A TRAMP'S SONG. Wander in1 in tho Juno time, down around tb river, Outcu liciriu' o the world, a-dn:-.in' tinder ki vcr O the alders an' tho willers, all a-driijin' in the water. Kinder fieerus to me like livin'; but they tell me how I'd ouhter Be in the una a-workiu'. 'bteiul 'o watchin daisies (frowin'. Be a-whetin' up a reaper, an' a-Kweatin1, aa' a- uiowiu Of 'era down to dry. Bat I'd somehow rather watch the beauties bobbin' an' a-tfrowinjj'. But I cant tell why. Wanderin' in the flower lime, up 'long the vnl ley, Watchin' little grasses yrow, an' Nater's sur geons rally From the wind H tor ma o' winter: tticlU-r.- Krowin' yeller. The brooks a-biniu' happily, the sky rowin" nieller, Catchin' uj reflections o the hues the eartu" a-brewiu'. Kinder awkin' at 'em meetin' in the disiaiict an' a-wooin'. Or a lovin' here to lie, Uatenin' to the pigeons a-nestin' an' a-oooin'. But I can't tell why. Sneak in' up an' down the creek, a-peakin'at the fishes, Rnnnin' over in my head a lazy lot o' wishes Kothin'much to talk about wish 'twasalways summer, Er' every skeeter et I'd .catch ed turn a part ridge drummer Then jes' a-layin' down atrain, hands fliippin' in the river. Outen hearin' o' the world, breathiu' bl. to the yiver O' the earth an' meller t-ky. Contented like nn' happy, jes' to watch I lie water quiver. But I can't tell why. Walter M. Ila.ollino in Good Housekeeping. The Earliest Child's Kook. As might be supposed, the earliest book that i3 assigned to the child is the Latin grammar. Boys' Latin grammar for several centuries were mere text books compiled from the larger works of Duna tu and Priocian, and they were com monly known by the name of Donates or Donets, a term which occurs in Pitrs' "Plowman." The word grammar, on the contrary, was used more in conjunc tion with Latin studies generally, and science, as well as even magical power, was sometimes spoken of as grammarye. A very commonly used school book in monasteries seems to have been the "Con ?olation of Philosophy" (in the orig inal, of course), by Boethins, of which at least a fragment "would most probably be found even in the most meager con vent library." The earliest book in existence written expressly for boys is here stated to be Aldhelm's "De Septenario, de Metris. iEnigmatibus, ac Pedum Regulis." which probably appeared about the end of the Seventh century. A great part of it consists of dialogues between teach er and pupil, in the st;. Ie which was Ktill popular in the first half of the present century, and may be found in such works as Mrs. Markham's History. The Venerable Bede is also claimed as a writer for the young. London Saturday Review. Grandraa'H Cure for Dandruff. "We often scoff at the ancient grand mother remedies," said an up town phy sician the other day in conversation with a patient, "but our forefathers used to get a power of comfort from them, never theless, and cheaply too. Science has progressed wonderfully, of course, and we are much better off on the whole now than were our sires, but we forget a great many of the little things. Now I notice that you are troubled with dan druff, and I'll wager that you have spent many dollars on different alleged cures, and you are worse off now than when you commenced. Let me give you a 'grandmother' prescription that never fails. Go to a drug store and buy five cents' 'worth of salts of tartar. Dissolve half of it in warm water and wash the head thoroughly. Repeat this at inter vals of three months for a year, and you won't be annoyed with dandruff auy more." New York Recorder. Commissioner Proceeding. I'lattsmoutii, Neu., July 7, 'M. Board met an per adjournment, present A. B. Todd, A. C. Loder and Jacob Tritsch commissioners I Jircl Critchlield county clerk, when tbc following was done to writ: Affidavit made by C. S. Wortmaii, of South Bend, asking for reduction of taxes on lots 2 and 3 South Bend village refused for want of speciiic ness. Resignation of L. C. Hansen, over seer district 21, accepted and A. JIaller , appointed to fill vacancy. Road petition of B. Chriswiser and other for roads through sec. inRock Blutls. and sec. 5 in Liber ty precinct?, laid over and time set for hearing August a, 1S)1 and clerk ordered to notifiy petitioners, and remonstrators. Y. II. Malick was appointed constable of I'lattsmouth city HILLS Al'DITED. (.'ha. Conrad painting jail , 14 00 H. 1 odd -;il & expense for Juue M si .liof.fo Trilsch & expense for June.. . 77 ' Win. 1 ilie guarding pri-. court ex 2i T.j .1 Muck hailifl. 44 00 Ed Fitzjerald " 40 K Ford M-rMn W 0 John 'I iuhe ' 44 00 P I Rate;- supt, eoutt lioune 7 (m 15 Ci itclifield sal work & expense 21J 'jTt Stile Journal tioiiary w 00 K Palmer milne t- poor - Neb. Tel Co rent of Telephone . 30 10 Omaha K i st:itio::ery -4 00 J C Eiken ary keeping po i hou-e 13; 17 S II Sliu aUer pump to poorhouce t no Jones & Co team for conns 1: 00 Mrs 1 '.ck rent Co Judge's office :i) oo , H K J'aimer Kr. onimsltax paid ! 7 A K Knotts ir intiim 1 o no II A v aterman & .Son lumber 17 62 M H .Murphy A Co mdse to poor 44 00 I Kic- eleaniim well 5 00 II M Hour' boarding jury S 76 (i W oble sal and expence Ill 00 Fred (Joos.boarding juiy K no Ue--. ilarshman keeping poor 15 00 A C Lodersal and ex for June 73 05 JasIStauder two bills mdse to pool ?A 0 Jo:es &0o team for comrs 'M oo Cost bill state vs Danliier insane 3fi 00 Matt Ueiing Def'd Shields Wilson dis trict court 40 00 John Tighe poing after Hert Parker, refused I) C WM count ftesSState vs. Smith 4'J 00 U Strong 30 70 M Pollard costs 11 30 W (' Showalier ex. districts court 3105 Cost bill State vs. Baily & Morton 34 53 II I) Travis eal 2nd quarter 250 00 Cost bill State vs. Shube t 3 XH Jurror:? Fees Mav term 191 850 70 ot bill Stare vs. Hoefer lail over till October : J i Uuruli ie for Co, attorney 47 09 KOil) FUND' W Adams nails for road 3 1 J C Cummins lumber 3 U V Mathews nails 3 0 Tho Crwiu hauling lumber . . 3 00 BRIUC.K FUND. J C Cummins hauling timber c 00 C D Dundas & Son b'liing bridges xoi 10 DISTRICT FUND. J C Cummins lumber dist 4 13 0t Hoarding then adjourned to meet August 4th. 1S91. KlKI) Ckitchfield County Clerk. TORTURING EXZEIY1A, Kditor Iowa Ilaln Ieler Cured ttf liiHufTerltle Itrhinu anil I'aiti Ity the CutU'ui a ItenienicM, lifHN Than Five I'hjMvrlnn Vttn suited. 'I heir 4'ouiliiutl A Isilum ollowed Without lteueflt. I am sixty yearn old. In Aunut-t was troubled wiin a pecular i-kin difetse to which peopfe i f my ue are subject, ki own among medicinal men as eczena. i's lirst appearance wa" near the ankles, itraiuly extended over li e lower extremetk's until may let: were nearly mie raw fore; from legs the Tuiibleex temleii a"mss the hip, shoulders and the en lire lei.L'h'ti of my arrne th les and arms bad : nuoiie :i with an itc'.ing burning ua n witli2:it ces-ation. AUIiottgh i lie heft medical advice a' Tamable as i mployed no lei's than five phj sie an of the plfne b-it g eonxiiltetl an1 the piesoiption- Teiiig the resuot of their combi ed w'fdoui. the diseasethough apiiaient y checked would i vcu r in a few dav as liad an ever ;dnr. ing the progre.se my weight fe'.l away about t seht -gve poun!1. A" an experiment I be gan to" the us of Ci th; c A followed the sim pig a"il plain intJiictioris given with the Kkm Kiii:saiid in four w eki found niVKeif weI. with skin foil ami iiatural in color the itcniiig and pain e atiiels gone V It MKAI) K.itor Iowa I'lain Dealer,, Crefoo, Iowa, i U I iCUltA KE0LVJ5NT The i.ew blood and skin purifier, agndreateft "f Itiimor Itemedies. internally (to cleanse the biood of all inipuritiesaiid p-is 'nous elements. aul thus remove because), and ( cik lka, th great skin Cure amll'UTicniA So.ii', an exquisite kiii I'urilier ami Heautilier. exter nally 'to clear the skin and scaip ami restore the ham, speedily cure everv humor and disease of the t-kin, scalo. and blood, wirh 1 .s?" "f hair, whether itching. bnrnTg, -ealy. piu.piy, and blotchy, whether siuiple. scrofu l"us, lierenitary, or con anions, when physi cians and a 1 oliier rented es fa'l. S. black-heads, chapped and oily cured by Cl'TICtka .Mf.uicatfu Pie? sis if? I A 11 L 3 II irl VI IH 5 J 11 M cia Vii When you lake Quality and JIaKe in Uuy Cheaper any Place ML in iliii Ij MI M iCi Can not in Consideration you the World than of 3 S The Only One Price Giolhier in Cass Oo. PJM 'kiii So P Sold ev rywhere. I'nce UTiet'K 4. 5oe, op 25e ; 1;ksol vent . 1.00. Prepared by the Pot ter Drug and Chem cal Corporation. Hostyu. JjVend for how to cu e ?kin Ceseaes." plaster FHEETEOM RHEUMATISM Iu one minute t he Cuticuni anti- pam planter ich'ves rheumatic. me. hm. kidney, client, and scnlar DafiiH anc weaknesses. fhe nr-,t and ordy nain killing TO APPRECIATE JOE'S You inu-t call and Examine his Superior 0W PRICES 3Iake and (Juality of othing Furnishing boons Hats, Etc., THAN THOSE KEPT BY II IS COMPETITORS. A detdreable house, "with fruit' fjur rent or sale inquire of V. A Uoeck & Co. Gt Hair chains, rintrs, crosses hair work of all kinds to order. jIks. A. Knee. tf 1726 Locust St an License Notice. Xotice is hereby triven that I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meetinr for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the villatre of Union, Cass county. Nebraska. d&wtf. John Mohlek. Take your prescriptions to Brown Sc Uarrett's.they dispense pure med icines, tf Notice to Water Consumers. Water rents are already past due and must be paid before August 1st. I'LATTSMOUTH WATER CO Needles, oils and parts for all kinds of machines can be found at the Singer office, corner of Main and Sixth streets, with II. Boeck. tf Joe buys Only From the Best Houses in America, if -:- JOE -:- Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods FOR THE LEAST IHOTTE". Goads FJ und: not or asj tenant for corner of Wanted A desirable the Dovey homestead, Seventh and Oak streets. tf K. G. DOVEY & Sox. Humanity Rung In Streaks. Peculiar humanity runs in streaks. On certain days you will notice a surprising number of tall people. Sometimes it's cross eyed people. On other occasions the noticeably short persons have their innings. Then one day somebody equally observant will say, "What a remarkable array of the crippled, the lame, the maimed, the dwarfed, the generally de formed there are out today?" And while you are commenting on it another comes along and then another and another until the idea makes you thirsty. New York Herald. Dislikes Klevators. It is a peculiarity of Mr. Clarence A. Seward, president of the Union club, that he will never ride on the elevated road. He prefers the conservative street car, and when the street cars are not running he walks. Mr. Seward also has an aversion to passenger elevators in tall buildings. It is said by eoiae of his closest friends that the only elevator that he will trust himself in is the one in the Union club. His office in Nassau street .is on the third floor, and there he walks up and down stairs. New York Times. A new method of annealing small pieces of steel is to heat them as slowty as possible, and when at a red heat put them between two pieces of dry board and screw them up in a vise. The steel bums into the boards, which, corning to gether, form an air tight charcoal bed. When cool the steel is found to be thor oughly annealed. Cantioas, but Reasonable. Mrs. Primus I saw you riding in the park with Willie Ross and Jack Bolton, i didn't know your papa would let you ride alone with gentlemen. Miss Secunda He doesn't object if the gentlemen are rival lovers. Mun eey's Weekly. The cost of war ships is a3 follows per ton: England, $150; France, $230; Rus sia, $135. The price per indicated horse power is: England, $150; France, $280, nd tho United States, $335. The London mother places a book un der the head of the new born infant that it may be quick at reading, and puts money into its first bath to guarantee its .oture wealth, II. C. Russell, of Schuyler, has been appointed receiver of the Central National Bank of Broken Bow. Ivong- Pine is the latest addition to the Chautauciuan ranKs ana re ports the betrinninsr of what promises to be a successful session. Mayor Weir, of Lincoln, is bring ing down the wrath of the ungodly on his head at Lincoln because he is a smasher of rinsrs and a friend of law and order. Threejcases were filed in the di; court yesterday. Two appeal cases Oswald Bair vs. Andrew Dill and Barr vs. Smuel Fleming also K. G. Ballon vs. O. II. Ballon and Silas Clements. The case of the State vs. II. S Kmery and L. A. Lempke, charged with beating a board bill, is on trud to Judge Archer this afternoon. County Attorney Travis appeared for the state and Lawyer Burnham of Brownville for the defendants, who show symptoms ot being lirst class specimens of the genus dead beat. Philip Krause will sell his goods cheap till the loth, of August, in order to make room for his fall goods. tf Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tuk Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give eatisiacuon, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Iluinpfliug, ol Butler, Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Logansport, Ind each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A. CTardner, of V astulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomends this unequalled remedy. 4 Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood lor sale by Charley Ilemple. Leave orders at Henry Weckback & Cos. dtf Potted strawberry plants of choice varieties will be on sale at Lew Moore's b- July loth. Plants put out now will insure a big crop next year. dAzwtf lirown v Jiarrett dispensed a greater variety of Summer drinks than any house in the city. tf Pronounced Hopeless, YeiSaved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada K. Hurd of Groton. S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on ni' lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me up say- iiitr I could live but a short time. I gave my self up to mv Saviour, de termined if I could not staj' with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. M3- hus band was advised to get Ur. King s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial. took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and heart 3' woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke !t Co.'s drug store, regular size, 50c. and f 1.00. New Barn New fatoek. Klam Parmele has pushed his way to the front as a livery man by keeping nothing but the finest car riages and buggies and best horses to be found in the state. Those wanting a satisfactory livery can't do better than to call on Mr. Par mele. dtf 1 am an old man and nave been a constant sufferer with catarrh for the last ten years. I am entirelv cured bv the use of Kly's Cream Balm. It is strange that so simple a remedy will cure such a stubborn disease. Jienry rowings, L . t. i eli sion Attorney, Washington, D. C. For eight years I have suffered lrom catarrn, wnicn auected my eyes and hearing; I have employed many physicians without relief. I am now on my second bottle of Fly's Cream Balm, and feel confi dent of a complete cure. Mary C. Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111. Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by far the mot frequent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are: a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or ditressin the side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Heart Disease, free at F G. Frike & Co's, who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles unequaled New Heart Cure, and his restora tive Nervine, which cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop sy, etc. It contains no opiates. ANTED Sail smaii. T-oral And Travel Ins. A trood chance ! Dout miss it ! You need no capital to represent a reliable lirm that warrant uursery ftook first class and true to name. Work ll the Year and good pay weekly to eiienretic men. Apply quick, Matir.j: ae. L MAY A, CO. .Nurserymen Klorift and Seeumen, m Fanl Min inis House is responsible. f A 0 f J-ir-wiir X'rt , T t f T." .... vv .i.i i. vi'viji. . 1-yv. v'. '. a . mens T- ery Tuesday nipnt at their hall in Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited to attend whea visiting in the city. T. JS. WILLIAMS, U. J. W, Bkiduk, Sec. Opera House Corner Plattsmouth, Neb. B. & M. club will play the Lincoln Giants at Lincoln next Sunday. W ill you suffer with Dyspepsia and .Liver Complaintr bhiloh s V it alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 ror lame back, side or cnest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. H. Snyder. 3 Sam Shuinaker started last eve ning- ior lonette, Missouri, on learning that his only sister was dangerously ill at that city. Shilok's Velizer is woat you need for consumption of appetite, dizzi ness, and all syuptons of dyspapsie Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. F G. Frick & Co. w-4tf C. A- R. McConaihle Poet, No. 45, meets eyery Satur day evening at 7 :30, in thetr hall, Kockwood Block. All visiting comrades are invited to jeet with as. . F. Niles, Post Adj. F. A. Bates. Poet Com. -jQAWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINE MILLEX'ERY AND CHIL- DRENS CLOTHING. ALSO FRESH CUT FLOWEKS ROOM 2, K.LEY BLOCK, Plattmoutb Cor Main and Filth street. Paid up capital 350 ooe Surplus 25 000 0. H. Pamela President Fred Gorder Vice President J. M. Patterson Casheir T. M. Patterson, Asst Ca-hier DIRECTORS 0. n. Parmele. J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder, A.. T. Smith, K. B. Windham. B. S. Ramsey and T. M . Patterson 1 GENEKAL BANK1NC BUSIBESS T"R ANSA TED Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time deposits and prompt attentiougiven to all bus iness entrusted to its care. HARDWARE CHEAP S'XITX.Eir JOHITSOITS. AT J, NOTE SOME OF MY CASH PRICES NEVER BEFORE EQUALED IN THIS CITY. $2.50 clothes wringer now. .in grass scytlie now 1.00 grain scoop now. 1.15 grain scoop'now. 1.25 grain scoop now. 1.15 spade now 1.00 spade now .75 shovels now .75 manure fork .50 hay fork .45 hay fork l.OOliand saw 1 tv butcher saw now. 1.75 butcher saw now. 1.05 carpenter saw now . . $2.00 . .50 . .05 . .SO . .85 . .95 . .05 . ,(V) . .50 . .40 . ,:i5 . .50 . 1.40 . i.:r . 1.25 25'gg beaters now. .35jwash board now. ,00 lard can now. . . . 1.50 wash boiler now. .20 stove nine now I ' 1 - . in 1 b K pinuer l)V Keg, stove ooards at cost 1.25 screen doors now window screens out of sight, Household sewing machine ' tinware at bottom prices. Table cutlery less than cost. Shears A: razors never so low us 2d cut spikes 2.50 r.-r iu,r 3d fine cut nails &100 per k'er. . . .20 . .15 . ,05 . ,iX) ..1214 .. 5.25 1.15 . 26.00 now tND THOUSANDS OF OTHEU ARTICLES TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION AT TRICES NEVER 1JEFORE HEARD OF For Cash Only At The Above Prices NOW IS THK TIMH TO GKT BARGAINS. w The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA Oayttal stck paid In $50 0 l Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFFICKR9 KRANK CABKUTH. JOS. A. CONNOK. President. Vlce-PresMM W. H. UUSHENO. Cashier. DIRECTORS frank Carruth J. A. Connor, V. K. Guthmaiii J. W. Johaton, Henry Boeck. John O'Keefe W. D. NeiriMS, Win. Wetencamp, W. H. Gushing. HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERE? -if so- Remember that K. O. Castle & Co havt an immense stock of TRANSACTS!! GENERAL FAMING ECSiNES ssues cejtiflcates of dpofits beariiiK lntere! Buys and selle exepanfe. county and city 3,iin LUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL R And Guarantee Satisfaction in all . O. CASTLE HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. Things CO, V n ! 1 1 , 4 m i i !?.if M l.'i J"; ; ) j 1 1 . H'i f, ill I ill M il