a St I'll ) . f Y The Plattsmouth Herald. KNOTTS BROS, Publishers ltihHdiat every Thursday, and dally every eveuInK except Sunday. Kent-tiered at the PlalUinmith, Ne b. post oflleefnr trHinml-oion throach the ll.j.S. malli ftt MfOiilld ela" rate. OfhVe coruer Vine and Fifth ntreetN. Telephone .10. TRKMH roK WKKILT, One copy, one year, In advance li no ue O'py. one year, not In advance a no 75 40 ne copy, mix mniitlif. in advance . ... On iv-py. Hirer month. Iti advance. . TEHMH FOR DAII.l One cop line year In advince One copy pi-r week, tiy ctrrter On copy, pi-r month 'HE HF,. (HI IB .. fit' Tlll'KSDAY, OCTOHKK' I, lstil STATE TICKET Kor A-wociale Jurllce of tin- Supreme Court, A. M. I'OSf of I'lalte. for Ki'yeiit (if the SUIn 1'iilviTnliy. II. I". SHIM A V of Dixon C. II, MAIil'I.K.if Pou REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Knr Clerk of IIih IllMirlct Court : A. SALISHl'KY. For TiedMircr : L. ('. KICKIIOIT. Cor Hhcrm : ;i;o. r.i)so. Kor Coiiinv f'li'ik : FWANK IMCKSON. for County Jinle : CALVIN UTSSKLL. for Comity Hiipi-rlntciideiit : J. K. I.KYI A. or Ci miner : j. i. rxwrii. Kor Surveyor : A. ('. M AY LS. Kur CoiHiolKsloni'r I'lri-t District : A. H. TODD. THE COUNTY CAMPAIGN. Nn-vv tliiil tlir county conventions Lave been lii-ld. ii ml candidates iioniinati-d for t Ii - ditlerent ofliceH, The 1 1 i:k m.ii wishes t urge every man Dial believes in ri'iiililican prineiplen to work faithfully, until after the polls close in November, lor Ihe success of the n-iulilican icket. Mill Til K llKKAI.li wishes to it mark at the beginning that it is not its intention, ami does not advise nu-niliers of the patty, to indulge in extravagant mud slinging tit t lit ppoMing ranuKiaie, or Wltat is worse, to seek to place them before the pnl l it in an unfair light. Wj tlesire to meet the enemy on tin open field and in a clean, hottest mid manly light, struggle for party supremacy. We believe there ate but two requisites that should i-erve as a guide to every voter; via., capaliility ind p.-irty fealty. The repulilicnn party places helore the voters of I. . . . . , mis eoiimy, a icKei, every member of which, as we have liefove stated at length, is eminently fitted to perform the duties of the office to which he aspires, in a highly satis factory manner. In choosing can didates fur which to vole, TlIK JlKKAI.lt will not tear the result, if fvrry voter will consider carefully Ihe capaliility ol the republican nominees. We are aware, that olteulimes in local campaigns, candidates are favored because they reside in a particular locality, or because of Ihe high esteem in which they ate held as men, regardless of patty nfliliatiotis. Hut (his is no year for republicans to be thus governed. The members of the party of all sections should work in unison for Ihe success ol th,- republican ticket because they bt'l ieve republicanism " right. It ii t), s.iy party lines should not be drawn in local affairs. We believe that Ihe party should be kept in thortnu-h organisation from the lowest muni cipal election to that of tin- pre.i- lent of the Toiled States. Hy out votes we shall either help rpub. licanisui or do the cause harm. It behooves every member of the party 1o vote keeping this one tiling in view, and give the enemy no encouragement at the expense of Ihe republican ticket. The other tickets are in tin- field. I here is not ;, ,,,,, dptiosini;- the republican nominees that should draw a single vole front the repuli. licans. The republican tieket. a a whole, represents greater ability n1 ' i iii-nt ly better lilted to guide the affair of Cass couutv than either of Hie opposing tickets. All that is needed to assure party .success is a srong. continuous and hartuoiiious ,,i toward the objective point. i of , , ntry. They assert that to admit into circulation the proposed 78-cent dollars, would surely with draw the gold from circulation thus rendering our financial mat ters in an exceedingly utistable con dition. I'pon this point the World Herald very aptly says: l-'rce and unlimited coinage of sO-ccnt dol lars might even result in contract ing the currency, by driving the gold into hidini; or export. The World Herald appears to lie looking through a republican lens, but at any rate this plain statement of afTairs. as the paper s-ees it, regard less of who favors it. is to be commended. not ffive. This in plain, practical business. The democrat .ire wasting time, brain tissue and muscular force in hammering reciprocity. Recipro city in a forward movement. It in bete to stay and the democracy of the country miht as well accept the inevitable without such un seemly urimaces. Fremont Tribune. I II K IlKKAI.O of the city isyctlm into its old habit of making' tin warranted assertions as to the pur pose of the democracy. It yestt lav Klateil that "the democracy d sires to replace the duty on suj-ar, tea and cotfee "we have never wi any democratic declaration to tin elfect and we would like to know where TllK IlKKAf.D (jets its authr ilv from (or the statement. Hesid if thev did we have excellent repul licans. testimony (Major McKiule for instance) that it wouldc n't makt anv dillerence to the people America, because it is the forci-nii that pays the tax, you know. Journ al. Till: lll.KAI.Ii does not desire make the democratic platform misrepresent the party in any form but in observing the cours i sued oy the party in the past an juomy irom us present policy, as indicated by the declarations of Hi slate platforms thus far, surely no other conclusion could be drawn In lancing in retrospect at th party actions, we hud that at no tune since the civil war, has it taken i position other lhan that attribute! lo il lv 1 UK Illik-Al.l). I be latest authority we have is the once fam oils Mills bill, winch retained (best duties. Mut laying aside the recon ol the party, is it not conclusive that it favors a jiluty ou these arti cles, in astnuch as it favors a rev line tarill.' . duty on these arti cles could never serve as a protec live larui necaust- we will never have iuduseriert producing these products, to protect, as it is impos sible to produce them here, profit ably. I n accordance with a provis sion in the McKiuley bill (In articles in ipiestion were admittei! tree of dutyaud every demoratic ora tor. and every democratic slate con vention that has been held thisvear condemns, in no imniisstakabb lain-uaj;e, the provision by which the duty was removed from these commodoticH. We defy Journal to name a single democratic states man that favors the free entry ol these 'oods into our parts, and wo are quite certain that the Journal will not place its self ou record as favoring the position of the repub lican parly. In regard to the second point little need be said. Major McKinley and the party to which he belongs has always declared that a duty upon this class of oods, is a lav mid invariably paid by the con sumer. A purely revenue taritf as advocated by the democratic part) is always added to the price of the article. I'o! t'ia: : ea-on the repub licans favor the free entry of this class of guilds into our ports. Mut they fa vor a taritf upon other pro ducts in order that we may compete with (iti-at Mrittian and aid render the Moods cheaper to Ihe American consumer than when dependinn upon the foreign mono poly a revenue taritf is as much un- ike A protective tarilf asdenioc racy is unlike republicanism. TllK idea seems to be prevailing that J ude Chapman is particularly ilesuous to enter the canvass for the judgeship without opposition We are are aware that in the pas mi- oisirici nas so nii-niv vaiuet his services that be has been mad the choice of all parties and sec tions.and doubtless for this inanife tation of esteem in which he is held by tne district the judye feel highly complimented and is truly grateful Me will be a candidate for re election on the republican ticke but he will come before the people uiakenjf no claims to a "pre-einptei rif-ht" to thejposition, relying only upon .his eminent lilness as tv deni ed by hiscourse on the bench in the past. If the democracy has a candidate whom Ihey desire to place injopposition to Jude Chap man, we feet puite sure that he wi be gladly welcomed into ihe riiifj. s D ARK DommaBs to Offer tlie op In voting at the approaching fall election, it should be borne in mind that the democratic party desires to replace the duly on sii";ar, tea md coffee. The third partv is not so pronounced in its views, but as it is opposed to the law by which these duties were removed, we are led to conclude that they, too, favor the duty. It may appear to som that these national (piestions should not eutcriiitothedisciission this year, inasmuch as the officers whom we shall elect will not be permitted to act, in an official ipacity, (oncerninj; these qucs imiin. it one mis is true, it is highly important that every man who believes in republicanism vote the straight ticket, for a victory never fails to stimulate activity and irouse enthusiasm two factors ab solutely essential to assure victory, in ,(I2. THE NEBRASKA ADVFHTKIWP. THA1N. We -j-lean from our exchaiiires that the propoKodplan for eipiippinrr the advertising train is assuming shape and there can be no doubt that all will be in readiness not later than Oct. lath. The train will consist of five cars lesifjnetl to carry the exhibit and two sleepers for the accomodation of the representatives. The entire trip is to be made in thirty days, durinju which all the principal eastern states will be isited, and in addition to the ex ibit prepared, the country will be Hooded with advertising mutter I hi- project if suceessfulv carried urn i nil miii i. iii io oritur irood re- ults and fully remunerate in the nd. No tniitj for Investment. Excuse for not having a Home ot Your Own. 1 L'l A. a MAYKS eounrT-scuvKToii CI TIL KNGIM-I-R 4 county clerk will be p ..attended to. ofKit'K IN CttlTKT HOU8K, Plattsmouth, - Nebraska pHlLIP THEIROLF w-joiiru LlJ t lie -Finest. Cleantst, Cosiest ' SALOON" IN TIIK CITY - Where may be fouud choice winei licpiors and cigars. ANHEUSKK HUSCH HKER. AND MASS' ALE WHITE LARK J. always tin hand. UUUS PEITERHERG. COKNKK OF MAIN AND FOUKTII ST. Put What you are paying out for Rent into a home. 7 per cent money for persons wishing to build in South Park. - - m "-- Look to the Future ana invest now in South Park. IHE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. KliW sk. democracy in dcclar iiitf in favor of tree coinaue of the MiJverof the world, fell into the same bottomless pit into which the de-Hint-racy of Ohio has fallen. The conservative busines!" men of all parlies assert that such a rourse could not lad to result dis-"lo-trouslv to the biisiness"interesls NtBRAbKA DEMOCRATS AND RE CIPROCITY The democratic pat ty of Nebraska, with its accustomed devotion to forei-v,,, iM,( particularly Hritish interests, "denounces the one-sided reciprocity proposed b thepresent idmiuistratioii." The democrats of Nebraska a ear or so ayo were commeudini,' Ulaine and reciprocity. It looked lo them then that this new plan of aliny with foreign nations was on tin- free trade iiriiieinle :.,,! I I" ...... these de crals were ready then to swallow leeiprocitv and embrace its illustrious uroniub-ator Hi.) now that reciprocitx is a law and is performing jts u,,od atid perfect work. lenionstraliti)i that its real virtue lies in comuiandiut-' certain ailvantat-vous coucesHiom from other nations, the democrats are dead au.iiusl it. Their plan in to throw the burs clear down and in vite all the nations of the earth lo make thi. country the diiinpitii; around for their pauper made products, thus reserving uotliiii.tr by which to compel free admission ot certain of our producis iutothose other nations. Even if we should abolish every vesliye of our tariff restrictions, as democrats prefer we should, how would that effect other tariff nations' They would still impose duties on our exportation, just the same. In that manner we would rive eouiethitijr for nothing. My reciprocity we et something in return for what we pive, else we tin MAJiiK McKIM.KY dispensed re ublicanism to the masses at Ot tuiuvva, la., yesterday. Republican success is so well assured in Ohio thalthi- Major seems to be losing in rest in the campaign in that state. vvunuti piate manulacturie start- intr up in several places in Ohio tple t;'oods becotuinj. cheaper and in increasin;- market for farm prod- nets, CamphclMiiida it (jtiite dilli- ult to make that taritl discussion iiiterestintr for the .Major. It really shows a spirit of true manhood on the part of McKinley, to cease poundiny the man, that he hi s him down. The Journal denounces MK ,.;K.. ALhfor accusing that democratic party of favoring a duty or stiirar, tea and coffee, and in the same column it denouiicts the recipor city feature of the McKinley bill which provided for the free entry' of these commodoties into our ports, as a deception and a bum-but;.- The party favors a duty on these cotninodoties, because, if for no other reason, that it is oppo site to republican doctrine. " .. - TllK World Herald ol yesterday throws off the democratic cloak and appears a full Independent attire. Slowly but surely demoernlic bul work cease to exist. The Journal in comentiutr on the action of the World Herald savs: It i uiel..n ( holy to think ol a man of hri-hl prospect, like Mr. Hitchcock. lhrov. intr their to the do--. l-Aidcntiv. a l-ii iiiHiuy compliment to tie- n! dents. pen- TltK republicans of Ot,- county nominated a strong ti, ket at their conrention Tuesday. The would-be lictators were relegated to the rear and an honest expression of Ihe true sentiment of the deleentes w.-m had in every instance. The result is, a ciean and able ticket placed before the neoulr. iii of the times indicate Oloe will this year fall into with the party of jiro-rress. was The that line i nnmt; oilier reasons wily it is better to invest in South Park than elsewhere in the city, are these I roperty is more saleable if you wish to sell, more rentable if you wish to rent; iflookinir for an in- crease in value, no other part of tin- city will compare with it inprospect The ath ward composed largely of South Park, less than three years iro could hardly muster up a vote it the last general election the vote was l.'lil and all were not polled. It has been less than two years since the city invited us into the corpor- ite limits, yet we have over one hnii- dred newly built house ond others in process of construction, owned. with few exceptions, by the parties now living in them. riiispartof the city has a store water mains, electric arc lie-lits. hurcb and school priveledges and new church edifice just erected of which the whole city is proud. Plattsmouth's steady growth for live years past almost doubling its population; the advance stand it has taken regarding public im provements. Ihe certainty of a new !tW0,(KH) court house; the completion of the great Missouri Pacific rail way into this city, giving us anoth er great trunk line and competing market; the constant increasing pay roll of the C. H. & (J. shops, to gether with many other well known reasons, assure a steady and perma nent advance in realty, which will doubtless effect South Park more favorably than any other portion of Plattsmouth. With a Finn to tht riiiniirutjf-iiinii of a Mill yrmtrr ijrointh of this part of the nit u, wr will coninn to si ll lots on monthly pautnrntk, furnish momy with which to tint Imusm will ry. rhmnjf lots for othn- imjiroml city jnoptrty or for tlrsiitiblr imprornl or iinimpron-d hunls. It is not so much the speculator as the permanent resident that we wish to purchase this disirabl,- property. Out of over KliillTY pres ent owners of South Park property none are speculators hence there are no lictitous valuew and lots are selling at about the price they were inunediatly after it was platted - a strong argument why the present is a most desirable time for investment. Much addi tional information regarding South Park may be had by calling at my office on Main street over Hank of Cass County. R. HAKl'yACTl'KR OK AND UIUDHEHLE 7.YZ7 RET PAL UKAI.FH IN TNK CHOICEST HRANDS OF CIGARS UI.L LINK 01 TOBACCO AND SMOKK.x S ARTICLES p,. peteise; THE LEADING dways in stock Plattsmouth. Nebrassa IRST : NATIONAL : MAN K GROC E$, HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, OTTHING FRESH -AND -IN -SEASON UK PLATTSMUI'TII, NKIIUASKA Paid up cauilal .. UlplUx - fiO.Ol.Otl . Ki.mio.iiu I'ffern the very beet fiieilltles fur the pronip irani-ai'iiun oi iinuiniHie Uaiikiim Business stock. b(Mnl.L'"li1. Kiivi-riiiiient mid local xe- lurlUee tiiuiKlit and sold. l)eiUs received aid iiiteri-st allowed on the certit1c- Drufts drawn, avallalile In any part of tlx United Ktate and nil the Drliiclnai Ihwiik n Surope. OOLLKtmONH MAUK AND 1-U0MPT1.V KKMIT- TKD. UlKtiest market price paid for County War- ranis, oinie anm oiinty Dunda. UinECTOlW John FiU -rald I). HawkKwonb Siu WauKli, K. K. WUiie iieoree E. Dovev ohn KlUiterald. H. WauKh. freelilent Cai-Mer ATTENTION KAKMI-KS I want your Poultrv. Kir, ut. ter and your farm produce of all kinds, I will pay you the highest i i",lu 1 buying for a Iirn in Lincoln. B. PETERSEN, TIIK LKADINC GROCER lit A A i latisinoutli - - Nebra P J. ll:A:N:S:li:N OKALKR IN T II K CHIZKNS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH . NEBRASKA Jayltal stock paid lu js" n i AuthorizedCapltal, $100,000. OKFICKa it-vNK CAKKUTtl. oOK A, CONMn., Fresldent. Vloe-Pre-ti-u-m W. If. Cl-HHI.Ni. (.-hier --- II1KKCT0KH 'rank Carrutli J. A. Connor, K. K. tiiithn u'-i I. W. JohuKon, Henry Ho-ck, John O'Keefe W. I), Merriam. Wih. Wetenoamp, W. H. CuhIiIiik. STAPLE AND FANCY GIIOCEKIES, (iLASjS AM) HI fBANSACTS'i GENERAL BANKING BUSlNES rotuo'i I tlie Pubic Solicited. niet eejf.flcates ol dt-Hw its bearing Interest Huvs and sell- exchange, eouuty and city . ,. ,i B ANK OF CASS CO I NT Y Cor Main and Fifth street. JOHNSON BU1LDINGN SufU'St fald up paint al.. turpll!!" ?.'il urn OFFICERS 0. H. Farnele I'reinleiit ("red tinrder Vice I'l-nid tnt 1. M. FntierMou Caslifir T. M. Fiitterson, Ast Caluer DIRECTORS (J. II. l urniele, .1. M. Fatterson, Krerl Oorder 1, K. Sintth, K. B. Wii.illMin, II. H. Ilatn-ey and T. M.l'atteiwm GENERAL BANS1NC " SAN3ATED Ai-oounts solicttei Imereit allov ed or, time lspafilt-i and prompt aU'-ntionilven to all tms itiess entruiled to its care. TTOKNKV A LAW. WINDHAM & DA VIES. M. B. WINDHAM. JOHN A. DAVIHM .Notary 1'iililie Notary PuDl! omce over Hank of fas County. ClattsmoHth .... Nebrashl, TTOKNF.V A. N. SULLIVAN. ttorney at-l.aw. Will Kivw prompt attent'it o all hue necs entriiKted to him. Olllc,,u umou inocK, r.ai-i side,, riattcmouth, Neb. TEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL SON MEAT MARKET SIXTH STKKKT F. H. KLLKNHAPM. Prop. ie beHl of tresh meat alwayw found mi huh marnet. .i.m treh KggH and Mutter. Keep all kinds ot builder hardware unhand and mil eiipply contract r on most fHV "Mlile. terms : tin RooFiirsr'o-'; ) MpoilliliK and all kinds of tin work promntiy . Order trm the country Solicited l Feasl Hf. FLATTSM0U1H, NKH. Wild game of all kinds kept in their a SIXTH STKEliT fjl Meat market! lUCKER SISTERS. ( AkKY A Ft r.I- LINK OK MU-IENERY AND J-RFNCH fl.OWKRS. j We lilmi have H dreis tnakiiiK departmenV Sat- isfai-tion tinaranteed. SlIF.k'WOODSTOKi;. Pl. ATTSNOin I Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. A, 1 Jl PI LUM 1! Chamberlain's Eya and SMa Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Sow Eyes, Tetter, Salt Ebeam, Scald Head, Old Coronio Sorea, Fever Sores, Eczema. Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples ana rues, it is cooling; and soothing. Hundreds of cases have beoa cured by alter ail ouier treatment bad failod, rtliingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Can sunnly cv-rw rienmml of tht citv f " V1 tn. oui uj ptirt'Ul in rear of opera liouw:. v it la put up in 23 and 60 cent boxes. t H II