Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 10, 1891, Image 3

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Ym'y Dm'ty
Mr .....1 M,. I M...1. .......
ill. inw .11;. i M . .i.niiw ,c I
turned last evening from a visit at i
I08 Moin.-s, l.i. '
Master Sain Cone and sister, Miss '
Lou, went to Oilell, Ncbr.. this morn-1
iuif for a few days' visit.
T. H. Stephenson, a popular at-;
tomey, of Nebraska City, is in town
to-day on leal business.
Miss Cora Cook returned this
morning from Glenwood. She will
teach in the city schools this
Uncle Jacob Vallery was among
the throng uoing t 'I'1 rtougias
county fair, now in .-cssion at
Miss Wiggenhorn, who has been
visiting with her friend. Miss Pora
Fricke, departed to day for her home
at Ashland.
Rev. I). Murphy. D. D of Keokuk,
Iowa, arrived here this morningand
will make a short visit with his
brother, M. H. Murphy.
Cuiite an excitement was gene
rated among the boys last evening,
owing to a defective electric wire.
The wrapping became worn and
failed to non-conduct.andasthewire
touched the iron work, the entire
front of the Fitzgerald block was
charged heavily with electricity.
Several passers-by accidentally
touched the pillars only to im
mediately feel a strong shock. It
was soon generally known and
quite a crowd congregated, and
after satisfying their curiosity, the
younger portion found enjoyment
in introducing new recruits, until
quite a late hour. The defect has
been repaired and all is working
smoothly again.
County Court
In the matter of the last will and
testament of James Urown, de
ceased. Will admitted to probate
and letters testamentary issued to
Klla J. Pitman excutor.
State Hank of Kluiwood vs.
James Boyce. Suit on promissory
note. Continued on application of
defendent til Sept. 10, a. in.
State Hank of Klmood vs. James
llollowbeck. Suit on promissory
note. Continued on application of
defendent til Sept. '), 2, p. ni.
J. C. Cummins St Son vs. John
Robins. Suit on account. Trial to
court and continued til gep. 8, 10,
a. m.
Last will and testament of Fred
erick Gorder filed for probate.
Cen. Greusel Honoree.
At the late encampment at Detroit,
Gen. Greusel was made the recipi
ent of a diamond badge by the city
council. In 1817 Mr. Greusel was a
citizen of Detroit and a member of
the common council from the
Fourth ward. He resigned his
councilship and went to the front in
the Mexican war. He also served in
the late war between the north and
south and took an active part in a
number of very important battles.
We glean from the Detroit Free
Press that Gen. Greusel appeared
in Mniform of his rank, with his
breast adorned with numerous
medals, and his - entry into the
council chamber was greeted with
great applause. Alderman I.owrey
introduced the General to the coun
cil, and then Alderman Griggs jn a
veay appropriate speech presented
him with a handsome diamond
Mr. Greusel's present home is in
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He is the father
of K. S. Greusel of this city, and the
many friends whom he made while
here last winter, on a visit to his
son, will be glad to hear of the high
honor the citizens of his old home
gave him.
From Friday Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. O. Serwin, of
Ashland, are visiting with the
family of Dr. Salisbury.
Dr. K. K. Rennells, of Rock Muffs,
was transacting business in the
city yesterday and returned home
last evening.
Misses Rose Hyers and Mattie
Smith, returned from Glenwood on
No. 5 this morning, where they
have been visiting a few days.
Knginccr Geo. Hallance, operat
ing engine No. 275 received an in
jury on the knee this morning that
will render him unable for service
for a few days.
W. H. Urown left this morning for
Lincoln, where he takes his usual
position as gate-keeper at the state
fair grounds. We are informed that
Mr. Brown has held this position,
consecutively, for twenty-one years
. P. Hutchison, who has been
visiting relatives at Rock Muff,
took No. 4 this morning for his
home at Chillocothe, Mo. Mr. H.
expressed himself as favorably im
pressed with our county, particu
larly our crop prospects.
Invitations are out announcing
the marriage of Dio II. Smith of this
city to Miss Clara A. Harvey,
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Har
vey, of Heaver City, Nebraska,
Wednesday. September It, ISttl. at
12 o'clock, noon.
Horriable Fie of x Troininant 1
knmxh Commission Merolirn'.
C. V. Vatmostrand. a well known
commission merchant, of Tekauiah,
was in the act of turning a bull in
the pasture, when the brute at
tacked him, and proceeded to pitch
the unfortunate man in the air and
otherwise injure him. An awful
gash was torn our his heart, his
ribs and one leg broken, and his
face sereverely cut. The unfortu
nate man is still aiive but his re
covery is not expected.
without pain.
An Important Discovery by a German
Dr. C. D. Sleich, of Berlin, claims
to have made a valuable discovery.
He says that if simple
water be injected under the skin
with a syringe the flesh at that
point is rendered insensible to pain.
His plan is to first make the skin at
the point of injection antiseptic
render it insensible to pains, and
then inject the water and proceed
with the operation. An instance is
given in to-day's Hee in which the
operation was successfully per
formed. Shall We Have Free School Books.
As our readers doubtless are
aware the last session of the legis
lature enacted a law, providing for
the district ownership and free dis
tribution of all necessary text books
and school supplies.
It is not our intention to discuss
the merits of the bill, but as we
understand that the law is disre
garded, in many instances, we
desire to call the attention of our
school officers, through out
the county, to the matter. For some
time it has been conceded on
every hand, that the prices charged
for school books were exorbitant,
and, to say the least, an injustice to
the buyer.
This law was passed having in
view the more equitable adjustment
of prices, and to that end our dis
trict boards throughout the county,
assisted by our county superintend
ent, should see that the provisions
of the law are complied with and a
fair trial be given. One thing is
certain, the people propose to have
school books furnished at
reasonable prices, if we have to re
sort to state publication, and if
this law will not stand the test it is
right that the fact should be dem
onstrated by actual trial.
It appears that the matter is left
largely in the hands of the school
boards. It seems that our city
board has depai ted somewhat from
the intent of the law, as they have
provided that books and supplies
be furnished pupils of the city at
cost. J. P. Young has been ap
pointed to provide the necessary
books, and thoseneeding them may
purchase them at cost.
In last weeks issue of the Avoca
Enterprise an article appeared,
bearing directly upon this matter
more particular, however, pertain
ing to country districts in which
the writer tell of his experience as a
member of a district board. We
here with submit the vital portion
to our readers:
The writer of this article being a
member of a joint district board
the district lying partly in Cass and
Otoe counties had thepleasure of
attending a convention of school
officers of Otoe county, held at
Syracuse last Tuesday.
The convention was well attended,
nearly every district in the county
being represented by from one to
three members of the different
boards, and was very ably presided
over by their genial superintend
ent, W. M. Clarey, whojis one of the
most wide-awake-and-go-ahead
school officers we have in the state.
The crank was there as he always is
at such gatherings, and had to
make a display ot his wisdom and
oratorical powers, before the con
vention could get down to business
The convention almost unanimous
ly voted to comply with the require
ments of the law as quickly and
fully as possible, also to adopt a
uniform series of text books. They
also effected a permanent organiza
tion of school officers by the elec
tion of a president, vice president, a
secretary, treasurer and executive
committee, consisting of live school
district officers, three teachers and
the county superintendent. It was
made the duty of theexecutive com
mittee to recommend a uniform
scries of textbooks to be used in
the county, and to make their re
port at the next meeting of the or
ganization, which is to be held at
Syracuse, on the second Friday ia
September next, at 10 c'clock a. in.
(Juery: Would it not be a good
plan for Stipcrintemient Noble to
call a convention of the school
district n lliccr of Cass county?
New BumNew Stock.
Flam Parinele has pushed his
way to the front as a livery man by
keeping nothing but the finest car
riages and buggies and best horses
to be found in the state. Those
wanting a satisfactory livery can't
do better than to call on Mr. Par
mele. dtf
County Attorney Travis Shies
His Castor inthe Ring
For the Judicial Plum
However He Lost What Little Enthu
siasm He Had Whorl he Came
Here -Inctepemleiita Cast
ing About.
From Saturday')! Itatiy
The seething political caldron is
quite busy just now, and huge
clouds of vapor are filling the air
with all kinds of gossip. The oilier
day County Attorney Travis of Cass
county was here, ostensibly on a
visit to County Attorney Morgan,
but in reality to see if there would
be any chance for him to secure
the democratic nomination for
judge of this judicial district. Two
years ago Travis was a howling re
publican but renounced .his party
faith to get an office. He did noU
get much comfort here, tor every
one who knowns Judge Chapman
favors his return to his present
seat, so Mr. Travis went home with
his office seeking enthusiasm quiet
ly but persistently oozing away.
Next we will hear of him yelling in
the alliance ranks in hopes of get
ting a state office.
The independents are now knoling
their brows over the question of
putting in nomination a candidate
for the judgeship. Last Tuesday
a portion of the county central com
inittee met at Syracuse to discuss
the matter and it ended in Messrs.
Tipton of Nebraska City, Cambell
of Syracuse and Baldwie of Palmyra
bving selected as a committee to
confer w!,h the Cass county inde
pendents on the subject. As yet
nothing has been done, but a call
for a judicial covention will be forth
coming in a short time. -Nebraska
City Press.
Our Enterprising Florist and Fruit
Grower to Compete
Among the enterprises of wh it'll
Cass county feels justly proud is
the fruit and plant growing estab
lishment conducted by W. J. Ilesser
at his home six niik'H south-west of
this city.
Mr. Ilesser has very appropriately
denominated the place, and it is
universally spoken of as "Hesser's
Picnic Gardens," presumably named
thus because of its peculior adapt
iveness to picnic parties, and of the
frequent outings that are held
Mr. Ilesser not only supplies the
home trade with an abundance of
all kinds of fruit and plants that
can be possibly grown here, but his
reputation as a florist has become
known throughout Mie state, and
when the wealthy citizens of many
of our large cities desire to secure
mi elaborate collection, their wants
are always supplied at the Picnic
The public spirited proprietor
does not underestimate the value of
advertising, and never fails to avail
himself of every opportunity to
show his plants, and thus place
their merits prominently before the
public. As has been his custom for
several years, Mr. Ilesser will have
an exhibition at the state fair a
display that can not fail to add
greatly to his reputation as a florist,
and be a great credit to the county.
This Hekald reporter had the privi
lege of gazing upon the plants after
they had been placed in the car,
and upon beingconfronted with the
task of picturing the scene on
paper, we are at a loss to find words
adequate to do it justice; suffice to
say there were two cars well filled
with plants of all sizes, varieties
and natives of nearly every country
on the globe. Some of those which
seemed the most interesting were
the banana, of which he has several
varieties; pine apple; orange, which,
by the way, has fruit sufficiently
developed to compare with a large
walnut. He has palm trees from
China, Australia, West Indies and
Japan; from the last named lie has
on hand 000 plants, and he has a
bill of 300 more that will arrive in a
few days. Doubtless Mr. Ilesser's
display will compare favorably
with, if not excel, that of any com
petitor. According to declarations of cer
tain insurance companies, it is
probable that an objection will be
made on the part of the companies
to insuring live stock running in
pastures fenced by barb wire, asthc
losses in a great measure are due,
as reported by the farmer?, to
lightning in connection with the
wire fences. In the majority of
cases stock is killed while standing
near the wire, owing to the good
qualities of the wire as a conductor
of electricity. Because of the w ire
fences the risk of insurance compa
nies is greater.
Brown V Barrett have just re
ceived a line line of iiiportfd tooth
and nail brushes, cloth nnd hair
brushes. Price away down. tf
A Great Event
In olio's ttle a Ui discovery of a remedy lor
ime long-MiUimiiK nialArij. Tim jioikou of
Scrofula Is ill yum blood. You Inherited It
from your ancestors. Will you transmit It
to your oflsprin 7 lu Ui peal majority
of cases, both Consumption ajid Catarrh orin
twite in Scrofula. It Is supposed to be Uie
primary source of many oilier uVraiiKPnirnLa
of Uic iHxly. Kogia al owe to cleanse your
blood wilu lu siaudard allcraUvo,
" For several mouths I w;w troubled with
scrofulous eruptions over the whole body.
My appetite was bvl, and my system so
prostrated that I was unable to work. After
try in several remedies In win, I resolved
to take Ayer's Maraaparilla. and did so wlttt
such good effect thai less Uutn out) bollle
Restored My Health
and strength. The rapidity of the cure as
tonished me, as I expected the process to be
loin and tedious." Krcderleo Marls Fer
nandas, Villa Nora dn Gaya, Portugal.
" For many yars I was a sufferer from
scrofula, until aliout throe years afro, when I
began the una ef Ayer's Harsaparllla, since
which the dlscxse has entirely disappeared
A little child of mine, who was troubled wlt
the same complaint, has also been cured by
this medicine." II. Brandt, Avoca, Ne'or.
DR. J. C. AYEB A CO., Low H, Mass.
Bold by Dmgilt4. l,lii. Wort oaboHle.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub Bust Sai.vk in the world for Cut
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Ulieiini KVvm
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains,
CornH, and all Skin Eruptions, nnd posi
tively cures Hies, or no ny required.
It is mmrnnti'1'rt to trive sutisfaeiion. or
money refunded. Price 2.") cents r !oi
r or sain iy r. u. r ricke to.
R'lau in I'iim Curact i t a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissappoars.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7."c
Sold by F, (i. Fricke, Druggist, wt
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease is by far the most
frequent cause of sudden death,
which in three out of four cases is
unsuspected. The symptoms are
not generally understood. These
are: a habit of lying on the right
side, short breath, pain or ditressin
the side, back or shoulder, irregular
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry
spells, wind in stomach, swelling of
ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry
cough nnd smothering. Dr. Miles'
illustrated book on Heart Disease,
free at F. G. Frlke A Co's, who sell
and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequaled
New Heart Cure, and his restora
tive Nervine, which cures nervous
ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop
sy, etc. It contains no opiates.
Electric Bitters.
Thisreiuedy is becoming so well
nnd so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used Klecl
trie Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do al
thiit is claimed. IClcctric Bitters
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, h;i1 t rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive miliaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all ma
larial fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation nnd indigestion try
Klectric Bitters. Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. d.
Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5
Strtllng Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso Humpfling,
of Butler, Penn, swears that when
his son wasspechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Rentorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. I.,
Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr,
of Logansport, Ind each gained 20
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, di.,tiess, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, St
Co., who recomends this unequailed
remedy. 4
It Should be In Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burir, Ph., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wile who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of 'La Grippe," when
various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no good.
Kobert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa.,
claims Dr. Kings Aew Discovery
hits done him more good than any
thing he ever used for I.ung
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c.
aud frl.OO.
For many years Mr. B. F. Thomp
son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se
verely afllicted with chronic diarr
hoea. He says: "At times it was
very severe; so much so, that I
feacrd it would end my life. About
seven years ago I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It gave me prompt relief
and I believe cured mo permanent
ly, as I now eat or drink without
harm an) thing I 'please. I have
also used it in my family with the
best results, h'or sale by F. G.
Frickie V Co.
Wonderful Success
Two years ago the llaller Prop.
Co.' ordered their bottles by the box
-now they buy by the carload.
Among the popular and sticccst fill
remedies they prepare is Bailor's
Sarsaparilla oV Burdock which is
the most wonderful blood puriliei
known. No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
What is
Castoria Is Dr. Sumiicl Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphhio nor
other Narcotic substance. It 1m a'fiarmleos substitute
for Paregor'c, Drops, Soothing Syrups uil Castor Oil
it U Pleasant. It guarantee 1 thirty years' use by
Millions of pothers. Costorh destroys Wo rum and allays
fererishneHS. Civstoria. prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Dlarrhwa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate? the stomach i
and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cos
torla is the Children's .tamveea the Mother's Friend.
"CMtnri Is M exmtlwit tiMitlein for Chil
dren. Mod ten have repMtmlly hld uw ot iu
good fftK apod Hidr children."
D. Q. a Owonn,
Lowull, Kiuu.
"CMtnrUbthatMai rm)jr Itv ctrilArtn of
which I tin aaiuninUd. I bwie tlut day law
fur dtetad vUua noilMn wiflonJlar the Mil
IntrrMl of their okVdrao, uid luo Cutoria In
tid of Mm ntriou quack nostrums wUloh art
dfatrqfiiig Biotr lovwl ones, by foroiii; opium,
morphine, eoothiug irmp and ottitr hiirtfal
axilla down tlwir throat. Uwrvby tending
Uiin to premature graves."
Da. J. T. KiNrmruos,
Couwoy, A.
The Centaur Company, T7
She i ii winner. We reduce our prices lecfHiMe we ran uffonl loo,
not heciuiHe Hoiuehotly compels lis too. Where in lfe lu'aM trite, 'an ft
time credit man that can Htand it NOT IN 1'LAT'i.nMOl'Tli. We uive
you a few more prices that may interest you:
Golden machine oil .... Mill jjoch at 20e per t
Gasoline " " " He " "
Warranted Hay Fork liTc each
2,()(X) odd size carriage holts - MOc per hundred
Another lot of clothes wringers - 2.10
Carpet tacks still goat lc per paper
Cook stoves at cot to close.
Folding ironing bonrds 07c
Hlk barb wire - 3.70 per hundred
Galvanized barb wire " "
Uest and cheapest line of tinware in the city.
Coine in and see ns whether you are in need of any goods or not
Remember that we can and will save you money every time. Kyery thing
ii bargain,
A strict ly first ciaon niMhlne. fully wurra.i
ed. Made trom the very he-it inutwrlal b -skilled
workmen, and with the lient tools tha
have ever hetn devised tor the purpose. War
ranted to do all that can be reasonably eia
Dected of the very best typewriter extant.
Capable of wrlMni? 180 words tier minute oi
more according to the ability of the operator
I'll ICE $100.
If there is no aeiit Id your town address thr
AW'nts vvHiifed 1'arisli N, V.
F. H. SEELEMIRE, Atfcnt.
Lincolu, Neb,
Dr. Grosvencr's
jTtnn f'xnt
Rhnrnatmm. nmirnTri nliiri arm Inmbfup
mrffl At oncfl, 7itfin for h all Ibwsfufl
br !'' Invisible Tuhtlar aarCnah.
kin.. WhUiwtn b.trd, .imifilBM-.
8 Mfuliirt tilrrmHiMrul. S..IH ty V. IIUii,oiIt. CD C
tiii Unwil;, hr lork. WnH Ir Ul ol (.retain Lb
'A'XiJripftiiBi-t and WfiutifWi th hvlr.
'Wi" r'" l'r"iH"l lllinntnt jfn.wlh..
ANJk- ? i iNnu V.I la in li nf ft flrae
iUir to lti Youthful Color.
J Cur) (fnlp d. ft bur tftiiiug.
Wmk l.itn h t.i'iiv. l'i')mtion, ram, late lu tunc .h t.
HINDEfiCORNS. T.- onWrnirectm for Cur..
b;ipi a i-.u. Uim at iJiu.itkS wr lilaCUX Ji CO.( N. .
311!lLy i n list
" Owteria h so well arlitfd to cliHilreo th4
I reaunend it parlor ton pi x i tytkm
kuuwu to tus."
D. 1. Aaomm, K. D
lit So. Oxford St., Brwkljrn, IT. 1.
Our phraMans in tie eaildmn's dflpaft
nuial have spot hh?hrf f tiutir tipert
eiioe In II nr eulaicte praatfee with Outoria,
and although V eahr tore among !
medio! sappaVai what k known, as regular
prtxhioav jet we are free to eonfeei Uiat ihe
merits of Oasturla has won as lo look with
foturutt It."
United IlotutTaL amd DmpufutT,
Voston, i
AU.M C. Sarrn, Vri.,
Murray Street, New York City,
The Leading
Constantly keeps on band everything
you need to furnish your bouse.
Wnnon and Dlackmittlt shop
Wagon, Baggy, Machine and
plow RupHintii; done
lie uses the
Which is the beet horseshoe for th
fitnuur, or for fust driving, or for cit
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyono cf.n put on sharp or flat
corks, us nt-edi'd for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call al
h's Bhop and examine the nkvkrsutp
nnd yo'.i will use no other.
Vi X-tii Fifth St. VW.- . S