The democratic party is getting a good deal of aid and comfort from the British presa on the Chilean question. On most points of na tional policy the British press and the democratic party work together. In the last year of Cleveland's administration, the United States bought $tt,X)0,000 more from foreign nations than it sold to them, where as in 1801, under republican rule, the sales exceeded the purchases by $131,(X)o,Xl0. Such figures need no comment. A. W. Ckandaix, chairman of the democratic campaign committee of New Orleans, received yesterday from New York City forty cases of Winchester rifles and thirteen boxes of cartridges to use in the election dowu there, for the purpose of a free ballot, as the democrats say. Democrats in congress will only work tearing down the McKinley law during the dark of the moon. They give evidence of being afraid to attack it in daylight, or even when the moon is full. They may be smart, but the public always hates a coward no matter how smart he may be. Inter Ocean. TllKEE hundred leading citizens of Salt Lake City have sent a peti tion to congress asking that that territory not be admitted to state hood. They say that the people of the territory known nothing about American politics and have never learned to appreciate or Conduct free institutions. ' Tnu latest Pittsburgh establish ment where the process of tinning is carried on ia that of Griffith & Cadwallader of the Twenty-third ward, Pittsburgh, l'a., who com menced operations on January 1 with a force entirely new to the business. Thej are turning out a fine grade of roofing plate at the rate of .'UK) boxes per week. Amer ican Manufacturer. LAST WORDS OF GREAT IViEN. Elegant extracts from the demo cratic anthology: O, go home and soak your head. Roger Q. Mills. The hogs hadn't the decency to stop eating when I got up to speak. -David R Hill. Ratsl Rats! Roswell P. Flower. Next! New York Tribune. The New York Recorder has a novel plan for honoring both the living and the dead who played conspicuous parts in the Chilean disturbance. This plan is to have three silver statuettes made of Charles V. Riggin, the marine killed at Valparaiso, these to be presented to President Harrison, Secretary Maine and Secretary Tracy as the Americans who com pelled Chile to apologize for the in sult to the American uniform. THE SCHEME. - As moved by David 13. Hill, sec onded by "Bill" Springer, and in dorsed by the "dangerously demo cratic" house caucus, the platform of that party will read thus: Plank 1-Yell. Plank 2-Tackle. Plank 3 -Object. Plank 4 Amend. Plank 5- -Juggle. Plank 0-"Iloller." Plank 7 Do nothing. Plank 8 Resoved that the Amer ican people arc blanked fools. Denver Times. General J. S. Clarkson said in an address in this city at a recep tion tendered him recently, that 4il t. . 1 . . . . . . -me oniy protection in uoa Al mighty's world the negro had in the south was his prayers to God." The tariff, reciprocity, free coinage of silver were not the only issues that would be before the American citizen, as a greater issue had been overlooked in the past but could not be in the future, and that (s the protection of, 7,000,000 people vrho are the most ' loyal to the white race living. Avalanche, JUPITER AND VENUS. The Approaching Conjunction Is Phenomenon of Rare Occur rence. The planets Jupiter and Venus, which are now very conspicuous objects in our western sky these clear evenings, will make a very close approach, to each other, or come into conjunction, as it is technically called, on February 6, at S 12 a. m., New York mean time, when . the distance between " their centers will be only fifty-seven sec onda (of arc), or thirty-four seconds between their nearest limbs.. Un fortunately ' for observers in this country, both planets will then be below the eastern horizon, but on the evenings of February 5 and fr the one preceding and the other fol lowing conjunction they will be so close that the unassisted eye may have some difficulty in distin guishing them separately. Such a close approach of these two planets is very rare, and those now living may probably never see another. In the field of view of a telescope of very moderate power the planets will present a magnifi cent spectacle, JupiUr being sur rounded by his four satellites and Venus showing a gibbous phase, or only four-fifths of her en tire disk. Although the planets have such apparently close rela tions, their distance apart is very great, being about four and a half times the earth's mean distance from the nun. or, in round numbers, about 418,000,000 miles. In former tinus, when the cause of such phe nomena was not understood as at present, the ignorant and super slitiouq looked upon conjunctions of the planets as the forerunners of Home civil or physical commotion, such as wars, famine, earthquakes etc., but it is almost unnecessary to state that they possess no signifi cance whatever. The present re markable conjunction of the two most conspicuous planets iu the solar system has no connection whatever with imbroglio, the Rus sian famine or any other event that may hereafter occur. Such phenom ena take place when the earth and any two planets come into the same or nearly the same straight line, and since alt the planets, the earth in cluded, revolve around the sun in the same direction and with differ ent but variable velocity, they must necessarily nrrive some time or other at the same relative positions again and again, and therefore any event, whether of a civil or physical character, " happening at for near that time i simply un accidental coincidence and nothing more. It will be both interesting and instructive to follow the apparent path of these two. planets for the next few months. Both are moving eastward among the fixed Hars, but in consequence of the apparent motion of the sun in the same direction, which is intermediate between those of Jupiter anil Venus the form is apparently approaching the sun, and will be lost to view in the splendor of his rays on the 20th of March, after which he will become a morning star. The latter however, is apparently receding from the sun and appronching her greatest elongation, which will oc cur on the 29th tf April, when her anguler distance from the sun will be about 45 V degrees, and just about fifteen minutes before her greatest elongation she will be oc culted by the moon, but the c- cultation occurs near midnight, and, therefore, invisible in this country. On the 2d of June he will attain her greatest brilliancy, which will be nearly three times greater than at present. At this time she will be visible to the naked eye dur ing the day, and at night will cast quit a strong shadow. On June 17 he will become stationary for a short time. At tliiB point in her ap parent course she will be moving exact, the straight line joining the earth and Venus moves parallel to itself so that to a spectator on the earth the planet will appear to preserve the same absolute direc tion in space. Up to this point her apparent motion has been eastward or direct; she now, ' however, changes her course of retrogrades, passes between us t nd the suu on July 0, when she becomes a morn ing star, and again arrives at a stationary point on July 21, after which her apparent motion again becomes direct. J. Morrison, M. B l'ii. D. Washington, D. C, Jan. 30. LOVE AND MARRIAGE IN JAPAN.! Sir Edwin Arnold, who bus been enjoying an interestinc trin through the United States, has made a careful study of the condi- tion which govern the familv in Japan and embodies his ideas in a paper called "Love and Marriage in Japan" in the February' number of The Cosmopolitan. The article is illustrated by the quaintest pos- siDie; Japanese sketches running down the sides and across the bot tom of each page. An excellent photograph . of W. D. Howella, serves as a frontispiece, and his work as a writer of fiction is re viewed in the same number by II. II. Boyescn. The president of John Hopkins University, gives a most practical paper for parents on "Boys and Boys' Schools," illus trated by cartoons of the famous Atwood. Murat Halstead turns lovingly back to his early farm days, and tells of the "Pets and Sports of a Farmer Boy." The pe troleum indntrsy fully illustrated: An Afghan Story by Archibald Forbes; The Story of the Brazilian republic by Adams, late-minister to and The Leadin Amatures of the United States id photography, are other7 leadin articles of the month. NEW YORK'S MOST VICIOUS VICE. The New York Vice is constantly brewing trouble for itself and then appealing to the press for assist ance to aid in extricating it from the quagmires it has created only to strand itself in. The Register is just iu receipt of one of the Vice's frequent appeals in which the fol lowing strange question is despar ingly asked: "When postmasters, as is shown in this paper, become so blindly partisan as to refuse repeat edly to delvier mail that has been paid for, properly addressed and posted, because they do not agree with the politics of the sender, is it not time for a protest loud and long from every lover of free insti tutions?" All this frantic hue and cry is raiaed because the editor of the Vice has entered into a contract with the national democratic com mittee to send out 100,000 copies of the Vice for six. months, to such addresses of temperance repub licans as thut committee may fit r n ih, and to work up the "1,(XJ0.(XX) vote" scheme for a third party pro hibition candidate for president, and thus aid that committee in its desperate attempt to elect a demo crutic president next November. The Vice has entered upon its vicious work, and is now sending out the copies contracted for each week. At many points nearly every person addressed has refused to take the vile sheet out of the post office and the postmasters have sd notified the publishers of the Vice, as the regulations direct. This action has been a flaming red rag to the editor of that paper, and he is now frantically appealing to all the newspapers in the United States to aid his foul scheme in behalf of the national democratic committee. Out of the thousands of copies of his paper that have been returned lie has been able to iind about a dozen persons, by t-eiiding letters to the addressesof all whose papers have been returned, who did not re fuse to take the Vice out of the postofliee, mid on this flimsv base he is now attempting to prejudice the public against the action of the postmasters who returned the papers as "refused." The editor of the Vice can rest assured that li is complaints will lie officially invest igated and properly punished, in case there have been any violations of the postal laws and regulations. Iowa State Register. A HILL has been introduced in congress by a democratic member from Ohio, re-establishing "wildcat" currency, or issue of money by State banks. When old timers think of their experience with that kind of paper, they will invariably conclude that the money we now have is good enough. To have plenty of money is one thingand to have it worth its face value is another. The idea seems to obtain with some people that state banks, or even the government, could issue good money and distribute it around free gratis, thus increasing the rate per capita and conferring a great blessing on the country. Sarpy Sentinel. The reduced duty on American flour to Cuba, under the reciprocity treaty, went into effect on January 1 last. Consul-General Williams tel egraphs the state department that the receipts of flour at Havana for January last were as follows: From the United States, 02,371 sacks; from Spain, none. The receipts for the month of January, 1801, were: From the United States, 2,720 sacks; from Spain, 38,400 bags. The exports of flour from Cuba to New York, New Orleans, Mobile and Key West in January, 1802, amounted to 07,478 barrels of sacks. The exports from the same points in January, 1801, were 9,234 barrels. Associated Press Dispatch from Washington. PROTECTION VS. AMERICANISM. TheCharlPBtnn p in the miliar nf nil ilanniav onllmii. asm for tariff reform, declares that a protective duty should be levied on Egyptian fine cotton for the benefit, of the sea island cotton planters. Atlanta Constitution. The fact is the policy of the United States has been an uninterrupted illustration and defense of protec tion. No party ever undertook to upset it until in 1888 the passions of the free traders were so disastrous ly aroused by a democratic presi dent in search of a renomination Up to that time protection had been one of the most fundameuta of national traditions, shared by democrats and other parties with out material distinction. If . the recent tariff-smashing rage of our old contemporary, the Charleston News and Courier,; subsides for t moment in favor of a little nritec tion sentiment, it is but going back to first principles. Our contempo rary is no rebel against American ism after all. Sun,'; .,'. ';; ' "." . . Attention) Attention!) All Persons flnvlnir hnnVn In thoit possession, taken either from the i . pi. Ks a. rooms or the Y. L; R. R A. room, will please re to J. P. Youngs store,, return at once Safe and Reliable. "In buying a cough medicine for children," says II. A. Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogden, I'ictll, Ill-It I lO I'l' HlltlKl IU IMIJ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ; There is no danger from it and re lief is always sure to follow. 1 par ticularly recommend Chamberlain's because I have found it to be safe and reliable. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tuk Best Salve in the world fur Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever rWes, Tetter, Glmpped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to i;ive satisfaction,' ot money refunded. Prire 25 cents per box For sale by F. G. Fricke January is gone, yet some papers are still publishing those lists of marriageable young men. Do not confuse the famous Blush of Roses with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are flooding the market. Get the genuine of your druggist, (). II. Snyder, 7.) cents per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and give you a lovely complexion. 1 Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Klecl trie Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do nl that is claimed. Klectric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Klectric Hitters. Kntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5 Church Howe has $100.(XH invest ed iu his Nemaha count)- stock farm and has 125 head of trotting horses. A Fatal Mlstane. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke A Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. Itcures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative IServine cures headache, tits, etc. It Should be In Every House. T. H. Wilson, 371 Clay St.. Sharps burg. Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery fo Consumption, Coughs and Colds that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "La Grippe," when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Robert Barber, of Cocksport, l'a. claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than any thing he ever used for J.unp Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke 4 Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c and $1.00. The girl's industrial school build ing at Geneva is Well along toward completion, and is said to be admif -nbly arrangek for its purpose. . A Mystery Explained. nThe papers contain freotient no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps add coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to Head ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a tine book, containing man y marvelous cures, free at F. (r. hricne & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures fluttenng,;short breath, etc Cough Following the Crip Many person, who have recovered from la grippe are now i troubled with a persistent , cough. Cham berlain's ; cough remedy will promptly loosen this cough and relieve the lungs, effecting n per manent cure in a very short tune. 25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. The principal of the Ulysses schools has been arrested on the charge of unmetcifully beating his pupua. Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks nnd the followtng suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Humpfling, ot Butler, Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. 1 Miller of Valnrai and. I. IX Taolnr, of Logansport, lnd each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. Ji. A Gardner, of Vastulr lnd, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions eas.y and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation : by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomcuds this unequailed j nucuj, ,... 1 ' Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, uruggiBt, uenver. Chamberlain's Eye and Skm Ointment A certain cure for Chronic- Sore Eye Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, 01 Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Files. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by tt after all other treatment had failed. It Is put tip in 23 and CO cent boxes. NE8SHS1D5018ESCURED bv l'.ck' Inr.iblf TobHUr lUr Cut- Wm. WhUotr brard. hmnafiilali.rtallriitintiMfajl. Sold by r. Hlwol.mly , T 0 CC 853 bnaaaa, ktw Iwk, Wnu lor few ( yrwibinLC PARKER'S HMD RAI CAU CTwum and beautirw iht talc. rroimxrf a laiu,iant growth. Nerer Fails to Bmore Gray Hair to lta Youthful Color. Cum scalp diatatri Ji hair in'Uwg. w.aflsi.nja Drungim r . rarker'a uiuvr Tonlo. It ruiei the wor.t Couh, wak Ijuiika, Detitlitv. Iitiliuaatioa. Fain. Taka in lima AUrta. HINQENCORNS. Tha only mrecure for Corel, slupa aHjmo. ai tiiuaguta, or U1SCOJL a CO., N. V. GRATIS UL COM PORTING tpps uocoa BREAKFAST "lty k tluirmiKh knowledge of thH nutnriil Ihws which govt-rn lhe opt-taMoi of (Illicit on and nutrition ami by careful applioalliin of I he flue nr'ipe lienor well nelec i i'o- om Mr. Klips has provided our break fust table with a leliciiiely tl voie. heve itHH w hich' inay 8 ive in many li 'avy iloctor'bl Is. Hi- hv the jipllo l"iis use of such article" o diet III t a enn--lluri n niav be until ually built up until xttoiitt etioiiL'h to resist ev-.v t nilcncy to disease, lliiiiilredM of bmIiiI liiiiii- are ll iailuK around ii readv to a'tacK wlnr .'r herein a wtk point, rte limy eHc:ipe manv a fht;tl shaft bv keeidnjji'iiri'e veH well for (fled wl'h purebloo and a properly nourished f.aine." Civil 'ervlce Cazctto. Molnul slinidy with hoillnc water o nil k, Sold only in hull-pound li'-, li t?ro, erls alielled thir: .lA.MKs KITS & DO., lloimi'imuthlo. Chemist I.onilon. Knul ind How Lost ! How Regained ! KNOW THYSELF. Or BELF-PKESKKVATION. A new and only Oold Medal PUIZK VMS A Y on NEK VOUS and Fill nICAL DEBILITY, EKKOK8 of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and ail DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth, gilt; 126 invaiuable preacriptions. Only $1.00 j mail, double aealed. Deacriptire Proxpect. di with endorsements cXMn of the Press and Toluntarj FRF P I fiW.r testimonials ot tha cured. I 1 1 LI. I NOW. Consultation in pernon or by mall. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE 8KCKKCT and CER TAIN CI'KK, Adcire lr. W. H. Pnrker. or The Peabody Medical Iiwtltute, No. 4 Bulflucb St., Bonton, Mau. The Peabody Medical Institute has many lmi. tatora, but no equal. Herald. The Science of Life, or Self Preservation, ts a treasure more valuable than gold. Head It now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn Is be STRONG . Miitical lieview. (Copyrighted-' CHicnesTER'S Fhcuc.i. THE criminal AN J GCNUlftC. S I "Ui'4, f. ' ! I Uul'T't.V,!! Tur ft, f 111 ('!;, v. p. ,-!... -,l wrk B tV 1- .I- - .u . pr ...r-. V. V 1 . 'W.r. I u.l'l f-:r ttlcA.'lii'-'l e io l1 ' A Regular Scimitar That Sweeps &ll before it il"DFAVlrJA"P0D ts5S -s 1PEXSINAT0D Theso will almost nil... n.J ... H 'y sxea it, ana confidently Price by mail, per packet, vary nrnHiirtlua, MivU ... k U t:L .7 ' m.v ?,i 'y "&ar iiaor. nas greaT Slaying qualities, vinos oniB h' ,n ?an follows Little Gem " and bsfore the'diampion of England." We nave thoroughly tested it, and confidently recommend it as the best ever introduced. GIVEN FREE, IF DESIRED, WITH ABOVE, VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE 189a, which contains several colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables. 1,000 Illustrations. Over 100 pages 8 x io inches. Instructions how to plant and care for garden. Descriptions of over 20 New Novelties. Vick's Floral Guide mailed on receipt of address and 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. JAMES VICK'S Sons, Rochester, N.Y.1 Mexican' M Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is' almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment ; ' No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known . remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. , No medicine chest Is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. instantly keeps oil hand everytbii you aef-d to furnish your house. CORNER BfXTH AND MVIN STREET Plattsmouth Neb HSR a For Atchin8on, St. Joseph, Leavea worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points north, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag ajfe checked to any point ' in ' ' ' the United States or Canada. For : . INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address II, C. TOWNSUXI), G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. tJ. IrlllLLIPrI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Afft., Plattamouth. Telephone, 77. HAYE YOU SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure I Nerar fails to (In toataot ndiaf in tba wont MS, ana rare wacre ataer lau. Hal rta rKKB sf hntM ar to Ida lna PB. R. 8CHIPFMANN. 81 Paal. Um. Red Cross Diamond Bhaho TIm vnly Puns mkI rtlktU, nil tor n't VjT anjl'fV iar"Mi ftrur.d ia ltl aa-1 UM4 nW.tli;o uiaer ami. .-:. hsrVfMrjt ma imitation. fa ' 1 sV I E wtppm arv amicer,..! wntrfVt(a. At lir.iciu. r area as CMiCHiuTCii r.rir.ttici Co., i- Iwr ,,r ijll. a." w tax.; return Mali. .. . I.I. .IIA.TA. , melt In your mouth. The "Charmer" Is II . I a I'. recommend it as the best c 15 cents pint, 75 cents. ustang