fin I ink '.(ISI ion o ci tat Mat.' t in 1 VI ! 1 ; rA. BEET SUGAR SCHOOL. Started in Connection With the State University. rUnOCCor Caafield of the Uni- i a fMitliiiji:iatn .It t eugar industry, iu an ''f? I are the convention re- v hhlv (there iu which he ex- ear a aesires to start a beet ir school in connection with university and have with it a dure beet sugar factory. In irdauce with the suggestion the wing resolution was intro- d by President K. IF. Oakley of board of trade and adopted: esolved, That the university oritieV be requested to make ami ample rovisions for the ''islt it' a beet sugar school If V at the earliest date, in li hauling and instructions il h offered in all the processes cted with the best sugar in- ry; and that the senators and esentatives of this state now Vashino'ton lie and are herehv jested to use all their influence ciit-'Nn anoronriation from the oT-a eminent of not less than X) forthe erection at this point I under the control of the uni- ify, a miniature sugar factory, used na apparatus iu cotuiec witheuch sugar school." What Will Plattsmouth Do? tee it became evident that I'ident Croau would consider a osition for the establishment ie Western Normal College in tsmouth, Prof. Halsey wrote a letter laying our advantages ire him. The following is his 'y: Shenandoah, la., Dec. 21. N. Halsky, Plattsmouth, Ne braska: EAR Sir Am in receipt of votir r and will say in reply that till the points you mcntiuu ainly give Plattsmouth i ic-u.l- e lor the location ot an educa il institution. The question I Id ask in reply, is, What would mouth give to secure the esnornial school in the world.' .v the ouestion is. What will ttsmouth do toward establishing li a school? I am negotiating' li Itcoln, Omaha and Council n-..WTV u.m am, Very ICespectfullv, Wji. M. Ckoax. citizens are all per- aware that the bcneiits tain to accrue from such an litution would be diflicult to ftnate from a pecuniary stu mi nt, .not considering the varied idental benefits certain to be fived. All admit that something tst be done to keep our town reast of the times. Do our real ite Owners consider this matter eufecieut importance to cive it if bVcntiou? If so, let us move. we remain perfectly inactive, let ever hereafter keep the peace. he tuiestion is, What will Platts- i give to secure the largest mal school in the world?" His Services Appreciated. lTh? teachers of the city schools in rjuiK'ion with thepopular janitor K. Ba.-r, presented Superinten lt McCkVand with a handsome )ks case tud secretary's desk mbined, this morning. Prof. Isey made te presentation . . i . . ii. . oecii in which w- assured me lar superintendttit that this Ii.-frf esteem was on'v a feeble nVrtation of the high regard which he is held. Stti erinten- inV ' McClelland was taken com. tely by surprise and he rou sed that he found it difficulty '.o id wtyds to express his gratitude. It im indeed well that perfect rimfnyand unitj' exists between superintendent and teachers as arty co-operation is absolutely iu gpensible to a thoroughly suic- ssful school. The splendid con 'ionofjOur city schools is only le legitiniiteseqtience to this unity uction and purpose. erdlcttorthe Plaintiff. trial of the appeal case from jo, Otoe count)', in which I,. G. iild siied the M. P. road for dam es alleged due from the location the railroad through his farm, ut to the jury last night. A tele- am received in this city to-day .nveyed tne intelligence that a ou for $1,800 had been reti red in favor of plaintiff. The se was conducted by Heeson and oley for the plaintiff and Sulli nd Hayward for the defense. I rfHe was tried oeiore judge rll of Lincoln, having originally cn passed upon by Judge Chap- la n. This is the last jury trial that will e called this term of court. Received Twenty Days A warrant was sworn out this lorning for the arrest of John f inters, the thief who stole the ov rcoat at Joe's clothingstore yester- rday, a full accor.nt of which was iven in yesterday's Herald, and, l-cotdmgly, Johnnie Jutzpatrick TCjl ner the gentleman. lie was l 1 'if A . rivjfediately arranged before Judge f f tmsey and received a sentence of f? (jlenty days in the county jail, the fa Jstteuof which he is to subsist oi bread and water. Tru!v"the of the transgressor is hard." Defendant Deicharued. Considerable interest was mani fested in the Weber case which came up in Judge Archer's court last evening. The ground was vigorously contested on both sides. The testimony of Police McGuire, corroberated by Deuson appeared to prove violation of the ordinance in question, though the defense introduced testimony flatly deny ing the accusations. The defend ant admitted having retained a crowd in the saloon after 11 o'clock but alleged that no beer was drank during that time, notwithstanding the positive statement of the police that he saw Weidmann draw four glasses of beer from the vault. Judge Archer deemed the testi mony not sufficiently elusive to warrant a conviction and the de fendant waa accordingly discharged. A Serious Mishnp. Mrs. J.N. Seagraves met with an accident yesterday that, to say the least, will prove very painful and distressing. She, with her hus band, came down town in the morn ing, but he having business iu town, she returned home alone. As she was going up Ninth street she slipped and fell, dislocating her wrist. Assists ucc was rendered as "joii as liossiiiie. and she is novv improving as rapidly as might be expected. It is doubtful if she will ever regain free use of the wrist igain, however, as her extreme lge 75 years - renders an injury of this kind decidedly slow to mend. Artistic Decorations. Oiir enterprising city butchers reflect credit upon themselves, in the tasty manner iu which they have decorated their places of bu.-iaess. The decorations areem- v.i:;;;tic of Christinas scenes, varied by the copious use of llowcrs and fruit. Fine Menu Cards. Tllli i I L, K A Li ) office has just printed the finest lot in menu cards for the Hotel K'iley Christmas din ner, ever lined in the city. The genial manager proposes to keep abreast of the times ill hotel management. Take dinner at the Riley to-morrow. Permitted to wed. A marriage license was issued by Judge Ramsey to-day, to John W, Bender asd Miss Myra Parsell, of Kagle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kikenbary journeyed to Omaha this morning. J. C. Searls, wife and little girl left on Ao, o tor Dorchester to spend the holidays. Thk Herald force was agreebly surprised to-day by a visit from Mr. Hathaway, formerly format! of this office. For the past few years he his been conducting a farm. Frank Dickson departed this morning for Iowa where he will spend Christmas. County Clerk Critchfield v.-ill eat turkey in Oma ha to-morrow. The clerk's office will be closed. r'rm Saturday's Dfiily Judge Barr, of Weening Water, is reported down with the grip. Mrs. T. R. Heche and son, John, of Klinwood are visiting friends in the city. Mrs. A. Tyson of Kim wood is spendinir the holidays with rela tives in tne city. Nettie Waybriirht and Grace Britt departed tins morning fur Hastings lor a short visit with triends. Kittie Russell of Weeping Water is visiting at the home of A. B. Knotts this week. Attorney A. M. Russell, of Weep ing Water, is confined to his room by an attack of rheumatism. The thermometer registered 9 0 below zero at one time last night and 12 3 below at 7 o'clock this morning. A wrestling match for a purse of fl(X) will take place in the Weeping Water opera house on the evening of Jan. 22, 1S02. The Weeping Water Kagle says that Kd Dorr has ceased to look upon the office of sheriff in the light of a snap, but is casting his eyes westward to a seat in the next legislature. This is virtually an announcement that Mr. Dorr con templates deserting the alliance, as all sensible men agree that the people will not be hoodwinked into the election of another alliance legislature. The Weeping Water Republican reproduces the The Hkkalds de scriptive article of the court house thiB week; also, it displays a very creditable representation of the new court house. Neither THE llEKALD nor the Republicans office desires to be selfish with these cuts. In the event the Kagle desires to give its readers a representation of the court house, the republican will doubtless loan its cut. Likewise The Herald will open up its heart to the hvening News if the latter i will humiliate itself sufficiently to ' ask for it. Christmns at the Churcha. AT THE M. E. CHURCH. There was hardly standing room at the L K. church Christmas eve. The program rendered was partici pated in largely by little folks, all of whom reflected great credit upon themselves and the management. The speaking was intersperced with music well rendered. Santa Clans was not present in -person, but he remembered the.vchildren and Sunday school pupils to their en tire satisfaction. TKESllYTERIAN FEST1VITKS. The attendance at the Presbyter ian church was good. Prior to the distribution of the gifts to the pupils of the Sunday school, a short, interesting program was rendered. The tree was of ever green, not veryjlarge and with the lights shining profusely it pre sented a lovely appearance. The pupils of the Sunday school were made to rejoice by the generous and appropriate manner in which Santa Clans remembered them. AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The exercises at the Christian church on Christinas eye were n decided success. The house was crowded to its utmost capacity. The beautiful ca-.itata, entitled "ilow We Waited, for Santa Clans," wis reuderd ir, such a manner as to cal! forth tfie berft praises from the ittentive listeneis. Mr. Bird Critchfield conducted the cxer . if .. . eises, and expresses imnseir as being well pleased witli the interest the people have taken iu order to please the young people who attend the Suudoy school at the Christian chinch. Many line presents were listributed, among whieh was a fine gold watch from the family to Mr. K. R. Todd. A recitation was given by MissClara Wilson, entitled The Little Pilgrim," which caused tears to tlow in the ej es of nearly every person present. Santa Clans ippeared in full costume, and ictually came in tit the chimnej which had been prepared, and upon the mantle of which were ar ranged the many presents. One Present, at st. luke's ewscoi'al. Christmas eve was duly observed it St. Luke's Kpiscopnl church. The exercises, consisting princi pally of singing, were participated i mainly by the children. The decorations were appropriate and tasty. The window sills were cov ered with cotton, bordered with ever greens. A beautiful arch spanned the pulpit, bearing in gilt letters the inscription, ."Glory to God in til"? Highest and on Karth Peace, Good Will to Men." Beautiful green vines, with red buds at tached, covered the organ and altar, on the whole reflecting rare credit upon the decorators. The Christmas exercises were concluded with services in the church yesterday. AT THE GERMAN PRESIiYTERIAN. The German Presesbyteren church was filed to its utmost capacity and the large audience was intense ly interested throughout, The pro gram was appropriate for the occa tion bearing upon Christmas topics Theexercises were interspersed with music by the church choir assisted by the Sunday school. There were two Christmas trees beautifuly dec orated and heavily laden with pres ents. Judge Archer's Court. The case of Nebraska vs. D. M. Jones was continued to Dec. 21) at 2 p. in. The case of Snell vs. Petersen the garnishee, W. L. Browne made a ngthy answer. Matter taken under advisement. The case of Plattsuionth Invest ment Co. vs. B. A. M hlwain, jude inent for plaintiff in the sum of if 15. The case of National Cracker Co. vs. August iiacn set tor trial tins afternoon. A Clone Call. K. T. Comer sustained a very painful accident last week under peculiar circumstances. Comer loves to shoot, better than he does to eat, and everywhere he goes his gun is his companion. On this oc casion he arriTed at the place ex pected to bag some game, took his gun. out of the case, proceeded to till his coat pockets with loaded shells from the same. He had dropped two handfulls into the right pocket, the 3rd handful went iu also, but one of them must have dropped on the percussion of one of the others and exploded. The charge split the thumb of Comer from the end to the first joint, glanced from the ball of his hand and up his coat sleeve and out on tne side, ine wnoie pocKet was blown out and many of the shells emptied of the shot. Itwasaclose call for him, but fortunate that it was no worse. Kagle. Do you want to know what would make your father, mother, brother, s.ster and sweetheart happy? It is a1 nice pair of shoes or slippers for a Christmas present. W. A. Boeck & Co. have just received an elegant line that they otler at VERY Low- prices for thirty days only. tf DESTROYED BY FIRE. The Nebraska City Distillery De stroyed by Fire. The main buildiiur of the Mir distillery at Nebraska City was wrapped in flames Thursday after noon and almost totally destroyed. The origin of the lire is attributed to spontaneous combustion of dust and trash that had accumulated in the department in which the grain is ground. The Raines sprtad rap idly and in live minutes after the alarm was sounded the building was enveloped in flames. The Press estimates the loss at $50,UH), fully insured. The work of rebuilding will be begun at once and in the course of two weeks work will be resumed as usual. The Press speaks iu high terms of the valor and heroism exhibited by the firemen in endeavoring to sub jugate the flames, asserting that Nebraska City has the finest volun teer fire company in the west, Obituary . Minnie, llaspoll, Died Mrs. of typhoid r.neumouia. at her home i' " orth Kleventh street. Mrs. Haspall had been confined to her room for the past t"() 1;",V"' ami during this t,Ve ,u,r 8lfr".V r had been inUii(., This family has been exceedingly unfortunate the past year. The husband was killed at Kansas City last Match, and only four months siuce a little baby was suddenly tali -n away. The deceased died a; the home of Charles Kennedy. The remains will be taken to Pontiuc, Mich., to-morrow and in terred in the cemetery near the old homestead. Heal EntHta 'lrinf)i ( ompili'd from Polk Urns. Daily lieport. Neb. Farm Mtye. Sec. Co. to Tyson and wife, release, A. of ne'.j, 10-10-10. W. T. Kalon et al to Thos. Recce, (J. C. 1)..$S.(K), se'i of neit, 27-12-U. Lombard Inv. Co. to Harriet Reece and husband, release, wl of u jv1.i, 20, ande'oof ne',,27 12-2." Annie P. Kllison to Imputable Trust Co., mtge, fl,200, ni., of nwij, 13- 11-12. Same to same, $90, same desc. August Bach and wile to Nicholas Holmes, mtge, ty'M, pt lots 8, U and 10, b 'M, Plattsmoiiih. Win. Deles Dernier and wife to Henry A. Pearsons, trustee, mtge, !f2,t'(K), frt'i ,,27-10-10. Sani'l B. Hall to S. L. Scars, iissgt of mtge, ifi't), w'.. of n wi .. U-l 1-1(1. James A. Stinsou and wife to Klna Lite Ins. Co., mtge, if(KX), sw'f of sei.,,a:ni-io. H.J. Walker to W. C. Stump, O. C. D..S20, lot 11. b 3, Miinlev. John T. Richey and wife to Ktpiit- aoie trust Co., mtge, It-l.aoo, e.i ol Hw'i and vK of swU. 211-11-10. " J. Chase, trustee, to K. S. Barrett, w 1, !f'.K0, lots 1010, b 14, Noble Heights Add to Weeninir Water. Root & Fauirht vs. David Allen, inch lien, if 10.40, lot 2, b 3. Murray. Geo. S. Billings to Addie Billings, y. c. v., :tnn, pt 8w4 of ew., ltt-12-14. Geo. S. Billings and wife to J. N. Kooerts and V. V. rartnele, w a, $200, nt seU of hwU. 18 12-14. David C. Stuart and wife to Win. II. Mark, w d, fl.HOO, c'V2 of bw!4,2!1-10-14. A Runaway, Robert Hull, an employee, of Henry Kikenbary, experienced a hazardous ride Thursday. After he had driven a short distance from town upon returning home, the four horse team became frightened and became unmanagable. After running a short distance the wagon was overturned, throwing the driver out, though he escaped without injury. The front team be came detached after running about a half mile, which only had a ten dency to increase the speed of the rear team. J he latter was linally brought to ti halt before they were injured. The harness was almost completely destroyed. The dam- ige to the wagon was slight. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the post- oflicc at Plattsmouth December 23 for the week ending December Hi: Aye;, liiix George liutler, Jiinics Bi'urs. (i E llrmlit, Jiitiiua Cooley, Mm EM J KiUiiun, Miss K.lllli (iiirtliKT, Kri'il(2) J;iniee, Mm M;iKKl Conklln, fntiik KMier, Mies Olive Criilibn, H JoLusun, Link Ktilm y, V II LhiiJm. I). Newcomer. A l'olln, Ed L liudeil Lots, Jnlm Mathews, J w IVrdew, J A I'lilincr, Henry (,ylniiitli, S KUiuton, Misn Alliilf2 Shi'iij), Charley Wiird.Mis K. M Taylor, Win Waybriglit V 8 West. Mm W H Younn,lito W WhltcliiT, ti 8 Persons calling for tiny of the above will please ask for "adver tised" letters. H. J. Strkight, P. M. Judge Archer is another victim of la grippe. Good Evening! Have you used Ah! there is no need of my saying any thing further, 1 am sure you will hereafter use nothing but the Famous Blush of Roses for your complexion. Yours with best wishes, Flora A. Jones, South Bend, Ind P. S. Call this eve please at O. II Snyder and learn the particulars. Muloh s catarrh remedy a posi itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For stile by F. G Frickeit Co. UNDER THE WHEELS. Henry Stla Disaovereti Lying Upon the M. P. TraoW South of theJ-Sta-tion at Nebrattka City Thurs day, With Hoin hnci Cut Kmirely Off. It appears that the unfortunate young man had purchased a ticket at Auburn for Nebraska City. The conductor of the train, in speaking of the alfair, said that after Mr. Steele got on the train at Auburn he noticed that lie had been drinking. He says, further, that he was not asleep when he got to Nebraska City, but that he got otf the train with a turkey iu his arms, and after standing on the platform for a short time, he went around and got on the blind end of the baggage car. This was the hist seen of him until he was picked up in the condition in which he was found. He was taken Mo the city hospital, and Doctors Ross and Daily waited upon him and did all in their power to relieve his suffer ings, which were terrible iu the ex treme. The injury will surely prove l.ital, as uolli legs are iiadly mat,, MILLS rViUZZLF.D. It is very plain that the majority of the democratic members of the house tire determined to place Mr. Mills in a position where he will have little inlluence on the t.tritf question and exercise none of the functions of leadership. But this state of affairs has not always been so. For several years Mr. Mills has been the foremost democratic spokesman on this question and it wan generally understood that bis words would be indorsed by his irty. The party went so far as to incorporate his bill into its plat form and accept it as democratic loctrine. But the party has com pletely relegated him to the rear is far as practical usefulness is concerned, lie hud devoted his fe to a study of tariff reform from i revenue standpoint only, and he expected that his labors would be ippreciat"d by his friends. The question naturally arises, What is the cause of this sudden change of base on the part of this great "tariff reform partyr" Is it true that the practical application of the McKinley law, which they villified and misrepresented shame fully, has come out victorious? Is it true that they are afraid to carry out their declared intentions to repeal the law? It indeed looks that way. But it is not for the republicans to dictate the policy the democrats shall pursue. If they prefer not to repeal the McKinley law, well and good, but if they refuse to place themselves on record, let them hereafter hold their tongues. As well as the handsomest and others arc invited to call on uny druggist und get free a trial bottle of Kemp's liasaui for the Throat and'Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve anil cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma bronchitis and consumption. Large bottles 50c and $1. Soma Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most' cases it wears them away. Could they tie induced ta try the huccchIuI Kemp h Ualsam, which is sold on a positive guar antee to cure, they would see the excellent effect, after taking the first tloes. Price at I c and fl. Trail size free. At all druggists. A son of Nr. M. I). Pusser, a merchant ot iihraitar, a. C, was so badly alllicted with rheumatism for a year or more, as to be unable to work or go to school. Ilis hither concluded to try Chamberlain's Pain Palm on the boy. It soon cured him and he bus since walked one and a half miles to school iwd back every school day. HI) cent hot tie for stile by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist. The Missouri Pacific will sell tick ets on December 24, 25 31 and Janu ary 1, good to return January 4 at one and one-third fare for round trip within two hundred miles of Plattsmouth. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim liKHT Salve in tliu world for Cute Bruges, Horus, Ulcers, Prtltllhcum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Clmnped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkiu Eruptions, aud posi tively curcB Piles, cr no pay required. It is Kuarnuteiid to give auti&fucliun, or money refunded. Price 2.1 cents pur box. For sale j F. O. Fricko Mr. Otto Herold left this morning for St. Joe, Mo., where, Dame Rumor has it, Otto will be Hut we wouldn't give him away for the world. Hera ia a Chance ' For some one with a few hundred dollars to get into a good business. Established 1HK6. For further par ticulars address Hox 928. Platts mouth, Nebraska. wA-d-s CANCER Pnbjarta n4 fear tn lower fmia thai line of 'J'arnim, tut lir a sioat woad-rfal dinxnwr In Uifitlcliic, rtnoer on auy part cf the bodjr on bo rraionraily eared wllhoat tke ot tkn knlle. Miui. 11. 1). Cot.iiY, POt Indiana Ave., Chliauio, S117N: ' Wnacarad of oanovr of the brnwt tu an weli by your inrthod of tatnn,nt.', snt for trvatl. Dr. IL. V. Dale, HUi tiW, Ciuuuo. Drs.uETTS&BEiTS FKYSICIANS, mim tad SPECIiUSTT... 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA.. j-i......,' ... I,,- OlHro tumtn from fl a. m. h I p. m. Bandar from 1U. in. to I i. in. HvmlUt in Cbruuio, Nrrou,Ukin aud BlooA yConnnltfltlon lit office or ly nmll fraj. Vtiiciii Kottt liy tnnil or in, mvuiwQi litrkixi, fro (mm olwrratioti. OtiaraiiUiva W corn quirkly, wifely and pormiuiontly. Tim inoKt wiilnty and favornlily known iial iot in t ho Uniltxl Htiitm, Their loi)Kioritn, rrnimrknlil nkill and nmvcrwil iiimw in lha trwitiiiimt and cnr of Numma, Clirouic and Hi Kirnl Divan. "',iitl tliivH) rinlnont hjieiai Jo tlm full fiaonre of tU lllU-Ul VWjrwhara. 11 nranui A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CORE fortlHf' awful Hffwtaof wrl); viae and Um liauwruus evil thai follow in it train, PRIVATE. BLOOD AND BKIN DISEA8E1 (lnwlily, ciiinpli'Utljr and iiurinauuntl; viirmi. -BVr.T1S rritTI.ITY AND SEXUAL DIS- jv '-'il ruaJiJu to jJinij akiUTa! Vrmb- 0&DEK8 ' -. n.i.U WT i PILES, FISTULA AND MXTa ----5 miarinitiiHd curtxl witlxiut wia or utX from biiHinnm. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE r" umitly iiinl mii'onmruliy cured in evury cui. HYI'il 1IIH, (iONOH)lll(RA, (ilKKT, H'"f - torrliirn, Kcmiiud Wnnknnui, lt ilmduxA, Niiiht I'jnmsioiiH, )irnyml KacnltiiM, ti'iuiinJa NVrakncwH mi. I all ilnlicato iliHonli rn cnliiir hi fitlmrwx ioi!ivily rnril, an wkII a all fnna. tioniil diiKirditra that ri'Milt from J.HiUn'ul follltw or thu I'xrcwt of inatiirn 'imr. Ctfirtlirp ("imnmtwMl H'rninnn!t.T etimt, Oil IUIUI C romovnl roiinilctn, wiiliont atft. tinif, rmihtio or dilnuiljon. I'urH ilin. teil at honiii lijr .n(Jviit wiUiout a moii i'iiIh ihmu ut anuoj-urx-v. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AChPO CtlPO T" ITwta of frif OUI o UUI C vii-o winch linncK ori;imm winkuKa, diwInu-inH ln.ih imiul anil Uxly, witi ali iui diiiwioil illt, pi'itiiHiicnii) curl. fire Poffc A'ldmM tliiwo whn Iihvi iii(Miu Ul O. iCilO tlinmaolvw ty imiiroirr diili'iir ntul Militarr I.uI.jIh. which ruin loU ininil ntul IkxIj. iinfiUiux tljt'iu for hoituuwa, xtuily or u.mrriji;m. M AltlilKD JlliS, or thorn oiili-ring on that hninJ li iu, awaru of iJiyncal ikiliiiity, guiiklj UttirUd, t f.'-Hd-ul 5 ait ivwtfwn ior Pi'li'hratod wnrka on (Voiiir, Nirvima and Dnliratn hiwyuwa. TiiotiumdN cunHi. BA (riniHlly lotturor mlj limy miti. yon futon- (MitfWinir uiul alniniH, and u.!.l Ko.'iion yniiH to lif. ( Vtio Wtt nnawnraj unhiKH w-(-oniiniiinil by 4 cvnte in MjHiipn. AildnH, cr cull on BF.TTS & BETTS, ' 1409 Douglas St., OMiMA, - - MEDRASKA. The Ilcst Kuneily III in thtl world,, laya J. noffberr, of Ryranaaa, N. T., Is Paator Kooilg's Nerve Tonlo, becanM tny ion, who wai pnrtially paralyxed three years ao aiid attacked by flti, haa not had anf symptoms ol Uiem linos he took one bottle of the remedy. 1 niodt hoarUly thank for it. rcvBLo, Col., May, ima Onr dnnghter eontraotod F.piliUu Fits from fright three years ago ; we trhxl nioat every thing we board of, but ot no avail Am thank f ul to state now that slnoe she took Paator Koe nig's Nerve Tonlo the has not bad the slightest attack within four months. 1311 Evarta Ave. HUB. 0. 8CHULZ. Thos. MoCnrdy, of 212 81th Are., Denver. Colo., says : 1'astor Knenlg's Nerve Tonlo is ot great bonnt to mo; it haa hod the desired effect by stoppmg the fits. FREE A Yaltinhl Ttnok an Korrfa) HlHeaMAit wmt tree to any adilrowS and MMir pntlnnta ran alxo Ohtail this uiodlcliie true of clutrxe. Tl.i. nmAi1vhfui h'M-n itrfmarfld bvthe Rpvnrofld Tairtor Kohihk, nt Fort VYuvntt, lud, Unco Itntant uuuw pretorua uudur hie iirucUou by Uio KOENtC MZC. OO., ChlcarjO. fit. 8o!dbylJrnecliit '!f.t f : v "r nnttlo. Clbr!?3 kVr.r tSle. St. ' rrt?:1. ! HAVE , I YOU SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure I Nnvur frim tn vivm ltitnfit r.lii.r In lha worHtrl icawtfj, aaii vlffru run-, wboro llirra fati. H I TrU farkaitt t K K K M PrarrLta rr y pt ! tfirmt tlti. H. fi.l, Bl.a. II t HUTS A FIK9T-CI.ASS all hand made. LOOK AT TIIKM Repairing Promptly Eone. Kemeniber the Place. Phil's New Harness Shop. Opposite P. O. Plattsmouth Messrs. Frank, James and Ciwrdon Knotts came down from Council HlutTs yesterday and ale turkey wilh their brother, A. U returning; in the evening. fl 11 I a I S t I