Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 08, 1891, Image 9

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    It is only four weeks until the
great republican land slide.
,ThC alutn tiVlrwt iruta n fl :l f r! 11 C
, I .,.! 4Ua
nuiiinriiiriiL i v r i . . 1111 r. hiiu
- - J F
. a I. t - . r - ..I. .
yiAUljr UVaVl LUIUtO IU 1UI HO o 1 IU.
KV'PWV rrnh1iint allfilllii have
liia fighting clothes on from now
'lil after election. This is a year in
I. l -1 I I. .ww..-i..
) which a great ueai muj uc ouum
plished by individual work.
If the repuplicans had selected a
weak candidate for supreme judge,
Hroady would have been the demo
cratic candidate to-day. Post suits
and the platform upon which he
glands is genuinely republican.
It has just been announced that
Denmark has rescinded her decree
against the importation of Amer
ican pork another product of the
reciprocity clause of the McKinley
bill, and the people have no one to
thank but the republican party.
f NOW that the republican recipro
city treaties together with a limited
supply of food products in Kurope
has assured to the American far
mers a ready market for their prod
ucts at good prices, the democrats
are wondering what they can howl
about next year.
The newspapers that are misrep
resentiiiir and abusing Judge Tost
by charging him with being a "rail
road tool" know that it is false. The
people are becoming disgusted
with this method of campaigning
and if we mistake not Ihese wilful
falsifiers will be set down upon in
no unmistakable manner at trie
1 November plection.
THB democratic newspapers of
this state are not overly enthusi
astic, apparently, far the free coin
age clause in their platform. It is
(noticeable, however, that it is the
'tendency of the party all over the
ountry to say little about the
silver proposition, if anything else
.ran be substituted.
XgS. FEW of our exchanges intimate
r:t K. Kosewater may "tear the
j!atform to pieces." Such talk as
this is extremely idle, a8 Mr. Rose
water is enthusiastic for the re
publican ticket and he will be found
; in the harness until after election,
battling for the grand principles
which the grand old party repre
I Pcdadth (mm nvpr thp r.ountv in-
Xdicate that the entire republican
Uticket will be elected. 1 he ticket is
an exceyuunawv ouuhl unt
will receive the full oartv vote. It
is esoeciallv fortunate for the re-
. 4 ..:..
of action prevails as it does, which
i uii additional assurance ot
.' 'election, in the face of disaffection
i fin the other parties.
THE democratic party could do
j j nothing that would more materially
; s.strenirthen the republican cause in
,1892 than indorsing Kdgerton this
., fall. Such a combination would so
i thoroughly disgust the republican
r fanners who have been enticed into
he snares of the enemy, that they
nfwould return to the grand old party
which lias been the stay ol the
cl Untry in the past and promises so
much for the future.
. IX referring to the nomination of
,. C. Kickhoff for county treasurer
an independent ou the streets of
Louisville last Saturday remarked:
"Mr. Kickhoff is the right man for
county treasurer and will be
elected, but then as I am an inde
pendent I can not vote for him,
much as I would like to see him
elected." This shows the high
steem in which Mr. Kickhoff is
Yield by all who know him. Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
THK people of Nebraska cannot
afford to hesitate between the nom
inees that have been placed before
them forjudge of the supreme court
this year. On the one hand they
have a clean,; able, experienced
jurist; on the other a man whose
sole qualification for the nomina
tion was his willingness to pledge
himself to be the tool of political
party. Judge Post has been tried
by nine years of service on the dis
trict bench, and has made a record
there entitling hiiu to promotion
to the supreme court. His oppo
nent is but a doubtful experiment
at best, and ought not to be con
sidered by the voters who believe
in an able and unprejudiced
judiciary State Journal.
Thr democratic and independent!
press, recognising the popularity of
Judge Post with all sections ot tne
country, and chagrined by the una
nimity of opinion of the republican
party as voiced by the leading state
papers, that Judge Post is a pure
and able man, they stoop to the
last resort of the vanquished and
tho i tul ire with be in if a
j r-
"railroad man." We defy the as
sailants t prove by the record
made by Judge Post during his
nine consecutive terms on uie
bench that surli charges can be
consistently made. They are loud,
now, in the praise of Judge Reese,
but just as certainly as Judge Keese
had secured the nomination tne
same unsubstantial vituperation
would have been indulged in.
That the passage of the McKin
ley bill is having good effect is
seen on every hand. Domestic
competition continues to lower
prices in every line in wnicn me
Tariff is well established. Ameri
can prints are from a half cent to a
cent a yard lower since the Tariff
went into effect. Bleached shirt-
iners and suitings are from a quarte
of a cent to a cent and a half lower,
while the duty is increased half a
cent a yard. American ginghams
and wash fabrics have decreased
in cost from a half a cent to a cent a
yard. Tin may have increased in
nriroa. hut suirar has fallen eo
much that canned goods will be
lower than ever before. Surely,
... .......
sugar is king, ana the wciviniey
bill did it.
When it is known that the McKin-
ley law has caused a decrease in
American imports of lead manu
facture of more than a quarter, in
clothing of more than a third, in
millinery of more than a sixth, in
cement of more than a quarter, and
in earthenware of nearly a third, it
will be realized that Americans
have been oblidire to manufacture
so much crreater quanities of these
things, and that Amsrican industry
has thrived since the law went into
A a u i-onupdilf nro nf flip McKill-
Ipv law fortv new nlantations for the
culture of tobacco are to be started
Uirrritti'i Tmiiauna nrlri Kn.
u n . ... - - - -
tucky. Who shall say that the bill
is not a good thing for American
industries, as against foreign
importations? Somerville Journal
(i'iass.),sepiemoer 14.
THK democratic and independent
parties are twin sisters, so says good
democratic authority. How does
this suit the repuoliean Tanners
that have been lead into this camp
rn alliance idea? It is very nice to
I listen to the ouy-iougueu onicc
w.L auuiiii, 41ui f'.irt1Wthl tllllf flip
I ' . alliance is purely a iiun-jmi usnu
1 Ttrganization, but then when he
..j ......
cratic camp it is quite different.
How long will these republican
; farmers be thus imposed upon?
THE amount of money in the peo
ple's pockets is $100,000,000 greater
than last year, this money con
sists of treasury notes for the re
deniption of which an equal
amount ot silver has been depos
ited in the treasury vaults at Wash
i Hilton. We would have it remem
rn'd, also, that the holders of that
silver wire not paid cents, on
each H71, more than the silver
would bring on the market, as our
democratic brethren would do, hut
it was nurchased at the market
price, just as the holder of any
other commodity must sell his
It is highly probable that either
Post or Kdgerton will occupy the
Hiinreme ludsreshin tor the next
1 - ' "
term, inasmuch as it appears that
the democratic party has not a
candidate which they consider
available. In view of this it be
hooves every honest man to care-
fullv consider the merits of the re
spective candidates and be gov
erned accordingly. A man should
be placed in that position that has
ability, whose integrity is un
questioned, and one who has estab
lished a reputation through the
avenue of experience as u capable
tribunal. In short, for that position
a man should be chosen who is
thoroughly competent, and who
will command that respect from
the bar at large that is justly due.
ludire Post, the republican nomi
nee, possesses all these essentials.
He has been charged as being a
"railroad tool," but this will only
serve to make him friends. No man
who is informed on the subject and
who is laboring from a truthlul
standpoint and for the good of the
people, can make this charge. Asa
district judge he has given entire
satisfaction and his constituency is
stronirly anti-monopoly.
The opposing forces have named
Joseph Kdgerton, who has had no
experience as a judge in any court,
never having risen to the dignity of
a justice of the peace. His only ex
perience at the bar, of any signifi
cance, has been in unimportant
cases in the lower courts of South
Omaha. What little practice hehas
had therein which he in any way
dislitiiruished himself was when he
defended the town council at a time
when it was most corrupt.
TllK HEKAUxloes not thus refer
to the qualifications of Mr. Kdger-1
ton to gratify a desire to do the man
harm, but because we believe it our
duty to bring the merits of the re
spective candidates before the peo
ple and an opportunity be afforded
for choosing the best man.
I. Th
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t hereby certify that the forcKOini!
(8 a true copy o the df llniiit'nt real
state tax liM. nt tarn county, Neb ,
for the var lsim
County Treasurer,
I'Mti: "
NOR aitlai m:
When we say that
wc sell honest goods
at lowest jiriceB bhd
trcnting all alike
lioiiorahly we say
Unit Nvliicli is true,
When all is eaid
and done. The fact re
minds that wc have
the largest stock,most
complete assortment,
most reliable goods,
and lowest prices to
ho found in Cass Co.
Our stock of Mens, Hoys and Childrens
Is a eight to flee and would do you good to examine them whether you
desiro to buy or not.
take pleimure in Bhowintr you a very
We :all iiHrticnlar tttention to our full 10 4 all wool red ft $2.25.
A nice quality full 10-4 0 $2.25.
A fine quality of nil wool 10-4 red ?j $3.00.
Thetie are special Rood values and deserves your attention.
Our Dress Goods and Trimmings
Should command your attention. We are able to show you the most
complete line of Black Dress Goods, Plain and Plaid Dress Mannels ami
fancy Dress Roods ever brought in the city.
Hag Raisers Attention.
Good Poland China Shoats for sale
for breebing purposes up till Oct
15th, at Win. Mertins farm, live miles
weal of Plattsnioutli. w-2t
Special price on boy and girla heavy school shoes to clean them out
It will pay you to look them over. We sell Henderson's Red School
House Shoes. They fit, Wear and give good satisfaction. Our line of
men's shoes was never so complete as this Kali at prices that are
rirlt for good goods. If you are a man and work out of doors buy our
Seal Calf Shoes-high top and well made for $2.75, better than you usually
pay $100 to for.
In men's fine shoes we have them cheaper than ever.
MulesCryfor It
Now this may seem strange but if
they don't crv forit thev would do
so if they only could. We are talk
ing nowabont llallt-r's Harb Wire
LiiiiiiK-tit which never fails to cure
Iheworst cut or sore. For sale by
all Druggists.
Nos. B14, 816,
Plattsmoutli, N'-b.