Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 30, 1891, Image 5

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A Tn!) of "Hollo" Known us the
KHrmnm' Alliiin't" Cruelly
MkIitchi'! ly tli "luctie
lofh' " C I u t.
t'romMoiiility't I imh.
And lo! there was a mility cit3'
within the confines of Hit otiiinlj' of
Cass and state of .Nebraska and
within that city there dwelt a race
of "Hoboes." And these "I loboes''
dil form of themselves a tribe and
thfj' did fiiihla.ou Ihemscl ves witli
the cognomen of tilt "Farmers' Al
liance," and thry did procure for
themselves a room and did during
the winter months pass their time
in said room in a state of torpor.
And tliey did really think them
selves some pumpkins.
And in the same -i 1 3- there dwelt
another tribe of "Hoodoos" who
called themselves "Hachelois," ami
they were always awake and they
did esteem themselves fit com
panions for Kinjs and I'rinces.
And the liiemhers of lioth of these
tribes were what is known in base
hall slang as "fans," and they all
did "hoot" loud and long for the
home cl uh.
And it came to pass that one day
10 if I icy, the One IC3 e, or Killer,
being a member of the trihe of
"I lol iocs," a ml feel i 11 g a t peace villi
all the world, did haiiter one Starch, ;
... ..... . 1
or iMarcli, or I arisen, as trie case
may he, to take their respective
tribes and hie them to the liasc hall
park and do battle. And Tartscli,
etc., did think it a great scheme and
he did accept said challenge at
once, and both tribes did j-estetday
collide with great violence at the
aforesaid base ball paik to the
everlasting damage and mortifica
tion of the tribe of '"I I oboes."
For lo! there was in the tribe of
"Hoodoos" a spellbinder by the
name of Cliiford, and he did weave
a spell over the tribe of "Hoboes"
ho 111.1t t heir eyes were as the eyes
of a dead dog sightless. And
they could see not the ball to hit it,
neither could they see it to catch it,
and they were buried amid the
lilacs, and buried so deep that the
trump of the angel Gabriel can
never awake them.
And for the "Uachelor Hoodoos"
White, Green, Reinhaekle, 3IcCarty
and Clifford did take the most de
light in scalping the unfortunate
"Hoboes," while "Hoboes" Murray,
Grimes, McC'03 , V'allery and Cole
ably assistetl them in the execution.
"Hoodoo" Green took great and
exceeding pleasure in fanning the
'"Hoboes" out, having in the neigh
borhood of eighteen strike outs.
"Hoodoo" Clifford performed a
marvelous stop of a grounder in
the fore part of the game which
woke applause in the grand stand
and bleachers. And at the bat he
was out of sight. His frequent
home runs and three baggers
caused the audience to roar with
enthusiasm. It was vaguely hinted
that Anson was after him. "Hobo''
Vallery made a great circus play
that established him in great favor
with the crowd. He stopped a hot
grounder and after turning around
six times threw the runner out at
first. The game aroused all the
latent energy in the spectators and
the applause was sharp and fre
quent. This is the unofficial score:
A Buryulur Bgued.
The Dee this morning says:
About 1 o'clock l ist Thursday j
morning Officer Culleii saw a man
wot king at the side window of Neil'.
saloon on South Thirteenth street.
The policeman slipped up on the j
thief, but In- lied. Cuilen fired a j
couple of shots but failed to bring,
down his man who ran faster than
ever and was soon lost in the dark- I
I'pon investigation the window
was found broken anl directly
under it in the alley lay a silver
handled silk umbrella. This was
taken to police headquarters and
was the mean-' of capturing the
crook. The cn.-e was given to
1 .-tect i ves Savage and Dempsey,
and their lirsl move was to have
Mr. Neti identify the umbrella.
Tin's the saloon keeper did by
stating that a man who had fre
quently visited his place of late had
carried such an article. A good tie
scriptioii wasgien the detectives
and they sallied forth to look for
the man who had carried the um
Yesterday afternoon the officer
were successful and arrested Jacob
Kiimpult. on suspicion.
jl the notice station he was
searched and a fine gold stopwatch
and two gold chains were found on
his person.
jailer Harvey looked up his list
of stolen property and found that
the description tallied with the
hisses of Joe Klein at lMattsmouth
ami word was immediately sent
I)cput3 Sheiiil john Tighe and
Joe Klein went up 011 the earl3'
train this morning and found the
thief was one Krumphullz who
used to work for M. H. Murph3- and
for the last two years had been em
pIo3'ed at the shops in Steimkers de
partment. When caught with the
property ,,M 'ns person he weakened
and admitted his guilt. In com
paii3' with the sheriff tht'3- to-da-maile
the rounds of the pawn
shops, and a telegram received at
o'clock this afternoon l3' Mr. Klein
shows that much of his property
will be recovered. There are three
other men implicated but Kritm
phuitz. has so far refused to give
their names. He will be brought
down on the dyer this evening.
Green, p 2 I 0 17 2
Keinkackle, lb o 1 1 22 lo 7
White, c o 1 1 16 2d 0
Morgan, 3b 5 1 0 0 9 4
Starch. If 0 1 0 ( 0 8
Clifford, rf a o 5 13 14 15
Grassman, 2b o 1 0 2 17 8
McCarty, 2b 5 2 1 5 4 0
Kuhney, cf 5 i 2 0 1 0
Totals .45 16 11 510544
AL L I A X C E A B K B 1 1 'Y'O A E
Johnson, p 5 2 1 0 22 5
Murray, c 5 0 1 17 12 37
Grimes, lb 5 2 0 24 12 8
Young, rf 4 1 2 0 0 0
McCoy, 2b 4 11 5 4 3
F Kichey, 3b 4 1 1 9 11 2
Hayes, If 4 0 0 2 5 0
Valley, ss 4 1 1 0 37 12
Cole, cf 4 0 0 0 0 4
Totals 39 S 7 50 103 77
Reduced Rates
Have been made to the Detroit
meeting of the G. A. R. tickets go
on sale J 11I3' 29th. The limit for re
turn has been extended to Sep
tember 8th thus giving the old
soldiers time to run down into Ohio
Indiana and other states on a short
visit as well as take in the national
encampment. Sleeping car rate?
have also been reduced so that a
berth can be obtained to Detroit
for $4 03-applying" at once. The Xt
braska official train will leave Lin
coln at 7:25 p. 111. Saturda3' August
1st. Omaha 9:30 p. 111.
Greenwood gets a reduced rate of
a fair and a third from all points
within 50 miles for the G. A. 1
district reunion, on August 3rd to
The biennial encampment -N
braska brigade, uniform rank
Knights of I'3'thias have a rate of a
fare and a third, August 17 to 21 st.
tickets limited to return Aug 23rd.
The Soiux Cit3' corn place, Oct. 1
to 17. gets a half rate from all
points in Nebraska.
A round trip rate of one fare, has
been made from all points within
275 miles, to Hot Spring, South Da
kota for August 11th and 12th.
Pork for Mexico
It pays to rai.-e good blooded
stock. M(inl;iy we were called to
tlie stock 3'ards to notice three cars
of hogs that were being shipped to
Mexico. We were surprised and
could scarcely' believe our e'es.
There IIS head of full blood Poland
China hogs as fat as could be and
all of even weight and size. Mr.
h'eyburn, our buyer, informs us
that these were the pick out of the
cut irt neighborhood and while not!
weighing as much as others, 3ft
owing to the smoothness and pure
blood he was able to pa 3" 50 cents
per 1 imdred moie than the mar-,
ket price, and also that owing lo
the quality he had decided to ship
to Mexico via Kansas City, where
they rest one day and are then
loaded into the Mexican transporta-
tion cars and taken across th" line.
The three carsj were composed of
11 i 11 ety -1 w o head from A. K. Hess, '
who received just 1,27.50; eighteen
head were contributed l3' Sam 1
McCIintic that netted him $297. and
eight from Mr. K rewer that brought j
a check for $1 12.50, or just $1,737 for
A SicriouH Outlook.
ST. Joskimi. Mo., JUI3- 27. I'nle-s
an almost miraculous intltieuce is
brought to bear upon the Missouri
river to prevent the inroad.- nun!"
at a point west of the city known
as lUlmont be:id. the town of Mini
wood opposite St. Joseph, covering
a territory of about six s.u.i?e
miles of farming country, will be
submerged and the bridge ami
railroad tracks will be rendered
useless. The neck of land separat
ing the river above and below the
bend has been reduced to a width
of 1,H0 feet. Should the river tut
through the Kansas bottoms, this
city would be deprived of three of
its most important lines of railroad
for months at least. The inn
bridge now spanning the stream at
this point would be rendered tire
less. All communication with the
Kansas farmers would be cut off
and it would b - impossible lo esti
mate the damage to mi reliant.- and
business men.
Neht'-k Soldiers' Heurvon.
To be held at Cuslminn park. I. in
Ieilgn SuituMo for Outer or Corner of
M l'llllft ( nolilon.
! Fig 1 is a design suitable for center
or one corner of a lovely toilet cushion
Select a. square of satin of a cream or
! pearly tint. Color the design in pale
blue Paris tinting; work witli wining
M itches in bine silk and outline the
: whole with Japanese gilt threaiL The
i cushion can tie edged with a silken cord
! of blue, or white with some of the Jap
1 uiiese gilt thread twisted around it. A
; pompon on one or more of the corners
rives a pleasant etVeet. or a bow of satin
j riblton may take tin- place of the pom
: pirns, ami a full jabot of oriental lace
: around the edges will I00U as well as
' the cords
I Lamp shades will aildto.a room s iit
j tracti veness. A el. arming one is made
of line white lace over a rose-colored
I lining It is gathered at the top so us
j to leave a heading of lace Sprays of
j white anil pink tissue paper flowers nre
j arranged to fall like a fringe from the
p top, where a wreath hides the gathers
I in the lace. Another very pretty shade
has two rows of lace sewed one above
the other over a yellow lining, nnd vel
the 1 1 head. It would seem from coin, September lt toll. The stib
this that it does pa3" to raist
stock.-- ICagle Kaglet
Died at 10 o'clock last night, in
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ola Bengs
ton of inflamation of the brain. The
funeral will take place to-morrow
afternoon at three o'clock. Friends
of the family are invited to attend.
Hacheloi s 0 1 3 1 5 2 1 0 3- 16
Alliance 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 S
Karned runs Bachelors 17. Alli
ance 1. Bases 011 balls--Off John
son, 4, off McCoy, 5. off Green, 2. Hit
b3' pitcher By Johnson 3, McCoy. 2
Green 3. Badlj- rattled Alliance 3
times. A soft pudding the Alli
ance. Crank umpire Streight.
Time of game 3 hours anil 02 min
utes. Umpires Streight anil Warren.
Dakota Hot Sprinjs.
The populurit3' of these Springs is
fast increasing-, both as a Summer
and a Health Resort. The cures
effected l3' its waters are niimy and
marvelous. The altitude of the
place (3500 feet) makes the atmo
sphere exilerating and absolute
free from malaria. They are sur
rounded by w-oiideful freaks of
naiurj', ami iieitgiitlui scenery.
The elegant new plunge bath 2S0
feet long by 50 feet wide just com
pleted has added a very- attractive
feature to "this resort. The Hotels
are fitted up with all modern im
provements, and accommodation
are amid.'.
The Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri
Valley Railroad goes direct to the
Springs with I'alace Sleepers from
Omaha without change. Tourist
tickets good for ninet3' ihu-s from
dale ot sale can oe Jiail all tlie year
round, ror i 'amphlets concerning-
these Springs or ati3' information as
to rates, etc. call upon or address
any Agent of the Fremont, Klkhorn
& Missouri Valle3' and Sioux Cit3- &
acilic Railroads, or
J. R. Buchanan.
Omaha. Neb., G. l 6c T. A.
II. ("1. Burt, General Managea.
Miss Cora F. Holmes died this
morning at 1 o'clock at her parents'
home west of Rock Bluffs. Miss
Cora was seventeen 3-ears, four
months and twent3--three days old
at the time of her death. The fun
eral will occur to-morrow morning
at 11 o'clock from her parents' residence
Our Allison Knee now stopping!
at Nebraska Cit3" is getting up an
exposition down there. As an ad- j
vertiser Allison is a beauty. The
state press has been full of exposi- ;
tion notes for the last two weeks :
and now comes the Daily Inter ,
Ocean all the way from Chicago
with the following editorial:
Nebraska City will be the exposi
tion center in Nebraska this fall, as
the Nebraska CU3- exposition will
be the 01113- one in the state. It will
open Aug. 31 and close Sept. 14.
The Grand Arni3- will also hold its
district reunion there during the
exposition. The exposition ought
to be a success with Nebraska ex
hibits alone. This is a great year
for farmers and Nebraska is one of
the great farmers States of the
General Sherman Sage is off duty
at the shops and has gone to Chey
enne anil other western cities for a
ten da3"s vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Wash Smith's
daughters. Mattie and L,ulu. started
this morning for ;i few da3"s' visit
with friends at Geneva.
J. I'. Young and wife went to Fin
coln yesterday morning-. Mrs.
Young returned home to-day while
J. P. will remain until Yedt1esda3-.
Mrs. Dana Hewitt tleparted this
morning for Denison, Texas, where
tier ftusbaiiU is in charge of a
roundhouse for the M. K. & T. rail
Mrs. Tom Carver of Red Oak vis
ited Mrs. J. M. Johns yesterday and
departed for home this morning 13'
the way of Omaha and Council
During the storm last AYednesday
morning lightning struck the fence
near this olliee and gave quite a
shock to several persons. Mrs.
Win. Brissey was thrown several
feet, Geo. La Rue had his pipe
knocked from his mouth and a
number of others felt the effect
tpiite plain'. No one was injured
but the call was just a little too
close to be comfortable, I'nion
Mrs. Kmmn Kwing gave a forcible
object lesson on cooking to an
eastern Chautauqua Assemblj- the
other"da3" l3" serving them with
400 cups of delicious home-made
coffee which she said cost only
twenty cents, or one-twentieth of a
cent a cup, and desserts that cost
one and one half cents ji plate. !
There is a vast different in the ex- ! always attended his efforts how
penses of living where women' ever in other ti ircc. ! -n - we may ex
know how to cook and where they pect Use German embargo to be
do not. raised at once. c
r"'ivii Tuesdays DjiIu
A. f. Graves, Hsq., was called to
Nebraska Cit3" to-da3- 011 legal busi
ness. They say we have a new vetinary
surgeon 111 town, ile had Ins nrst
case Stinda3- south of town.
A brickhi3"ers, stonemasons and
plasterers' union was organized in
this city Saturda- night with a
large membership.
Great preparations are being
made for the State G. A. R. reunion
at Grand Island, which promises to
be the biggest event of the 3"ear.
South Dakota has been visited
with another series of destructive
hail storms. As blizzard breeders,
and hail storm incubators the two
Dakotas easil3" head the procession.
The long looked for dimension
stone arrived last night from which
the capstone for the pillars under
the two arches are to be cut. The
work which it seemed would be de-
laved will now proceed as usual.
Mrs. Fletcher, of Georgetown,
Colorado, formerly Miss Mary
Ruby one of IMattsmouths old time
teachers is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Ruby out at Kight
Grove this week.
Onite a severe eartbquarke shock
was felt Sunday at Fvansville, Ind.,
It happened while maii3r
people were at church, and broke
up the services In- everyone rush
ing w ildy into the street.
Two more new engines were re
ceived las't night, Nos. 271 and 272.
Tliey are of the consolidated pat
tern with three drive wheels on a
side and are to be used in the pas
senger service. the tinishe?
the r cent purchase of engines by!
the B. c: M.
committee met at the oi'lii e ol Dr.
J.atta in Lincoln Saturda3" and was
called to onler ly the chairman.
On motion Comrades John M.
Tlny er, II. C. McMnken and Gcorg.
V. Hall wereappointed a committee
on speakers; J. C. Richards ami
John Gillispie on programme; Chris
Hartman, 11. C. McMaken and V. S.
Latta on transportation; Joseph
Kitt and George V.Hall on tents
and grounds; J. V. Otieen and Wm.
Gillispie 011 badges; George V.
Hall and Alva Brown 011 Driiiting:
J. C. Richards and F. II. An Irt:- on
amusements, t )n motion adjourned
to meet on call of chairman.
Geo. V. Hall, Chairman
Fatal Accident at Louisville
The Omaha Bee this morning
contained the following telegram
from Louisville:
A fatal anil distressing accident
occurred near here this morning
I. W. Neeky was engaged in clean
ing- a well ninety feet deep at tin
Berger school house, when he be
came affected 1)3- the foul air. Hi
signaled to be hauled up rapidly
and his helper had him witum
thirty feet of the top when he was
overcome anil lell back head first a
distance of about sixt3-live feet.
Help was immediately procured
and Frank McNeel3" volunteered to
go down into the well for him. He
was let down but immediately sig
naled to be hauled up as he became
affected in a similar manner. Alter
resting a while he tied a wet hani -kerchief
over his face and was
fastened to the bucket and let down
again, lie succeeded 111 fastening"
a rope to Neely's legs and then the3
were both hauled up. Neely re
mained in a stupor until 8 o'clock
to-night when he expired. He
leaves a wife and three children.
The tleceasetl for many 3 ears was
a near neighbor of the writer and
lived on a farm southeast of Louis
ville adjoining the farm
occupied b- the late Charles
Hasemeir who was killed in the
explosion at the shops.
Mr. Neelej" was a stepson of Abra
ham Thomas one of Cass county's
oldest settlers who now resitles at
Hillsdnle. Ia., a stepbrother of Dr.
Thomas, of Weeping Water and a
cousin or nephew of the Wiles' his
mother being a daughter of Luke
Wiles, of Glenwood, and a brother
of Stephen Wiles ot Blattsmouth
A I'ulnty Yi In Wl.l. h to Motnit
liiift lor I r''ii t ;i f ln.
r.. 1. . . ... s
at (..11 iiit v ' i f.-ti 111- Oiin ii lln
own p!n .t. ;rraphs to a dear familiar
friend, who would not w to shut itt
iiw:iv from sijhu in 11 11 ullum, let her
frame it, :i eordmr to the fo . win direction-,,
with her own f.ivorite rotor.
It will not only be sn'est i ve of
herself, "hut vill m.iKr a pretty holiday
or birthday ift or valentine of vh;it
would otherwise be -only n photo
f.T;iph. T:i ke a cabinet photograph or one of
n lar rer sie, put it f.-w drop of pur.t?
on the ba.-k side, lay it on a piece of
heavy ea rd l a id, an inch and a half
larjrer than the picture nil around and
roum led oil' at t he corner, and press it
lirmly down so that it will adhere to
the brick securely.
Over it lay 11 square of clear
pdass a little la r.'i'r t han t he photograph
card or what is still better, a slightly
convex glass made for the purpose,
w hich may he obtained ut a photon
pher's. Then take a strip of earn brie,
cheese-cloth or any thin cloth that will
absorb pate readily, saturate with
paste, and fold it like a bindintf all
around the picture, letting it lap over
the edge of the glass at least half tux
Press it, on smoothlj', rubbing out
superfluous paste, ami turn the other
edge over on the back side nnd rub it
low ribbon, which hides the shirring j
below tlie heading, is tied in a pretty
bow. These m.13' be made over ordinary
wire frames, such as are made for the
purpose, or they can be thrown over a
common shade and produce a very neat
effect. Ohio Farmer.
tVhy Tlifj Are Ilraltlilrr and Morn
tritiotiH Tlian Animal
It is a physiological fact that a cer
tain amount of fat is necessary for the
proper nutrition of tlie body Fat la
derived from the carbonaceous elements
contained in sugar, starch and grains
The digestive process is carried on Set
ter with the aid of a little fatty matter
But it is not necessary to go to the ani
mal kingdom for this, and it is a fact
that vegetable oils are more easily di
gested than animal fats They do not
become rancid so easily Rancid fat is
exceeding- poisonous. Nuts furnish an
excellent natural oil and it is a mistake
to suppose that they are dillicult of di
gestion. The reason for the prevalent
idea that nuts are hard to digest is that
they are taken at improper hours and
are not thoroughly masticated, often
being swallowed in chunks. But if taken
with a bit of bread or hard cracker, the
firm, fleshy substance of the nut can be
so finely divided that it will not be re
tained unduly in the stomach, but will
pass along to the duodenum where, by
the action of the bile, the fatty sub
stances contained will be digested aal
fitted to be passed along further in the
alimentary tract.
Corn meal contains the largest per
centage of fats of any of the grains.
Peas, beans and lentils also contain
forms of vegetable oil and are very nu
tritious, wholesome foods. (Joing into
the animal kingdom, the 3'olk of the
egg is very rich in oil. being thirty per
cent, of its substance. Extract from a
lecture by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, of liattle
Creek Sanitarium.
closely down. When dried it will bo
firm and solid, and no air can reaeli the
Nor is the picture marred in any way;
it can be removed and put in an album
if one should tire of the frame. The
back may hn finished with a neat paper
cover or a piece of thin lining satin
may l; fitted smoothly over it by being"
drawn closely over a little wa3' on the
right side by a strong draw-thread run
into the narrowly-folded edge.
For the fram take any pretty rib
bon three-inch satin ribbon is very
pretty for a large picture and arrange
it as illustrated or in any original war
that is pretty or characteristic and
tack it securely beneath the folds ami
knots through the cardboard leneath;
milliners' stitches, long and loose but
still firm and invisible, are better than
finer ones for this work.
Bright or delicate ribbons are only
suitable for framing children's or
blooming girlish faces, while such
colors as golden brown, old gold and
olive are better for their elders.
Youth's Companion.
The case of Annie Iv. White vs.
the Burlington Kelief Department
for sick benefits was tried in the
county court to-da3' which resulted
in a verdict for the plaintiff in the
sum of $120, with interest at 7 pet
cent since March 21st.
A Mr. Horn, an inmate of the poor
house for the last five 3-ears died
this morning at the age of 7.") years
from senilit3r. He died at four and
was buried at eleven.
Jake Krumphultz the burglar is
having his preliiiiinar3' hearing be
fore fudge Archer this afternoon
H.D. Travis for the state and Matt
Gering for the defense.
I'hil Armour the great pork pack
er, is in Germany, and promises the
government there that if they will
raise the embargo on American
pork, he will pay the salar3-of their
1 11.-pector, and that he will'open up
new- slaughter houses and 3-ards at
Tolleston, Ind., which will be the
cleanest in the world. It is said
the Cerninii government is serious
ly considering his proporitiou.
Armour as a diplomat would be a
lu-w- roie tor the king of the packers.
Judging the success which has
Frank T. Davis lost a nice silk
umbrella b3 some one picking it up
in his store hy mistake. His initials
"F. D. T." are engraved on the gold
handle. The finder will please re
turn and oblige.
Mr. Kucker of Council Hluffs a
,lP , mild mannered gentleman that tips
the beam at 407 pounds has been in
the cit3" today 011 business with K.
H. Reynolds iv Co.. the M. P. con
tractors. He is not an uncle of Kd.
Fitzgerald as was reported 011 the
Elegant Chairs for I'arlort, Reception
Koonn and I.iijrarled.
The carved walnut furniture which
comes from Venice is especially attrac
tive to curio hunters. The massive hall
chair illustrated is an example of the
criss-cross 6tyle of seat known as a
Savonarola chair." The austere style
of the chair in this instance has been
relieved by ornate carvings in renais
sance style. The amoritii, mounted 00
the back, on either side, are in pure
Italian fashion, though they hardly seem
in keeping with this severe style, look
ing better suited to a lady's boudoir
chair.and lions' or boars' heads are often
d 14 charged
Freil Matson,
with a criminal assault 011 a little j
girl near Greenwood had his pre- j
1 itui nury hearing before Justice '
Archer 3'esterda- afternoon which j
resulted in his being bound over to j
the district court. In default of j
bail he was sent to jail. If what we !
heard about the testimony was true i
he ought to go to the penitentiary i
for life. i
substituteiL The mask of Pan is a gro
tesque carving frequently used in Vene
tian carvings, where heathen mythol
ogy and churchly figures are sometimes
mingled in an odd sort of jumble One
meets the figures of all the heathen dei
ties in these carvings, in close associa
tion with the lion of St. Mark holding
the open Scriptures before him in dog
matic attitude.
These criss-cross chairs are made
more comfortable for library use by the
addition of a movable cushion of bro
cade or leather. N. Y. Tribune.
For lame backs, sitle or chest use
Shiloh's porous plaster. Price 25
:s. F. G. Fricke. 3t
How to Clean Dark Wood.
Any sort of dark wood may be freed
from all traces of dirt and grease by a
good sponging of strong tea, just warm;
it will not, however, answer for light
unpolished furniture, as it would nain
If the complexion is greasy and thick
soap, with carbolic aeid or sulphur; is
excellent, anl flour of sulphur, a tea
spoonful to a basin of water, should be
used for washing.
A little alcohol in the water in
which mirrors :re washed helps to
give a fine polish. Never wet a mirror
all over when cleaning, but dampen
and instantly dry a small part at a
Ik lace is narrow wind it tightly
around a bottle and pin it on. Wet it
thoroughly with alcohol and let it re
main until perfectly dry. It will bo
like new.
A magic preparation for keeping
frizzes ''in" is found in mixing equal
parts of glycerine and rose water and
annointing the hair freely with it be
fore curling, or an equally good mixture
is made of perfumed olive oil witB bees
wax dissolved therein.
If ink is spilled on the carpet throw
a quantity of salt on it which will
quickly absorb the ink: take this np
and put on more salt. Keep repeating
this, rubbing it well into the ink spot
until the ink is all taken up by the
salt, then brush the salt out of the car
pet. To take coal oil out of carpet satu
rate with benzine and then rub dry'
with a clean white cloth. If the first
application does not take it out go
through the same process until it is out.
As benzine is very explosive be careful
and not have a light in the room nor a
hot stove.
Always wash baby's mouth and
gtims every morning with water in
which you have put a pinch of borax.
It keeps the mouth fresh and sweet and
prevents that uncomfortable affliction,
a sore mouth, with which s; many poor
baliies are troubled when their mouths
are not kept perfectlj- clean.
To drive away roaches take three
pounds of oatmeal or meal of Indian
corn and mix it with a pound of white
lead; moisten with treacle so as to form
a good paste and put a portion down in
j ine lniesteu nmiiung. Kepeat lor a
; few nights alternately, and in the
j morning remove the paste and the
j corpses to a convenient place.
Itye Short-Cake Toast,
r One cup white Hour; one cup rye flour
or r3e meal; one-half tcaspoonful soda;
one teasxnful cream of tartar; one-
half teaspoonful of salt; one tablespoon
ful sugar; one cup milk (about), and
one triblespoonf ul melted butter. Mix
the flour, meal and sugar. .Sift the
: boda, salt and cream of tartar through a
very fine strainer into the Cour, and
, mix thoroughly. Make it into a stiff
dough with the milk, using enough to
enable you to roll tlie don-i- Add the
; butter. Turn out on the .board and roll
, out quarter of an inch ihick. Cut into
' rounds and bake in a quick oven. Wncn
I done tear them open, pour thickened
cream over them and serve at once. ,