!Utl Historic. Socii.y fill J.JL AH VOL. XXVII. NO. 41. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NFBRASKA. THURSDAY JANUARY 7, 189? 51.50 A YKAR. L if $1 A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest ? F ?. i mWMk iflffefr i!v,fe,i,! ABSOLUTELY PURE. Established by Government Tests the Standard Baking i'dw tier. The very Giant of leavening agents. I las a larger use than all other cream of tartar baking powders combined. Prof, HAINES, of Rush Medical College, Consulting Chemist Chi cago 15oard of Health : " I find the Royal Haking Powder superior to all the others in every respect." Dr. II. A. MOTT, U. S. Government Chemist: "The Royal is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powder made." Prof. l'AI.MF.R, University of Illinois : "I find Royal Baking Powder invariably composed of wholesome ingredients, entirely free from iidulteration or impurities of any kind." Sa:; Francisco Board of Health: "In our judgment it is impossible to make a purer or stronger baking powder than the Royal." The N. Y. State Analyst: "The Royal Baking Powder is superior to any other powder which I have examined." The Minnesota State Chemist: " I consider the Royal one of the best baking powders made." WiscoNSih Fooo Commissioner: "Royal Daking I'ow.itr is of high and uniform strength and quality ; its ingredients pur- and wholesome." Indiana State Chemist: " Royal Raking Powder is i.. ifc;tly free from any deleterious or injurious substance." Avoid all baking powders that require larger cans than the Royal to hold an equal weight. This is sure evidence of their adulteration. jTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. will give prompt attention lo all buatnexg entrusted to hlui. Otllce in Union block, East Hide, Flattemouth, Neb. SECRET SOCIETIES KNIGHTS OF rVTrUAF. (iauiitlft Lodge No. 47 Meet every Wedntc(lny eviMiliiR at tbelr hall lu I'anneie a Craig block, All vi HIuk knights are cordially Invited to attend CO. Marshall, C. C. ; tin Dovey, K. K. 8. A O. V. W. No. 84 Meets Mcond and fourth Friday venlii(;8 In the mouth ai (i. A. K. hall in Uoi-kwnod block, K. J. Morgan, M W, V, V, lirowu, Recorder, TJOYAI. AKUANAM-CM Coimll No NKI. -l. Mt At th K nf P hull in tht 1'uniit.l. A Crete block over llernelt ft, Tiittn, vislrlnii brethren invited. Henry Ilerohl, Itegent; Ilios Walling, Secretory. CASH LODdE, No. 14A.I.O.O. F. meets ev ery Tuerdiiy night at their hall In Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellow are cordially Invited to attend hen visiting In tae city. J Cory N. (J. 8. W. Bridge. Secretary. t A O. U. W..8. Meet first and third Friday eve.dngof eiuh munih at (i. A H. Hall jn Rockwnuk blork. Frank Verniilyea, M, W. II), U. Euersole, ltecorder. PLACES OF WORSHIP. CATnoLlc.-St. Paul's Church, ak, between Fifth and Hlxth. Fatlier Caney, I'astor , Services: M'lssat 8 ami 10 :30 A. M. Sunday X School at 2 :30, with bcnpdirtlon. Christian. Corner Locust and Eighth Hts. Services morning and tvenlKg. Klder A. Oalloway pastor. Sunday School lo A. M. fPiacopAL. St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Vine. Itev. H II. llurgetH. pador. Ser vices : It A. M. and 7 :30P. M. Sunday School ',t 2 :30P. M. Gkkman MftTHomsT. uomer Hlxth 8t and (iranite. Hev. Illrt. FaMor. bervlces : 11 a.m. and 7 :30 f. M. Suuday School lo :30 A. M. Pbfsbytrri an. Services in new church, cor net Hlxth and (iranite sts. Itev. J . T. Hnlrrt, pastor. Sunday-school at 0;3O; Preaching tl a.m.K-jd 8 p. in. V Y. H. 8. C. K of thl church meets everv Vrtbbath evenliu: at 7 :I5 in the basement of the chucrli. All are invited to attend tlii'fe meetings. Fihbt Methodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main and fearl, Kev. I.. F, Brltt. I). I), nastor. Services : 11 A. M 8 :00 P. v. 8unda School t :30 A. M. Prayer meeting W ednesday eveu Ing. Ofiiman I'rfbuvtkki an. Corner Malu and Ninth. Hev. Wltte, pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday bchool 1) :30 A. M. 8WRKt)IlH CONORPOATIONAU tweeu Fifth and Sixth. -(iranite, be- t'OI.ORK.1) IlAI'TlHT. Mt. Olive, ('ilk. between 'lenth and Fleveulh, lu v. A. Honwell, pas tor. Services 11 a. m. mid 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meetluir Wednesday evening. VOVNO MKN'B ClIHISTIAK AhsIII IAT10N- Kooms In W aterman block, Main street, (ios nel meeting, for men only, everv Sunday af. ternoon at 4 o'clock. Hooins open week dayj from 8:30 a. in., to u : 30 p. in. HorTii Park Tarkiinaclk Hev. ,1. M Wood, Pastor. Services: Hominy School. i'a.iM. . a. .imih, ii id, nu, b p. prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac tice, Friday night. All are welcome. Notlca to Water Consumers. AM rents will be due January 1. Water consumers not wishing con tinuance must give proper notice. VI laATTSMOUTII WATEK Co. IT. S. Gov't Food Report. BURUNOTOX & MISSOURI BIT EH R. R. V TIME TABLE, J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING ERST No. 2 5:05P.M, No. 4 10:30 a. ii. No. 8 7; 44 p, m No. 10. 9 :45 a. m No, 12 10:14 a. in ho. 20 . .8:30 a. in GOING WEST Not i.S :4fi a. m. v'o. 4 ft vib p. ni No. .... ...9 :0S a, m o. 7 i ;lfta. m. No.D,. ...... 6:2.1 p,m. No. tl 5 :05 p. m. o, 19 11 :03 a. m. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. Nn, 3M Accomodation Leave.. No.SKi ' arrives.. Trains dally except Kunday .lo.-Wa. m, . 4 ;00 p. in. Attention O. A. R. The Sons of Veterans will meet in their new hall in Fitzgerald block next Tuesday evening, January 12. All Sons are cordially invited to meet with u in our new quarters, and a special invitation is extended to McConihie Post, G. A. R., to meet with us on that evening. H. A. McEtWAlN, J. J. Kl'RTZ, First Seargent. Captain. For anything in the Millinery or dress making line call on Miss ;iktng Klsie Moore, Parniele block. east room of the tf We will sell lamps for net cost for the next thirty days. M. U. Murphy & Co. tt Millinery and dressmaking at Tucker Sisters', in Sherwood block. CO n 0 ft n W fcSQHsCd EH I.O. O. F. INSTALLATION. Co Lodgs No. 140 t,nd Bud of Prom ise No. 40, D. or R , Instnlled Their nfficora Lt Evening. Last t'veiiinq; the I. O. O. F. hall in Fitzgerald's block was tilled with the I. O. O. F. fraternity and their families, the occasion being the in stallation ceremonies of Cass lodge No. 140 and Hud of Promise lodge No. 40, Daughters of Rebecca. It had been intended to make it a triple installation, but for some reason the encampment installed their olucers .Monday evening. Following are the ofiicers installed in Camp No. 31 Monday evening: Chief Patriarch John Cory. High Priest-C. 11. Petersen. Senior Warden L. C Anderson. Junior Warden A. II. Hunger. Scribe L. E. Karnes. Treasurer F. II. Steimker. The ofiicers of the camp were in stalled by District Deputy Grand Patriarch Frank Hoyd. The ofiicers of Cass lodge No. 140 were the first installed last evening and they were duly installed by Deputy Grand Master A. Stultz, Following are the officers: Noble Grand C II. Petersen. Vice Grand -J. W. Hridge. Secretary S. F. Osborn. Permanent Secretary H i r d Critchtield. Treasurer-P. J. Hansen, Jr. Then came Hud of Promise lodge No. 40, D. of R., and under the elli cient manaiiement of L. E. Karnes they executed some very pretty floor movements. Helow are the ofiicers: Noble Grand Mrs. T.K. Williams Vice Grand Miss Laura Twiss. Secretary Mrs. John Cor-. Treasurer Mary Kroehler. Chaplain Mrs. Davis. Conductor Mrs. F. II. Steimker. Warden Mary Petersen. Inside Guard Mrs. A. II. Hunger. Outside Guard Mrs. Aagard. After the installation ceremonies were over the members and their guests repaired to the dining hall, where an elegant lunch was served, after which games of different kinds and music were indulged in up to a late hour, after which the assemblage broke up well satisfied with the evening's entertainment. The Firemen. .-, The fire department met in special session last evening, with Chri9 Koenkhe in the chair. After roll call the chairman stated the business that called the depart ment together. The department then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows: President Geo. Poisall. Vice-President--Wru. Holly. Treasurer Wm. Schmidtmann. Secretary-Chas. A. Miller. Chicf-Elias Kildow. Assistant Chief-Lvnian Kildow. 1 1 1 K) K - A N O- L A PI) E K ELECTION. Immediately after the depart ment election the several hose com panics met and elected ofiicers for the ensuing year. Following are the ofiicers of the hook-and-ladder: Captain D. M. Jones. Foreman M. M. Heal. Secretary and Treasurer Chris Wohlfarth. F. E. WHITE 1IOSK COMPANY. J he following olucers were elected last night for the ensuing year: Foreman Lyman Kildow. Assistant Foreman Jesse Scott. Secretary and Treasurer Wesley Grassman. WIIiE AWAKES NO. 4. The Wide Awakes have decided on the following ofiicers: Captain Frank Short. Foreman Harry IJarthold. Assistant Foreman Henry Mc Guire. Secretary and Treasurer Walter Thomas. Serious Accident. Yesterday afternoon Win. Jessttp an employe of the It. A. M. shops met with a very pajnful accident. Mr. Jessttp is employed in Foreman Steimke's department as car repair er but yesterday afternoon while the switching crew were engaged in moving cars in the shop yards Mr. Jessup went between the cars and attempted to make n coupling and got his right hand caught be tween the cars, crushing it so that the third finger had to be amputat ed and badly crushing the second finger. The doctor thinks that the second finger can be saved. Miss Elsie Moore has tiie largest stock ot ?lillinery goods in the city at her store in the Panuele block, tf WILL ADVERTISE IN THE PAPERS. Richard Mansfield Will Give Up Posters and Lithographs. Richard Mansfield has issued in structions to his manager to dis continue the use of lithographs and printing of all kinds for use in windows and on walls and to con fine all advertising exclusively to newspapers. He is firmly con vinced that this is the only proper way to reach nil classes of theatre goers. "The influences and tre mendous power of the press as un advertising medium is making it self felt more and more every day in business and theatrical circles man who docs not read the newspapers never uttetuls the theater," says Mr. Mansfield. "The weekly expenditure for printing at a low average is $150, which makes for a season of forty weeks $6,000. In event of 100 companies adopting my system, which is a small ratio of the number of companies on the road, it will give to the newspapers throughout the country a yearly revenue of $000,000, which I am satisfied would bring greater and more satisfactory results to the theater going public and the at tractions." The Sons of Veterans. Last evening the newly elected ofiicers of II. E. Palmer Camp Xo. r0 were installed by Col. Edward G V iii.iiih, lucre wins ti jjoihi turn out and a good deal of interest is taken in the or jnni.ation by the members. They have recently fitted up apartments in Fitzgerald block where the will be permanent ly located afler next Tuesday even ing. Following are the ofiicers: Captain J. J. Kurtz. First Lieutenant Peter Hanra han. r .. T . 5 Second Lieutenant C. II. Jaquelt. Quartermaster Seargent Lem Cooper. First Seargent 13. A. McElwain. Chaplain U. F. Young. Camp Guard Will Newland. Corporal of the Guard Ed Vanatta. Seargent of the Guard Will Ack- erruan. principal Musician Ed Sieberts. Color Seargent Frank Johnson. Camp Council Peter Haurahan, C. II. Jaquette and Win, Tucker. C. A. Jaqnette is delegate to the Division Encampment and E. G. Vanatta alternates. The Burglar. "The Burglar," n four-act comedy drama by Augustus Thomas, founded on "Editha'a Burglar," is one of the plays which is an honor to the stage, as the ethical lounda- tion is great and the plot natural. The company which presented the play last evening at Rand's is ex ceptionally good. The manage ment did the right thing in placing even minor parts in me nanus oi actors and actresses who are able to play leading parts. This makes the acting of a superior order. It is a play which everyone ought to see, and those who did will surely long for a second time. Troy Eve ning Standard. At the Waterman next Saturday night. Tickets on sab; at J. P. Youngs. Price, 7.) cents. Court House Notes. The iron safes for the new court house arrived yesterday. S. L. Wickersham informs THE HERALD that the clock for the new court house will be here this week and that the work of putting it in place will begin Monday. To-morrow the newly elected county ofiicers will be sworn in. irea naton and niotner were passengers for Omaha this morn ing. W. L. Knotta left yesterday for a visit with his parents in Murray, Iowa. The Aid Society of the Methodist church will meet to-morrow after noon at two o'clock with Mrs. Hat- tie Smith, corner Fifth and Marble streets. Mreninti ciarK Holt met witli a serious accident last evening. The caller had been after him to go out on an extra west, and as he was leaving his boarding house his ankle turned over, spraining it so bad that Mr. Holt will be laid up for several weeks. M. N. Drake, Walter Cutforth, II. S. Sawyer and wife, Jas. Chezik and sister, Miss Anna, Frank Hansel and Howard Shryock, all of Louis ville, were in the city last evening attending the I. O. O. F. installation, returning home on the 12 o'clock freight. 8ILVERWAREG1VEN AWAY Widc-iW?qlc Pci'soqs, While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are still desire to increase our and have completed arrangement in til ics, at first hands, at such prices that we propone to give lieving mat we snail increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the fact that we are spending the money v e set aside for advertising purpo es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gills an icii uieir menus, anu inereiiy increase o EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $,r) entitles the purchaser to either a Roger's Srtlid Silver Metal Putter Knife or Sugar Shell sold by Jewelery atlfl.(K). EVERY Cash purchase lo the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a set (fa of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0 EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $2.") entitles the purchaser to a set (ti) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of !p) entities the purchaser to a set (ti)of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel Forks, or a set ot Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $1.00. ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met tal goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There ha s been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take vj, -t the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented for some lime to attain this end, and are now able to oiler the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have t lie on-nli-Bl eniill- dence hi assuring our customers that ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware especially tor hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any other metal; is very lough and hard; will hold is color and will outwear anv nlateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This linn have manufac tured piaica ware since 1 N la, ami their name is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they L'et goods under theit brand. Come in early and secure a late. Wc Ctiqiq-(cc oti.tfl'tficcs o bo lic Jiotfcsf qqd Iqvic Gonipclitioj. FRED HERRMANN. DOJsPT isi ' , ".J,i SILVERWARE CALL AND HE CONVINCED HE FORE PURCHASING. WILL HE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. 1B. A. 415 Main Street, MELwAIN FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 53 20 ACR,S of Coloralo land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for some one; the land is Al. For further particulars call on or address THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb. Why will 3ou cough when Shi. loh's cure will give immediate re. lief. Price 10 eta., .TO cts. and $1, For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, of course not. It is clear as water, no sediment to fill the pores f the skin. Its mission is to heal, cleanse and purify the complexion of every imperfection, and insures everyjady and gentleman a clean, smooth complexion. Sold by (). II Snyder. Price 75 cents. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tub Bust Salvk in the world for Cuts DruiBcs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hbeum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by F. O. Fricke For the Nebraska Soldiers Re-union at Nebraska City Jan. li to 14 theM. P. Ry., will sell round trip tickets Jan 11-12 and 13 good re turning Jan'y 15 at $1.10. tf Miss Elsie Moore has moved her stock into the east room of the Parniele block. favored with, we which we have secured large quail of the celebrated litem to our many customers be our traJe. this ware is infi-rior to m-rvici. nn. white color, is hiuhlv tioliKlieil mid share of these iroods before it is too FOfiQET THAT I AM GIVING UNHEARD OF BARGAINS In the best grades of WATCHES - CLOCKS JEWELRY Plattsmouth, Neb HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKE Constantly keeps on hand cverythin you need to furnish your house. COKNBII BI.TTII AND MAIN STREET Plattsmout - Neb For abstracts of title at reason Hble rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Uniou block.. tf I,