Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 24, 1891, Image 3

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ery Booth in the Art Hall Oc
cupied and Well Filled.
.lloinlii'ure Coo Unef Ac
onl ol'Sutneofitie Display--AltMi.i
tlie FHirwiid Ses
' for YimiHHlt'
Some h me Art Exhibits
. Yohrchiy the attendance was fair
for ie first reinilar d;i v. ..nil the
xiHlitiims of the in;in;ii;( mcnt
thii; have been fully realized.
A inch larger crowd is expected
Oenteriiio,- the art hall the visi
tor Irst notice the display of
cijju hy Julius I'epperfoerj. In
addtui to a show case well filled
witUundard varieties, Mr. l'epper
heriaa several very lare cigars,
iiiiidtxpressly for exhibition.
Piling to the next Viooth we
notuthe display of II. Hoeck, one
of oieuterprisint; furniture men
The hibit is very attractive, ow
ing incipally to the exquisite ar-
rangti'iit, yet the display as a
whole of a very fine quality, and
refleclgreat credit upon the taste
and Wiuess enterprise of Mr.
Thepxt booth is occupied by
Dovey ros. The exhibit .consists
of lacurtains, rus, and ingrain
and Bisels carpets of a very fine
ijualityvhich, with the tasty ar
rangertt, mikes a very creditable
Jas. i Muir has a display of
tuusica instruments, including
guitarsiianos and organs. Mr.
Muir hdles a good quality of in
Htrumerand does a reliable busi
ness in try particular.
Passiron the visitor conies in
contact ith a display by the
famous thbun Business College
of Oinah The exhibit consists of
, I . I . -. 1 . ' - . . ..
.. 1
lien wuiu in iMitiii hi 11 urii.i-
mental. were particularly im
pressed li the representation of
Generals-ant and Lee on horse
back, am drawing representing
Sheridan'ide, at its conclusion,
showing nost as plainly as if it
were rea!e how he wan received
by the ensiastic veterans. It is
indeed a narkable display and
will confute largely to the fame
of that itution. The work was
in chargeM. D. Albrecht. a stu
dent of thhool.
M. H. Mhy is on hand with a
full displif queeiisware. Nearly
everythinjiide in this line, either
plain or ly, is included in the
display. M. believes in placing
his goodsire the public for in
spection. Mrs. K. biltmi exhibits a line
lot of craywork and oil paint
ing. J. I. I'lirivails himself of this
excellent Urtunity to give the
public an : as to his stock of
furniture. L'nruh carries a
large stock of a good quality,
as indicutetlhe display.
WeidnianKreckenfeld make a
good displi stoves, door locks,
tinware, ha rye, etc.
Mrs. McC'i exhibits line oil
painting oflscape views.
The Siiigeuufacturing Co. is
on deck withiple oi the Singer
sewing tnacr.
I. l'earlniatresenh. his flour
ishing busiilwith ery credit
able exnnipU'he plush bottom
chairs, sofas large glasses are
of the finest y broi ght to this
market. '
1'red Ilerrni places beJi.'c an
appreciative c a good display
of drew goociush coats, lace
curtains, etc. j display is very
artistically a rod and reflect
credit upon tliiiagement.
W. J. Koon, live photogra
pher, places Ixthe people sam
ples of work 1 line that fully
sustain his eile reputation as
an artist.
Win. Wettenldisplays home
woven carpet is very credit
able in every r.
Mrs. Owens ys a line satin
v dress, some eK crochet work
fancy lamp nira.y rugs and
point lace, all ich i without
the least fault.
Mother Thoiiind old lady
aged 70 yearSjilayed quilts,
covered with tuts of satin,
made on the pa'jrk order; also
Home excellent i-t work.
Herbert D'AUd has some
delicate wood k-a picture
frame and conili
Mrs. Andy Ta.isplays some
very fine bod.-q and crochet
Mr. Churchil three fancy
quilts, very nihade, yet ap
parently of a tie (jiiality of
Mrs. J.C. lCiken xhibit three
fine bedspread.
There were oth should like
to mention but styrhida.
Tlio Failclay.
The attendanci the interest
manifested j est was better
I than upon previous days, and the
program was carried out a pie-
iously announced, iiowithstamling
the hit: h wind that prevailed neai I v
all day.
Anion"; the exhibitors of cattle
j are Win. II. HeilABro., seventeen
I head of the K'ed Pole stock, (ieorge
I I'ptoii, ten head. anl J. W. Thomas,
three head.
The exhibit of horses embraces
forty entries. Among the exhibi
tors are (loorire l oton. A. N. Sulli
van, Samuel Shumaker, J. B. Cot
ner, A. Heeson. F. M. K'ichey and J
The racing proved the most at
tractive feature of the day. The
amphitheater was well tilled with
interested spectator nnd the
pickets enclosing the track were
lined with enthusiastic lookers-on.
The Bohemian band furnished
music for the visitors yesterday, of
a very good quality.
The exhibits of stock are not com
mensurate with the ability of our
farmers. There should be more in
terest taken in this branch of the
The B. & M. baud will dispense
music to the people at the fair to-
The racing yesterday elicited
quite an interest.
If. F. Dean enters a very fine black
Jtiite an interest was manifested
in the test of strength between the
team of J. W. Sage and Sam
Archer. The wagons were com
pletely loaded and wheels blocked,
thus rendering the load very diffi
cult to move. The Sage team hail
110 difficulty in walking right along
with the load, however, and on the
final test it succeeded in moving a
load containing twelve men more
than the load hauled by his compe
titor. It was demonstrated con
clusively that the Sage team could
pull when necessity prompted.
Owing to the high wind it was
found necessary to delay the bal
loon ascension until 6:43, thus ren
dering it impossible for some to
witness the performance. The pro
fessor evidently understand the
art. There will probably be
another ascension to-day. As an
additional attraction a lady will
walk upon a loose wire, a feat quite
difficult to perform.
Visitors all agreed that the col
ored man at whom the eggs were
thrown fully earned the money and
the amusement derived from the
W. H. Hyle entered some very
fine cattle of the Red Pole stock.
He was awarded .four first .and
two second class premiums.
Frank Young enters a two year
old stallion that will be a whopper
when he attains full growth.
J. V. Sage enters two teams. Om
an the best family team, the other
as drivers.
Iv G. Wright, of Whiting, Iowa, is
on the ground teaching a method
of canning fruit without first cook
ing it a is usually done. It appears
to be quite an improvement.
I). A. Campbell brought in a stalk
of corn yesterday from a single
shaft of which, three well developed
ears were growing, This i a very
rare occurance.
J. C. Gilmorc, of Grundy county,
sent in a display of very large po
tatoes. In this county last year
the potato as well a:; all other crops
was a total failure.
M. Klmiiis of Murray makes an
exhibit of bees and quite a large
display of excellent honey. He has
57 stands and does quite an exten
sive business in this line each year.
A eh Holmes, had a good display
of bin .'wheat, oats, timothy seed
wheat, am! barley.
Mrs. R. F. I'i.'u makes a fine dis
play of caned fruit. Siehas 55 va
rietes of fruit plumes, eaches,
raspberries, blackberries, and on.
It is a remarkable exhibits and de
monstrates fully that Mrs. Dean un
derstands caring for fruit.
The largest and if possible per
haps a little more attractive dis
play of caned fruit is made by Mrs.
Henry Kikenbury. It was evident
that, the i!(X) or more varieties, in
cluded nearly every fruit grown in
this section of the county. She
had a large and very creditable dis
play of caned vegetables also. The
taste nnd skill displayed in the ar
rangement of the exhibits and the
decorations deserve special men
tion. The Fair Friday.
The Cass county fair closed yes
terday. The fair this year was a
great improvement in many re
spects over all former attempts, yet
it was not quite all that might well
be desired and we are led to believe
that it was not in keeping with the
resources of our county. It is not
our intention to criticise the mana
gement for we believe that the
amusement provided ami the pre
miums offered werufully ample and
liberal in view of the interest
that has been taken in the matter
by the citieus of the county upon
I former occasions. There is no
oilier move from which the farmer
; and merchant should derive so
j much benefit as from our county
I fair. In view of this the people
i should take a move decided inte
! rest in its success. The display
; made by our merchants were credit
able in every instance ami reflected
credit upon their business sagacity
and their loyalty to this home en
terprise; but instead of a do.en or so
making an exhibit, nearly cveiv
enterprise in the county should
have been represented in someway.
The display stock and farm pro
duct, as far as the exhibit extended
fully sustained our reputation
as an agricultural county
but the exhibits were comparative
ly meagre and not in keeping with
our ability. Then the schools and
societies through the county might
well contribute, effectually, to an
interesting exhibition. But you
say it doesn't pay. Perhaps it
does not in dollar and cent at the
instant, but the opportunty afforded
of comparing products, learning
wdiat is being done and securing
new ideas from our neighbors can
not fail to remunerate to a great ex
tent. And then a good fair serves
to advertise the county and bring
our advantage prominently before
the people at large.
Those of our people that did
their duty in the matter doubt
less feel that they have been fully
remunerated, while those that failed
to assist in the enterprise cannot
fail to feel that a duty has been
The management feels that their
expectations have been fully real
ized; in view of our resources they
should expect more, and it is the
wish of TliK IlKKAI.P that hereafter
there will be a more general and
united etlort than thisyear
the Cass county fair may assume
that rank to which she is entitled.
Yesterday's races were as fol
lows: l
Free for all trot. Johnny Baggs
won in three straigh heats, Ben
McMahon second, Lord Catfey
third. Best time, 2:32
Half mile dash Tommy Jones
won in two straight heats, Trick
second, Nettie S. third. Best time,
'ram Thurmliiu Drill y
A Birthday Party.
The members of the C. O. T. and
the t). I). C. societies of young peo
ple will cherish the rememberance
of a social event given at the resi
dence of Mrs. Ambrose Patterson in
honor of the twentieth brithday of
Miss Mae.
The decorations were veryelabor
ate and with the taste displayed in
the arrangement it was evident to
all that 110 pain had been spared to
provide for the enjoyment of the
guests. The dining table was par
ticularly well decorated with
flowers, sovenirs etc; and after
it had been laden with refresh
ments, in keepitig, to every particu
lar, with the good taste and gener
osity of the hostess, it in indeed
presented a fine appearance.
On behalf of the C. (). T.'s Mis
Mae was presented with a hand
some rose jar, as a token of the
esteem in which she is held by the
members of the society. Those
present, representing the C, O. T
and O. D. C.'s respectively were as
The Misses Frank ie ahd Mamie
Stiles, Bertha Wise, Margureite and
(ieoigie Oliver, Rose McCauley,
Lizzie Miller, Mae Button, Kdith
Patterson, Anna Dodge and Nettie
Ballance, and Messrs A. V. Burke,
Kd. Schulholf, J. Mathews, Will
Stadelmanti, Tom Parniele, Henry
Tartsch, Bert Holmes, Sam Patter
son, Arch Coleman, John Young
and Willie Reinhackle.
The Plattsmoiith schools in
dulged in a highly enjoyable and
patriotic exercise this morning at
nine o'clock. The school arranged
' " " - t the stars and stripes from
the statf located on the building
which was done with the rendition
of the following progarin:
Song America By School
Kssay The Star and Stripes, r ;
Nettie Morgan,
Selection by Oualtelts
Oration K'obt, Jlrown
Raising of Flag S. Waugh
SongStar Spangled Banner,
Democrat Moot.
Tne democratic state convention
meets at Grand Island to-day. Re
ports indicate that the wire pullers
have already arrived, and every in
coming train is filled with enthusi
astic delegates.
The general impression is that
Boyd's vetoing the Newberry bill
will be indorsed, though it is high
ly probable, in order to court the
favor of the alliance that his action
will he condemned. It is probable
that Judge Broady. of Beatric will
be the nominee for supreme judge
though the presentation of his
name cannot fail to call forth oppo
sition that will prove a potent force
Plattsmoiith is w. ll represented
at the convention.
Good News!
Ko uua, who u wHluift lu i4 th right
euarMt, Md be long UAict4 wim bolts,
Iiuil4, pimplM, or oUwr ouml&ooiu wup
tluun. Ttuwt Uit rvtulU ul Nuura't tf-
(oru lu ftipol (xusoiUMis iiid tllUi iuac
Iioui Umj blood. ituU iiuiw plum; Uuu Uis
tyiU-m it ruliln.j tun LI Uiroufii U10 uu at
uii'uriuw wlurli it &j Uie h'ltiumtlr mrk
t Uie hi ft and kiduryi k nunovi. To 1
More Uiiw orpin U Uiotr proiwr funruuns,
Ayi'f 1 tUriutiMLnll U Ui uimucum required.
TliJU no other blood-piinAar etui omuiwrv
wou u, Uiouuiuu toiuij wiu Uvs pmufti
fron thn tyranny of depntvad blood by the
um of tliu medicine.
" Kor mm ymn I tu aflliixd with a iktn
UtMRM Uiat did not yield to any remedy
until Mend tdrlMd me to try A yef Aaiwt
pariUa. Witt U dm of tlds medietas (lie
eomplatnt duappeared. It U my belief that
no other blood sxtli-Uie ould hava ailaeM
to rapid and emsplete a nre." Aadrai
I). Oftrofe, C. T Worta, Tanaaltpai, Meilra.
tly taoe, tor yeara, wa eoTtred with ptnv
plea and humon, for which I eoold find no
rtMiMdy till I be rim to take AyWi Sartapa
rllla. Thre bottle of Uil great blimd medl
IM Stated a ftoToafh cut. I onfldenUy
raootnnend tl to all lufferlng from ttuiUut
trouble rariur, Concord. VL
rairaian ar
DR. JT. C. A TIB ft CO., Lowell, afaa.
BoldbyDrir--" Worth t a
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tim HKst S.m.vk in tliu world tor Cut
UniiHes, Seres, Ulcers, Suit Rheum. Fever
Seres, Totter, Cliiied Hands, Cliilhlains,
Corns, nnd nil Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or uo pay required.
It is KUurnntccii to eivo SHtisfnclion, or
money rrfundci. Price 2!) cents per hex
For suit- hy F. G. Frieke & Co.
Rhw iHin 11 Cur'! 111 Uny,
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism anil
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkalile anil mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissnppears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7ac
Sold hy F, (1. Fricke, Druggist, wt
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit
alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives,
and parents their children, to sillier
from headache, dizziness, neuralgia
sleeplessness, tits, nervousnessness,
when by the use of Dr. Miles' Re
storative Nervine such serious re
sults could easily be prevented.
Druggists everywhere say it gives
universal satisfaction and lias an
immense sale. Woodworth A Co.,
of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Snow St Co., of
Syracuse, N. Y.; J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale,
Mich.; and hundreds of others say:
"It is the greates seller they ever
knew." It contains no opiates. Trial
bottles and fine book on Nervous
diseases, free at F. (i. Fricke A Co's
Merit Wlna.
We desire to say to the citizens,
that for years we have been selling
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills
Bucklen's Arnica Slave and Klectric
Bitters, and have never handled
remedies that sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitate to guar
antel them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
if satisafactory resultsdo not follow
there there uae. These remdies
have won there graat popularity
purely on thei r merits F. ;. Fricke
A Co Druggists.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease is by fa'- the most
frequent cause of sudden death,
which in three out of four cases is
unsuspected. The symptoms are
not generally understood. These
are: a habit id lying on the right
side, short breath, pain or ditressiu
the side, back or shoulder, irregular
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry
spells, wind in stomach, swelling of
ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry
cough and smothering. Dr. Miles'
illustrated book on Heart Disease,
free at F. (i. Frlvc A Co's, who sell
and guarantee Dr. Miles' tinequalcd
New Heart Cure, and his restora
tive Nervine, which cures nervous
ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop
sy, etc. It contains 110 opiates.
A Safelnyestment.
1c one which is guaranteed to
bring y ou satifaotary results, or in
case of failuree a return otjpurchase
price. On this safe plain you can
luiy from our advisertise Druggist
a bottleof Dr. Kiug.s New Discrvery
for consumption. It is guaranteed
to bring relief in every case, when
used for any affection of Throat,
Lungs, or chest, such as Consum
ption, Inllaniiuatioil of Lungs Bron
chitis' Asthma, Whooping Cough,
Crollps.ets., etc. It is pleasant and
gareeable to taste, perfectly safe
and Trial bottles free at F. (i. Fricke
A Co' s Drugstori.
For many years Mr. B. F. Thump
son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se
verely afflicted with chronic diarr
hoea. lie says: "At times it was
very severe; so much ., that I
feaenl it would end my life. About
seven years ago I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It gave me prompt relief
and I believe cured me permanent
ly, as I now eat or driu'.t without
harm anything I please. I have
also used it in my family with the
best results. For sale by F. (i.
Friekie A Co.
Wonderful Success.
Two years ago the llaller Pro).
Co.' ordered their bottles by the box
now they buy by the carload.
Among the popular and silecesefid
remedies they prepare is Bailer's
Sarsaparilla A Burdock whit ll is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hesitate to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
What is
Castor-la is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. 1 1 contains neithor Opium, Morpldne nor
other Narcotic substance. It is harmless ultstltato
for Pnregor'e, Drops, Soothing Syrup, and. Castor OIL
it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yews' uso "by
Millions of Mothers. Custoria destroys Worms and allays
fOTerishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting: Sour Cord
cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind Colic Cnstoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castorla assimilates the food, regulator. tlu stomach
and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cos
toria is tlw Children's .anaoea the Mother's Friend
HCaaV1a la an exwloii mndk'lna fir rtilt
1nn. loOim hare repattnlljr mti at On
good JTiMt ui tbtar cUldrnn."
Da. U. (1 Ofnono,
Lowell, Moaa.
" Cantorta li thn tt nmitjr for eUtldtm of
which I am aitiuatiibKl. 1 bnfw Um day Iwnot
fur dUtai whvu taoUiwa wilf oonatriar tlio real
Intrrvrt of thlr cliildrwi, and urn Costurla In
it ud of too vartoiui quack noatruma which am
ilcwtroytng ttilr Invnd ones, lr furring itum,
iiKir4iii, ionthinj( fjrrtip and nOior hurtful
ai'iiU d'wrn tlwlr thmnti Uiuruhjr wndlug
ttieui lu prentatiire (tto."
I)a. J. P. Kismet)!,
Conway, Axk.
Tha Contaor Company, T7
OlH Joo
She is h winner. We reduce our
i.iOmiiu.i i..i.....l I.. . I- .
not heciiuse Homebody compels us
time credit iniin th
Ihiitcan stand it
you a few more prices that nuiy interest you:
Golden much i ue oil
Warranted Hay Fork -2,(XK)
odd sixe carriage bolts -Another
lot of clothes wringers
Carpet tacks ....
Cook stoves at cost to close.
holding ironing boards
Hlk burl) wire
Gal vanned barb wire ......
Hest and cheapest line of tinware in the city
Come in and see us whether you are in need of uny goods or not
Remember that we can nnd will save you money every time. KverythinK
a bargain,
Dr. Grosvenor's
' '"'''" PLASTER.
Jfinn Jxitn, -
R fieri mat ittri. nrniralsHft. nlettirrm suto InmlMaro'
irurwi at nnm, fin; mr nain an imiiririMtN
Clrvmvi nd betutifiei hti hair
IVuMoti-f a luiuntnl fTowth.
Nnvrr fail to Hitora Oray
lUir to lit Youth fill Color.
Cures rt p r hair i tiling.
Stt,n i 'ijat imi'l
1 tc I'nrktM- a (imgflr Tome, ll utifs Ihe trl t'-uli,
VVi-qk J,unifs, tfliilitr, I'ti'ittinn, J'aui.'I'akc tut.m.lMitu.
HINDERCORNS. Th nnlv tiirf mrt for Coma,
hiupa aui fauu, Li hi iMiiiiirti, r UIMJUA. CO., N. V.
Epps Cocoa
"By a tliorouuli knowliili;e (it the natural
lltws which ijovitii tin' i)n'r:ill()iiH uf (IlKcst'.an
auil nutrlllnii.aiid tiv a iMrctiil ap lioitllmi uf
the line lMO'rtinii well jn'lwtt'd Cociih, Mr,
Kiih tins iinivliled our lircaktitM titbit with a
dolidilfly IlKvurwJ licveriiKe which may hhp
uh miiny lieiivy dool or' bills, II Im livjllu' Judio
Ioiim list' ol f 1 1 -tl urtlrlt'K of diet tliat a roil
piliilion may I"' uiitdimlly built up until stroiiK
imioiikIi to r"HI ovi'iy li'iidriicy to dlsi-iwc.
Hundred- of niiIiIIh mrliidii-s urn floatin K
uroiiiid us ready tn littuck nlu-rrviT 1 here Ik a
wek point, we may ecan many a fatnl
shaft liv keeplnit oun-elvon well fortllled with
iure and n properly nourished frauio."
Civil Service (iaetle. Martiwl simply with
hniliiiK water or milk. Sold only In liall-pound
tin-, by LToecries. labellnd t tl tl r:
.lAMhsKI'l'H DO., Iloinii'oi.atlilo Chemist
l.oiidon. KiiKlaml
217. 210, 221 snd 22.1 Mnin St.,
H. M BONS, Proprietor,
The PerkinH lias heen thuruuKhlj
runovstud from top to hottorf. aud is
now ono of the bent hotels in tlio ntato.
Boardum will ho taken hy the woek at
$4.50 and up.
" Cantarla U ao wall adaptiM tn cliHdKfl thai
I rmvtmnond itaawMriarlnaiia' prmaripUcm
known to m."
H. A. Aanrom, H.
111 Bo. OxfflH Bt , DruuUyn, N. T.
" Our ptiyattitana in Ilia ehlldrra'a drparl
mrat ban apukaa higtiif at thair etjuirt
enna In Ulnar euMda praaas with (uatorla,
and altfcntigb w oaty Kara aatong our
nipdical anypUas what k kaown, aa rnrotar
pmduoll, jrto nrs I rwa to cimfoaa that tha
niarltt of CnfSuna liai woo ui to look with
favor upon ft."
lloaton, 1
AujiN 0. Rairn, fYm.,
Murray Street, Haw Tark City.
prices because we can HtTord too,
tin t l a
too. Where is the hiirh nrice. lono-
still goes at '.JOc per gal
itc "
" " 3ac each
!K)c per hundred
still go at 1c per paper
- Sr7c
- 3.70 per hundred
) o
The Leading
ConHtantly keeps on hand everything
you need to furninh your house.
Plattsmout - Neb
WaKon and lilacksmlth uliop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Repairing done
lie unes the
Which is the hest horsoHhoe for tha
farmer, or for fast driving, or for citj
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyono cr.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop nnd examino the nkvehblit
and you will U9o no other.
t2 North Fifth St. riattsmoutb.
W Anted -An active, rellolile man salary $19 ' 1
to ?sn inoiitblv, with Increase, to represent.. ,ji
tn Ui" own Kectlon a respoiisiblo New Y"tk
House, references. JIM l AI'TI HtK, 1
Box I'iS'i, Ne'.v York.