if 5 in a iif Bateau ' KJ V0LXXVI1. NO. 83 i SHH'TH.(V' -pi:ty. NKH-ASK A. rifinsSDAY. NOVEM BKK 121891 $1.50 A YKA1J .si; j 'i v ( DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests The United States Official Investigation of Baking Powders, made, by authority of Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in leavening power (aJJO. rl KH nY j rLiaiBLK. Thu jQucpt:oi bait i d as to his Citizenship Ava;it Nothing. PEKSONAL 1 le i'l c' t - I i h viHcilt'eit liy ih t.iii nt ihe Poll D R. A.' SALSBURY -: DENTIST : COLD AND PGKCELAIN CKOWXS. f. h.t-li.waysM stm. lu-Ui' lei I lie mliili ex trauil'i' nt lm-tti Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Bockwoml 111 ck 1 liitisinoiitli. Nfh. TTORNEV A. N. 8ULLIVAN. Attorney t.,w. Will Ktv prmnpt " to all iliin" emriH'Ifl t'i him. mer In Onion hlnok. Kt Htl. riHtmniniitti. Noh. PEARCE fTvAWSONA HAVE KKCEIVED Tbelr Fa'l r rn. hii ribli- if. ll ""'I M 1 lfi d i"t M I'fW fie-l I"'" ("Hi' I'H n:it liiMrHwiitilffi. Iliiyli venfuH 1 1 qi iii lial'V Ii-'imi mill in it" dpri.tcliiip i t utoik mil li ve '? duced lli-li ir: w mil-I H"'" 40 .aid t 'tt vr I tlltlliK"). MISS SCI1UYLKK, TRIMNKK. There ii j e . . ; . iji'.i-sti.'ni in i tlu- minds of miiih' i's in the cligi-1 i.iiiiy l I.. C. i a w .iii;, l n'ii.-in iT- i lil't ul I ;i: .- COi'i.. , .i hi. i ll S' (ill1 , jTctov! 'i! I i i;,,.- ;., .: I'liu; en .'in- ' i i J 1 n ii. .ii .iii- I'I'CSsill.; tin ":incv 1 ; l - : !. i.--; o,, tin i i'- : sump! ion llin i.e I.-- not :i citicn. 'i lie i i'i -o . ! 1 1 " : ' i-1 i on rl I evidently lnils to reveal that natiua- j 1 1 .-.,'! : i j i ;;;n'r.- r,.ivi' rrr ln-i'ii taken on! i;i ( 'a ruiiiily, I'illliT liy 1,. i". I'icKl.i H' or Ii .- i olii'i, I, nt ii if iliiiiiy jiiohalili- that l-'ri'ik'rii'k 1 Kii'ivlioiT. falin r of I.. l Kiekln.ir, inii'iiy atten(!i'i to tin- uiattrr in ; WiM'uiisiii, wIkti' lie reciili'il fur H'veral yeai'H prior to hirt removal to Nebraska. We do not npeuk autliorilalively as to tliis, however, and as to tin- fai ls in the ease the record will si-ttle all doubts. Hut, htsiiiI iiijLf that Mr. lviekhoff i.- not a citizen or even an elector, there is. no law, either constitu tional or Htalutory, by which he may lie detlared disqualified. The slate constitution makes speci- Mrs. A. I laden came in this iiiorn in from Omaha for u short visit. Mr. Wendall, who has been vis itini; in C'hicnj;o for ten weeks, re turned home last evening. John (Juick and family departed on No. 5 for Alliance, where they will make their future home. J. C. Jaeipielte departed this moriiiuu' lur i ini.ili.i. lie will leave tlii'ic tins fvomiiir for a brief trip i - - I to points in lawn. Mrs. Sam llendrich and family I who have I ecu visiting at IVroy ville, I.i., fur some time, returned last cvcniinr. -FRED HE muCKER SISTERS. HAVE JUST KEUVED A FULL Ll.NE 01? FALL ASD WILIER HATS AND TEIMMLKGS. We also litive a drix nmkli .k 't-itif merit. Sat lifacilini Koarantpcil . Shekwood Stoke. I'lattsmouth The Oiifiiiiin oflh Ihii-. The Catholic fair opened last eve ' ni uy: at Kockwood hall under very uuspicioiis circuuistanees. The at t'lidance was larj;e and judiin; from the mirth and pood will that H 'emed to prevail the evening was doubtless spent very enjoyably by nil. The principal attraction of the evening was thr awarding of a pri.e to the beet eiilkman ami lady waltzer. Several couples con- h1 reference to the requirements for t-sted for the distinction. Henry eligibility to the office of gov . . t.. i ... 1 arisen was me succcssim geum. ernor, lieutenant governor or man and Nettie Hallance the sue- judge of supreme court but cessful lady contestant. The for- there is no allusion what- mer was awarded an elegant pair ever to county officials. We have of gents' slippers; the latter, a consulted several of the leading toilet case. Considerable interest attorneys of the city and the uni nn:l rivalry was mani'Ci-t'il i the verbal opinion id that inasmuch as balloting for the most popular Hie constitution is silent on the young lady. The contestants were ', natter and since no statutary law (leorgia Oliver, Katie McCarthy VM been passed rendering it neces- and Mary Tight?. The balloting sary for county of.icers to be citi closed with Katie McCarthy in the 'jens, there is no method of legal lead. It will be resumed and set-' reason. i ng tiiat can declare Mr. tie. I this evening. The fair wilK Iiickhbtf ineligible. The opinions close to-morrow evening. of Ihe attorneys recently given by " " . , ' . ,; leading attorneys of Omaha touch Many old soldiers, who contracted ; . " ' . chronic diarrhoea while in the '"K "- mf""" "- " " - . . ..... i. I. I ... I ..T !..... .., " ICC, ll'IVe Since HH'll perm a or i i- i ;u..i irn ii im sin i i ii in i i j i 1 1 1 in. Iv emed of it by C haiuilierlain s 0f ixumlas county, is essentially the same as those given by our nt torneya upon the matter in ques tion. While then? may be a few who would delight to see Mr KickholT declared unable to qualify, thus I'. M. K HiMe has chani!'etl h's place ol rii.-iilence to -IIU Norll Sixth Miect. Parties wishing bag iragSlransfciTcd to the station will r leavd orders at Ins home. W. T. Howard, editor of Ihe Schuyler Sun, was clcetid superiu tendeut of schools in Colfax county Doubtless the editor will fill the position with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituency. v fs -j v.? QOU) AND POKOKhAlN CUO-VSS Briilga work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OK. 8TK.I VADS MX'AI. wHl ai otliM an estlieiluivi-u liirtlif iinliilesM-xtrinMi.iu o' ti-cth. C A. MAKS1IAI.L, Fitzn.'rald i'" W Allied A" lU-llVf. Ii'lii l'lr 111 n- S:iliU .-!7 ,.. n mi l.th V will) IM-n Ht li ll'i IV , II In btri ,iull rf it Inn a n-Ri iinsilili- New l Ik lloue. Ii fi n ni'i s. MAM.K. C H KUl, lict Box ISkS. Vuik. MANN UUK FALL AM) WIMTll STOCK - , - OIF1 - - DRY - GOODS - AND nurss goods We are showinga handsmne line c f CAMl-LS HAIli I'l.AIDS. UlCOAO CLOTH, FLANNI-l.S, SliKCKS, HKNRIKTTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. nt Colic. Cholera and diarrhoea Kern edy. i'or sale by 1. G. I'ricke it Co. R"duoei1 RtM on the M P. Tickets at one fare for the round trip will be sold to all who desire to attend the Archbishops' Golden I thwarting the will of a large niajor- Jubilee nt St. Louis. Tickets on ity of the voters of the county, sale Nov. US and 2$, limited to return there are by far a greater number to and including Dec. 2. Any wish-1 that will rejoice to know that he is iug to visit St. Louis should take eligible and that the will of the advantage of tliirf. lev rate. The Rev. Geo. 1 1. Thayer, of Hour lion, Intl., says: '-l.oth myself v;fe owe our lives to Shih h's consump tion cure." l or bale by 1 U. i'ricke & Co. people fchall prevail. A Focml. Ladies' Aid Focicty of the an church will ive a social residence of J. D. Tu t to morrow evening. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. The Christ at tli'? Notice to Ladles I have on hand a Hue lot of rib bons and tips which I will Fell at the lowest prices fo. cash. 1 have my goods at J. iinley Johnsons hard ware store where I may be found every day from 1:(;) to .";:) p. in. 'Mks. J.i.JoitXdox. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a pos itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth, ior hale by F. G. FrickeJc Co. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tfik l!teT S-Ai.VK in the wotld forCut Bruises, Sun. Ulcer. Salt Hbnini. FtVi i puren, Titter. CliH ed 1 Innds, ChilbUinb. Or, Hiid all Skin Eruptione, and posi tivilj eurcs IMi. or no pay required. It in Kiiiirmiti'td to Mve eiubfuciion, or moni v rcl undi'l. Pi ire 2" rents pi r x For urIp by F. 0. Frirke & Co. Wanted Two cnerertic ladieo wiFhiiv; employment, ealary per day. Call day or evening nt Mra. Stiles boarding house. K. V. GUDDEN. Are you made miserable by indi gestion, constipat ion. diyiress, loss of nppi lite, el!nw fkin'r Shi- lnh s itali; er is a pontixc cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. NebrnbUo's Winter Corn Fxhil.it The Nebraska State board of Agri culture will hold its annual winter corn exhibit in Grant Memorial hall, Lincoln commencing on the third Tuesday in January, ISO! It is the aim of the board to make this the grandest corn exhibit ever h"ld in the United States, or anywhere else, for that matter. The year IV.) 1 has been an exceptionally favored corn ueason. J or tins, it lor no other reason, the best specimens known ought ami can be presented but for a greater reason the board lie; ires this exhibit to be collected and retained intact for the World's Columbian fair at Chicago. Tl.i The M. P Will Ruild a Briclu. Messrs Clark nnd Iloldrege repre senting respectively the M. I. ant the H. A- M. roads, held a consult tionin Omaha Monday, relative to right of the M. 1". to cross the It, M. bridge over the l'latte rive this place. The matter was laid over for a week, hence no definite coil' lusion wns reached but Mr. Clark states that in his opinion the M. I'. will build a bridge of its own. He also stated that if such a decis ion was reached work would be commenced nt once nnd it would be rapidly pushed to completion. The It. & M. managment takes the st ind that the use ot their bridge was guaranteed only upon the condition that the I'nion I'acific uuinagenient would grant them the use of their road from Gilmorc to South Omaha. TheU. I. is not willing to concede this and in the event that tin? M. V. road cannot arrange tor it n new bridge will probably be built. Too Much Liquor. Last evening nhonf (I p. in. quite a crowd wan attr icted n nr the cor tier of Main nnd Seventh streets, by the cries of a woman. Upon nrriv ing ut the FCt ne it wns ascertained that Mra. Luce had imbibed too freely of liquor nnd instead of np pealing for deliverance from d.inirer, as l.er cries would Kevin to in licate, she was giving vent, i-i a very unmistakable manner, to the legititnite consequences of over in ulircnee in the vile drink. lo pay the least it is a very unfortunate at lir and cannot but serve to ngam furnish evidence ristothclegitiniih results of indulgence in strong It-ink. We are informed that when not under the intluence ot liquor, Mrs. Luce makes a very lady like appearance nuu given spiencuci ntisfaeiiou ns an employee a domestic. She was fined $10.00 nnd costs this ifternoini and in default oi which ihe was sent to jail. ItliAXKF.TH AM) COMPORTS Stock complete nnd prices lowtr than ever. I'MtMOYKAIl A good Ladies Jersy vest nt 2."c. Ladies line Jersey vest and pnnta l white or natural grays at .rx)c each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vet-Is nn4 I'antsatSOc. Regular 7fic under wear. Full linea of Ladies Fine wool ribbed underwear in white, cardi mil und black. Complete lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet and white nt prices ub low as the lowest Wfc HAVE never hliown eo large aline in litis department. VtT.t ....II ,...,,..:..! ..II...,!..., . 1..... njj.iplmmif i.f Prli.r.lM iu will rjietlill uiiuii nun It uui '"o wi muni t,v-iv Military Hitii Hip Coat blmpes trimmed with Mink, Seal, Astrachaa. Muiraloon and Coney furs. Our line of 1'lunh Sacquca arc cheaper than trer before. FaD ines of Childrenu and Misses Clonks and Jackets. Those wishing job work done tli,ml:t remember thai Til!' llTKALI) nnieeisfullvecuinoed and will do i iuno.,nceu.ent is issued early that .-- , , t work that will compare favoraly with any oflicif in the country. Charges always reasonable. Pure buckwheat Hour for sale at Heisel's mill. tt !1 FE Why will you cough w hen Shi loh's cine will give immediate re lief. I'rice HI c;s.. .r;H cts. ami ifi. For t'alo bv F. G. I'ricke & Co. Mining Cornrs. Tli? It. & M. will fell round trip tickets to all those wishing to at tend the li'iuing congress to be held at Denver Col.. Nov. 13 and !'. Tickets sold at one fare and one-third, continuous : in eaca uirecuou. J iuai' J. Francis, BliaUOS. i, Oi) ailQ Has just opened up a full lino cf ladies, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and to lore Winter coeds. Don't fail to call and see our prices. Wu beat 'en all. Have you Jseon tioso nob- passage limit, Dec.O. ample time be given for careful and thorough selections of the very best. Hick's predictions for November From 1st to lath first storm period Northwesterly gales apprehended. I'erishable products should b guarded againrt early freezing Crisp, bright days will follow, tin til cloudiness and rains, with gales j,. . .. aim snow in uie norm, appear about the Otli and 10th. About the lath, loth and 17th expect sor. hard autumnal storms nnd changes. The period runs from lHh to 17th, central on the l.-.th. Watch it. Cold following, will moderate for lighter distur! ances on and near the L'lst. after which there will be a prompt and you buy your Fall or''n ri,r!- toid. sormsfum ..;i n n, - i m i.:ii uuiij u Mill Lia- I of winter .itid send tin? days and nights freezing into Dceeiubi r. Mari-ied, Mr. William F. A'-kernt-vi wr.s married toMisa Adeline SteimUer at ' p. in. to-ikiy at the re.-iik nce oi the bride's parents, in the presence .. I oi a large iiumoer ot lricutts ana by Busies Caps, all pretty: relatives. i FEED Emm ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL, Does Yotu- Little Qiid. Need a cloak this winter? If she doss you will make n great miatak you do not call and examine the cluldrens cloaks tnat we are offering before buying. Manufacture District Court. In the rase Gibson vs. Carter, suit on proniisory not the jury render verdict in favor oi plaintili for the full amount of the note $101)0. In the case Samson vs. Slaughter, nil for? 11,:)."181 on promissory note judgement was rendered in favor of plaintiff for $7J7.."). In the matter of McCord Hrady & Co., of Omaha, vs. 1 tulip Kratne, case of attchtnent, the ottchment was dissolved and the case dis missed. List of Ltter Remaining unclaimed in the postoliice ul ri.T.tsmouth, Nov. 11, for the week ending Nov. 4, 18'Jl: l'ri'ofnrl'i';e. i'lilllp Mutii'k,n:ia 'l!lcr. Iru Ptrniann, S M Kmlpi. W S Taylor, Win W t. l-.i a vMtH, Ji hn Vfst. I'ajr Wo have Just rcco.ved from a largo Cloak his full line of Childrens cample Cloaks. Ftr ch'ldicn 0, 8, 10 nnd VI years old, consisting of 143 garments in nil. NO TWO ALIKti, on which wt were given a disccunt from regular wholesale prici po that -ie were able to nell them at actually t Manufacturer's Prices. Sacquca nuu. jacacis. F. Latham, Agent Geu. l'usa. agt. CntS Henry Kauble, who a few days since fell from a porch and broke his arm, is rapidly improving. Miller, da Ciiil t 'lenti, A & C ''lslncH, Allifft. r,"'iliiut. Mm K It'i1,n.vi.MiM l.ewii, AtiimO Cli.ilsi y, fil-l V."l!lon, John. Persona calling for the above will please sav "advertised," II. J. Stki-.ic.iit, P.N. Nr. C. 15. bm"s, of Spring Hill Iowa, saV.1--: "1 La,vc used Chamber, l.-.in'.i Pain Palm for severe and painful burns will; hi iter e fleet than :p: v'.hinr: 1 have ever tried. It re lieves the pain insliintly and eni'-.'-without leaving' a scar." Pain P.-ilu! a oiieot the mort useliil medtci'iev tnat any families can l e provided .villi, e.'-p. ci.ily lor i !u luiialisni lame tiack , sprains, b-rulres, tooth ache, ear like ailment '. Onfaiiiiliciition will relieve the pain andaf.iir trial insure a cure. W cent bottles for sale by F. G. Frickj it Co. Drtiirists. SALE UF SAHPliK SHOES Another opportunity to buy phoes at FACTORY PBIOES Wetakepsuinnoucingtl MiiK'ing toViis that we nhenominal and ha i late to secure some of tl sttrn i.. uiii'u. Our success n.unj.v ..,, .i.-v came too dreiis were uisuH-m.-y .... if anything than tlie last, w bargains that we ottered 1 his line is bitter v .onylxg cf ing Walter 11. Te.n.ny &Co.,of Hos ton, Na., i Jill 4 . 0 oll de ,iu7.MisHes. Childrens, Ncnsandl ojalioiaoi an ku criVitions. Amotig them is 300 pair o ooys ..u v- on . unions. - ;- ,,. vnn i'vrr "laia eves on we can give tne oei . .. - v' hi,rh ;,rices for shoes that w the root of values and Cie you the wortU of your money. We mo Si Great Barpiis ii Mm IIEKF;S A FEW OF T1IEM: 25c Chlldr mi- VM ur.il .'ool Col or Shirls and Darwers All Size-.. 25c Childrens all ,dol Shirts Drav.ers All Si.es. 39c Ladies Fine i i o Silk Trimmed shirt and Drawer. 39c Nenp Ex tro Heavy h'ibbed Sh irl suud drawers. 507 WM. HEROLD & SON, Slain Ptm't i'lattsnioutli, Ke