arc
found in Websters uuabridired
dictionary, iu the body of the book
none ot the supplement to be used.
1 lie words must lie written ia
rotation and numbered 1, 2, H, and
so on, for facilitating iu dicidinir
letters cannot be used oftener
than they appear in the words, The
Illustrated Agriculturist. For in
stance ttie word egg cannot be used
as there is but one 'g' in the three
4 The list containing the larircal
number of words will he a, warded
lirst tu i.e, and so on iu order of tner-
Lach list as is it is received will
numbered and if two or more tie
the first received will be awarded
lirst prize, and so on, therefore the
lenelit of sending in early wilt read
ly be seen.
Karh list must be accompanied
iy $1 for six mouths subscription
to 1 he Aiiricullurist.
The following men have kindlv
unseated to act as Judires: I GMac
Donald, citv clerk, Peterborough,
Canada, ami Coinodore Calcutt, Pet
Our last competition -(lot $1000
prize all right, M M Prandon
incotiver, H. C. I hanks for $5J
prize -li w Cunningham Donald H
C. Prize receized O. K. I D Haptie
West superior, Wis. $iJ00 prize ree'd
Thanks-G V K'ohertson. Toronto:
mil :tiil) others iu Tinted States aud
This is no lottery merit only will
count. I he reputation for fairnesa
gained by the Agriculturist in the
past is ample guarantee that the
competition will he conducted in
like manner, hrud ,1c stamp fur
full particulars to The Agrict
ist, Peterborough, Canada.
Great Winter Competition of tho
Ladles noma Masazlne
Questions) Where does the fol
lowing words first appear in the
Old testament: "Knowledge" "Wife'
and "Dover Where does the follow
ing worda first appear iu the new
testament: "Judea," 'Fame" and
WKKKI.Y PKlKS hvery week
throughout this great competition
prizes will be distributed as follows
The first correct answer receives!
(the postmark date on each letter to
be taken as the date received. hit the
office of the Ladies Home Magazin
i eacn anu every weeK uurmg
1SU2) wil get$2X); the second correct
answer, $100; the third 50; fourth
a beautiful silver service; fifth, fivr
o'clock silver service; tins' the next
50 correct answers get prizes rang
ing from $25 down to $2. Kvery
fifth correct answer, irrespective of
whether a priz winner or not will
get a special prize. Com
petitors residing iu the southern
states as well as other distant
points, an equal chance with
those ntarer home as the postmark
will be authority iu every case.
Hulks Kuch list of answers must
be accompanied by $1 to pay for
six months subscription to one of
thu best home magazines iu
KKKKHKXflis--"The Ladies Hoise
Magazine is well able to carry out
its promises" -Peterboroug (Cana da)
Times. "A splendid paper, and
financially strong" - Hastings (Can
ada) Star. "Kvery prize winner will
be sure to receive just what he is
entitled to,"- Norwood, (Canada)
Hegister. Money should be sent by
post office order orregistered letter.
A dress the Ladies Home Magazine
Peterborough, Caaada.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattoria.
, Wfaan Rkbjr waa auk, wa f ava har Oaatoria.
I When aha waa a Ctilld, aba triad fur Oaalori,
VImo aba bamrM ktiat, aa )wb to Itatarlt,
WiMiiahvbatlChikrna.ahf gr llwui Oartwriav.
a ana far IS '
Mo. SO. Hoaa wca$
aaj mvmmi m fm
aa aa Am H
i. "
S4. S4R. IMk aaA At.
ium aaa laav aaaa S I
Oakonnnt Leather.
OaaalaBaarv. SIS
-! aOSricaa
A i TTT r i-v