f iiifttfsiiiiittjii 4 4 kmll 111 VOL. XXVII. XO. 10. l'IATOMOVTIl,CAyS(X)UXTY,XKIIKASKA.TIlUKSlAVIEOOmEU 3I.INU. :l.50 A YEA It. weeini ' Established Facts: That the Royal Baking Powder is the oldest and purest baking powder, and the greatest in leavening strengtn. VThat it is free from every injurious substance. That it makes lighter, sweeter, more nutritious and healthful food than any other. The Royal Baking Powder Company refines its own cream of tartar in its own mammoth re finery, and thus insures its unvarying quality. There is used in the manufacture of the Royal Baking Powder more than half of all the cream of tartar consumed in the United States for all purposes. This is required and must be chemically pure, and chemically pure cream of tartar could not be obtained in the markets of this coun try or Europe, which necessitated the building of special works, and the employment of special processes. All other baking powders, when analyzed, show traces of lime and sulphuric acid, which arise from the impurities of the materials bought in the market, which their manufacturers use. This is whv the Roval Bakincr Powder is the Ay only absolutely pure baking powder made. YtORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. At ttrnav at-l.aw. Will irlva nrnmnt Attention toktl buctnefs etitructnd tn lilm. (Mice In PI Unblock. Eaat 81d. Plnt.tmnuth. Net). SECRET SOCIETIES . TTNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAP. Uauntlet Lodge . XV. mo. 47. Meets every Wednecday evening at their hall In 1'nnnele ft Crulg block, All vis Itlnc knights are cordially Invited to attend 0. 0. Marshall, C. C. ; tin Dovey, K, R. 8. A O, U. W. No. M Meets ieennd and fourth Friday evenlngi In the month at (1. A . R. hall In Roekwood block, K.J.Morgan, MW, r. .wrowu, necoraer. JYAL AR0ANAM-C Counell No 1021, i ,"". Meet at the k, oi r. nnll in tne rarmele si Craig block over Bennett ft Tntto, vIMrlng bretliren Invited. Henry Herold, Regent; Thos Walling, Secretory, PERSONAL Terry Farthing was in Louisville to-day. O. II. Snyder had business in tlie , metropolis to-day. ' Treasurer-elect L. C. Kickhoff is in the city to-day. Wm. Rasmubsen left on No. 5 this , morning for Omaha. Chas. Graves, of the Union Led ger, is in the city to-day. jfhas. Wickersham is in Blair, fV)., to-day on business. n- J. Koon, the photographer, , was in Omaha last night. ' A. II. White and Joe Klein were in Omaha on business to-day. Rev. Dr. Brift was a passenger on Noo for the west this inoriiincf. A. McElwain and mother were lingers lor Omaha this morn ing, Hon. J. M. Patterson and Com missioner A. B. Todd were in Lin coln to-day. Mrs. Wm. Winn left for Ilillsboro, Texas, this morning for a visit with her daughter. Miss Ollie Boyd started for Ober- AV . t - X' R a, rvunin, mis illuming on lo. o A spend the winter. Kra. B. N. Loverin of Pacific Junction came over last evening to attend the "T. K." Quartette. George and Ket Goodell of Glen, wood, Iowa, were in the city, the guests of P. P. Gass and family last evening. 4vLost Between Gold street and SOftth Park and Eighth and Tenth streets, Saturday morning, a cream silk muffler with initial "A" in the f corner, -tinder will please leave at uuivt Ul til U1 OUUU1 ICIllUBl. Russian Relief Fund. Cass county as usual, is at the front again, with one of the most liberal donations to the Russian Relief Fund, and it will be made i n a way that will receive the approv al of all those interested. A. B. Todd, Aaron Loder and Jacob Tritsch, county commissioners, called on Governor Thayer yester day and announced that Cass conn ty would give 000 bushels of corn. It will be bought and paid for at once by private parties who will afterwards by reimbursed by the county commissioners out of the county general fund. The corn will cost $180. It is claimed by the com missioners that by using county funds the expanse will be less than 1 mill for each inhabitant, a cheaper plan than that of receiving and handling ' small J contributions of corn offered by farmers or others. It is their idea also that the cost of the purchase will be borne by the people generally instead of allow ing only a few to make the dona tions as would be the case other wise. 02 IS GO W is 0 Don't Ruffle the Eagle. Chill, beware I Our venerable t'ncle Sum Is slow to wrath, but when he start I Out on the warpath It takes a continent to hold hlut He careful how you get Ills d under up. Ti quite a little trip around the Mom To get in good I'oxitioD for a kick At you, but If he undertakes the trip, He'll get there 1 And mark you, dull, Ttiexe I a blrd-a large, tough, healthy bird Tlmt hut been known to fly tfrnin Washington to Africa And come back home with both his talons full of wool. It wouldn't take him very long to mako A tlylng virit anywhere in South AtHi'iira, lie's harmlecs If he's let alone, but dot't I hrow stones at him Or poke him with with your cane, for then nes dangerous. This tough old fowl itlll roosts Upon the flag-pole't topmost end. Ilelow him wave the Stars and Stripes. Wfcill him. flil l, The Ainericau Kagle. And Y uM better tsttr f Itm Up. Chicago Tribune. The End of 18tft To the young the years speed not fast enough, to the old they are too short. The young employ the closing of one year in ambitions planning for the next, the aged muse over the events of the past and contemplate the mysteries of future. In the lives of some the year has proved a memorable one, while in those of others it is sug gestive of no special events. The hopes of one have reached fruition, the aspirations of another have fallen short of success, and thus the last days of December brings alike pleasant and sad memories. What ever the year 1801 has brought to us, there is a valuable lesson to be learned. If any undertaking upon which we have entered has proven unsuccessful, we can now, on look ing back over the ground, see more clearly the cause of our fail ure. No lesson is so forcibly learned as that born of experience. A past failure ofttimes point to a future success, if we but profit by the lesson. No year is wasted which brings to us a clear realiza tion of our individual worth, and its best employment. The experi ences of the old year will make our successes during the new more as sured, for we will have learned what shoals to avoid in the sea of life. If our bark have just grouud over rocky reefs with but slight injury, let us feel thankful tint we were not entirely wrecked. To be successful, the truth has been taught that the best success is that which is born with modefty and a humble exterior. It is a poor suc cess that brings with it an outward self-consciousness of our talents on gifts. The most admired and beloved men and women are those who combine prosperity with modesty. And thus to all the year can be fruitful of good results, if we but extract from mr individual experiences only that.which will be the most profitable, for us to remem ber. Then we tdiall be the better prepared to enter upon the new year with wisdom, zeal and energy. fcpecinl Meeting. There will be a special meetingof Cass Camp No. 332, M. V. A., at their hall in Fitzgerald block this evening, December 30, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. J Ess is L. Root, V. C. J. II. Ilaldeman, of Weeping Water, is in the city to day on legal business. Do you want to know what would make your father, mother, brother, sister and sweetheart happy? It is a nice pair of shoes or slippers for a Christmas present. W. A. Boeck & Co. have just received an elegant line that they offer at VKKV Low prices for thirty days only. ; tf County Court. In the matter of the estate of Christian Seliildmeier deceased. Petition of Amelia Schildiueier widow of deceased, filed for ap pointmeut of Henry Borneineier administrator. Hearing, January 12th, 181)'-', at 10 o'clock a. tn. In the matter of the estate of Joseph II. Austin, deceased. Peti tion Elvina Austin and J. G. Austin filed for appointment of Almond II. Austin administrator. Hearing January 13th, 18H2, at 10 o'clock a. in. C. R. Teft et al vs. Phil Green et al. Suit on account for $210.8.1 and interest. Answer January 4th, 18I2. James Fitzgerald vs. Thomas L. Murphy. Suit on account for $100. Hearing, Dec. 31, at 10 o'clock n. m. Albter Watson, assignee vs. Solo man Ward et al. Action to revive judgi"""4. TV te of Nebraska vs. John Win .. Compliant for petty lar ceny. Trial to court. Found guilty and sentenced to 20 days in jail. I rst 10 days on bread and water, and to pay costs of prosecution. In the matter of the estate of Charles S. Allen, deceased. Hear ing on petition for anointment of James H. Green administrator. Prayer granted and bond fixed at $8C3. In (he matter of the estate of Charles S. Allen, deceased. Notice to creditors to file claims on or before June 30, 1802, at 10 o'clock a. tn. In the matter of the guardianship of William Spencer, insane. Hear ing on petition for appointment of Elizabeth Spencer guardian. Prayer of petition rrranted and bond fixed at $1,50. Taylor Bros, vs. J. M. Beardsley. Suit on account. Trial to court, argued and plaintiff to file briefs by January 4, 1802, and defendant to file brief by January 11, 1802. Ackland Salisbury, contestant. vs. W. II. Bearing, contestec. Motion to quash service of summons and complaint and to dismiss action argued and submitted. II. D. Travis vs. A. V. Durell et al. Action on supersedeas bond for $470. Judgment for plaintiff for $433.50, and against Doom Bros, for costs of intervention. E. L. Lewis vs. W. S. Ward. Suit in attachment. Motion to discharge attachment and dismiss action sus tained without prejudice to another action. The funeral of the late Carrie Vass occurred this afternoon at 2 o'clock and the remains were in terred in Oak Hill cemetery. License to wed was issued to-day to Win. T. Fisher of Georgetown, Colo., and Miss Lizzie Foldeu ot Murray. c. w. B. M. Regular monthly meeting of the C. W. B. M. of the Christian church will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Twiss, Saturday, January 2. OI.1VK E. Boyd, See'y, List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the post office tit Platlsniouth December 30 for the week ending December 23: Itiirniw, !. M Cllelt, Miss Anna, Kmiklln, Frank Le Roy, W 11 Stlekel, Mis Maud Wing, Mrs Clara Persons calling for any of the above will please ask for "adver- letters. II. J. STKEIGHT, P. M. tiued" Notice to Water Consumer. AH rents will be due January 1. imii i itiimiiiuei n out wisniiig con tinuance must give proper notice, tn Plattsmouth Water Co. Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the sei vice, have since been permanent ly cured of it by Chaimberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Rem edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY il S(iniiilqoif foi Gqsl'j Tidc o Widc-ilql-jc Pci?ois, While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are favored with, we still desire to increse our :CASH TRADE: and have completed arrangement in which we have secured hirue una tides, at first hands, of the celebrated ROGERS SOLID NICKEL SILV F;R PL&fEV'AHE at such prices that we propose to Kive them to our many customers be in ung that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the .act that we are spending the money we set aside for advertising purpos es y i returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gifts tin tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade. EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser U either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knife or Sugar Shell eol4 bv Jewelery at $1.00. EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a set (() of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0 EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $2.") entitles the purchaser to a ,MfKogers solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to a set (.)) Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel r-orks, or a set ot Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $1.00. o - ... , , KKK irt wIlnt the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met rtrj' al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow frjri ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take bXli Ibe place o( Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence i.i assuring our customers tlmt this ware is inferior to service on ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We reconiend this ware especially for hotels, restaurants anil boarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold its color and will outwear any i.lateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This linn have manufac tured plated ware since 1H55, and their name is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they get goods under theit ate" early un(1 Becure a Bhare of these goods before it is to Wc qtiqiqtcc otj Pviccs to bo lo Lowncst liic Competition. FRED HERRMANN. v.. DOJNf'T FOfjQET THAT I AM GIVING In the best grades of SILVEDWARE CALL AND BE CONV1NCKI) BE FORE PURC II A S I N G. WILL B E PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. 1B. 11. M'ELWAIN 415 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Net UNHEARD OF BARGAINS WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY puss jvlsie Moore has had the east room in the Parmele-Roberts block nicely fitted up and will have her millinery stock moved in by the 1st of January. tf mrz?iiwg'y?i'y s"n yii j. Why will you cough when Shi loh'a cure will give immediate re. lief. Price 10 cts., fit) cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cd We will sell lamps for net cost for tke next thirty days. M. B. Murphy & Co. tf Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complain t'f Shiloh's Vit alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 Pure buckwheat Dour for sale at Heisel's mill. tf For abstracts of title at reason able rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union block. tf Call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block for bargains in Winter Hats. tf No. 5 was delayed this morning in the upper yards, by the breaking of a back spring on the engine, for about an hour, after which another engine was attached to the train. i ileus O fercotits Childs' Overcoats Mens' Suits .Boyg' Suits - $1.90 1.75 3.75 2.75 .65 SEE WHAT CASH WILL IJUY F0H THIKTI DAYS: Childs Suits - . , . $i.75 Mcn8 ()Tm(J m m Mens Jeans Pants - . . . .;h) Mens' Wool Sock. - AlcnB Dress 1'ants . . ' 1 in nr,.Q' n.... c IT si n iucno """I VJUUOU COCKS Mens' Cass Pants .... 2.r0 Mna' Hro. 25 Mens' Lined Kid Gloves Four Ply Linen Collars- 4oc 15c 25c 25c 45c Mens Wool Mitts Children!' Mitts -Mens' Suspenders Chiids' Sunpendera - bilk lies 15o 10c 15c 05c A oale of ttai3maenitudo Has aovor boen attomptod in Plattemcutti. V7o moon to unload tnoso goods In tno acst thirty days ITOTHTM-fi. T!! Tliis Sale Means Goods UctnUrA at i. .LSON, Tb e Cash Clothier. - Plattsmon th - TV"h a. i i HJWijj i;