Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 28, 1892, Image 7

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Pronounced Hople, Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hurd of Groton, 8. I., we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on jny hsntrs. cough net in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctor?) gave ine up say-
tig I could live but a short time. I
gave myself up to my Saviour, de
termined if 1 could not sjny with
my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to tret Dr. King'a
New Discovery for consumption
ougha nnd colds. I gave it a trial
took in all eight bottles; it has cured
ue and thank God I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottle
free at 1 O. J'ncke & (. o. a drug
store, regular size, Title, and $1.00.
- - - - BILL HEADS,
or iu tact anything in the
Qqiqi)tee Satisfaction-
, i. l ;n hnninfiss. advertise i nnd let
lr you wibu iu butosu ;vu' '
th public know your prices. People like to trade witli Itho mer
.w who offers them the best inducements. It might help your
trado wonderfully. Try it.
OonltttfrtlSof the human form suivrnftiiiiirtrmii.-d.
titclwTdom stramrtrien, enlarge all wiw, mmiinl,
DnieTiil.tioblaorvniiul prta of tlie txMr
which have lut or never at (allied a proper
natural sue, itua to III health, atmiw..icwe.r
uhkihjwq vannea. 'inurv la one niitlnod ana
rhloh thla may b aowni.lln-.l.
only an, br
lucraawU Bow of to anir imrt. DnxliiciHl h
sliui'learmanitiia aclliia aiitoiiiatU-allT.crratej now
liMUi,loiiaaiidvliiur by tli miiu ualural luwtsa
tuelniivsMiif alt and strrntith of nuiMo. inn1
be prejudiced beotitae little duai-ko nmnwt Itr aiMr
weans to da tha mire. IN VKSTHJATK.
There'e no trap bark ofnar elit-ra. ourpiiy
T III omie bn the pul.llo knows clparlr aelrm-o
from fraud. Write u for Inst motions, full (ttwr-rln.
tion, iinxifH.reli'ri'nct'ii, o. All son! you la DUuU i . . ' ,,
ai-NlPd letiirwlihnitoot of any kind. Ill llllge
F. G. Fricke A Co., Druggists A
Pharmacists, Union Block, 1'latts-
moutli, Neb. desire to inform the
public, that they are agents, tor
the most successful preparation
thatlnas yet been produced for
coughs, colds and croup. It will
loosen and releave a severe cold in
less time than any other treatment.
1 he article referred too is i nn mer
Iain's faugh remeby. It is a medi
cine that has won fame and popular
ity on it h merits undone that can
always be depended upon. It is
the only known remedy win
prevent croup. It must be tried to
be oppreciated. It is put up in.r
cent and $1 bottles.
As the most important Campaign for
years is Coming upon us every Farmer should
be provided with a good live newspaper that
will keep them posted on all important ques
tions of the day. THE HERALD is purely a
Republican paper and would be glad to put
our name on our list. Only $1,50 a year.
See our Clubbing list with the leading, pa
pers published.
BOl Cor Fifth and Vine St
br a new perfected
relent itlo method Unit
cannot fill utile, tlio
caie Is bernnd human
nld. Yon fool Improved
theflrat dar.fenl a bene
fit every Uuj : aoon know
yourself a king amonii
men la body, mind and
hi'nrt- Drains and loaaea
ended. Kverr obsiat-lo
iu happy married life re
moved. Nerve loico,
v.ill.ononrT, brainpower,
when Tallinn or loatara
restored by thla treat
ment. AllamallHnrioeiik
Cirtlnna ( the body en
rued and streniitliened.
Victims uf abuses nnd
exwHaea. reclaim your
mnnhoud! Sutrererairoro
folly.overwurk.lll health.
rwiln yoiirvinor! Don't
di'8ialr,even If In the Inst
tntics. Iion'thodisheart
eni-d If qnarka have rob
bed you. Uauaabowyou
that medical science und
t'?t1nesa honor still exlati hero no hand In hand.
V rile for our lluuk with explanations a proof s,
Mulled sealed free. Over g.UOU
Never faila to civa Instant relief In tha worn
Iomi.i, aud alfcu tnira whore athara fall.
Trial fukaa rKKB f Drtm ar ky BUL
ktr DR. K. ROHIPFMANN. gt, rul. Iim.
br tn3 Liuuor Kabit, Positively turei
It cm be t'ven In a cup ot co'Jee or tea. or In w
Holes o! 'ooii, without the ktiowlcfliioof the per
on inkliiK It; It l uliioltitolv litu iuist. iiikI wil
vtincl a lii'.niianciit anil niredy cure, wlielh. i
tiiviiiitit'iitlsa mtkiormo ili inki-vni an alcohol lr
wrei-li. IT NEVFR FAILS. liUMrf AN tl
a comnkto ouie in )i v liis'Sio f. in pao uooi
rDCC A ,1.1 in., I It folillilf.m'P.
ViLC'd if-cC'fiCCO. M'iHii.'j St.. ClnclanitLO
Safe and Reliable il i m
"In buyiner a courh medicine lor
children," piivs II. A. Wulker,
prominent tiriitnjist of Dtden,
Hall, "never to be afraid to buy
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy.
There is no danger from it atitFre-
lief is alwavH Hiire to follow. I par
ticularly recommend Chamberlain's
because 1 have totiml it to lie natt;
and reliable. 25 nnd fit) cent bottles
for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub Bkht Sai.vk in the world lor t'ntr
Bruises, Sort'8, Ulwrs, Sub Hhfiiin, Fever
Sores, Ti'tter, CliHiit'd IIhikIs, Cliillilmni.,
Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, nnil nt
tively riirr lile, or no pay rt-quire'l.
It im KUHrunti'ed to (five itisfneuon, m
11101117 refunded, 1'rirt) 23 coiit per lox
For sule lj F. 0. Fricke
Do not confuse the famous Blunh
of Koses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams and
bleaches which art flooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
druggist, (). II. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, anil 1 guarnntee 11 will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
"1 s!iill look fur yon 111 .Miiy or nonr tniu
time to go Miih me," 'iH t!n ibiVo, ns 1
was liMVinn for tlin train. The eul'int'l
went wilu nit' to t'.ie rl'y and saw nii'slur
d on my liouiewiml journey,
I roiu'lu'd home without aceldont and
found Myrtle 011 the watch for me.
"How 1.h motlier?" 1 asked. R I took her
lu my anus 11ml sUtrted up stairs.
"Sim U very 111 mid hits boon asking for
you nil day."
As I n;md the dinir thp phvslclnn who
wan standlm; by my mother's lied placed
ifi to his lips lu indicate sili'iice,
but her tpiick ear caught the souud. Siio
turned her heiul and saw tue standing in
the dwr. A gla.l sniilo !it up her pnlo face
a 1 went to her liedsido. 1 kiA-,etl her lli
'Are you better, my dear mothcrf"
'About the same," shu saiil in a whis
per, "but I urn so glad you have como,
my son, my tlarling Isiy."
"Now, you will get well again, and 1
will take you with mo to see new scenes
that will cheer your life."
".My son," said my mother, "I shall
never get well again, and It Is Wst so. 1
want you, my son, to forgive me the pain I
caused you w hen Stella left us."
"O, don't say that," 1 said, while tears
rolled down my cheeks, for with the words
had come the thought of the utter loneli
ness that must follow. "What can we dt
without you?"
"Hut say you forsrlve mo, my sou,"
again pleaded the whispering voice.
"Yon, darling mother, I forgive you
freely, and 1 beg you to forgive my cruel
neglect iu seeking my own pleasure nnd
forgetting you;" I said, bending low be
bide her bed with keen regret in my heart.
"If you ever find her toll her how I
missed her, and rene :iber you have a
mother's Messing lu seeking her love. 1
was In the wrong. Rank and position are
of Utile, value when seen from a bed ol
death. You will lie kind to Myrtle? Pool
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
nnd so popular ns to need no special
mention. All who have used bled
trie Hitters sing the same song of
praise. A mirer medicine does not
exist nnd it is guaranteed to do al-
that is claimed. Klectric Hitters
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, salt rheum nnd other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well us cure all ma
larial fevers. For cure ff headache,
constipation nnd indigestion try
Klectric Hitters. lintirc satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G.
Fricke & Co's drugstore. I
V , ,11 t ,1 "... 1
' J
ne saw me sne came aild putting tier
rms about my neck, said:
"brother, would von 5j verv lonnlv If I
hm.l.l stay alutie longer with Annlef
f have such nicp times riding out to
P'lhcr, feinting 1 In- t hickens and watching
the little while rabbits."
"No, Myrtle," I said, "I am glad to
know you are happy here. If you and An
nie can agree, I would like for you to stay
here a few months, while I visit America
with the Duke of Melvorne, Annie, arc
you willing to accept such a care as that?"
1 asked, turning toward her us I spoke.
"I would lie delighted ti huve her with
me! My companions are few, and she la
such good company aud so liltlo trouble!
Plesse let her stay, Ioyd," said Annla
with animation.
"I urn glad to find It so agreeable to you.
It has been a troublesome question what
to do with her while I was gone. Hut I
feel well pleased to leave her In your care.
11 something to meet expenses with,"
I Bald, handing her a bank note.
"I am to use this as I please!'' she wild,
taking the note.
"Yes," I wild, taking her hand at part
Ing, "and I thank you more than words
can tell."
As I took her hand It trembled and her
face grew very white Khe kept her eyes
turned toward the Hnor. What could It
mean! I kept ai.kin myself all the way
home If I had won this fair girl's love, f
did. not know. We had been friends from
hildhiKsl, and I loved her with a boyl .li
ivp, yet no words of aught but friendship
hail ever passd between us. She was to
i like a sister nearly my own age. Din
he know of my mother's wish? A thou-
and strange fancies came Into my mind.
I could not banish the white face with its
strange expression.
A few days after, when my preparations
were all completed, I rode over 10 &tr
Wren's to sav ifood-bye. Annie was tint at
home, but Sir Wren gave mo a hearty tlod
peed, and My rile clung to my neck, sob-
linif most piteously.
She wits comforted by my telling ner
iiat 1 was going In search of Stella. That
was a magic word. She eeitsed weeping
1 began to plan how nice It would be to
inve Stella at Waverlund once more.
Would I find her?" was the oft return
ing thought as I rode away from the gala
st Sir Wren's.
"Kx w&
You wilt he kind to Mirrtlrt
D rs . B ETTS & B ETTS
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make no more fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tients thnt nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart Disease" which may
be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co.,
who guarantee nnd recommend Dr.
Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the largest sale of any
heart remedy in the world. I (cures
nervous antl organic heart disease,
short brent h, fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, nrm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. His .Restorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
to 8 p. m. Boadar
OfRoa honra from S a. m
from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
BpecInlUta inChroaio, Nerroas,8kiA and Blood
Consultation at oflloe or br mall fre.
Medicine sent by mail or azpreM, secnraly
packed, free (mm obmrration. OuaraateM to .
ours quickly, safely and permanently. I
The moat widely and favorably known aperinl.
tsta in the TJnitd Btatna. Their long experinDce, ,
remarkable akill and univeraal success in tha I
treatment and care of Nervous, Chronic and Bur.
Itiral Diseases, entitle these eminent physicians
to the full confidence of the afUicted verywbers.
Thay ftnaratitee:
awful eflaota of early rioa and tha niunetxma aviia
bat follow in its train.
fjteedily, completely and parmaneiitly enred.
ORDERS yield readily to their akilUui tmaW
pnarantned eurad wiUiout pain or dotaatioa
from Imniness.
nently and successfully eurad in every case.
torrliaca, Hemiusi WenkoHss, Ixnt nlaiihood,
Night Emissions, Decayed Faculties, Female
Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar to
either sex positirely cared, e well as all func
tional disorders that result from youthful follies
or the exceas of mature year.
Cfrirfttro Guaranteed permanently enrad.
Oil IUIUI D removal complete, withrmt cut.
tins, camstia or dilataUon. Cure effected at
borne by patient without a momenta paia ot
ACnra Pupa The awful effects of early
OUT O lUTB yicm which brinirs orfranlo
wenknesa, destrorinic both mind and body, with
all iu dreaded ilia, permanently cured,
n.a Raftc Address those who have hnpar
UI 8. QCllO ed themselves by itnproier in
dnlimnce and solitary habits, which rain both
mind and body, uofituug tliam for buMmesa,
atody or marriage.
MARRIED MEH, or ttiosa entarfng on thnt
bnrriy life, aware of pliyeacej debility, quickly
trHend I ovnas pnswirsi for eelebraterl work
m Chronic, Merrons and Delicate Diseasne.
ThoomiMis cured. tW"K friendly letter or eail
may save you foture snffWini and shame, and
aifal aoldan years to lifs. tWSo letter answered
aniens accompanied by 4 cent in stamps.
Addreea, or ceil 00
1409 Douglas St.,
It Should be In Every House.
J. H. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery foj
Consumption, Coughs and Colda
that it cured his wite who was
threatened with Pneumonia aftet
an attack of "La Grippe," when
various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no good
Robert Barber, of Cocksoort. Pa..
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for J.unp
Trouble. iSotliing like it. try it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c
and Sf-l.tJU.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
mid coachmen. The well-known
I specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all Biich girls are more or less hys
: terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
! Iiiilaricetl: usiiallv subject to Head
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is 110 remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G.FricKe
& Co's.. who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Curea
fluttcnng,;short breath, etc.
Coueh Following the Crip
Manv person, who have recovered
from la griupe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. , Cham
berlain'a couch remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, etlecting a per
inanent cure in a very short time,
25 and SOcent bottle for sale by K,
G. Fricke A Co.
Strtllng Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso liumpfling,
of Ilutler, Penn, swears that when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L.
Miller of Valorai and. T.D. Taolnr,
of Loganaport, Ind each gained '20
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to !i0 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervoun cures free at F. G. Fricke, &
Co., who recomenda this unequalled
Ely's Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a remeby for catarrh
which is acrcravatpd by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver.
little oim, she has Irtii my reiitest com
fort," said my limtlit'r, placing her hand
upon the head of the wuepiiii; child.
The physician administered to my ninth-
er her potion ami felt her pultfe. ( knew
by the look on tin! kind old face that tht
dear cam who had filled my life with a
halo of light from tho heavenly world,
would soon lie lieyond the reach of pain or
sorrow. Mow frail Hliu looked us site iny
with closed eyes, breathing so quietly her
11 to away.
"Oh, mamma, mamma," moaned Myr
My mother opened her eyes In answer to
aer bi.hv'a call. The mother's heart was
loath to leave her dnrlintf. She reuchod
her hand oat to find ns, and asked:
",Mv son, are you heref Myrtle, darllnff.
ftotl IiIcjw yon," came In a whisper so faint
that I could hardly catch the words. Then
tdletice fell upon the Hps that had only ut
tered words of love and tender counsel.
Tho physician Raid:
"Rest In peace." And, as I looked at the
sweet face now beantillcd with a hojie of
eternal glory, I could only say, "Yes, rest
lu peace."
It wns only the swinging open 01 the
eolden uale.i. I could not weep. I could
only stand and lood at the dear, dead
body. It was only the empty cask-'t, the
precious Jewel was not there. Taking
Myrtle by the hand, I led her to my room
wheie I soon had a comfortable lire.
Poor weeplnir Myrtle. She was such
we frntl child, though ten years old. So
young to miss a mother's love. But I hart
promised my mother to guard her from
What a sad home coming this hud been
to me. I did not anticipate much pleasure
but I had always found my mother ready
to welcome me home with loving words
and tender care. Now life was desolate
indeed! "No one to love, none to caressl"
I thought of the words, "No one Is ever
qnlte miserable who has the love of one
small child." I had that at least. Myrtle
clung to me with a tender, trusting love.
How my heart yearned for the Intelligent
sympathy Stella would havo given! .She
could have been a sister to Myrtle and a
comforter to me! Where was she nowr
Had she forgotteti us, or was bar heart
ever turning toward the past with fond re-
memliranco of us all? Even my mother
had longed for her ia the solitude of sick
ness. 1 wrts glad to know my mother's
wish; for In my heart I was resolved to
win Stella's love if we should ever meet
again, ami I had strong hopes that some
time we should meet. .
How dull were the days that followed.
We were lonely and full of sorrow, my
little sister aud I. Thoughts of other days
would como to mock me with vanished
Joys. Days when my mother was my
friend. Then, days when sunshine was
shed throughout tho dull old house at Wa
vcrland by our sweet friend. Would hap
piness ever again take up its abode at Wa
verlaudf Days pass; the beautiful dead was laid to
rest, and Myrtle and I took up the bur
den of life again. She was a quiet child
and nccustomed to amusing herself. I
soon learned to love her very dearly; her
very helplessness was a call for love and
tenderness for me. Soon after my moth
er's death Annie Wren urcd Myrtle to
go home with her, hut she chose to stay
with mo and was always by my side. As
I look back to those days I feel very thank
ful for the little sister who kept me from
When the Joyous springtime came with
birds and flowers, renewed life sprang up
within my heart It was near the time fur
me to start for London If I wished to visit
America with the duke of Melvorne.
What had I better do? I could not take
Myrtle with me, and to send her away
among stranjrers seemed a cruel thing to
do. 1 was still undecided, whed one morn
ing we had been out riding and called at
Sir Wren's. Annie met us at the door and
persuaded Myrtle to spend a few days
with her. When the time fot Myrtle's
visit to end came, I went to bring her
home. Still what to do with her during
mv absence was an anxious Whan
I was at list rwuly to start for America.
ti... 1 1 .. 1. ..-..., 1 r .....1 ..f d.j'i i.iniii-.
1 11c 1111111 in 11, iiirm jmiiki ,i .-". ' '.....
hi'! Tim U'Hcon litrht of hope! A land of
free churches, of free schools, and freo
men! Would my grand Ideal tie realized?
Wi ii! I I tltnl there all the noble aspirations
of a nation fulillled
When I reached my lodgings in Ixmdnn,
I sent word to the Duke of Miivoroo that
I wamithln service and ready whenever
he uUn-d to start oil our western tour.
Tl'." answer came in person of the Duke
Von were in earnest," ne sain, giving
me a cordial hand shako as he spoke.
'Yes, sir," I resiled. "I want to sec the
laud where a man can make a million in a
month or two."
Our preparations for the voyage were
quickly completed. Our passage was se
cured on the "Fulda," and soon we were
pi iwing the waters of the deep, leaving
behind us a lino of white foam, soon lost
in the distance. I thought how like our
life Is tills path, very real and full of life it
Been.; at first, and then It Is lost aud for
got I rii.
Tho dorks were crowded with a gay com-
p t'iy. Sume were going nonie, niter years
of ii'.JM.Mico, to greet the dear ones waiting
fj welcome them. Others, like myself
were going for a first look at the new
w.nld. Our voyage was made after the
pre ! lent 01 the united Mates nail issued
orders for tho great cattle companies to
t.-.r,o their herds from some of the Indian
reservations. A corpulent old mat! wns
m:i!;iii2 himself very itisagreeabk) over the
new which had just reached him.
"Why are you so vexed wilU the presi
dent's order,
"if it Is carried out it will cost nearly all
my cattle are worth. They are not in a
marketable couditlou," he said, gruiuu
lin.'.'ly. "llow did you obtain permission to put
your herds there?" I inquired.
"We got leases from the Indian chiefs,"
be said.
"Why, I thought the Indians were words
of the nation, and had no light to sell or
lease their lands."
"So they are thought to l)e. But through
the secretary of the department we' ob
tained the lease for a largo tract of the
best stock raising country in the west.
Plenty of good water, grass in abundance,
, and a mild climate," he said, warming up
with his subject.
"There Is a man with his toes pinched,"
I said to the duke a few moments after, as
we heard the old man still grumbling
when any one would listen to him.
I "Yes," said the duke, "that order of the
president's will pinch a good many toes if
'it Is carried out. llut It will not lm en
forced. There Is (410 muuli money In it.
The order amounts to nothing. It is only
a blank cartridge tired for etrect."
"Then you think delays wi.U be winked
at. and at l:wt nothing will be done to en-
fun Dirt uriif.l'V"
t 41. wl nu n n.,1. -mm DMIIth t,l...w1 r.hl
I Ullll) M n llll"! I'1.. J"'l-I?4 ll.;"Vl, Mlll.h
money wins every tline," said the tTuke,
loot'jig me full in the foco, wiUi au
amused expression on his handsome facs.
"What a fine looking lady that is sitting
yonder watching the sunset, with the
young lady at her side," remarked tha
dulw, changing the subject abruptly. '
"I wonder If they are Americans?" I
asked, as we strolled aloug the deck.
"Havo you met them?"
"Yes, to both your questions. I have
met them and they are Americans.. The
elderly lady is the mother. The young
lady is one of the finest violinists of her
age In tho world. They are now ret tuning
home from Europe. The duughter has just
completed her course of st-idy and will
now begin to reap her reward as an artist,"
"I hope she will favor us occasionally
with some of her skill," I salil, ns we
passed in to supper.
Kvening on shipboard is usually a de
lightful time. Every one la willing to be
agreeable. There were several good musi
cians on board who kindly favored us with
music. And glee clubs were formed from
the merry company. Some paired off for
a quiet game of whist, the only game al
lowed on board bv order 0' 'he captain,
I'mitlmiMil oYt W...k.
. A Sensible Man.
Would use Kemps Halsam for the
throat and lungs. It is curing more
cases of coughs, coles, Asthma,
Hronchitis, croup and all throat
and lung trouble than any oiher
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thorized auy druggist to give you a
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