FikHMEHS: mm, LOOK OUTIjfei Ton are nspoMd to ioddon changes of tempormtare, and to lnjuxlefc ST. JACOBS OIL cures RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, BRUISES. CUTS, WOUNDS, SORENESS, STIFFNESS, SWELUNCS, BACKACHE, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, BURNS. A PROMPT AND Co.NfiKEHS convenes next Monday. Watch for 1'rcsideiit Harrison's message next week. Ira J. Chase in mow governor of Indiana, vice Governor Alvin I. Hovcy, deceased. Mir.f. mmenrs lo In' in the lend in tlie speakership contest, with Crisp following closely MMuim mm. l'KESinii.NT IlAWK'isoN's , forth coining message will lie an usually interesting documiMit. 1111 It tins ln-eii estimated it will re quire more than $7nO,Ui to make the awards at the world a loiiini liiau exposition. I.NitlAN'Al'ol.lS has announced that she will grant the democrats the privilege il Holding tiieir con vention in that city. I'LATTaMoiint is ahead of Nebraska City in selecting dele eates to attend the Missouri river improvement convention. IF Crisp lie elected Speaker Hill will black Cleveland's eye; if Mills secures the plum Cleveland will grind the life outot J till. OCR foreign shipments nre larger than ever before. Why Because it is the legitimate nut gTowth of the McKinley tarilf law TllB president's forthcoming message will be full of statistics iutercHting and consoling to repub licans out mormying and exas perating to democrats. A NUMHKR of the independent apers have succumbed to the in writable during the past few months. And, by the way, what kas become of the independent partyr Tub World-Herald m ule n happy nit when it said that since the American hog had been admitted into foreign countries, we might ow expect to Bee less of him in American politics. UIB republicans nsK but one favor of the approaching demo cratic house namely, that they ulect Mills speaker and that lie appoint a committee that will re port a radical free trade measure. THE more silence Mr. HInine ex hibits regarding the presidential nomination the more unanimous the clamor becomes for his nomina tion. we predict that nothing abort of a positive refusal will pres ent it when the convention meets in June. Hen HuTMiR is again reported ; l- III 'n i 1 . crummy in. i ne oui general ren dered valiant services for the Union during the Civil war period; he lias iieen iiguiiug im enemies ever wince and is in perfect trim for the ilaal encounter with his lust enemy, ueuui. A FEW davs Hince. tin rul.-iniivir retfer was winding up one of his CCUStOmed shriekinn- nnnlla Im lowly stroked his whiskers as he icmarKeu: "now long! Oh, how long!" whereupon some bright re- nioucan iarmer yeiiea out; "About thirty inches." Many of our democratic sheets re beginning to fear that they will land no show of winning in "ft! on a seventy-five cent dolar platform. and are advising that they adopt the republican one-hundred cent uiuiar luea. im as you line, but it will be a cold dish of crow. The free traders would have the American farmer to believe that the location of iiiauufacturies throughout the country is a detri ment to him. The American liana em are not foals, and theyjwill re sent the insult at the first opportu nity by setting down on the Cob denites in no unmistakable man ner. A majority f the Ohio demo crats have declared in favor of Crisp for speaker. Let it be remem bered that Crisp made but two or time speeches in Ohio in the late campaign, while Mills scattered free trade argument "broadcast throughout thestate. TheOhioans know what is to their interest. Crisp is somewhat of a protection ist, you know. The fight for the speakership Roea merrily on. -Journal. Yes in all pronbility Mills' fleshy sides nre shaking with laughter, and Crisp and Springer in all probability never had so much fun before. In the meantime the republicans are fighting, snapping and mailing among themselves for the nomina tion. Sad plight those republicans are in but eh joyoaa and united democracy. PERMANENT CURE. oooooo Hv theprovisionsof the McKinley hill the- ticonle are saving about fti.(KMt(K) per month. A Ni:w Yni clergyman has married I'i.OOO couples and hp has received ifiiO.OW wedtli-ig lees. A HUtY volinir is ffomur on in C'liicairo. between baby McKee am little kuth. No precinct heard from yet. John Sherman fully merits the complementary notices that are be ing tendered him by the press of the country. IClxiAK IIouawp, editor of the rapilliau Times, accompanies Con ures-uuan IJryau to Washington us Ins private secretary. Ilf the McKinley bill continues to grow in popularity with the people Hie democratic party will yet see darker days than it h is seen since Mie civil war era. IT is now pretty well settled tlfat the king prize will go either to the iieorgiau or tlr. lexan pugilist while the booby pri.ewill be awnrd ed to Hatch or Springer. Speakership contests nre funnier to the spectators than to the partici pants. The repuMicans seem to en joy the fun now but the democrats will have an opportunity to laugh in the next congress. THE HervLP's article of jester day relative to the building wagon bridge in connection with the M. J, railroad bridge has brought out a short squib from the Journal indorsing such a move. If the hvening News will fall in line it may be truly said that for once all is peace and harmony. IT is indeed encouraging to note the interest taken by the cities and towns of Nebraska in the building up ot nianiiiacturing industries within her borders The next twenty-five year will show a (level opnient in the west as wonderful as the last and there is no reason why Nebraska should not keep anace with other states. Nebraska City Press. A democrat who professes to be strictly honest attributes the disas trous defeat sustained by the demo- luunii inr irirui wiuu rieciiou lO the Australian ballot law. If re norts are true ren-nt-dinn- th ic tions in a few other states, it is very uaeiy mat tne Australian ballot law would have still further re tarded democratic nrnirrum A fair ballot is always favorable to irjMivucau success. Kpwari Field, son of Cvnm w Field, through premeditated treach cry uas ueen instrumental in com pletely ruining his father both financial! t and nhvsicallv. The old gentleman, now seventy-two years oi nge, is dying in ins tine residence mat in a lew days will pass into other hands. Cvrus Field has the good will and utmost respect ot tne people on bom sides oi me vnautic. TllB Tournal asks what niiln elections amount to if they brine .1 . tt . " uu rriii-i in iiiiio wool frnurrru Western free traders need not hnr den their minds with such n question us this. The Ohio voter rtrOPOSeS tO Vntt ill hia intAraol by the way, we wish to inform our free trade trade neighbor that American wool ia wnrlh i 41m American market several rent nor no mm more man tne inrein-n VUi in a foreign market. A SHORT time Mine, f.xn T Wi. wick, of Sorinirlield. Mann , o proposition to the citizens of Kmr. ney to the effect that if a subsidy 11 Iff 1UV X a . i ?i,i,(w couki oe raised, a bicycle inciory womu dc located mere be fore snrinir. The nuhlir- anirifoH business men of that place at once "i 1 1 ... i ....... ... - v..vvi u nnrviuj; uiiu rmseu me desired amount. It ia rnnKHnntiv asserted that Mr. Warwick will have the plant in operatian by April 1. According to the argument the Journal advances, the farmers of that section should rail n anoriul meeting to protest against this out- lillC. Might not the ritizetia of IMatla. mouth iiernetrute against the farmrrsof Ciihr county ii nui-r euuris were mauer TllB democratic organ of this riv continues to worrv over tlii nr.-.r.r. ed recount of the ballots cast at the recent election and professes to see no necessity for such a contest, as it will not materially change there suit If our neighbor rellr lietes this whv its continued nn. position? It might be interesting for our neichbor to know thai republican member pf an election board in a certain precinct, stated that renuhlicnn hultota nrt- ln... out because of the persistent allega- v . ,uiui.iiHiiauv lllnjoriiy uiai they were not marked strictlv r. cording to the letter of the law. The best counsel obtainable should oe employed upon each side in thi contest, so that it may be settled for all time, whether a linnnl will U justified in casting out votes on wrre uimty if cnnicaiitiei. THE BEET SUGAR CONVENTION. Should be Made a Roust- The proposed beet sugar conven tion should be made a rouser. Grand Island Independent. A Wise Move. The Lincoln board of trade Ins called a beet sugar convention to meet in the capital city December 17, and asks every city, county and newspapers in Nebraska to semi delegates. This is a wise move on Lincoln's part, and the convention ought to be largely attended. Fremont Tribune, ItWIII be Great' Lincoln has issue a call for a beet a lgar convention to be hld in their city December 17, Ivach coun ty is entitled to live delegates, each city to five and each agricultural society to live and as each editor in the state is also a delegate, Seward will be entitled to live more. If half of the delegates attend it will be one of the largest conventions ever held in the state. Seward In dependent. It Will Stand all Right. An elTort is being made by the Lincoln board of trade to make Ne braska the center of the great beet sugar industry of the country, and with that in view, a convention has been called to meet in Lincoln, December 17, to which all the cities, towns, counties and commercial organ t.ations have been invited to send delegate. There is no doubt but that the beet sugtr industry is to be .-in important one, especially it the bounty that is paid by the state mid the general government is continued. At present the manu facturer receives four cents bonus, and sells his sugar at four cents u pound. Hefore the infant was en couraged by the subsidy, the con sumer paid about eight cents a pound for sugar. While this en tire subsidy system is a fraud upon the people, Nebraska might as well get her share of the steal. So far as the Lincoln canvention and the promotion of the enterprise is cin cerned, it is a good move, provided it will stand . alone. Hcatrice Dem ocrat. Everybody Should be Hera. Beatrice should be represented at the beet sugar convention to be held at Lincoln on Thursday, December 17. The meeting will be largely attended, and no interest is entitled to greater consideration than that of sugar making. Ample provision has been made for repre sentation from all quarters. Heat rice Democrat. The Head of the Class. Twenty years ago Germany was not making a pound of sugar. Now she leads the world in that produc tion. Her product last year com pared with that of other countries as follows: (i- rniHiiy 1,268 000 ton France 783,ooo toi a AU-tro-Huiis;iry... 7iOono tons Cuba 530 000 tons Rwsla 444.000 tons Java SM.0O0 tons HilUlplne Island 218,020 tons BHtflum JOJ.OOOtoui United atiilftt UJ.OOO tons Brl! 135 800 torn Sandwich Inlands 135,000 toos riTU 84,000 tons It will be seen, therefore, that this country is the ninth in the above lists, but we are very much mis taken if it does not crawl up towards the head of the class, in the very near future. Syracuse Jaurnal. CRIP'S ELECTION. In the nomination of Mr. Crisp for the speakership the democracy of this country has taken a decided ly aggressive add some may term progressive step. Heretofore the policy of the democratic party has been outlined by the Carlisle as against the Randall clement , re sulting in the steady drift toward he free trade policy. Of recent years Cleveland has baen con sidered the most pronounced sup porter of the doctrine and in the candidacy of Mills in this contest, the future prestige of this free trade element was involved. Crisp, on the other hand received support, in great measure from the old Rand all following with Buch accessions as he might obtain because of hostility to Cleveland, views on the silver question. Crisp has placed himself on record as favoring the free coinage of silver and being de cidedly against free trade. The result is in a measure a victory for the republican party, though in the end, the party will probably not fare as well as it would had Mills been the choice, inasmuch as a radical free trade bill would likely have been presented and that party placed upon thejdefeusive on that issue. The choice of Crisp may be interpreted as a triumph for the Hill faction of the democracy, a set back for free trade and the promotion Jof the free silver idea as was favored by the platform of twenty-four democratic state con ventors at the late election. If we cannotj have it, M'Kinleyism vs. free trade, we shall have to be con tent with honest moaey va. free coinage in the campaign of '02. PROMISE THE GREATEST RESULT. Croakers may cry out to the con trary, but the fact remains that sugar beet culture and beet sugar manufacture are the correlative commercial elements which promise the greatest results for the future of this section, and the enter prising city of Lincoln appreciates the situation.--Omaha Bee. no for Gkovkr Cleveland, Ksq.,is prob ably the most restless man in the CJtintry these days. NEW i ore still leads the van. It i-i stated that 70 female have licences for selling beer and whiskey in that city. MM-xniNO mukii) to Have over $3:t,0iK),!H) in the same time, looks like good economy, yet this is what is meant by improving the Missou ri river system. Germany expended $100,000,000 in improving the lCliine: New York in vested $31,000,000 in the Krie canal Neither could afford to lose the ad vantage thus gained for many times the sums so invested. Governor Senator Hill will doubtless experience some incon venience looking after his duties as Governor while he is filling his seat as senator. There is little, doubt however.that he will arran; to receive his salary regularly. Crisp, Mills and Springer might settle their differences by uniting on Kx-speakerReed for speaker. In doing this the blunders of a democrat speaker would not en danger the chances of party suc cess in W and the country at large would fare better. It has been said by good authority that Russell Sage irf the mostcharit able man living. While he does not as a rule, write out a check for any amount which many be asked for, he does make it a point to re lieve distress where it is most needed and give to the most de serving. The countries with which a Mc Kinley reciprocity has already been concluded are Hrazil, Cuba, I'orto Rico, San Domingo and the Hawai ian Islands. Arrangements are well under way with Costa Rica, the richest sugar and coffee district in Central America, and 1 lie good work ia just beginning. Inter O. It is well known that the Cleve land ('lenient of the democratic house favors Mills for the speaker ship, because Mills, more than any other man, represents the Cleve land free trade idea. Let them have Mills. All the republicans desire to insure them the earth in '92 is a thoroughly democratic house this session, The republicans of Ohio are making J an effort to inaugurate Governor M'Kinley withceremonies that have never been more impos ing. Republican clubs and re presentative republicans from all over the union will probably be in attendance. It will be a proud day for the foremost champion of the American system of protection to American industry and labor. The western democratic papers favor Boise for the second place on the ticket far '92, banking on the probability of his carrying 'Iowa. Before taking this step ouer friends should remember that national iasues twere involved in the elec tion of the legislature last fall in which the republicans'gained three members. Let it not be forgotten either that Harrison carried the state by 33,000 plurality. With the prohibition hinderance removed the republicans will set down on Boise in no unmistakable manner. The statement is given out that the administration has negotiated a treaty with the Hawaian islands establishing absolute free trade with those Islands. This will be a new departure for a set of politic ians who are inferred with the Mc Kinley doctrine. The country will doubtless reap a benefit from it be cause it will give the people an ob ject lesson by which they may judge of the general effects of free trade, Journal. The fact is the administration has succeeded in establishing recipro cal trade relations with the Hawai ian Islands in accordance with the provisions of the reciprocity clause of the McKinley law. The treaty provides that the United States ad mit into its ports free of duty mo lasses, sugar and tropical fruits providing the Hawaians will admit staple commodities of this country which she. cannot profitable pro duce. No honest man will assert that the present administration has adopted free trade in a single in stance. Wherever reciprocity treat ies have been made, due care has been taken, to admit no product free of duty that will interfere with its production in this country. The present administration will give the people no ebject lesson in free trade. On the other hand the doc trine of production will be fully ex emplified and the interests of our industries and labor cared for. THE republicans experienced difficulty selecting a candidate speaker. fSlil NEVER KNNOWN TO FAIL IT VAV TO UK TOUT E. IT PAYS TO J r PAYS TO P' 1MAYER I Our Winters stock ot Clothing is complete. For determined to make a great 2& ES 1D HT in them, by selling them to jou at a great EIDTJ O TIOIT 1 1ST PRICES Come in yourself and brin your neighbors and be con vinced that this is no advertising lake but a plain statement of i'uets. If you have One Dollar to spend we will savo you ten cents. If you have Ten Dollars to spend we will save you One Dollar on any prices oflered by our competitors. 13 IT NOT WORTH LOOKING INTO? COR. FIFTH AND MAIN STREETS MAYER &MDRGAN Tlie Clottilng King of Cass County Plattsmouth, . . Nebrasra. Does Youi Little CTiil. we are offering before buying. We have Just received from a arge Cloak Manufacture his full line of Childrens Sample Cloaks. For children 6, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting of li gaments in all. NO TWO ALIKE, on irhich trercgivena disccunt ho that we are able to sell them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. CALL IN and let u prove the C0ND SALE OF SAMPLE SHOES Another opportunity to buy shoes at FACTORY PRICES We take pleasure in annoucingto the people of Plattsmouth an4 surrounds towns that we have succeeded in Retting another ine " firTa't BS 8.U?f 88 With lhe laet line Phenomina and huo bSains tha't "wSffiS? K??? thame too late to secure some of th. oareains mat we offered. This line is better if anvthinir than th luf li dies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and Hoys shoes of all kinds and of all de- nnXthr?11" M,p"iro,,,o,''nd m8 io.,i whs; lZ Ihi nfc S1"6 fr J' "'y that you ever "laid eyes on Don t think that because we don't ask high prices for shoes that the fnfeanr.e n0 '"tfW'ity. We have'un&.. these " b." that are 2nd the everything extrinsic is stripped away a.,d Aheshe8 that you buy of ua stands on their intrinsic worth We dir at xue ro.i oi values and give you the ffi are still Givine Great HERE'S A FEW 25c 25c Childrens Nat oral Wool Col or Shirts and Darwers All Sizes. Childrens all Wool Shirta & Drawera All Sizes. WM. HEROLD & SON. 507 Httamt rtattmMtt.1 lis BR HONEST. i y YOUR PI.OTHING OFj MORGANS Mcnf, JJoja and Childrens the next two weeks we have ' C T1 E 0 153" from regular wholesale prict trulli ot the above otatement. ail worth of your money. Bargains in llraar. OF THEM: 39c Ladies Fine Merin o S i 1 k Trimmed ehirt and Drawers. 39c Mens Extra Heavy Kibbed Shirtsaa drawers. fi i I