J s - I Ami K'K'A lt:H 1.nm.n)i tramp. Maine the republican party. IP you have u mishap, blame the republican party. Of entitle list. g. o. p. caused it. Tilt-: primaries have ami tin- next tiling i" llt'CII oril.T II 1.1 is to 1 name the winning; ticket. l.K.WK the matter of voting with j tho people, then the grand old party of patriotism, progress and reform will rest securely. THK next most important event in the political arena is the meeting of Hill's convention, to he held some where in New York. TliK latest argument in favor of reciprocity is that Koger Mills Hreckenridge and the other fellows down there are opposed to it. Warcluds are slowly hut, as it appears, aurely gathering in Europe. England saya that her navy may aafely defy any two other European countries1 It ap pears that a conflict is inevitable. LAST week McKinley, the man with a bill, addressed 4(),(XI0 people in Ohio. He argued that it was better to work for the interests of America than Great Britain. That sounds patriotic and sensible. Halmaceda recently issued $27 UOO.OOOof papercurrency that is now worthless. In other words, he pur sued the reckless policy that is now advocated by the inflationists of our most extreme third party men. THE silence manifested by Cleve land the past few weeks accords fittingly with the nbsence of his name' from the democratic plat forms. The republican party would fare better, however, if they would allow Grover to talk a little more. He writes very sound letters on the silver question, in fact too sound for the party to which he belongs. IT has been announced, author itatively, that a corporals guard ol the distinguished "political ped agogues ' represent ingthedciiioci at ic party will soon visit thenorthwest, ostensibly, and according to their declarations, "to teach the people. TheOniaha Hoc remarks that Jhere is probably a typographical error conveying the wrong impression. The Heo says it should rcild a party of demagogues to mislead the people. HK.tTKldi feels hopeful of the establishment "I a shoe tactory in the near fulur". If the citi.eus of Head ice are thoroughly alive as to the benefit to the city, likely to n suit from an industry of this nature, they will surely legitimate etTort to secure its location. The west needs a greater variety of industries. W need not remain a purely agrieul tural country always. Let us en deavr to create every possible ave nue for the consumption of our produce, ami factories for the manu facture of commodities that we must have. Skirktaky Bi.AINK has an flounced that he will remove to Washington by Oct. 1. This an nouncement is conclusive that he will aoon resume his negotiations looking to the farther extension of reciprocal trade relations with those nations with which we can exchange products satisfactorily. Let the good work go on. The peo pleof this country realize that, even thus far, they have realized more actual benefit from a single treaty of this nature than they evkk re ceived at the hands of the demo. craticparty. The fact is, every time that party has been placed in power the course pursued was so reckless and detrimental to the interests of the people that they had to call a halt. Hut not so with the g. o. p, Their work becomes more popular iis it becomes known. It is reported that Ireland is o the threshhold of a potato famine and yet in California they rot in the around as there is not a demand lor them. How well it would be for our potato growers if it were poc Bible to transport their crop to Ire land, but this would prove iinprac ticable. The fact is, we must de pend upon a home market for pro ducts of this nature, exclusively and for the benefit ot the pro ducer of these products, it behooves us to put forth every legitimite ef fort that will increase the home de mand for these conunodotiea from the farm. This can best be pro yided by creating more industries employing more laborers. Let us not for get to cast our influence with that political party that has always been in the foregound in providing for the employment of labor at remunerative wages and the creating of a home market for the farmer. THE SITUATION, primaries have been The primaries have hern held. ami dehgatVs chosen to attend the county convention, which meets lit Louisville next Saturd ay. It will be the duty of the comity convention to Humiliate republican candidate for county officers and to choose delegates to the state convention, which convenes in Lincoln, Sept. 21. The campaign, on the part of the r.inililican tmrtv. iiav he said to n;ivi. opened last Saturday. And i - now that the party has confided to these delegates the important trust, which they accept, they are in honor bound to act in a way that will reflect credit, upon themselves ind insure a victory for the party j they represent. Inchoosingcatididates forcounty officers due caution should be ob served. In local elections a great deal depends upon the character mid ability of the man. hach man nominated upon the county ticket should have back of him a career and a character absolutely unas sailable. They should be capable men qualified in every particular to perform the duties of tin otlicer, faithfully and well. We are going into this campaign to win and we cannot afford to permit selfish inte rests, personal friendships or any other extraneous condition to pre vent the nomination of men upon whom the members of the party of all sections can unite. TliK Hkk ALI has expressed no preferancc for any particular candidate, but prefers to let the party select its standard bearers and then we shall be found contributing in every legitimate way to the party success. The retiring state officers are Chas. II. Gere, of Lancaster county, and Leavitt Hrunham, of Douglas county, regents of the state univer sity, and Hon. Amasa Cobb, associ ate justice of the supreme court. It is equally important that care be exercised in instructing delegates for state officers. There is likely to be but little difficulty in selecting regents that will be satisfactory to ill sections of the state. 1'hcre is, however, considerable opposition on the part of prominent republic ans to the renominatioii of Mr. Cobb. It appears that this opposi tion was caused largely because of his actions in the Hoyd-Thayer con test. Hut we believe that before condemning an officer there should he objecnons other than that he has performed his duties faithfully. If it appeared to Mr. Cobb that he was actinir under the direction of the fundamental law of our -slati ami if that be true, there can be no valid objection to his action, on tin part of law abiding people. Our supreme iudiiv can not ield to popular clamor in dealing with the constitutionality of questions pre sented for his consideration; ami in fact, lie cannot be expected to court the wishes of the people in matters pertaining to law. We elect a judge in whom we have con fidence and from whom we expect judgments rendered without bias uid tiniiilliieiiicd by popular opinion. Tllli IlKK ALD only desires that jus tice be done Mr.' Cobb and if in tin lace ot tacts in the matter be iscon- sidered a weak candidate, it is the duty of the convention to instruct for some other man. Let strong tickets state and county be nomi nated, let each member of the party rally to its support and they will he triumphantly elected in Novem ber. ON his return to his home from the Republican convention by which he was fiamed as the candi date for Governor, J. Slo'tt Fassett was greeted by vast crowds of his fellow citizens, and the speech which he triadc concluded with these words: I have one purpose and that is that this shall be absolutely, purely a campaign of education and orga nization, .no personal detraction, no personal abuse, no holding up the liglit of false issues, no toiera tion of falsehoods and misre prescti tations. There is enough for every earnest American citizen to think about and to come to conclusions about without sensational false hoods and personal detractions of any name or nature whatever; have been called a practical politi cian. I believe I once said in Cooper I nion that I wish that every American citizen of 21 years and upward was a practical politician It is the first duty of every Anieri can man to be a practical Anieri can politician. , It is in this way that Republican victories are won not only in New York but every where. It is hardly too soon to assume that Mr. Fassett will be Governor Fassett on the first day of next year. - Inter Ocean It will go hard with a great many democratic congressmen to vote for a free coinage man for speaker but they shall either have to do that or vote for the republican candidate The silver mine syndicates of Mexico nnd Great Hritain seem to have a grip on a working majority of the expounders of democratic doctrine, which it will be difficult for the other faction to overcome. The silver men have their eye on j Sla.lXKMKK) that the democratic party j will legislate into then1 hands, by granting them a bouut of 20 cent- on ever 371 grains of silver mined. And yet the democratic howlers yell class legislation, etc. (live us a breathing spell. No sooner had Mr. Fasctt been notified of his nomination as the republican candidate for the Governorship of New York, than he telegraphed his resignation as col lector of the Port of N. Y1 to Presid ent Harrison, thus showing howjie dilfered from Governor Hill, who presistently holds two offices at the same time. Hut Hill is proprietor of his party in N. Y. which may serve as an excuse for him. Nkhkaska republicans should not be alarmed at the declaration of the Hee that it can "make or rake" the ticket. It may be re membered that it is not backed this year by the National Brewers' As sociation, as last year. It is hoped that as great a paper as the Heewill not pursue a reckless t course, when the interests of the party are at stake. It should lay aside personal grudges and work in harmony with the masses. While the publicity of the Kog- aou letter is to be greatly regretted, yet it will be of benefit in the long run. It will show the people just how the Kosewater crowd dots its work and they will guard against their plans in the future. Rosey ind his crowd defeated Richards for governor after they had saddled him with the probhibtion side jssue. This tact should be done in mind by the party. The sootier Rose water and his gangjare repudiated the better it will be for republican ism in Nebraska. Nebraska City Press. EVIDENTLY the editorof the Journ il is questioning the fidelity, of the democratic party of his state, to the interests of the people, when he says that if the democratic party hopes to keep its place an the party of the people it must represent them and not the corporations. We are not aware that this party ever dm hold a warm place in the ilTections of the people. The fact is that of recent years the organiza tion has not had an opportunity of manifesting its love for the people, is it had prior to llil, but yet an opportunity has been given to get in insight todcinocrntic hospitality ind that has been considered sut'li cieut. Four )j'ars of democratic rule hiring Clevelauds administration lemoustrated conclusively that he cared more to subserve the inte rests of Wall street, the southern brigadiers and the manufacturers ofjGreat Hritain, than he did in finding a market for the products of the American farm providing for the employment of American labor and showing by his actions friend ship ami esteem for the1 brave de fenders of our I'nion. s far as the party record in this state is concerved it speaks for its self. True at does not accord very well with the party promises, as is acknowledgei by prominent mem bers of the party, but those who have watched its methods pursn.ul in the past, are not at all surprised. The platform usually pleases Un people, but after election the promises are often time ignored. JOHN FITZGERALD The many friends of John Fitz gerald, not only in Lincoln, not only in Nebraska, but all over the United States, will be gratified to learn that he is now conralscent and that his recovery in assured. He has been a very sick man, and at times his physicians were much worried over his high fever and critical condition, but thanks to his rugged constitution, that has never been underniinded by intoxicants or stimulants of any kind or charac ter, Mr. Fitzgerald will he spared for more years of enegetic work. The hardship of his illness that Mr. Fitzgerald feels the most keenly conies from the fact that it will be impossible for him to attend the coining Ch:cago convention of the Irsh National league in America. As the president of the league it has been his great desire at this convention to personally turn the office over to his successor, but under the most favorable improve ment it will be impossible! for him to be able to be at Chicagojor to be at active work for some tiiie subse quent to that event. Mr. Fitzgerald has been diligent and zealfnis in the in the cause of Ireland ana he. has been more than generous in his contributions to advance the cause of home rule through jteaceful and lawful methods. Evtry year his salary as president rji the league has been given to tl cause' and thousands of dollars initially be side. He has been tlnJstrong right arm of the Irish Uovement in America and his nbseice from the Ohicoga convention 4i be deeply regretted by the thjusand dele gates in attendance-Lincoln ChM. The republican convention will next name me winners ai iouisvui Saturday- Two republicans have advised their friends to stay out of 'politics. Therefore the republicans have no hope of success. Notice to Creditor. STATU OK NEISIUSKA i Casn County I TN THK MAT1KK OF THK ESTATE OK X Jauiea 111 lice, decruied. Notice Is herehy kivimi but Hie flninm unit dt-inuuds of all person anain-t .lame Itrure, deceived, bite of md county ami stale wi I be received, examined and adjusted by Hie coun ty court at the court lamer u I'lattMiiout li. on the tilth day of Murcti, A.I) tm. hi 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six inoni li h fnm and after the 10th day of sentember A. li. 1k:i Is the time limited f.ir creditors of raid deceas ed to present their claims for examinal'on and allowance. (iiven under my hand thin tmh day of Hep teinlter A. D. I:d. B 8. Kamsrv, County .bid ire. Rond Notice. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN : The commissioner appointed to locate u road commencing on the north Hue lot 20 and 3:t feel west, went line lo' 16 sec. 7, town. 12 ranee 14 et. Thence north a toms ewt side lot ."so. s north tliroiiL'li tut 4. thence north and east (a' cordinK to petition ) across west li and Ne ot rw sec. T-l'2-14 to li s m. raitwav Minn liiK It as near a' practical to old road nenr (lib- son : lliKiire w UecorUiiiL' to netliion mid re port of viewer ) l road on west "lite o rs '4 ol H sec. l, town, la raimn 13 east, interei'ct Ini: said road bv iiassimt throucli millet ground between Mr HfulPs house and corn Held, has reported in favor of the location thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims lor damages must be Died in the county clerk s oftieeouor Detore noon on tne em any of roveuner a, it, 1S9I or such road will be I cate! without leler- ence thereto Bill I) OKiTi'HKir.D, 4t County Clerk. Piled September ard, Isnt. Ad ministrntors Sale. Notice is hereby L'lveu that bv virtue of license duly Krantod to nie by the district court ot Cass cou.dy, Nebraska, 1 will on Sat urdat September, S6. tsid, at the hour of a p in at the Bank of Eaule in Kngle, Cass county Nebraska, soil the (ullowint; described real estate to :wlt : The east C4I ot northwest 0,11 irtcrlH) of section No, 27, township No 10 ranxe No. east of the 6th. V. M . tn Cass county Nebraska. Said land belonging to the estate of.losiahS. Keefer, deceased aril will be sold suhjoet to all liens and lucumdranc.es upon the following terms ; one half (') cash balance in three ciual payments at 7 per cent payame annually due January, l, w.ti, iav. l 1h:i2. and May. 1, 1HH3. respect v-ly upon up proved secinttv. A.C.Adams Administrator of Josiali S Keefer, deceased John A, oavies, Attorney. Legal Notice. TN I II K UISTHIC r COtlKT, CASS COUNTY 1 Nebraska. William II. I'ickeiiD i vs. . Millou. I. folk and T. O. Leeseu T. O l.eesen defendant, will take notice that on the ninth day of July. 18'Jl. William II I'ickeos herein tiled Ills petition In the district unit ot Cass county. Nebraska. ifcHirw. said defendants, the object and prayer of w hich Is 10 lor.ciose certain mechanic lien dated Ju'y 10, lss!, upon the west twenty feet ol lot twelve, in block twenty-nine, city nM'latts mouth, Nebraska, Insecure the iiiymjnt of 1H! .SO, willi seven percent interest from April 2.1, issii. uo due and navalile. in- ulaintitl prays for a decree tln't delendnnts lie required lo pay the same or that said premise)) may be soli) tosaiisfy theamount due on s urn lien and costs oi lias action. You are ifqurdcd to answer said petition on or neior tne umete inn oav oi ocinner, ism Paled, l-icpteinher I. ls:d. KM. II. I'll KKNS. IMalnllll Hy Matthew ticrinu. attorney. 4t Sheriff Sale. Ily v ir' lie of an order of s;th- issued by W. ( Sliowailer el'Tk of tile district court within and foi ( ass county. i l.iaska. slid lo we directed. I will on the lnth day el October A.I) ls:d, at 2 o ciock p. in., of said dav at the foe ol the stairway leadiusup to Kuckwood lla'l In (he city of riatlsinoiith ( as oouiily Ne braska I hat IiHiil' the lilace where the la toimofthe distiiet court, was held in saw County, sell al public amtiou, the followum rial estate fo-wlt : Lot two i2i. In block one ill. in V;ilnut nui addition to tile city of Weepinir Water. Cass ! unty. Nebraska. toiiethiT well tlie- prive b'jiiiiii.d itppurteiiauces Illui'ciinto lirlnnlliu or in anv wise auoi'i laimiii'. Tile same licm levied upon and taken as the property ol Clara llainblcton . Willinin llaiuh eloii and Henry K. Carter, defendants to satisfy a juOKnienl of said court recovered bv II ii i .t in i n A. liilsiu substituted for Ida Iniri'isoll, plainull, anam-t said delendaiits. I'liittsmouttl. Neb., Sept. 17, A. I) is'il Ww. Tin MR. Slierlfl Cass County, Neb Notice of Probate of Will THKNTATKOr1 NKHHASKA l In tlie Comity Court lor Cass County, t TNTHKMATrKK OK THK I.AS11 WIM 1 itnd'trstHiuent of 1'avid II. Loeklnirt, de ceased Notice i lierebv Riven t but on Hip Mil day of October A. 1). lH'U.Kt tlif uftic of the coun ty judUB In Flattimoiitll. Ciuweounty. Nebras ka, at llie nour in iu o ciock hi me imeuuoii the following matter will be beard aud conn dererl : Thenetitioy of Kacbael Dent tn admit to probate a certified cony ot lb- taut will and testament t David H, l.ockliari, deceased, late of Davidson rounty, Tennessee.. Dated this Iblb dav of September. A. I), lxm. By order of tlie court. B S. Kamhiiv. County Judge. Chattle Mortyiv) Sale. Notice Is bereby (liven that by virtue of a chattle inoitKHte, dated on the Mil day of August lw and dulv filed in the office of the eonntv clerk of Lancasier county, Nebraska on Nie lMtli day of aukusi tuso and iu the office of the county clerk of Can county Nebraska on the ltli day of September xm. And executed by J J. Shatto to tlie WentliiL'house Company to secure ttie pavment. of the sum of $10.00 ad mum wlimli there Is now due the mini of IViOdrfault bavliiKbeen made In tliepayment of Raid sum and no mit or proceeding at la bavin been Instituted to recover said debt or anv part thereof, therf fore I will sell the pro perty therein aeerioru via: uur uny inline named Krnnk 7 years old. one black horse named Charley 10 years old. one bay horse named Doc B years old, one roan horse about liivrold. at public auction in front of .1 K Barr' hardware More In the village ot (ireenwood Cass county Nebraska on the 3rd day ot October lHiil at 2 o'clock P. M THK WKdTINUHOUIH HrI MorttiiiKees. By folk Bios., Attorneys. GREENWOOD, NKB. Office in the Basa Noll building Residence the Kdricn Property, YO SHIPFKRS. Hotter, Kggs, Cheese, Wild Game, Poultry, Meat, Apples. Potatoes Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetables Cider, Heanri, Wool, Hides, Tallow Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath ers, Ginsing, Broomcorn, and Hops. M. K. BALLAK I) tien. Com, Merchant and Shipper. 217 Market Street - 1 St. I.ouls, Mo. WANTED A Rent, yne acxaalnted with Farm, en and Shippers. finTrrTiur wk want a man in DlTLL I 1 V L every locality to act as .tasend mi) for tmrtlculiiM. WAI.HINt.TON 1)KTKCT1VK AGENCY, box 77. WuhlntOU, low. E. G. DOVEY & SON.ffi .. you r attention to our line ot c DRESS L are pleaded to announce that our ftock ot rail liooda ) complete in eferjr particular. Especially do we want to call llavuij taken great care in our selection for tall trade. We are show- ini the bent styles and variety ever prices consistent with good quality, head Vorstede an excellent medium nriced drees tabric. In Dresa Trimmings, Ribbons, Buttons, Silk we are satisfiod we can suit you. 0 CARPETS M Our line is full and complete. We will be pleased to show you what we have in r A puRTAIMQ Drapery Silks, Portieres, Curtain Floor Oil-Cloth and Linoleims. FOR MENS, LADIES, CHILDS J We li;indli lump l.nt r.i; ,i.t. .....i " ""-" "Kincs ttie very lowest price. No shoddy - - - - - . imjr ' fi'i) shoe in Kid and Goat, good as you usually pay $3.00 for. For hard wear buy our kidies shoes in Kanjrnroo, Calf, Bright grain or Oil grain, an absolutely solid shoe, which will wear well and give you the worth of your money. Kveryhody knows what the Henderson Ned School House Shoe is. Huy them for your children. We are sole agents for Platts- inouth. YOURS U. G. TIME AV hen j o n should hein to think about yonr full underwear. We liave just re ceived ten cases of ladies, chil drens, mens, and hoys underwear direct fro in a manufaetu r er who was need ins money and was willing u to SPECIAL OFFERS Special No. 1 Childrens all years old. ONLY 35c EACH. HAS inAPi4!! TVn Childrens heavy natural wool colored Shirts kjpijlyHll 11 U W and Drawers running in same sizes as the scar let only 25 cts a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your childrens underwear when we can Special No, 3 Special No, 4 sold at 50 cts; We sell at 39 cts KACII. CH a "mil r I iiii-ri;ii r uiiir i.iiii ii it:irfr:i t u stoves, etc at only 25c per square designs nnd widths. Blankets or Bed Comforts you with prices. We have them to suit anyones pocketbook and will give good value for your money. Best English Linoleum New Stock of Shoes Just Received. During the last week we have received from New England factories 59 cases of Ladies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and boys shoes, among them are unprecedented bargains. Call and see us, and let us show,ii how cheap, solid, serviceable a shoe can be said WM. HEROLD & SON. . . GOODS D brotio-ht to this city at lowest r including a nice lino of Iroa Velvets, Black Laces and Silka lit Poles and Fixtures, Stair Buttons StfOKS . . , uireci irom tlie manufacturer"'! irood if we know it. All ,.r i,,f,Vi TriTJ-Lr (Dovey Son. COME di.-pose of part of this years pro duct of his mill at a sacrifice, his miidortune was our opportunity and we bought the goods at less than their ac tual value, to start this unde'tf? . wear we intend to make some TO EARLY BUYERS wool Scarlet Shirts and drawers, al vO: 'M. ' sia running large enough to fit a child twelve sell you them ready made so cheap. -f. Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored shirts and drawers all sizes only 39 cts KACII. Ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk trimmed, a very nice garment, that is universally 11 n vi r-i,..i. i aiwio .111 yard, We have it in several differ. 62la cents a square yard. A special bar gain at the price. T s X