TEALINQ A CROP OP BARLEY.' ARTISTIC TABLE COVER. fta Eicltlng llatile in tha Dark with limrnuily Aruiml Tlilrvra. A during attempt to steal n whole field barley tlmt had been thrashed lui keen made nt the farm of J. M. Slum lord, on the line of the Iliirlintfton ditch, tine miles twrthexst of Denver. Th, arleyh.kd Wen b;i- -.-l, ati.l the ba-i food piled up In a field Rome dintauctj om Mumrord's house. Just at UtisU it Xpung fellow who Was taking n short ijnt across the fields saw four men at fotit loading tho sacks or barley iuto wagon that stood outside tho field. Two of tho men were carrying the sacks tp tha fuuee mid throwing them over attd the other two were loading the wag ms. He soon saw that they were not tlumford's farm hands. Mnrnford'a ten would liave dnven tho wagons into fields, and hodden, they would bt tery strange farta hands indeed that Would work with the desperate haste pin wnicn ttiese men were working. ina young fellow went at first to ajumford's house und told him of what "as going on. J. H. Foster, n neighbor ing farmer, was called In, and noon sir suen were Rot together, all armed, and Uiey started out on hordoback to catch he barley thieves. The night was dark and cloudy, and It was iuiportililo to Bee any distance, but hey rodu in the direction of the place Where the barley was Marked, and soon hey could hear tho voices of tho men at Work. It was impossible to nee any thing, mid a consultation was held to try o decide tho best way to go ubotit tho tapturo. Whilu the six horsemen were fathered in a croup, talking in low ....... 1...- .. . I: .1... f a kjug-i iu--uirr, l lliisu (U llirilltlltlXT Il'Otil the cloudy sky lit up the IH1. It dis posed n man with n barley Buck upon kls shoulder not fifteen feet away, and lose at hand tho two wagons, with tli ther three men at work. One of the aoinemen, almost as quirk as tho Hash In? liLtuiny, pulled his weapon and took aim, and before darkness onco more kid the Hceno u shot from his pistol ran; at upon tho air. This was tho signal lor a general fusillado that filled the 4ark night with flashing pistol shots. The thieves returned tho horsemen's tre, and tho horsemen kept it up until heir ammunition was exhausted. The nly aim for either side was tho flashing Jlstol shots of tho others, so that not mch dnmngo was done. None of tho Norsemen were hurt. While tho firing was going on tho wagons were heard living off, tho drivers whipping up heir horses in a furious way. It was tvldent that tho two men outsido tho tence had fled and left their companions tj iauo tne consequences of their acts tiiicu tho taring ceased, the nx horse men mado a search for tho remaining mirn, uui iney couu not be found. They "eu m ine darkness. An CXamimi Sinn ff 41. n 1 1.... 1 ...... . ..v,.. ,Uu wiiit-j uas siiowoa mat a f reat many of them had been taken, and tie horsemen at ouce went in pursuit of uu wagons. . .... Aoout nair a imlo away they found he wagons, but tho horses and meu were fone. l ho wagons were half filled with acks of barley, und a number of empty Jags were found with the marks of a wenver lirm upon them, so that it seems I robablo that tho thieves camo from this ty. , J he wagons are now at Mr. Mum' loru piaca waiUng for au owuer. in tho morning an lamination was mmo or theOeld where tho shooting took .. n. irau or wood was fonud lead iug to me tence, but there it was lost. auo aiieniptoa robbery alarmed tho eignoonng fanners, and an examination was uiaao, which resulted in the discov. ry mai seventy-two sacks cf wheat which ono of the farmers had stored in a sustain item had disappeared. It is sup posed mat the thieves were the samo ones wuo tried to steal Mumford's bar y.- Denver Kcpublican. I p jiimitrr iinw miuinv nr .imieriais tea j Kril!l V.iil l t.iMttt. This exquisite cover is made of a fine I quality nf linen suitable for the dell , ato fliiuors t'ie apple blossoms with j which it is embroidered. The four sides i rt first provided with a hem five Inches wide, if t!ii cloth be a large one. or three Inelirs if small. This hem Is next neatly hemstitched, when tho cover la ready for the embroidery. , The silk must be chosen of the wash able sort. The colors needful aro cream-white, pray and two shades of acucaie pinic lor me blossoms; two or three palc-precns for the leaves. three bhades of wood color for the items. First to bo worked Is the Rtem as, nat urally, it is the first to grow; then, in I their natural order, the leaves, buds and blossoms These directions as to order may bem needless, but they are not, for indeed no blossoms can bo be artistically embroidered unless they are followed The flower thut is worked before its htem will surely not look us though it grew, but rather us though it were Much to the branch. Hero again is a point to be observed in truly artis tic work; if nature bo the model tho work should grow as nearly as possible after nal tire's fashion. For the stem or branch Is to bo used tho wood colored silhs, the light shade for the high lights, the medium for light AROUND THE HOUSE. S I 1 " "' V .m m t A. -rJ " U-i JL 1 U .V, Vi .1 r ii i i 'J . ff l L K Kliibop Ilrooka Wir with Cblldren lo ouo who has seeu Dr. Brooks with children Is likely to foramina "wn. ..;i. 4I,. n . ' . iluil. I l.w....,1 l i. ,i i... , ' wtcruer persoi s say that he I. ""'J u ra rjc uere. liem." lunra mem ueuave verv bad v. i.n. ossibly in jealousy, others have called Aim fonder of youngsters than of grown feopie. j.o objection is heard from tho omiurcn. iuoy look midgets, lndoed, n thorie knees, high and broad, in which wo Bcnoois or cuurchinanship flgur iire meet, is it rooiiah to imaglho hat the new bishop's visitations will gain some of their power over mothers a ieani mroiik'ti h a pitremlo lnr, teterconrsewith the children? However shadows and the dark for tho heavy ones. The stitches, as a matter of course, are in this Instance to be small, and all the work is to bo done In what is known as Kensington stitch. For tho leaves the green shades are to be used in tho samo way, light and tlarU being mado to express light und shade. The stitches of the leaves must all run from the central vein to the edge, exactly as tho natural loaf is veined, and care must bo tal;cn to pre serve tho serrated edge. The blossoms aro white, for the most part, delicately shaded with gray for the inside and with pink for the outside. In all instances of the leaf curling over the curve must be expressed by making tho outsido piuk and the Inside white at tho center, bhading to gray under tho curl. The stamens aro yellow, and each should bo completed with a stitch running crosswiso ul the end. Tho cen ter is expressed by a number of French knots, all of yellow, making an effect like the natural blossom. When the entire spray is worked, the falling leaves must be done. To give them as much variety as possible, and, at the same time, keep closely to na- j lure s model, these leaves should, some or them, be shaded with pink and some with gray. This, because tho real leaves in falling would surely tome alight upon or.e side and some upon tho oiner. ine embroiderr well finished Mia last step is tho making of the frinre, i-ortnis fine linen thread is needful. wiiioh Is to bo knotted into the hem at short intervals and then tied so u to rorra a heading, H hen comnleta HiU ntv w mill m T, " oe round truly artistic and fit for anr room wherein the furnishings are 6uf- ucientiy light in tono to admit of its being in harmony. ro mucn might be said, and to rood effect, too, on tho subject of harmonv Nitvr.ii givo your children anything because they cry for it A nowL of quicklime kent in a cup board will soon absorb the moisture, if there be any Wasiiino old silk in beer is said to give it a luster almost equal to that possessed when new A rEitPi'MK lamp, which bnrnscologne and spreads a pleasant scent about tho room, is among the late household r.iv elties. Wiikn decorating rooms for reception use one kind of flowers for each room. und ' RS roscs 'or o:i0' carnations for another, i, ! iol,,t another, etc. Tim leaves of the peach tree, a few at a timo, put into the boiling milk of a custard or blane mange and removed be fore it cools into shape give a delicate almond flavor. Unr.Ab Cake. Two cups of sugar, two cups of bread douh, two eggs, one cup of butter or dripping, one teaspoon ful of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and soda, one cup of raisins. In making up flowers avoid stiiT, set forms and let them be artistic in rraco and simplicity, as near to nature as possible.with plenty of the pretty foliage which surmounts them when growing. In bottling catsup or pickles boil tho corks, end while hot you can press them Into tho bottles, and when cold they aro tightly sealid. Uso the tin foil from compressed yeast to cover the corks. Ir you can givo your roses a window In some room that has no stove in it, yet which does not freeze, they will do far better. And an occasional slight frost will do them less injury than con tinual dry heat. The wild red plum is not a favorito fruit In many households because of tho bitter tasto which it develops in cook ing. This bitterness may bo entirely overeomo by first parboiling tho fruit in salaratus water. A ooon way to make fritters is to tako three eggs, Wirco cups of butter milk, one rounding teaspoon ful of soda and a little salt; stir In flour to make stiff batter. Have the fat hot. and frv. dipping in a spoonful at a time. "In canning fruit." an cxnert house. keeper 6ays, "it i3 wise to use a great deal of sugar, and as sugar is so chcao this year everybody can have it. Plain canned fruit is apt to turn, and docs not retain its flavor as well us when mada a little rich." A KI- fur-old Giant. There is n remarkable fpecimen of a hoy in the New Jersey IMorm school at Jameobnrg. lit has lee:i made a ward of the state twanse it is not considered I saf for him to be at large. lie is ouly i six years old. but has tho manners and the matnrity of a yonng ma. of twenty ! ond the mustache of a man much older. Ho is called by the medical men who have examined him n precocious baby ;nd u womh-r in more ways than one. His name is Herman Ilolfer. He is more than four feet in liei-bt, has a nicely curled blond iiiuntache and can striko from the shoulder with the force of a fkdgchammer. He can move a barrel of Hour and lift easily a CCO pound weight. His parents have found it im possible to control him. ' The boy is not only the admiration of ins coin anions, but the terror of the neighborhood. He can whip any boy in Trenton, jmd ho occasionally amused himself by playing David to "the town Philistines. The parents wero forced to eppeal to Judge Ilobert S. Woodruff, of the Mercer circuit court, to put him in subjection, lie was examined by Dr. Horace O. Wetherill, who pronounced hua a phenomenon and a remarkable case. Hie boy is now at Jamesbnrg and tho wonder of the institution. Ho has not yet made any trouble. Ho is too deeply interested in his new surround ings. He is attending the school, but the teachers hnvo not yet reached a con clusion as to tho trend of his mind. Exchange. TRUTH WAHS UO MASK, M!KKS NEITHER NOR AITLAUmE U OWH AT 0 HUMAN' S UK INF. : IT ONLY ASKS A HEARING. TEACUPS FOR INVALIDS. A oVoveltr TVhlrh Will II found Very t teful In a 'Kick Itoom. A most chnrining little novelty, of which the following is an illustration, is the invalid's teacup, brought out by an Englishman, it consists of a teacup and saucer, differing neither in price nor in bize from the ordinary breakfast fimikes in V.-,t Virginia. It is evident that West Virginia does not intend to bo relegated to tha back ground whilo tho narration of sua! stones is going on, and slio relates turough the medium of a dispatch the blowing bouncer: "Whilo two lumber men named McUray and Deuers wer felling timber near CL-velaud, Webste county, they cut down a largo linn tree which was literally alive with snakes o: a variety never before found in this vi cunt)'. They wero brown in color, hiri? in siD having yellow jaw-., from which they continuously evicted a slimy mat ier aim wero exceedingly vicious, tacking tho men jis soon as tho tree fell, Alter killing a largo number, McCray mm jjcuers wero obliged to retreat. curing assistance, they returned to the spot ana ix general slaughter took place, noi less man 0(J(J reptiles being killed Investigation was then made and from l.fiOO to 2.000 eggs were found in various parts or tho tree." lie the materials ever so simple, the re sult will inevitably be rood if one but Obtain what fllr. Whistler calls a phony. Ladies' Homo Journal. sym- Sunny Rooms for Ila&llh. The rooms onenpied br children should be mado bright, light and pleas ant. It is seldom thought of aa much as it should be, bow essential to health of children plenty of light, especially sunlight, U. One reason whr noor haamIV. -V. : 1 J . i i . . .. T. llK.rll ;4 i . "-.v, .io.iuuareH innre in MO r0 of iStt l 'TlV7 --.-.urronndlng.U th.t the, r .r . enwurea out of mil iigut of day and in the air, . ulJp tuo went to church p 1. I In? eh . wn nnl.l.i - omethiug of his spirit. Aud the story and pulling them ia drk loses noun of if. " , . - l(T" uuo n-aecia ruums, u similar to caging a joun Ibat the woman could not hear one of bird and keeping It alwayi Tin ths ihidei wr visitor ssennons.-IIrper'8 Weekly. HwUlsoon dr. and los all bright- I , beooraing doll and songlets. rmut l.h, a.d P.t.nt C.lt Some children look nola 1 A.ltL. many may aimlv th bm alihomrh patent leather" to all k U " .7, Urt Ti i, , . J." " . " .. . . leather, nhll strictly speaking, it Is only tor. The real caow is often want of in the "ffn. wans of sunlight and want of Konp- sunlight glooray While teacup, but so made as to allow of a de pression in the saucer, in which is placed a small cube of prepared fuel, by means oi wnicn me liquid contained can be kept hot for some time, until the inva- lid Is ready for it. For night nursing uut, cup suouiu supply a long -felt want A Faihiuabls roiublnntlaa. Women who are cleft with their fingers can easily, indeed inexpensively, obtain the most fashionable decoration for either jacket or skirt; that is, one formed of fur or velvet, and outlined as elaborately as one pleases, with gold, silver or copper soutache. Very finely cut jet, showing diamonds, ovals, and the various ceoraetrleal desicn on fancied ia black velvet, with heavy le as an applique decoration. Tho old fashioned coarse black silk lace Is very much used on black velvet, and then finely-cut jets are systematically placed upon it Entire skirls of lace like this are laid over tho deep velvet skirts of long jackets, making them look verv elaborate. Uttl llCt la lilaakat. Pelect a dozen or more lanre-slzed oysters, drain, and wrap each one in a very thin slice of breakfast bacon. Fasten with a fine wooden toothpick. Have hot a granite-ware saaccDan or rpidcr; place in it enough of the thus ! prepared oysters at a time to cover the bottom, keep turning until thev are a nice brown. As soon as done, lav them on slices of nicely browned sad buttered toast and serve hot Eutinj IliioJiivheiit Cukes. Says n gentleman who attended tho re cent Methodist conference in Washing ton: "1 was amused at the way in which a lew linglisli delegates conducted them- selves at tho hotel. It reminded mo of tne story told about Matthew Arnold c-j t!) occasion tf his visit to this country. YVh-r. .t ri i i i . . ... .ii-ii hi, vicvfiuiKi ue was generously entertained. Ono morning his hoiit put ""wo u inu ureaiciast tabi ,, among oruer tnings, buckwheat cakes. For a long time neither ho nor his wife took any cakes, but noticing that his Ameri. can friends ato them with a great ap- pnrem reiisn anu gusto, he gingerly took one on ins piato una txsted it very crit ically. Then leaning over to his wife he said, 'You'd better try one, deah, they ah not 'alf bo nawsty as they look.' cw lorn inoune. Japantta Cigarettes In China. During the month of May last tho ex port of Japanese cigarettes to Shanghai aggregated 552,500, from which it may be inferred that the foreign residents of China are beginning to appreciate the Japanese article. But unfortunately, as is usually tho case with everything ex ported from" this country, tho necessity of keeping up tho quality of the article is not appreciated. Adulteration with leaves of tho lotus, the goba and so forth, has been resorted to, with the result of greatly injuring the reputation which tho cigarettes were just beginning to cam. Tho Tokio news agency addresses a word of timely warn ing to tho shortsighted manufacturers. Japanese Mail. Cut Off Hi Tea Foot Board. Mr. Phil Ilensou, the gentleman dis tinguished for having produced tho long est beard in tho world, found it so in convenient and uncomfortable that he was induced to cut it off. A number of his friends had planned to place him ia charge of the Mississippi department of tho World's exposition at Chicago, where it was presumed his remarkable beard would prove a striking feature in the attractions, and much regret is felt that ho chose to relievo hinuelf of that in cumbrance. The beard was by actual uieiumremeut about tan feet long. Corinth Herald. "When wo fay that we ecII lionret good a at lowest prices Mid treating all alike ljonorabl y we pay that which is true, When all is faid and done. The fact re minds that we have the largest ptocLynost complete uesortmcn most reliable goods, and lowest prices to be found in Casa Co. Oar stock of Mens, L'oys and Childreni -OVERCOATS Is sight to see and would do you good to examine them whether yoi desire to buy or not. THE LEADING CLOTHIEE,- E. G. DOVEY & SON CARPETS, AFJD UPSTAIRS IN OUR CARPET ROOM WE "WILL take pleasure in showing; you a very CRUSSKLLS, TAPESTRIES, ALL WOOL CARrETS, THREE TLY ALL WOOLS. CHOICE LINE OF BODY AXD COTTON TWO PLY HEMPS, ETC. RUGS, CURTAIN POLES, CURTAINS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTH BINDING, ETC. We the L have cheap Ma fullSj line If of L c6t toja very It fi n e jf them quali T from ty in i WHITE AND RED. We call particular attention to our full 10-4 all wool red O $2.26. A nice quality full 10-4 6 $2.25. A fine quality of all wool 10-4 red 0 $3.00. TheHeare special good values and deserve your attention. nawi in tne harness tnuU 3 . . --y wu.. grand or inca, whlla patent calf is tne material from which fitio bo are mado. Only the very n.t oulfaklns arv ned, the enamel bein ap t)he.l after tiw akin has beoa throu-h a Ion;? counv cf treatment and all tha tretch tjjtea therefrom, and is, there fore lunch more diirablB thin patent loather, which i:i made ummUy from cow hides. Shoe and Leather Fiicts. Tho Ailuuthu Tree. The flnst ail.nthui trots grown In Anmet wore brrht f Ami th9 fsr cast wm piantea in the girdon of Bams f. fMhoiibOtin lower Broadway, opjwelu BowIiuk Kreeu, New Vcrk. Tii.-y were luuuiauumiu uy xue jnhw York beaux nd beUe of seventy IJ yMrs ao, from wliich tli conclusion is drawn that iaMiu.ua in ouora auo change. hoerfulneM in ths rooma they inhabit peoybi and in tha A lows: CUiMlJO. Ex- ttaa Way of PollJnx Bpcll on K0i.mlefc It was a custom in tho time of Catha rine d iVedif i to make flir of wax nd melt them slowly bfor the fira or tab them with needles. In order to brinj nlfcrinj to enemios. Thi opereticn was caLed puttinar a bjhJI npoa thttn. JU PopoS U PoaoUi- Soicac Monthi. A Mont TothtoiB Or wart. delicious ds.sert in u Four cu;a niUk, four c?ts. ono enp snr;ir, four Ublrspoonfuls irrated chocolata, two tablespoon fuls VAnlll. Tut the chocolate over the flr t-, . double boiler with part cf the milk and let it cook until smooth, add the rvtsi of th iiilik, uj when this U hot pour it upon the sujur with tho Kat.in va- of the cfrjjs Return Ii to the stco A r .1 ,. . . 1 1 1 . . u wia uuiu iaa uuirj begins to thicken; when col pour into fflauaet or amU up, ud heap on the top of each a mcriuirue tuarle of the whites of tha s whlppfni fctul wi'.h iiitlc- powdered Jbir, or u may I e sr; r.l ia a Ft, duh. An ateaMa Tarlr.L.ou amy t maJc by sulwlituting for Ihu caooolata half a aup of stronjr coffee. ItuttlrJ Grpa. Hera we have a simple way of koep li(rprra;e fresh for mouths at a time. Cot tha laterals a Ion as powible, and Insert In bottles of water into each U which huti bnen placod about two table, poonfuisof uucly powdered charcoal. Ua tba bottloa ia a oocd, dry root. fatat Craanattas. , Pare six lars-e notatiies. boil and maali fine, and mix with thcra tho white of two wen-tiraten es, ono taV.enpoon- ful butter, two-thirds of a cup of hot cream or milk, and salt and pepper to taste. When cool enough to handle, mol.i iato balls, dij t'ica In crac!ier crumbs, drop into hot rat ana fry brown. l'lVr la tba TV tar. To prevent colored btockinrs from fading put a tablesjiponful of bluck P jpptr l.ito Uie water in which they ;;ro rinsed. Ti'.ack stol.ins or those w Lich are dark roiorcd auould never 1m wa-ihed in water which bus been used for other clothes. Slack pepper iu Uie wr will aUo keep blatk calico or cambric from f udin X- VThra Von Maka an Aqoarlum. A good recipe for making waterproof ce-.ueut, to be nwd In const red in an aquarium, h to take twenty-five p'arts C( ta percha in shreds and r.idt It care- juuy. Aon seventy-live parta ground pumice stone and then mix iu one hundred and fifty parts burgundy pitch and melt well together. This Will St.ia Hlonaaca. a Tery gtxxl authority gives a simple remedy for hlccoujjh: A lump of sugar saturated with vinegar. In ten cases, tried a& an experiment, It b'.oi'f cd ldo- guub u une. Sunday Labor In Main. A wealthy New York mpmrinnt t employed a minister to lnbor in rural Maine for a year ainonjr the "na (hnrche.,' People who have not inves tigated the matter have little idea of the opportunities for such labor. On crow roads within ten mih-sof Lewiston thnri is absolutely uo observance of the Sa lath. iTcn were in tho fielda pulling turnip-i and wcnien were baniriiig out washings last Sunday. Lewiston (Mc. journal. A (Juror Ulrd. While a pnatliian was out huntirj n-r CrawfordFille hist week he notictd 6oi:u tiling curiou ? swiiumliy ju.Nt under the water. It didn't seem to be a ILsh nur yet a olid. r:v3ci::ly it, ie, n'.ioi.k the watir from its win;; ami started to fly, whi.n In sliot it u,m, It had a hon-l like a turtle, wines like a bat and a tail scaly like a carp. There were two feet webbed Lku a jfoow. Atlanta Constitu tion. Tha Lull In t'urope Ilr,,ri tha Storm. In Europe 3,mX),000 anned men are enlleuly facing each other, waiting only for the word to spring at each other's throats. War has long been thought of as Imminent, and this state of things has come to be regatded as uormaL This a.i;:a -!o ucu.di'iou is without a parallel iu iuetorjr. -Fonuu, Our D ress Goods and ifimiDB Should command your attention. We are able lo ehow yon the mo complete line of Black Drew Goods, Plain nnd Plaid Dress Flannel. nt1 fancy DreB poods ever brought in the city. fUTDON'T FORGET OUSlj Snecinl nr!ii n Km,. .. ,i . t . . "" 'eary bciiooi snoea to clean them eut It will pay you to look them over. We cll llcndcr.on'a Red School t T rt. . nr. r . ... i.uW vuocs, iney nt, wear and jive good eatisfaction til fir, 'a lilmrtk ...nn . . . . . " - never bo complete as thin Pall nt rim for good goods. If yon are a man and work out of doora buy !eal CfiJI Siloes hiih top and well made f.ir f 2.75, hcttcr pny $3.00 to $173 for. In men'a fine shoes wc have thorn cheaper than ever. Our line of prices that ar our than you usually ii? y If C16, Plattsmouth, Neb