suf HUtorifftl ffcity ttleefita " 1 ttMl 3? PLATTSMDUTH, CASS COUNTY, XKIMASKA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 191891 $ 1.50 A YKAU pt)l? y IRM HIP Mf VUL.AA Vll. INU. rv r w T y-v 11 I I i Royal Baking Powder Leads All. "The Royal Ihkhj Powder h absolutely purNt for I have so found it in m;my tests, made both for them and the U. S. Government. The Royal Bak ing Powder h undoubtedly the purest and most reliable Bakinj i'owder rff rcd to the public. 'HEN!: . A. MOTT, I'll. D." Lute Chcv;i:i f:r U. S. Government. 'All chemirnl tc'.s to v!.!c!i I have submitted it have proved the Royal Y..W:v Powder perfectly healthful and lice hor.i ever c.-.clcnuus substance. It is ptrcst in qii.Viliy and hihctt in strength of ! any Baking Powder of v.v.icli I have knowledge. "VM. McMURTIUi-:, I". M., Pn. D." Late Chcviist-in-c'tnf V. S. L f t cf Agriculture, Washing:, D. C. 'The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per 1 cent, greater than any oilier. "As a result of my investigations I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the others. It is pure, contains none but wholesome ingredients, and is of greatest strength. "F. X. VALADE, "Public Analyst, Ontario, Domin.oK of Canada." The latest investigations by the United States and Canadian Governments show the Royal Bak ing Powder superior to all others in leavening strength. Statements by other manufacturers to the con- trary have been declared by the ojicial aumortnes falsifications of the official reports. A MY&UHiCUS DISAPPEARANCE SALSBURY D-E-N-T-I-S-T : GOLD AND PGKCELAIN CKOWX3. Dr. Bttluway!! KHa'sllielFo for the puiuten ex triicilm ii( let-tli. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Boekwuod HI. r tic I'laitsmout Ii, Neb. PEARCE Tha Wher.-Ml u h o R.tHtnin Petersen Unkn jvvn--Foul Hmy su peced Our usually quirt little city lias been stirred up somewhat ly the sudden disappearance of Ras mus Petersen. Mr. Petersen went to Omaha hi Hit 7:15 train Monday morning, expecting to return on the l ite train in the evening, but as yet he ha not returned and no knowledge can he obtained as to his whereabouts. He took dinner at a relative's in Omaha Monday and transacted business at 1 1 10' wholesale house of Paxtou & Galla gher at p. 111. lie left this place1 for the store of V. A. Murer, of Council Muffs, where he expected! to purchase a stock of Christinas goods, intending to return te l'axlou & Gallagher's before taking the 0:40 train for PLittsiiioiuli. A telephone menage from V. A. Murer at 10 a. in. to-day said that he had seen nothing of him, and Paxtou & Gallagher testify that he failed to return to their place of business as lie anticipated, neither wae he at the station to take the 0:10 train. There is considerable speculation as to the cause of his disappear ance, lie has been subject to heart disease for some time, which, together with the fact that he has been feeling unwell for several days, is suggested as a probable index to the matter. The prevailing opinion, However, is mat ne nas been foully dealt with. In going to Council Mull's he probably passed under the viaduct 011 Tenia street, from Marey to Harney streets, where foul play would be easily accomplished and detection rendered extremely doubtful, lie is known to have had in his pos- Commuilon.r'i Proceed iri(j, l'LATTsMOUTH Nov. 9. Hoard met pursuant to adjour meiit. Present. A. H. Todd. A. C. j Lodvr and Jacob Tritsch, County Commissioners, Hird Crirtchtield, county clerk. Minutes of Octobor 'session read and approved when the following business was transacted in regular form: liiisiiicss pertaining to court house was attended to and board adjourned till to morrow. November 10. Hoard met, full board present, when the bids were considered for tower clock in court house. Thr proposition made by I'lattsmoulli city to pay SfOUX) towards paying (for clock was accepted, and con -FRED HERRMANN- OUK FALL AM) WIKTEll SlOtK - - OIF1 - - DRY - GOODS - AND Eaatiics Furnishings lo ITow Completo in all Dopartra'sxits, imuss i.ooiis We nrc showingn handsome line of CAM KI.S II Alii PLAIDS, HKO AO-CLOTH, FLANNELS, SEKGES, . HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. m.ANKF.TS AM COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. A good Ladies Jcrsy vest at 2c. Ladies line Jersey vest and pant la white or natural grays at fKIc each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests onj runts at 50c. Kegular 7.ic undftf- wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wol ribbed tinder wear in white, orii. tuii and black. Complete lines of Child's undet wear in natural, scarlet and whiJjr at prices ah low us the lowest cicoais si-iavyLS. Onto Whinoton. A special Pullman enr passed thro' the city last evening contain- j nession in the neighborhood of $K) v. fCvAWSON & JL HAVE KEC'EIVED .'rnu tunrv rilihe in. tlr KP(1 O'llll? .HfcMrflul ul tiiiili' t-.iiifliuie liTil lu straw itnfl l i. i H'j n v iuii line ul baby hd ami In oi rfo 1 plrrn. till im-k nut li'ive tfuced tli' li uriw fiilli r lmt Iu40aud t 79 cm l IlilOlllf il. MISS SCIIUYLKK, TKIMMKR. ing 2'i representative citizens among whom were Senators Man-j derson and Paddock, John M. Thurs. ton, E. Koscwater, Gov. T. J. Majors enroute for Washington, where they will appear before the national re in money. To whatever cause his disappear ance may be attributed, all concede that he is surely unable to commu nicate, or he would notify liisfainily and alleviate their auxiety. Mr. publican committee which meets in j Petersen is not a man that would that city the 23rd inst, for the pur- mingle in questionable society and pos of presenting Omaha and her if he is not confined on account ot attractions as a convention city sickness there is littledoubt that 1m u view of having the convcu- j has bi cu forcibly detained. His tion held in Omaha. The commit- friends here, aud Mr. Petersen tee will Hpare no pains to present especially, are very much eon- Omaha in her best light and they ceraed and very anxious that the tract was let to Mr. ickersham, agent for Setli Thomas Clock coin pany, for tower striking clock with 1200 pound bell at SftM.OO aud a con tract entered into for said work. Hoard adjourned till to-morrow. Hoard met, full board present, when the following was done to wit: Appointment of D. Woodard, constable for Weeping Water city was jnade upon petition, and bond approved. Hoard ordered that the county clerk draw warrants to judges and clerks of election for amount equal i.. i.i.i.ti(,f.firii .....ifu t-ki.r hmir fitr tunc consumed while si ting on 1-- 1IaV: lievir ,l(,w lar ,u g ; j,, thi Jepartiuent judges for i-ach precinct and vot- ' 1 "Ve call special attention to our 1-trg1) assortment of Ileoferv in.r iliutrii't mill fifi illllcrp fOi Oai'll I ward in I'lattsuiouth city where Mil itrtry and 11 i Coat tint pes triinineil vrith ilink, Sen!, Astracki, registration is required. Hill of Dr. I. II. Hall for medical service on I'red Moltin was re-con. sldered and refused payment. Upon petition a Druggists per mit was granted to L. Ii. Myers of Cedar Creek for one year. The following claims were al lowed on the general fund. r l D tt-ft nipt cmuu Dine t "3 M .1 C Kick ntnry bniiMlliit; our rr K"J .tll.4 M It It 'k Irlll nlju !(( ..nice 30 ihi I) ,1 Ki relulit i tiimiird tMivelopri 4U 11) K P.ilniir iimIh t pauper 10 no Staml Bin mil! to ;iuncr 1!) 00 W II Cii'iilu Htuva fn JmlgM nflloe .... 10 00 J Tl'ilKCll CH"ll (Mill til l lll l tu I) iililnr H'Bllli'K cmii's cht-c-k odlce t mi O It till Dlllle T1 ( oIimiihii 17 95 IfuV Uiifc-k in llo eciiintf 17 A ( ii i bell iuitcx ditfcitt 3 f0 D M Jonn iialriiiK J ill !W Mfiinder I'rn- mil t poor 19 oo M H Mu hy & Co lil'lne o poor 31 00 Muflaloon htid Conev furs. Our lino of I'ltish Sucqnes aro clienper than eer before. FaD itiC8 of Cliildrens and Misses Cloaks mid Jackets. Fill ONK DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL, 00U AMD IMVUCRLAIN CKOWN8 Briitge work and line gold work a lj SPECIALTY. OH. RTEIVAtTS LUC A I. m well M other Mi esOirt.cviven toittif i:iinlesxtrtlon o! , ueili, C A. MA.RSIIA.LL, Fitigfmld confidently hope to liave theit re- J quest granted. TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney M-I.hw. Will ilv prompt attention o all HihIiium entnift'"! lo him. olllce Hi Union Mock. FhM hide. I'latti-moiitlu N-. W irt-1 A i' HPttve. li linlilc tn n-fiiliirj 7i to SMi mi ntli'v. with iMTi'H.e. i' In hi cn etioii rem oiiniIiIo New i rl. limine, lefer.-ncs. mamjka(11KK1i, ink Box 1.tS, New Yolk. cm nt 1. An honest Swede tells his story in plain but unmistakable lan guage for the benefit of the public. One of my children took a severe cold and got the croup. I gave her a teaspoonful of Chamberlain Cough Kemedy, and in five minutes lates I gave her one more. Hy this time t-lie had to cough up Hie gathering in the throat. Then she wr.t to bleep and slept good for inteen minutes. Then she got up and vomited; then the went back to bed and slept good lor the re niaiiiner of the night. She got the croup the fecund night and 1 gave her the same remedy with the same good results. I write this because I thought there might be some one in the Mini ' need and nft know the true merits of this wonderful medi cine. C'HAKLKS A. TllOMISKKN, j freight Des Monies, Iowa, ii) cent oulllc for side by 1. (i. Fricke & Co. truth be known. Messrs J. C. and Chris Petersen took the early train for Oiualm this morning and no pains will be spared to ascertain us to his whereabouts. A FOHMEH Pl-A I IsMoUfH MAN. Pure buckwheat Ileisel'e mill. flour for sale at tf Many old soldiers, who contracted ironic tiiarrnoea wiiue in me rvice. Have since ueen permnneiu- ciired of it by C haimborliim s Colic Cholera and diarrhoea Kem edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Notice to Ladles T fcatr mi lintwl a fine lot of rib- V . ... ... t 'ii ii i hone ana tips wiiici i win sen ai the lowest prices for cosh. 1 have my goods at J.Finley Johnsons hard ware lorc where I may be found rrv lav from 1 KX) to MX) D. 111. j ; Shtloh's catarrh remedy a posi tive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and ITankcr mouth. For eale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Some: of the most startling, In terring discoveries of the life and customs of buried Egypt are now being made through extensive exca vattions. These discoveries are exciting a great interest. Many discoveries are, however, being made in our country that are re markable, among which we may mention that of Haller's l'aln Para lyser which effects entire relief, and in many cases a complete cure of that ternoie uitease rneiunaiism, and which also relieves pain of all kinds. For sale by all druggist llL. ForSl. j A base burutr with oven for i-ale if beap. tf WI8BKoot. Wonderful Success. Two years ago the Haller Prop. Co.' ordered their bottles by the box now they buy by the carload. Amon.g tlu popularand suceeseful remedies they prepare is Haller's Sarsaparilla & Hurdoek which is the most wonderful blood purifier known. No druggist hesitates to recommend this remedy. For sale by druggist. Killed nt Fjlrmount in a Wreck on tha B. 4 M. HoHd. A disastrous wreck is reported to have occurred at Fairmont at 7:30 a. in. yesterday. It appears that the H. &. M. ilyer had just pulled out and the Fairmont & Chester accom modation had side tracked aud was loading freight preparatory to leav ing. The switch had been left open through the negligence of Hrake man HuJbcn mid a through freight : dashed into the rear of the Chester Hrakditnn Hulbeu, the man responsiuie tor me accident, was instantly killed. F. M. Haru house, conductor was horribly man gled and died mi hour later. Mr. liarnliousc will be remem bered us a lurmer resident of I'latts uiouth, he having b'.'en employed a t baggage master of the H. & M., making his home here. Go to Hrown & Harrett's and got a window glass aud btop up that hole iu your house. tf A LIST OF MISHAPS. I'y on In k defend ng pilvoueil 20 no A N HulllvHn ' " iO 00 MHttUerliiK " 20 00 Holit Djimlly wimhlns towel year.... 4 tin W HentOi c mi i rent of i flko lm on (' i: Wriwo m le lopoor 1 05 Jones ii f l.z temi for cni'ii in (Hi It i mill mUary anil txpciise oh r.5 J lilteeli ' ' " l.l oo ACI-o'er cans Mn't (ii'ilnt; d fon llns prlmnfri 3.1 oo V. t IjIII st'itti xt Iliiiinaa lu ane 66 C' SKi) burn m kliiit liiilM b oxes II oo HI! FfliEo Window Errtt' ' fliM at Brwi it tf Has just opened up a fall line of ladies, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and be fore you buy your Fall or Winter goods. Dcn't fail to call and see our prices. 7e beat 'em all. Have you Been thoso nob by Misses Caps, all pretty shades, 55, 65 and 75 cents each? AT THE HIOP8. Curtis Moore had the' misfortune yesterday to lone three of his lingers while at work in the IJ. &JM shops. His hand was immediately dresfced by Dr. Livingston and though his injury is every painful aud the loss of his fingers will prove serious, he is feeling as well to-day at might be expected. AT THlitOUKT HOUSE. A painier from Omaha, who recently began work ou the court house was seriously and. perhaps fatally injured at 3 p.m. yeilciday. He attempted to assiet in the unloading of a box of plate glass, weighing HOO pounds, and by becoming over balanced the Lo.x fell acroHB his hip crushing it and probably injuryitig liim intern ally. At this writing be appears to be resting better but there is no certainty that he will recover. The county conrt docket has been unavoidably crowded out of to day's issue, but it will appear tomorrow. il K SVescot vim liiiiK t iOor , Netir;l-k i elei'li ineOii 1 en C W .1 white r-nt f UiU for court I.eli linfl llroM dtiil Imient. H W V Mf NiiUiiy tiu'l expmm s. .. s Tniss removing elec Ion booth A I' Kiniltt, pnitlrg iMmlm U'M'iil'l ran I'iiiiiii'l.' .1- S iu. livery K W i 0'ii, county pliy I Inn 27 K0 in-.' on loo to 3 M Ml 30 CI 80 10 ni. 45 0U IMrd I rlt lifielil, rn, i i rti 'n I X Ctr.... 171 0.1 Liidtruci.neld.bal nnt.ix list Uo !i: November, 12, - JEWELER Headquarter for Everything in the line "WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND BRONZ1 OLOCICS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSE. FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWBLRf A BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY Q00D3 AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of MSB WATCHES a Specialty and all Work Warranted. 13. .A.. M'ELWAIK, THE LEADINQ JEWELER, 415 Main Stroct, ,1 r woH, stRte v St(!lcr 3 no O W HieiiCO, " 8 no rut ii,(l, Ktatfl vs Itoiln . 21 35 K- M ur, Mute ! Miune etui j to A M Clark, a 8,) Win 1 1. he, liVug j;Mn? iulr ic 1J7 ",: v.v mil, iilu vs HlatU- r j.i Ki -vis tllcn Lory.Ciireor Mu Hiukliis.... 23 75 1(0 AO FUND. I. HIt:p1, nnll 2 0" "A extern Wheel Scraier o, mJo H M s osiiien. T:ewi gr ail 2 10 A C Miiyes, (ut veyor 17 I:mc W IW vleKing road J 00 Ell Haiiwm, 2 00 EKT01M, 2011 J W Ueuili e, f plkm for nail 3 su IMSTKtOT rUND, E It Todd, moving ne 11 per. dist 13 3 00 UKitioK ftont & I'aasi't. lumber 4 0T M'iuiIi I lutte l.uih-r Co, lumber 17 .' "hns Morton, unloatllctf tlliig 4 73 C 1) Dunilas Son, ti'dng bridges 12l 40 M' ksen 4i Horrlier. lumber 70 o II A Waterman t Son, lumber 83 II rtiiball Kullr, lumber 4300 Otoet'o, '4 bridge, no county lin. ?..! M Uiarilly. 1 l.irk Co. lumber etc 2ti is I'l'l'IO' IMI'SK II ll FUND A' I) Aagaid, bliHii.llliiig 16 03 Warrants for the above und all election warrants are now ready. The following bills were rcfiided: liriMvii A itarre't. inert Iclne to poor A t liliuimn, 11. ed teivive tit poor .1 M Me:u'Ta en, Ocu I'uioull. HJ.lnkli'U eireetn IliKDCh'iTtiiriEi.n, County Clerk. Our local contemporaries have announced that additions are to be made to the editorial fcta.'f of The HuK'AI.n, and rather than permit an erroneouj impreenion to be. created, we wi.-h to fctate that Mr. Pcrge will probably be employed for a short time to assist in the local work and do a little outside soliciting in the interests of the paper. Plattsmouth, Neb. A Cnrd. Editor IIr.KAl.i):-Plea9c permit my wife and I to expre.-a through the columns of your p-iper our Kin cere thanks to our unkiiown shop friends fur the testinionial ot their kindness in presenting us Home chairs and I can unsure theni that! when silting iu one of the chairs after the work of the day is done no matter whether it he in speculating as to the came which led to the overthrow of a dynasty, the rise or fall of a nation.the growth of a lit eraturc, the spread of a religion or the direction toward which things appear to be drifting, I shall always have room in my memory or" a grateful remembrance of the gift of my unknown friends. Yours very truly, T. T. Wilkinson and Wife. OUR CLUDING LIST, Home vii.iiuhihI on i.n 10 1 ill) III il illlil 1 11 't Mint z no mil ll'UM.i) 11 ne i'h It;: .r :i"l II K" i.k I :ii l r' it l:lv nil. I KiUl.fl ' lowuMutu Ki'giHU'raml Hmhi ii ?i m .2 .. 4 4 .. ii m Dokn-To Mr. aud Mrs. S. P. Vanatta, a son. Messrs Hurry and Will Howland were passengers for Omaha to-day. Hen Heinple has been appointed janitor for the new court house. Orlando Teflt, chairman of the re publican central committee is iu the city to-day. The "Chicago Ladies Quartette," Came 111 thin moriiinrr limi't f ill in hear them at the Waterman to-night j" ' 7i"? SaIJre1!,Vrf'a cutirk A 0roken Leg Last Monday evening Jacob Jones, owing to an nccimmiiik't ion of icj upon the back step at the boar, ing house of Mrs. Molly Warren, accidentally fell, breaking his leg just below the knee. Mr. Jones recently came to thl place from Wiuterset, la. He is c elderly gentleman, being aloul fifty years of age, which will render his injuries more serious than the j would have been for a younger, person. , t PpclmpnCes. S. n. Clifford, New Castle, Wto' was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was di ordered, his liver was nlfected to an alarming degree, appetite fell awnj and he was terriblv reduced in Cent and strength. Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured him. Tii,:i!W"ird s,M,P,,,'rd' Ihirrisbur ., 11. hi a 1 uuiiuijr Hore on iiih ic of eight years' standing. UBfl three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven bottles Hucklen's Arnic Salve, nnd his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had fiv J large lever pores on hi.-i leg, dcfort said h; whs incurable. One hottl r.ieetnc Hitters and one box Hnrk. Mrd. J. W. Daken, who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Pettce, re turned home to Omaha this ruoru-Ing, Why will you cough when Shi. loh's cure will give immediate r net. I'rice 10 cts K) cts. vnd or eale by K. a Fricke A Cc