Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 17, 1891, Image 3

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    A New Project.
The board of education, in con
junction with Supt. McClelland
and I'rin. Hal,ey, is considering
the advisability of adding a "Hun i
nens Department" in connection
with the work of our public schools.
The idea is to draft a course of
study including the essential com
mon school branches, and in addi
tion theory of book-keeping, busi
ness forms notes, drafts, moil
gages, certificates of deposit, etc. -letter-writing
and penmanship.
The course would probably extend
, , yf , i in little iiii'ijiiiliilil'l
uates of Ihis course am; ' !inc for
thorough preparation for business -at
lea.t a-i far as the theory of busi
ness and business education is con
cerned. It is the opinion of TllK HiiWALl)
that this a more in the right dircc
tion and should receive encourage
ment from the patrons, in asinuch
as tlie plan is calculated to benefit
the pupils. There are a great
many students, doubtless, that
pursue the work through the suc
cessive grades, until they reach the
high school, then, thinking that the
higher branches-Geometry, Alge
bra, Latin and etc, are not exactly
the work in which they wish to be
come proficient, they drop out and
are seen upon our streets wasting
their lime in idleness.
For the greater number of these
a business course as proposed
would prove fascinating and could
hardly fail to elicit their sym
pathies. Besides, the teach er employed for
this work might be expected to teach
penmanship in all the higher
grades. He can teach 1.T0 or 'J00
pupils as easily as a smaller num
ber. And then, too, we should have
the influence of a specialist in this
line as well ns in the business work.
It has become a recognized fact
among prominent educators that
to teach pemanship, sucessfully,
one should be employed who has
made special preparation. In a
Vreat many places of less popula
tion than this, special teachers for
penmanship are employed.
it :( n,: ..........
Jl m t. ajicv it vi, Minn, ij lines ujiu-
sition is considered favorably, that
it will be expedient to maintain a
night school, thus affording a great
number that are employed during
the day an opportunity to develop
their powers at odd hours.
The prosecution and the success
ful execution of this plan will de
pend upon the encouragement it
i receives at the hands of the patrons,
for whom, and largely, under the
direction of whom, the board and
teachers sire operating. Let us en-
rniir:i(fi' I'lcrv lecit unite tilan th:il
- - ' j n - --- --
will results in the better education
of our people.
Police Court.
In the case of I'lattsmonth Water
Works vs. I'lattsmonth Investment
Company, judgment rendered in
favor of plaiutitl to the amount of
In the case of Vanatta vs. Gering,
judgment rendered in favor of
plaintiff to the amount of f 1(1.
RnilroJirl Racket
The work of ceiling the 'waiting
rooms at the depot is progressing
nicely and when completed will add
to the appearance of the rooms.
II. II. Ilollister, the genial bag
gage man at the H. & M. is laid up
with an injured font. This morning
a trunk fell from the car and struck
his foot. The bruise will doubtless
lay him up for several weeks.
A young man had his hand
crushed at the shops last evening.
A Pleasant Surprise.
I.ast evening, our genial towns
man, l'eter Petersen, was com
pletely, but agreeably surprised, by
the procession of friends that com
fortably filled his commodious
The event was planned and exe
cuted in commemoration of his
forfy seventh anniversary, under
immediate direction of tlie I. O. (). r
lodge of this city, of which Mr. 1. is
an honored member. The efforts of
the lodge were ably seconded by
other friends as the success of
the affair fully indicated. After
' Arnfrnuli imoii( j uiiMitdnniiuh' uttrtrtwl
blr. Petersen was presented with an
elegant easy chair as a token of the
esteem in which he was held, by
his neighbors and friends. After
spending the evening all returned
to their home doubtless feelingthat
a profitable and enjoyable time was
Una More Care,
Yesterday as a little boy of Mr.
I. Pearlman was crossing the street,
a teamster was driving rapidly
do'vn the road and ran over thejboy.
It seem almost providential that
t the little fellow was not killed. He
escaped with only a alight injury
about the head.
It seems certain that the driver
wa9 careless in the extreme. We
1 are tiot aware aa to whether there is
an ordinance prohibiting rapid
driving through the city, but there
la anecessity for something of the
Thousands in Attendance are De
lighted with the Great Exhibi
tion of Nebraska Products.
Yesterday was a cool, cloudy,
nntumnul day, just the kind of one
for visitors to enjoy the nianioth
showing tif Nebraska products at
Lincoln, and judging from the
crowd which numbered fully tO.iKH)
people, the wonderful resources of
Nebraska were noted and fully ap
preciated. The horticultural and agricul
tural halls were filled tooverllowing
with exhibits that have never been
equaled in this state, and in our
humble opinion could not be
equaled anywhere else. The west
ern counties broke all records, with
vegetables so large they had to be
labeled what they were, and many
were cut in two to show that there
was no attempt to deceive the peo
ple with plaster of paris casts. We
saw potatoes that four would make
a big half peck, and other vegeta
bles and fruits showed the same
wonderful development.
Lincoln county was therewith a
complete locomotive made from
the products of the soil. From the
peanut bell-cord to the water
melon cylinders, or the drive
wheels made of red ears of corn, the
engine was the constant center of a
large crowd of admirers. The ten
der was a beauty and was filled
with Lincoln county products.
Jumbo, the potato elephant, and
numerous artistic exhibits made
from shelled corn of different
colors, were not a small part of the
many attractions. The fruit ex
hibit was the largest and best we
ever saw, comprising, in addition
to Nebraska's standard fruit, the
apple, many varieties of peaches
pears, white grapes, quince , etc.
The exhibit of line horses, cattle,
sheep and hogs was fully up to
former years -except the latter,
which is the largest and finest ex
hibit ever made upon the state fair
grounds, and includes some of the
best herds to be found in Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas
or Nebraska.
To give one a clear and distinct
idea of the many interesting
features of the fair would require
several columns, and as The
I Ik KALI) trusts its readers will all
be able to attend on Friday, which
is booked as the big day, we will
not attempt a careful description of
the world of interesting objects to
be seen.
Matched at the Fair.
The great attraction at the Ne
braska City Inhibition yesterday,
was a public marriage, held in the
all exposition building. The mana
gement, some time since, offered an
elegant bed room set to the couple
that would be married at the exposi
tion, and C. 15. Siener and Jennie
Chapplok, realizing an opportunity
to make a start toward house-keep
ing, appeared at the appointed hour
and were pronounced husband and
wife by a proper authority.
In readingover thestatc fair notes
in this morning's Lincoln Journal
we notice the following:
"Hon. M. I). Polk, of Plattsmoiith
followed the trotting dog around
the grounds yesterday, evincing his
interest and admiration, Polk tiro
poses to show a trotting chicken
next year.
Get ready for the county fair.
A good agricultural display is pro
mised for the lair and good racing
is assured.
. Remember the balloon ascension
and wire walking performance at
the county fair.
Daniel llurris made a trip to Ne
braska City yestereay via the
M. P. for the purpose of taking in
the reunion. Uncle Dan reports
the road in good condition. He re
ports the old soldiers havinga good
time, but thinks that today will be
the best day of the reunion.
At the reunion at Nebraska City
yestereay. while the speaking
was in progress, the grand
stand collapsed, throwing
several hundred people to Ihe
the ground. Mrs. C. Anderson was
severely injured; aside from this
the damage was not serious. More
disastrous effects might have re
sulted. Mr. II. D. Apgar, the genial, gen
tlemanly agent of the Missouri
Pacific railroad at this place, has
met with a well deserved apprecia
tion of his services by being pro
moted to the position as agent at
Plattsmoiith with an increase of H)
per month on salary. Mr. Apgar
will leave for his new field of labor
on Wednesday. During their resi
deuce here of about a year Mr. and
Mrs. Apgar have made a host of
friends who will greatly regret their
departure, but all wish them sue
cess and commend them to the
good people of Plattsmoiith.
superior Daily Journal.
Laid to Rst.
The funeral of Mrs. L. R. Skinner
took place from the residence of
Mr. C. M. Duller as announced
Quite a large number of neighbors
and friends gathered to participate
in the last sad rites.
Fred Gorder arrived here last Sat
urday. His stay at Plattsmoiith
was a sad one and may result in his
removal permanently to that town,
in order to enable him to attend to
ihe alfairs of his deceased father.
Such a step on his part will be re
gretted very much by this people.
Lewis Rowe. came into the city
yesterday and swore out a warrant
for the arrest of Aloiuo Moore, J.
M. Wyatt ami Chas. lvltnundson
Mr. Rowe claims that he received
violent treatment at their hands
md doubtless this is the case as
his head showed quite a cut ami be
was otherwise bruised. Doubtless
Mr. R. has a grievance from which
he needs redress, as no provocation
would justify a pounding from
three burly roughs.
From rYflin iMiij.
Mrs Faught departed last evening
for Phelps Neb., for a visit with
Mrs. H. C. Wheeler has returned
from an extended visit to friends at
Nebraska City. .
Henry Kikenbary and daughter
Menota were passengers on No. 3
for Lincoln last evening.
The M. P. railway has a time ta
ble in this issue. The accommo
dation train leaves at 10:55 a. m. and
irrives at 4:1X1 p. m.
The work at the court house is
progressing, and ere long it will be
an established fact that Cas county
has a court-room that will compare
favorably with those of adjacent
II. C. McMaken, our genial friend,
was a passenger for Lincoln this
morning. He goes principally to
attend a reunion of his old regiment
but he is too patriotic a citizen to
miss visitihg the state fair before
Ivlmer Jewel, a young man whom
many will remember as a new
comer, and who recently went to
Denver with a view of benefitting
his health, has returned to Platts-
mouth. It uppers that the Denver
climate did not prove beneficial.
We are authorized to say that L.
C. KickholT is not a candidate for
treasurer and will not accept the
nomination. Mr. KickhotT feels
grateful to his friends who have
pledged their support and urged
his candidacy and duly appre
ciates all favors extended, but he
feels that he cannot accept the
office and do justice to his business
Mrs. L, C. Decker, who met with
the misfortune of having her bouse
and household goods swept by
flames last spring near Union, has
now under construction a mansion
that will be a credit to Liberty
precinct. The main building it
self is :ttx:() with a rock cellar, and
will be two story's with all modern
conveniences. The building is
being built of brick that are ship
ped to Union from the steam brick
yard at Nebraska City. It i ex
pected to be completed by Oct. 15.
J. M. Gallaher, traveling freight
and stock agent for theM.P. road
made the II KHALI) office a pleasant
call this morning. He informs us
that trains will be running regular
ly from I'lattsmonth making con
nections at Union for St. Joe, Kan
sas City, St. Louis, and also Weeping
Water, and Lincoln. Thus parties
desiring to visit points in either
direction from Union will be ac
comodated by the M. P. See the
time card in another column. In
the event of any changes in the
time-card our readers will be in
formed in regard to it.
Weeping Water Republican Clipping a
Tuesday's Hee in speaking; about
the Union cut-oil of the Mo. Pacific
road, says that "comcencin last
Sunday a mixed train will leave
Plattsmoiith at 10:.V a. in. and ar
rive at Union in one hour. K'eturn
inj it will leave Union at 3 p. nr
arrive at Plattsmoiith at 4 p. in.
The distance between stations is
14.1) miles. Thin service is no'
(piite so j;ood as the Platls
monthites expected but they may
in months to come jret better ac
commodation. Fred Gorder returned from Platts
moiith last week. lie is undecided
yet whether he will remain here
permanently or not, as business
requires his attention in Platts
moiith. If he decides to return to
the latter place he will probably
sell out. Fred has many friends
here that would regret to sec him
leave and hope matters may be so
arranged that his business will con
tinue here under his supervision.
This is certainly a good paying
point, equal if not better than Platts
moiith. A New Enterprise.
We have received a sample copy,
vol. 1, No. 1 of The New K.ra. at Un
enterprising little village of South
Hend, by J. W. Herge. The New
Kra is a six column folio, replete
with interesting reading matter and
upon the whole presents a very
creditable appearance. The Her
ald bespeaks for its editor a pleas
ant and profitable career in his
Baow ligna at tftlllug, btla U ow Um mm
of ifWl Hair Vitir. Yh prtpanttMt
Ptranfttaaua t analp, protnoaa Um growth
of new hair ras Ua uaiural auaw la
pay ami tadod hair, aa4 raailnra aoft
iKiaci and Roay.
" W hare do hnittath hi pronnunrttig
Ayofi ILUr VIr uuequaJad for Uraium;
lh hair, aitl w do Una allr long tipcri.
'etx In its ue. Thil prrparattoa ,irwM-TI,4
tlie hair, em dandruff and all dtaaafts of
the f.t). titles riMKh ana brittle hair aoll
ami pliant, ad prevonU baldnwM. Whits It
lit uot a dye, 'Junr who have lined Ui VUtor
say It will ttiniuUlo the routs and eolur
plan.! uf fcvjed, gray, light, and rod hau,
cii.ui;i4' U color to
A Rich Brown
or eroti It wfll not Ml the r"lc
eaw iMi, a pocketliiuiiikrrrlilcf, Mid Is iii
ways Affrerft'ile. All the dirty, pnnmy hnlr
pirpniauon hould Im d laplaced at onre by
Ayer's Hair VlRor, and Uiousamh who (to
armtrwt with head looking like 'the frftlul
porcupine' s'.ould hurry to the nearest drug
store and purchase a bottle of the Vigor."
Te Stmny St,U, Atlanta, On.
"Ajrer's liar Vigor In eieellent tot ttto
lair. It stiimilnti'.i the frowth, cum tM
mvw, twtnre the natural color, cleanse the
sc'Jp. prevent dandruff, and Is ft ptood rireR
Ini5. We know that Acer's Hnlr Vigor differ
from most Inlr femleii and litnilar prepara
tions, II heln perfeetly nannleM.' Kreto
Sconomicui llMtkfpgy by Kill R. Pirhor,
Ayer's Hair Vigor
rRiriaao it
DR. J. O. A TEE & CO., Lowell,
Md by PniggUt and Perfumers.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub ISkkt Salvk in the world for Cute
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Klieum, Fevet
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to uive satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 2." cents per box
Kor sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Rlnuni'ii'ii TufaJ I i n Dny,
"My st ic Cure" for rheumatism nnd
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 'A
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissappeara
The first dose greatly benefits. 7.")c
Sold by V, (i. Fricke, Druo-rist. wt
W III be Clven Away
Our enterprising druggists, F. G"
Fricke & Co, who carry the finest
stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet
articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are
giving nwav a large number of trial
bottles of I)r. Miles celebrated Res
torative Nervine. They guarantee
it to cure headache, di..iness, ner
vous prostration, sleeplessness, the
ill effects of spirits, tobacco, colTee,
etc. Druggists say it is the greatest
seller they ever knew, and is univer
sally satisfactory. They also guar
antee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in
all cases of nervous ororganic heart
disease, palpitation, pain in side,
smothering, etc. Fine book on
"Xervous and Heart Diseases,"
free. 4
A Mttle lrls Experience in a Llgct
house. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Heach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taki'n down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" liandtul ol bones .
Then she tried Dr, King's New
Discovery and alter the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore.
The Creatost Strike
Among the great strikes that of
Dr. Miles in discovering his New
1 leart Cure has proven itself to be
one of the most important. The de
mand for it has become astonish
ing. Already the treatment of heart
disca-e is being revolutionised, and
many unexpected cures effected. It
soon relieves short breath, flutter
ing, pains in side, arm, shoulder,
weak and hungry spells, oppres
sion, swelling of ankles, smothering
and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book
on Heart and Nervine Diseases,
free. The unonualed New Heart
Cure is sold and guaranteed by F.
G. Fricke A Co, also his Restorative
Nervine for headache, tils, sprees,
hot Hashes, nervous chills, opium
habit, etc. i
Cood Looks,
Good looks are more than skin
deep, defending upon a healthy
cond tion of all the vital organs.
If th'' Liver be inactive' you have
a Hilious Look, if your stomach
be nifoeted you have a Dyspeptic
Look and if hour Kidneys be effected
yov will have a Pinched Look. Se
curs ood health and you will have
goodlooks, F.lectric Hitlers is the
great alterctive and Tonic acts
directly on those vital organs.
Cures Pimples, Hlotehes, Hoilsand
gives a good complexion. Sold at
F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore, TiOc
per bottle:
For many yisirs Mr. H. F. Thomp
son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se
verrlv afllicted with chronic diarr
hoea. He says: "At times it was
very severe; so much so, that I
feaen! it would end my life. About
seven years ago 1 chanced to pro
cure bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic I Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remely. It gave me prompt relief
and I believe cured nie permanent
ly, as C now eat or drink without
harm anything I please. I have
also nieu it in my family with the
best 'esults. For sale by F. G.
Frick e 4 Co.
Wonderful Success.
Two years ago the llaller l'rop.
Co.'ordejed their bottles by the box
now they buy by the carload.
Among the popular and surceseful
rcniedicl they prepare is Haller's
Saraapatilla & J in mack whicn is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist heiitates to
reconitnlnd thin remedy.
For Bale by druggist.
What is
KM I Mi i H U trJ r M H M I I
Cnsloria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. 1 1 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It i ft liarnilods tra bat ituto
for Paregor'c, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil.
It l.i l'leaant. Its puaronteo is thirty j-enrM' uso ly
Million of Mothers. Cawtoria destroys Worm tuid allays
fterorlshnenN. Castoria preTcnts vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Dinrrlma nnd Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
toothing troubles, cures constipation and llutulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulator tho stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy nnd natural tieop. Cos
toria i tlw Cliildrcu .anaca-the Mother's Friend.
"Cofanria la an cxlvHimiV mnHctnn for olnH -ilrvn.
Klotfiow haw rniitxtly told nieuf iU
pioti effort 0()ua Uiiir children."
I)R. 0. C. Onoonn,
Lowoll, Vault.
" Caslnrla ta thn let rmcvly lor ctillitwn of
which I am aojmalnud. I lwj Hw day awiot
far dintai wImu laotfaan wflioooal'lar Wi Mill
lnUrittl of thxir oltildivn, ao4 mo OaakariA In
Htewl of Um rnrlotM quae Dontnmui wlilcli ant
dintrojlim ttu'k- kivwt oiiiyi, bj hming oiiiuu,
m.irpliioo, bjoIIiIik; lynip auil othur hurtful
ap'iita down tlwlr tlinxiuv Uxirwhy aoudiiur
Uiuiu lu pntniature grams."
Pa. J. F. Kinoisuii,
Couway, Ark,
Tho Centanr Company, T7
a tot uas:k vims rnrM irnmm
ooOoo .
She is a winner. We mince our prict'H lenmne we can alTonl too,
not hecaiirte Honiehoijy compels ii loo. Where iH the high price, long
time credit man that can wtaiid it NOT IN I'l.ATTSMOUTll. We give
yon a fi'w more price that may intercut yon:
fiolden machine oil
( iasol iin
Warranted Hay Fork -
2,IHH) odd nize carriage bolt -
Another lot of clothe wringer
Carpet lack
Cook stove at cost to close.
Folding ironing hoard
lllk liarh wire
(ialvanixed barb wire
Host and cheapest line of tinware in the city.
Come in anl see u whether yon are in need of any good or not
Remember that we can and will save you money every time. Kverything
a bargain,
NOT - ONE - CENT- 0N-tlME.
The Leading
Constantly keep on band everything
you nerd to furnisli your houao.
Dr. Grosvenor's
Rhramalinn. nmiraTrln. plrnrfiiTanii hirnhiiff.
inurwl ftionoo. for ulft hr All DruKRiw
tmpi It MNES8"Mnu"CURED
L I Ij t, ll . It,i,i. Tiblsr lr Ck
WmwatmTSir M' Whlqri br4. (WrtlliU.
MS BrMia;, l' ttrk. WnU tot bwA si pf.TllLt
CImum tad twiirM ) kalr.
Fruraolff a lniarin fruvta.
rr rail to liottora Oray
Hair to ua Teutaiui voior.
Ca m a d kimi a hair lauaif.
iMniil lriia
Cm famar a G,nar Xoa.a. ll cai.ji i iw",
tup!aP?Pi?fiSiaZ r UlEcoX a CO., N. V.
WAnlvcl All active, relloMe man-Nlary 170
to fan niontlily. with Increase, to repreawil
In hli own aectlon a rcpon.slMe New Vork
Houhx. Kc(eri'ncf. MaM'fACTUBRH, LOCK
Box IWS, New York.
" Caxtaria b an ll adnfiKxl to cliAdMi that
I rminnamid It anyrtuToauf prwMrtptiua
fcuuwa hi tun.'
H. A. Aaorran, IL D4
111 So. Oxford St , GruoUyn, if, T.
M Our phyatrlaiu) in Die rhnimn a dnar
niciit bar (polraa hltJf at Uutlr Xri
nm lu Utah- atiMita pcrMaw with Ounorla,
and although w aah have among our
liMlioal tMfpkm whaa It kamra, a nurubur
prodtiom, yal we are free to oau'awi that the
uwrita of OaHtorla bat wuu aa lo look with
faor Ui ft." s
Uioraj Hospital axd rinmniuT, 'l
Boston, 1
IXKN C. Barrn, V.,
Murray Street, New York City,
Hi ill got'H at 3te per gal
lie " "
" " " !Cic each
iKc per hundred
- '.'.ID
till go at Ic per paper
- 117c
H.70 jier hundred
4.:r "
I N T E K N" AT I O N Ah
A strictly first cln miicliliiB. fully warraii
fd. Minlc trom tliH very liest innlerlnl by.
skilled wiirkiucn, mid wllli th hi'Ht tool tli
have ever lieen (levitiid (nr thtt purpoHe, War
nuiteil to do all Unit can be rea.sniinl)ly exit
liected of tlie very biiBt typewriter extant.
Capable of writing I so wordu per nilniittr ol
more accordliiK to tlie ability of tlie operator
" -
PltlCE $100.
If then Is no aent In your town addreis th
Auents wanted hnrlsh N, Y.
Lincoln, Neb,
Wagon and Ulackr.nltli shop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Rcpairiag done
0e uses the
WLich is the best horseshoe, for the
furmer, or for fast driving, or for cit
purposes ever invented. It hi so made
that anyono cs.n put on sharp or finl
corks, as needed for wet and Blippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call et
his shop and examine the KKVKR8UT
and you will use no other.
12 North Fifth St riattsm.mth
chosen vacation.