113 will ki rJU r VOL. XXVI 1. NO. 45. PLATTSMOUT1I, CASS COUNTY.BRASKA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4. 1891. $1.50 AYEAR. V POWDER The Plattsmouih Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Hichest of ullin leavening strength Latest U. S. Government food port Published every Thursday, and daily every e 'enlng except Sunday. Registered at the Flattsroouth, Neb. po't o flcsfor transmission throuuhthe U. 8. mi. Is a' second clans rate. Office comer Vine and Fifth llreets Telephone 38. TERMS FOB WBKKLV, O copy, one year, In advance $1 60 One copy, one year, not In advance 1 00 On copy, six monthf. In advance TS O i 0"py, three months. In advance. . . 40 TKBMB FOB DAILl Oiecop one yar In advance 8 00 O le copy per week, by carrier 15 Out copy, per month BO A western paper says that there is a rumor afloat to the effect that an English syndicate has pur chased the wind-mill plants of this country, and proposes to establish a trust. But the American work- ingnian knows that English syndi cates already control the wind-mill nlants of this country the free trade newspapers. W MEATMARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal. Motion, Butter and eKK!i kept constantly ou band. Game of all kinds kept in Season. SATISFACTION GARANTEED re- IF 1 rror BURLlirQTOlV ft M18SOVRIR1TEH R. V TIME 'A HIE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST I GOING WEST .ft:08P M l No I :4 a. ni , Hi a o i, i :-6 P J : 44 p. hi No. i, 9:05 a m It; 46 .lli O. ' 'IMV. I". lii 14 H. i m 6:!ttp, ni . H -.30 H. II Vo. I, ...6:06 p. in. ii, 19 11 5 a. in. rushi eil'n extru leiives (or Onuiha about two 'clock t r m.lia and will accommodate pas sentiei s . MISSUUR1 PACIFIC RAILWAY Ho. J ho. 4. Ho. 8 No 10 No, 12 Mo. 20... A MAN by the name of James Monahan will start for England on the seventh of this month la a small boat sixteen feet long and four feet wide. SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA. ATTENTION LADIES. jTo-vv' is lc TinG o Uqy yoqt l(s, HoiTes qqd gibbons r jr oq oIq Ptficc i DAWSOIT FEARCE TEW L Why will you cough when Shi- loh'a cure will irive immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 5) cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc HARDWARE STORE S. E. HALL A SON Keep all kinds of bull-lew hardware on hand aua win supply ciuitraciors on most lav orable terms TIME CARD. Ko. 384 Acoi-lnoua l u Leaves jio.38 arnv s Trains tiauy exueyi, mum.. .lo.-.V.a . . 4 ,00 p. jTTOKNKV AN. 8ULLIVAN. jitoruej ai-Uw. Will kiw prompt "ntl"1 X all i uniie- fiitrurte.l t- lilw. OfKoe t Obion block, hast Mrie, Plat'inwiM,Neb. SECRET SOCIETIIX i - , .. w .V 'NIGHTS Of PYlrUA? liaimiui iftr HO 47 Meeli- every mrunr-uaj i-.-...B at their h lib. Pan.-eie a rraig woe. 'A. A m - 1-1 Inuv If R H A O VJ. W. No. meeiaseeuuu wu iuii TRIUPHANT OF AMERICAN DIPLOMACY. The exeat German paper the Frankfort Zeitung in its issue of Dec. 10. in discussincr the success of the American policy of recipro city, speaks of "trimphant shouts ! of victory coming from the United States, and says that tne removal of restriction? against American pork and other recent changes made by Germany "represent a great victory for the American Union, a victory which costs the victor nothing a conquest without a blow." The Zeitun; then pro ceeds to pay a glowing tribute to "the superior commercial diplom acy ot the trans-Alantic state of the future over effete Europe, poor alike in blood and thought". That this remarkable utteranceof a great German paper ia founded upon a correct and eiact knowl edge of the American doctrine of reciprocity is conclusively demon strated by the article itself. The Zeitung supports its statements with a careful analysis of, the Weather Report For the month of January: Fifth snowstorm, 2V in. ; melted, Ninth Light snowstorm. Tenth Snowstorm, 5 in. ; melted, in. Eleventh -i , 7 a. m ; 11 , 2 p. m. ; 15 below, 9 p. m.; daily mean tem perature, 3.3 below. Snowstorm, 1 in.; melted, l& in. Twelfth-28 below, 7 a. m.; 11, 2 p. m.; 18 below, 9 p. m.; daily mean temperature, 13.3 below. Thirteenth 18 below, 7 a. m. ; 7 below, 9 p. in. ; daily mean temper ature, 3.3 below. . . 1. 1 " ! I ... I . 1 ... rum ii-cnui Li utiuw, i n. m., 7 below. 9 p. m.: daily mean tem perature, 1.3 below. Fifteenth 1 below, 7 a. m.; 2 n. m. : 1. 9 p. m.: daily mean temperature, 4. Sixteenth 5 below, 7 a. m. A 1 , . 1 1 I. 1 . -T n m aeventceniu o- uciuw, a. u, , 1, 2 p. m.; 3 below, 9 p. m. ; daily mean temperature. 2 below. Snowstorm, 5 in. ; melted, in. Eighteenth 14 below, 7 a. in.; 4 below, 2 p. m. ; 15 below,9 p. m. ; TIN ROOFING P pouting nrt nil kinds of tin work nromi'tlv done. Orders from the country Solicited 616 Pearl Pt. . PLVTT9MOOTH, NKB. B ANK OF CASSCOUNTY K. M W, vririun vei-lre In toe monin ai u. a ball m Roi kwimd block, M. Vondran, F. F, brow ii. Beturder, CAH8 LODUK, No. 14B. I O. . F- meet'; r mviTen Cbrls Pet -..i . , ,i)i!iviM.ri ro. nctl No 1021. Wlr". . .h. v nf bull Itttli- Parmele & doctrine of reciprocity as formu- da:iv meBn temperature, 12 below. lated by Mr. Blaine and as incor- Nineteenth 30, below, 7 a. m.; porated in Art. Ill of the M'Kinley 6 , 2 p. m. ; 8 , 9 p. m. ; daily mean Cor Main and Klfth street. 'Hid iiocaultal tM 01 4urplus K OFFICERS ) H. Pamele l"reslrteni D H Hiimsey Vice Prenlileni .. M. I'aitfrsnn Canlii'l r M. Patterson, Awtt tiaebli DIRECTORS I H. Pro iiln ..I. M Patterson. Fred Oorder 1. H. Smith K. B. WUdham, Ii. 8. Kamsey and r. M.Pattei-on K OENEKL BANS1NC BU3lNSr TRAUSATED aocounts sollcitei. Interest allowed on time leposlts and prompt atti-ntloutlven to all Dun nes entrusted to its care. JHE CI1IZKNS BANK. PLATTSMOUTH NEBKA8KA tepltal stock paid In J "t Autherued Capital, f 100,000. -o- RS. DAWSON expects to leave our city in a short time and Mrs earce does not wIbIi to continue the business. So for the next o THIRTY DA'S S o will sell goods at coat -O- Any one wishingto go into the millinery business can do so at once at your own terms as we wish to sell our entire stock as it is. We have a splendid location and a good trade. rzJDqsoq Peqice,E KIleit block: Two doors south of Post Offic. 1VTOW IS YOUF, CHftJCK, J The Weekly Foi lgQ2 Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar . Harper's Weekly - 2 45 4 00 - 4 80 480 0 is 4 Iowa State Register Western Rural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean 309 283 550 81. 3 2S 501 Vinb Street. e fWiiG o Subscribe CABS IAIUUB. lu. ! f E.',T err Tuesday nlkht at ihelr hall In Kit block. AIIOu.lHliiiws are cordially, to attend when vl-ltii k In tteeity. Cb vfeen.N O. j s F.Osboin. Secretary. f!rlff block over Berlieil brethren invited Henry Tbos Walling. Hecreiarv. Uerlng, Keenti .k O. U. ,.. Meets Hrt and third Krlday A ...7. i..il .-h tminih at O A B. Hall In Bockwoilk Mock. Frank Vermllyea. M, W p, B. tuersole, Becofder. TR(JKHK OF HON B, meeU second and I J .......I. Tiiimiiuti nf eHCh onlii in ram oi-ra. ait. lie Vermylea. recorder- O. F hall In Kttm' raid bl- ck. Lady ot Honor ; Bel A. B.MoConlDle Post No VJ Satur 45 3010 w AWtktlintf UL 7 Rnckwnod block All Visum comraaia innt even? belr Hall in are . ji.,11. i. uii-ri tn eetwlthus. rrl nates Post Adlnlaot ; O- F. Nlles. Pos- rotnmadder. ouw iu mR WOULD. Meets at 7 ! 30 yj everv Mr nnav evenintt at the Grand Army kail a.F. Grouiu. president, ihoa waiuuf. secretary . W. A. m-et every F 'iirth Monday nings in V la! Ill) ft U.'IKDDf r weioomo. t P. w tariff act, which it is constrained to Bay "has proven its eminent wisdom most brilliantly." It does not hesi tate to say that "the commercial ideas of the American secretary of state are entirely original" and a great improvement over the methods by which Bismark has soucfht to obtain reciprocal trade for Germany. With marked penetration and acuteness t.e Zeitung says: "While according to Bismark's system domestic interested parties became used to special high duties and formed a solid phalanx against and rednctions or concession, Mr Blaine's system causes the foreign reporter to profit by the reduction temperature, 1. Thirty-first-34, 7 a. m. ; 57 , 2 p. m.; 48 v p. m.; daily mean tem perature, 45.3?. SUMMARY. Monthly mean temperature, 18.3. Highest temperature, 57, 31st Lowest temperature, 30 below, 19th. Coldest day, 12th, the mean tern- perature being 13.3 below. Melted snow, 1ft inches. Snowfall, 13 inches. Clear days, 9. Below are some of the tempera tures for the same month in other - rricM W. il Cuihloi, J W Johnson 1 President, Vloe-Piesl lei - r; W. H. fiURHIMO. Oflsbler. , ' ' ' DiRwrmiM FBOuthraan J W Johnson. B H OreufsJ, I Henry KikenDary. M w MorKsn, o A Conaor. W Wettenkamp, W B Cushlkg Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S -UBBAT MODEBN- rRANSACTSIA GENERAL BAHUUG BDS1KES I HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. ssuos certlflcates of deposit, bearing Interest huvs ana tens excu&oge. county ana city it u years: 1B MO. 1T7 9AO- 'MO. VnAS'iCAMP No.3M M T i.e. w second and ItTfrArullt lift. I. aneu, . . ' tide, UlrrK. lertenberger, W. A.. and makes of him a power fullally 38o. 1883, 24; 1884, 25; 1885, 30; to force .his (the foreign) govern- 188fl( 26 ; 1887,24; 1888,36, ment to make concessions to prevent the re-establishment of the 1878, rlRST : NATIONAL : BANK F OF FLATTDMOCTB, NEBRASKA Paid up capital . tvt . t v ri v PlfWPR TAMP NO 80- V sons of Veterans, dlvhlim ot Nebraska. 0 I. A. mee' - very rUenda nmht at T :S0 o'rl-ck h,ir hUi in m iriirtsrHiii in.a. ii airsi- tu vljltlnK comrades are cordially Invited to meet Aus J J. Kurtz. ronton uler; B A. c aln. li'fea gent. iiiTi.HTRRS iF HRPBi A Bud ( Prom- X i a i iiHwm n.i. in in. -eif the m-o Til nno fourth Thursday eveul-gs rf each mouth In the I O. O. ' . nt-ll nns- -i. " imaiii", " Q. i Mrs. John Cory. Hecretsry miTTtil VPN'Ri HKInTI -N- HliOIATIO'- X Waterman bliwk Main Street. Hooms open fr - m 8 :o a m to S -Jii p in. Kor nieu ou'y rfnanl meatinir everv Hiiuday alternoon at 4 o'elock PLACES OF WORSHIP. stholio.-M. Paul's ( huicb, ak. between v fih niirt KiTin. rsmer a-ney. ranmr Bervlces i Miss at S snU in -.30 a. M. sunaay School at 2 &. with beuedictiok. llHKisTiAii.-Ctinier Locust and Eighth Bts. NanlcesmoriilnK and rvcMng. iaer a. Oallpway pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m. Bris-JOPAU-St. Luke' Church, corner Third and Vine. Bev. H B. Boruess .pastor. Ser vices ill A. M. audi :. a. Sunday School ,.y2:30r. m. AMMAN Mf.THorisT - orner HITth t and llrmille. Bev.lllrt. Paetor. hervices : II A. M. and 1 :30 1'. M. Hunnay School 10 :30 a M. American duties." It does not escape the Zeitung that the same principle which has gained remarkable victories for the United States in Europe is proving equally successful in South Amen can. As it savs. '"Mr. Blaine's idea has been successful in both cases The Zeitung thinks, however; that the masterpiece of American diplomacy is shown in the way the principle or reciprocity has been used by the Harrision admuustra tion to open the German markets not only to American pork but also wheat, rye, bran, hops, butter, meat, Craal Surnrlsa Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would vou believe tnat it is soiu on no merits and that anv druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam, Large Hottles sue ana 91. Surplus.. I90.ono.oo , lo.ooo.ow Having purchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on eoutk Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having juxt put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline store and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plai. 1. I'EAHLHAN. Circulating Library. The Y. L. R. R. A. are placing their books in T.P.Young's store for the purpose of establishing a circulating library. .They expect to ndd a larce installment oi dookb at once. Anyone purcnHmnir a yesnv wneai, rye, Dran, nop, uuncr, u.cw nuarlerlv ticket will have the and flour. It says "Germany has privilege of adding the name of one been forced to make the treaty, as book to the list, which will be France, Austria, and other sugar- P"rchased in the new installment . . J. 1IIC 111 ICU 1" IV vv -"vn producing countries win imvcu, uo . noo-iar book8 in circulation. vsryBOOn." Yearlv tickets. $1.00: quarterly, 50 Kverv intelligent American citi- cents: monthly. 2o cents; and 10 . j n I - ' A . .,:ii ka on. I rpnts a volume. o AVU VUIH IV II 1 III vu rs the very best facilities tor the promp transaction oi ugitimate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, cold. Government and local i mrltlAa bouvht and sold. Deposits recelvi ind Interest allowed on the certificate Drafts drawn, available In any part of th Onlted States and all the principal town, o urope. 0OLLBCTIOHS MADS AND PBOMPTLT BmtT- TSD. Blithest market price paid tor County War rants, oiaie sob i.ouuij uuuus. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald D, Bawkswortn Sam Waugh, F. B. White Ueorse B. Dovey fobn Fitzgerald, H.WaiiRh. rresiaeni va-' HBALStlS III F Q FMM 02 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Fall sad Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour. RRHVTirHi an. f-ervlces In iew church, cor ner Sixth sud (ininiie st. Bev J. T. Halm, tiastor. utlllv-scl ool ai 9 ;3P ; Preaching hi. n a. m.srul 8 ii m. The . It. W. K ol 'his church mets eveiy SabbHin eveiunp hi i :is in me naseme' i oi thechucrh. All are invited to ail- ud these nieettiiK. FIK8T MSTHOD18T. Sixth Ht., betweii Main and Pearl, Lev I. P. Htltt. I. I), imitor, Hervlce- ill A. M. f M Mmda School l:30A M, Pray.rmeeil .g Wednesday even- Inn- Uskman I'KKSHVTKKisN. t'orner Malu and Ninth. Kev Witte, pHSii'r. Services usual bours. runduy rcuool 9 :30 a. at. i BWRBDisH ronoRSOATiuMAu tiranlie, be tween rum auu num. - Ooix)mri Baptist. Mt. Olive. iak. between - Tenth and MeveiilU, llev. A. Mot-well. uus tor. Services II a. m. and T aO p. m. Prayer meeting rteum-suaji rvrnii'K. fn.llin MKN'S l'HniHTIA AsMiCIATinN Vi Rnnmi In V atermau block. Ma n street. lo. Ml meetlnc. for weu only. everv Hundv af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Nnoms open week days from 8)0 a. m to : p. m. sotrTB Park Tafkhnaci.. Kev. .?. M. vooa, i astor, nemcn: ounuay ecnooi, 10 a. m. i treacninir, us m. una up, m. ; prayer meetliiR Tuesday niKbl ; choir prac tice Friday night. All are welcome. tire article from the Frankfort Zeitung. It is the most remarkable tribute ever paid in the European press to American diplomacy, and more the than that, it gives from a distant standpoint a better and more complete view of the republi can doctrine of reciprocity tnan a certain clement here at home has yet been able to take. DURING eleven months in 1891 we exported to China 76,000,000 yards of cotton cloth. In the corresponding period in 1890 China took only 27.000.C00 yards. If the tariff is ruin ing our industries, how is it that we have well nigh overcome the com petition of free trade England in this open market of the world? American Economist. The Atlanta Constitution expati ates on the beauties of an income tax, and says that "it must come." And yet we are told that "tariff eform" does not mean free trade. LaCrlppe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences irom an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com- plete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in nneumonia. Among tne many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single caBe that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. -3 and I 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. A Senaibla Man. Would use Kemps Balsam for throat and lungs. It is curing more cases of coughs, coles, Asthma, Bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung trouble than any oiher medicine, The proprietor has au thorized any druggist to give you a sample bottle free to convince you of the merit of this remedy. Large botttcs 50c and (1. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QDEEN8WARE. Patronage f the Public Solicited. FOR SALE OR EXCHAM ACRES of Colora lo land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for some one; the land is AI. For further particulars call on or address THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Meb. 320 krV7a a ar . r j 'car xzx ,orV CoiutJ wtrntism THE POSITIVE CURE. IXLT1UUJT--BS.M Warm BUjWew Turk. Price) eta. i i tr-i North Sixth Street, Plattsmouta. I, T CKN l j Io represent our well known house. Vou need no capital to repso sent a firm that warrants stock Urst-claes. ndtruato name. WORK ALL THE TEAR, too per month to right man. Apply mlck, Muting age. , J ILWAT4 CO nrset7, Florist and Beedamen.Hi. Pill, Idiot. Always has on hand a full stock of " FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the city. CORNER SIXTH AND VINE . Plattsmouth, Nebraska. -L 917, 919, sat, and 933 Iain ST, TLAXTSMOUTH, NEB. F. R. GUTHMANIT. PROP. Rates J-4.50 per week and up. lims uuuoo is rrspwMUiv n