Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 10, 1891, Image 4

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IxsTKl'i'Tioxs have Ih'pii sent to
Minister Kgan to recognize the con
gressional government of Cliile.but
the question has arisen tis to
whether or not the uew government
will recognize Mr. Kagnn.
MissTlliiT tlKKiCs, mi American
girl, lias made a decided sensation
as a , whistler in the Concordia
theaterof Berlin. The enU-rprising
puragrapher will now draw upon
the old couplet about whistling
girls and crowing hens for a series
of newspaper jokes.
I'ALMEK Cox has signed a con
tract with The Ladies' Home
Journal whereby his tuntiHiiig little
"Hrownies," which he haw made ho
niarvelously successful in St. Nicho
ih and in his books, will hereafter
belong exclusively to the Journal.
Mr. Cox's contract begin with the
Octo'"'r number, for which he has
drawn the first of an entirely new
scries of adventures of his "funniest
little men the world.
The attack on W. L. Urowne in
last Saturday's Mirror wuh uncalled
lor. i'ir. nrowne is too wen kiiowii
in this county to need nny defense.
Suflice to say that it makea no dif
ference whether MrHriiwiiegets the
nomination or not he will support
the republican ticket; as lie is not
th e kind of man to leave his party
even is they should see fit not to
nominate hiin; but if they do he will
be elected.
TlIK nomination of L. C. Kiekhoff
for county treasurer by the repub
lican party oti the KHIi of Sept. is a
move in the right direction. If the
Independent Kagle possessed one
hundreth part of the elements that
constitutes a decent man, he would
not have the gall to question this
nomination by slinging mud. Mr.
KickholT's qualifications as a
Htholor are above reproach and he
will be nominated without any re
gards for that Weeping Water yap.
Courier Journal.
Nebraska furnishes the best
means of measuring the force and
vitality of thla movement because
then? it hnp'bi-eii wholly free from
complication) with either of the
two old parties. At The outset it
theie tooli ilk' shape of an inde
pendrnt slate organization for
radical reform. Ami in Nebraska
today the number and nggresss
iveness of these independents are
causing the lepublican politicians
serious concern. They arc in dead
earnest and will doubt leas be heard
from in great numbers at the polls.
A GENT I. KM AX from Illinois who
was here last wr-k tell uh a good
story on the downtrodden, bankrupt
farmers of Iowa, whose sad condi
tion is so pathetically deplored by
Governor Hoies. This gentleman
was at Knit-field, Jefferson co.:nty,
on business late in the fall of last
year, and while there learned that
this county had voted $7.",0)0 in
bonds for a new court house, ami
on the day of sale, which opened at
! n. til, !f7l),000 of those bonds were
tiikcn and paid for before noon by
the farmers of that county. Poor
fellow, how sad they iiuirft leel, and
how fully they must realize their
desperate condition which is so
much like that of their hrelhern in
Nebraska of whom Jay Harrows
says: "No man could confine him
self to farming in Nebraska and
keep out of the poor house."
Syracuse Journal.
The assessed value of all property
ha increased from $17.'.)2.5t!W,."i: in
1SS0 to$21.2J9,.-vSU,SiH in IS'.), ii in
crease during the decade of $7,310,
.", 201, an amount equivalent to
the true value of all property as
returned by the I'liited" States cen
sus in 100 (,7XO, 22). Should it
be found upon the completion of
theinquryin relation to thetruecon
dition of all property in the United
States that the same relation exists
in 1MK) between assessed valuation
and true valuation as existed in
ISSt), the absolute wealth of the
United States according to the
Kleventh Census may be estimated
at !Ri2,tlo.0ti0.iim, or nearly $1000 per
capita, a ogaiut $'14 per capita in
1S00, $780 per capita in 1S70 and !jW70
per capita in INMO.-Censua Bulletin
on Assessed Valuation of Property.
At Dwright, Ul.,and at Blair, Neb.,
bichloride of gold treatment for
drunkenness is meeting with an ap
parnet success which cannot be
questioned. No less than a dozen
well-known Omaha men, some of
them actively engaged in business,
have already, as they think, been
cured of drunkenness by taking a
few week's treatment at Blair,
Whether the injection of bichlo
ride of four times daily for three
weeks can permanently cure drunk
enness is a question which time
can demonstrate, and meanwhile
physicians may dispute it, but all
must admit that bo far the treatment
ia a success. So convinced of this
have a number of well-known Chi
cago men become they have formed
a bichloride of gold club, whose
object is to raise money to furnish
treatment to those not able to pay
for it. Opie Read, tin- humorist,
is president of the society, and
many of his associates are literary
men. This "home missionary
society" is attacking an enormous
evil in very practical way
It would be a wonderful achieve
ment of the nineteenth centurj if
the diseased appetite for liquor can
be inoculated against. It may be
too early to rejoice, but it is not too
early to hope for the success of this
new effort. If it is only one-quarter
as effective as claimed it is a great
boon to humanity. World Herald.
Rev. Sam Jones, the great revival
ist, has published a letter, which is
beingcominented upon by the press
quite generally, in regard to legis
lating against corporations, particu
larly railroads.
Mr. Jones takes the ground that
corporations should be allowed to
take their course, and conveys the
idea that if let alone they will look
after the interests of the people. lie
also defends the standard oil and
sugar trusts, asserting that the con
sumer was furnished a betterarticle
at a less price when these monopo
lies existed than at any other period
in our hisUry.
Mr. Jones may preach success
fully, but it is our humble opinion
that he is a little "rusty" concerning
political questions. It is evident,
at any rate, that the reverend gentle
man is not a cuf" late for office at
the hands r-' the people whom he
In tK iirat place, the managers of
-uiioada and other corporations
are human; and it is a well recog
nized fact that it is in accordance
with human nature for men to use
all means, that may in any sense be
considered honorable, to acquire
wealth and power. And while The
Hkkald believes that railroads and
other corporations have done a
great work for this country, and
should yet be encouraged to do
more, we are aware, and any
who have become informed on the
subject cannot fail to know, that
they oftentimes not only take ad
vantage of the people by ways that
may, in a :,ense, be classed as hon
orable, bit they also overstep the
bounds of reason at times and are
not content until they secure the
lion's share.
Yes, corporations, since they are
created by the state, should be con
trolled by the state, and while per
mitted to net a profitable income
they should be kept within reason
able bounds. As far as monopolies
are concerned, they are wrong in
every instance, ami cannot fail to
work great injustice to all classes of
people. Any move that places the
power in the hands of onecompanyi
to the exclusion of all others, or, in
other words, any move that hinders
free competition in any line of in
dustry is contrary to the princi
ple upon which our government
was rounded and is repugnant to
oty's true sense of honor.
Thos. II. Dudley, who for twelve
years, was consul to Liverpool, has
just returned from a trip to Kng
land. Mr. Dudley was present at a
meeting of the Cobden club, and a
resolution was adopted to the effect
that what power they could exert be
to defeat MrKinley. lie says that
$1,000,000 can readily be raised for
campaign funds.
We here have another proof that
Great Britain, through her agents is
active concerning her best inte
rests. It is her desire that history
will be repeated a revenue tariff
be adopted and our manufacturers
be placed on a level with hers, thus
rendering our labor equal to hers.
She knows that in the past she has
froze us out and made us depend
ent upon her, and she hopes to do
so again. It is gratifiying to know,
however, that Americans realize
that this country is for the benefit
of Americans first. The votes of
Ohio, Mr. Cobden club, realize who
their friends are. Spend your
nionwy buying votes if you like, but
Ohio is for McKinley, protection
and reciprocity.
Pkkhaps there never was a
state contest, which occupied the
attention of the whole Country, as
is the present campaign in Ohio.
It is specially interesting because
of the important national questions
at issue, and consequently its bear
ing upon the election of 1S92.
Now that the republican adminis
tration has succeeded in opening
the way for American pork into the
markets of Germany, the press is a
unit in urging similiar negotiations
with France; and it is our predic
tion that, in the near future, we
shall be permitted to chronicle a
treaty to that efiect
EvEKY republican should le
present at the primary nextjjjatur-tlay.
THE Democrat will get all the
tariff they want before the Novem
ber election.
Rlil'LIiLICAXS of Cass county
should nominate their strongest
man. This is 110 year for factional
quarrels, or bolting inside party
lines. Let the other fellows squab
ble while we saw wood.
The Herald should like to know
what has become of the Cleveland
boom, of which we heard so much
a few mouths since. hvidently
Grovcr is loosing popularity among
the brethern,
It is noticable how the Democ
racy attempts to dodge the discus
sion of national issues inj the state
campaigns this year. Wonderwht
they will do in the national cam
paign next year?
THE Journal intimates that this is
not the republicans' year for sue
cess. Doubtless the party feels
grateful to Brother Sherman for
this information. We suppose
however, the republicans had better
not abandon the idea of holding
their conventions.
Ix a short time Uncle Sam will
not only furnish himself with a
sufficient amount of tin, of a bet
ter quality and at a iess "price than
it could be secured when he de
pended upon the foreign monopoly,
but he will be ready to exchange
with countries that have not the
article, an unlimited amount for
goods that we can not profitably
produce. In other words he will be
able to include tin in his recipro
city treaties.
IT is a definite and splendid fact
that the tariff reform legislation of
the last Congress has created a
market for over $0,X)0,0D0 worth
more of fa -m products than were
sold last year, and this beneficent
work has not yet been completed
The same Congress passed the law
which is solving the silver problem
in a safe and resonable manner.
And that Congress was a Repub
lican body, it will be remembered
and this excellent legislation was
solidly and persistently opposed by
the Democrats. Globe- Democrat.
It is the duty of every voter to
study political economy fix the
fundamental principles of the pro
duction of wealth and laws per
taining to its distribution; then
everyone should investigate the
live issues of the day and vote in
telligently and conscientiously. It
is a deplorable fact that more than
half our voters are content to exer
cise this sacred right having in
view 110 definite knowledge of what
they are voting for. Ami then, too,
it is a deplorable fact that a power
ful army of our voters know infi
nitely more about the bung hole of
a whiskey barrel than they do about
the government of which they form
a part and which they are to help,
The ballot box, the citadel of our
liberty and protection, should not
be thoughtlessly used. Let tin
voting be done intelligently, care
fully and conscientiously.
Selling outat Cost
My hardware stock - buy while
you have a bargain.
j. Fin ley Johnson.
Pk'KI'AKK to attend the primaries
next Saturday.
I r seems evident that Chicago is
to have a buildiny thirty-four
stories hii;li. What next?
Hardwaae at Cost.
I am sellinif out my stock of hard
ware at cost. Now is (he time for
bargains. J. Finlky Johnson
It seeinsapparent that the Chilian
republic will be recognized by the
I. S. government, and friendly re
lations established.
I.Aiiok D.W was celebrated earn
estly at Omaha. We tire glad that
honest toil the source of all wealth
and comfort is eommandine; that
respect and rising to the dignity to
which it is entitled.
Kepokts from Iowa convey the
intelligence the farmers' alliance
has "split." It seems that n majority
of the brethren are satisfied with
Farmers Wheeler and Van Houten,
but the assistant democratic faction
of course must side track.
H&rdware at Cost
I am selling out. J. Fitiley John
son, wt I
Croup frequently finds a house
hold unprepared for its visit, while
the repidity with which it develops '
calls for instant treatment. For,
this dangerous disease Ayer's Cher
ry Pectoral is an admirable remedy.
It saves many lives every year.
Keep in the house,
Notice to Creditors.
8 I'aTE Of v KBK ISKA (
1 C iv (Viimy 1 "
I J. Janus Huhd. drcea-vd,
I Notice is l,,rely (rivi'n Mint the daiiim and
I (lemiiims t.f nil iirrxoMf i;!iint Jaiui'K Bruce,
(tei'ca-f il. Int.-1), I'm 11 ((unity s;;i,r i I le
rfi-HiVfil. ex iii'ned and aiijusti'd l,v ilie r-uiin
tv court :il tli- point liinif n I'laii'i-montli, on
I tlie iniii day of Maii?':. . 1) I '. at III o'clock
i 111 the foictMiiKi. .nil tli lit ix loon 1 Im fr. m
! ami ufifr tli- linti day i ",ci'inlcr A I), iwi
; Is Hie lime limited (r ci ilihirsul "iii'l decea
pm to urp-fMit On ir iiliiln h fur examination and
1 1 v 1 11 under mv hand till mth day l pp-tcliliit-r
A. P. lttil,
11 S. jI.wsFV, Comity .Indue,
Row I No'iee.
The commissioner aii .hied t. loeate a load
fomnielK-iliK on tko nnilli line ! t JOand M feet
west, west line lo 10 sm'. 7.! n. 12 lan-p 1(
pt. Thence iwrtli a r"ss ,i s,le I n n. 5
north through lot 4, tlienre nui;!i mid cost (ac
cordinn t" petition :'ei 1 s west '4 a'ul Ne '4
ot S 4 sec. MS II ! I! & M. 1 -. 1 1 w.iv illow
I11B II as 1. ear a practical loold r an near Ciiti
son : thence w (nccnrd;ii'' 1 1 pel liii.n and re
port of viewer ) n r ! mi -vest fi1 01 N ',, of
I.w sen. l.lown. 1.' i-.inae 1.1 e,:st. Interpol
Ini! said r'nid tv passim: iluniiirli 111, lYt cmiiinl
lirtwpp.ll Mr. Stull ' -uin-e ,vmi Held, lias
leporied in lavor 01 llip I'iimiIo,, 1 lie i'o . iitnt
all otiiMctioiiP thereto, or -lelim f ir damages
mind he tiled In 'he conn yeirik's olli cod or
before noon on the (itii d a of s iiieur er A. Il
lwil orxur.h road will lie I cate.iwiih nt cfel-
cuct) thereto Hiitit CKrcim ri,
4t I'onniy ; Ith
Ditpd SeptPinb riird.ttot.
Adminitrmora Sale.
Notice l liHreliyclven tli t tv virtue of a
license (Inly KrantKd to me hv the district
conn 01 i;a.s county, ivciirasKa, I "in on tsar
urdav September. 2f. lux. al Hie lioir of 2 i 111
at the Bank of Eaclti In -:ik!p, (.'ass county
isnrisKii, sen tnw i.-iiowui oeseiioen reh
estate t :wtt : The p;it '(4) of m.iiliwe-'
(n irter of sectlo'i Xo 2;. township .t 10
rwilte WO. ensi 01 ii" 1,111 r. ftl. 1 n Cass
county NelnaK. s ! ' "m 1 li'dontrim.' to the
estate ot Install H. Keef-- c used a d will
be poIu Mihject to all ii" :eid in niedranees
upon the following ti n.. - Halt d) cash
balance in three eonal pc.j ,.1 "i- at J per cent
payable annually due .!.,. n.i;y, 1, si2, May. 1,
lK!i2, and May, 1, lh:3, rcpi'd v ly upon' ap
proved seem Ity. A t'.
Administrator of Joslah H Kee er, deceased
Legal Notice
TN THE DISTItHir COi'lcT, Cass county,
X Neuranki.
William II. I'lcken )
Vo. S
Milton. I). Polk ami T. o. i.ccsmV
T. O Lepfcn. ik-fei ilai-.l. " ill take notice
that on the ninth day 01 .hiiv. Wnllain II.
Pickens herein tiled his it "run in the district
ourt of Cass county, enrask t, anint said
defendants, the ohjpcf and prayer of which Is
to lor,.cliiHe a remit n i.ioilianic'.s Ilea dated
Till V 1(1. lHHI linon the w.'SI tuioitv f.'i.t nl lot
twelve, in block t wen ' v -11 iuo city of Plaits
mouth, iNcbraska, tosn-nie the. payni'iil of
Mt,:i.:'. wi'ii rc.'.'ii per t en! l iii-re-i lroin pril
2a. isk:i. miw due in. 1 payalilo. Th platntill
pras fur a decree tli t tie1 dant" he reipiirpd
to pay t tie sa ae . said pr.niises iiiy he
sol 1 msaiisiy 1I1 ann'ti .t (liei ou sit h lien and
c sr.- of in s -ci'iin
You are ciiiied 10 answer said petition on
or l ! y the tii -e'e nih day of October, st
D..ted. .-epleinher I. IKiil.
')l. II. PlI KRNH.
Ity Ma 1 r hew ier' tits . attorney. it
Ti i. T -T 1 I St f? u A:" r A MAN ill
l- 'w 1 I ev-'iy l iciilliy t net .
iilSi-iv 't 1 1 vi under our in-iinetinns.
Hta.ieiiil ii n( T tf'-'icu'a s. ' I.M I U KIN
I'K I tlS'K i'.M V, 1. x 787, 'Viislnnton,
VO .SMiri'KKS.
I Sutter, Ki;-s. Cheese, Wild (lame,
Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes
Cireen and Pried 1'ruite, X'esjfetables
Cider, in.-,, ooi, liides, Tallow
Sheep Pelts, I'tiis, Skins, Tobacco,
firaiti. Flour: liny, Meeswa.f, leath
ers, (iinsinir, Hroonuorn, and Hops.
M. iv. li A I. 1, A 2C I)
:':i. ' in, '.!',r t ;i (I Mni,r.
17 V: li t Slieet - St. I.on.s, Mo.
'.V, 'l
s iiini '
: - a .,1,1, y. , :ieiiiiiiiei! with Kami.
: .Li 'V-fifxt
Officn honri from 9 a. in, to 8 p. m. Htiuday
from 10 a. m, to 1 p. in.
Special Ufa in Chronic, Nortons, Skin and Blood
HConntiltation at oHic or by mail free.
Wedicines sent by mail or expnsw, necnrely
parkeil, free from ohnerTation. Gnaraiiteen to
rare qaiekly, wifely and perniananlly.
The moet wiilely anil favorably known special
ist in the United Htaten, Their long experionne,
remarkHhle skill and nnivnronl micc8 in the
treatment and enro of Nervons, Chronic anil Hnr.
Rical DieeHses, entitlo theeo eminent phjsiciana
to the full confidence of the alllicted evory where.
They unnrnnteo:
awful e fleet of early Tico nnd tho nnuieroua evili
that follow in ita train.
poeilily, completely and iwrmaneiitly cured.
0RDKR3 jield readilj to their ikilifiU treat
Ruarantoed curud without pain or detention
from bneineee.
Dently and succoeHfully eured in every case.
tnrrhcea, Htminal Wenkntwi, Loot Manhood,
Night EmiMiotm, Decayed tacnltiee. Female
Weakneee and all delicate dieordera peculiar to
either Rex positively cnreil, aa well as all func
tional (lieordero that reealt from youthful foUiel
or the exoce of mature yean.
Qf riff HPa Onaranteed permanently cored,
HIUI 0 removal complete, without cut
ting, ranstie or dilatation. Care effected at
home by patient without momonU pain ot
ACura rurii The awfnl effecta of early
OUIO UUIO Tic which crimen organic
weakneea, drntrnying both mind and body, with
all ita dreaded ilia, permanenUy cured,
fire R off o Addreee thoee who have impar.
Ul O. DCiiO td themaelvea by improper in
dnlgence and solitary habit, winch ruin both
mind and body, unfitting them for business,
tody or marriage.
MAHRIED HEN, or thoee entering on that
happy life, aware ot phyiical debility, quickly
(VSeod 6 cent potbure for celebrated works
on Chronic, Mervon and Delicate Dimaeea.
Thousands cured. rA friendly letter or call
may eave you future eufferine and shame, and
aitil golden years to life. trTNo letter answered
anleee accompanied by 4 cents in stampe.
Address, er call on
1409 Douglas St.,
v v.;
T 1 tim nlnnon.l
ii ij.v.iuu iu niiiiounue
complete in every particular. Especially do we want to call
your attention to our line ot
Having taken great care in our selection for fall trade. We are show
ing the best styles and variety ever brought to this city at lowest
prices consistent with good quality,
head Worsteds an excellent medium priced drees fabric. In Dress
Trimmings, .Ribbons, Buttons, Silk
we are satisfied we can suit you.
m l&
Our line i full and complete.
what we have in
Drapery Silks, Portieres, Curtain
Fbor Oil-Cloth and Linoleims.
We handle none but rdiable makes
the very lowest prices. So shoddy jjoods if we know it. All our ladiep
1 shoe in Kid and Goat, Sood as you usually pay u for. For Hard
wear buy our ladies shoes in Kangaroo, Calf, Bright grain or Oil grain,
tin absolutely solid shoe, which will wear well and Hv,. vn
your money. Everybody knows what the Henderson Red School House
Cl..,.. I.. 1 r ....
.,.... 1B. i..y tuemioryoiir clnldren. We are sole agents for I'latts
J. G.
When y o u
should begin to
think abouiyour
tall underwear.
We have just re
ceived ten cases
uf ladies, chil
drens, mens, and
boys underwear
direct from a
manufactu r er
who was need
ing money and
was willing to
i ' ' V -
special Offers
SiiPPill TWi 1 Cllildre"9 nI1 wo1 "rlet Shirts and drawers, all
3FL.Lilal IWe A eiz08 running large enough to lit a child twelve
years old. ONLY 3.1c KACII.
Sl50iinl NO Childrens heavy natural wool colored Shirts
ttjJULIsll 11 U t and Drawers running in same sizes as the scar
let only 23 cts a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your
childrens underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap.
itnini 1 Na 1 Mens extra
Villi 111) j,
nhirts and
Stinoi'll Nn A. J'adios heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk
ui'WVM" trimmed, a
sold aim cts; We sell at 3!) cts KACII.
kjvviia intui vi viuui uuiaiiig Uoors muli
stoves, etc at only 25c per square yard. We have it in several differei
designs and widths.
Blankets or Bed Comforts JL'MT
you with prices. We have them to suit anyones pocketbook and will
give good value for your money.
Best English Linoleum Gy- a special
O K'din at the price.
Needs a pair of shoei this week. We intend te inaurgurate a Special
Sale of Shoes for School Children. School shoes should be Strong
fetvlieh, Shapel?, well made. Well
and wc gutranteo to Bell them
1 i .1 T11 1
mat our kiock oi ran noous is
including a nice lino of Broad'
Velvets, Black Laces and Silks
ti n n w
. j SSj 5 '
We will be pleased to show you
Poles and Fixtures, Stair Buttons
direct from tu, .
(Dovcy cf Son.
dispose of part
of this years pro
duct of his mill
at a sacrifice, his
misfortune was
our opportunity
and we bought
the goods at less
than their ac
tual value, to
start this undern
wear we intend
to make 6ome
V.'. i-.s.r. t'.
V, .
to early buyers
heavy ribbed natural .yoo1 colored
drawers all s'wsonly 30 cts KACII.
nice garment, that is universally
11 oil rtffti ff
Fitting. Durable. k
cheaper thaH you can buy them