1 From Fri(J"V Aifly. j EXPRES1 ROBBErtS CAUGHT Union Items. I Fred Gorder changed cars here Flon8nce w.lePin, T...1 V 1 ' ' are Now in the Toils ot k.V V ' I'll 1 1 . . Z A ...... .... . XjaS. JMIUII, 111 U I IHillll null. , town, was here Monday. j Thf the Uw. leader of the who by the explosion oi dynamite at the rohhery November ;tt at C.lendule, Mo. Sly tried to throw the watch away, but it was recovered by l'inkertou. The search of the house on Swan avenue gave Chief Harridan posi- 1 he Oxford Done. One of the mora pleasant dancing parties of die season was given New Year s eve under Uie auspices. MESSENGER BOYS WHO HAVE AC- Ubert Ken returned irom in.iju . robbed the Ad.tmsexuress company v.:.i..mv. ...r:,;,,-! the thieves, as ,c.iiuy the 2."th inst. with a bride. at Clendale on the evening of iu ,,l0 house was found parts of pa- olomon Long, of the vicinity of November 'M is under arrest; n , ,,er and other evidence taken from female accomplice is also m custo- j llu, expr0sl!j car which had not been dy and the capture ot Uie remaimur j thoroughly destroyed, array, was iu town a short time None ay. John Edmunds came down on the Btub from Murray Wednesday and went to Nebraska City. Claua Urekenfeld, of Plattsniouth, came down Mohday and went to St. Louis, via Missouri racific. Chas. Kd Wiley came down the first of the week, Taking- advan tage of the goodf?) roads. Goodman Oldham loaded a car of ock at Murray and accompany Ihem to Omaha via here Monday. w V S.imi. of Murrav. changed cars here Saturday Mr. S. having ppent Christmas at Nebraska City. Jas. Allison, from near Murray, was down Monday, getting his lams shod, V. V. Wolfe doingthc hoeing. 1 c; r tt,Mi:iu;i- is mnktmr a Tiwil,.r i.i Hie hole!. Time will make him an excellent hotel drum mer I':) The last sad riles of Miss Lena Taylor were held at tin Itaptist church Monday, the interment took i.lace in Union cemetery at 2 p. m. 11. K. Fleming-, the lotisorinl artist, lias been bothered with that pre-vailln:;- cpid'-'uie la grippe, for soum time but at present is conva lescent. Jas. M Malone brought several head of mules and horses here Monday, which were taken to I Weeping Water Tuesday. Jim I rustler and understands his bti-S I ness. ! The new born dramatic company, of Nehawka. composed of local tal ' en! will present lb.- drama "Among $he Breakers" in Ihe school house j next Thursday evening- Ptcem- ber 31. 4 Editor Hasom, of the Murray fanner, the silverlipped newspaper Cass countv passed hero Monday ifi-uroule for Avoca to look after the SVvoca Enterprise where Mr. H. is of the Rang seems only a matter of time. The leader of the gang turns out to be Albert Sly, a noted convict from the Missouri penitentiary. The operation of this gang com menced last October with the rob bery of the Omaha street car bams; they next appeared at Kansas City in the same month; then came the robbery of the Pacific express com pany on the Missouri Pacific near Oii.aha November 4. and the Amer can Express robbery near West Union Junction, Wi Nevem.Ser l'J. In nil of these robberies Sly figured as leader end their engine of war fare was dynamite. Af'er the robbery at wesieru Un ion Junction William A. I inuerlon bum I out that Sly, while nctiii'.'- as tlrivr ,,.r the American Kxpress Company ai Si. Joseph, c was l!" 1 to Mi .a v.-a Mo., dmaul. u i.a a pa- .-.agv ."..- i.oiiii. t thai tun : pper I h' ii' i i i 'iukerloi'-. oiin an ci in the ouri peniten.iai V at Jelwr-on On coming out it was learn' ' th.'t Sly became a.-. : '' u : 11 ' gang of romdi burglar-, who mad their head'iuart' rs around Kansas Cilv and Hiii.ru. " "' Il"'l"' tha't Sly w.-is po;-iM c.neen.e,! i the robl.erv ai V.e-leru Union t a long sc.iri. h, in Calif..: i,i i l'; He was r.-tiinu'. seutt n.'.'d l'1 s" Mi: : Ci'N The finding of the messengers watch in Sly's pocket fixes the crime onto him very strongly. Abejbert IX Sly. who is better know in the crook fratenity as Hert Sly, is a native of Wisconsin, was born and raised near Oshkosh. After commuting the express rob bery in St. Joseph, for which he was sent to the penitentiary iu ISM, his family moved to St. Joseph, Mo., li..r,. tln-v now reside. Since his release from the penitentiary in Missouri he has been twice in cus today in St. Joseph, once for bigh- wav robberv and once for burglary, and be is at the present time a fugi tive from justice Irom St. Joseph, when- bis wile and three childiin now reside. Ui fvher and .uolher now live at I n .Icprm ienee. .Mo. Iii avo vol ai.ibit'o:1 v.,s I- 1 a ceond Jos-ic ja"i v," The ie:. ... :.tdo i ;C. year '" age, lie feet .-is and a I- di inches high. vei:vlis If i pound.-, la' K compl" ioii l.r-avu ey-s ami i-l.a-x hair, and gem t ihy vears a tk mulache. He has a .-.car the left eye and two f I e innl u;iper teeth. Aside f 1 1 in l.is ,! .ring.and his nUer ,i,.-:eg-ird of t H- ilisuiicl ion id meiiui and tuuin, bis uio.-t notable charaeteri-tic is llarv ah.-lciM'.'ius n.ii'iis. of the Oxford dancing club. The music was airuished bv the Italian orchestra d Omaha. Kockwood ball presented a tine appearance, being elegantly ilectraled by Ihe members ot the club. There were two programs; the first one the gentlemen had charge of up till twelve. Ablive minutes of twelve the orchestra played a wait ami the party waltzed the old year out and the new year in, after w hich the ladies took charge of the dance, and the other program was carried out. The dance concluded at -atoallgo ing to their respective homes ,cl satisfied with the evening's enter tainment. Following is a list of those pies cut: Mr. and .Mrs. Sain Patterson, Mr. mill Mrs. Frank Courses, Ml and Mrs. IM Marker, Will Stadel ,n:m Will Clements, hob Miller. Hun. Shem-mi, Ch.ts. Murphy. A V. Huiiic, h'liii Douelan. franl Johnson, lieniy Tartscli, l.'v-i' Pa-own. Tarn l'armcle. John Schii! boil. CbM Sheih.-rd, ). F. Ion. I.'-h Ci-.'.ief, Lew 0'.eill ilidiil"i b'aii" us, Ali'll t. oh io.,n ,l Pi i Tine. ' has. Kich-y, John l.angslon. Ilimr Cole, Chas. a 1 loll ee, U III iviru.au- 1'an! Win 1, I, mil W ml. I :vil Ai!i!ii:njiKssAGEs. Qrs. BETTS &BETTS PHYSICIiRS, SURGEOXS and SPECIAUSH QUIRED FAME AND WEALTH. i ai.a :!i ill'.l'l'' IO..S (. Ily be .. h.eal 1 1 a I above 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA.. Pi'.Jjy ' . ;'i A . , r,K".lK).W. Otticfi hirnr (mm 0 a. m. to p. Bn lllgr f-peneer. son. ,t o l.i- sin: few days pr-vi-robb-ry on lb'." A'-oe interested. Col. Sherman Knee, man iger of i.. i ,i im,,i pvehanire. at Hast- j.r. nassed here Sunday afternoon The Col. still d.mies he i a married ., Wonder if he is? Platls- ii in i. . mouth l nows. I Uncle TIenrv Wolfe's farm resi 1 deuce,; was the scei.e. of quite a T gathering Sunday. Hi- sons and families and his son-in law loo.; dinner and spenl a happy day with Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. T..i,...i T i-in nod wife trave I III i" J'"'111" ''J v,.,.llent dinner Llirisimas (111 V v Jan ..-oi no i.ive.-uiilem lo'.vam in" Siy ami .-nc-i'd-d in Iracii g b"im to St. I .niiiJ a oils to the Cli'mla1- 'Kcisco ro-d. ... i . . r Pinlui;'el" h!-cc 1 ll' . . f c Chief of Police !l;:rng:m ... . .. Louis soon joined hands, and some davs aft. r liie Cilendale aifair Chief llarrigan received val.ia.de uilor mat ion from a fund lure dealer, who furnished In uses on 1 he install m-m plan, concerning a woman and iour men renting-a hou e on Swan .' nue in St. l.oi is, on the outskirts o, the city. This furniiure man had r.ii.wl on the house on Swan avenue Mrs. James Mrashek. living- at the M.uth end ol Happy Kollow, died i a -1 i veiling from typhoid fever. Tiie deceased leaves a husband ami in- children, the oldest I which is oniy nine years old. The Mineral ,i ,li bo held to-moriow at hi o'clock irom uie noii.-e. and the peojm- occup) m;. the had msterioilsly disappeare. .1... ..,i,i.,-,- lc.ivin" the fiiriii.ure and everything- behind then. Tl.i Ct,i.-f Harri":ui investigated very carefully, mid it was found lhat the . oeeii'iied bv a llU HSf ii. e i " ' 1,1. mde woman, supposed to be tin wife or mistress of one of the four I';, I'll Sit 1 1" 'It'll " "''' 'lerinxn! n.'-li " I n.-.H"t. i.ving- is the order of Judge . i it... bapmail. setting tlie cai-.s in u' 1 sirict eour I lor tlie e isi:i:i'.- .. . Pursuant to Ihe pro iaioiis id the , . . . . I - 1 ! .. I slat I'.'s ol tlie s;a;e i .xeoi.ir-. ... . the undersigned, hereby lix and ap- ,,t the lime of holding the ular terms of the di-tri 'l court. in and for the several enmities, com- the second judicial district of said state for the year 1 ''. In the county ol Ca.-s, Monday he. 1 !l'u l.ivof March; Monday the lirdday of May; M.m day ihe L'lh lay of September. In the county ot Otoe, .Monday, the lath day of hebruary; iMontia) ihe 20th day of June; Tuesday the Pitch, i laerv v ' i -ii, Kr.ni; K'ob Coverdal-. - Paill'll -nd Harry Phelj):-. Among the Lubes were the loilowing: Maggie Oliver, llatlie fnhiier, flora !)-"- iv Nannie .M.kiiv, Maud Moore, Dora fri-Ke, frank ie Siil-s. IMith While, l.:i,i Wright. Perth i V.i Maa 1 Viii'in M.nioii Housewiirlii, .'iis Verigg, llaltie Lalh.iin.Tressa Mi ni pt, Miss O'Neill, (i-otgiii Oliver. Ida Hoeck, Alice Kikenbary. Mis-: llaiina, Nellie llallance. Menoia ICikeiibary, Carrie (Jreusel, Mae Duilon, Mamie Coffee, M'.ss hew, Kate lbmpel. esie McCoy. Mis- KVdlield. Maty Skiles. I.i..ie Miller, Mamie Carmark, Laura Phelps, I-',; la Clark, llertha Nitlvi, Helia Tartseh and Dora llertdd. Mmn. tnirgl. Oliver. I'llralm, o l rB Hii'l Mtirrlmiil Wrre Voiuik.It In rittnlmris 1i'l'riili Mllra To grther Hw Tln-v Hr rronmttl. Tin Ktnrv ot tivo messenger boys be gins in the early days of telegraphy. In a dingy othco m riiisiiiii'K, hihuh icw : A ml ix w Ciunegio. Henry W. Oliver, Uoln-rt liteairu. Major W llliainC. Jioro- land iin.l Pavid MeCnrgo were inessen- j gers it in sin. i linn. i' j i'""1 "fi" sito of other Ixvh mm spent tueir hpi i inniiieiitst ill leal llillg useful lessons. All- drew Carnegio is the ohlest of the lot. i and lie wits the Hinartest, Iciidititf all vx i i.viriiiiiif how to teleL'nn.li. Ho was one ... . . .... t1.n ........tpv t, fr.Mii 111 n 111. to 1 U. Ill ol the tirsi optTai.'is. iu o.u i.,.iiih.ij - . ......... ,..L .L M,s..Kvs.e,n bvHe.Uid. P.HH-filW. iuO.ronio.Norvon-.Skm oimA l ,11 11 IV Hit' . IllHlW. JwConnnltntlon at oflieo or ly mnil fn lUlu-inim wnt liy imiil r eilriii, mmir H.n k.Ml fr.w from nliOTVnliim. (ImiratiUm t cum qtiirkly, fcly Rinl imrninnoiilly. Tlin moot wi.My n.i tiiTornt.ly known m!t iKlHintho Uuil...l ltH. Tl.rir limi'Mriui r. n.Hrk,il,lo nkill mi. i nniwron hu.toh. in t t..mlm..nt nii'i ct.ro ot Vmim.. I lirouio nu.l Kirnl piwuwh. ..initio tl..- einln..i.t .l,yflirmn to tlie full c.nfi.lhuc. of tlin alllmtol uvirywb.ir. 'l'liny K.mrinit.u: A CFRTAIK AND POSITIVE CUKE f. th. nwfnl Hl,K'iof.-i..l.v Ti.'ouiidtUuuiiii..r.HiovU tlmt follow in it train. rniVATK, rtooo ai?d bkim tiseases HMM,ly,0.iiiil'i.'l"O Wl'l l.riimm'i'U 'urett. KFBVOUS DEBILITY AKD SEXBAt Dfl PIU.;t;U3 i'll r.wi.ly Ui their h.ntful Uiw- ''mrs, FI3TUI.A AND RKCTAL tjicem ttiiin nit.-il rni-'Hl vtilliont I'iun ur iiUuti from liiinm.'w. IIVD-1CCBI.E AXD VAEICOCFLE imiilly Mti.-.'.fi.lly C'Ti'il in viry t.'. KVI,llll.!S.(i(lNOKlllI(KA,(ibi;i.T,Kr. ' torrl.U'... S.'lnii.ia V.l.liB, l..t Mi.lilxi. Nu'ht KiniKsioni". IVdiywl KiwitlUPM. K-raata ! HwhiiM ami nil .l.'linilH diMonl.TH K-r,linrm ntl,..r,.x iimoly .'..rol, a. wwl n-. I fun lion.il .li.r.t..ro :l,at P Hullfroin yo.'U.ful follu or Hi.) of inntiirv j..r. m I,i,.i in iiioso davs wa eousnlereil n remarkable achievement. It ilitl not taku Tliiimas A. Seutt lnn to snatch Mr. Carnegie from tho telegrapli oflieo in Piitslmrg into Ins ofli.-e as nrivnte t..rrctary wh. n Ihe meat iiulroa.1 genius took cliiirge ot tho l'llh.lmrg end of th" road. The education the young Scotch man received I'-oMl a glealer mill.t lll'led linn from a secret:e-v h.'at into the I 1 are ol division sqinnli mieiit when '.!:. Sfoit was made uie president of lh. i.'ulroad Tho iu.hi-.ti-y. tho Mibtl.i i iiiiliei.; ami V a:. !;iln f Ulh of Scott t night niiu to lay ins hues in nlher di reelluiH than wateluu-r Ihe divi-ions of a raili. .ad, imd :"."!t hel.ed him lbs j i! , i , e . , . i . e i nil Ihe e por.i.'ary 10 iook ml,, i.taei haeaof iniliistvy, inid hedro-e i. dnit Uit.i an in m inid H's pickax was not T.i'ge. I'lU ins cininm; made u; tor the si."of Ins as e; ;. ,; i, . ,,i who wa . III." I'eni: vlvania raih'.ad .mi i.aino .a d-iii tmii men, They disappeared from tlie S(h llay of November. Hol Ksiaie TrxiiMfar. Comiil'.-il f .".i l";iv Ih-.H. 1 Hilly U.'i".i't SoiPh I'latie Lumber Coiu.an to r. ol the . 1. I'.. I tiui-en i. ( ii eeii wood, warranty deed, !f I ) bits ') I'J and .'di!, 1 been -co d. T. f. JamcMin and wife t Nicholas Cox. walTaniy deed and pl l , of ui-1 t 7 I'i I. Lvnu an ' wife lo J V. linker war ra'nly deed and Ja lots la-h.-l. I ' n i. .it. M-irv Lan-haLieil and husband to M IV. 1 1 tliers. warranl" deed lot -1 I Suiitii's add. to Plaits moii.il. Piiited Slah s to Thoiuns La iglu ry patent , wesll 'ase'4 l'-m. Ldwin P. Richards and wile to ar ah f. frisbv, w. (I. lots I.i i. o 1 lorton's add to Wabash to iwit.se three davs after the .len.lale robberv. Their baggage was traced m tl, e det.ot and the check mmib.-j s . . 1 ..1 r,.l:illll' I . . ... ,i .1...., w..r Mil H the r invited irieumi sliowcu iinu unj ...v. .... m...... i.oin-r over fifty present ami . . ....it were relatives -M,:,.f u-immiu's men traced them ninety p ' wmv.-.. .i,:,.i, nure9 us it was a success. ,,,).....-,;. where the party spb. up, ill. " I ,i to Tnvlnr. Sun- ot-inrr iin different routes west. , noeen.ber 27. of consump- chieniarrigan's men managed to yt.HU.rdoy appointcl lion. Hishop Witness my hand this 1st day of January 192. SAMl ta, l llAI'MA.N, lud-e of the district court, sec ond judicial district of Nebraska. Sena or Perkina. . r m . . . . Governor llunipnrey, ot ivans.is, A , ( 4nl i iK-wiMlutlOllf-i OI IIU - ....-itinci itPi'ri I nit: J k iiiv i iriM i i i n t iv ,v.. - - .- tion, ueceaseu, - - . ' , Ci. v i,i,.titv was lixed . . ...Miiir nn n una tinni veauu .j""" j mul leiives a host of friends hon, a cptestion, as also the idem who are numbered only by her ac lity C)f the woman conuet eu u She was t)ri?ni, mv- Uie gang, t-muen . mid thrift , .1. Kd;;ar ' I e.sid -lit of tie.' then gave a 1 money to 1 ho wi-rliit now J tut nv Mr Carnegie. At taal Col.iii'-I Seott was a power in th.-j nation ii' well as the raih oad, liml Car I negte Ik gun to gulher wcaltii. j Mil. t A II N ! IJIICS KMtl.V AMlU'l'lON. Mv imil.ilion iu tho-edays," ho eui.l I recently, "was to write ur iiiwnKin-ia. I took in material in tnat aireciiim whenever it was jio-wiblo. I liauub d th) jiiibhe library in Alleghany, uml caught on tn the fact tied a distinction wits inaile by the attendants between tus piK.r k.ys imil the nous of well to do parents. It liuwlt) mu in.iignaiii. iwi.. my first public letter lothe loiirtl of eon trot, mid a change was ordered. This result niuro than ever resolved me to fol low journalism, but an aei'ldelit ibuleil m.) elsewhere, ami I became u iminnlne inrer." Thrift ami imhislry were the uerrieks which lifted Harry W. Oliver out ot the telegraph chair next to Mr. Carnegie ud m : la him u clerk for n big iron linn. He is an Irishman, with a head full of cunning about the business economies of Id,.. It did not take long for him l ro uli.o the poaslhiluu .'iof the iron tnnle, and ono day ii slit Ic welkin:; block iin.l t.iclcle hoisted linn out t f bi: wilt id tho desk in the big linn's workshop uml lauded hini in a busiia'.s that has ciuce grown to be one of tho greatest c .ncoi iiii in the world. Ho has grown very rich, und one railroad iind fwh tnannfi' tur in" concei-DH now feci tho tmich of his i C4liihin (lnnrunl.l niinninoy rami, Oil IC.dl B r..iiiovnl eiimtileiii, viU.ont t tintf rmiiitii. r diht.-itloii. t'urn rll..i'tp;l lit hon... I.y imlicnt vnUittt a nmnumln fim T unnoitt.',i. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEM n Ciifi-i r-n-G T,, nw,nl ,'!T,M,rt "r M"r t C)UrJ Ut'l t- vio wldrli bill oruu.llB weak I'sOi-liiitt I'"", '""id laid hody, wiOl nil itBiln !.! ill., tiiin.iiiall ciimd. In4 Addn !!. vrl.r. havn lntwtr. UfS. Lcllsi , tlnmiwlviw I.y uni.roisT i (lnlni iiro n:.d ndiOiry l...liit. wUi. Ii rn.n ll" mil,. I ninl hub, nnlitlini? them for liii.tUums, atinly or minriaiiH. MAIlt'.U-.O 51 nv. or l!.o.v cntfrinii on llint liiii'ev lii, avrnt.i uf I'byiiicul il. liility, iinckly fH.'n.l ciiti ponliuto tor cltdirHtod work! on Ctit.M.in, Nnrvoiii. and Oi.liriiln Dnwawik T!i-..i". .'wl. IfTA frl.-ndly luttor or ctill limy mv you fiilnn. wi!Win Klul ulinniw, Ulij and K.iL.li'ii y. nrM to hf. t t"N l.'tU r aiji.wt r,a unl.iKK ar-oiii.iiiiil lij' liut in (.Uunt.ii. Adilre , iircaUon DCS. BETT3 & BETTS, K09 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. '3 Ji "T.? Wio!" ..'Jmisv ill" Another rVotehnmn of tho f imous five e' i, s' , of se' t ami sevj se' t oi .nr. ciiiin. . , i i pt i -;i q.T . V;.' .nterino-the bloom- this time was in California and on auieauun... " t for tlie east. ion- acre of twenty-two. noru o. Ule Cve oi uep... i. - rhWsti in parents and Miss Lena but remained and assisted the Sin always made home a bleBBtoff. FrancisCo police, who had been The family in their pad bereave- commicated with, ment have the sympathy of our en- M u wa(J nscertained, ppnc tire community. . ot Denver to Southern ZZr California. With tl.i. r ... spp Cass Camp No. 332 K. A. Pinkcrton went at once to Sin M V A., held n special meeting Di,K and searched that p.ac "id cl'ecte.1 the followin? onicers: thorouebly, then Komtf to I.o. ' V C -V C. Hansen. Angeles, rrivi.,S there a week nR . t, w,n.nl,.ro-(.r. For several days he kept up v. .. I , ,, -i oil ,1 i lor 1 t 1? T nke search oi uie shu..'", s r. Cie bousesamlplacesofthatkindwith- . -.. iM.Pi.-io-!in. nut success. KUCOrt-Ot-U.i'v....,,.-- " " . , , L.,m.n,i 111,, mil- lliroujju a uo.n"Bv ' . .i I .... .....U ili.liv. Sentry-W. L. Thomas. road there mm nmi ritniij ii.... ,t.,,ra uf f.os Ameles, K v. COOK ami iv- tTOl iur i"111- ""j" " A4' I ... t t:..l u, . , and on Saturday last i'ir. ruiM-iiu.., ..... ..; ..,T. n.f) 1 1 ,.lta r into tho rallronil misiucKH, auu nv ... r . ..11 tl,,K.ct ..on.li. Hiram I lllaiichard and wile to li;w ueen iv inasiti iu oi," '.ml Perry Marsh w. d. at pt tions of railroad lilo. Ho many tunes Ht'ii of nwi 't UI -11-11. a millionaire, but ho lives for lua ruil- Itidwi.-- Kue-e and wife to Andre road, although interested like Mr. Uh- Yeb.T w d.frHXIs'., of swVj 32-10 ver. in many Inrjjo tunmifaettirmg eii- j2 ' " uirpnses. lludoen the work of about S l" llallance and wife to II. K. Pear- throe men overy day, and takes recrua- ';', d.ir:ilX), lot 11 H 13 Platts- tiun ouly when ho wanU to talk with a month. bis f rieud or indulo with Jus country is, ii' r'..t.-:., '.i d n-ifo lo Marv Car- i,u,n in tho melodies of ScotlaiuL Ho .or IS. 1S12. and uradtiated at I ',', w i r P)and lot kM denied himself promotion uiany colleire. Galeslmrtf, Dhio in 17 ll ijll, Kairle. times, bocanso he likes to cliii( to tho lo- Georire Mattison to I .aura w. d. vKM CHtion where he begnu ua a lueswmser sw., of bl'U of 13-12-10. u.y and has hud so many tnumpns. .i .i All..., ,i,l lu-irs to l(dlll). A TIlltlMI'll IN TKLEUllAI'UY. MOW, nil jiiioi in". - - i -- . , !,,, r.-liill (i - rl SJ.i. lots z ami it, n fourtli meluuer oi mo s' of3toli inclusive H. 1, Kock Davi,! McCart?o, tho gonerul manager of HltilTs. tho Alleghany railroad. Urn Btrong Scotch character lifted tniA into big l.. Hi li.ft tha Family Reunion. railway concerns wmij. e .v.. A family reunion was held at the ' cuuinoilious residence of Timothy . . f 1 A KATTJKAIz HEMF.BY V0U Epik'iiUo nts, I'ftllins Sickness, Hystep Ich, tU Villi Dance. Nervousness, IlypuiHouilrla, HulaucboIIii, Ia ebrity, Slcfjilessiiess, llz ziJieKS, Eialn uml Spl mil Weiilatcss. V. Perkins, ol iisweo, ivaias senator to succeed the late Senator Plumb. Senator Perkins was born ;.. l.'.wii.xtor. l.oraine county Ohio Octol Knox colleire 18C.2. lie server through the war of the rebellion with credit to himself. I'he apl)iidnient is conceded to be a wise one. This medlclno has direct action upoi the norvo contoru, allaying a'.l Irritabili ties, and Increasing ttab How and power of norvo fluid. It Is perfectly harmloa and leaves nc unpieasant ellocts. i-A Valaahto llook n KwWJ llHOium imm i rue in muj '"" ami ixmr ptlenl can alMO obua i,u niiMii:iiie iro uf ihiinfe. ThU ToniwlT bM bami. nropawrt by the ' Bf tiVuir Kium, ot fori vtu.vue. ino. i.uwii. tbo tMiwi uuder bin UlrocUon by Uie K0ENJC MED. CO.. Chicago, H. r.,.i.M,vDrD,:;rl,:ta. xrHoWo. OS SB FREE" '.-.9 for S3 Nemaha county secured the r.votoil iriz,e oiven by Nebraska State Teachers Association to the 1 i ...,,.,.n. i county, Having jnt-fi-oi .nm v inutile largest percentage of teach ers. Nemaha county had eixty-two of ninety required to lill her schools, a percentage of 00. Ihe prize was an elegant silk 11' and nresetited by President ----- PhyBicians- t Niiro-illS. MannRers-W. L. Thomas und A. P. Campbell. ( ,..:,t iim.,i nf Murrav. was in tlflVlU iliJ", neromnanie.l by Ross Whittaker of the San h'rancisco detective force, and an officer of Los Angeles, took up a watch in the postoflice and ou iicoa tj flu CM at that point. All CA 'I V 1 - t 1 A 1 . ..TVii.ik nf it." said Miiior William P. Clark yesterday. And alo a sump- MoreIun(ij the illst, but not least, of the tuous dinner was nerved. .'monK f.un()UH the. "1 stood at tho key wim tiUi. tiroHont were Mr. and MrB. Oliver. I'itcuiru, McCargo, and Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. I hut- heard tho first uiossngo pass ovir Mr. and Mrs. K. wires that was sent between uie noun Andrews to Superintendent 1 son. Murphy bum, of Wyuiorc; the city to-day Geo. Mattison, of South Bend, is L, were furnished with photo in the city to-day. graphs and uccurate descriptions HORN To Mr. and Mrs. George 0fsiy. On the afternoon of Satur v.iah' Inst evening, a boy. day Mr. Pinkertou observed a man Tfrnrt Murnhv. the Cedar Creek in the postollice at Los Angeles merchant, is in the city to-day on busincHH. Lyman James, ex-county com niissioner and one of the Ptaunch republicans of Greenwood pre cinct, is in the city to-day. A. V. Groom, engineer at the water works, is wearing a atnile four inches long, caused by the ap uearanee of a boy at his home on 'orth Sixth streeL nliim Encrleke. who has been con J ed with the clothing house of nect Wescott for the past five years Civ. ,i comiections with the Bevere jay, ir. lCngleke intends firm to in business for himself us to start e Can find a suitable loca foon as h j,p.t wishes of TllE tion. The t( be with him wherever IIekALD wi. his lot. lie may cast . t Stephen Wiles lost a cow in a somewhat peculiar manner a few days ago. It seems that he has a well on his place wnicn lie Keeps I i .i. i.,...- r Ruiil who was .. YV. Hers, Mr. ami i'lrs. nyn... m. ----- - . - Clark. Mr. and Mrs. l-r. Murphy, fnj. . I- ja 1 r lit . rVI ru I v . 0 - m m T. K. ClarK, oi teeping ...o,o,. Duncanf 0f Cincinnati, had cbargo oi Woods and children, of Weeping PITM.riment We had to work on Water, and Ken Howe, of Omaha. Bn0rt circuits in those (lays, and we tiinu.rfit it was iinnosMiUlo touenti a mes- A Keithlev less than Kigo to now oi "".":, Pro. W. HUTS A FIRST-CLASS who answered the description of Sly and resembled the old photo- n-raoh which he naa cioweiy. - . . . . Tapping him on the snoumer aim stepping up and taking hi hand, so that he could not attempt to use a gun, as Sly is a desperate charac ter, Mr. Pinkertou addressed him by the name of Sly. Slv denied his identity, and said his name was A. S. Denton. That settled it in Mr. l'inkertou s nnntlat once, for Slj's right name is Adel bert Denton Sly. He was at once taken into custmty mm searciutu. In his possession was found if-VHKl and a lot of personal property, and on his person was found the gold watch taken from the person of Messenger Mulrennaii of the Adams Expressalter he had. fcegu injure . I I, O II. ...1 A,t,lW 111,1 111- ... i i i . . . . -r. I'.rooltR fttlll ueiu wuonuu uc v . covercu in, .... three liionins ago lOLi.tv u. f the Crescent Uty r row, while trying to walk over it, 1 a1(, CHtabliH,K.,i a job printing Xitffr After arriving hero and f V U " r f 1'IIGSS, ollice at rive i onus. - ...nv- jojgxiring tlieniseives mat ino received the first number of the jerlect, tho eilort was ordered and every all hand made Saturday Keview, a small paper he Uilegraph oiKraUr on tne uno, ami m I.OOK AT TIIKM has established. The paper gives fact the whole country, waa ' . . . a to know the success or failure :S; iSS:i Em Promptly lone patrons that the paper win grow ,is . - mcning for the result the business deniamls.-u eepmg , , , NflW yorkcalled I'hilatlel- Remember the Place Water Republican. phia, the tjuaker City Bignalel llams- f..n iiirnnoli. 1 lie animal was ii. ---- tpiite a valuable one. Myron E. Wheeler retired yester day from Ins position as uepmj state auditor in charge of the in surance department to become stenographer for Judge Hall of the district court and Auditor Denton has appointed Hon. II. A. Habcock to succeed him, Mr. Habcock hav ing been state auditor himself is a factthatthe insurance department will be in good hands. The Kpworth League gave quite a novel entertainment at the resi Hotice of S. A. Davis last evening. The first part of the program con sisted of declamations and music. A duet by Miss Gass and Hattie Sullivan was particularly well ren dered. The last nuinbci on the program was an old-fashioned picture album, tne mcmners oi tne league assuming the parts of the pictures. Otio Voter. A large number of young people Orleans wero opened to the metropolis. irge red old Thursday evening burg, and then in quick succession Wtts- pft's HameSS SllOE. burg, Cincinnati. Louisville Bnd ew Opposite I. O. VI 4Vt "v" "I ' ... . .rmheredatthe home of Otto Her- No one drew a breath scarcely unui ine , i .i , i (r, n tninntA an nuuroiiuu i .... , i n i,... anu re- iick cainu, , , . ni'ssm. rranii, jamfs imu imniun V CUlUIi nui i- l ui.. wi lt , , ,1 I'li-rei ci. i-1 .in n., i .iiii-c. .v . .... ,v h . . it-ivonn the north and . ,i..... r,M;t minded him of the tact m t c Tuay seem primitive in -".nd ate turkey reached his majority. And to snow ther(j aQ mCastmng with t,u.ir jrotherj a. H retnrniiiK him that they were not uniiiinuiui nower: but then it was the talk j the evening. of his personal comfort, presented of tho natioil. This is a bit oi tinioiu him with a handsome rocker. The hist0ry; but 1 shall nover forget that evening was pleasantly passed witn hour-New orlc sun. irames and music. At midnight a sumptuous feast was served, of which all partook with hearty relish.'Thecompnnydi I notdisband ....til is; i'i bad been several hours 7 . . u ha iin,n 40: bismuth. 180. Wvaww. on its way. icau, o.-i i ' - , .,t ii,,M.rMnHl fMrno lonBcr fr.m tlih line of The heat conducting qii " l" Vi"rn.m. fur br w.-ud.-rfui n o,, -..i.i r.o 01. p,r, vj.wj; kuiu uiiiiium, 88.87; un . . . . i',r.r"r.' - N,d, A La metal range follow;; onvur, . - aJtattt.-. niiiit'iitini am I . . . . ..i :-.!.., I ii n r,i, . rjfl Ini1iiin Av., iniauro. 88.87; unannoaieu uiti.muiu.u -w,, mo,r..iu. hr..t m . . mi. or.l 11 All- I "' .' T "1 . .. .. ,,.,., " HphiI lor . lnitn M J I- in.SIIlllLIl. XLTUa "