WINNERS NAMED monious, and in the ",1eld to Win. publican Party of Cass County ne a Splendid Ticket for the Consideration of the Voters at the Fall Election. i republican county convcn vliieh convened at Louisville ,(l;i' was one of the largest, 'musiastic ana Harmonious ... . i ntiona ever held bv th inC'ass county. in. R. S. Wilkinson, chair- county central committee the meeting: to order and l)r Uutler of Weeping Water was u temporary chairman and MTIler of IMattsinuth tempo ' ji'iary. Dr. lJutler, upon ing liis position as presiding m a neat little speech, ex- the convention lu nominate 'l ticket, worthv the simooi-t - - j-1 party in all sections of the The doctor was frcqucntl v ided. motion the following dele were appointed .is a commit- eredentials: M. M. Murphy,, J. Robinson, notion the following were at 1 as a coniuiittee on order of Js: A. J. Craves, A. I'. Wood A. Webster. notion the convention ad d until 1 o'clock. n re-assembling, the report committee on credentials, the recommendation that ly proxy he admitted i in all I. VI votes- was d. otiou delegates present from ,'inct were allowed to cast te, in the event that the .vns not represented bv p-lffort of the committee on ;nt organization, that the fijf chairman he made per I ....... ..4. ..I i, ,in cmo jjn.ll. 'ommitteeon ortler of busi commended that the candi e nominated in the fol low- ler: County clerk, treasurer, . county judge, clerk district county superintendent of cornur, surveyor, delegates tate convention, delegates ldicial convention. On 'report was adopted. L-lJction of the county com tier was left with thetirstdis ' After tjuite a lengthy discus- s to the time that the first dis- trlyio4ld select its candidate and ,-amendments 10 tne uiolion icd, the matter was laid upon dr. chair next announced that nvention would proceed to nidation of candidates in the Irsignated by the report as d. lk Dickson, of I'lattsmouth the only noiiiinee, wasitanan ly declared the nominee by nation L'.ArJckl late for I . IT t .1 moii ncing I lie onlv ireasiirer was nomi- ,'iy acclamation, .he ollice of shcritf the follovv '.mes were presented: Thos, ms, of I'iattsuiouth precinct; Kd-Jn, K'ock HlulTs; A. 1". ardW I'ocping Water; David 'irtl, of Weeping Water. r two ballots were taken re in ni choice, the names of 'illianis and A. J. Woodard withdrawn from the contest, bird ballot resulted in the atiouof (Jen. Edson by a vote to.'Ii'o. On motion the uomi o' f.oson was made unan- in K'ussell, of Weeping Water, linaniniuosl v declared the ee for countv indue, bv ac- ' ion. lcrk the names of A. Salis lf I'lattsmouth, A. I,. Timlin. ping Water; II. I,. I.loyd. of .hi the second ballot Salis- declared tin- nominee. Itlle II, mi i I, :if ii i ,f tK'tlfi j "Ili'"'"","S- (X.-s of A. J. (iraves, of MMHII, ilJl'l J. ,. IA'l.1,1, III hi;' Water precinct, wen ded J. L. Ley da was nomi- n the fust ballot. I'nruli, the present incum- md Henry Mock, both of this were presented for coroner, nruh receiving a majority dared the nominee. . Mayes was nominated lor ; surveyor by acclamation. 5. Todd was re-nominated for commissioner from the first t bv acclamation, i. MMlhani introduced the injl resolution: I.Vi:i. That in the person of '1. H. K'eese, ex-chief justice of ska, we recognize a man em i -fitted for the position of as- istice ol the supreme 111 in point of legal attain- I moral stamina. 1 here- further V'd, That it is the ex .A m T pressed wish of this convention as sembled, as it is in the interests of the republican party and the great state ot Nebraska, that the Cass county delegation be and is hereby instructed to cast the full vote for Hon. M. R Reese for associate justice of the supreme court and use all honorable means to secure his nomination. Mr. Windham, in a forcible speech, moved the adoption of the resolution. M. It. Murphy was a friend of Judge Reese, but being opposed to sending instructed dele gates, moved as an amendment that 'the motion be divided and that each paragraph be voted upon sep arately. The amendment was then taken up and lost. A motion to lay on the table was lost. The original motion to adopt was then carried unanimously, demonstrating con clusively that Judge Reese has a friend in the republican party of Cass county. On motion each ward ami pre cinct were permitted to name a member of a committee, the duty of which shall be to select fourteen delegates to the state and judiucial con vent ion. The committee scclected the fol lowing delegates to attend the state convention. S. S. Lnglish, Geo. Clark, Andy Cliristenson, John Clements, Ceo. D. Mathc rsou, Jas. M. Drake, I. N. Woodford. C. L. Craves. II. Filtenhary , Jas. Hall, J A. Da is, Wash Smith, S. W, Orton, Jas. Robertson. The following were selected dele gates to the judicial convention: J. K. Stucker, S. S. Mrown, Isaac Pollard, Sam Marker, J. II. Hall, Anderson Root, A. J. (iraves, N. R. Hobbs, Ceo. Findley, Orlando Tefft. J. O. Adams, A. I.. Timblin.J. II. 1 laldeiiian. The following resolut ion was in troduced and adopted: RKSIII.VKI), Hy the republican county committee assembled, That the members of the county central committee be and are hereby in structed to fill all vacancies in the nomination of candidates for the several county offices that may oc cur, by reason of death of candi dates, removal from county or for any other cause. The following was also Italian itnously adopted. Rksoi.vkd, That the eminent abil ity and tearless integrity of the Hon. S. M. Chapman as evidenced by his course on the bench insik;rTmeVton. Action in review. . t- 41... .(... II . -a . Tf I.. I... I' ,1 t it the duty as well as the interest of the people of this judicial district to elect him to the position he has ably filled during his term of office. The names of Orlando Teft and M. H. Murphy were presented for chairman of the county central committee. Mr. Teft received a ma jority of votes cast and was de clared elected. On motion Mr. Murphy theeleetion of Mr. Teft was made nan. minions. The following were chosen mem bers of the county central com mittee: Salt Creek precinct Ceo Findley. South Dend precinct W. 1 Wells. Louisville precinct Miles Drake. Light Mile Grove precinct Henry Miller. Plattsutoiith precinct William Wettenkamp. Greenwood precinct TunierZiiie. Center precinct Mauley Rowers. Mt. Pleasant precinct John Phil pot Jr. Rock Mutts precinct William 1 fol mis J r. Murray precinct - Ceo. Lloyd. Tipton precinct T. X. Dobbin. Weeping Water precinct James Johnson. Stove Creek precinct - II. G. Deardsley. Avoca precinct - J. IL Davis. Liberty precinct G. A. Rose. Xehawka precinct C. D. Palmier. I'lattsmouth city First ward: Geo. Houseworth; Second ward: D. K. Hair; Third ward: O. C. Smith; Fourth ward: S. C. Wilde; Fifth ward: A. J. Graes. Weeping Water city First ward: Simeon Rector; Second ward: C. A. Webster; Third ward: A. L. Tiniblin. The following were chosen as central committeemen for the first district of county commissioners: First ward, Myron Clark; Second ward, Jesse Root; Third ward, M. M. Murphy; Fourth ward, Ld (ireu- el; Fifth ward. A. J. (iraves; I'lattsmouth precinct, Henry Kiken- bary. The committee elected Henry Likenbary chairman and Jesse Root secretary. Like all convent ion, in which the party represented is in. the race to win, there was quite a spirited contest for some of the offices, but ill were willing to abide by the ! ision of the majorty, and har-.iony ind good feeling prevail''.!. The entire ticket worthy of the full support of oie party and with this a'-!, corps of officers at the helm the alfair of Cass countv will be entrusted to good men. Convention Nolea The usual remark was, that the republicans had an exeeptiotially strong ticket. Dr. Uutler as a presiding officer is a success. He presides with dignity, impartiality, and decision are rendered in accordance with es- tablished rules of fp.irlimentary law. M. D. Polk was down intlie west end ot the count) "making hay,' but owing to the rain in the after noon, lie had an opportunity of at tending the coin ention as a looker on. A great many were surprised that such a warm feeling existed between the ditferent sections of the county. It plainly proves that the republicans propose to lay aside petty side issues and work in unison, which means success to the entire ticket. The speech of lion. R. R Wind ham in support of his resolution, was a forcible one, and had a tell ing elfect upon the convention. Mi. Windham is well informed in re gard to the meritorious services rendered by Judge Reese and his just claims upon the republicans of Cass county. When Dr, Duller, in this speech upon taking the chair, referred to Mayor McKinley, he was greeted cheers and loud applause, thus in dicating that in the future as in the past, the principle of protection, in its true sense will continue to be a shining star in the republican ban ner. After t ll e pass a ge of Windham's resolution to instruct for Judge Reese, a prominent gentleman of Plattsmouth who was a delegate to the Hastings conven tion two years ago, with six proxies, all of which were cast against Judge Reese, was heard to remark that he had been ashamed of him self ever since. This indicated that he was now a Reese man. County Court. S. I.. Seat's vs. Robert W. Cunning ham et al. Suit on note for Hal). Trial to court and submitted. Kli Gibson vs. W. A. Tiffany. Suit on account for work and labor. Judgment by confession for $lt.Ht). Paulina Lusinski vs. Carl Anton. Suit on account for board. Trial to court and judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $1H.7H. Win. Clans vs. W. II. Gillain. Suit on account. Default of de fendant entered and judgment for plaintiff in the sum of .fdlKi. Jacob Vallery, Jr., vs. Jesse lav- John V. Farnell Co. vs. A. Cohen. Hearing on motion to suppress deposit ion. Argued and submitted. C. D. Grimes for plaintiff, Meesou & Root for defendant. License to wed issued to John Westlake and Miss LiiluGroth, both of Avoca. Asgil S. W ill vs. John M. Holmes. Suit for breach of contract in the sum of $r7i.H. Answer, Oct. f. First National Mank of Weeping Water vs. Jas. A. Leach et al. Suit on note lor $tX).i.2.'f, less indorse ments. A nswer, ( ct. 5. First National Mank of Weeping Water vs. FredMellows et al. Suit on note forif.HK). Adswer, Oct. .". Chicago Nickle Works vs. The Noble SewingCo. Suit on promis sory note tor irl!".iHI. Hearing, Oct. a. H. T.Clark Drug Co. vs. Flower A Anthony Suit in attachment for !f!2.7(i. Richardson Drug Co. s, FlowcijA Anthony. Suit in attachment for .f7i.'.a. Petition' liledjfor appointment of Aaron C. Loder guardain of Martin and Anna Mahoney Jfeeble minded Last will and testament of David IL I.ockhart filed for probate. J. C. Cummins A Son vs. If. A M. R. R. Co Defendant elects to takes tender of iflsli.40 and deliver goods to plaintiff. C K. G. Vanatta vs. Llcctric Light Co. Motion to make petition more specific and certain. Argued and ulmitted, Fred Schrader, the Cedar Creek miller, came in on the Schuy ler. Henry Schluts. an old Plaits mouth boy, is in the city to-day. Win. Rasuiusscn and family left lor Mlair this morning on a v'sit. Judge Chapman retinue! from Kastern Iowa yesterday morning. He reports dry weatle r and good crops there. Dikd The littl daughter of Mr' and Mrs. Frai'U Dickson died last evening at .i:.(0 of summer com plaint. The funeral will be held at the h me of F. M. Richey al 2 oc'.fCK to-morrow alternoon. Secretary Miller wishes us to say that all bills held against the Cass Counts Agricultural Society must be presented to him by Thursday noon, if possible. Our genial friend, 1 1. C. McM aken, left at thisollice a couple of baskets of fruit, consisting of peaches, grapes and plums, that are as tine as grow in the county. Mr. Mc Maken took several premiums at the county fair this season and is recogni.ed as one of our most prominent fruit growers. Will you sillier with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint'- Shiloh's Vit is guaranteed to cine you. 2 Premium VwHiMe.i. firnn TV.rfiy Daily The following is a partial list of awards in de at the recent Cass county fair: I'AXXKI) l-'K'l IT. I ll Kl IS, JKIJ.Vm. Mrs. II. Likenbary, Plattsmouth precinct, thirty - nine lii -1 premiums, twenty two second premiums, Mrs. R. F, Dean, Murray , twenty two first premiums, thirteen second premium-. Al'l' Jos. Shera. Rock Mlults, si first and seven second premiums. II. Meslor, I'iattsuiouth precinct, two second premiums. D. A. Voimg, Plaltsnioulh precinct, five second iwoiiinis. Chas. K. CookHUjlNiuouih pre cinct, one first prcmiun iieury moii. I moil, one tirsl pn t ii- ,.- i. n 1 1 ii 1 1 1 . K. R. Todd, Plaltsinoath precinct, one first and one second premium. Levi Churchill, Plailsmouth. six first and seven second premiums. R. F. Dean, Murray, eight lirstand seven second premium W. F. Moore, Murrav, eleven first and nine second premiums. Sam'l. Richardson. Fight Mile Grove precinct, seven second and and two first premium. Will Richardson, Mt. Pleasant precinct, two first premiums. Jacob Vallery, Jr., Plattsmouth precinct, seven second and two first premiums. G. S. I'ptoii, I'niou, one first pre mium. Henry Met tins, Plattsmouth pre cinct, one first anil four second pre miums. II. C. McMaken. Plattsuioiith, one first and eleven second premiums. J. W. Thomas, Plaltsinoiilh, first and second premiums on crab apples. I'AKM I'KMIU'CTS. J. W. Thomas, Plattsmouth, best assortment of potatoes, lirst pre mium; best peck of tomatoes, sec ond premium. R. F. Dean, Murray, best one-half bushel beets, best six heads cab bage, best assortment of potatoes, best water melons, each first pre mium. John Chalfant, I'niou, Inst fifty ears corn, second premium. C. Metiger, Plattsmouth, best one half 'iiishel oats, spring wheat, white beans, best assortment beans, each first premium. J. II. Meeker, I'lattsmouth, best one-half bushel barley, liestihu barb, each lirst premium. W. R. Murray, i ittsuiouth pre cinct, best fifty ears white corn, lirst premium. D. A. Voung, Plattsmouth, squashes, first premium. F. M. Voung, best fifty ears corn, (except white), first premium. W. F. Moore, Murray, best one half bushel Irish potatoes, first premium. A. M. Holmes. Rock Kluffs. best one-half bushel fall wheat, first premium; also lirst premium on timothy seed. IL ('. McMaken. sweet potatoes, first premium. J. Meckman. Murray, best fifty ears white corn, first premium. W. R. Murrav, sweepstakes on best and largest display of farm products. Mrs. A. M. Holmes, Rock Mlutfs, best live pound- butter, first pre mium. Mrs. Win. Taylor, Rock, best live pounds butter, s .(uid premium. OKA I'li s.. II. C. McMaken, one ..econd and ten first premiums. K. U. Todd, first p.einiiini on best five bunches. W. M. Roher s, one second and two first preciinns. Jacob Va'.cry, Jr., two second and two first , remiiiius. W. M Roberts, best display ol Iruit. irst premium. u h i; i. i. M. Warm1, I'niou, loaf wheat bread, he-l loaf turn bread, best loaf graham bread, each first premium. A SOCIAL EVENT On last Saturday evening a num ber of the young people gathered at the home of J. F. Kaufman to attend a party given in, honor of Miss Lena Singpiel of Mancroft. Nib. The young people made themselves per fectly at home and spent a very en joyable evening playing high five and eating' the delicate refresh ments which were served by the hos tess. At a late hour all departed, pronouncing M r. and M rs. Kautman the most charming of entertainers. Avoca Lnterpri-e, M E Conference. The M. K. conferem f Nebraska meets at Lincoln to-morrow, at ! a. m.. in the St. Paul church. The conference is expected to be one of interest aslay and ministerial dele, gates are to be elected. It will be in session one week. liishoji Goodscl will preside and preach Sunday morning. The M. A M. will sell t ickets at one and a third fare on the certificate plan, ijuite a number of our people contemplate attend ing. JOHN Kl TZCIEH A LD'S CON OITION. A Thoroughly Heliahlo SlHU-ment From the Attending I'liyxieitiiia Owing to the prevalence of so many contradictory rumors con cerning the illness of Hon. John Fit.ger.ihl, a Journal representative has elicted the billowing opinion from Dr. ('oilman of Omaha, viz: That Mr. Fit.gcr.ild will recover. At present all active symptoms have passed, be is entirely con scious and recognises ami talks in telligently with bis friends who un permitted to v isit him. He is still, however in a very feeble state of health Irom the results of cerebral congestion. The opinion of Dr. Colfinan is concurred in by Dr. Gaiuett ot Hot Springs, Ark. , who is here in consultation with him. Lincoln Journal. A S,i,t Affair. Mrs. J.isNJohnson. of Weeping Water, well knownjo many of our people, met with a tabilaccideut at Lincoln yesterday. Mrs. Johnson, accompanied by friends, va .re turning from a drive, when Un horses became frightened at an electric car and proceeded to run. Mrs. Johnson became alarmed and jumped from the vehicle, striking her head upon the pavement, Irom the effects of which she died in a lew hours. The funeral will take place at Weeping Water to-day. A New Fiiter)i'i-e We have received a sample copy of the first issue of The Alvo Advo cate, a news paper to be published by the Alvo Publishing Company. The paper is a six column folio, starts out with a piiv ing list of ad verlisers and on the whole presents a creditable appearance. It is the wishes of TlIK llKh'Al.b that success may attend the efforts of the pub lishers. An Entrpriinu Clothier The grand fall opening as previ ously announced to take place at the "one price clothier" establish ment last evening at !S o'clock, proved an occasion of considerable interest. The proprietor had pro vided good music for the occasion, ami each person in the great pro cession that filed through the store room was presented with a beauti ful souvenir, with the compliments of the genial proprietor, Joe Klein. It is evident that this establ ishment will continue to take front rank among our clothiers. The stock is complete, embracing every essen tial article in the line ot clothing, mid prices are always reasonable. A Bin Suit In the district court, of Lancaster county the case of Fit.gerald . Mallory vs. the M. P. K. R. wis called in the court yesterday. The case involves ifhallO.IKK). Murk Twain This noted humorist live-- in Here ford Conn., and by his o ,vn writings has made life mor- pleasant to thousands. My th use of Mailer's Sarsaparilla A ''-unlock thousands of lives have t.eeu lengthened and life made i.: asant. Moth are bene factorsa al both are entitled to the thank'- of mankind. For sale by all lru., gists. t.iiid to Hcst The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson's little child took place at the residence of Mayor Richey this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Muckner officiating. The alllicted parents have the sympathy of their neigh bors and friends in this time of sail bereavement. J. P. Meeker, of I'nioii, is in the city to-day. Wave Allen of Ashland came in on the Schuy ler this morning' Kd Streight, after visiting rela tives and friends a few days, re turned this morning to Alliance. Hert Gapen, who inivv lives at ("larks, Neb., came in yesterday to his old stamping grounds on a visit. We have received an anounce iiient iilthe sixth annual meeting of the Association of Trotting Horse Mreeders, to be heldat David, City, Nebraska, Oct. I.'t to Hi, lS'M M. N. Griffith, Tin-: 1Ii;kai.i"s pop. I'lar job printer, is confined to his room to-day with cholera morbus. Doubtless he will be nut soon and the job department of Tuk IIkk-ai.h office will be running- in full blast. Womlerful, F W. Savv y er, of Rochester, Wis., a drominent dealer in general mer chandise, and who runs several ped dling wagons, had one of ais horses badly cut and burned with a lariat. The wound refused to heal. The burse became lame and tjtilf not withstanding careful attention and the application of remidies. A friend handed Sawyer tonic of Mail er's Hard Wire Liniment, the most wonderful thing he eversaw to heal such wsuuds. He applied it only three times and the sore was com pletely healed. Finally good lor all sores, cuts, druses, and wouubs. For sale by all druggists. Notice to Creditor 3TAIK OK NKItKASKAl CnHi County i TN TlIK MUTKlt OK TUK H-HATH nn I .Ihiiii s llriii r, tlen iis, d, Niitir N tinri'tiy (iivi'li tluit flic i-l.nm, (ii'iuaiiils .if all iMTniii" amilift AMnr, llrii. iUvimmmI, hit,- in -iiul eoui: t y anil nt.itr , ri'i i'lvi'il. examined ami mljusiit Ivy the mim. tv coin I !. liif in lion-- n ' itiMii.uith nn tlir mill ilay ol M.iu'li, K. at in i,'ci,H- in ll'r (nri-iiiHMi. .Mul Dial n lii.iinh- (,, , anil alter 111.' imli ,l:iy ii septcinlu r A P. li tin- I line Inner. I I ..r et - it 1 1,.! s ,. x.u.l dei-ean r.l In .ri"i-nt tin-It i'IhIiiis fur examination ami allowai.ri-. Oiv. n nmlrr my haml this lot li ilaynlSru-ti'inlii-r A. P. Iblil, It 8. Kamsky, Comity JnitKr. Poaii Notiee. TO Atl. WHOM I T MAY CONCKKN : Tin- c.iniinis-iiiin.T ai'i'.iinl.'.l to I. .rati' a mail (-iiinnit'iirlnt: mi I hi' imttli line lot '.iiiuiil :u teet went, west line In Hi see . 7, low -i. i' l ai sr li eat. Tliencr n'Mtli a loss ral s ile lot. No. 4 ninth 'In.niUi lot 4. tlieneo nor' li ainl ensl lac-i-ol'ilitnf to pel It ion I ai'i'ois west i, unit Ne o , ! 7-U 1 1 lull SM rallvvtiv follow Id if 11 as i ear an ii,ii'lli al to old roail near liili son : llieuee ( ci-.iuIiiik to n'tlt ion :nnl re liort ot vli-wor I to loiul nil writ ulilr of N i iif X Ij sea I, town 12 niiim- I:i east. Inli'inc el liH! nalit roail l railnu llirnnirli inllli'l uroiiiiil helween Mr siull Innise anil I'oin Ileal, ha ieiorti-il In ol Hie lui-iitliiii llirieol. anit nil iililwel tmiK then to, or claim for l amazes mnl bp tllf .1 In 'lie t'onntj elt-ik's ottli-eoiior hi'f'ix' noon on the lilh day nt Nnveni ei'A.K. IKVl or mm-ii read will lie loeated without relnr eiii'r I en to Hilin 'l(l leiinr n, 4t Comity f'lerk btlrd 8('ttmher.iril, lwl. AilminiMrHtnr Sle. Siillrt' In lirretiy ulieii that liy v f 1 1 li of a license duly uranlcil to me bv llio dlslrlet court ol l'as coiinly, Netnanka, f will on Hat ui.ia Si-ilniher.'.ll. lwil, at I lie hour of 2 p m. at the of Kaulc In Kiltie, ( ass county Nolii-aska. soil llie tnllowlni.' ilescillird real estate l:wll llir eanl ( w iiortliuent in rier Ci of section to. J7. lonlitn Nolo r:tii!i Nil. easl o till! tith, I'. M . in asn county N. lnaska. Said land lu-liui;iiig to the cstale oLIoslah S. Kecfer deceased hi d will he miUI iilii'ct to all Ileus and iuciiii.dlanceii iiimiii llie following li'rins : imr half tc, oinIi lialance in tlnee ciual payuii'iit al 7 icr cent iaal.le atiuuallv due January, I, I soj. May, lK iwu. Mini May. I, istu, n-spei t v Iv upon' ai-" piove.l socio It y A ('. An V Ms Administrator i( .loslah X Keeicr, deceased John A, Dawes, Attn hey , Lejial Notice. IN TlIK HISTItlCl'COUKT.CASS CO I' NT Y, Noliraska. William II. I'lckeim i Milton. I), folk ami T. O. I.cescn T. O l.recn. (lelendanl, will lake tiotlcn that on the ninth day of .Inly. IH:'I, William II . I'Icki-D.s herein IHcil Ins iietlllou In the ilMrict ""ii of Cass county, Nehuiska, aniiiiit mild delemlHBls, Die olijrct ami prayer of which hi to ttiriM'loHH a certain lucclianlc'N lien dated J ll' V in, Ihkii, upon the west twenty feet ol Inl twelve, in hlock Iwenly-iiiiie, city of I'latH mouth, ellraska, tnnecure the payninnt of li. ,wi, with feveii per cent lutcn-i't from April XI. IM!, now due and payahln. 1 lie plalntltl pravs lor a decree llit drlemlHiitii lie rcqiilrfit to pay tlie same or that said premise may he mild to satisfy tliiiaiiiounl due nnmi.k lien and ensl ol this action. You are reiiii-te1 to answer said petl'.lon on or licfoic the iniiflectilh day of Oclnher, Ul, Haled. Heptemher I, 1h;i. WM. II. riCRFNU. I'lalntilT By Matthew Uerliie, attorney, 41 Sheriffs Pule. It V virtue of an order uf mile Issued hy W. ('. Sliowalter clerk of tlie 1st i let ciairt within and tor Cass county. Nebraska. Hint to me directed. I will on the, 'nth day of Octoher A H. lwil, at 'i o'clock p. in., of said day nl the foot of Hie stairway leai'niK up to Kockwood Hall In the ell v of l'l.ltinnutli Case oounty No lo ask a that liel'iK the place where the, last term of the rii,icl conrl was hold in said County, sell , politic, auctiuu, the followliiK real estate to-wlt : hot two (;,, In hlock one (I), in Walnut Mill addition tithe city of Weeping Water, Cas CHinity. Nebraska, touellier I'll the prlve h'CeHi.'; appiirteuaiiReN tliereiinto helonKlUK or in ar y wise HppertiilnhiK. The same heiiiu levied upon and taken as the property ol Clara llamhleion. Wllllaiu lla'.ili ciou and Henry K Carter, defcnitaiits : to satisfy h JudK'iient of said court recovered ly It en lam i ll A. ilbon suite t II uled ol Ida iiiiiersolf, plalulilf, ai;a.nt said defeudants I'lattKinoulli, Neh., Sept. 17, A. H. lw1 Wm. Tiohr. flliertfl CaspfJounly, Neh. Notiee of Prcbate of Will '1'IIK HTATK OK NKIIItAMKA I In Hie Comity Court for Cass C ount y. IN THK MA IT Kit OK TK I, AS T Wll.l. and testaini'tit of Huvld 11 I.ockfiait, de ceased Notice Is lieri'liy xlvcti that on HieBlh day of Octolier A. I), Istil, at the otflee of the coun ty Juihte In I'lallsmoul ll. ('asscounty. NeloiiH ka, at the houi of in o'clock In Hie forenoon, the following mailer will he heard and consi dered : Tlie petition of Itachacl Hcnl to admit to probate a certified co..y o Hi - lat will ami I s t ; 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 of Ihiviil II, Lock hail, deceased, late ot Havldson connly, Tennessee. Hated tins Itilh day of Septruiher. A H. l'til. By oidi r ol the mint. li S. ItAMsnv. County , Indue. V( SHII'I'Kh'S. Mutter, Lggs, Cheese, ild (ianie, Poultry, Meat, Apples, I'otatoes (ireen and l)ried l-'rilite, 'egetabh-H Cider, Means, Wool, Hides, Tallow Sheep l'elts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Meeswax, Feath ers, (iinsing, Mrooineorti. and Hops. M. K. H A LL A k I) ien. Com, Merchant and hhlpimr, 217 Market Street, - St. Louis, Mo. WANTKH-Aent, yne acxuainled with Farm, er and Shippers. ncTcrvnr wk want a manih UC I CL IIVC every locality load nlel'rlv Meljeellve under our lnlruclions. stasenil nip lur paroculais. w A I. II I NHTON HK1KCTI VK AliKNt'V, hiu 7H7, Washlntnn, Iowa. fWs- THIS Tirensmtinn xit1,. l j Ta ' " imury, removes -ifcue I'reeKU. l.lvor.KI rimplt'R, j;iack-llciul Hunhiirn and Tun. A f w npplieatjoni will ren Hi r the innut tnbljornlv rtsl nkin enft, miKMiili nn. I white. Viola Cream i not a paint or potviler to cover defect hut a ri'ini ilv to cure. It in euperifir tu nil other pri ptirrttiulis, find is piaranteeii ') L'i vu satisfict:on. A t drttgiruiut or mail ed for CO cents. Lrejiftrd by fnledt. Ohio. C. HITTN EU U- Aneient Etypl. Some if the most startling, inter esting discoveries ot the life and customs of buried Kgypl i re now being made t h rough extensive exca vationi. These discoveries are ex citing a great interest. Many dis coveries are. however, deing made sn our country that are not less strange and remarkable, among which we nay mention that of llaller's Pain I'aralyzer which ef lefts entire rebel, and in many case.-, a complete cure of that terrible) disea-e rheumatism. :md wnich -t' " relieves pain ol all Kin I v sab- by all druggist-.. i