If ..f" . Sheriff's Sale. Rt vlrttiA nf an nrrinr at ! Imud kv or 1 x onowaitf r, cierK ol tbe ills rict curt willilu V'.d for i:a-s cum y. Nt-hr.i.ka kiiiI tn m i-u, i "ut "ii nir gin s hi rruiuirv, A- T-J 3 IPii-, nil i it, ill t i BJIIU UHV, "I Wit f ... i. u ui..i.... .. u..ji li i lii ii'cai'iiiw y railing Ull IU UIH'KWll )U II, lnth i-ityof I'litli-mtiiitli, a- -omity. orxska. Hut lie mi! tin? ul.u-e wlit-re the lust rm oliu-trii't curt was lieM n sitM U'Uiit., 1 at (JUlilli: iiiii'tinii tliH fnllowiiiK rf ill ''tlHlc. wit: i.-u Iw i liuiHlieil ami lime . and o hull Irpii ilihI tin .lm In tha tfllli tt nf (rcenwioil, awt county, Net'nska. tiwtlii-r it i i at ri vilo ii(t jurtoioHi there Bnlohelo giiiK or In anywise HiHiertalnlliir. The saiut- Uclui! U'Vieil upon ami taken as the ruperty nf J. is. Ki.-'ttT anil Kllen Foster, tlrf miauls, to sat sfy a Judgment n( unlit urt recovered hv Tim" an Klrkpatrick, pl.ii nt trt amiinst saiii (Wen a I tutt.-nAuili. Neb .Juniiary. A D 1W. V- W i m.i AM lIUHr, T, B Wu, RherUU AsCa., Neb. Atty. tor t'lalntlff,. Notica of Probata or Will. THE HTAlK Oe NEBHASK A I . InA'mintv rourt f r('a- County, f M the matter of the last w II and testament rf Mry is. Allison, deceased : NNotioe Is hereby Riven that on the first day f(uuiuij a. v. ikk, at me omce oiinecou Ivtudeem Plattsmnuth. rami cnnntv Nehru. Ka n rne nouror It e'elock In the forenoon mi' i (mowing matter win be heard and consld eri'H. The petition of Wm. B Allison and Edward B Neatly to admit to p-obatea certified cony f the list will and testament nf Mary N Alli son, decerned late of Debuque, Iowa In said county of Dubuque,. Dated this 8th day of January A. D. 181(2. , By order of the point if B. H. Kavskv n. .TudKA l-An A. Davles, Attorney for petitioners, .., , ?-e8i Notice W. B. Morledye first name unknown, will t?ke notice that on the soth dav nf Dectinhar. 11, M Archer, a justice of the peace of Plattsmouth City, Cam county, Nebraska. Is Bued an order of uttachment for the sum of 21 sO In an action en1li)R before Mm, where in Henry M. Rons Is plaintiff and W. H. Mor edge, nrwl name unkown. Is ! fe'dant, that property of said defendant connistiig f mon ey ha been attached und r said order 8aM cause was emitinued to the mutiny of February lt2 at inn'c.sck a. m, Hknrv M. Bons Plain tiff Lagal Notice TH DISTRICT COUttT, CASS COUNTY NE X brnska. Vnrla L. Butler and V MaryK.Butltr, hatntiln John Orl es and wife. Mail I,. Crimen. Jsnies K. Crimes and wife. ar ill A. (i lire I nancy .1. lin imuk and husband, David B. Bum .iik : Elvira E. Grimes, :i a A. Grint's Aiah F, .liilinsmi and husband, llred Johnson; Helen I). Vliitiiire and husband enrge wlntmore Mzil A. Ui'iine-; Francis Grimes and wife, Abble I), (iiitnes Jalio 11. (irlines; Uicinila K. (Jriines, Dav Id W. Grime : Betny J. Hrown ; John G. Butler and wife, Frauceaa Butler ; James i. Butler and wife Klleii M. Bu'ler : Kian- it A. Aalker and wll, Martha Walker! -Jiihn G. Walker and wife, Kebecca V, Walk -w, vt ii nam n, niiisun, Auaie n. t ooinaui'll Kry E. Fuller and husband, Melville W fuller ; June E. Marsh and husband Ben Jamiu K. Ma sh j Add;e It. Ooolbouch. the founder, WllllmenB K. Coolbsui'h. Illinois Co'ilbauch, Grace W. Rrown and hu'band. iricliibald L. Brown ; Maud fuller. Mary C KAler, Mildred WallHCB nrd i tisbaiid, llfd'ti C, Wal ace ; Paulina C. Auberyand tiaml, Jiiiiii's M Aiibery : TatherlneM, ruiierj tiaiip nniwu puner a miuor ; vllle W. Fuller. Guardian of lane Brown ler. a minor : Helen Gallacher. I.vinni k and Ueorua U. i.auman. rxecutois of estate of James V. Grimes, decensed. and I meivuie n. ruii'r nveni mr neirs ni vi in f , GnolliHURh deceiiSt'd ; Krarces Hiubee, Geortre True elllloy, Hemlefta Orcgson, Susan Nealley. KdWard B. Nealley, Kdward ,M, Nealley, Vt m. r, Hcalley, Ueuiy A. Meal Defendant I The above named defendants will take no tire that on the 2M day of December 191 Maria l. Butler end Mary F. Butler, plaintiffs herein filed their petition in the dlrtriet court of Cass countv, Nebraska against said defen dants, the object and prayer of which are l tfkure a partition of the f.illowlnu described ptoperty to-wlt : The west half (H) of the sivXithwest quarter () and southeast quarter (4)o(tne southwest quarter (i and north east quarter of the southeast quarter (t) of section number thirty-two (32) township number eleven (It ). range number twelve (II) : and west half (4of northwest quarter ( H ) and nri.nweT iiiiHrLer nr fliiuinwtiHr ntiurrur l of section numner tlilrtv- three Mi r.nwn. ship number eleven (11), ranite number twelve ii i ftnn nnn wh miuriMr k ir tinrttiAaut quarter () section n umber thirty-three (3S), townselp number twelve (11), ranije number eleven (11) ; and northeast quarter () section number twenty (V)), township number eleven M), range number eleven (11) east of the eth P.M. Cms county, Nebraska' together with an accounting (or rents and profits realized therefrom, and for ult(meiit oonflrmlnK the shares according to the respective rights of the par tes Interested therein, or if the same cannot be equitably d'vided. that said prem. . Ises may be sold Mid Urn ptoceedi thereof di vided between the parties according to their respective rights. You are rquired to answer said petitlen en or before Monday the ftth day of February lt. Maria I. Puti.rb f, Mart F, Bun, hr by A' jnnn a. tmrias, attortiev lor etat oners. atMt Deoember M Intl. Notioe is hereby given that the annual meet lag of the stockholders of the Burlington A ka. will be held at the otllcn of the company, at Plattsmntith. Nebraska, on Thursday the 26th day of February l2, at 5 o'clok p. m. I'hls meeting Is held for the purpose of eleo tluXairectors f.r the company for the ensuing vjfVand forth transaotion of such other bus- i,. insns as may icgany come peiore ui" meeting A. 6. Stanwood, sec. Lesal Notice. IN THE DISTRICT COUKT OF CASS COUN ty Nebraska i R. V. Jelmsan, execn tor of the estate of Jane Lee, d ceased. l'laintlll. vs. Kichard T Cartwright. Aman- ii si. cariwrigni, ajoiio b. rt and Wm. S. ist Defesilants. cliard P. Cartwright, Amanda M. Cart- rijt, xIobzo B. D irl and Wm. 6. Wise, le fciinents. will take notice that on the via day of January, 1vt. K. V. Johnson, executor ol the estate of Jane Lee, deceased. Plaintiff, heroin filed his petition in the district court of Cass county, 'Nebraska a alnct said defendants the object and prayer of which are to fereclei-e a csrtatu mortgage executed by the said Kich ard P. and Amanda M, Cartright to one Win. l.ceaiul which is now th proper y of Jane deceased, and given upon the Bast three. Sun ttis 14 1 oi me southeast quarfr yoi the tiortitwesi quarter l' of union twelve 12, lirwntnip twelve Ui. luinnor lante tim teeu U, east, to secure the payment of one prom Iscry note dated March ttth.lS'is for the sum of IT0U.no and due an 1 payable in three years t;i'ter date. There Is now due on said note und lirtgage the sum of fTOO wbli toper ceut iu Ji'si from i lie lslh day of March lssn. I'la'ntirT prays that an alleged interest or In f rests of one Aiouzo B. Doit a id one Win. H Wise In said land bo declared juuwr and Infer ior to that of plalntills and ;ihat defendants may be foreelmed of all equity of redemtion or other Interest In said niurUai;ed premines, and that the same m .y be sold according to law aoit out of the proceeds thereof the plainl Iff may be pild the am-uut ailjgdge 1 to be due him wlih interests and costs of sit and for tach other relief as may be Just and niultable. You are reqn red to answer said petition on er before the 7th day nf March im. Dated January 13rd. U92. H.B. Winuham. Attorney for Plaintiff. ' Legal Notlde TN DISTRICT COURT OK 0AS8 COUNTY 1 Nebraska. Kelnoa A. builth, i'en MLBmlth I iiriau m . niiiiiii nnirniiaiii . h i iuhp ii i it ik :aronme ana nay nt January 1892, Nelson Umittt ..l.lttlV Imrain Hlarf hi. ... 1 .1 lie district courtof Cass County Nebraska, A'.-xal-t satd defendant, tha object and prayer (''.of which are to obtain adecree of divorce from y 1 said defendant on the grounds of willful aban donment for to years lust past. Yon are required toannwer ssld petition on r before the 20th day of Kebiuary 18W Xr. a.... 4 . ...... 1 r.i.i.r.'. A. o jn 1 1 II . By t'has L. Graves his attorney. RAW AS BEEF-STEAK Daby'i Fearful Sufltrlng from SWn UUeaae Covurtng Kntlro Body turea ly Cuticura. M T was tiken very elck when he wu three " . ew u7 oega DreaxiiiK out. We employed boih of the home doctors, and tiny could do nothing for htm. Tht-n we sent for ihu Dost doctor In Ktoa Eapidi, Uich.. ud he doa. virvu mm lor two wutks, aud he got worse all the time; and then I took him to tiaclson, to a doctor who attends especially to skia diKuoi. and then he (rot wow than ever. 'J lien 1 told my husbAnd we had better try the CrruTHA IilMIDlKS any Way; did not have any idea mcy wouia ao any good, but in less than two mnntha frnm tlm ume wt negsn giving them to him he was entirely wall, and not A spot on him. Ills hair began crowuia; i-igm on, ana we uougni tie would always be bald-headed. There waa not a spot on his whole body. face, and head, onlv hla nnaA anil yes, but what was aa raw as beef steak. Bo poor there was not anything but bones, and so weak he euma rain neimer Hand nor Dead. Mas. FllAXS BARRETT, Wlnfleld, Mick. Cuticura Resolvent The new blood and Bkln Partner, and greatest ! llumor Kemediea, cleanaea the blood of All impuri ties And poisonous elements, and thus removes the eauae, while Cuticuba, the great skin cure, And Cuticdba Hoap. An exquiaiu akin beautirler, clear the akin and scalp, And reatore the hair. Thus the CirrioURA Kimbdiis cure every species of lti-bin, burning, scaly, pimply, And blotchy skin, scalp, and blood diseases, from pimple to scrofula. Irom Infancy to Age, when the best phyilclans t All. Bold everywhere. Price, Cdticttra, 60c. : Boaf, 25c.; Kisolviht, $1. Prepared by the Pottik UllUO AND CUCMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. aVAT Bend for " Uow to Cure Blood Dlaeaei.w BABY'S Bkln and Scslp purified and beautified by Cvticciu Soap. Absolutely pure. RHEUMATIC PAINS In one ml nute t ha Cn tl carm Ant I. Pavln Pluliif rllo. .Ii.nm.il, ...i AtlcA, blp, kidney, ohost, and muacular pauia sua weaanosses, mce, zto. OUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY. Two Date? in Mny Sflisctpd on Which to Celetjrd'.a ts'cbrnfika'a iiuarier Critenn i 1 T!ie conunitfeL' on the silver nnni versarj' of the st.ilc of Nebraska held another cnthnyitistie meet Fri da j- evening in the office of C. A. AtkinHon, in tin Montgomery block. An exchange of views on the best date for the proposed celebra tion developed a substantial unan imity of opinion on the debirabili- ty of holdiiif;-it in the early Hum mer, and Ued.ic-vlay and Thurpdav the 25th Had 2fitli of May were finally settled upon for tlie exercises. The2.)th will, it is tiiou;rlii,le largely devoted to tlu- lilir,.ry iroramrie, while the 2(!th will be R-ivcn over to parades and other public demon strations of the proRfesn and Strength of the commonwealth. A committee coiiHistingof Messrs Cillilan, Griffith and Butler was ap pointed to interview the city government and asceitain what as sistance could be expected from that source. The committees ap pointed at the last meetiiitr to oer- torm various duties were in structed to proceed with their duties without delay. So much interest in the project had been expressed, not only in the citv, but in everv nart of the nlaf. w . " M. - I that it waa felt desirable to proceed raptuiy in orucr that the greatest demonstration ever seen in Nebras ka might be arranged. Every com mitteeman felt that this could be done and substantial proerresa wa9 made toward that end last evening. Ihe next nession will be held on call of the chairman. Lincoln Journal. W. F. Fox of Milton, California, writes The Herald under date of January 20 that he is busily en gaged sowing wheat; and that the thermometer stands seventy de grees above in the shade. Quite a difference between California and Nebraska climate. T. II. Pollock is in Murray to day on business. Mr. Alex Schlegel, of South Oma ha, spent Sunday with his parents. County Attorney Travis came in from Weeping Water this morning. Postmaster II. J. Streight is on the sick list to day, being unable t ) attend to his duties at the office. N. Salisbury of Hiawatha, Kansas, arrived in the city Saturday eve ning for a visit w ith his brother, A. Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Shipmati of Kl sie, Neb., will arrive on No. 2 this evening to visit with Dr. Sltipman and family, Will Ackerman left this morning for Omaha where he goes to work for the Tnion Pacific as a ma chinist. F. M. Young, Sr., one of Cass coun ties representative farmers from Murray was a pleasant caller at the office of The Herald to day. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TOimi Bbf waa tick, wa pare her Cuctoria. Whan she waa , Child, aha criod for Ostofia, When she became Mias, she eluuir to Coatwrta, Vh?n HhehA'T Children. 'hi jsveCii'm Cast fraV' 1 'MSE baHl' league ! A Strong State League Can Be Formed in Nebraska. MILL l'LATTSMOlTU I5E IN lTl Fremont, Grand Island, Lincoln, Beatrica, Nebraska City, Hast ings and Kearney ara Otner Probable. Member. With the first breath of spring, the thoughts of the base ball en thusiasts turn lightly to the green sward and the festive bleaching boards. Again in his memory visions of the fateful day when the local team pounded the wax out of the "State Champions" come again like a beautiful dream, and sad recollections of the time when the aforesaid local team was pounded into the earth by a gang of hoboes from the realms of the Minneboohoo or Murray haunt his waking hours. So he Journeys through life. He yearns at all time for the wild energy "the game." One of these enthusiasts writing from Grand Island to the Omaha Bee yesterday unfolded to the "fans" of their state a grand scheme for a stiite base ball league. He sug gests that various cities send to the base ball editor of the Bee the names of some cranks on the base ball question who are fit and suit able persons to form a strong league. He names aiming other cities Plattsmouth, Lincoln, Grand Island, Fremont, Beatrice, Nebraska City, Kearney and Hastings as suitable places. Tun HrRALO is of a strong opinion tli.it Plattsmouth ought to be in it. We had a tine team last year and with proper management ought to have made money Under Manager "Whitey" Millerwellew high and our team was a source of great pride to our citizens. Under sundry other persons we Hew low and became a disrupted and bursted corporation. Only one bright spot is visible af ter our wild career under "Whitey" and that is our successful string of defeats in the Black Hills. We will never go back. An opaque curtain will forever senerate us from the wild Indians of the Hills. Our sad hearts will never forget the cruel way they treated us. With a good team under a good management this year the town ought to be generous enough to keep it up. As for suitable persons to represent this city at a conven tion, we would suggest "Whitey" Miller, T. S. Clifford, Sam Patterson or innumerable of our other citi zens, and by way of suggestion we may add that Plattsmouth would be a good place to hold a conven tion. We have the room and the capacity to hold 'em and we would make it pleasant for them if they would meet here. Union Ledger I tema. J. M. Leyda, of Plattsmouth, was in town yesterday. Judge A. N. Sullivan, of Platts mouth, was in town last Monday on his way to Nebrasko City to attend district court. S. A. Davis, one of Plattamouth's leading citizens, was doing business in the village yesterday. Judge Chapman, accompanied by Court Reporter Wrheeler, came up from Nebraska City yesterday eve ing, having completed a short ses sion of district court. The Omaha Southern carried 2,790 pounds of flour and meal from here to Plattsmouth Thursday which T. M. Warne shipped to hiscustomers. Plattsmouth people are convinced that Factoryville Mills furnish nothing but the beet and they must have it. Harvey Cory and F. Brosius of Plattsmouth, arrived here Wednes day evening with their well boring machinery, and will complete the well at the Union House upon which so much work has been done. They are experts in their line of business and will find water there, and pletity of it, in a short time. Lee Oldham, the Murray stock dealer, came clown yesteaday with a carload of the finest hogs we have seen. They were Poland China stock and the average weight of the 58 was SOS pounds, and there were only a few pouuds difference in the weights of the largest and suialleet. Mr. Oldham was taking them to the Nebraska City market. The man that kidnapped his own child from the residence of Dave Kusterholtz and was held at Ne braska City, was brought back and turned loose after having agreed to leave the child with its grand parents. The estate of the deceased Widow Decker is estimated at $8,000. Among the notes aud money found housed up by her was a $1,000 bill which her neighbors remember seeing in her possession fifteen years ago. Louisville Courier Journal. A VETS SOLILOQUY. Take down th,' , SprriKfluid rifle, John, and burnish up the bar'l. Thfm I'lilllitn iliti'i'ire grnwMn' IWre-'hrrtj's bound to l o aiiu.ir'l. Brave Mimd ' nnkre t:ir h.is run iu VM- pitral-o's e'm-ts. And thill 'nl-tilwiii,i-t uv.tce In spin n" ull their HiVs. Our wur ships uiv p t miuiy. but Uk b ys o V. Are ready for the mtiiiiiuiikp--tl: cray bliles the blu And ll theytt-k h stimuli io in on ('Mil's bUiody cmivt To tliaks Vm me the itu- they pu'kd the e.v'e Irom nl roust. Then tk down the old ritle. .lohn and hum. Mi up the bar'l. The boys that wore the blue kih! gray can striiKiiten tliln Viesnnrl. J. Emi rou l.oi-kein Mult.ilo I'mirier Nebraska Improved L.ve Stock Breed era' Association. Lincoln, Ni;n Jmi. 20.The an nual meeting of the Improved Live Stock Breeders' association of Nebraska will take place at Beatrice on February 10, 17 and 18, and prom ises to be the most interesting meeting yet held. Amonir those who have already volunteered to furnish papers are Hon. J. Sterling Morton on "American Agricultural Products in Knrone" Hon. F. 1? Brown on "National and State Experimental Stations," Hon. Chas II. Walker on "The Protection of Our Live Stock Interests," Dr. M. K. Knowles of Terre Haute, Ind., on "Sterility in Brood Animals and Its Treatment," Hon. Klijah Fillig on "The Cattle Outlook," Hon. W. P. McCreary on "The Standard Bred Trotter the Proper Nucleus For the American Coach Horse of the Future," Prof. Itigersoll, state uni versity, on "More Practical Methods of J'.dueatioti For the Farmer" and Dr. Billings on "Agricultural Col leget." Then we intend to have an "experience meeting" on "Lump Jaw," led off byW. R.M.Allen of the Standard Cattle Co. and Col. Savage of the Omaha stock yards, Hon. Sam C. B.irrett will contribute a paper on "Our Live Stock Inter csts," and several others are to be heard from. Frank S. Billings, Pres. II. S. REED, Secretary. Chili Humbles Hei-neir and Will Hiylit Every Wrong. Santiago, Chili, Jan. 2.r).-The Chilian government has sent a re ply to ultimatum of the United States. The reply is in effect as fol -fews: Chili agrees to withdraw the of fensive note sent by Senor Malta to all the Chilian minister abroad and acknowledges that its issuance was due to an error of judgment. Chili also withdraws its request for the withdrawal of United States Minister Fgan. In addition the Chilian government, In its answer proposes that the affair of the at tack ou the Baltimore sailor iu Valparaiso be submitted to the arbitration of some neutral nation If this proposition is not aceptable to the United States government, the Chilian irQvernment suirtresta that the matter be submitted to the decision of the supreme court of the United States. Mrs. Geringhad her hands very badly burned this morning. She had taken some ashes from the stove, and in so doing she removed some coals of fire into the bucket, and while working around the stove the bottom of her dress caught on fire. When trying to put it. out she burned her hands very badly. Miss Kda, seeing her mother's danger, went to her as sistance aud in endeavoring to put out the fire she alHO severely burned her hands. Matrimonial Market Last evening Judge Kamsey is sued a marriage license to Henry A.Hickson and Mrs. limma Green lee. To day a license was issued to Henry K. Conrad and Mary D. Davis. Geo. N. Mulertz, of South Bend, was in the county seat to-diy. Fred Schnrder, the Cedar Creek miller, was in the city last evening. John Stein, of Liberty Precinct, was in the city to-day transacting business with the county officials. The Mills county Journal is no more. It was'sold to the Independ ent party last fall and they failed to support it. Last week win its last issue. The Plattsmouth Herald has changed its form of make-up and is now the best paper published at the hub city. IOtiisville Courier Journal. W. J. Hesscr, proprietor of the Picnic Gardens, received a large order from New York for some of his magnificent palms, of which he has a large, if not the largest, variety in the United States. 1 he largest meat train ever brought in by the B. & M. came in this morning at 2:30, consisting of fotty-eight cars, enroute to Chi- cago. The train was from South Omaha and was drawn by engine No. 10S. PROSPERITY IN PARALLEL. I We are indebted to the M inu ! facturers' Kecord of Baltimore for tne loi.ownt;; ili-adly parallel directed at the calaiuitytites: Ill ( KMllK'l. IS'KI. A jtrrar panic affrt Inn H wh i e wor d. H i; bank and b.iuk cis fa'.lini;. Iitrut everywhere Furnaces koIuc out of l)l.lt. N ile niMuI for steel ran. !K.i'KMHKi. Ir.ll h pa n I o has ia tt. Kinks and t inkers ''iitliii.h.iie orr th.i outiook (Vlillileiico evoiy where. Iron proiliii-tlun Hint :i'"inuiiitloii Sio.i.ll.y ui-re ssi ii. Hi humlif I (hous itiil tons of steel rails alu-ady ordeiel tor liii, targe:-! main erons ever raised, xeeedliiK ihe v i-I of lM-i l.y l,;M.(iis3 00U bibhels. Iiallriil I urted ti heir utmost to In. mile their btiiliii'ss, with an Smallest (?ralu ero. s lor in. my years. lliillroiiils tlKlltiiiK f'T the little buninesK oHi'tii u. unprecedented ile maui' fsr ears. I K,Mrts of bread nt u IH vuiy small. The lie vleit grain exports ever known. New failures ever? New cuter Drlst-t nay. every tiny. Stocks (IcclinliiK- Stocks advancing uiviueiius passud. dividends decl a re d tud in many cases the rale Increased. Capitalists afraid t,,i Caplt illi-sts seeking luvi's. iiu conildenoe good liivt-Mtinti.it t The outlook for iii The outlook prmn ls s a year of pheu m coal activity and pros perity In isi't Immediate fuiiire dis mal beyond descrip tion. ' Now, we do not attribute all this prosperily to the advent of the McKiuley tariff, however much it night delight the free trader to have us do so.., We use the showing iui quite a different purpose. It proves the utter groundlessness of the direful prophecies of woe und disaster made and repeated by the enemies of protection during the last two or three years. They said Mint the people would he ground down by excessive taxation, their substance absorbed by the iniqui tous McKiuley bill, ami prosperity unknown if it became a law. To prove that the exact opposite ot these conditions prevails is the use we make of the k'ecord's compar ison. American Kconoinist. '-Jt-V- . .ii, f5tVwsi Hi"-" M M ill -- mill ALL RIQHTI 8T. JACOBS OIL DID IT.". ; 1J W IL m OF - DD8 - ID - ENDS. IN OUR VARIOUS bEPAIISMENT. Chips from our last years business that must bo swent awav Sweewing reductions on all old goodn. Very low priccs-on the new goods that we are receiving every day. GIN011AM8, OUTING CLOTH, UEDFORD CORDS, CIIEVERON SERGES, HENRI-, EETAS, CASHMERE, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR HAMRERG EDGING, ETC. Having just finished taking stock . KBMlsl Of dress good,, dre.s ginghams, calico, and all pieces containing lesa than eight ytrds,wehaveputonour remnant counter to be closed o eatrediiftion in nnws i ; Remnant of 10, 15 and "0 cent close at 8 cents. Remnants of 7 and 8 cent prints to close at 5 cents. Standard print? and fast color, our 5 cent grade for cents. Romnant.-s of dress lLmnels, ca.himcre Henriettas broadcloth. serges, etc.. at a reduction of from 25 to 50 per cent from regular price. Just the right length for childrens' wear. BOOTS AND SHOES AT HALF TRICE. Every ptir ot shop worn boots ond shoes, togcteer witli all snr plus styles that v do not wwli to carry anoteer ecoeon. The size of these lots will be somewhat broken, but thoso who con be fitted can secure some ot the greatest bargains ever offered. WM. HEROLD & SON, 507 Main Street nattsmouth, Neb Minister f:gan will not be re called from Chili only as a declara tion of war, as our government en dorses the course and action of Mr. Kgiin The steamship Ohio has been turned over to the United States and taken lo Charleston navy yard near Boston, where she will I e fitted up to carry troops in case of war with Chili. Miss ICnwARDH, u beautiful girl of fifteen, has mounted the pulpit in the Tennessee mountains anil is conducting revivals in u way that exactly suits the mountaineers The boy preacher will have to go now. a ,UA a,) '71 TWO V.- 3 Sa. -7 . Hrt A9aff ' JCILI AU fatu f. wire Gauze Doof IF YOU WANT THE BEST. 33X77 Tun I CHARTER OAK, vTiii tit VJlri Q&ut Oroa Doors. Thorough Satisfaction OUAHATEED. --" -wta yt George Patterson Cell from a second-story window, striking a fence. I found him usin N OT.JACOBO OIlJ He used it freely all over bis bruises. I saw nins np.t hinrn!., - .....t, A 11 . 1. - 11 rapidly disappeared, leaving: neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. 3& SS: SPUING DRESS FLANNEL, we find that we ha ,e hundreds of JLlSTTS- Ginghams, outing cloth, etc., to .